File name: | wmploc.DLL.mui |
Size: | 244224 byte |
MD5: | d96ea8cc9e31d5b94adb9adf261ac9f1 |
SHA1: | 4019b242d8a397fbb097f1b30fad1af262791fd9 |
SHA256: | ee56e91503cda95e667169d15b6f4dcb6a87c399bc298eda3a381a37209e28ab |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Chinese (Traditional) | English |
1 | 無效的使用者/密碼,請再試一次。 | Invalid User/Password, try again. |
2 | 正在登入 %1!.1023ls! | Signing in to %1!.1023ls! |
4 | %1 (%2) | %1 (%2) |
32 | 從 %1!.1023ls! 購買 | Buy from %1!.1023ls! |
33 | 一首曲目 | one track |
34 | %1!d! 首曲目 | %1!d! tracks |
35 | 1 張專輯 | one album |
36 | %1!d! 張專輯 | %1!d! albums |
37 | 1 份清單 | one list |
38 | %1!d! 份清單 | %1!d! lists |
39 | %1!s!。 | %1!s!. |
40 | %1!s! 張專輯和 %2!s! 首曲目。 | %1!s! and %2!s!. |
41 | %1!s! 張專輯、%2!s! 首曲目和 %3!s! 份清單。 | %1!s!, %2!s!, and %3!s!. |
42 | 您的帳戶在本次購買中須付款 %1!.1023ls!。 | Your account will be billed %1!.1023ls! for this purchase. |
43 | 登入 %s | Sign in to %s |
44 | 從 %s 登出 | Sign out from %s |
48 | 請稍候,正從 %1!.1023ls! 購買曲目。 | Please wait, buying tracks from %1!.1023ls! |
50 | 您必須先購買下列項目,才能燒錄: | You must buy the following before you can burn it: |
52 | 您必須先購買下列項目,才能同步: | You must buy the following before you can sync it: |
54 | 跳過這些項目(&S) | &Skip These |
100 | MediaPlayer | MediaPlayer |
101 | Windows Media Player 提供者 | Windows Media Player provided by |
102 | Windows Media Player | Windows Media Player |
103 | 音訊 | Audio |
104 | 所有音樂 | All music |
105 | 專輯 | Album |
106 | 參與演出者 | Contributing artist |
107 | 內容類型 | Genre |
108 | 目前的播放清單 | Current playlist |
109 | 影片 | Videos |
110 | 所有視訊 | All Videos |
111 | 作者 | Author |
112 | 播放清單 | Playlists |
113 | 播放清單(&A) | Pl&aylists |
114 | 將選取的項目新增到播放清單 | Add selection to a playlist |
115 | 建立或編輯播放清單或自動播放清單 | Create or edit a playlist or auto playlist |
116 | 顯示所選項目的媒體資訊 | Show media information for selection |
117 | 新增到媒體櫃 | Add to library |
118 | 刪除播放清單或媒體櫃中選取的項目 | Delete selection from playlist or library |
119 | 將所選項目在播放清單中上移 | Move selection up in the playlist |
120 | 將所選項目在播放清單中下移 | Move selection down in the playlist |
121 | 刪除選取的播放清單 | Delete the selected playlist |
122 | 搜尋(&S) | &Search |
123 | 搜尋媒體櫃 | Search the library |
124 | 您的電腦日期目前設定為 %d 年,會使 Windows Media Player 停止回應。請為您的電腦設定正確的日期,然後再試一次。 | Your computer is set to the year %d, which will cause Windows Media Player to stop responding. Set your computer to the correct date and then try again. |
125 | 新增到 %s | Add to %s |
126 | 隱藏有關選取項目的媒體資訊 | Hide media information for selection |
127 | Windows Media | Windows Media |
128 | Microsoft Windows Media Player | Microsoft Windows Media Player |
129 | CD 光碟機 (%2!.1023ls!) %1!.1023ls! | CD Drive (%2!.1023ls!) %1!.1023ls! |
130 | CD 音訊(&D) | C&D Audio |
131 | the ;a ;an ;(;[ | the ;a ;an ;(;[ |
133 | 新增選取項目至 [現正播放] 清單 | Add selection to the Now Playing List |
135 | 新項目 | New Items |
137 | 您選擇刪除的一或多個檔案位於網路資料夾中。如果繼續,將從遠端資料夾永久刪除這些檔案。您是否要繼續? | One or more files you have chosen to delete are on a network folder. If you continue, the files will be permanently deleted from the remote folder. Are you sure you want to continue? |
138 | 樣式 | Styles |
139 | 其他... | More... |
140 | (none) | (none) |
141 | 選項 | Options |
144 | Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler | Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler |
149 | 關閉 | Close |
150 | 顯示所選項目 (%s) 的媒體資訊 | Show media information for selection (%s) |
151 | 隱藏所選項目 (%s) 的媒體資訊 | Hide media information for selection (%s) |
161 | %s | Windows Media Player | %s | Windows Media Player |
162 | 收音機 | Radio |
165 | Dummy | Dummy |
166 | 正在新增檔案到媒體櫃... | Adding files to the library... |
167 | 新增播放清單 | New Playlist |
168 | 重新命名播放清單 | Rename Playlist |
171 | 廣播電台 | Radio stations |
176 | 所有刪除的內容 | All Deleted Content |
177 | 最近播放的 | Most Recently Played |
178 | 選取資料夾: |
Select a folder: |
179 | 其他播放清單(&A)... | &Additional Playlists... |
180 | 確定要將所有刪除的項目從媒體櫃移除? | Are you sure you want to remove all deleted items from the library? |
181 | 專輯資訊(&I) | Album &Info |
182 | 新增(&D) | A&dd |
183 | 尚未加入任何項目 | no items added yet |
184 | 沒有刪除的項目 | no deleted items |
185 | 切換到媒體櫃 | Switch to Library |
187 | 切換到現正播放 | Switch to Now Playing |
191 | VCD 或 CD 音訊(&D) | VC&D or CD Audio |
192 | 新增資料夾 | Add folder |
195 | 新增的檔案: | Files added: |
196 | 搜尋完成。 | Search completed. |
200 | 在 Windows Media Player 開啟 | Open in Windows Media Player |
202 | 進階選項(&O) | Advanced &options |
203 | ||
205 | 隨機播放 | Shuffle |
206 | %durationstring% | %durationstring% |
207 | 這個視窗包含視訊/視覺效果視窗、播放清單及媒體設定窗格 | This window contains the video/visualization window, the playlist and the media settings pane |
208 | 現正播放 | Now Playing |
209 | 專輯封面 | Album art |
210 | 下一個畫面 | Next Frame |
211 | 上一個畫面 | Previous frame |
212 | 播放速度 | Play Speed |
213 | 16x 回轉 | 16x reverse |
214 | 16x 向前快轉 | 16x forward |
215 | 播放 | play |
218 | 結束全螢幕模式 | Exit full-screen mode |
219 | 線上商店 | Online stores |
220 | 音樂 | Music |
225 | 播放速度: %s | Play speed: %s |
226 | 慢:%s | Slow: %s |
227 | 我的最愛 | Favorites |
228 | '%1' - '%2' 已排入佇列準備播放 | '%1' by '%2' queued for playback |
229 | '%1' 已排入佇列準備播放 | '%1' queued for playback |
230 | 慢 | Slow |
231 | 一般 | Normal |
232 | 快 | Fast |
235 | 正在載入 ... | Loading ... |
250 | \Microsoft\Media Player | \Microsoft\Media Player |
260 | \Transcoded Files Cache | \Transcoded Files Cache |
265 | 暫存同步檔案 | Temporary Sync Files |
266 | 暫存同步檔案是當 Windows Media Player 在同步前必須轉換檔案時,所建立的檔案。 | Temporary Sync Files are the files that Windows Media Player creates when it is necessary to convert files before sync. |
270 | 顯示工作列 | Show Taskbar |
271 | 隱藏工作列 | Hide Taskbar |
289 | 同步產生的播放清單 | Sync Generated Playlists |
290 | 陰影檔案快取 | Shadow Files Cache |
291 | 美工快取 | Art Cache |
300 | 同步下載 | Sync Downloads |
301 | %d 個項目已排入佇列準備播放 | %d item queued for playback |
304 | 根目錄 | Root |
308 | 專輯演出者 | Album Artists |
311 | 評等 | Rating |
312 | 音樂播放清單 | Music Playlists |
313 | 資料夾 | Folders |
316 | 視訊內容類型 | Video Genres |
317 | 視訊演員 | Video Actors |
318 | 系列 | Series |
319 | 所有播放清單 | All Playlists |
320 | 視訊播放清單 | Video Playlists |
321 | 圖片 | Pictures |
322 | 所有圖片 | All Pictures |
323 | 圖片拍攝日期 | Pictures Date Taken |
325 | 圖片播放清單 | Picture Playlists |
327 | 關鍵字 | Keywords |
328 | 錄製的節目 | Recorded TV |
329 | 所有錄製的節目 | All Recorded TV |
330 | 錄製的節目內容類型 | Recorded TV Genres |
331 | 錄製的節目演員 | Recorded TV Actors |
332 | 錄製的節目播放清單 | Recorded TV Playlists |
343 | 1 顆星或以上 | 1 Or More Stars |
344 | 2 顆星或更多顆星 | 2 Or More Stars |
345 | 3 顆星或更多顆星 | 3 Or More Stars |
346 | 4 顆星或更多顆星 | 4 Or More Stars |
347 | 5 顆星或更多顆星 | 5 Or More Stars |
348 | 未評等 | Not Rated |
349 | %1!.1023ls! (%2!ld!) | %1!.1023ls! (%2!ld!) |
369 | 作曲者 | Composers |
399 | 所有演出者 | All Artists |
477 | [作曲者不明] | [Unknown Composer] |
478 | [未知的內容類型] | [Unknown Genre] |
479 | [未知的演出者] | [Unknown Artist] |
480 | [未知的作者] | [Unknown Author] |
482 | [未知的專輯] | [Unknown Album] |
483 | [未知的評等] | [Unknown Rating] |
484 | [未知的系列] | [Unknown Series] |
485 | [未知的日期] | [Unknown Date] |
486 | [沒有關鍵字] | [No Keywords] |
487 | 您的網路 (%s) 是私人網路。您允許的裝置可以找到您的共用媒體。 | Your network (%s) is a private network. Devices that you allow can find your shared media. |
488 | 您的網路 (%s) 是公用網路。已停用共用功能以保護您的隱私。如果您認為這是一個私人網路,請變更網路設定。 | Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is disabled to protect your privacy. If you consider this to be a private network, change network settings. |
489 | 您的網路 (%s) 是網域網路,且您的系統管理員已啟用授權共用設定。您允許的裝置可以找到您的共用媒體。 | Your network (%s) is a domain network, and your administrator has authorized sharing. Devices that you allow can find your shared media. |
495 | 您的網路 (%s) 是共用網路。共用功能已授權,因為防火牆中已啟用 Windows Media Player 網路共用服務的例外。如果您擔心此網路上的隱私,請停用此例外。 | Your network (%s) is a public network. Sharing is authorized because an exception for the Windows Media Player Network Sharing service was enabled in the firewall. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, disable the exception. |
496 | 共用功能已授權,因為防火牆已經關閉。如果您擔心此網路上的隱私,請開啟防火牆。 | Sharing is authorized because your firewall has been turned off. If you are concerned about privacy on this network, turn the firewall on. |
497 | 您的網路 (%s) 是網域網路。管理員已停用共用功能。 | Your network (%s) is a domain network. Sharing has been disabled by your administrator. |
498 | 因為找不到網路連線,所以共用已停用。請檢查您的網路連線或設定。 | Sharing is disabled because a network connection was not found. Check your network connection or settings. |
499 | 拒絕 %s | Deny %s |
550 | 內容 (%s) 在 (%s) 物件找不到 | The property (%s) was not found on the (%s) object |
551 | (%s) 物件傳回失敗,在嘗試設定 (%s) 內容時 | The (%s) object returned failure from an attempt to set its (%s) property |
552 | 無效的 wmpprop 內容名稱 (%s) | Invalid property name (%s) for wmpprop |
553 | 找不到 wmpprop 的物件 (%s) | Could not locate object (%s) for wmpprop |
554 | 嘗試取得 (%s) 內容 (自 (%s) 物件) 時失敗 | An attempt to get the (%s) property from the (%s) object failed |
556 | 無法建立子控制項: %s | Could not create the subcontrol: %s |
557 | 成功建立 (%s) 控制項 | The (%s) control was not successfully created |
559 | 無效數字 | Invalid Number |
560 | 從配置套件讀取指令碼檔案 (%s) 失敗 | Failed to read scriptfile (%s) from the layout package |
561 | 讀取指令碼檔 (%s) 失敗 | Failed to read scriptfile (%s) |
562 | 無法找到內容 (%s)(自 (%s) 物件),針對 (%s) 事件處理常式 | Failed to find the property (%s) from the (%s) object for the (%s) event handler |
563 | 無法載入面板檔案。有效的面板檔案是以 XML 標記開頭,找到 | Cannot load skin file. Valid skin files begin with the XML tag, was found |
564 | 無法載入面板檔案。預期 ,找到 | Cannot load skin file. Expected , found |
565 | %s: 行: %d 欄: %d %s %s %*c |
%s: Line: %d Column: %d %s %s %*c |
566 | 未指定的 XML 剖析錯誤 | Unspecified XML Parse Error |
567 | 無法儲存偏好設定:偏好設定的最大值為 4048 字元。 | Cannot save preference: The total value for preferences is limited to 4048 characters. |
568 | 無法儲存偏好設定:名稱及值不能包含 ';' 字元。 | Cannot save preference: Names and values must not contain the ';' character. |
580 | RadioGuide | RadioGuide |
581 | RadioTuner | RadioTuner |
610 | 使用 transparencyColor 時不建議使用 JPG 影像。%s | JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor. %s |
621 | (%s) 影像大小無法被位置影像大小平均分割 | The (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size |
622 | 不建議將 JPG 影像做為 positionImage。%s | JPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage. %s |
627 | 不建議將 JPG 影像做為 mappingImage。%s | JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage. %s |
630 | [最大] 的內容必須大於 [最小] 的內容 | The Max property must be greater than the Min property |
631 | [最小] 的內容必須小於 [最大] 的內容 | The Min property must be less than the Max property |
632 | 搜尋方塊 | Search box |
633 | 就地儲存方塊 | Save in place box |
649 | 調整大小 | Resize |
652 | 內容由 All Music Guide 提供。(C) 2001 AEC One Stop Group, Inc. All Music Guide 是 AEC One Stop Group, Inc 的註冊商標 | Content provided by All Music Guide. © 2001 AEC One Stop Group, Inc. All Music Guide is a registered trademark of AEC One Stop Group, Inc |
653 | 停用選取的曲目(&I) | D&isable Selected Tracks |
654 | 啟用選取的曲目(&N) | E&nable Selected Tracks |
655 | 顯示播放清單、音訊、視訊或廣播電台 | Display playlists, audio, video, or radio stations |
656 | 詳細資料檢視 | Details View |
657 | 是 | Yes |
658 | 否 | No |
661 | 全部時間: %s | Total time: %s |
662 | 估計時間: %s | Estimated time: %s |
663 | 所有視訊剪輯 | All Video Clips |
665 | %s: %s | %s: %s |
667 | 長度 | Length |
668 | 大小 | Size |
669 | 演出者 | Artist |
670 | 基本 | Basic |
671 | 進階 | Advanced |
672 | 3500.0 | 3500.0 |
673 | MMS (UDP) | MMS (UDP) |
674 | MMS (TCP) | MMS (TCP) |
675 | MMS (多點傳送) | MMS (Multicast) |
676 | HTTP | HTTP |
677 | 檔案 | FILE |
678 | RTSP (UDP) | RTSP (UDP) |
679 | RTSP (TCP) | RTSP (TCP) |
682 | 年份 | Year |
683 | 曲目 | Track |
684 | 類型 | Type |
685 | 位元速率 | Bit Rate |
689 | 其他 | Other |
690 | Windows Media Player 錯誤 - %d of %d | Windows Media Player Error - %d of %d |
691 | Windows Media Player 效能 | Windows Media Player Performance |
692 | 由於 Windows Media Player 無法正確以數位模式播放您的 CD,必須切換至類比模式。當以類比模式播放 CD 時,無法使用 SRS WOW 效果與圖形等化器。 | Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because it cannot accurately play CDs in digital mode. When CDs are played in analog mode, SRS WOW effects and the graphic equalizer are not available. |
695 | 因為以數位模式讀取 CD 光碟機時發生問題,Windows Media Player 必須切換至類比模式。請確定光碟機已正確安裝或試著更新光碟機的驅動程式,然後再嘗試使用數位模式。 | Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode. Verify that the drive is installed correctly or try to update the drivers for the drive, and then try to use digital mode again. |
696 | 因為以數位模式讀取 CD 光碟機時發生問題,Windows Media Player 必須切換至類比模式。 | Windows Media Player must switch to analog mode because there is a problem reading the CD drive in digital mode. |
697 | 以數位模式讀取 CD 光碟機時 Windows Media Player 發生錯誤。按一下 [確定] 可以切換至類比模式。按一下 [取消] 可以再次嘗試以數位模式播放。 | Windows Media Player encountered an error when reading the CD drive in digital mode. Click OK to switch to analog mode. Click Cancel to retry playing in digital mode. |
698 | Windows Media Player 偵測到您的 CD 光碟機無法正確播放音訊 CD,因為光碟機在開啟錯誤更正的狀態下速度太慢。Media Player 將關閉這部光碟機的錯誤更正功能。 | Windows Media Player has detected that the CD drive cannot play audio CDs correctly because the drive is too slow when error correction is turned on. The Player will turn off error correction for this drive. |
700 | 媒體檔案 (所有類型) | Media files (all types) |
701 | 任何檔案 (*.*) | Any File (*.*) |
702 | 任何播放清單 (*.wpl, *.asx, *.m3u) | Any Playlist (*.wpl, *.asx, *.m3u) |
705 | 1 顆星 (不要再播) | 1 star (don't play again) |
706 | 2 顆星 (普通) | 2 stars (OK) |
707 | 3 顆星 (喜歡) | 3 stars (like it) |
708 | 4 顆星 (很喜歡) | 4 stars (really like it) |
709 | 5 顆星 (愛死了) | 5 stars (love it) |
710 | Windows Media 播放清單 (*.wpl) | Windows Media Playlist (*.wpl) |
711 | M3U 播放清單 (*.m3u) | M3U Playlist (*.m3u) |
722 | ; | ; |
723 | 您即將刪除 %d 個選取的項目。 | You are about to delete %d selected items. |
724 | 儲存 '%s'(&S) | &Save '%s' |
725 | %s (已修改) | %s (modified) |
726 | 您即將刪除 '%1!.1023ls!'。 | You are about to delete '%1!.1023ls!'. |
727 | 變更將套用到所有選取的曲目。要繼續嗎? | Changes will be applied to all selected tracks. Do you want to continue? |
728 | 選取播放清單選項 | Select playlist options |
729 | %d 顆星 (自動評等) | %d stars (automatically rated) |
730 | 網路 | Network |
734 | 通訊協定 | Protocol |
735 | Proxy | Proxy |
737 | 無 | None |
738 | 自動偵測 | Autodetect |
739 | 瀏覽器 | Browser |
740 | 自訂 - %1!.1000ls!:%2!d! %4!.1000ls! | Custom - %1!.1000ls!:%2!d! %4!.1000ls! |
741 | 略過 | Bypass |
742 | 不略過 | No Bypass |
743 | 您必須輸入包含至少 8 個連接埠的數目範圍,如果是從奇數開始,您就必須包含至少 9 個連接埠。 Windows Media Player 已變更此範圍。您可以接受變更或輸入不同的範圍。 |
The range of numbers must include at least 8 ports, or 9 ports if you started with an odd port. Windows Media Player has changed the range. You can accept the change or enter a different range. |
744 | 請指定 Proxy 伺服器的位址。 | Please specify an address for the proxy server. |
745 | 您目前用來登入電腦的使用者帳戶沒有足夠的權限可以開啟媒體共用。 | You are logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient permissions to turn on media sharing. |
750 | 擷取音樂 | Rip Music |
751 | Windows Media Audio Pro | Windows Media Audio Pro |
753 | \My Music | \My Music |
754 | \Sample Music | \Sample Music |
755 | 選擇要儲存音樂的資料夾。 |
Choose a storage folder for music. |
756 | 每片 CD 大約使用 28 MB (64 Kbps)。 | Uses about 28 MB per CD (64 Kbps). |
757 | 每片 CD 大約使用 42 MB (96 Kbps)。 | Uses about 42 MB per CD (96 Kbps). |
758 | 每片 CD 大約使用 56 MB (128 Kbps)。 | Uses about 56 MB per CD (128 Kbps). |
759 | 每片 CD 大約使用 69 MB (160 Kbps)。 | Uses about 69 MB per CD (160 Kbps). |
760 | 每片 CD 大約使用 %1!d! MB (%2!d! Kbps) | Uses about %1!d! MB per CD (%2!d! Kbps) |
761 | Windows Media Audio | Windows Media Audio |
762 | 每片 CD 大約使用 86 MB (192 Kbps)。 | Uses about 86 MB per CD (192 Kbps). |
763 | 每片 CD 大約使用 22 MB (48 Kbps)。 | Uses about 22 MB per CD (48 Kbps). |
764 | 每片 CD 大約使用 14 MB (32 Kbps)。 | Uses about 14 MB per CD (32 Kbps). |
765 | 效能 | Performance |
768 | 確認另存新檔預設值 | Confirm Save As Defaults |
769 | 如果將這些設定儲存成預設值,這部電腦的所有使用者都將使用相同的設定 (如果尚未在 [擷取音樂] 索引標籤上覆寫)。 您確定要將這些設定儲存成預設值嗎? |
If you save these settings as your defaults, all users of this computer will have the same settings (if they have not already overwritten them on the Rip Music tab). Are you sure you want to save the settings as your defaults? |
770 | 選擇用來備份或還原您媒體使用權限的資料夾。 |
Select a folder for backing up or restoring your media usage rights. |
771 | 正在要求核准以還原媒體使用權限。這可能需要幾分鐘。 | Requesting approval to restore media usage rights. This may take a few minutes. |
772 | 正在傳送媒體使用權限至 %s。 | Transferring media usage rights to %s. |
773 | 自正自 %s 傳送媒體使用權限。 | Transferring media usage rights from %s. |
774 | 傳送完成。 | Transfer complete. |
775 | Windows Media Player 已成功將您的媒體使用權限備份至 %s。 | Windows Media Player has successfully backed up your media usage rights to %s. |
776 | Windows Media Player 已成功從 %s 還原您的媒體使用權限。 | Windows Media Player has successfully restored your media usage rights from %s. |
777 | 有限制的完成傳送。 | Transfer complete with limitations. |
778 | Windows Media Player 已將您一部分的媒體使用權限備份至 %s。但是,有某些檔案的使用權限因為內容提供者禁止之故,而無法備份。 | Windows Media Player has backed up a portion of your media usage rights to %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be backed up because the content provider prohibits it. |
779 | Windows Media Player 已從 %s 還原部分媒體使用權限。但是,有某些檔案的使用權限因為內容提供者禁止之故,而無法還原。 | Windows Media Player has restored a portion of your media usage rights from %s. However, the usage rights for some of your files could not be restored because the content provider prohibits it. |
785 | 找不到 %.1023s 資料夾。資料夾可能位在無法使用的磁區或者具有密碼保護。請變更資料夾並再試一次。 | The folder %.1023s could not be found. It may be located on an unavailable volume or protected with a password. Change the folder and try again. |
788 | 媒體使用權限先前已備份至此資料夾中。您要以新的使用權限取代舊的使用權限嗎? | Media usage rights have previously been backed up to this folder. Do you want to replace the older usage rights with the newer usage rights? |
789 | 確認檔案取代 | Confirm File Replace |
791 | 您嘗試新增的資料夾無效。請檢查該資料夾是否存在,以及路徑是否正確。 | The folder you are trying to add is not valid. Check that the folder exists and the path is correct. |
792 | Windows Media Audio (變動位元速率) | Windows Media Audio (Variable Bit Rate) |
793 | \downloads | \downloads |
794 | \Protected | \Protected |
795 | 選取的資料夾無法使用。請確認您有足夠的權限,可新增檔案到此資料夾。 | The selected folder is not available. Verify that you have the correct permissions to add files to the folder. |
796 | Windows Media Audio 不失真 | Windows Media Audio Lossless |
797 | 無法將音樂擷取至磁碟片上。 | It is not possible to rip music to a floppy disk. |
798 | Windows Media Player 目前正在從 CD 擷取。若要擷取到新位置,請停止並重新開始擷取。 | Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. To rip to a new location, you must stop and then start ripping again. |
800 | 請在 %1!.1023ls! 內插入空白光碟片。一旦 Windows Media Player 偵測到新光碟片,便自動開始燒錄。 | Please insert a blank disc in %1!.1023ls!. Once Windows Media Player detects the new disc, it will automatically start burning. |
802 | 您燒錄清單內的檔案有問題。您可以略過該檔案並燒錄其他檔案,或是取消燒錄並嘗試按一下該檔案旁的圖示來解決問題。 | There is a problem with a file in your burn list. You can skip the file and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problem first by clicking the icon next to the file. |
803 | 您燒錄清單內的 %1!d! 個檔案有問題。您可以略過這些檔案並燒錄其他檔案,或是取消燒錄並嘗試按一下每個檔案旁的圖示來先解決問題。 | There is a problem with %1!d! files in your burn list. You can skip the files and burn the other files, or you can cancel burning and try to resolve the problems first by clicking the icon next to each file. |
804 | 無法燒錄此檔案清單,因為所有的檔案皆發生錯誤或是缺少燒錄權限。若要深入了解問題,請按一下燒錄清單中每個檔案旁的圖示。 | It is not possible to burn this list of files because all of the files have errors or are missing burn rights. To learn more about the problems, click the icon next to each file in the burn list. |
805 | Windows Media Player 無法關閉,因為正在進行燒錄或光碟清除操作。 | Windows Media Player cannot be closed while burning or erasing a disc. |
807 | 目前光碟片 | Current Disc |
808 | 下一張光碟片 | Next Disc |
809 | 目前的光碟 %s | Current Disc %s |
813 | 正在尋找裝置,請稍候... | Finding devices, please wait... |
814 | %s 個位元組的可用空間 | %s bytes free space |
815 | %s KB 的可用空間 | %s KB free space |
816 | %s MB 的可用空間 | %s MB free space |
817 | 選取 %d 個物件 | %d object(s) selected |
818 | %s 個位元組 | %s bytes |
819 | %s KB | %s KB |
820 | %s MB | %s MB |
821 | %d Kbps | %d Kbps |
822 | %s Mbps | %s Mbps |
823 | 此裝置沒有您可設定的選項。 | This device has no options that you can set. |
824 | 光碟片 %d | Disc %d |
840 | %s TB | %s TB |
841 | %s GB | %s GB |
842 | %s GB 的可用空間 | %s GB free space |
843 | 期間 | Duration |
844 | %s 小時 | %s hours |
847 | %s 個項目 | %s items |
850 | %s 分鐘 | %s minutes |
854 | 正在轉換 (%d%%) | Converting (%d%%) |
855 | 正在同步 (%d%%) | Synchronizing (%d%%) |
856 | 正在複製 (%d%%) | Copying (%d%%) |
857 | 名稱 | Name |
858 | 時間 | Time |
860 | 完成 | Complete |
861 | 錯誤值 %#X | Error value %#X |
862 | 發生錯誤 | An Error Occurred |
864 | 品質 | Quality |
867 | (%s) 將無法從您的媒體櫃播放內容。您要禁止此電腦上的所有其他使用者與 (%s) 共用其媒體嗎? | (%s) will not be able to play content from your library. Do you want to prevent all other users on this computer from sharing their media with (%s)? |
868 | 若要開啟共用,您必須以系統管理員身分或 Administrators 群組的成員身分登入。一旦開啟共用,您就可以使用目前的帳戶來共用媒體。 | To turn on sharing, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group. Once sharing is turned on, you can share media using your current user account. |
869 | Windows Media Player 正在同步您的可攜式裝置。
如果您現在結束,某些檔案可能無法同步。您確定要結束播放程式? |
Windows Media Player is currently synchronizing your portable device.
If you exit now, some files may not sync. Are you sure you want to exit the Player? |
870 | 已取消 | Cancelled |
879 | 標題 | Title |
882 | 狀態 | Status |
884 | 下載中 (%d%%) | Downloading (%d%%) |
885 | 已下載 | Downloaded |
886 | 無法辨識的裝置 | Unknown Device |
887 | 光碟片 %1!d! (%2!d!:%3!02d!) | Disc %1!d! (%2!d!:%3!02d!) |
888 | 光碟片 %1!d! (%2!ls!GB) | Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!GB) |
889 | 光碟片 %1!d! (%2!ls!MB) | Disc %1!d! (%2!ls!MB) |
893 | 裝置 | Devices |
894 | %s 秒 | %s seconds |
897 | %CheckedCount%,%CheckedDurationString%, %CheckedSize% | %CheckedCount%, %CheckedDurationString%, %CheckedSize% |
898 | 正在尋找裝置... | Searching for devices... |
899 | 格式化會清除此裝置上所有的資料。您確定要繼續進行嗎? | Formatting will erase all data on this device. Are you sure you want to continue? |
900 | 開始擷取(&R) | Start &Rip |
901 | 停止擷取(&S) | &Stop Rip |
903 | 檢視專輯資訊(&I) | View Album &Info |
904 | 插入音訊 CD 並選取要擷取的曲目... | Insert an audio CD and select tracks to rip... |
905 | 將選取的項目擷取到媒體櫃 | Rip selected items to the library |
906 | 停止擷取 | Stop ripping |
907 | 顯示或隱藏專輯與演出者資訊 | Show or hide album and artist information |
908 | 顯示或隱藏專輯與演出者資訊 (%s) | Show or hide album and artist information (%s) |
909 | 尋找專輯資訊(&A) | Find &Album Info |
910 | 顯示或隱藏專輯資訊搜尋精靈 | Show or hide album information search wizard |
911 | Windows Media Player 正在從 CD 擷取。如果您現在結束,可能無法擷取某些檔案。 您是否要結束 Windows Media Player? |
Windows Media Player is currently ripping from a CD. If you exit now, some files may not be ripped. Are you sure you want to exit the Player? |
912 | 擷取狀態 | Rip status |
914 | 資料提供者 | Data provider |
916 | 未知的演出者 | Unknown artist |
917 | 未知的專輯 | Unknown album |
918 | 未知的內容類型 | Unknown genre |
920 | 擱置中 | Pending |
921 | 已擷取到媒體櫃 | Ripped to library |
922 | 已停止 | Stopped |
923 | 錯誤 | Error |
924 | 使用者 | User |
925 | 沒有光碟機 | No CD-ROM drives present |
926 | 927 已選取 %checkedcount% 以擷取至 %copypath% | 927 %checkedcount% selected to rip to %copypath% |
928 | 擷取中 | Ripping |
929 | %1!.1023ls! %2!.1023ls! | %1!.1023ls! %2!.1023ls! |
930 | 正在擷取 (%d%%) | Ripping (%d%%) |
938 | 音訊 CD | Audio CD |
939 | 資料光碟 | Data disc |
943 | 全部 %d%%%% 完成,預估剩餘時間:%d 分鐘 | Overall %d%%%% complete, estimated time remaining: %d minute(s) |
945 | 燒錄進行中... | Burning in progress... |
948 | 空白光碟片 | Blank Disc |
949 | (離線) | (offline) |
950 | 未知的 DVD | Unknown DVD |
951 | 未知的導演 | Unknown Director |
952 | 標題 %u | Title %u |
953 | 章節 %u | Chapter %u |
954 | 未知 | Unknown |
955 | 未知的評等 | Unknown Rating |
956 | 不明的光碟 | Unknown Disc |
961 | 光碟機中沒有光碟 | No disc in drive |
962 | 光碟機忙碌中... | Drive busy... |
963 | 光碟機中沒有音樂光碟(&N) | &No audio disc in drive |
970 | 請使用核取方塊選擇您要擷取的項目。清除您不要擷取之項目的核取方塊。 準備就緒後,請按一下 [開始擷取]。 |
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to rip. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to rip. Click Start Rip when you are ready. |
971 | 按一下 [編輯曲目資訊] 以新增或改變這張 CD 上的演出者及專輯資訊。 | Click 'Edit Track Information' to add or change artist and album information on this CD. |
972 | 提示: 您也可以按住 Shift 按鍵並連按兩下某項目,將它新增到 [現正播放] 清單。 | Tip: You can also add to the Now Playing list by holding down the Shift key and double-clicking an item. |
980 | 每片 CD 大約使用 18 到 33 MB。 (40 到 75 Kbps) |
Uses about 18 to 33 MB per CD. (40 to 75 Kbps) |
981 | 每片 CD 大約使用 22 到 42 MB。 (50 到 95 Kbps) |
Uses about 22 to 42 MB per CD. (50 to 95 Kbps) |
982 | 每片 CD 大約使用 37 到 63 MB。 (85 到 145 Kbps) |
Uses about 37 to 63 MB per CD. (85 to 145 Kbps) |
983 | 每片 CD 大約使用 59 到 94 MB。 (135 到 215 Kbps) |
Uses about 59 to 94 MB per CD. (135 to 215 Kbps) |
984 | 每片 CD 大約使用 105 到 155 MB。 (240 到 355 Kbps) |
Uses about 105 to 155 MB per CD. (240 to 355 Kbps) |
985 | 每片 CD 大約使用 206 到 411 MB (470 到 940 Kbps)。 數學上不失真。 |
Uses about 206 to 411 MB per CD (470 to 940 Kbps). Mathematically lossless. |
986 | 每片 CD 約使用 600 MB | Uses about 600 MB per CD. |
987 | 每片 CD 大約使用 206 到 411 MB (470 到 940 Kbps) | Uses about 206 to 411 MB per CD (470 to 940 Kbps) |
990 | 無法套用擷取音樂設定。 | The settings for ripping music could not be applied. |
991 | WAV (不失真) | WAV (Lossless) |
992 | MP3 | MP3 |
993 | ALAC (不失真) | ALAC (Lossless) |
994 | FLAC (不失真) | FLAC (Lossless) |
996 | 無法套用進階擷取音樂設定。 | The advanced settings for ripping music could not be applied. |
997 | 需要歌曲標題詳細資料; 繼續之前請先選擇。 | The Song title detail is required; select it before continuing. |
998 | 檔案命名時,您至少必須選取一個詳細資料。 | You must select at least one detail to use when naming files. |
999 | 您至少要選取一個詳細資料,通常是選擇歌曲標題。 請按一下 [取消],關閉 [檔案名稱選項] 對話方塊。將會使用預設的檔名詳細資料。 |
At least one detail, usually the song title, must be selected. Click Cancel to close the File Name Options dialog box. Default file name details will be used. |
1110 | 內容 | Content |
1111 | 燒錄 | Burn |
1113 | - | - |
1120 | 媒體使用權限 | Media Usage Rights |
1130 | 播放程式 | Player |
1133 | 重新調整視訊為播放程式大小 | Fit video to Player on resize |
1134 | 50% | 50% |
1135 | 100% | 100% |
1136 | 200% | 200% |
1137 | 選擇視訊縮放設定 | Select video zoom settings |
1138 | 調整播放程式為視訊大小 | Fit Player to video |
1143 | %ld x %ld | %ld x %ld |
1144 | %ld:%ld | %ld:%ld |
1145 | %1.3g:1 | %1.3g:1 |
1147 | %s 實際,%s 已顯示 | %s actual, %s displayed |
1170 | %1!.1023ls! (已複製 %3!.1023ls! 之 %2!.1023ls!) | %1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls! of %3!.1023ls! copied) |
1171 | %1!.1023ls!/秒 | %1!.1023ls!/Sec |
1172 | 未知 (目前已開啟 %1!.1023ls!) | Not known (Opened so far %1!.1023ls!) |
1173 | 正在儲存: | Saving: |
1174 | 已儲存: | Saved: |
1175 | 面板資料夾已經包含一個名為 '%1!.1023ls!' 的檔案。 您是否要取代現有的檔案? |
The skins folder already contains a file called '%1!.1023ls!'. Would you like to replace the existing file? |
1177 | 要終止目前的下載嗎? | Abort current downloads? |
1179 | %1!d! 個 (共 %2!d! 個) 檔案 | %1!d! of %2!d! Files |
1180 | 虛擬專輯 | Virtual Albums |
1181 | 下載完成。展開檔案中。 | Download Complete. Extracting Files. |
1182 | 網際網路快取 | Internet Cache |
1183 | 展開: | Extracting: |
1184 | 權限備份 | Rights Backup |
1190 | 喇叭 | Speakers |
1200 | 媒體櫃 | Library |
1207 | 透過 S/PDIF 連線播放 WM Audio Professional 內容時,無法使用某些增強功能,包括視覺效果、圖形等化器、SRS WOW 係果與時間壓縮。 您是否要繼續? |
When playing WM Audio Professional content over an S/PDIF connection, some enhancements are not available, including visualizations, the graphic equalizer, SRS WOW effects, and time compression. Are you sure you want to continue? |
1209 | 預設音訊裝置 | Default Audio Device |
1211 | 顯示 | Display |
1222 | 像素外觀比例必須介於 0.5 及 2.0 之間。 | The pixel aspect ratio must be a number from 0.5 to 2.0. |
1223 | (未知的顯示) | (Unknown display) |
1224 | 若要使用此功能,您必須在 [視訊加速設定] 對話方塊上開啟視訊混合轉譯器。 | To use this feature, you must turn on the video mixing renderer on the Video Acceleration Settings dialog box. |
1248 | 同步 | Sync |
1251 | 節目表 | Guide |
1253 | 擷取 | Rip |
1257 | 觀賞目前正在播放的內容 | Watch what's currently playing |
1258 | 尋找網際網路上的內容 | Find content on the Internet |
1259 | 建立播放清單、管理內容和分享音樂 | Create playlists, manage content, and share your music |
1260 | 從音訊 CD 擷取音樂 | Rip music from audio CDs |
1261 | 切換到串流廣播電台 | Tune into streaming radio stations |
1262 | 將檔案燒錄至光碟 | Burn files to discs |
1263 | 尋找新音樂 | Find new music |
1264 | Microsoft JhengHei UI | MS Shell Dlg |
1265 | 9 | 9 |
1266 | 700 | 700 |
1267 | 1 | 1 |
1268 | 0 | 0 |
1269 | 存取程式功能表 | Access program menus |
1270 | 顯示功能表列 | Show menu bar |
1271 | 外掛程式正以背景模式執行。按一下可變更外掛程式的設定 | Plug-ins are running in the background. Click to change settings of the plug-ins |
1272 | 4 | 4 |
1273 | 快速存取面板 | Quick Access Panel |
1274 | 視訊 | Video |
1275 | 尋找新視訊 | Find new video |
1277 | 選擇線上商店 | Choose online store |
1278 | 儲存功能表 | Store menu |
1280 | 擷取並播放音訊 CD | Rip and play audio CDs |
1281 | 將內容與可攜式裝置相互同步 | Sync content to and from your portable devices |
1282 | 按一下以存取選項 | Click to access options |
1283 | 登入 | Sign In |
1284 | 登出 | Sign Out |
1285 | 登入服務 | Sign In to Service |
1286 | 登出服務 | Sign Out of Service |
1287 | 服務工具列 | Service Toolbar |
1300 | 確認面板刪除 | Confirm Skin Delete |
1301 | 確定要刪除 '%.1023s' 嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete '%.1023s'? |
1302 | 刪除選取的面板 | Delete selected skin |
1303 | 下載更多面板 | Download more skins |
1304 | 套用選取的面板 | Apply selected skin |
1305 | Corporate | Corporate |
1306 | 套用面板(&A) | &Apply Skin |
1320 | 更多面板(&S) | More &Skins |
1322 | 12 | 12 |
1350 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Buy.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Buy.htm |
1351 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaGuide.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaGuide.htm |
1352 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Subscriptions.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_Subscriptions.htm |
1357 | res://wmploc.dll/ICW_ErrorPage.htm | res://wmploc.dll/ICW_ErrorPage.htm |
1360 | res://wmploc.dll/Service_Initial.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Service_Initial.htm |
1365 | res://wmploc.dll/Error_ServiceInfo.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Error_ServiceInfo.htm |
1366 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_InfoCenter.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_InfoCenter.htm |
1367 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_AlbumInfo.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_AlbumInfo.htm |
1370 | res://wmploc.dll/Service_None.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Service_None.htm |
1377 | res://wmploc.dll/Service_NoFunc.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Service_NoFunc.htm |
1378 | res://wmploc.dll/Service_No_Local.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Service_No_Local.htm |
1383 | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
1384 | #366AB3 | #366AB3 |
1385 | res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceLarge.png | res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceLarge.png |
1386 | res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceSmall.png | res://wmploc.dll/RT_IMAGE/ServiceSmall.png |
1388 | FALSE | TRUE |
1389 | res://wmploc.dll/Blocked_AlbumInfo.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Blocked_AlbumInfo.htm |
1392 | res://wmploc.dll/offline_radioguide.htm | res://wmploc.dll/offline_radioguide.htm |
1400 | 視覺效果(&V) | &Visualizations |
1401 | 顯示視訊(&V) | Show &Video |
1402 | 其他(&O) | &Other |
1403 | 預設的預設設定 | Default Preset |
1404 | 最大化視訊與視覺效果窗格 | Maximize the Video and Visualization pane |
1405 | 還原視訊與視覺效果窗格 | Restore the Video and Visualization pane |
1406 | 選擇 [現正播放] 選項 | Select Now Playing options |
1408 | 往回 | Back |
1409 | 回到 [現正播放] | Back to Now Playing |
1410 | 沒有視覺效果 | No Visualization |
1420 | 按一下以進行上一個增強功能 | Click for previous enhancement |
1421 | 按一下以進行下一個增強功能 | Click for next enhancement |
1422 | 上一個預設設定 | Previous preset |
1423 | 下一個預設設定 | Next preset |
1424 | 目前的增強功能 | Current enhancement |
1450 | 顯示專輯與演出者資訊 | Show album and artist information |
1451 | 顯示演員與製作公司資訊 | Show actor and studio information |
1452 | 尋找專輯資訊(&I) | Find Album &Info |
1453 | 顯示 [專輯資訊搜尋精靈] | Show album information search wizard |
1454 | 尋找 DVD 資訊 | Find DVD Info |
1455 | 顯示 [DVD 資訊搜尋精靈] | Show DVD information search wizard |
1456 | 檢視 DVD 資訊 | View DVD Info |
1458 | 購買 | Buy |
1459 | 按一下以移至銷售此內容的線上商店 | Click to go to an online store that offers this content for sale |
1460 | 購買 DVD | Buy DVD |
1461 | 按一下以移至銷售此 DVD 的線上商店 | Click to go to an online store that offers this DVD for sale |
1462 | 購買門票 | Buy Tickets |
1463 | 按一下以移至售票的線上商店 | Click to go to an online store that offers tickets for sale |
1464 | 尋找 DVD 資訊(&F) | &Find DVD Info |
1465 | 自 %s 購買 | Buy from %s |
1470 | %1!d!%% 燒錄至 (%2!c!:) | %1!d!%% Burned to (%2!c!:) |
1471 | 擷取中: 剩 1 首曲目 | Ripping: 1 track remaining |
1472 | 擷取中: 剩 2 個曲目 | Ripping: 2 tracks remaining |
1473 | 擷取中: 剩 %u 首曲目 | Ripping: %u tracks remaining |
1474 | 下載中: 剩 1 個檔案 | Downloading: 1 file remaining |
1475 | 下載中: 剩 2 個檔案 | Downloading: 2 files remaining |
1476 | 下載中: 剩 %u 個檔案 | Downloading: %u files remaining |
1477 | 清除光碟片中: %d%% 完成 | Erasing disc: %d%% complete |
1478 | 下載完成 | Downloading complete |
1479 | 燒錄完成 | Burn complete |
1480 | 擷取完成 | Rip complete |
1481 | 同步完成 | Sync complete |
1482 | 清除完成 | Erase complete |
1490 | 安靜模式(&Q) | &Quiet mode |
1492 | 圖形等化器(&G) | &Graphic equalizer |
1493 | 播放速度設定(&L) | P&lay speed settings |
1494 | SRS WOW 效果(&S) | &SRS WOW effects |
1495 | 視訊設定(&V) | &Video settings |
1496 | 淡入與淡出及自動調整音量大小(&A) | Crossfading and &auto volume leveling |
1500 | 數據機 (28.8 Kbps) | Modem (28.8 Kbps) |
1501 | 數據機 (33.6 Kbps) | Modem (33.6 Kbps) |
1502 | 數據機 (56 Kbps) | Modem (56 Kbps) |
1503 | ISDN (64 Kbps) | ISDN (64 Kbps) |
1504 | 雙通道 ISDN (128 Kbps) | Dual ISDN (128 Kbps) |
1505 | DSL/電纜 (256 Kbps) | DSL/Cable (256 Kbps) |
1506 | DSL/電纜 (384 Kbps) | DSL/Cable (384 Kbps) |
1507 | DSL/電纜 (768 Kbps) | DSL/Cable (768 Kbps) |
1508 | T1 (1.5 Mbps) | T1 (1.5 Mbps) |
1509 | LAN (10 Mbps 或更快) | LAN (10 Mbps or more) |
1510 | 沒有視訊加速。如果您遭遇嚴重的播放問題,請選取。 | No video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing severe playback problems. |
1511 | 部份視訊加速。如果您遭遇視訊播放問題,請選取。 | Some video acceleration. Select if you are experiencing video playback problems. |
1512 | 完整視訊加速 (建議選項) | Full video acceleration (recommended) |
1513 | 已選取進階視訊加速設定。按一下 [還原預設值] 以使用調整鈕。 | Advanced video acceleration setting selected. Click Restore Defaults to use the slider. |
1514 | 此變更可能造成任何正在播放或暫停的數位媒體內容重新啟動。 您要繼續進行變更嗎? |
This change might cause any digital media content that is playing or paused to restart. Do you want to continue with the change? |
1520 | 解析度 | Resolution |
1530 | 正在準備 | Preparing |
1531 | 正在準備 (%d%%) | Preparing (%d%%) |
1532 | 正在寫入光碟片 | Writing to disc |
1533 | 正在寫入光碟片 (%d%%) | Writing to disc (%d%%) |
1534 | 正在完成光碟片 | Finalizing disc |
1535 | 燒錄清單中的某些檔案無法燒錄到光碟。如果取消燒錄,稍後將無法完成燒錄,而且目前的光碟片可能變成無法使用。 您確定要取消燒錄? |
Some files in the burn list haven't been burned to the disc. If you cancel the burn, you will not be able to finish it later and the current disc might become unusable. Are you sure you want to cancel the burn? |
1536 | 一旦開始寫入光碟片,便無法停止燒錄。 | It is not possible to stop burning once writing to the disc starts. |
1537 | 您的光碟機不支援無間斷燒錄。是否要關閉無間斷燒錄並繼續燒錄光碟? | Your drive doesn’t support gapless burning. Would you like to turn off gapless burning and continue to burn the disc? |
1538 | 將空白光碟片插入至光碟機中。 | Insert a blank disc into the drive. |
1539 | Windows Media Player 無法燒錄至光碟片中,因為光碟機正在使用。稍候數秒以待其他燒錄工作完成,然後再重試一次。 | Windows Media Player cannot burn to the disc because the drive is in use. Wait a few minutes for other burning tasks to complete and then try again. |
1540 | 磁碟機正在使用中。 | The drive is in use. |
1541 | Windows Media Player 無法將檔案燒錄到光碟片中。 若要調查問題,按一下燒錄清單中檔案旁的圖示。 您要繼續燒錄其他檔案嗎? |
Windows Media Player cannot burn a file to the disc. To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the file in the burn list. Do you want to continue burning the other files? |
1542 | Windows Media Player 無法將 %d 個檔案燒錄到光碟片中。 若要調查問題,按一下燒錄清單中檔案旁的圖示。 您要繼續燒錄其他檔案嗎? |
Windows Media Player cannot burn %d files to the disc. To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list. Do you want to continue burning the other files? |
1543 | 繼續執行將會清除這片光碟片上的所有資料。您是否要繼續? | Continuing will erase all data on this disc. Are you sure you want to continue? |
1544 | Windows Media Player 無法清除此光碟片。該光碟片無法重複寫入,或是光碟機正在使用中。 | Windows Media Player is unable to erase this disc. Either it is not a rewritable disc, or the drive is in use. |
1545 | 正在清除光碟片,請稍候... | Erasing disc, please wait ... |
1546 | 您已選擇以資料格式建立光碟片。 資料光碟片可在大部分的電腦上或一些可攜式 CD/DVD 播放機上播放。但是,它們無法在大部分的家庭或汽車音響上播放。 您要建立資料光碟片嗎? |
You have chosen to create a disc in data format. Data discs can be played on most computers and some portable CD/DVD players. However, they cannot be played on most home or car stereos. Do you want to create a data disc? |
1547 | CD 光碟機 (%c:) | CD Drive (%c:) |
1548 | 正在分析 (%d%%) | Analyzing (%d%%) |
1551 | %1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls!) | %1!.1023ls! (%2!.1023ls!) |
1553 | %1!.1023ls! - %2!.1023ls! | %1!.1023ls! - %2!.1023ls! |
1554 | 正在啟動裝置 (%d%%) | Activating device (%d%%) |
1563 | 電池 | Battery |
1564 | 此集合包含的隨機效果設定可以永遠顯示獨一無二的視覺效果。 | This collection includes a random setting that always shows a unique visualization. |
1565 | 隨機 | Randomization |
1600 | 發生內部應用程式錯誤。 | An internal application error has occurred. |
1601 | 記憶體不足,無法執行作業。 | Can't perform operation, low memory. |
1602 | 無法啟動 Windows Movie Maker。 | Windows Movie Maker could not be started. |
1603 | 設定說明時發生錯誤。 | Error in setting up help. |
1630 | 您是否要從媒體櫃中刪除這些項目? | Are you sure you want to delete these items from the library? |
1631 | 只從媒體櫃中刪除(&L) | Delete from &library only |
1632 | 從媒體櫃及我的電腦中刪除(&C) | Delete from library and my &computer |
1633 | 您確定要從您的裝置刪除這些項目嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete these items from your device? |
1634 | 只刪除播放清單(&P) | Delete the &playlist only |
1636 | 刪除播放清單和其內容(&C) | Delete the playlist and its &contents |
1650 | 外掛程式 | Plug-ins |
1653 | %s: | %s: |
1654 | %s (%s) | %s (%s) |
1655 | 這個外掛程式沒有可供設定的內容。 | This plug-in has no properties that you can set. |
1656 | 無法存取這個外掛程式的內容。 | The plug-in properties could not be accessed. |
1657 | 如果您目前正在播放或暫停,此變更也許會讓媒體從頭開始播放。您確定要移除這個外掛程式? | If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Are you sure you want to remove this plug-in? |
1658 | 無法移除外掛程式,因為其 DLL 檔無法關閉。 | The plug-in could not be removed because its DLL file could not be shutdown. |
1659 | 移除外掛程式時發生問題。外掛程式可能未完全移除。 | A problem occurred while removing the plug-in. The plug-in may not have been completely removed. |
1660 | 確認外掛程式移除 | Confirm Plug-in Remove |
1661 | 無法新增外掛程式。 | The plug-in could not be added. |
1662 | 外掛程式 (*.dll;*.exe)%c*.dll;*.exe%c | Plug-ins (*.dll;*.exe)%c*.dll;*.exe%c |
1663 | (未知) | (Unknown) |
1664 | (沒有描述) | (No description) |
1665 | (無) | (None) |
1666 | 發生嚴重錯誤。 為了防止漏失資料,您將無法儲存對這個內容頁的變更。 |
A fatal error has occurred. To prevent data loss, you will not be able to save changes to this property page. |
1667 | 已載入 | loaded |
1668 | 視覺效果 | Visualization |
1670 | 視窗 | Window |
1671 | 背景 | Background |
1673 | 視訊 DSP | Video DSP |
1674 | 音訊 DSP | Audio DSP |
1675 | 其他 DSP | Other DSP |
1676 | 轉譯器 | Renderer |
1678 | 如果您正在播放或是暫停,這個變更可能會造成媒體從頭開始播放。您是否要套用這個新設定? | If you are currently playing or paused, this change might result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to apply the new settings? |
1680 | 若是您目前正在播放或暫停,新增或移除外掛程式也許會造成媒體從頭開始播放。您確定要繼續嗎? | If you are currently playing or paused, adding or removing a plugin may result in restarting the media from the beginning. Do you want to continue? |
1695 | 此裝置正在清除中... | This device is currently erasing... |
1696 | 此裝置目前為使用中。按一下 [燒錄] 索引標籤以檢視進度 | This device is currently active. Click on the Burn tab to view progress |
1697 | 此裝置目前為非使用中。 | This device is currently inactive |
1704 | 建立日期 | Date created |
1705 | 著作權 | Copyright |
1706 | 主旨 | Subject |
1712 | 播放次數 | Play count |
1713 | 檔案路徑 | File path |
1714 | 受保護 | Protected |
1715 | 媒體 | Media |
1716 | 電台名稱 | Station name |
1717 | 摘要 | Abstract |
1718 | %count% | %count% |
1719 | %durationstring% / %size% | %durationstring% / %size% |
1720 | Windows Media Player 在所選位置上找不到檔案。檔案已被刪除或移除,或是路徑不正確。 | Windows Media Player cannot find the file at selected location. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect. |
1722 | 選擇該檔案目前所在的資料夾。 | Select the folder where the file is now located. |
1727 | 其他媒體櫃 | Other Libraries |
1728 | 暫存 | Temporary |
1729 | Windows Media Player 找到一個暫時播放清單。 您是否要重新命名該清單? |
Windows Media Player has found a temporary playlist. Do you want to rename it? |
1730 | 遠端媒體櫃 | Remote libraries |
1732 | 頻率 | Frequency |
1733 | 格式 | Format |
1734 | 縣/市 | City |
1735 | 語言 | Language |
1737 | 樂團 | Band |
1738 | 電台識別碼 | Station ID |
1739 | \Playlists | \Playlists |
1740 | \Sample Playlists | \Sample Playlists |
1742 | 標籤 | Label |
1743 | 製作公司 | Studio |
1744 | 發行年份 | Release year |
1745 | \Sync Playlists | \Sync Playlists |
1747 | 指揮 | Conductor |
1748 | 製作人 | Producer |
1749 | 導演 | Director |
1750 | 發行者 | Publisher |
1751 | 錄製日期 | Date recorded |
1752 | 家長分級 | Parental rating |
1753 | 索引鍵 | Key |
1754 | 自訂 1 | Custom 1 |
1755 | 自訂 2 | Custom 2 |
1756 | 攝影機 | Camera |
1757 | 拍攝日期 | Date taken |
1758 | 字幕 | Caption |
1759 | 集數 | Part of set |
1762 | 其他媒體 | Other media |
1766 | 描述 | Description |
1767 | 代表性電台 | Featured stations |
1769 | 最近播放 | Recently played |
1770 | 提供者分級 | Provider rating |
1771 | 內容提供者 | Content provider |
1772 | 新增日期 | Date added |
1773 | 沒有任何媒體項目 | There are no media items present |
1774 | 預設 | Default |
1775 | 搖滾樂 | Rock |
1776 | 饒舌 | Rap |
1777 | 西雅圖頹廢搖滾 | Grunge |
1778 | 重金屬 | Metal |
1779 | 舞曲 | Dance |
1780 | 科技舞曲 | Techno |
1781 | 鄉村音樂 | Country |
1782 | 爵士樂 | Jazz |
1783 | 原音 | Acoustic |
1784 | 民謠 | Folk |
1785 | 新世紀音樂 | New Age |
1786 | 古典音樂 | Classical |
1787 | 藍調 | Blues |
1788 | 懷念老歌 | Oldies |
1789 | 雷鬼音樂 | Reggae |
1790 | 歌劇 | Opera |
1791 | 搖擺音樂 | Swing |
1792 | 語音 | Speech |
1793 | 音樂 56K | Music 56K |
1794 | 音樂 28K | Music 28K |
1795 | 自訂 | Custom |
1796 | 耳機 | Headphones |
1797 | 一般喇叭 | Normal Speakers |
1798 | 大型喇叭 | Large Speakers |
1799 | 檔案名稱 | File name |
1801 | 暫停 | Pause |
1802 | 停止 | Stop |
1803 | 倒帶 | Rewind |
1804 | 向前快轉 | Fast Forward |
1805 | 上一個 | Previous |
1806 | 下一個 | Next |
1807 | 靜音 | Mute |
1808 | 聲音 | Sound |
1809 | 搜尋 | Seek |
1810 | 音量 | Volume |
1811 | 最小化 | Minimize |
1814 | 開啟隨機播放 | Turn shuffle on |
1815 | 關閉隨機播放 | Turn shuffle off |
1816 | 開啟重複播放 | Turn repeat on |
1817 | 關閉重複播放 | Turn repeat off |
1818 | 繼續播放 (一般速度) | Resume Play (normal speed) |
1819 | 情境 | Mood |
1820 | 未載入媒體 | No media loaded |
1821 | 媒體資訊 | Media Information |
1822 | 開啟/關閉設定 | Open/Close settings |
1823 | 開啟音量控制 | Open volume control |
1824 | 關閉音量控制 | Close volume control |
1825 | 開啟 SRS WOW 效果 | Turn on SRS WOW Effects |
1826 | 關閉 SRS WOW 效果 | Turn off SRS WOW Effects |
1827 | SRS WOW 效果 | SRS WOW Effects |
1828 | 喇叭大小 | Speaker size |
1829 | 下一個喇叭大小 | Next speaker size |
1830 | TruBass | TruBass |
1831 | WOW 效果 | WOW Effect |
1832 | 開啟 | Turn on |
1835 | 目前的預設設定 | Current preset |
1836 | 重新設定視訊設定 | Reset video settings |
1837 | 亮度 | Brightness |
1838 | 對比 | Contrast |
1839 | 色調 | Hue |
1840 | 飽和度 | Saturation |
1841 | 開啟或關閉播放清單 | Open or close playlist |
1842 | 前一個視覺效果 | Previous visualization |
1843 | 下一個視覺效果 | Next visualization |
1844 | 視覺效果名稱 | Visualization name |
1845 | 平衡 | Balance |
1847 | 重設 | Reset |
1848 | 圖形等化器 | Graphic equalizer |
1849 | 視訊設定 | Video settings |
1852 | 播放速度設定 | Play Speed Settings |
1853 | 關閉 Windows Media Player | Close Windows Media Player |
1854 | 檢視全螢幕 | View full screen |
1855 | 設定等化器調整鈕以緊密群組方式一同移動 | Set equalizer sliders to move together in a tight group |
1856 | 設定等化器調整鈕以鬆散群組方式一同移動 | Set equalizer sliders to move together in a loose group |
1857 | 設定等化器調整鈕可單獨移動 | Set equalizer sliders to move independently |
1858 | 滑桿指到一般速度 | Snap slider to common speeds |
1859 | 選擇視覺效果 | Select visualization |
1860 | 用黑色做為播放程式的背景色彩 | Use black as Player background color |
1862 | 相機型號 | Camera model |
1863 | 將螢幕調整為原始視訊大小 | Fit screen to original video size |
1864 | 按一下以最小化狀態區域 | Click to minimize status area |
1865 | 選取預設設定 | Select preset |
1866 | 按一下以最大化狀態區域 | Click to maximize status area |
1867 | 歌詞 | Lyrics |
1868 | 安靜模式 | Quiet Mode |
1870 | 最大化 | Maximize |
1871 | 往下還原 | Restore Down |
1872 | 最大和最小音量之間的差距: | Difference between loud and soft sounds: |
1873 | 中等差距 | Medium difference |
1874 | 少許差距 | Little difference |
1875 | 顯示播放清單 | Show playlist |
1876 | 隱藏播放清單 | Hide playlist |
1877 | 重設滑桿為預設 | Reset sliders to default |
1878 | u | u |
1880 | 顯示視訊與視覺效果視窗 | Show Video and Visualization window |
1881 | 隱藏視訊與視覺效果視窗 | Hide Video and Visualization window |
1882 | Marlett | Marlett |
1884 | normal | normal |
1885 | 162 | 162 |
1886 | 58 | 58 |
1887 | Left | Left |
1893 | bold | bold |
1898 | 14 | 14 |
1902 | 需要安全性升級才能播放這個檔案。是否要下載此升級? 升級可能需要數分鐘時間。 |
A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want to download this upgrade? Upgrading may take a few minutes. |
1903 | Windows Media Player 必須連線到網際網路上的 Microsoft 服務以還原您的媒體使用權限。 您要繼續進行嗎? |
Windows Media Player must connect to a Microsoft service on the Internet to restore your media usage rights. Do you want to continue? |
1904 | 目前嘗試使用的檔案需要升級電腦上的軟體元件。建議先關閉 Windows Media Player,然後再升級此元件。 您要移至可協助升級元件的網頁嗎? |
The file that you are trying to use requires a software component on your computer to be upgraded. We recommend that you close Windows Media Player before upgrading the component. Do you want to go to a Web page that can help you upgrade the component? |
1908 | 70 | 70 |
1910 | left | left |
1911 | 開啟自動音量大小 | Turn on Auto Volume Leveling |
1912 | 關閉自動音量大小 | Turn off Auto Volume Leveling |
1913 | 目前的媒體無法使用音量大小功能 | Volume leveling not available for current media |
1914 | 套用於目前媒體的音量大小 | Volume leveling applied to current media |
1915 | 開啟淡入與淡出 | Turn on Crossfading |
1916 | 關閉淡入與淡出 | Turn off Crossfading |
1917 | 選擇秒數以淡入與淡出項目 | Select number of seconds to crossfade items |
1918 | %1.%2 秒重疊 | %1.%2 seconds of overlap |
1919 | 切換控制 | Toggle control |
1920 | 子內容類型 | Subgenre |
1922 | 上次播放日期 | Date last played |
1923 | 上午播放次數 | Play count morning |
1924 | 下午播放次數 | Play count afternoon |
1925 | 夜晚播放次數 | Play count evening |
1926 | 深夜播放次數 | Play count night |
1927 | 非周末播放次數 | Play count weekday |
1928 | 周末播放次數 | Play count weekend |
1933 | 找不到 | Not found |
1934 | 找到 | Found |
1936 | 劇集 | Episode |
1937 | 從檔案 | From file |
1938 | 還原 | Restore |
1945 | 170 | 170 |
1946 | 45 | 45 |
1947 | 90 | 90 |
1948 | 202 | 202 |
1949 | 220 | 220 |
1960 | 120 | 120 |
1961 | 138 | 138 |
1963 | 64 | 64 |
1964 | 174 | 174 |
1965 | Windows Media Player 正在儲存內容。
如果您現在結束,內容可能會不完整。您是否要結束播放程式? |
Windows Media Player is currently saving content.
If you exit now, the content might be incomplete. Are you sure you want to exit the Player? |
1968 | 無法播放以下位置中的許多項目: %s 您是否要從媒體櫃移除無法在該位置找到的檔案? |
Several items from the following location have failed to play: %s Do you want to remove files that cannot be found in that location from the library? |
1969 | 無法播放以下位置中的許多項目: %s 您是否要從媒體櫃移除該位置中的所有項目? |
Several items from the following location have failed to play: %s Do you want to remove all items in that location from the library? |
1970 | 選擇影像大小 | Select video size |
1971 | 以比一般速度慢的速度播放 | Play at slower than normal speed |
1972 | 以比一般速度快的速度播放 | Play at faster than normal speed |
1973 | 以一般速度播放 | Play at normal speed |
1978 | 8 | 8 |
1998 | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Corporation |
1999 | (C) Microsoft Corporation. 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。 | (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
2002 | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaInfo_NowPlaying.htm | res://wmploc.dll/Offline_MediaInfo_NowPlaying.htm |
2012 | 正在尋找播放清單... | Locating playlist... |
2013 | 連線至播放清單... | Connecting to playlist... |
2014 | 載入播放清單... | Loading playlist... |
2015 | 開啟播放清單... | Opening playlist... |
2018 | 媒體變更中... | Media changing... |
2019 | 正在尋找媒體... | Locating media... |
2020 | 連線至媒體... | Connecting to media... |
2021 | 載入媒體... | Loading media... |
2022 | 開啟媒體... | Opening media... |
2023 | 媒體開啟 | Media open |
2024 | 正在擷取轉碼器... | Acquiring codec... |
2025 | 必要的轉碼器 | Codec acquired |
2026 | 正在下載媒體使用權限... | Downloading media usage rights... |
2027 | 媒體使用權限下載完成 | Download complete for media usage rights |
2028 | 正在下載安全性升級... | Downloading security upgrade... |
2029 | 安全性升級完成 | Security upgrade complete |
2030 | 等待中... | Waiting... |
2031 | 正在連線... | Connecting... |
2042 | 已暫停 | Paused |
2043 | 播放 '%s' | Playing '%s' |
2044 | 向前快轉中 | Fast forwarding |
2045 | 倒帶中 | Rewinding |
2046 | 緩衝處理中 | Buffering |
2047 | 等候中 | Waiting |
2049 | 切換中 | Transitioning |
2050 | 就緒 | Ready |
2051 | 正在嘗試重新連線 | Attempting to reconnect |
2059 | 緩衝處理中: %d% 完成 | Buffering: %d% complete |
2060 | 播放 '%s' 中: 已下載 %d%% | Playing '%s': %d%% downloaded |
2061 | 播放 '%s' 中: %d K 位元/秒 | Playing '%s': %d K bits/second |
2062 | 播放 (功能表) | Playing (Menu) |
2063 | 緩衝處理中: %d%% 完成 | Buffering: %d%% complete |
2064 | 已中斷連線 | Disconnected |
2065 | 播放 '%s' 中: %d K 位元/秒 (變動位元速率) | Playing '%s': %d K bits/second (variable bit rate) |
2066 | %sKbps | %sKbps |
2069 | 最佳的串流處理體驗。按一下以查看更多資料。 | Optimized streaming experience. Click to find out more. |
2070 | 專輯:%s | Album: %s |
2071 | 歌曲:%s | Song: %s |
2072 | 演出者:%s | Artist: %s |
2073 | 播放清單: %s | Playlist: %s |
2074 | 短片:%s | Clip: %s |
2075 | 作者:%s | Author: %s |
2076 | 著作權:%s | Copyright: %s |
2077 | 受保護的內容 | Protected Content |
2078 | 驗證的內容來自 %s | Authentic Content from %s |
2079 | 完整接收 | Perfect Reception |
2080 | 網路壅塞 | Network Congestion |
2081 | 接收狀況不佳 | Poor reception |
2082 | 導演: %s | Director: %s |
2083 | 製作公司: %s | Studio: %s |
2084 | 章節 %s | Chapter %s |
2085 | 標題 %s | Title %s |
2086 | %1, %2 | %1, %2 |
2087 | 評等: %s | Rating: %s |
2088 | 主演: %s | Starring: %s |
2090 | 沒有資訊 | No information available |
2091 | %1 / %2 | %1 / %2 |
2092 | 網路太忙無法以原來品質播放檔案 | Network is too busy to play file at original quality |
2095 | 資訊 提供者 | Information provided by |
2097 | 播放 HDCD 音訊 CD | HDCD Audio CD playing |
2098 | 偵測到 HDCD 音訊 CD | HDCD Audio CD detected |
2099 | %s% 已完成 | %s% complete |
2101 | 文字 | Text |
2103 | 目前位置 | Current position |
2105 | 曲目名稱 | Track name |
2106 | 進度列控制 | Progress bar Control |
2107 | 調整鈕控制 | Slider Control |
2108 | 使用向右/向上方向鍵增大,向左/向下方向鍵減小 | Right/Up Arrow to increase, Left/Down Arrow to decrease |
2111 | F9 增大; F8 減小 | F9 Up; F8 Down |
2113 | 按 | Press |
2114 | 空格鍵或 Enter 鍵 | Spacebar or Enter |
2117 | Ctrl+P | Ctrl+P |
2119 | Ctrl+S | Ctrl+S |
2121 | Ctrl+Shift+F | Ctrl+Shift+F |
2123 | Ctrl+Shift+B | Ctrl+Shift+B |
2125 | Ctrl+F | Ctrl+F |
2127 | Ctrl+B | Ctrl+B |
2129 | Ctrl+1 | Ctrl+1 |
2131 | F7 | F7 |
2132 | 最小化視窗 | Minimize Window |
2133 | TBD | TBD |
2134 | 關閉視窗 | Close Window |
2135 | Alt+F4 | Alt+F4 |
2136 | 隨機播放清單 | Shuffle Playlist |
2137 | Ctrl+H | Ctrl+H |
2138 | 重複 | Repeat |
2139 | Ctrl+T | Ctrl+T |
2140 | 影像控制 | Image control |
2150 | 現正播放功能表 | Now Playing menu |
2151 | 隱藏工作列按鈕 | Hide task bar buttons |
2152 | 顯示工作列按鈕 | Show task bar buttons |
2153 | 工作列按鈕 | Task Bar Buttons |
2155 | 功能表存取 | Menu Access |
2158 | 最大化視窗 | Maximize Window |
2165 | 視訊與視覺效果顯示區域 | Video and Visualization display area |
2166 | 內容類型: %s | Genre: %s |
2167 | 標籤: %s | Label: %s |
2168 | 長度:%s | Length: %s |
2169 | AMG 評等: %s 顆星 | AMG Rating: %s stars |
2173 | 顯示視訊和視覺效果視窗 | Show Video and Visualization Window |
2176 | 顯示音量滑桿 | Show Volume Slider |
2180 | 目前播放的內容清單 | List of what's currently playing |
2181 | 使用上下方向鍵尋找清單 | Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the list |
2183 | DVD 選單 | DVD Menu |
2185 | DVD 選單選項 | DVD Menu Options |
2190 | 永遠顯示全螢幕控制項 | Always show full-screen controls |
2191 | 自動隱藏全螢幕控制項 | Hide full-screen controls automatically |
2192 | 鎖定全螢幕控制 | Lock full-screen controls |
2193 | 永遠顯示或自動隱藏全螢幕控制項 (切換) | Always show or autohide full-screen controls (toggle) |
2194 | 快速播放 (1.4x) | Fast Play (1.4x) |
2195 | 更快速播放 (2x) | Faster Play (2x) |
2196 | 向前快轉 (5x) | Fast Forward (5x) |
2199 | Alt+ENTER | Alt+Enter |
2200 | Ctrl+3 | Ctrl+3 |
2201 | 某些檔案已達可燒錄至 CD 的時間限制。 如需詳細資訊,按一下燒錄清單中檔案旁的圖示。 |
Some of the files have reached the limit of times they can be burned to a CD. For more details, click the icon next to the files in the burn list. |
2202 | Windows Media Player 無法燒錄某些檔案。 若要調查問題,按一下燒錄清單中檔案旁的圖示。 |
Windows Media Player cannot burn some of the files. To investigate the problem, click the icon next to the files in the burn list. |
2210 | 最快 | Fastest |
2212 | 適中 | Medium |
2216 | 上一頁 | Back |
2217 | 向後巡覽 | Navigate Back |
2218 | 下一頁 | Forward |
2219 | 向前巡覽 | Navigate Forward |
2242 | 尋找網際網路上的線上商店 | Find online stores on the Internet |
2243 | 廣播 調諧器 |
Radio Tuner |
2244 | 廣播調諧器 | Radio Tuner |
2246 | 線上商店(&O) | &Online stores |
2247 | [現正播放] 功能表 | Now Playing Menu |
2248 | [媒體櫃] 功能表 | Library Menu |
2249 | [擷取] 功能表 | Rip Menu |
2250 | 隱私權 | Privacy |
2251 | [同步處理] 功能表 | Sync Menu |
2252 | [服務] 功能表 | Service Menu |
2253 | 您即將變更隱私權設定,像 Windows Media Player 與其他依賴這些隱私權設定的程式,都會因此改變 Cookie 的處理方式。 | You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other programs that rely on these privacy settings. |
2254 | 在對內容進行串流處理時,播放程式會使用網際網路平台與伺服器溝通連線與記錄資訊,內容提供者會使用播放程式提供服務。若修改 Cookie 設定,將會影響可以存取的資訊內容。 | The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection and logging information to servers when streaming content and is used by content providers to provide services. Modifying your cookie settings will affect the content you can access. |
2255 | 工作溢位 | Task Overflow |
2256 | [燒錄] 功能表 | Burn Menu |
2257 | 以 %s Kbps 速度播放 | Playing at %s Kbps |
2258 | 以 %2 Kbps 速度播放 '%1' | Playing '%1' at %2 Kbps |
2259 | Breadcrumb Bar | Breadcrumb Bar |
2260 | %s Dropdown | %s Dropdown |
2261 | Source Dropdown | Source Dropdown |
2262 | Overflow Dropdown | Overflow Dropdown |
2270 | 安全性 | Security |
2273 | 您即將變更安全性設定,將會影響指令碼與主動式內容在 Windows Media Player 以及其他使用「安全性區域」程式執行的方式。 | You are about to change security settings that will affect the way scripts and active content can run in Windows Media Player and any other programs that use Security Zones. |
2290 | 您目前正以 %2!d! Kbps 取樣率將音樂擷取為 %1!.1023ls!。 | You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! Kbps. |
2291 | 您目前正以 %2!d! 至 %3!d! Kbps 的取樣率將音樂擷取為 %1!.1023ls!。 | You are currently ripping music to %1!.1023ls! at %2!d! to %3!d! Kbps. |
2292 | 擷取選項 | Rip Options |
2293 | 選取下列其中一個選項,然後按一下 [確定]: | Select one of the following options, and then click OK: |
2295 | 無隱藏式輔助字幕。 | Closed captioning not available. |
2297 | 旋轉中繼資料圖示 | Rotate Metadata Icon |
2298 | 狀態圖示 | Status Icon |
2300 | 正在尋找 %1!.1023ls! 伺服器... | Locating %1!.1023ls! server... |
2301 | 正在連線至 %1!.1023ls! 伺服器... | Connecting to %1!.1023ls! server... |
2302 | 正在下載 %1!.1023ls!... | Downloading %1!.1023ls!... |
2303 | 下載 %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% 完成 | Downloading %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% complete |
2304 | 正在安裝 %1!.1023ls!... | Installing %1!.1023ls!... |
2305 | 正在傳送 %1!.1023ls! 的要求... | Sending request for %1!.1023ls!... |
2306 | 下載 %1!.1023ls! 時發生錯誤 | Error downloading %1!.1023ls! |
2307 | 轉碼器 | codec |
2308 | 面板 | skin |
2310 | 自 %1!.1023ls! 下載目錄:%2!d!%% 完成 | Downloading catalog from %1!.1023ls!: %2!d!%% complete |
2311 | 自 %1!.1023ls! 下載目錄已完成。 | Catalog download from %1!.1023ls! has completed. |
2312 | 自 %1!.1023ls! 下載目錄已失敗。 | Catalog download from %1!.1023ls! has failed. |
2319 | 劇集描述 | Episode description |
2321 | 頻道 | Channel |
2322 | 廣播時間 | Broadcast time |
2323 | 註解 | Comment |
2324 | 寬度 | Width |
2325 | 高度 | Height |
2329 | 所有電視 | All TV |
2333 | 已評等的歌曲 | Rated songs |
2334 | 已評等的視訊 | Rated videos |
2335 | 已評等的電視 | Rated TV |
2336 | 已評等的圖片 | Rated pictures |
2337 | 尚未檢視 | Not yet viewed |
2341 | 演員 | Actors |
2350 | 準備同步處理... | Preparing to sync... |
2351 | 已在裝置上 | Already on device |
2352 | 擱置自裝置中移除 | Pending removal from device |
2353 | 自裝置中移除 | Removed from device |
2354 | 無法再配合裝置 | No longer fit on device |
2355 | 更新曲目資訊 | Updated track info |
2358 | 自裝置複製 | Copy from device |
2360 | 處理已完成。 | Processing is completed. |
2361 | 已完成 | Completed |
2363 | 正在檢查媒體檔案... | Checking media files... |
2370 | 伺服器忙碌中,正在重試 | Server is busy, retrying |
2371 | 類別 | Category |
2372 | 已購買的音樂 | Purchased Music |
2373 | 已購買的視訊 | Purchased Videos |
2374 | 尚未儲存您對 '%s' 所做的變更。您是否要儲存變更? | Your changes to '%s' have not been saved. Do you want to save the changes? |
2382 | 您新增的檔案 | Files You Added |
2383 | 先前從裝置複製的內容 | Previously Copied from Device |
2391 | 按下 [上一個] 或 Ctrl+B 以繼續播放 '%s'。 | Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume playing '%s'. |
2392 | 按下 [上一個] 或 Ctrl+B 以繼續上次使用的播放清單。 | Press Previous or Ctrl+B to resume your last playlist. |
2393 | 各種內容類型 | Various Genres |
2396 | 同步化評等 | Sync ratings |
2397 | 如果您要將播放程式媒體櫃中的評等匯出到您的檔案,請按一下 [確定]。請注意,如此執行會覆寫檔案中目前的評等。如果您要個別保留媒體櫃中的評等,按一下 [取消]。 | Click OK if you want to export the ratings in the Player library to your files. Note that doing so overwrites the current ratings in your files. Click Cancel if you want to keep the ratings in your library separate. |
2399 | '%1!.1023ls!' 不是有效的播放清單名稱。請重試。 | '%1!.1023ls!' is not a valid playlist name. Please try again. |
2402 | 2403 (空白) | 2403 (Space) |
2405 | - (連字符號) | - (Dash) |
2406 | . | . |
2407 | . (點) | . (Dot) |
2408 | _ | _ |
2409 | _ (底線) | _ (Underline) |
2420 | 曲目編號 | Track number |
2421 | 歌曲標題 | Song title |
2430 | 01 | 01 |
2431 | 範例歌曲名稱 | Sample Song Name |
2432 | 範例演出者名稱 | Sample Artist Name |
2433 | 範例專輯名稱 | Sample Album Name |
2434 | 範例內容類型名稱 | Sample Genre Name |
2435 | 128Kbps | 128Kbps |
2436 | 每片 CD 約使用 %1!d! MB (%2!.1023ls!) | Uses about %1!d! MB per CD (%2!.1023ls!) |
2437 | 每小時約使用 %1!d! MB (%2!.1023ls!) | Uses about %1!d! MB per hour (%2!.1023ls!) |
2439 | 如果您關閉轉換,Windows Media Player 會同步超過裝置容量的檔案,或裝置不支援其格式的檔案。因此,檔案可能無法在裝置上播放。您確定要關閉轉換嗎? | If you turn off conversion, Windows Media Player may sync files that either exceed the device's capabilities or are in a format that the device does not support. As a result, the files may not be playable on the device. Are you sure you want to turn off conversion? |
2468 | 音樂(&M) | &Music |
2469 | 收音機(&R) | &Radio |
2470 | 視訊(&V) | &Video |
2471 | 新增選取項目到燒錄清單 | Add selection to the Burn List |
2472 | 新增選取項目到同步處理清單 | Add selection to the Sync List |
2473 | 新增選取項目到目前清單 | Add selection to the current list |
2474 | %size% | %size% |
2477 | Windows Media Player 無法儲存唯讀的播放清單。 | Windows Media Player cannot save the read-only playlist. |
2480 | %1!.1023ls![未授權] | %1!.1023ls! [Not Authorized] |
2490 | %d%% (%s) | %d%% (%s) |
2500 | 檢視方式:%s | View By: %s |
2502 | 演出者 \ 專輯 | Artist \ Album |
2504 | 內容類型 \ 專輯 | Genre \ Album |
2505 | 內容類型 \ 演出者 | Genre \ Artist |
2506 | 內容類型 \ 演出者 \ 專輯 | Genre \ Artist \ Album |
2507 | 自動播放清單 | Auto Playlists |
2508 | 我的播放清單 | My Playlists |
2511 | 其他媒體檔案 | Other Media Files |
2513 | 電視 | TV |
2556 | 此視窗包含目前播放項目的資訊,或擱置同步或燒錄作業的相關資訊。 | This window contains information about the currently playing item or information related to a pending sync or burn operation. |
2557 | 立即執行 | Now Doing |
2558 | 插入可寫入光碟片 | Insert a writable disc |
2559 | 連線裝置 | Connect a device |
2561 | 連線燒錄機並重新啟動播放程式 | Connect a burner and restart the Player |
2562 | 下一個裝置 | Next device |
2563 | 下一個光碟機 | Next drive |
2564 | %s 可用 | %s free |
2572 | DVD | DVD |
2573 | 可重複寫入 | Rewritable |
2574 | 資料 | Data |
2577 | 最後一張光碟片剩下 %1 | %1 remaining on last disc |
2579 | 沒有任何項目 | No items |
2580 | 1 個項目 | 1 item |
2581 | 2 個項目 | 2 items |
2582 | 使用者 %d | User %d |
2585 | Windows Media Player 網路共用服務 | Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service |
2588 | 音樂: | Music: |
2589 | 圖片: | Pictures: |
2590 | 錄製的電視: | Recorded TV: |
2591 | 視訊: | Video: |
2592 | 其他: | Other: |
2595 | %1!ld! 個檔案正在等候媒體資訊 / %2!ld! 個檔案正在等候更新 | %1!ld! files waiting for media info / %2!ld! files waiting to be updated |
2596 | 所有下載的媒體資訊與所有更新的檔案 | All media info downloaded and all files updated |
2598 | 媒體分享 (已被您的網路系統管理員停用) | Media Sharing (Disabled by your network administrator) |
2599 | 插入空白 CD | Insert a blank CD |
2600 | 其他項目 | Other Items |
2601 | 需要轉換 | Conversion required |
2602 | 需要下載 | Download required |
2603 | 需要媒體使用權限 | Media usage rights required |
2604 | 媒體使用權限檢視擱置中 | Media usage rights review pending |
2605 | 同步化至裝置 | Synced to device |
2606 | 不適合裝置 | Did not fit on device |
2608 | 檢視媒體使用權限 | Reviewing media usage rights |
2609 | 要自裝置中移除的項目 | Items to be removed from device |
2610 | 將略過 | Will be skipped |
2611 | 跳過 | Skipped |
2612 | 下次將同步 | Will sync next time |
2613 | 已在媒體櫃中 | Already in library |
2614 | 正在進行同步 | Syncing |
2615 | 轉換中 | Converting |
2616 | 正在下載 | Downloading |
2617 | 正在下載媒體使用權限 | Downloading media usage rights |
2618 | 無法設定資訊安全時鐘 | Can't Set Secure Clock |
2619 | %1!.1023ls! %2!u! | %1!.1023ls! %2!u! |
2620 | 從媒體櫃刪除 | Deleted from library |
2621 | 隨機播放的檔案 | Shuffled Files |
2622 | 已篩選 | Filtered |
2700 | Windows Media Player 無法將媒體使用權限備份至 %1!.1023ls! 資料夾。資料夾可能唯讀。 | Windows Media Player cannot back up your media usage rights to the %1!.1023ls! folder. The folder might be read-only. |
2701 | 備份錯誤 | Backup error |
2750 | 選取的檔案具有 Windows Media Player 無法辨識的副檔名 (.%s),但播放程式仍試圖播放。因為播放程式無法辯識副檔名,應確保檔案來自高可信度來源。 | The selected file has an extension (.%s) that is not recognized by Windows Media Player, but the Player may still be able to play it. Because the extension is unknown by the Player, you should be sure that the file comes from a trustworthy source. |
2751 | 不要再問我這個副檔名 (.%s)(&D)。 | &Don't ask me again for this extension (.%s). |
2752 | 您嘗試開啟或播放的 URL 或檔案可能有問題。如果嘗試開啟 URL,該 URL 可能無效。如果嘗試播放檔案,檔案類型無法由 Windows Media Player 辨識,但播放程式仍能播放該檔案。不過,應該只播放來自高可信度來源的檔案。 | There is a problem with the URL or file you are trying to open or play. If you are trying to open an URL, the URL may not be valid. If you are trying to play a file, the file type is not recognized by Windows Media Player, but the Player may still be able to play the file. However, you should only play files from a trustworthy source. |
2753 | 不要再問我這個配置(&D)。 | &Don't ask me again for this scheme. |
2754 | 您試圖播放的檔案副檔名 (.%s) 與檔案格式不符。播放此檔案也許會造成無法預期的行為。 | The file you are attempting to play has an extension (.%s) that does not match the file format. Playing the file may result in unexpected behavior. |
2901 | 下一個 (長按以向前快轉) | Next (press and hold to fast-forward) |
2902 | 長按以向前快轉 | Press and hold to fast-forward |
2904 | 上一個 (長按以倒轉) | Previous (press and hold to rewind) |
2905 | 長按以倒轉 | Press and hold to rewind |
2908 | 顯示我的最愛功能表 | Show Favorites Menu |
3000 | 插入 CD | Insert CD |
3010 | -16 | -16 |
3011 | -8 | -8 |
3012 | -6 | -6 |
3013 | -4 | -4 |
3015 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
3016 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
3017 | 1.4 | 1.4 |
3018 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
3020 | 6 | 6 |
3022 | 16 | 16 |
3023 | 7 | 7 |
3080 | \My Video | \My Video |
3081 | 選擇要儲存視訊的資料夾。 |
Choose a storage folder for video. |
3200 | 準備同步 | Ready to sync |
3201 | 開始同步 | Beginning sync |
3202 | 正在開啟播放清單 (%d%%) | Opening playlists (%d%%) |
3203 | 正在設定裝置 | Setting up device |
3204 | 正在查驗裝置上的檔案 (%d%%) | Verifying files on device (%d%%) |
3205 | 正在決定要同步的檔案 (%d%%) | Determining which files to sync (%d%%) |
3206 | 正在同步檔案至 '%1!.1023ls!' | Synchronizing files to '%1!.1023ls!' |
3207 | 正在決定要移除的檔案 | Determining which files to remove |
3208 | 正在將評等和播放次數與裝置同步 (%d%%) | Synchronizing ratings and play counts with device (%d%%) |
3209 | 正在移除檔案 (%d%%) | Removing files (%d%%) |
3210 | 正在嘗試移除優先順序較低的檔案 | Attempting to remove lower priority files |
3211 | 正在等候轉換 | Waiting for conversion |
3212 | 媒體使用權限下載擱置 | Download pending for media usage rights |
3213 | 正在等候內容提供者核准 | Waiting for content provider approval |
3214 | 正在等待下載 | Waiting for download |
3215 | 正在移除資料夾 (%d%%) | Removing folders (%d%%) |
3216 | 正在同步播放清單 (%d%%) | Synchronizing playlists (%d%%) |
3217 | 正在更新裝置上的媒體使用權限 | Updating media usage rights on device |
3218 | 正在要求內容提供者裝置更新 | Requesting content provider device updates |
3219 | 同步處理完成 | Sync is complete |
3240 | 普遍級 | G |
3241 | @ | @ |
3242 | 保護級 | PG |
3243 | 輔導級 | PG-13 |
3245 | 限制級 | R |
3246 | NC-17 | NC-17 |
3247 | 未分級 | Not rated |
3251 | 角度 %d | Angle %d |
3253 | 曲目 %d | Audio Track %d |
3254 | 樂曲 %d | Track %d |
3255 | (供視覺障礙者) | (for visually impaired) |
3256 | (導演註解 1) | (director's comments 1) |
3257 | (導演註解 2) | (director's comments 2) |
3258 | 較大字型的輔助字幕 | Caption with bigger size characters |
3259 | 給小孩看的輔助字幕 | Caption for children |
3260 | 隱藏式輔助字幕 | Closed Caption |
3261 | 較大字型的隱藏式輔助字幕 | Closed Caption with bigger size characters |
3262 | 給小孩看的隱藏式輔助字幕 | Closed Caption for children |
3263 | 強制性輔助字幕 | Forced Caption |
3264 | 導演註釋 | Director's comments |
3265 | 大字型導演註釋 | Director's comments with bigger size characters |
3266 | 導演給兒童的註釋 | Director's comments for children |
3267 | 功能無法使用 | Feature not available |
3268 | 儲存擷取的影像 | Save Captured Image |
3269 | 功能表 | Menu |
3270 | 開啟功能表 (上層功能表) | Open Menu (Top Menu) |
3271 | 關閉功能表 (繼續) | Close Menu (Resume) |
3272 | 關閉功能表 | Close Menu |
3273 | 若要檢視此區段,請輸入管理員的使用者名稱與密碼 | To view this segment, type an administrator user name and password |
3274 | Windows 登入 | Windows Logon |
3275 | 您必須建立適當的 Windows 使用者帳戶及密碼,DVD 家長監護設定才能發揮效果。 | You must set up appropriate Windows user accounts and passwords for the DVD parental control setting to take effect. |
3276 | Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 片段,因為這個片段的家長分級
高於授權給您的檢視分級。 |
Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD segment because the segment has a parental
rating higher than the rating you are authorized to view. |
3278 | JPEG%c*.JPG%cWindows Bitmap%c*.BMP%c | JPEG%c*.JPG%cWindows Bitmap%c*.BMP%c |
3279 | 此命令會覆寫您對所選光碟標題或章節名稱的變更。
您要繼續進行嗎? |
This command overwrites any changes you have made to the selected disc's title or chapter names.
Do you want to continue? |
3280 | 您的系統設定為 DVD 區域%1!d!。若要播放這片 DVD,請將您的系統設定為區域 %2!.1023ls!。 | Your system is set to DVD region %1!d!. To play this DVD, set your system to region %2!.1023ls!. |
3281 | %d | %d |
3282 | %d 或區域 %d | %d or region %d |
3283 | %d、%d 或區域 %d | %d, %d, or region %d |
3284 | %d、%d、%d 或區域 %d | %d, %d, %d, or region %d |
3285 | %d、%d、%d、%d 或區域 %d | %d, %d, %d, %d, or region %d |
3286 | 目前的分級限制: %s | Current rating restriction: %s |
3288 | 擷取影像(&I) Ctrl+I | Capture &Image Ctrl+I |
3289 | 使用者名稱或密碼不正確。請輸入管理員的使用者名稱與密碼。 | The user name or password is incorrect. Type an administrator user name and password. |
3291 | 兩個聲道 | Both channels |
3292 | 預設值(&D)... | &Defaults... |
3293 | (影片預設值) | (Title Default) |
3295 | (隱藏式輔助字幕) | (Closed Captions) |
3296 | %s [%s] | %s [%s] |
3297 | 左聲道 | Left channel |
3298 | 右聲道 | Right channel |
3299 | 此檔案未受保護 | This file is not protected |
3301 | 提供的內容受 %s 的保護 | Protected content provided courtesy of %s |
3302 | 無法在此電腦上播放此檔案 | This file cannot be played on this computer |
3303 | 只能在此電腦上播放此檔案 | This file can be played only on this computer |
3310 | 此檔案無播放次數限制 | This file can be played an unlimited number of times |
3311 | 您沒有播放此檔案的權限 | You do not have the rights to play this file |
3312 | 此檔案只能再播放 %1!d! 次 | This file can be played %1!d! more times |
3313 | 此檔案只能再播放一次 | This file can be played once more |
3314 | %1!.1023ls! 之後便無法播放此檔案 | This file can be played until %1!.1023ls! |
3315 | %1!.1023ls! 之後才能播放此檔案 | This file can be played after %1!.1023ls! |
3316 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前可再播放 %2!d! 次 | This file can be played %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! |
3317 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前只能再播放一次 | This file can be played once more until %1!.1023ls! |
3318 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案可播放 %2!d! 次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played %2!d! times |
3319 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案可再播放一次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be played once more |
3320 | 此檔案在第一次使用之後可播放 %1!d! 小時 | This file can be played for %1!d! hours after first use |
3325 | 此檔案無同步次數限制 | This file can be synchronized an unlimited number of times |
3326 | 此檔案無法同步 | This file cannot be synchronized |
3327 | 此檔案可再同步 %1!d! 次 | This file can be synchronized %1!d! more times |
3328 | 此檔案只能再同步一次 | This file can be synchronized once more |
3329 | %1!.1023ls! 之後便無法同步此檔案 | This file can be synchronized until %1!.1023ls! |
3330 | %1!.1023ls! 之後才能同步此檔案 | This file can be synchronized after %1!.1023ls! |
3331 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前可再同步 %2!d! 次 | This file can be synchronized %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! |
3332 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前只能再同步一次 | This file can be synchronized once more until %1!.1023ls! |
3333 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案只能再同步 %2!d! 次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized %2!d! times |
3334 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案可再同步一次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be synchronized once more |
3335 | 此檔案在第一次使用之後可同步 %1!d! 小時 | This file can be synchronized for %1!d! hours after first use |
3340 | 此檔案無燒錄次數限制 | This file can be burned an unlimited number of times |
3341 | 無法燒錄此檔案 | This file cannot be burned |
3342 | 此檔案可再燒錄 %1!d! 次 | This file can be burned %1!d! more times |
3343 | 此檔案只能再燒錄一次 | This file can be burned once more |
3344 | %1!.1023ls! 之後便無法燒錄此檔案 | This file can be burned until %1!.1023ls! |
3345 | %1!.1023ls! 之後才能燒錄此檔案 | This file can be burned after %1!.1023ls! |
3346 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前只能再燒錄 %2!d! 次 | This file can be burned %2!d! more times until %1!.1023ls! |
3347 | 此檔案在 %1!.1023ls! 之前只能再燒錄一次 | This file can be burned once more until %1!.1023ls! |
3348 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案可燒錄 %2!d! 次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned %2!d! times |
3349 | 在 %1!.1023ls! 之後,此檔案可再燒錄一次 | After %1!.1023ls!, this file can be burned once more |
3350 | 此檔案在第一次使用之後可以燒錄 %1!d! 小時 | This file can be burned for %1!d! hours after first use |
3361 | 可以備份此檔案的媒體使用權限 | The media usage rights for this file can be backed up |
3362 | 無法備份此檔案的媒體使用權限 | The media usage rights for this file cannot be backed up |
3380 | 允許以共用播放清單方式播放 | Collaborative play for this file is allowed |
3381 | 不允許以共用播放清單方式播放 | Collaborative play for this file is not allowed |
3382 | (需要可播放訂閱檔案的裝置) | (Requires a device that can play subscription files) |
3383 | 此檔案遺失媒體使用權限 | This file is missing media usage rights |
3400 | 若有的話開啟(&N) | O&n if available |
3401 | 關閉(&F) | O&ff |
3402 | 語系 %d | Language %d |
3403 | 樣式 %d | Style %d |
3404 | %s Ctrl+Shift+C | %s Ctrl+Shift+C |
3411 | 專輯(&A) | &Albums |
3412 | 演出者(&T) | Ar&tists |
3413 | 內容類型(&G) | &Genres |
3414 | 我的播放清單(&P) | My &playlists |
3415 | 廣播電台(&R) | &Radio stations |
3416 | 自動播放清單(&U) | A&uto playlists |
3417 | 所有音樂(&M) | All &music |
3418 | 所有視訊(&V) | All &videos |
3420 | 外掛程式 '%1!.1023ls!' 正忙碌中,原因如下: %2!.1023ls! 如果現在結束的話,有些資料可能會遺失。 您是否要結束 Windows Media Player? |
The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason: %2!.1023ls! If you exit now, some data may be lost. Are you sure you want to exit Windows Media Player? |
3421 | 外掛程式 '%1!.1023ls!' 正忙碌中,原因如下: %2!.1023ls! 若要關閉外掛程式,請結束 Windows Media Player。 |
The plug-in '%1!.1023ls!' is busy for the following reason: %2!.1023ls! To close the plug-in, exit Windows Media Player. |
3500 | Windows Media Player 內容 | Windows Media Player Properties |
3503 | 未知的應用程式 | Unknown Application |
3504 | 播放程式沒有內嵌任何控制項,只顯示視訊或視覺效果視窗。 | Player is embedded without controls, and with only the video or visualization window displayed. |
3505 | 播放程式除了內嵌顯示視訊或視覺效果視窗之外,還有狀態視窗,以及播放/暫停、停止、靜音及音量控制。 | Player is embedded with the status window, play/pause, stop, mute, and volume controls shown in addition to the video or visualization window. |
3506 | 播放程式除了內嵌視訊或視覺效果視窗之外,還有狀態視窗、搜尋列,以及播放/暫停、停止、靜音、上一個、下一個、向前快轉、快速倒轉及音量控制。 | Player is embedded with the status window, seek bar, play/pause, stop, mute, next, previous, fast forward, fast reverse, and volume controls in addition to the video or visualization window. |
3507 | 播放程式沒有內嵌任何控制項,也不顯示任何視訊或視覺效果視窗,或任何使用者介面。 | Player is embedded without controls, and with no video or visualization window, or any user interface displayed. |
3508 | SAMI 檔 (*.smi)%c*.smi%c | SAMI File (*.smi)%c*.smi%c |
3509 | 無法載入一或多個內容。 | One or more properties could not be loaded. |
3510 | 無法儲存一或多個內容。 | One or more properties could not be saved. |
3700 | Windows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作,因為 [家長監護] 中的 [網站篩選] 已開啟。若要啟用此動作,請要求您的電腦系統管理員關閉您帳戶的 [網站篩選]。 | Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the Parental Controls Web Filter is turned on. To enable this action, ask your computer administrator to turn off the Web Filter for your user account. |
3900 | 移至 S.R.S. 網站 | Go to S.R.S. website |
3901 | True Bass 設定 | True Bass setting |
3903 | 播放速度: | Play speed: |
3906 | 開啟圖形等化器 | Turn on graphic equalizer |
3907 | 關閉圖形等化器 | Turn off graphic equalizer |
3908 | 啟用和停用圖形等化器 (切換) | Enable and disable graphic equalizer (toggle) |
3909 | 預設設定 | Presets |
3930 | Invalid Args | Invalid Args |
3931 | Action Failed | Action Failed |
3932 | Invalid connection reference | Invalid connection reference |
3933 | Transition not available | Transition not available |
3934 | Transport is locked | Transport is locked |
3935 | Seek mode not supported | Seek mode not supported |
3936 | Resource not found | Resource not found |
3937 | Play speed not supported | Play speed not supported |
3938 | Invalid InstanceID | Invalid InstanceID |
3939 | Invalid Name | Invalid Name |
3941 | Unknown Error %1!d! | Unknown Error %1!d! |
4573 | 開啟隨機播放與重複播放 | Turn on shuffle and repeat |
4574 | 關閉隨機播放與重複播放 | Turn off shuffle and repeat |
4582 | 正在同步處理 | Synchronizing |
4700 | 瀏覽所有線上商店(&B) | &Browse all online stores |
4703 | 線上 商店 |
Online Stores |
4704 | 了解可用的線上商店 | Learn about available online stores |
4705 | 新增目前服務至功能表(&A) | &Add current service to menu |
4706 | 自功能表移除目前的服務(&R) | &Remove current service from menu |
4707 | 線上商店說明(&H)... | &Help with stores... |
4708 | 媒體導覽(&G) | Media &Guide |
4709 | 下列線上商店要求您選取: %s 您是否要立即選取它? |
The following online store is requesting to be selected: %s Do you want to switch to it now? |
4805 | 繼續之前,請輸入您的裝置名稱。 | Enter a name for your device before continuing. |
4806 | Windows Media Player can sync automatically with up to 16 devices. Turn off automatic sync for an unused device before continuing. | Windows Media Player can sync automatically with up to 16 devices. Turn off automatic sync for an unused device before continuing. |
4807 | 此裝置可以顯示圖片,但您必須先將圖片新增至媒體櫃,才能將它們同步到裝置。 | This device can display pictures, but you must add them to the library before the pictures can be synchronized to the device. |
4808 | 您必須選取一或多個播放清單以同步。 | You must select one or more playlists to sync. |
4809 | 您是否要新增圖片到媒體櫃? | Do you want to add pictures to the library? |
4810 | 否(&O),我稍後會新增圖片 | N&o, I will add pictures later |
4811 | 這個裝置的儲存容量少於執行自動同步所建議的最小大小,確定要繼續嗎? | The storage capacity of this device is less than the minimum size that is recommended for automatic sync. Are you sure you want to continue? |
4812 | 已選擇此類別中所有的播放清單,或在您的媒體櫃中沒有此類型的播放清單。 | All playlists in this category are already selected, or no playlists of this type are in your library. |
4813 | 播放清單的清單中至少必須有一個播放清單,才能夠同步處理。 | At least one playlist must be in the list of playlists to sync. |
4815 | 同步播放清單 | Sync playlists |
4816 | 個人播放清單 | Personal playlists |
4820 | 此播放清單未包含項目。 | This playlist contains no items. |
4821 | 您確定要刪除 '%s' (來自 '%s') 嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete '%s' from '%s'? |
4822 | 您確定要刪除 %d 個選取項目 (來自 '%s') 嗎? | Are you sure you want to delete the %d selected items from '%s'? |
4823 | 您要從裝置中刪除的數位媒體檔案可能尚未複製到您的電腦中。如果您繼續進行,這些檔案將永久從裝置中移除。您要繼續嗎? | The digital media files you are about to delete from the device may not have been copied to your computer. If you continue, the files will be permanently removed from the device. Do you want to continue? |
4824 | 正在刪除檔案... | Deleting files... |
4826 | 變更資料夾 | Change Folder |
4827 | 繼續之前,請輸入 1 到 %ld MB 之間的大小 (磁碟大小)。 | Enter a size between 1 and %ld MB (the size of disk) before continuing. |
4830 | 當您按一下 [完成] 時,會更新您的裝置,以反映您的 Windows Media Player 媒體櫃。日後只要您連線到電腦,便會更新該裝置。 | When you click Finish, your device will be updated to mirror your Windows Media Player library. In the future, the device will be updated whenever you connect it to your computer. |
4834 | 在 [同步處理] 索引標籤中,建立您要新增到裝置中的項目清單,並按一下 [開始同步]。每次您要更新裝置時即重複此步驟。 | On the Sync tab, create a list of items you want to add to your device, and then click Start Sync. Repeat this step every time you want to update your device. |
4838 | %d%% 已滿 | %d%% full |
4839 | 已填裝 | Filled |
4840 | 計算中 ... | Calculating ... |
4841 | 已填滿 (在同步之後) | Filled (after sync) |
4842 | 正在進行同步... | Sync in progress ... |
4850 | (%1!d!%%) 正在進行同步 | (%1!d!%%) Sync in progress |
4851 | (%2!d!%%) 正在同步處理 '%1!.1023ls!' | (%2!d!%%) Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!' |
4853 | 正在同步處理 '%1!.1023ls!' | Synchronizing '%1!.1023ls!' |
4854 | 偵測到 '%1!.1023ls!' | Detected '%1!.1023ls!' |
4855 | 正在重新整理裝置 | Refreshing devices |
4856 | 已完成裝置重新整理 | Completed refreshing devices |
4900 | 此網頁來自未知的來源。 | This web page is from an unknown source. |
4901 | Windows Media Player 無法判斷下列網頁的網域。該網頁可能來自不受信任的來源。 | Windows Media Player could not determine the domain of the web page below. It may originate from an untrusted source. |
4902 | 無此網頁的安全性加密。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There is no security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4903 | 此網頁上有多個安全性加密方法。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There are multiple security encryption methods present for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4904 | 此網頁的安全性加密層級不明。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | The security encryption level for this web page is not known. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4905 | 此網頁有 40 位元安全性加密。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There is 40-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4906 | 此網頁有 56 位元安全性加密。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There is 56-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4907 | 此網頁有 Fortezza 安全性加密。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There is Fortezza security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4908 | 此網頁有 128 位元安全性加密。按一下此處以檢視數位憑證資訊。 | There is 128-bit security encryption for this web page. Click here to view digital certificate information. |
4920 | 取消升級中... | Cancelling upgrade... |
4921 | 正在連線到伺服器... | Connecting to server... |
4922 | 已成功升級元件。 | The component was upgraded successfully. |
4923 | 無法升級元件,因為已發生網路錯誤。若要再試一次,按一下 [重試]。 | The component could not be upgraded because a network error occurred. To try again, click Retry. |
4924 | 無法升級元件。 | The component could not be upgraded. |
4925 | 正在下載... | Downloading... |
4926 | 已完成下載。 | Downloading is complete. |
4927 | 升級中... | Upgrading... |
5100 | 正在開啟... | Opening... |
5401 | 新增到 %s(&A) | &Add to %s |
5402 | 新增(&N) | &New |
5404 | '%1' - '%2' 已新增至清單 | '%1' by '%2' added to list |
5405 | '%1' 已新增至清單 | '%1' added to list |
5406 | 現正播放清單 | Now Playing list |
5407 | 燒錄清單 | Burn list |
5408 | 同步處理清單 | Sync list |
5409 | 現正播放清單(&L) | Now Playing &list |
5411 | 新增到 '%s' | Add to '%s' |
5412 | %d 個項目已新增至清單 | %d item added to list |
5415 | 上次播放 | Last Played |
5416 | 使用核取方塊來選擇您要同步的項目。清除您不要同步的核取方塊。 按一下 [開始同步] 以傳送所選的項目。 |
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to sync. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to sync. Click Start Sync to transfer the selected items. |
5417 | 使用核取方塊來選擇您要燒錄的項目。清除您不要燒錄的核取方塊。 按一下 [開始燒錄] 以燒錄所選的項目。 |
Use the check boxes to choose the items you want to burn. Clear the check boxes of the items you do not want to burn. Click Start Burn to burn the selected items to disc. |
5418 | 燒錄清單(&L) | Burn &list |
5419 | 同步處理清單(&L) | Sync &list |
5420 | FPS | FPS |
5421 | 視訊轉碼器 | Video codec |
5422 | 視訊位元速率 | Video bit rate |
5423 | 音訊轉碼器 | Audio codec |
5424 | 音訊位元速率 | Audio bit rate |
5425 | 單聲道 | mono |
5426 | 立體聲 | stereo |
5427 | %lu 聲道 | %lu channels |
5428 | %1!.1023ls!,%2!.1023ls! kHz,%3!.1023ls! 位元,%4!.1023ls! | %1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! kHz, %3!.1023ls!-bit, %4!.1023ls! |
5442 | 新增到 '%s'(&A) | &Add to '%s' |
5443 | %s 清單 (僅我的最愛)(&F) | %s list (&Favorites only) |
5447 | 錯誤選項(&S) | Error Option&s |
5451 | 購買 %s | Buy %s |
5465 | 共用視訊 | Shared Videos |
5466 | 分享音樂 | Shared Music |
5467 | 分享圖片 | Shared Pictures |
5468 | 連絡遠端媒體櫃 ... | Contacting the remote media library ... |
5469 | 正在喚醒遠端媒體櫃 ... | Waking the remote media library ... |
5470 | 無燒錄權限。當您按一下 [開始燒錄] 時,會提示您購買此檔案。 | No burn rights. When you click Start Burn, you will be prompted to buy this file. |
5471 | 無燒錄權限。當您嘗試將此檔案燒錄到音訊 CD 時,會提示您購買燒錄權限。 | No burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD. |
5472 | 當您按一下 [開始同步] 時,將驗證這些檔案的同步權限。 | Sync rights for these files will be verified when you click Start Sync. |
5473 | 無同步權限。Windows Media Player 在同步期間會嘗試自動取得同步權限。 | No sync rights. Windows Media Player will try to get sync rights automatically during sync. |
5474 | 無法聯繫遠端媒體櫃。按一下這裡從清單中移除該媒體櫃。 | The remote media library could not be contacted. Click here to remove the media library from the list. |
5500 | 長條圖與波紋 | Bars and Waves |
5501 | 長條圖 | Bars |
5502 | 深海迷霧 | Ocean Mist |
5503 | 烈火風暴 | Fire Storm |
5504 | 領域 | Scope |
5505 | 穗狀 | Spikes |
5507 | 變形蟲 | Amoeba |
5508 | 粒子 | Particle |
5510 | 旋轉粒子 | Rotating Particle |
5511 | %d x %d 像素 | %d by %d pixels |
5512 | 這個集合包括長條圖、深海迷霧及烈火風暴視覺效果。 | This collection includes the Bars, Ocean Mist and Fire Storm visualizations. |
5513 | 這個集合包括穗狀與變形蟲視覺效果。 | This collection includes the Spike and Amoeba visualizations. |
5514 | 這個集合包括粒子及旋轉粒子視覺效果。 | This collection includes the Particle and Rotating Particle visualizations. |
5516 | 漩渦 | Swirl |
5517 | 黑洞 | Warp |
5518 | 風火輪 | Anon |
5519 | 盛開 | Falloff |
5520 | 水波 | Water |
5521 | 泡沫 | Bubble |
5522 | 暈眩 | Dizzy |
5523 | 氣流 | Windmill |
5524 | 大瀑布 | Niagara |
5525 | 混合 | Blender |
5526 | X 點 | X Marks the Spot |
5527 | 下漩 | Down the Drain |
5528 | 氣氛 | Ambience |
5529 | 這個集合包括隨機、漩渦、黑洞、風火輪、盛開、水波、泡沫、暈眩、氣流、大瀑布、混合、X 點、物件及下漩視覺效果。 | This collection includes the Random, Swirl, Warp, Anon, Falloff, Water, Bubble, Dizzy, Windmill, Niagara, Blender, X Marks The Spot, Thingus and Down The Drain visualizations. |
5530 | 外型 | Plenoptic |
5531 | 這個集合包括隨機、霧圈、霧線、聲調、火焰及噴泉視覺效果。 | This collection includes the Random, Smokey Circles, Smokey Lines, Vox, Flame and Fountain visualizations. |
5533 | 霧圈 | Smokey Circles |
5534 | 霧線 | Smokey Lines |
5535 | 聲調 | Vox |
5536 | 火焰 | Flame |
5537 | 噴泉 | Fountain |
5538 | 探測 | Spyro |
5539 | 物件 | Thingus |
5600 | 專輯封面(&B) | Al&bum Art |
5609 | 重新整理 | Refresh |
5610 | 首頁 | Home |
5700 | 朝露嬉春 | brightsphere |
5701 | 流星雨 | cominatcha |
5702 | 蒲公英 | dandelionaid |
5703 | 流逝 | drinkdeep |
5704 | 電離雲 | eletriarnation |
5705 | 放射星雲 | cottonstar |
5706 | 綠寶迷宮 | gemstonematrix |
5707 | 褐色漩渦 | sepiaswirl |
5708 | 雪之舞 | event horizon |
5709 | 迷惘 | illuminator |
5710 | 洞悉 | i see the truth |
5711 | 萬花筒 | kaleidovision |
5712 | 綠色旋律 | green is not your enemy |
5713 | 蓮花 | lotus |
5714 | 靜湖漣漪 | relatively calm |
5715 | 雪暴 | sleepyspray |
5716 | 水霧 | smoke or water? |
5717 | 遐想 | back to the groove |
5718 | 蜘網終曲... | spider's last moment... |
5719 | 莓紅繽紛 | strawberryaid |
5720 | 太極 | the world |
5721 | 夢幻拍檔 | dance of the freaky circles |
5722 | 龍捲風 | my tornado is resting |
5723 | 蘊育 | hizodge |
5724 | 化學變化 | chemicalnova |
5800 | 未知的外掛程式 | Unknown Plug-in |
5801 | 這個外掛程式沒有任何描述 | No description was given for this plug-in |
5822 | 5823 這個外掛程式是用於顯示額外的媒體資訊。 | 5823 This plug-in is used for displaying additional media information. |
5824 | 背景下載管理員 | Background Download Manager |
5825 | 這個外掛程式會顯示 Windows Media Player 以背景模式下載的檔案清單。 | This plug-in lists files being downloaded in the background by Windows Media Player. |
5900 | 已排入佇列 | Queued |
5901 | 正在連線 | Connecting |
5902 | 正在下載 (%d / %d 位元組) | Downloading (%d of %d bytes) |
5904 | 錯誤 - %s | Error - %s |
5907 | 已複製 | Copied |
5909 | 處理中 | Processing |
5930 | 來自 %2!.1023ls! 的網頁要求對您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃擁有「%1!.1023ls!」存取權限。 | A Web page from %2!.1023ls! is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. |
5931 | 安裝在您電腦上的網頁或範本 %2!.1023ls! 要求對您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃擁有「%1!.1023ls!」存取權限。 | The Web page or template %2!.1023ls! installed on your computer is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. |
5932 | 面板 %2!.1023ls! 要求對您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃擁有「%1!.1023ls!」存取權限。 | The skin %2!.1023ls! is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. |
5933 | 安裝在您電腦上的應用程式要求對您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃擁有「%1!.1023ls!」存取權限。 | An application installed on your computer is requesting %1!.1023ls! access rights to your digital media files and library. |
5934 | 您是否要允許網頁 %1!.1023ls! 存取您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃? | Do you want to allow the Web page %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? |
5935 | 您是否要允許安裝於您電腦上的網頁或範本 %1!.1023ls! 存取您的數位媒體與媒體櫃? | Do you want to allow the Web page or template installed on your computer %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? |
5936 | 您是否要允許面板 %1!.1023ls! 存取您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃? | Do you want to allow the skin %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? |
5937 | 您是否要允許安裝於您電腦上的應用程式 %1!.1023ls! 存取您的數位媒體檔案與媒體櫃? | Do you want to allow the application installed on your computer %1!.1023ls! to access your digital media files and library? |
5938 | 讀取 | read |
5939 | 完整 | full |
5955 | 您正在從 %2!.1023ls! 下載面板檔案: %1!.1023ls!。 | You are downloading the skin file: %1!.1023ls! from %2!.1023ls!. |
6500 | 播放音樂檔案 | Play the music files |
6501 | 播放視訊檔案 | Play the video files |
6503 | 播放音訊 CD | Play audio CD |
6504 | 播放 DVD 影片 | Play DVD movie |
6505 | 燒錄音訊 CD | Burn an audio CD |
6507 | 播放視訊 CD | Play Video CD |
6508 | 播放超級視訊 CD | Play Super Video CD |
6594 | 下一個裝置/光碟機 | Next Device/Drive |
6596 | 1 顆星 | 1 star |
6597 | 2 顆星 | 2 stars |
6598 | %s 顆星 | %s stars |
6599 | 購買內容 | Buy Content |
6607 | 連接燒錄機並 | Connect a burner and |
6608 | 重新啟動播放程式 | restart the player |
6610 | 總計 %s | %s total |
6612 | 正在燒錄: %s% 已完成 | Burning: %s% completed |
6613 | 商店 | Shop |
6614 | 燒錄狀態 | Burn status |
6615 | 同步狀態 | Sync status |
6616 | 正在清除: %s% 已完成 | Erasing: %s% completed |
6617 | %1 可用 (共 %2 分鐘) | %1 free of %2 mins |
6618 | %1 可用,共 %2 | %1 free of %2 |
6619 | 評等: 1 顆星 | Rate: 1 star |
6620 | 評等: %s 顆星 | Rate: %s stars |
6622 | 同步裝置 | Sync Device |
6623 | 燒錄磁碟機 | Burn Drive |
7000 | Skins | Skins |
7100 | 正在連線到 %s | Connecting to %s |
7101 | 正在連線到 Proxy 伺服器 %s | Connecting to proxy server %s |
7200 | 或 | OR |
7201 | 及 | AND |
7202 | 非 | NOT |
7204 | + | + |
7205 | ( | ( |
7206 | ) | ) |
7207 | has: | has: |
7208 | is: | is: |
7209 | : | : |
7210 | 之前: | before: |
7211 | 之後: | after: |
7212 | " | " |
7213 | .. | .. |
7215 | 計數 | Count |
7216 | %ds | %ds |
7220 | 音訊 CD (%s) | Audio CD (%s) |
7221 | %d 首歌 | %d Song |
7223 | %1!.1023ls! 張專輯,%2!.1023ls! 首歌曲 | %1!.1023ls! Albums, %2!.1023ls! Songs |
7224 | %d 個項目 | %d Item |
7248 | Windows Media Player 找不到此檔案。檔案已被刪除或移除,或是路徑不正確。按一下以取得更選項。 | Windows Media Player cannot locate this file. The file may have been deleted or moved, or the path may be incorrect. Click for more options. |
7262 | 少於 1 分鐘 | Less than one minute |
7263 | 超過 15 分鐘 | More than 15 minutes |
7264 | 少於 10 分鐘 | Less than 10 minutes |
7265 | 超過 4 小時 | More than four hours |
7266 | 少於 1 小時 | Less than one hour |
7267 | 超過 24 小時 | More than 24 hours |
7271 | 依 '%s' 排序(&S) | &Sort by '%s' |
7272 | 依 '%s' 堆疊(&T) | S&tack by '%s' |
7283 | 其他檢視 | Additional Views |
7284 | 主要檢視 | Primary Views |
7285 | 在此貼上圖片 | Paste Art Here |
7288 | 少於 1 MB | Less than one MB |
7289 | 超過 10 MB | More than ten MB |
7294 | 繼續播放 '%s' | Continuing playback of '%s' |
7295 | 檢視清單 | to view the list |
7297 | 立即取得 %1!.1023ls!(&N) | Get %1!.1023ls! &Now |
7299 | 免費 | Free |
7300 | ?? | ?? |
7302 | 動作 | Action |
7311 | 未知的年份 | Unknown Year |
7313 | %1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! | %1!.1023ls!, %2!.1023ls! |
7314 | %1!.1023ls! 的媒體櫃 | %1!.1023ls!'s Library |
7315 | 已選取 %1!.1023ls!,總計 %2!.1023ls! | %1!.1023ls! selected, %2!.1023ls! total |
7505 | 服務選取器 | Service Selector |
7506 | 檢視工具列 | View Toolbar |
7507 | 搜尋字符 | Search Glyph |
7509 | 詳細資料窗格 | Details Pane |
7510 | 工具列右側的清單窗格 | List Pane Right Toolbar |
7511 | 清單窗格命令列 | List Pane Command Bar |
7512 | 搜尋編輯方塊 | Search Edit Box |
7513 | 搜尋類別 | Select a category |
7514 | 跳至 %1!.1023ls! | Jump to %1!.1023ls! |
7515 | 檢視選項 | View options |
7516 | 配置選項 | Layout options |
7517 | 選擇清單窗格選項 | Select list pane options |
7518 | 清除清單窗格 | Clear list pane |
7519 | 儲存清單(&S) | &Save list |
7520 | 開始燒錄(&S) | &Start burn |
7521 | 擷取 CD(&I) | R&ip CD |
7522 | 停止擷取(&I) | Stop r&ip |
7523 | 取消燒錄(&A) | C&ancel burn |
7524 | 以建立播放清單。 | to create a playlist. |
7525 | 以建立燒錄清單。 | to create a burn list. |
7526 | 以建立同步處理清單。 | to create a list to sync. |
7527 | 命令工具列 | Command Toolbar |
7528 | 擷取設定(&E) | Rip s&ettings |
7529 | 按一下這裡 | Click here |
7530 | 列出標題 | List Title |
7531 | 到 '%1!.1023ls!'。 | to '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7532 | 自 '%1!.1023ls!'。 | from '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7533 | 此檔案無法燒錄至光碟片中。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | This file cannot be burned to a disc. Click the icon for more information. |
7534 | 此類型檔案無法燒錄至音訊 CD。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | This type of file cannot be burned to an audio CD. Click the icon for more information. |
7536 | 清除搜尋 | Clear search |
7537 | 音訊品質(&U) | A&udio Quality |
7538 | %d Kbps (最小大小) | %d Kbps (Smallest Size) |
7541 | %d Kbps (最佳品質) | %d Kbps (Best Quality) |
7542 | 儲存於位置編輯方塊 | Save in Place Edit Box |
7544 | 燒錄 '%1!.1023ls!' 清單至光碟機 %2!.1023ls!(&B) | &Burn '%1!.1023ls!' List to Drive %2!.1023ls! |
7545 | 燒錄 '%1!.1023ls!'(&B) | &Burn '%1!.1023ls!' |
7546 | 自 %1!.1023ls! 取得檔案權限(&G) | &Get Rights for File from %1!.1023ls! |
7547 | 自 %1!.1023ls! 取得清單中所有檔案的權限(&A) | Get Rights from %1!.1023ls! for &All Files in List |
7548 | 從清單中移除全部有問題的 %1!.1023ls! 檔案(&F) | Remove All %1!.1023ls! &Files with Problems from List |
7549 | 您必須先取得更多燒錄權限,再燒錄此檔案。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | You must get more burn rights before you can burn this file. Click the icon for more information. |
7550 | 您必須先取得更多同步權限,再同步此檔案。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | You must get more sync rights before you can sync this file. Click the icon for more information. |
7551 | Windows Media Player 遇到錯誤。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | Windows Media Player encountered an error. Click the icon for more information. |
7552 | 擷取 '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) | Rip '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) |
7553 | 顯示清單窗格 | Show list pane |
7554 | 搜尋選項 | Search options |
7555 | 您可以使用 [同步處理] 索引標籤來檢視裝置上的檔案,以及新增或刪除檔案。 | You can use the Sync tab to view the files on your device and to add or delete files. |
7556 | 以便移至 [同步處理] 索引標籤。 | to go to the Sync tab. |
7557 | 建立播放清單 | Create playlist |
7558 | 輸入播放清單的名稱 | Type a name for your playlist |
7559 | 播放音樂影片 | Play music video |
7560 | 名為 '%s' 的播放清單已經存在。 | A playlist named '%s' already exists. |
7561 | 以新檔案取代裝置上的音樂檔案 | Replace the music files on your device with new files |
7562 | 將裝置中的檔案複製到電腦 | Copy files from your device to the computer |
7563 | 編輯 '%1!.1023ls!'。 | Edit '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7564 | 未命名的播放清單 | Untitled playlist |
7565 | 名為 '%s' 的播放清單已存在。您要覆寫它嗎? | A playlist named '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? |
7566 | 您選取的曲目具有不同的檔案類型。但是,專輯目前是依檔案類型分類。若要在欄位選擇器中停用此功能,請按一下 [確定]。 | The tracks you have selected have different file types. However, albums are currently separated by file type. Click OK if you would like to disable this in the column chooser. |
7567 | '%1!.1023ls!' 此路徑太長。 請嘗試較短的名稱。 |
'%1!.1023ls!' The path is too long. Try a shorter name. |
7568 | 編輯(&E) | &Edit |
7569 | 空間不足,無法儲存此播放清單。 | There is not enough space to save the playlist. |
7570 | 開始同步處理(&S) | &Start sync |
7571 | 停止同步處理(&S) | &Stop sync |
7572 | 立即隨機播放(&S) | &Shuffle now |
7573 | 隨機播放(&H) | S&huffle |
7574 | 同步之前略過的檔案(&P) | Sync &previously skipped files |
7575 | 格式(&F) | &Format |
7576 | 結束同步化合作關係(&E) | &End sync partnership |
7577 | 設定同步(&C)... | Set up syn&c... |
7578 | 選取設定(&G)... | Select settin&gs... |
7579 | 同步 '%s'(&S) | &Sync '%s' |
7580 | 停止同步至 '%s'(&S) | &Stop sync to '%s' |
7581 | 隨機播放 '%s'(&U) | Sh&uffle '%s' |
7582 | 同步 '%s' 與 '%s'(&Y) | S&ync '%s' to '%s' |
7583 | 播放 '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) | Play '%1!.1023ls!' (%2!.1023ls!) |
7584 | 自裝置複製(&D) | Copy from &device |
7585 | 隨機播放音樂 | Shuffle music |
7586 | 同步完成。 您現在可以中斷 '%1!.1023ls!' 的連線。 |
Sync completed. You can now disconnect '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7587 | 以建立 '%1!.1023ls!' 與您電腦之間的同步處理清單 | to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer |
7588 | 上一個清單 | Previous list |
7589 | 下一個清單 | Next list |
7590 | 以建立播放清單 | to create a playlist |
7591 | 以建立燒錄清單 | to create a burn list |
7592 | 以建立 '%1!.1023ls!' 的同步處理清單 | to create a list to sync to '%1!.1023ls!' |
7593 | 開啟(&O) | &Open |
7600 | 匯入 '%1!.1023ls!'。 | Import '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7601 | 同步 '%1!.1023ls!' | Sync '%1!.1023ls!' |
7602 | Now Playing Basket Left Toolbar | Now Playing Basket Left Toolbar |
7603 | Now Playing Basket Right Toolbar | Now Playing Basket Right Toolbar |
7604 | 您目前正在播放此清單。您可以在 [播放] 索引標籤編輯此清單。 | You are currently playing this list. You can edit the list in the Play tab. |
7605 | 拖曳項目到此處 | Drag items here |
7606 | 以便將其新增至新的播放清單。 | to add them to your new playlist. |
7607 | 此裝置上沒有播放清單。 | There are no playlists on this device. |
7608 | 請稍候... | Please wait... |
7609 | 正在抓取 %1!.1023ls! 的項目... | Retrieving items from %1!.1023ls!... |
7610 | 未儲存的清單 | Unsaved list |
7611 | 無法同時將內容同步到裝置並複製裝置中的檔案。按一下 [確定] 以清除目前同步清單的內容,並以選擇的項目取代。按一下 [取消] 以保留此同步清單,並忽略選擇的項目。 | It is not possible to sync to a device and copy files from the device at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items. |
7612 | 無法同時從多個裝置進行複製。按一下 [確定] 以清除目前同步清單的內容,並以選擇的項目取代。按一下 [取消] 以保留此同步清單,並忽略選擇的項目。 | It is not possible to copy from multiple devices at the same time. Click OK to clear your current sync list and replace it with your selected items. Click Cancel to keep the sync list and ignore your selected items. |
7613 | 建立播放清單(&C) | &Create playlist |
7614 | %1!.1023ls! 中沒有最近新增的項目。 | There are no recently added items in %1!.1023ls!. |
7615 | 您的 %1!.1023ls! 媒體櫃中沒有任何項目。 | There are no items in your %1!.1023ls! library. |
7616 | [其他媒體] 中沒有任何項目。 | There are no items in Other media. |
7617 | 此裝置中沒有檔案。 | There are no files on this device. |
7618 | 若要開始,將檔案與裝置同步化。 | To begin, sync files to the device. |
7619 | 在這個遠端媒體櫃中找不到檔案。 | No files have been found on this remote library. |
7620 | 播放這個媒體櫃中的項目之前,必須先取得這個媒體櫃的存取權限。 | Before you can play items in this library, you must first be allowed to access the library. |
7621 | 按一下 [組合管理],然後按一下 [管理媒體櫃] 以在您的媒體櫃中包含資料夾。 | Click Organize, and then click Manage libraries to include folders in your library. |
7622 | 若要開始,將光碟片放入光碟機。 | To begin, insert a disc into the drive. |
7623 | 此媒體櫃中沒有播放清單。 | There are no playlists in this library. |
7625 | 此光碟片是空白的。 | This disc is empty. |
7626 | 需要有光碟機才能自 CD 擷取音樂。 | A CD drive is needed in order to rip music from CDs. |
7627 | 如果您繼續進行,則當您要變更裝置上的檔案時,必須手動新增和移除檔案,但關於裝置的某些資訊會保留在 Windows Media Player 中。如果要從 Player 刪除所有與裝置相關的資訊,請按一下 [否] 中斷與裝置的連線,然後結束該同步化合作關係。 您確定要繼續嗎? |
If you continue, it will be necessary to add and remove files manually when you want to change the files that are on the device, but some information about the device will remain in Windows Media Player. If you want to delete all information about the device from the Player, click No, disconnect the device, and then end the sync partnership. Are you sure you want to continue? |
7628 | 如果您繼續進行,所有與裝置相關的資訊會自 Windows Media Player 刪除。 您確定要繼續進行嗎? |
If you continue, all information about the device will be deleted from Windows Media Player. Are you sure you want to continue? |
7629 | 此檢視中沒有符合 '%1!.1023ls!' 的項目。 | There are no items matching '%1!.1023ls!' in this view. |
7630 | 正在搜尋... | Searching... |
7631 | 沒有同步結果可顯示。 | There are no sync results to show. |
7632 | 若要開始,連線您的裝置。 | To begin, connect your device. |
7633 | 瀏覽媒體櫃以尋找要新增到播放清單的項目。將項目拖放到瀏覽窗格的播放清單名稱中,即可新增項目。 | Browse the library for items to add to your playlist. You can add items by dropping them onto the playlist name in the Navigation Pane. |
7634 | 資料 CD(&D) | &Data CD |
7635 | 資料 CD 或 DVD(&D) | &Data CD or DVD |
7636 | [搜尋] 功能表 | Search Menu |
7637 | %1!.1023ls! 中的 '%2!.1023ls!' 相符項目 | Matches in %1!.1023ls! for '%2!.1023ls!' |
7638 | 媒體櫃中的 '%1!.1023ls!' 相符項目 | Matches in your library for '%1!.1023ls!' |
7642 | %d 個演出者 | %d Artist |
7644 | %d 個專輯 | %d Album |
7646 | 音樂中的 %d 個項目 | %d item in Music |
7648 | %d 個視訊 | %d Video |
7650 | 所錄製節目中的 %d 個項目 | %d item in Recorded TV |
7652 | 無法燒錄 | Cannot Burn |
7653 | 無法同步 | Cannot Sync |
7654 | 燒錄發生錯誤 | Burn Error |
7656 | 找不到檔案 | File Not Found |
7657 | 同步錯誤 | Sync Error |
7660 | 確認 | Confirm |
7661 | 正在購買... | Buying... |
7662 | 在媒體櫃 | In Library |
7663 | 僅專輯 | Album Only |
7664 | 下載 | Download |
7670 | %s | %s |
7671 | 歌曲(&S) | &Songs |
7672 | 歌曲 (%d)(&S) | &Songs (%d) |
7674 | 演出者 (%d)(&T) | Ar&tists (%d) |
7676 | 專輯 (%d)(&A) | &Albums (%d) |
7677 | 所有 %s(&L) | A&ll %s |
7678 | 所有 %s (%d)(&L) | A&ll %s (%d) |
7679 | 尚未啟動上一個燒錄作業。如果您繼續進行,將會放棄舊清單,並在其位置上建立含有所選媒體項目的新清單。您要繼續嗎? | The previous burn operation has not been started. If you continue, the old list will be discarded and a new list with the selected media items will be created in its place. Do you want to continue? |
7680 | 您已將要同步的項目新增至 '%1!.1023ls!',但是 '%2!.1023ls!' 已包含要同步的項目清單。如果您繼續進行,將不會儲存 '%3!.1023ls!' 的同步清單。您要繼續嗎? | You have added items to sync to '%1!.1023ls!', but '%2!.1023ls!' already has a list of items to sync. If you continue, the sync list for '%3!.1023ls!' will not be saved. Do you want to continue? |
7681 | 堆疊 | Stacked |
7682 | 由 '%s' 堆疊 | Stacked by '%s' |
7684 | 購買清單中所有需要同步權限的 %1!.1023ls! 檔案(&L) | Buy All %1!.1023ls! Files in &List That Need Sync Rights |
7686 | 我的評等 | My Ratings |
7687 | 自動評等 | Auto Ratings |
7693 | 未播放 | Not Played |
7694 | 已播放一次 | Played Once |
7695 | 已播放 %d 次 | Played %d Times |
7696 | 低位元速率 | Low Bit Rate |
7697 | 高位元速率 | High Bit Rate |
7698 | 接近 %d Kbps | Near %d Kbps |
7699 | 明確宣告 | Explicit |
7702 | 已編輯 | Edited |
7703 | 程式設計師 | Programmer |
7704 | 訂閱 | Subscription |
7705 | 僅限訂閱 | Subscription Only |
7710 | 服務廣播 | Service Radio |
7711 | 服務摘要 | Service Feeds |
7712 | 播放清單順序 | Playlist Order |
7713 | %d) | %d) |
7717 | 最近播放清單 | Recent Playlists |
7718 | 購買專輯 | Buy Album |
7719 | 找不到符合 '%1!.1023ls!' 的項目。 | There are no items found matching '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7720 | 媒體櫃(&L) | &Library |
7721 | 播放最愛項目 | Play favorites |
7722 | 以建立要從 '%1!.1023ls!' 同步到電腦的同步處理清單。 | to create a list to sync from '%1!.1023ls!' to your computer. |
7723 | %1!.1023ls! 儲存到媒體櫃 | %1!.1023ls! saved to library |
7724 | 以建立要同步到 '%1!.1023ls!' 的同步處理清單。 | to create a list to sync to '%1!.1023ls!'. |
7725 | 找不到任何項目。 | There are no items found. |
7726 | 此光碟片並未包含 %1!.1023ls!。 | This disc does not contain %1!.1023ls!. |
7727 | 已存電台播放清單 | Saved Radio Playlists |
7750 | %1!.1023ls! 選項 | %1!.1023ls! Options |
7751 | 正在連絡服務提供者... | Contacting Service Provider... |
7802 | 此檔案沒有進行同步的權限。您是否要嘗試從內容提供者下載同步權限? | This file does not have sync rights. Do you want to try downloading sync rights from the content provider? |
7803 | 此檔案的同步權限已到期。您是否要嘗試從內容提供者下載新的同步權限? | The sync rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new sync rights from the content provider? |
7804 | Windows Media Player 無法同步處理受保護的檔案,因為裝置的內部時鐘未正確設定。您是否要讓播放程式設定裝置的時鐘? | Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because the device's internal clock is not set correctly. Do you want the Player to set the device's clock? |
7805 | Windows Media Player 無法同步處理受保護的檔案,因為缺少必要的安全性升級。您是否要下載安全性升級? | Windows Media Player cannot sync the protected file because a security upgrade is required. Do you want to download the security upgrade? |
7806 | Windows Media Player 無法同步處理檔案。檔案必須轉換為其他檔案類型或品質等級,且缺少必要的轉碼器。您是否要嘗試下載轉碼器? | Windows Media Player cannot sync the file. The file must be converted to another file type or quality level and the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec? |
7807 | 您沒有播放此檔案的權限。您是否要嘗試從內容提供者下載新的播放權限? | You do not have the rights to play this file. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider? |
7808 | 播放此檔案的權限已到期。您是否要嘗試從內容提供者下載新的播放權限? | The play rights for this file have expired. Do you want to try downloading new play rights from the content provider? |
7809 | Windows Media Player 無法播放受保護的檔案,因為缺少必要的安全性升級。您是否要下載安全性升級? | Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file because a security upgrade is required. Do you want to download the security upgrade? |
7810 | Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為缺少必要的轉碼器。您是否要嘗試下載轉碼器? | Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is missing. Do you want to try downloading the codec? |
7820 | 正在取消檢查您媒體櫃中的檔案... | Cancelling inspection of files in your library... |
7821 | 正在取消檢查裝置上的檔案... | Cancelling inspection of files on device... |
7822 | 正在取消檢查 CD 上的檔案... | Cancelling inspection of files on CD... |
7823 | 正在取消檢查其他媒體櫃中的檔案... | Cancelling inspection of files in another library... |
7824 | 正在停止同步... | Stopping sync... |
7825 | 正在取消下載訂閱權限... | Cancelling the download of subscription rights... |
7826 | 您必須重新整理裝置上的某些訂閱檔案。下次裝置連線到電腦 (且電腦上的 Windows Media Player 正在執行) 時會自動重新整理檔案。若目前裝置已連線,則會立即重新整理。 裝置: %1!.1023ls! |
Some of your subscription files on your devices need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your devices are connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your devices are already connected. Devices: %1!.1023ls! |
7827 | 您必須重新整理 '%1!.1023ls!' 上的某些訂閱檔案。下次裝置連線到電腦 (且電腦上的 Windows Media Player 正在執行) 時會自動重新整理檔案。若目前裝置已連線,則會立即重新整理。 | Some of your subscription files on '%1!.1023ls!' need to be refreshed. The files will automatically be refreshed the next time your device is connected while Windows Media Player is running or immediately if your device is already connected. |
7828 | 您已經取消燒錄。然而,您購買的檔案將繼續下載到媒體櫃中,因此如果您願意,可以稍後燒錄。 | You have cancelled burning. However, the files you bought will continue to download to your library, and you can burn them later if you want. |
7829 | 正在從 '%1!.1023ls!' 更新檔案... | Updating files from '%1!.1023ls!'... |
7830 | 您必須先安裝 '%1!.1023ls!' 提供的軟體,才能重新整理您的 '%1!.1023ls!' 檔案。 您是否要安裝此軟體? |
Software from '%1!.1023ls!' needs to be installed before your '%1!.1023ls!' files can be refreshed. Do you want to install the software? |
7850 | 擷取資料夾 | Rip folder |
7851 | 已自動新增 | Automatically added |
7852 | 已手動新增 | Manually added |
7853 | 受監視的資料夾 | Monitored Folders |
7856 | 移除(&E) | R&emove |
7857 | 啟用(&E) | &Enable |
7858 | 略過(&E) | Ignor&e |
7900 | 選項(&O) | &Options |
7901 | [媒體櫃] 瀏覽窗格 | Library Navigation Pane |
7902 | [服務] 瀏覽窗格 | Service Navigation Pane |
7903 | 內容(&P) | &Properties |
7905 | 當專輯使用中時,無法變更專輯封面。請稍後再試一次。 | Album art can't be changed when a song from the album is in use. Please try again later. |
7906 | 來查看同步結果。 | to see sync results. |
7910 | 各種演出者 | Various Artists |
8000 | 目前正在播放 %s 顆星評等的項目 (Ctrl+WindowsKey+%s) | Currently playing item rated %s stars (Ctrl+WindowsKey+%s) |
8001 | 目前正在播放 1 顆星評等的項目 (Ctrl+WindowsKey+1) | Currently playing item rated 1 star (Ctrl+WindowsKey+1) |
8002 | 已清除目前播放項目的評等(Ctrl+WindowsKey+0) | Rating cleared from current playing item (Ctrl+WindowsKey+0) |
8010 | 31 Hz,等化器滑桿 | 31 Hz, Equalizer Slider |
8011 | 62 Hz,等化器滑桿 | 62 Hz, Equalizer Slider |
8012 | 125 Hz,等化器滑桿 | 125 Hz, Equalizer Slider |
8013 | 250 Hz,等化器滑桿 | 250 Hz, Equalizer Slider |
8014 | 500 Hz,等化器滑桿 | 500 Hz, Equalizer Slider |
8015 | 1 kHz,等化器滑桿 | 1 kHz, Equalizer Slider |
8016 | 2 kHz,等化器滑桿 | 2 kHz, Equalizer Slider |
8017 | 4 kHz,等化器滑桿 | 4 kHz, Equalizer Slider |
8018 | 8 kHz,等化器滑桿 | 8 kHz, Equalizer Slider |
8019 | 16 kHz,等化器滑桿 | 16 kHz, Equalizer Slider |
8020 | 按兩下可切換至全螢幕,按住 Ctrl 然後按一下滑鼠左鍵可調整為視訊大小 | Double-click to go to fullscreen, ctrl+click to snap to video size |
8029 | 清單大小調整控點 | List Resize Handle |
8030 | 使用方向鍵來調整清單大小,按住 Shift 鍵和/或 Control 鍵進行較大幅度的調整 | Use Arrow keys to resize list, hold down Shift key and/or Control key to resize by larger amounts |
8031 | 調整清單大小 (按兩下以關閉) | Resize list (double-click to close) |
8032 | 顯示清單 | Show list |
8033 | 隱藏清單 | Hide list |
8034 | 播放清單切換 | Playlist Toggle |
8035 | 顯示或隱藏播放清單 | Show or hide the playlist |
8041 | 開始擷取 | Start rip |
8043 | 匯入 CD 內容 | Import CD Contents |
8044 | 已擷取此 CD | CD Already Ripped |
8045 | 擷取 CD | Rip CD |
8046 | 擷取 CD (%s) | Rip CD (%s) |
8048 | 停止擷取 (%s) | Stop rip (%s) |
8049 | 擷取按鈕 | Rip Button |
8050 | %1 - %2 | %1 - %2 |
8100 | 按目前演出者排序最愛曲目的佇列 | Queue favorite songs by current artist |
8150 | 播放所有音樂 | Play all music |
8151 | 隨機播放媒體櫃中的所有歌曲 | Play all songs in your library shuffled |
8152 | 再次播放 | Play again |
8153 | 再次播放目前載入的檔案 | Replay the currently loaded file again |
8154 | 繼續 | Resume |
8155 | 繼續播放目前的播放清單 | Continue playing the current playlist |
8156 | 播放上一個清單 | Play previous list |
8157 | 返回到先前播放的項目 | Return to what you were playing previously |
8158 | 移至媒體櫃 | Go to Library |
8159 | 切換到媒體櫃,瀏覽音訊與視訊的集合 | Switch to Library, to browse your collection of audio and video |
8160 | 播放 DVD | Play DVD |
8161 | 播放目前選取的 DVD。 | Play the currently selected DVD |
8180 | 預覽 | Preview |
8190 | 變更曲目時間格式 | Change the track time format |
8191 | 曲目時間格式按鈕 | Track time format button |
8234 | 按兩下可切換至全螢幕,按住 Ctrl 然後按一下滑鼠左鍵可根據播放程式調整視訊大小 | Double-click to go fullscreen, ctrl+click to resize to fit |
8241 | 10 | 10 |
8250 | 狀態與命令列檢視 | Status and Command Bar View |
8251 | 建議檢視 | Suggestions View |
8252 | 播放控制檢視 | Playback Controls View |
8555 | 即將播放: %1!.1023ls! | Up Next: %1!.1023ls! |
13000 | 其他資訊(&I) | More &Info |
13001 | 隱藏專輯資訊(&A) | Hide &Album Information |
13004 | 隱藏搜尋(&S) | Hide &Search |
13005 | 搜尋結果 | Search Results |
13008 | 這個搜尋找不到任何項目。請修改搜尋條件,然後再試一次。 | No items found for this search. Please modify your search criteria and try again. |
13020 | 您是否確定要將所有選取項目的內容類型變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the genre of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13021 | 您是否確定要將所有選取項目的專輯變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the album of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13022 | 您是否確定要將所有選取項目的演出者變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the artist of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13023 | 您是否確定要將所有選取項目的演員變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the actor of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13024 | 您是否確定要將所有選取項目的導演變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the director of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13025 | 您是否確定要將 '%1!.1023ws!' 內容類型新增到所有選取的項目? | Are you sure you want to add the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to all selected items? |
13026 | 您是否確定要將 '%1!.1023ws!' 內容類型的所有項目變更為 '%2!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre to '%2!.1023ws!'? |
13027 | 您是否確定要將所有項目從 '%1!.1023ws!' 專輯變更為 '%2!.1023ws!' 專輯? | Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to the '%2!.1023ws!' album? |
13028 | 您是否確定要將所有項目從 '%1!.1023ws!' 演出者變更為 '%2!.1023ws!' 演出者? | Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to the '%2!.1023ws!' artist? |
13029 | 您是否確定要將所有項目從 '%1!.1023ws!' 演員變更為 '%2!.1023ws!' 演員? | Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' actor to the '%2!.1023ws!' actor? |
13030 | 您是否確定要將所有項目從 '%1!.1023ws!' 導演變更為 '%2!.1023ws!' 導演? | Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' director to the '%2!.1023ws!' director? |
13031 | 您是否確定要將 '%1!.1023ws!' 內容類型的所有項目移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove all items with the '%1!.1023ws!' genre from your library? |
13032 | 您是否確定要將 '%1!.1023ws!' 專輯中的所有項目移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove all items in the '%1!.1023ws!' album from your library? |
13033 | 您是否確定要將符合 '%1!.1023ws!' 演出者的所有項目移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' artist from your library? |
13034 | 您是否確定要將符合 '%1!.1023ws!' 演員的所有項目移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' actor from your library? |
13035 | 您是否確定要將符合 '%1!.1023ws!' 導演的所有項目移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' director from your library? |
13036 | 您是否確定要將 '%1!.1023ws!' 播放清單移出媒體櫃? | Are you sure you want to remove the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist from your library? |
13037 | 您是否確定要將所有項目的內容類型從 '%1!.1023ws!' 專輯變更為 '%2!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' album to '%2!.1023ws!'? |
13038 | 您是否確定要將所有項目的內容類型從 '%1!.1023ws!' 演出者變更為 '%2!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' artist to '%2!.1023ws!'? |
13039 | 您是否要停止同步 '%1!.1023ws!' 播放清單? | Are you sure you want stop synchronizing the '%1!.1023ws!' playlist? |
13050 | 您是否要將所有選取項目的作曲者變更為 '%1!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the composer of all selected items to '%1!.1023ws!'? |
13051 | 您是否要將所有項目的作曲者從 '%1!.1023ws!' 變更為 '%2!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to the '%2!.1023ws!' composer? |
13052 | 您是否要將所有項目的內容類型從 '%1!.1023ws!' 作曲者變更為 '%2!.1023ws!'? | Are you sure you want to change the genre of all items from the '%1!.1023ws!' composer to '%2!.1023ws!'? |
13053 | 您是否要從媒體櫃移除所有作曲者為 '%1!.1023ws!' 的項目? | Are you sure you want to remove all items matching the '%1!.1023ws!' composer from your library? |
14161 | [按這裡以新增條件] | [Click here to add criteria] |
14162 | [按一下以設定] | [click to set] |
14163 | 未命名的自動播放清單 | Untitled Auto Playlist |
14164 | 編輯自動播放清單 | Edit Auto Playlist |
14168 | 建立包含下列內容的自動播放清單: | Create an auto playlist that includes the following: |
14169 | 並同時包含下列內容: | And also include: |
14170 | 並對自動播放清單套用下列限制: | And apply the following restrictions to the auto playlist: |
14175 | 立即尋找(&N) | Find &Now |
14176 | 自動播放清單名稱: | Auto Playlist name: |
17300 | 線上商店發生錯誤。按一下圖示以取得更多資訊。 | The online store encountered an error. Click the icon for more information. |
17301 | 之前 | before |
17302 | 之後 | after |
17303 | 此檔案屬於可能無法在 Windows Media Player 中播放的未知類型。 | This file is of an unrecognized type which may not playable in Windows Media Player. |
17304 | 未知的檔案類型 | Unknown File Type |
17305 | PlayHistory Back Toolbar | PlayHistory Back Toolbar |
17306 | PlayHistory Forward Toolbar | PlayHistory Forward Toolbar |
17307 | 組合管理(&O) | &Organize |
17308 | 清除清單(&L) | Clear &list |
17310 | CD 與資料光碟 | CDs, and data discs |
17311 | 自訂瀏覽窗格(&Z)... | Customi&ze navigation pane... |
17312 | 最近 5 個 | Recent 5 |
17313 | 全部 | All |
17314 | 平均 %s 顆星 | %s Star Average |
17316 | 說明按鈕 | Help Button |
17317 | 說明 | Help |
17318 | 串流(&R) | St&ream |
17319 | 播放裝置(&T) | Play &to |
17320 | 開啟 [燒錄] 索引標籤 | Open the Burn tab |
17321 | 建立要燒錄到光碟的項目清單。 | to create a list of items to burn to disc. |
17322 | 顯示其他的命令 | Display additional commands |
17324 | 全部加評等(&R) | &Rate all |
17325 | 不明的劇集 | Unknown Episode |
17326 | # | # |
17327 | 清單選項 | List options |
17328 | 燒錄選項 | Burn options |
17329 | 同步選項 | Sync options |
17350 | %1!.1023ls! - '%2!.1023ls!' | %1!.1023ls! - '%2!.1023ls!' |
17353 | 我的最愛 %1!.1023ls! | Favorite %1!.1023ls! |
17354 | 此捷徑指向的內容 "%1!.1023ls!" 目前無法使用。 是否要刪除此捷徑? |
The content "%1!.1023ls!" that this shortcut refers to is not currently available. Do you want to delete this shortcut? |
17356 | 繼續上一個清單 | Resume previous list |
17358 | %1!.1023ls! [%2!.1023ls!] | %1!.1023ls! [%2!.1023ls!] |
17359 | 載入內容 | Loading content |
17360 | 尋找遠端媒體櫃 | Looking for remote library |
17361 | 開啟 '%1!.1023ls!' | Opening '%1!.1023ls!' |
19103 | 這台電腦(&C) | This &Computer |
19104 | 在以下位置執行遠端播放 | Play Remotely At |
19105 | 切換到裝置 | Switch to Device |
19304 | %d 個曲目 | %d track |
19305 | %d 首曲目 | %d tracks |
19307 | 新增專輯封面 | Add album art |
19308 | 與 %1 結合 | Combine with %1 |
19309 | 新增到清單 | Add to list |
19310 | 重新排序 | Reorder |
19311 | 建立自動播放清單 | Create auto playlist |
19312 | 新增到 %1 | Add to %1 |
19313 | 新增到同步處理清單 | Add to Sync list |
19314 | 新增至燒錄清單 | Add to Burn list |
19316 | 加入至 %1!.1023ls! 媒體櫃 | Include in %1!.1023ls! library |
20300 | 未知的視訊 CD | Unknown Video CD |
20301 | 視訊播放軌 %d | Video Track %d |
20302 | 音樂曲目 %d | Music Track %d |
20781 | (其中 %d 個僅能讀取) | (%d of which is read-only) |
20783 | 未選取任何項目 | No items selected |
20784 | 己選取 %d 個項目 | %d item selected |
20786 | 要儲存您做的變更嗎? | Do you want to save your changes? |
20787 | 您的一首或多首歌詞並未儲存。所有未指定獨特語系的歌詞都會被略過。 | One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored. |
20788 | 您的一首或多首歌詞並未儲存。所有未指定獨特語系的歌詞都會被略過。
仍然要關閉 [進階標籤編輯器] 嗎? |
One or more of your lyrics were not saved. All lyrics not assigned a unique language were ignored.
Do you still want to close the Advanced Tag Editor? |
20789 | 升 A 調 | A sharp |
20790 | A | A |
20791 | 降 A 調 | A flat |
20792 | 升 B 調 | B sharp |
20793 | B | B |
20794 | 降 B 調 | B flat |
20795 | 升 C 調 | C sharp |
20796 | C 調 | C |
20797 | 降 C 調 | C flat |
20798 | 升 D 調 | D sharp |
20799 | D 調 | D |
20800 | 降 D 調 | D flat |
20801 | 升 E 調 | E sharp |
20802 | E 調 | E |
20803 | 降 E 調 | E flat |
20804 | 升 F 調 | F sharp |
20805 | F 調 | F |
20806 | 降 F 調 | F flat |
20807 | 升 G 調 | G sharp |
20808 | G 調 | G |
20809 | 降 G 調 | G flat |
20810 | 升 A 小調 | A sharp (minor) |
20811 | A 小調 | A (minor) |
20812 | 降 A 小調 | A flat (minor) |
20813 | 升 B 小調 | B sharp (minor) |
20814 | B 小調 | B (minor) |
20815 | 降 B 小調 | B flat (minor) |
20816 | 升 C 小調 | C sharp (minor) |
20817 | C 小調 | C (minor) |
20818 | 降 C 小調 | C flat (minor) |
20819 | 升 D 小調 | D sharp (minor) |
20820 | D 小調 | D (minor) |
20821 | 降 D 小調 | D flat (minor) |
20822 | 升 E 小調 | E sharp (minor) |
20823 | E 小調 | E (minor) |
20824 | 降 E 小調 | E flat (minor) |
20825 | 升 F 小調 | F sharp (minor) |
20826 | F 小調 | F (minor) |
20827 | 降 F 小調 | F flat (minor) |
20828 | 升 G 小調 | G sharp (minor) |
20829 | G 小調 | G (minor) |
20830 | 降 G 小調 | G flat (minor) |
20831 | 走調 | Off key |
20850 | 使用者定義 | User Defined |
20851 | 封面 (正面) | Cover (front) |
20852 | 封面 (背面) | Cover (back) |
20853 | 文案內頁 | Leaflet Page |
20854 | 媒體標籤 | Media Label |
20855 | 主角 | Lead Artist |
20860 | 作詞者 | Lyricist |
20861 | 錄製地點 | Recording Location |
20862 | 錄製過程中 | During Recording |
20863 | 演出過程中 | During Performance |
20864 | 擷取螢幕視訊 | Video Screen Capture |
20865 | 插圖 | Illustration |
20866 | 樂團商標 | Band Logotype |
20867 | 發行者商標 | Publisher Logotype |
20868 | 影像檔%c*.jpg;*.bmp;*.png;*.gif%c所有檔案%c*.*%c%c | Image Files%c*.jpg;*.bmp;*.png;*.gif%cAll Files%c*.*%c%c |
20869 | 選擇影像檔 | Select image file |
20876 | 曲目資訊 | Track Info |
20877 | 演出者資訊 | Artist Info |
21337 | 樂章 | Movement |
21338 | 事件 | Events |
21339 | 弦樂 | Chord |
21340 | 雜項 | Trivia |
21341 | 網頁 | Webpage |
21342 | 影像 | Images |
21345 | 老搖滾 | Classic Rock |
21348 | 迪斯可 | Disco |
21349 | 放克 | Funk |
21351 | 嘻哈 | Hip-Hop |
21357 | 流行音樂 | Pop |
21358 | 節奏藍調(&B) | R&B |
21363 | 工業 | Industrial |
21364 | 另類 | Alternative |
21365 | 斯卡 | Ska |
21366 | 死亡金屬 | Death Metal |
21367 | 搞笑 | Pranks |
21368 | 電影原聲帶 | Soundtrack |
21369 | 歐洲電子舞曲 | Euro-Techno |
21370 | 環境 | Ambient |
21371 | 迷幻電子嘻哈 | Trip-Hop |
21372 | 聲樂 | Vocal |
21373 | 爵士加放克 | Jazz+Funk |
21374 | 融合樂 | Fusion |
21375 | 出神電子舞曲 | Trance |
21377 | 演奏曲 | Instrumental |
21378 | 迷幻 | Acid |
21379 | 浩室 | House |
21380 | 遊戲 | Game |
21381 | 音訊剪輯 | Sound Clip |
21382 | 福音音樂 | Gospel |
21383 | 噪音 | Noise |
21384 | 另類搖滾 | AlternRock |
21385 | 低音 | Bass |
21386 | 靈魂樂 | Soul |
21387 | 龐克風 | Punk |
21388 | 太空搖滾 | Space |
21389 | 冥想 | Meditative |
21390 | 流行演奏曲 | Instrumental Pop |
21391 | 搖滾演奏曲 | Instrumental Rock |
21392 | 民族風 | Ethnic |
21393 | 歌德文 | Gothic |
21394 | 黑潮 | Darkwave |
21395 | 工業科技舞曲 | Techno-Industrial |
21396 | 電子音樂 | Electronic |
21397 | 流行民歌 | Pop-Folk |
21398 | 歐洲舞曲 | Eurodance |
21399 | 夢幻音樂 | Dream |
21400 | 南方搖滾 | Southern Rock |
21401 | 喜歌劇 | Comedy |
21402 | 異教搖滾 | Cult |
21403 | 幫派饒舌 | Gangsta |
21404 | 排行榜前 40 | Top 40 |
21405 | 福音饒舌 | Christian Rap |
21406 | 流行/放克 | Pop/Funk |
21407 | 叢林 | Jungle |
21408 | 美洲原住民 | Native American |
21409 | 小酒館音樂 | Cabaret |
21410 | 新浪潮 | New Wave |
21411 | 幻覺 | Psychedelic |
21412 | 瑞舞 | Rave |
21413 | 輕音樂流行曲 | Showtunes |
21414 | 預告片 | Trailer |
21415 | 低傳真搖滾 | Lo-Fi |
21416 | 部落電子舞曲 | Tribal |
21417 | 迷幻龐克 | Acid Punk |
21418 | 迷幻爵士 | Acid Jazz |
21419 | 波爾卡舞曲 | Polka |
21420 | 復古 | Retro |
21421 | 音樂劇 | Musical |
21422 | 舊式搖滾 | Rock & Roll |
21423 | 硬式搖滾 | Hard Rock |
21425 | 民謠搖滾 | Folk-Rock |
21426 | 民族歌謠 | National Folk |
21428 | 快版融合樂 | Fast Fusion |
21429 | 咆勃爵士樂 | Bebop |
21430 | 拉丁音樂 | Latin |
21431 | 舊曲風復興 | Revival |
21432 | 塞爾特音樂 | Celtic |
21433 | 藍調草根 | Bluegrass |
21434 | 前衛 | Avantgarde |
21435 | 歌德搖滾 | Gothic Rock |
21436 | 前衛搖滾 | Progressive Rock |
21437 | 幻覺搖滾 | Psychedelic Rock |
21438 | 交響樂搖滾 | Symphonic Rock |
21439 | 慢板搖滾 | Slow Rock |
21440 | 大樂團 | Big Band |
21441 | 合唱 | Chorus |
21442 | 輕音樂 | Easy Listening |
21444 | 幽默 | Humour |
21446 | 香頌 | Chanson |
21448 | 室內樂 | Chamber Music |
21449 | 奏鳴曲 | Sonata |
21450 | 交響樂 | Symphony |
21451 | 煽情貝斯 | Booty Bass |
21452 | Primus 式曲風 | Primus |
21453 | 煽情 | Porn Groove |
21454 | 諷刺 | Satire |
21455 | 柔緩節奏藍調 | Slow Jam |
21456 | 俱樂部 | Club |
21457 | 探戈 | Tango |
21458 | 森巴 | Samba |
21459 | 傳統歌謠 | Folklore |
21460 | 抒情曲 | Ballad |
21461 | 搖滾抒情曲 | Power Ballad |
21462 | 節奏靈魂樂 | Rhythmic Soul |
21463 | 自由式饒舌 | Freestyle |
21464 | 二重奏 | Duet |
21465 | 龐克搖滾 | Punk Rock |
21466 | 鼓獨奏 | Drum Solo |
21467 | 清唱 | A capella |
21468 | 歐洲浩室 | Euro-House |
21469 | 舞廳 | Dance Hall |
21473 | 正在載入資料... | Loading Data... |
21474 | 憤怒 | Angry |
21475 | 時髦 | Groovy |
21476 | 快樂 | Happy |
21477 | 反覆無常 | Quirky |
21478 | 搖滾 | Rockin |
21479 | 憂傷 | Sad |
21480 | 撫慰 | Soothing |
21481 | 輕快舞曲 | Trippy |
21482 | 周日早午餐 | Sunday Brunch |
21483 | 公司 | Work |
21484 | 宴會 | Party |
21485 | 恐怖 | Spooky |
21493 | 正在更新 %s 的中繼資料 | Updating metadata for %s |
21502 | 音訊: 新聞 | Audio: News |
21503 | 音訊: 脫口秀 | Audio: Talk Show |
21504 | 音訊: 有聲書 | Audio: Audio Books |
21505 | 音訊: 話語 | Audio: Spoken Word |
21506 | 視訊: 新聞 | Video: News |
21507 | 視訊: 脫口秀 | Video: Talk Show |
21508 | 視訊: 家用錄影帶 | Video: Home Video |
21509 | 視訊: 影片 | Video: Movie / Film |
21510 | 視訊: 電視節目 | Video: TV show |
21511 | 視訊: 企業錄影帶 | Video: Corporate Video |
21512 | 視訊: 音樂錄影帶 | Video: Music Video |
21514 | 搜尋檔案 %s | Searching for file %s |
21515 | 正在同步處理檔案與媒體櫃... | Syncing file and library... |
21516 | 正在下載中繼資料... | Loading metadata... |
21928 | 位址 | Address |
21963 | 值 | Value |
21970 | 正在升級資料庫 - 音樂 | Upgrading Database - Music |
21971 | 正在升級資料庫 - 視訊 | Upgrading Database - Video |
21972 | 正在升級資料庫 | Upgrading Database |
25500 | Now Playing Basket Window | Now Playing Basket Window |
27999 | (檔案錯誤 – 錯誤的檔案格式) | (File Error - Improperly Formatted File) |
28600 | 我媒體櫃中的音樂 | Music in my library |
28601 | 我媒體櫃中的視訊 | Video in my library |
28605 | 我媒體櫃中的圖片 | Pictures in my library |
28606 | 我媒體櫃中的電視節目 | TV shows in my library |
28607 | Microsoft 自動播放清單過濾器 -- 以播放次數、大小或持續時間限制自動播放清單 | Microsoft Auto Playlist Filter -- Limits auto playlists by count, size or duration |
28608 | 媒體櫃資料庫已損毀。此問題並不會影響您的數位媒體檔案,或是 Windows Media Player 播放這些檔案的能力。當您結束並重新啟動播放程式時,將會建立一個新的資料庫,之後您就能再將檔案新增至媒體櫃。 請按一下 [確定] 結束播放程式。 |
The library database is corrupted. The problem does not affect your digital media files or the ability of Windows Media Player to play the files. When you exit and restart the Player, a new database will be created after which you can add your files to the library again. Click OK to exit the Player. |
28609 | Windows Media Player 資料庫損毀 | Windows Media Player Database Corrupted |
28610 | 大小總計限制為 | Limit Total Size To |
28611 | 大小總計限制為 %Number% %Format% | Limit total size to %Number% %Format% |
28612 | Number | Number |
28613 | Format | Format |
28720 | KB | Kilobytes |
28721 | MB | Megabytes |
28722 | GB | Gigabytes |
28723 | 總持續期間限制為 | Limit Total Duration To |
28724 | 總持續期間限制為 %Number% %Format% | Limit total duration to %Number% %Format% |
28730 | 秒 | Seconds |
28731 | 分鐘 | Minutes |
28732 | 小時 | Hours |
28733 | 天 | Days |
28740 | 限制項目個數 | Limit Number Of Items |
28741 | 項目個數限制為 %MaxNumberOfItems% | Limit number of items to %MaxNumberOfItems% |
28742 | MaxNumberOfItems | MaxNumberOfItems |
28743 | 20 | 20 |
28801 | 等於 | Equals |
28802 | 包含 | Contains |
28803 | 不包含 | Does Not Contain |
28804 | 小於 | Is Less Than |
28805 | 大於 | Is Greater Than |
28807 | 不是 | Is Not |
28808 | 早於 | Is Before |
28809 | 更近於 | Is More Recent Than |
28810 | 之上 | Above |
28811 | 之下 | Below |
28812 | 不等於 | Does Not Equal |
28813 | 遞增 | Ascending |
28814 | 遞減 | Descending |
28816 | 晚於 | Is After |
28817 | 至少 | Is At Least |
28818 | 不多於 | Is No More Than |
28890 | condition | condition |
28891 | value | value |
28892 | value1 | value1 |
28893 | value2 | value2 |
28895 | 子內容類型 %condition% %value% | Subgenre %condition% %value% |
28901 | 參與演出者 %condition% %value% | Contributing Artist %condition% %value% |
28903 | 演員 %condition% %value% | Actor %condition% %value% |
28905 | 內容類型 %condition% %value% | Genre %condition% %value% |
28907 | 新增至媒體櫃的日期 %condition% %value% | Date added To Library %condition% %value% |
28909 | 位元速率 (以 Kbps 為單位) %condition% %value% | Bit rate (in Kbps) %condition% %value% |
28911 | 標題 %condition% %value% | Title %condition% %value% |
28913 | 上次播放日期 %condition% %value% | Date last played %condition% %value% |
28915 | 自動評等 %condition% %value% | Auto rating %condition% %value% |
28916 | 專輯標題 | Album Title |
28917 | 專輯標題 %condition% %value% | Album title %condition% %value% |
28918 | 播放次數:全部總數 | Play Count : Total Overall |
28919 | 播放次數:全部總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Total overall %condition% %value% |
28920 | 播放次數:非周末總數 | Play Count : Total Weekday |
28921 | 播放次數:非周末總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Total weekday %condition% %value% |
28922 | 播放次數:周末總數 | Play Count : Total Weekend |
28923 | 播放次數:周末總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Total weekend %condition% %value% |
28924 | 索引鍵欄位 | Key Fields |
28925 | 索引鍵欄位 %condition% %value% | Key Fields %condition% %value% |
28927 | 作者 %condition% %value% | Author %condition% %value% |
28931 | 情境 %condition% %value% | Mood %condition% %value% |
28932 | 拍攝年份 | Year taken |
28933 | 拍攝年份 %condition% %value% | Year taken %condition% %value% |
28934 | 拍攝月份 | Month taken |
28935 | 拍攝月份 %condition% %value% | Month taken %condition% %value% |
28937 | 電台名稱 %condition% %value% | Station name %condition% %value% |
28939 | 頻道 %condition% %value% | Channel %condition% %value% |
28941 | 專輯演出者 %condition% %value% | Album artist %condition% %value% |
28942 | 內容提供者內容類型 | Content Provider Genre |
28943 | 內容提供者內容類型 %condition% %value% | Content provider genre %condition% %value% |
28945 | 作曲者 %condition% %value% | Composer %condition% %value% |
28947 | 指揮 %condition% %value% | Conductor %condition% %value% |
28949 | 製作人 %condition% %value% | Producer %condition% %value% |
28951 | 導演 %condition% %value% | Director %condition% %value% |
28955 | 家長分級 %condition% %value% | Parental rating %condition% %value% |
28957 | 期間 %condition% %value% | Period %condition% %value% |
28959 | 字幕 %condition% %value% | Subtitle %condition% %value% |
28960 | 內容提供者分級 | Content Provider Rating |
28961 | 內容提供者分級 %condition% %value% | Content provider rating %condition% %value% |
28963 | 錄製日期 %condition% %value% | Date recorded %condition% %value% |
28965 | 發行年份 %condition% %value% | Release Year %condition% %value% |
28966 | 基調 | Key |
28967 | 基調 %condition% %value% | Key %condition% %value% |
28969 | 標籤 %condition% %value% | Tags %condition% %value% |
28971 | 廣播時間 %condition% %value% | Broadcast time %condition% %value% |
28972 | 劇集 %condition% %value% | Episode %condition% %value% |
28973 | 系列 %condition% %value% | Series %condition% %value% |
28974 | 輔助字幕 %condition% %value% | Caption %condition% %value% |
28975 | 事件 %condition% %value% | Event %condition% %value% |
28977 | 拍攝日期 %condition% %value% | Date taken %condition% %value% |
29000 | 編碼日期 | Date Encoded |
29001 | 編碼日期 %condition% %value% | Date encoded %condition% %value% |
29002 | 著作權文字 | Copyright Text |
29003 | 著作權文字 %condition% %value% | Copyright text %condition% %value% |
29008 | 檔案大小 (以 KB 為單位) | File Size (in KB) |
29009 | 檔案大小 (以 KB 為單位) %condition% %value% | File size (in KB) %condition% %value% |
29011 | 檔案名稱 %condition% %value% | File name %condition% %value% |
29013 | 語系 %condition% %value% | Language %condition% %value% |
29014 | 保護 | Protection |
29015 | 有保護 %condition% | Protection %condition% present |
29017 | 發行者 %condition% %value% | Publisher %condition% %value% |
29019 | 內容提供者 %condition% %value% | Content provider %condition% %value% |
29020 | 提供者 | Provider |
29021 | 提供者 %condition% %value% | Provider %condition% %value% |
29022 | 自訂欄位 #1 | Custom Field #1 |
29023 | 自訂欄位 #1 %condition% %value% | Custom Field #1 %condition% %value% |
29024 | 自訂欄位 #2 | Custom Field #2 |
29025 | 自訂欄位 #2 %condition% %value% | Custom Field #2 %condition% %value% |
29026 | 播放次數:上午總數 | Play Count : Morning Totals |
29027 | 播放次數:上午總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Morning total %condition% %value% |
29028 | 播放次數:下午總數 | Play Count : Afternoon Totals |
29029 | 播放次數:下午總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Afternoon total %condition% %value% |
29030 | 播放次數:夜晚總數 | Play Count : Evening Totals |
29031 | 播放次數:夜晚總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Evening total %condition% %value% |
29032 | 播放次數:深夜總數 | Play Count : Night Totals |
29033 | 播放次數:深夜總數 %condition% %value% | Play count : Night total %condition% %value% |
29040 | 檔案類型 | File Type |
29041 | 檔案類型 %condition% %value% | File type %condition% %value% |
29042 | 媒體類型 | Media Type |
29043 | 媒體類型 %condition% %value% | Media type %condition% %value% |
29045 | 長度 (秒數) %condition% %value% | Length (in seconds) %condition% %value% |
29047 | 我的評等 %condition% %value% | My rating %condition% %value% |
29048 | 參與音樂家 | Musician Credits |
29049 | 參與音樂家 %condition% %value% | Musician credits %condition% %value% |
29053 | 歌詞 %condition% %value% | Lyrics %condition% %value% |
29055 | 註解 %condition% %value% | Comments %condition% %value% |
29080 | 排序方式 | Sort By |
29081 | 依 %value% %condition% 順序排序 | Sort by %value% %condition% order |
29082 | 隨機安排播放順序 | Randomize Playback Order |
29084 | 主要媒體類型 | Primary Media Type |
29085 | 主要媒體類型 %condition% %value% | Primary media type %condition% %value% |
29086 | 次要媒體類型 | Secondary Media Type |
29087 | 次要媒體類型 %condition% %value% | Secondary media type %condition% %value% |
29088 | 影像寬度 | Image width |
29089 | 影像寬度 %condition% %value% | Image width %condition% %value% |
29090 | 影像高度 | Image height |
29091 | 影像高度 %condition% %value% | Image height %condition% %value% |
29150 | 昨天 | Yesterday |
29151 | 最近 7 日 | Last 7 Days |
29152 | 最近 30 日 | Last 30 Days |
29153 | 6 個月 | 6 months |
29154 | 1 年 | 1 year |
29155 | 2 年 | 2 years |
29156 | 5 年 | 5 years |
29157 | 1990 年代 | 1990s |
29158 | 1980 年代 | 1980s |
29159 | 1970 年代 | 1970s |
29160 | 1960 年代 | 1960s |
29161 | 1950 年代 | 1950s |
29162 | 1940 年代 | 1940s |
29163 | 2000 年代 | 2000s |
29164 | 今天 | Today |
29170 | 3 顆星 | 3 stars |
29171 | 4 顆星 | 4 stars |
29172 | 5 顆星 | 5 stars |
29173 | 平均 1 顆星 | 1 star average |
29174 | 平均 2 顆星 | 2 star average |
29175 | 平均 3 顆星 | 3 star average |
29176 | 平均 4 顆星 | 4 star average |
29177 | 平均 5 顆星 | 5 star average |
29178 | 未定義 | Undefined |
29185 | 我的 1 顆星 | My 1 star |
29186 | 我的 2 顆星 | My 2 stars |
29187 | 我的 3 顆星 | My 3 stars |
29188 | 存在 | Present |
29189 | 我的 4 顆星 | My 4 stars |
29190 | 為了能夠輕鬆地尋找並播放您的數位媒體檔案,您可以將它們新增至 Player 的媒體櫃。是否要選取磁碟機 %1!.1023ls! to 上的資料夾,以掃描要新增至媒體櫃的檔案? | To make it easy to find and play your digital media files, you can add them to your Player library. Do you want to select folders on drive %1!.1023ls! to scan for files to add to the library? |
29191 | 我的 5 顆星 | My 5 stars |
29192 | 30 | 30 |
29193 | 60 | 60 |
29195 | 180 | 180 |
29196 | 240 | 240 |
29197 | 300 | 300 |
29198 | 360 | 360 |
29200 | 48 | 48 |
29202 | 96 | 96 |
29203 | 128 | 128 |
29204 | 160 | 160 |
29205 | 192 | 192 |
29206 | 256 | 256 |
29208 | 500 | 500 |
29209 | 750 | 750 |
29210 | 1000 | 1000 |
29211 | 1500 | 1500 |
29212 | 3000 | 3000 |
29213 | 4500 | 4500 |
29214 | 6000 | 6000 |
29215 | 7500 | 7500 |
29250 | 一月 | January |
29251 | 二月 | February |
29252 | 三月 | March |
29253 | 四月 | April |
29254 | 五月 | May |
29255 | 六月 | June |
29256 | 七月 | July |
29257 | 八月 | August |
29258 | 九月 | September |
29259 | 十月 | October |
29260 | 十一月 | November |
29261 | 十二月 | December |
29262 | 第十三個月 | 13th Month |
29291 | 裝置不支援同步處理訂閱內容。 | The device does not support synchronization of subscription content. |
29292 | '%1!.1023ls!' - '%2!.1023ls!' | '%1!.1023ls!' - '%2!.1023ls!' |
29293 | true | true |
29294 | 光碟機忙碌中 | Drive busy |
29295 | 此裝置忙碌中。 | This drive is busy. |
29296 | 正在取消燒錄 | Cancelling burn |
29297 | 沒有光碟 | No Disc |
29298 | %1!.1023ls! (%2!c!:) | %1!.1023ls! (%2!c!:) |
29299 | 已取消燒錄 | Burn cancelled |
29300 | 將數位音樂檔案同步到此裝置 | Sync digital media files to this device |
29301 | 開啟媒體播放機 | Open Media Player |
29302 | 開啟媒體共用 | Open Media Sharing |
29400 | Windows Media Player 是您的數位音樂軟體,可以讓您自由自在體驗音樂。 | Windows Media Player is your digital music software that puts you in control of your music experience. |
30000 | 已取消連線至遠端媒體櫃。 | Cancelled connecting to the remote library. |
30001 | 無法連線至遠端媒體櫃。 | Failed to connect to the remote library. |
30002 | 取消 | Cancel |
30003 | 尋找問題 | Find the problem |
30005 | 網際網路存取 | Internet access |
30006 | Teredo | Teredo |
30007 | 確定 | OK |
30008 | 失敗 | Failed |
30009 | 分隔符號 | SEPARATOR |
30010 | 名稱解析 | Name resolution |
30011 | 連線 | Connection |
30012 | 1. 網際網路存取 | 1. INTERNET ACCESS |
30013 | 2. TEREDO 狀態 | 2. TEREDO STATUS |
30014 | 3. %1 的探索 | 3. DISCOVERY FOR %1 |
30015 | 4. 已探索 (%1) | 4. DISCOVERED (%1) |
30016 | 5. 解析 (%1) | 5. RESOLUTION (%1) |
30017 | 6. 連線 (%1) | 6. CONNECTION (%1) |
30018 | 遠端主機探索 | Remote host discovery |
30019 | 正在測試... | Testing... |
30020 | 編輯位置 | Edit Locations |
30021 | 請選取位置 | Please select locations |
30022 | 繼續進行將會清空您的媒體櫃並關閉 Windows Media Player。 您要繼續嗎? |
Continuing will empty your media library and close the Windows Media Player. Do you wish to continue? |
30023 | 正在更新媒體櫃: %1!.1023ls! | Updating media library: %1!.1023ls! |
30024 | 更新完成 | Update complete |
30025 | 正在抓取下列項目的媒體資訊: %1!.1023ls! | Retrieving media info for: %1!.1023ls! |
30026 | 媒體資訊抓取完成 | Media info retrieval complete |
30027 | 正在抓取未知專輯的媒體資訊 | Retrieving media info for an unknown album |
30028 | 音量大小: %1!.1023ls! | Volume leveling: %1!.1023ls! |
30029 | 繼續執行會將媒體項目還原到仍以媒體檔案形式存在的媒體櫃。 是否要繼續? |
Continuing will restore media items to your library that still exist as media files. Do you wish to continue? |
30030 | 正在還原刪除的項目到您的媒體櫃 | Restoring deleted items to your library |
30052 | 遠端媒體櫃不允許連線。如需詳細資訊,請連絡裝置製造商。 | The remote media library did not allow the connection. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information. |
30053 | Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。可能是不支援該檔案類型,或您的網路或伺服器有問題。 | Windows Media Player cannot play the file. Either the file type is not supported or there is a problem with your network or server. |
30100 | 允許所有媒體裝置 | Allow All Media Devices |
30101 | 是否自動允許裝置播放您的媒體? | Do you want to automatically allow devices to play your media? |
30102 | 若您自動允許對您媒體的存取,則連線至您網路的任何電腦或裝置都可以播放您共用的音樂、圖片以及視訊。
顯示設定網際網路家用媒體存取的詳細資訊 |
If you automatically allow access to your media, any computer or device that connects to your network can play your shared music, pictures, and videos.
Tell me more about setting up Internet home media access |
30103 | 自動允許所有電腦與媒體裝置。(&A) | &Automatically allow all computers and media devices. |
30104 | 否,不要自動允許電腦與媒體裝置。(&D) | &Do not automatically allow computers and media devices. |
30105 | 安全的網路才建議自動允許裝置進行串流處理。 | Automatically allowing devices to stream is recommended only on secure networks. |
30106 | 允許遠端控制 | Allow Remote Control |
30107 | 是否允許遠端控制您的播放程式? | Do you want to allow remote control of your Player? |
30108 | 若您允許遠端控制,則其他電腦與裝置可以將音樂、圖片以及視訊推入到您的播放程式。
顯示家用媒體串流處理的詳細資訊 |
If you allow remote control, other computers and devices can push music, pictures, and videos to your Player.
Tell me more about home media streaming |
30109 | 允許這個網路的遠端控制(&A) | &Allow remote control on this network |
30110 | 不允許這個網路的遠端控制(&D) | &Do not allow remote control on this network |
30111 | 根據預設值,當您加入新網路時不會允許遠端控制。 | By default, remote control is not allowed when you join a new network. |
30115 | 顯示媒體串流處理的詳細資訊 | Tell me more about media streaming |
30122 | 下列 Microsoft 帳戶可透過網際網路存取您共用的音樂、圖片和視訊。 | The following Microsoft accounts can access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet. |
30123 | 若遠端媒體連線已啟動,則下列 Microsoft 帳戶便可透過網際網路存取您共用的音樂、圖片和視訊。 | If remote media connection is turned on, the following Microsoft accounts will be able to access your shared music, pictures and videos over the Internet. |
30124 | 您的媒體未透過網際網路共用。若要透過網際網路啟動遠端媒體連線,您需要 Microsoft 帳戶 (電子郵件地址和密碼)。 | Your media is not shared over the Internet. To activate remote media connection over the Internet, you need your Microsoft account (e-mail address and password). |
30125 | 我的 Microsoft 帳戶 | My Microsoft accounts |
30126 | 家用群組電腦上的 Microsoft 帳戶 | Microsoft accounts on homegroup computers |
30127 | 找不到 Microsoft 帳戶 | No Microsoft account found |
30130 | 元件 | Component |
30132 | 遠端主機 | Remote hosts |
30133 | 網際網路串流處理診斷報告 | Internet Streaming Diagnostic Report |
30134 | %1: %2 | %1: %2 |
30140 | 網際網路家用媒體存取 | Internet Home Media Access |
30141 | 是否允許透過網際網路存取您的家用媒體? | Do you want to allow Internet access to home media? |
30142 | 透過網際網路存取家用媒體的方式,可以讓您從家用電腦將音樂、圖片以及視訊串流處理至家中以外的電腦。若此電腦是在家中,它可以透過網際網路傳送媒體。若此電腦不在家中,則可以接收來自家用電腦的媒體。
請注意,公司網路通常會封鎖家用媒體串流處理。 顯示透過網際網路存取家用媒體的詳細資訊 |
Internet access to home media lets you stream music, pictures, and videos from a home computer to a computer outside your home. If this computer is at home, it can send media over the Internet. If this computer is away from home, it can receive media from a home computer.
Please note that corporate networks often block home media streaming. Tell me more about accessing home media over the Internet |
30143 | 透過網際網路存取家用媒體的方式,可以讓您從家用電腦將音樂、圖片以及視訊串流處理至家中以外的電腦。因為這台電腦已加入網域,所以無法透過網際網路傳送媒體,但可以接收家用媒體。
請注意,公司網路通常會封鎖家用媒體串流處理。 顯示透過網際網路存取家用媒體的詳細資訊 |
Internet access to home media lets you stream music, pictures, and videos from a home computer to a computer outside your home. Because this computer is joined to a domain, it can't send media over the Internet, but it can receive home media.
Please note that corporate networks often block home media streaming. Tell me more about accessing home media over the Internet |
30144 | 允許透過網際網路存取家用媒體(&A) | &Allow Internet access to home media |
30145 | 診斷連線(&D) | &Diagnose connections |
30146 | 變更 Microsoft 帳戶(&C) 變更 Microsoft 帳戶之後,必須重新啟動播放程式。 |
&Change Microsoft account You must restart the Player after you change your Microsoft account. |
30147 | 不允許透過網際網路存取家用媒體(&N) | Do ¬ allow Internet access to home media |
30148 | 顯示可以存取我的媒體的使用者(&U) | Show &users who can access my media |
30151 | 連結您的 Microsoft 帳戶(&C) 您的網域帳戶必須連結至您的 Microsoft 帳戶,以便安全地透過網際網路存取家用媒體。 |
&Connect your Microsoft account Your domain account must be connected to your Microsoft account for secure Internet access to home media. |
30152 | 您已經成功允許透過網際網路存取家用媒體 | You have successfully allowed Internet access to home media |
30153 | 若此電腦在家裡,授權的使用者可以透過網際網路存取其媒體。
若此電腦不在家裡,您可以存取家用電腦上的媒體。家用電腦將列在您播放程式的 [其他媒體櫃] 之下。 |
If this computer is at home, authorized users can access its media over the Internet.
If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player. |
30154 | 若此電腦不在家裡,您可以存取家用電腦上的媒體。家用電腦將列在您播放程式的 [其他媒體櫃] 之下。
因為此電腦已加入網域,所以無法透過網際網路傳送媒體。 |
If this computer is away from home, you can access media on home computers. Home computers will be listed under Other Libraries in your Player.
Because this computer is joined to a domain, it can't send media over the Internet. |
30155 | 家用電腦與遠端電腦都必須允許存取。 | Access must be allowed on both home and remote computers. |
30156 | 允許透過網際網路存取家用媒體 | Internet access to home media is allowed |
30157 | 這台電腦不在家中。您無法透過網際網路傳送媒體。 | This computer is away from home. You cannot send media over the Internet. |
30158 | 這台電腦已加入公司網域。您無法透過網際網路傳送媒體。 | This computer is joined to a corporate domain. You cannot send media over the Internet. |
30159 | 允許家用媒體的網際網路存取將使這台電腦無法進入睡眠模式。 | Allowing Internet access to home media will prevent this computer from sleeping. |
30160 | 您的帳戶未連接 | Your account is not connected |
30161 | 您的網域帳戶必須先連線至您的 Microsoft 帳戶,才能允許透過網際網路安全地存取家用媒體。 | Your domain account must be connected to your Microsoft account before you can allow secure Internet access to home media. |
30162 | 切換至 Microsoft 帳戶(&S) 您的使用者帳戶必須切換至 Microsoft 帳戶,才能透過網際網路安全地存取家用媒體。 |
&Switch to a Microsoft account Your user account must be switched to a Microsoft account for secure Internet access to home media. |
30163 | 您的使用者帳戶不是 Microsoft 帳戶 | Your user account is not a Microsoft account |
30164 | 您必須將使用者帳戶切換至 Microsoft 帳戶,才能允許透過網際網路安全地存取家用媒體。 | You must switch your user account to a Microsoft account before you can allow secure Internet access to home media. |
31001 | 使用者 %s | User %s |
31002 | 這個電腦的其他使用者 | Other users of this PC |
31003 | 媒體櫃名稱 | Library Name |
31500 | \My Playlists | \My Playlists |
31501 | 因為電腦的可用儲存空間不足,無法新增檔案到媒體櫃。請刪除硬碟上部分不需要的檔案,然後再試一次。 | It is not possible to add files to the library because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again. |
File Description: | Windows Media Player 資源 |
File Version: | 12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | wmploc.dll |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Original Filename: | wmploc.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 12.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x404, 1200 |