rdpcorets.dll.mui TS RDPCore DLL da0c10df4d9e179a9efff8506a9a1eab

File info

File name: rdpcorets.dll.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: da0c10df4d9e179a9efff8506a9a1eab
SHA1: bf76566a24dc1eb3ba84f8af6d66b0703cfbb916
SHA256: 118fdb910f09f4132857635fd42edf4158e765b0e5836d5bfdc7525497136cb7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1RemoteFX Graphics RemoteFX Graphics
3RemoteFX 編碼效能物件由可測量 RemoteFX 圖形編碼效能的計數器所組成 The RemoteFX encoding performance object consists of counters that measure the performance of RemoteFX graphics encoding
5Input Frames/Second Input Frames/Second
7每秒提供給 RemoteFX 圖形做為其輸入的來源畫面格數目 Number of sources frames provided as input to RemoteFX graphics per second
9Graphics Compression ratio Graphics Compression ratio
11已編碼的位元組數除以輸入的位元組數的比率 Ratio of the number of bytes encoded to the number of bytes input
13Output Frames/Second Output Frames/Second
15每秒傳送至用戶端的畫面格數目 Number of frames sent to the client per second
17Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Client Resources Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Client Resources
19每秒由於用戶端資源不足而略過的畫面格數目 Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient client resources
21Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Network Resources Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Network Resources
23每秒由於網路資源不足而略過的畫面格數目 Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient network resources
25Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Server Resources Frames Skipped/Second - Insufficient Server Resources
27每秒由於伺服器資源不足而略過的畫面格數目 Number of frames skipped per second due to insufficient server resources
29Frame Quality Frame Quality
31輸出畫面格的品質 (以來源畫面格品質的百分比表示) Quality of the output frame expressed as a percentage of the quality of the source frame
33Average Encoding Time Average Encoding Time
35平均畫面格編碼時間 Average frame encoding time
37Source Frames/Second Source Frames/Second
39每秒由來源 (DWM) 建構的畫面格數目 Number of frames composed by the source (DWM) per second
41RemoteFX Network RemoteFX Network
43這是針對每個工作階段 RemoteFX 網路計數器設定的計數器 This is counter set for the per session RemoteFX network counters
47偵測到的基本 TCP 來回時間 (RTT) (毫秒) Base TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
49Current TCP RTT Current TCP RTT
51偵測到的平均 TCP 來回時間 (RTT) (毫秒) Average TCP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
53Current TCP Bandwidth Current TCP Bandwidth
55偵測到的 TCP 頻寬 (每秒千位元數 (1000 bps)) TCP Bandwidth detected in thousands of bits per second (1000 bps)
57Total Received Rate Total Received Rate
59接收資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received
61TCP Received Rate TCP Received Rate
63透過 TCP 接收資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over TCP
65UDP Received Rate UDP Received Rate
67透過 UDP 接收資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is received over UDP
69UDP Packets Received/sec UDP Packets Received/sec
71透過 UDP 接收封包的速率 (每秒封包數) Rate in packets per second at which packets are received over UDP
73Total Sent Rate Total Sent Rate
75傳送資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent
77TCP Sent Rate TCP Sent Rate
79透過 TCP 傳送資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over TCP
81UDP Sent Rate UDP Sent Rate
83透過 UDP 傳送資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent over UDP
85UDP Packets Sent/sec UDP Packets Sent/sec
87透過 UDP 傳送封包的速率 (每秒封包數) Rate in packets per second at which packets are sent over UDP
89Sent Rate P0 Sent Rate P0
91傳送優先順序為 0 之資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 0
93Sent Rate P1 Sent Rate P1
95傳送優先順序為 1 之資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 1
97Sent Rate P2 Sent Rate P2
99傳送優先順序為 2 之資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 2
101Sent Rate P3 Sent Rate P3
103傳送優先順序為 3 之資料的速率 (每秒位元數 (bps)) Rate in bits per second (bps) at which data is sent with priority 3
105Loss Rate Loss Rate
107遺失百分比 Loss percentage
109Retransmission Rate Retransmission Rate
111已重新傳輸之封包的百分比 Percentage of packets that have been retransmitted
113FEC Rate FEC Rate
115前饋式錯誤修正 (FEC) 百分比 Forward Error Correction (FEC) percentage
117Base UDP RTT Base UDP RTT
119偵測到的基本 UDP 來回時間 (RTT) (毫秒) Base UDP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
121Current UDP RTT Current UDP RTT
123偵測到的平均 UDP 來回時間 (RTT) (毫秒) Average UDP round-trip time (RTT) detected in milliseconds
125Current UDP Bandwidth Current UDP Bandwidth
127偵測到的 UDP 頻寬 (每秒千位元數 (1000 bps)) UDP Bandwidth detected in thousands of bits per second (1000 bps)
129Total Sent Bytes Total Sent Bytes
131開始連線後傳送的位元組總數 Total number of bytes sent since connection start
133Total Received Bytes Total Received Bytes
135開始連線後接收的位元組總數 Total number of bytes received since connection start
0x3000000B初始化 Initialize
0x3000000C終止 Terminate
0x3000000DRCMProtocolImpl RCMProtocolImpl
0x3000000EProtocolExchange ProtocolExchange
0x3000000FEstablishConnection EstablishConnection
0x30000010NetworkDetect NetworkDetect
0x30000011CloseConnection CloseConnection
0x30000012NetworkBinding NetworkBinding
0x30000013Runtime Runtime
0x30000014AdvancedRemoteAppEnabled AdvancedRemoteAppEnabled
0x30000015AdvancedRemoteAppNotEnabled AdvancedRemoteAppNotEnabled
0x30000016UDPReverseConnect UDPReverseConnect
0x50000001嚴重 Critical
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x70000001RDP 堆疊 RDP Stack
0x70000002RDP 圖形模組 RDP Graphics module
0x70000003RemoteFX 模組 RemoteFX module
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Admin Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Admin
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Operational Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Operational
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Debug Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RdpCoreTS/Debug
0xB0000001RDP Graphics 模組無法初始化。請確認伺服器已正確設定。系統可能需要重新啟動。相關的狀態錯誤碼為 %1。 The RDP Graphics module failed to initialize. Verify that the server is correctly configured. A restart of the system may be needed. The relevant status error code was %1.
0xB0000002遠端桌面通訊協定將使用 RDP Graphics 模組來連線至用戶端電腦。根據伺服器設定、用戶端設定及網路連線來使用 RDP Graphics 模組。 Remote Desktop Protocol will use the RDP Graphics module to connect to the client computer. The RDP Graphics module is being used based on the server configuration, client configuration, and network connection.
0xB0000003RemoteFX 模組無法初始化。請確認伺服器已正確設定。系統可能需要重新啟動。相關的狀態碼為 %1。 The RemoteFX module failed to initialize. Verify that the server is correctly configured. A restart of the system may be needed. The relevant status code was %1.
0xB0000005用戶端電腦不支援 RemoteFX。將使用 RDP 圖形模組來進行連線。相關的狀態碼為 %1。 The client computer does not support RemoteFX. The connection will be made with the RDP Graphics. The relevant status code was %1.
0xB0000006RemoteFX 不支援遠端用戶端要求的解析度。RemoteFX 會使用支援的解析度來建立連線。用戶端要求的解析度: 監視器 %1: %2。套用的解析度: %3。 The resolution requested by the remote client is not supported by RemoteFX. The connection will be made with RemoteFX using a supported resolution. Resolution requested by the client: Monitors %1: %2. Resolution applied: %3.
0xB0000007無法設定遠端用戶端要求的解析度。將為 RemoteFX 工作階段設定預設解析度。伺服器可能會發生高負載情形,或者需要重新啟動。 The resolution requested by the remote client could not be set. The default resolution will be set for the RemoteFX session. The server may be experiencing high load or require a restart.
0xB0000008已終止模組。 Module terminated.
0xB0000021遠端桌面通訊協定會使用 RemoteFX 來賓模式模組來連線到用戶端電腦。 Remote Desktop Protocol will use the RemoteFX guest mode module to connect to the client computer.
0xB0000022遠端桌面通訊協定會使用 RemoteFX 主機模式模組來連線到用戶端電腦。 Remote Desktop Protocol will use the RemoteFX host mode module to connect to the client computer.
0xB0000023無法初始化 RemoteFX 主機模式模組。請重新啟動電腦以解決問題。如果未解決問題,請驗證電腦設定。錯誤碼為 %1。 Unable to initialize the RemoteFX host mode module. Restart the computer to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, verify the computer configuration.. The error code is %1.
0xB0000025RemoteFX 主機模式模組不支援遠端用戶端所要求的顯示解析度。用戶端所要求的解析度: 監視器 %1: %2。套用的解析度: %3。 The display resolution requested by the remote client is not supported by RemoteFX host mode module. The resolution requested by the client: Monitors %1: %2. Resolution applied: %3.
0xB0000026無法啟用遠端用戶端所要求的顯示解析度。將啟用 RemoteFX 工作階段的預設解析度。伺服器的負載可能會過高 The display resolution requested by the remote client could not be enabled. The default resolution will be enabled for the RemoteFX session. The server may be experiencing high load
0xB0000041已建立連線 %1 Connection %1 created
0xB0000042連線 %1 已指派給工作階段 %2 The connection %1 was assigned to session %2
0xB0000043RemoteFX 通訊協定連線 %1 發生錯誤 (%2) The RemoteFX protocol connection %1 encountered an error (%2)
0xB0000044TMT: ConnectionName=%1,PromptForCredentials=%2,PromptForCredentialsDone=%3,GfxChannelOpened=%4,FirstGraphicsReceived=%5 [ms] TMT: ConnectionName=%1, PromptForCredentials=%2, PromptForCredentialsDone=%3, GfxChannelOpened=%4, FirstGraphicsReceived=%5 [ms]
0xB0000045已載入接聽程式 %1 Listener %1 is loaded
0xB0000046接聽程式正在接聽,顯示驅動程式 %1 可用。 The listener listens with display driver %1 available.
0xB0000047連線 %1 使用顯示驅動程式 %2。 The connection %1 uses display driver %2.
0xB0000048已呼叫的介面方法: %1 Interface method called: %1
0xB0000049已停用內部加密? %1 Inner encryption disabled? %1
0xB0000061RDP 通訊協定元件 %1 偵測到通訊協定資料流中發生錯誤 (%2),並已中斷用戶端的連線。 The RDP protocol component %1 detected an error (%2) in the protocol stream and the client was disconnected.
0xB0000062已順利建立 TCP 連線。 A TCP connection has been successfully established.
0xB0000063TCP 連線失敗,錯誤碼為 %1。 The TCP connection has failed with the error code %1.
0xB0000064伺服器已確認用戶端的多點傳輸功能。 The server has confirmed that the client's multi-transport capability.
0xB0000065因為 %1,所以已停用網路特性偵測功能。 The network characteristics detection function has been disabled because of %1.
0xB0000066伺服器已終止與用戶端的主要 RDP 連線。 The server has terminated main RDP connection with the client.
0xB0000067中斷連線原因是 %1 The disconnect reason is %1
0xB0000068用戶端時區與 UTC 相差 %1 小時; Client timezone is %1 hour from UTC;
0xB0000069伺服器的安全性階層設定可讓它使用原生 RDP 加密,但已不建議這樣做。請考慮將伺服器安全性階層變更為要求 SSL。您可以在群組原則中變更此設定。 The server's security layer setting allows it to use native RDP encryption, which is no longer recommended. Consider changing the server security layer to require SSL. You can change this setting in Group Policy.
0xB000006A伺服器已起始中斷連線; 正在強制 AutoReconnect,因為接聽程式已停用。 Disconnect initiated by server; forcing an AutoReconnect since listener is disabled.
0xB000006B已從用戶端接收「中斷連線提供者指示」。 Received Disconnect Provider Indication from the client.
0xB0000081伺服器正在使用 %1 來繫結至連接埠 %2。 The server is using %1 to bind to port %2.
0xB0000082伺服器已針對通道 %1 起始用戶端的多點傳輸要求。 The server has initiated a multi-transport request to the client, for tunnel: %1.
0xB0000083伺服器已接受來自用戶端 %2 的新 %1 連線。 The server accepted a new %1 connection from client %2.
0xB0000084已使用傳輸通道 %2 連接伺服器與用戶端之間的通道 %1。 A channel %1 has been connected between the server and the client using transport tunnel: %2.
0xB0000085已偵測到通道 %1 的下列網路特性; 連結延遲: %2 毫秒和頻寬: %3 Kbps。 The following network characteristics have been detected for tunnel %1; Link latency : %2 milliseconds and Bandwidth: %3 kbps.
0xB0000086偵測不到通道 %2 的連結延遲和頻寬。錯誤碼為 %1。將會使用下列預設網路特性; 連結延遲: %3 毫秒和頻寬: %4 Kbps。 Link latency and bandwidth could not be detected for tunnel %2. The error code is %1. The following default network characteristics will be used; Link latency: %3 milliseconds and Bandwidth:%4 kbps.
0xB0000087已完成通道 %1 的多點傳輸連線,其傳輸類型設為 %2。 The multi-transport connection finished for tunnel: %1, its transport type set to %2.
0xB0000088無法建立多點傳輸連線; 連線將會使用 TCP。請參閱產品文件以啟用 UDP 連線。 Unable to establish a multi-transport connection; the connection will use TCP. Consult the product documentation to enable UDP Connections.
0xB0000089已偵測到通道 %1 的下列網路特性; 連結延遲: %2 毫秒和頻寬: %3 Kbps。含有這些網路特性的連線可能會影響使用者體驗。 The following network characteristics have been detected for tunnel %1; Link latency : %2 milliseconds and Bandwidth: %3 kbps. Connections with these network characteristics may impact user experience.
0xB000008ADTLS 初始設定失敗 (錯誤碼為 %1),將會改用 TLS。可能會影響音訊/視訊體驗。 The DTLS initialization failed with the error code %1, TLS will be used instead. Audio/Video experience may be impacted.
0xB000008B伺服器安全性層偵測到通訊協定資料流中發生錯誤 (%1),並已中斷用戶端 (用戶端 IP:%2) 的連線。 The server security layer detected an error (%1) in the protocol stream and the client (Client IP:%2) has been disconnected.
0xB000008C來自 IP 位址 %1 的用戶端電腦連線失敗,因為使用者名稱或密碼不正確。 A connection from the client computer with an IP address of %1 failed because the user name or password is not correct.
0xB000008DPerfCounter 工作階段已啟動,執行個體識別碼為 %1 PerfCounter session started with instance ID %1
0xB000008ETCP 通訊端讀取操作失敗,錯誤 %1 TCP socket READ operation failed, error %1
0xB000008FTCP 通訊端寫入操作失敗,錯誤 %1 TCP socket WRITE operation failed, error %1
0xB0000090TCP 通訊端已適當終止 TCP socket was gracefully terminated
0xB0000091在此連線期間,伺服器已經有 %1 秒未傳送資料或圖形更新 (Idle1: %2,Idle2: %3)。 During this connection, server has not sent data or graphics update for %1 seconds (Idle1: %2, Idle2: %3).
0xB0000092自動連線失敗,錯誤為 %1 AutoReconnect failed with error %1
0xB0000093LogonUserExEx 失敗,錯誤為 %1 LogonUserExEx failed with error %1
0xB0000094在下列傳輸通道上,伺服器與用戶端之間的通道 %1 已關閉: %2。 Channel %1 has been closed between the server and the client on transport tunnel: %2.
0xB0000095用戶端傳送的登入憑證未通過驗證。錯誤: %1 Logon certificate sent by client did not pass validation. Error: %1
0xB0000096將資料排清到網路時發生較長的延遲。排清時間: %1 毫秒,排清間隔: %2 毫秒。 Long delay experienced while flushing data to the network. Flush time: %1 ms, flush interval: %2 ms.
0xB0000097在過去 %1 毫秒中,已傳送 %2 個活動訊號到用戶端。最近歷程記錄中未傳送封包的最大時間: %3 毫秒 (所有封包); 整個連線: %4 毫秒 (資料),%5 毫秒 (活動訊號),%6 毫秒 (所有封包)。中斷連線到傳送最後一個封包之間的時間: %7 毫秒 In the past %1 ms, %2 heartbeats were sent to the client. Max time without sending packets in recent history: %3 ms (all packets); throughout connection: %4 ms (data), %5 ms (heartbeats), %6 ms (all packets). Time between disconnect and last packet sent: %7 ms
0xB0000098時間戳記: %1 毫秒,已傳送的活動訊號: %2,傳送的最後一個資料封包: %3 毫秒,傳送的最後一個活動訊號: %4 毫秒。 Timestamp: %1 ms, heartbeats sent: %2, data packet last sent: %3 ms, heartbeat last sent: %4 ms.
0xB0000099工作階段已交涉 TLS 版本 %1 Session negotiated TLS version %1
0xB000009A%1。錯誤 %2 %1. Error %2
0xB00000A1RemoteFX 編碼引擎發生錯誤 (%1)。伺服器: %2 The RemoteFX encoding engine encountered an error (%1). Server: %2
0xB00000A2用戶端支援 %1 版的 RDP 圖形通訊協定,用戶端模式: %2,AVC 可用: %3,初始設定檔: %4。伺服器: %5 The client supports version %1 of the RDP graphics protocol, client mode: %2, AVC available: %3, Initial profile: %4. Server: %5
0xB00000A3用戶端支援 RDP 7.1 或以下版本的通訊協定。伺服器: %1 The client supports RDP 7.1 or lower protocol. Server: %1
0xB00000A4伺服器不支援用戶端發佈通知的通訊協定設定。伺服器: %1 The client advertised protocol configurations which are not supported by the server. Server: %1
0xB00000A5RDP RemoteFX 圖形編碼已啟用。伺服器: %1 RDP RemoteFX graphics encoding is enabled. Server: %1
0xB00000A6「RemoteFX 調適性圖形」內部設定已變更為針對使用最低網路頻寬最佳化。伺服器: %1 The RemoteFX Adaptive Graphics internal configuration changed to optimize for the minimum use of network bandwidth. Server: %1
0xB00000A7「RemoteFX 調適性圖形」內部設定已變更為針對體驗最佳化。伺服器: %1 The RemoteFX Adaptive Graphics internal configuration changed to optimize for experience. Server: %1
0xB00000A8用戶端要求的解析度: 監視器 %1: (%2,%3),原始設定: (%4,%5)。伺服器: %6 The resolution requested by the client: Monitor %1: (%2, %3), origin: (%4, %5). Server: %6
0xB00000A9用戶端作業系統類型是 (%1,%2)。伺服器: %3 The client operating system type is (%1, %2). Server: %3
0xB00000AAAVC 硬體編碼器已啟用: %1,編碼器名稱是 %2。伺服器: %3 AVC hardware encoder enabled: %1, encoder name is %2. Server: %3
0xB00000C1用戶端不支援 RemoteFX 媒體遠端。 The RemoteFX Media Remoting is not supported by the client.
0xB00000C2目前伺服器設定不支援 RemoteFX 媒體遠端。 The RemoteFX Media Remoting is not supported by the current server configuration.
0xB00000C3RemoteFX Media 媒體遠端模組發生錯誤。錯誤碼為 %1。 The RemoteFX Media Remoting module encountered an error. The error code is %1.
0xB00000E1%1: 已順利從 %3 轉換為 %5 以回應 %7。 %1: Transitioned successfully from %3 to %5 in response to %7.
0xB00000E2%1: 從 %3 轉換以回應 %7 時發生錯誤 (錯誤碼 %8)。 %1: An error was encountered when transitioning from %3 in response to %7 (error code %8).
0xB00000E3%3 %3
0xB00000E4中斷追蹤連線: %1 %2,錯誤碼:%3 Disconnect trace:%1 %2, Error code:%3
0xB00000E5%2 %2
0xB0000101連線正在使用進階 RemoteFX RemoteApp 圖形。 The connection is using advanced RemoteFX RemoteApp graphics.
0xB0000102連線未使用進階 RemoteFX RemoteApp 圖形 The connection is not using advanced RemoteFX RemoteApp graphics
0xB0000121已取得傳送到 %1 連接埠 %2 連線識別碼 %3 的 UDP 反向連線要求。 Got UDP reverse connect request to %1 port %2 connection id %3.
0xB0000122UDP 反向連線成功。 UDP reverse connect successful.
0xB0000123UDP 反向連線失敗,錯誤為 %1。 UDP reverse connect failed with error %1.
0xB0000124多個傳輸接聽程式未初始化。不支援 UDP 反向連線。 Multi transport listener NOT initialized. UDP reverse connect NOT supported.
0xB0000125多個傳輸接聽程式已初始化。支援 UDP 反向連線。 Multi transport listener initialized. UDP reverse connect supported.
0xB0000126反向 UDP 連線已由 SxS 登錄設定停用。 Reverse UDP connect is disabled by SxS registry settings.


File Name:rdpcorets.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15360
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:TS RDPCore DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:RdpCoreTS.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:RdpCoreTS.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is rdpcorets.dll.mui?

rdpcorets.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file rdpcorets.dll (TS RDPCore DLL).

File version info

File Description:TS RDPCore DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:RdpCoreTS.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:RdpCoreTS.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200