cryptuiwizard.dll.mui Microsoft 信任 UI 提供者 d9579df35ce80e3c8818c7856eac631f

File info

File name: cryptuiwizard.dll.mui
Size: 35328 byte
MD5: d9579df35ce80e3c8818c7856eac631f
SHA1: cd601d6a3835746d5c4b9a2e3eed551694968c2a
SHA256: 448e770b873690a9fdabb12c412b041b4ca91c597971a04d0a18e1a4c198dc89
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
6135無法收集到必要資訊,所以無法建立憑證要求。 The certificate request cannot be created because it failed to gather required information.
6136私密金鑰資訊無效,所以無法建立憑證要求。 The certificate request cannot be created because of invalid private key information.
6137憑證要求精靈 Certificate Request Wizard
6138請指定憑證授權單位。 Specify a certification authority.
6139憑證更新精靈 Certificate Renewal Wizard
6140無法建立憑證要求。這個問題可能是密碼編譯硬體或密碼編譯服務提供者所造成。 The certificate request cannot be created. The cause of the problem may be the cryptographic hardware or the cryptographic service provider.
6141選取的憑證授權單位中沒有符合的密碼編譯服務提供者 (CSP)。 No cryptographic service provider (CSP) is compliant with the selected certification authority.
6142精靈無法啟動。 The wizard cannot start.
6145易記名稱 Friendly Name
6147帳戶名稱 Account Name
6148電腦名稱 Computer Name
6149服務名稱 Service Name
6150憑證授權單位 Certification Authority
6152沒有本機密碼編譯服務提供者 (CSP) 可以使用選取的範本來產生要求。 No local cryptographic service provider (CSP) can generate a request using the selected template.
6153請選取憑證範本。 Select a certificate template.
6154Windows 無法取得所選密碼編譯服務提供者 (CSP) 的相關資訊。 Windows cannot get information about the selected cryptographic service provider (CSP).
6155沒有任何憑證授權單位接受選取的 CSP。 None of the certification authorities accept the selected CSP.
615812 12
6160 Yes
6161 No
6162發佈到 Active Directory Publish to the Active Directory
6163無法建立憑證要求。 The certificate request cannot be created.
6164無法完成憑證要求。 The certificate request could not be completed.
6165憑證授權單位拒絕這項要求。 The certification authority denied the request.
6166憑證要求執行成功。 The certificate request was successful.
6167憑證在稍後會由憑證授權單位簽發。 The certificate will be issued by the certification authority at a later time.
6168憑證授權單位 (CA) 已收到憑證要求。憑證管理員批准要求後將會發出憑證。 The certificate request was received by the certification authority (CA). The certificate will be issued when it is approved by the Certificate Manager.
- 您的密碼編譯硬體發生問題。
- 建立要求的密碼編譯服務提供者 (CSP) 無法正常運作。
The certificate cannot be installed because of one or more of the following conditions:
- There is a problem with your cryptographic hardware.
- The cryptographic service provider (CSP) that created the request is malfunctioning.
The error was:
6170無法連接到憑證授權單位。請稍後再試。 The certification authority cannot be reached. Please try again later.
6171已經取消憑證安裝。 The certificate installation was cancelled.
6172Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider V1.0 Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider V1.0
6173憑證 Certificate
6174憑證信任清單 Certificate Trust List
6175憑證撤銷清單 Certificate Revocation List
6176憑證存放區 Certificate Store
6177序列憑證 Serialized Certificate
6178序列憑證信任清單 Serialized Certificate Trust List
6179序列憑證撤銷清單 Serialized Certificate Revocation List
6180PKCS #7 憑證 PKCS #7 Certificates
6182檔案名稱 File Name
6183內容 Content
6184自動選取存放區 Automatic store selection
6185存放區名稱 Store Name
6186請選取檔案 Please select a file
6187憑證匯入精靈 Certificate Import Wizard
6188您輸入的密碼不正確。 The password you entered is incorrect.
6189選取憑證存放區。 Select a certificate store.
6190輸入的資訊不正確。 The input information is not valid.
6191無法識別該檔案類型。請選取其他檔案。 The file type is not recognizable. Select another file.
6192無法讀取輸入檔案。該檔案可能已損毀。 The input file cannot be read. The file may be corrupted.
6193無法啟動憑證匯入精靈。 The Certificate Import wizard cannot start.
6194發生內部錯誤。可能是無法存取使用者設定檔,或系統上未安裝所匯入之私密金鑰所需的密碼編譯服務提供者。 An internal error occurred. Either the user profile is not accessible or the private key that you are importing might require a cryptographic service provider that is not installed on your system.
6195匯入執行成功。 The import was successful.
6196匯入失敗,因為: 存放區具有唯讀屬性、存放區已滿,或存放區未正確開啟。 The import failed because the store was read-only, the store was full, or the store did not open correctly.
6197開啟企業信任存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Enterprise Trust store.
6198將憑證信任清單新增到企業信任存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate trust list to the Enterprise Trust store.
6199開啟中繼憑證授權單位存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Intermediate Certification Authorities store.
6200將憑證撤銷清單新增至中繼憑證授權單位存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate revocation list to the Intermediate Certification Authorities store.
6201開啟個人存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Personal store.
6202將憑證新增至個人存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate to the Personal store.
6203將憑證新增至中繼憑證授權單位存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate to the Intermediate Certification Authorities store.
6204讀取選取的檔案時發生錯誤。請選取其他檔案。 An error occurred during the reading of the selected file. Select another file.
6206憑證必須是自我簽署憑證。 The certificate must be self-signed.
6207憑證信任清單精靈 Certificate Trust List Wizard
6208憑證目的無法對應到 CTL 中的目的。 The certificate purpose does not match the purpose in the CTL.
6209X.509 憑證 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crt所有檔案 (*.*)*.* X.509 Certificate (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtAll Files (*.*)*.*
6211選取的檔案不是有效的憑證。請選取其他檔案。 The selected file is not a valid certificate. Select another file.
6212系統找不到 CTL 中參照的某些憑證。完成此 CTL 的編輯作業之後,將刪除這些憑證參照。 The system cannot locate some of the certificates referenced in the CTL. These certificate references will be deleted when you finish editing this CTL.
6213CTL 中的某些憑證不符合選取的目的。完成此 CTL 的編輯作業之後,將移除對這些憑證的參照。 Some certificates in the CTL do not match the purposes selected. References to these certificates will be removed when you finish editing this CTL.
6214CTL 中的某些憑證不是自我簽署憑證。完成此 CTL 的編輯作業之後,它們將會被刪除。 Some certificates in the CTL are not self-signed. They will be deleted when you finish editing this CTL.
6215OID 格式不正確。請重新輸入 OID。 The format of the OID is incorrect. Re-enter the OID.
6216憑證範本 Certificate Template
6217目的已經存在。 The purpose already exists.
6218刪除目的將會重設此 CTL。是否要繼續? Deleting a purpose will reset this CTL. Do you want to continue?
6222使用目的 Intended Purposes
6224無法從 CTL 刪除憑證。 The certificate cannot be deleted from the CTL.
6226憑證信任清單 (*.stl)*.stl所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate Trust List (*.stl)*.stlAll Files (*.*)*.*
6229您無法編輯 CTL,因為系統無法辨識雜湊演算法。 You cannot edit the CTL because the system cannot recognize the hash algorithm.
6230Windows 無法啟動憑證信任清單精靈。 Windows cannot start the Certificate Trust List wizard.
6231發生內部錯誤,無法建立 CTL。 The CTL cannot be created because an internal error occurred.
6232系統無法將 CTL 寫入指定的憑證存放區。 The system cannot write the CTL to the specified certificate store.
6233系統無法將 CTL 寫入檔案。 The system cannot write the CTL to a file.
6234憑證信任清單精靈執行成功。 The Certificate Trust List wizard succeeded.
6236您只能更新具有關聯之私密金鑰的憑證。 You can renew a certificate only if has an associated private key.
6237憑證匯出精靈 Certificate Export Wizard
6238Windows 無法透過金鑰服務與遠端電腦通訊。 Windows cannot communicate with the remote computer via key service.
6239密碼不相符。請確定密碼是否相同。 The passwords do not match. Make sure the passwords are the same.
6240選取檔案格式。 Select a file format.
6241請輸入檔案名稱。 Enter a file name.
6242Microsoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sst所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstAll Files (*.*)*.*
6243Microsoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst) Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)
6244憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl)*.crl所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)*.crlAll Files (*.*)*.*
6245憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl) Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)
6247憑證信任清單 (*.stl) Certificate Trust List (*.stl)
6248DER 編碼二位元 X.509 (*.cer)*.cer所有檔案 (*.*)*.* DER Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)*.cerAll Files (*.*)*.*
6249DER 編碼二位元 X.509 (*.cer) DER Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)
6250個人資訊交換 (*.pfx)*.pfx所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx)*.pfxAll Files (*.*)*.*
6251個人資訊交換 (*.pfx) Personal Information Exchange (*.pfx)
6252PKCS #7 憑證 (*.p7b)*.p7b所有檔案 (*.*)*.* PKCS #7 Certificates (*.p7b)*.p7bAll Files (*.*)*.*
6253密碼編譯訊息語法標準 - PKCS #7 憑證 (*.P7B) Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard - PKCS #7 Certificates (*.P7B)
6254包含憑證路徑中的所有憑證 Include all certificates in the certification path
6255匯出金鑰 Export Keys
6256檔案格式 File Format
6257由程式判定 Determined by the program
6258這個憑證已經存在於您選取的憑證存放區中。您要覆寫現存的憑證嗎? This certificate already exists in the certificate store you selected. Do you want to overwrite the existing certificate?
6259有效期間無效。 The validity period is not valid.
6262使用者選取的憑證存放區 Certificate Store Selected by User
6263選取的憑證存放區 Certificate Store Selected
6264記憶體不足,無法完成這個操作。請儲存您的工作,關閉其他程式,然後再試一次。 There is not enough memory to complete the operation. Save your work, close other programs, and then try again.
6265%s 已經存在。您要取代它嗎? %s already exists. Do you want to replace it?
6266X.509 憑證 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7b所有檔案 (*.*)*.* X.509 Certificate (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7bAll Files (*.*)*.*
6267只會新增自我簽署憑證到 CTL。 Only self-signed certificates are added to the CTL.
6268將不會新增不符合 CTL 目的之憑證。 Certificates that do not match the purpose of the CTL will not be added.
6269數位簽章精靈 Digital Signature Wizard
6270簽署憑證 Signing certificate
6271發給 Issued to
6272簽發者 Issued by
6273到期日 Expiration date
6274時間戳記服務 Timestamp service
6275可執行檔 (*.exe;*.dll;*.ocx)*.exe;*.dll;*.ocx封包檔 (*.cab)*.cab憑證信任清單檔案 (*.stl)*.stl類別目錄檔案 (*.cat)*.cat所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Executable File (*.exe;*.dll;*.ocx)*.exe;*.dll;*.ocxCabinet Files (*.cab)*.cabCertificate Trust List Files(*.stl)*.stlCatalog Files (*.cat)*.catAll Files (*.*)*.*
6276請指定要簽署的檔案名稱。 Specify a file name to sign.
6277選取簽署憑證。 Select a signing certificate.
6278時間戳記服務的 URL 無效。請重新輸入 URL。 The URL for the timestamp service is not valid. Re-enter the URL.
6279指定時間戳記服務的 URL。 Specify a URL for the timestamp service.
6281由於資訊無效,精靈無法為檔案加上數位簽章。 The wizard cannot digitally sign the file because the information is not valid.
6282數位簽章精靈未完成。 The Digital Signature wizard did not complete.
6283時間戳記處理未完成。 The timestamping process did not complete.
6284無法啟動數位簽章精靈。 The Digital Signing wizard cannot start.
6285因為發生內部錯誤,無法簽署憑證信任清單。 The certificate trust list cannot be signed, due to an internal error.
6286數位簽章精靈執行成功。 The Digital Signing wizard was completed successfully.
62919 8
6293匯出成功。 The export was successful.
6294匯出失敗。 The export failed.
6295Base64 編碼 X.509 (*.cer)*.cer所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Base64 Encoded X.509 (*.cer)*.cerAll Files (*.*)*.*
6296Base64 編碼 X.509 (*.cer) Base64 Encoded X.509 (*.cer)
6297匯出私密金鑰時發生錯誤。私密金鑰可能無法匯出。 An error occurred during the exporting of the private key. The private key may not be exportable.
6298時間戳記服務的 URL 無效。 The URL for the timestamp service is not valid.
6299時間戳記服務憑證無效,無法進行時間戳記處理。 The timestamp service certificate is not valid for timestamping.
6300私密金鑰 (*.pvk)*.pvk所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Private Key (*.pvk)*.pvkAll Files (*.*)*.*
6301金鑰交換 Key Exchange
6302簽章 Signature
6317PKCS #7 憑證 (*.p7b;*.spc)*.p7b;*.spc所有檔案 (*.*)*.* PKCS #7 Certificates (*.p7b;*.spc)*.p7b;*.spcAll Files (*.*)*.*
6318這不是有效的 PKCS #7 憑證檔案。 This is not a valid PKCS #7 Certificates file.
6319簽署檔案名稱 Signing file name
6321私密金鑰檔案 Private key file
6322密碼編譯服務提供者 Cryptographic service provider
6323CSP 類型 CSP type
6324私密金鑰容器 Private key container
6325金鑰規格 Key specification
6326雜湊演算法 Hash algorithm
6327只包含簽署憑證 Include only the signing certificate
6328包含憑證路徑及根憑證 Include the certification path and the root certificate
6329包含憑證路徑但不包含根憑證 Include the certification path but do not include the root certificate
6330憑證路徑 Certification path
6331沒有其他憑證 No additional certificates
6332從檔案新增憑證 Add certificates from file
6333從存放區新增憑證 Add certificates from store
6334內容描述 Content description
6335內容資訊 URL Content information URL
6336PKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc)*.spcX.509 憑證 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crt所有檔案 (*.*)*.* PKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc)*.spcX.509 Certificate (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtAll Files (*.*)*.*
6337檔案並未包含有效的憑證。 The file does not contain valid certificates.
6339您必須指定私密金鑰檔案。 You must specify a private key file.
6340您必須指定密碼編譯服務提供者。 You must specify a cryptographic service provider.
6341您必須指定私密金鑰容器。 You must specify a private key container.
6342您必須指定私密金鑰類型。 You must specify a private key type.
6343您必須指定雜湊演算法。 You must specify a hash algorithm.
6344您必須指定檔案名稱。 You must specify a file name.
6345您必須指定憑證存放區。 You must specify a certificate store.
6347注意: .spc 檔案可包含許多憑證。精靈會根據您在下一頁選取的私密金鑰,選擇適當的憑證。 Note: An .spc file may contain many certificates. The wizard chooses the appropriate certificate based on the private key selected on the next page.
6348簽署憑證和私密金鑰不符合,或未包含有效資訊。 The signing certificate and private key do not match or do not contain valid information.
6349這個簽署憑證沒有正確的簽署授權單位。 The signing certificate does not have the correct signing authority.
6350簽章空間不足,無法新增時間戳記。請放棄檔案。 There is not enough space in the signature to add the timestamp. Please resign the file.
6351Windows 無法開啟有正確私密金鑰的 CSP。 Windows cannot open a CSP that has the correct private key.
6352Windows 無法建立要求的憑證路徑。 Windows cannot build the requested certification path.
6353簽署憑證已到期或尚未生效。 The signing certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
6354X.509 憑證 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crt個人資訊交換 (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12憑證信任清單 (*.stl)*.stl憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7b所有檔案 (*.*)*.* X.509 Certificate (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtPersonal Information Exchange (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12Certificate Trust List (*.stl)*.stlCertificate Revocation List (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7bAll Files (*.*)*.*
6355開啟信任的根憑證授權單位存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
6356將憑證新增至信任的根憑證授權單位存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
6357憑證已經在憑證信任清單中。 The certificates are already in the certificate trust list.
6373連線逾時,或時間戳記的回應無效。 The connection timed out, or the timestamp response is not valid.
6379Windows 找不到指定的路徑。 Windows cannot find the specified path.
6380請為憑證信任清單選取一個目的。 Select a purpose for the certificate trust list.
6382有效性 Validity
6383識別碼 Identifier
6384%1!d! 個月又 %2!d! 天 %1!d! months and %2!d! days
6385%1!d! 個月 %1!d! months
6386%1!d! 天 %1!d! days
6387目的 Purpose
6388選取的憑證授權單位不會根據憑證範本發出憑證。 The certification authority selected does not issue certificates based on certificate templates.
- 沒有受信任的憑證授權單位 (CA) 可用。
- 您沒有權限從可用的 CA 要求憑證。
- 您沒有權限可使用可用的 CA 所簽發的憑證。
The wizard cannot be started because of one or more of the following conditions:
- There are no trusted certification authorities (CAs) available.
- You do not have the permissions to request certificates from the available CAs.
- The available CAs issue certificates for which you do not have permissions.
6390您的權限不足,無法根據選取的憑證範本要求憑證。 You do not have permission to request a certificate based on the selected certificate template.
6391遠端金鑰產生功能不支援使用者私密金鑰保護。 User protection of private keys is not supported for remote key generation.
6392程式未提供有效的憑證授權單位資訊。 The program did not provide valid certification authority information.
6393請選取密碼編譯服務提供者。 Select a cryptographic service provider.
6394呼叫的應用程式並未指定要更新的憑證。 The calling application did not specify a certificate to renew.
6395無法更新此憑證,因為它所包含的資訊不足以產生更新要求。請要求新的憑證。 This certificate cannot be renewed because it does not contain enough information to generate a renewal request. Please request a new certificate.
6396Windows 無法將您的 Windows 帳戶名稱對應到真實姓名。 Windows cannot map your Windows account name to a real name.
6397Windows 無法抓取電腦名稱。 Windows cannot retrieve the computer name.
6398您必須至少安裝一個密碼編譯服務提供者來執行這個操作。 You must have at least one cryptographic service provider installed to perform this operation.
6399指定的密碼編譯服務提供者無法用於選取的憑證範本。 The specified cryptographic service provider cannot be used for the selected Certificate Template.
6400Windows 找不到憑證授權單位。 Windows cannot locate the certification authority.
6401匯入失敗,因為憑證存放區中已經存在一個唯讀複本。 The import was unsuccessful because read-only duplicates already exist in the certificate stores.
6402檔案中包含不符合程式條件的物件。請指定其他檔案。 The file contains objects that do not match the program's criteria. Specify another file.
6403憑證檔案 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7b個人資訊交換 (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate File (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7bPersonal Information Exchange (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12All Files (*.*)*.*
6404憑證信任清單 (*.stl)*.stlMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sst所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate Trust List (*.stl)*.stlMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstAll Files (*.*)*.*
6405憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sst所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate Revocation List (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstAll Files (*.*)*.*
6406憑證檔案 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crt憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7b個人資訊交換 (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate File (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtCertificate Revocation List (*.crl)*.crlMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7bPersonal Information Exchange (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12All Files (*.*)*.*
6407憑證檔案 (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crt憑證信任清單 (*.stl)*.stlMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 憑證 (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7b個人資訊交換 (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate File (*.cer;*.crt)*.cer;*.crtCertificate Trust List (*.stl)*.stlMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstPKCS #7 Certificates (*.spc;*.p7b)*.spc;*.p7bPersonal Information Exchange (*.pfx;*.p12)*.pfx;*.p12All Files (*.*)*.*
6408憑證信任清單 (*.stl)*.stl憑證撤銷清單 (*.crl)*.crlCMicrosoft 序列憑證存放區 (*.sst)*.sst所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Certificate Trust List (*.stl)*.stlCertificate Revocation List (*.crl)*.crlCMicrosoft Serialized Certificate Store (*.sst)*.sstAll Files (*.*)*.*
6409CTL 有效期應該在 99 個月之內。 The duration of the CTL should be no longer than 99 months.
6410從憑證存放區或從檔案 (.cer、.crt 或 .spc) 選取憑證。 Select a certificate from either a certificate store or from a file (.cer, .crt, or .spc).
6411從憑證存放區選取憑證。 Select a certificate from a certificate store.
6412由精靈自動判定 Automatically determined by the wizard
6413注意: 關聯的私密金鑰已被標記成「不能匯出」。只能匯出憑證。 Note: The associated private key is marked as not exportable. Only the certificate can be exported.
6414注意: 找不到關聯的私密金鑰。只能匯出憑證。 Note: The associated private key cannot be found. Only the certificate can be exported.
6415無法未指定的檔案加上數位簽章。 The specified file cannot be digitally signed.
6416指定的檔案不存在,或它是唯讀檔案。 The specified file does not exist, or it is a read-only file.
6417選取檔案中沒有憑證。 There is no certificate in the selected file.
6418指定的檔案是空的。請選取其他檔案。 The specified file is empty. Select a different file.
6419指定憑證範本。 Specify a certificate template.
6420指定的檔案不存在。 The specified file does not exist.
6422指定的檔案是空的。 The specified file is empty.
6423憑證未包含有效的私密金鑰資訊。 The certificate does not contain valid private key information.
6424發行者 Publisher
6425Windows 找不到要求的有效憑證範本。 Windows cannot find a valid certificate template for the request.
6426注意: 關聯的私密金鑰位於可能不允許匯出金鑰的密碼編譯服務提供者內。匯出這個包含私密金鑰的憑證可能會失敗。 Note: The associated private key is inside a cryptographic service provider that may not allow exporting of the key. Exporting this certificate with the private key may fail.
6427正在將 .pfx 或 .p12 檔案匯入到不受支援的遠端憑證存放區。 Importing a .pfx or .p12 file to a remote certificate store is not supported.
6429不支援匯出包含此類型私密金鑰的憑證。 Exporting certificates with private keys of this type is not supported.
6441目標密碼編譯服務提供者不支援要匯入的私密金鑰。 The private key being imported is not supported by the targeted Cryptographic Service Provider.
6442要匯入的金鑰編碼不正確。 The key being imported is improperly encoded.
6445憑證要求失敗。 The certificate request failed.
6450開啟「其他人」存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Other People store.
-要求需要來自某個憑證授權單位 (CA) 的交換憑證,但該 CA 並未啟動。
-您沒有權限向可用 CA 要求憑證。
The certificate request cannot be created because of one of the following conditions:
- The request required an exchange certificate from a Certification Authority (CA) that is not started.
- You do not have the permissions to request certificates from the available CAs.
6452因為憑證類型定義不正確,所以無法建立憑證要求。密碼編譯服務提供者 (CSP) 不支援指定的憑證目的。請連絡憑證授權單位系統管理員。 The certificate request cannot be created because the certificate type was defined incorrectly. The cryptographic service provider (CSP) does not support the specified certificate purpose. Contact the certification authority administrator.
6453Windows 已經包含一個憑證撤銷清單 (CRL),這個清單的日期和您要匯入的 CRL 的日期相同或較新。如果您取代目前的 CRL,您可能會遺失憑證撤銷資訊。您要取代目前的 CRL 嗎? Windows contains a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) that has the same date or is newer than the CRL you are trying to import. If you replace the current CRL, you might lose certificate revocation information. Do you want to replace the current CRL?
6454Windows 已經包含一個憑證信任清單 (CTL),這個清單的日期和您要匯入的 CTL 的日期相同或較新。如果您取代目前的 CTL,您可能會遺失憑證信任資訊。您要取代目前的 CTL 嗎? Windows contains a Certificate Trust List (CTL) that has the same date or is newer than the CTL you are trying to import. If you replace the current CTL, you might lose certificate trust information. Do you want to replace the current CTL?
6455匯入失敗,因為操作已被取消。 The import failed because the operation was cancelled.
6456匯入失敗,因為您沒有必要的權限。 The import failed because you do not have the necessary privilege.
6457將憑證新增到「其他人」存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate to the Other People store.
6458將憑證新增到「受信任的人」存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the addition of a certificate to the Trusted People store.
6459開啟「受信任的人」存放區時發生錯誤。 An error occurred during the opening of the Trusted People store.
6460精靈無法啟動,因為它無法連絡 Active Directory。 The wizard cannot be started because it failed to contact the Active Directory.
6461最小金鑰大小 Minimum Key Size
6462金鑰可匯出 Key Exportable
6463增強式金鑰保護 Strong Key Protection
- 憑證要求已提交給憑證授權單位 (CA),但憑證授權單位並未啟動。
- 您沒有權限向可用的 CA 要求憑證。
The certificate request failed because of one of the following conditions:
- The certificate request was submitted to a Certification Authority (CA) that is not started.
- You do not have the permissions to request certificates from the available CAs.
- 沒有受信任的憑證授權單位 (CA) 可用。
- 可用的 CA 並未根據指定範本發行憑證。
- 您正在執行一個需要 RA 簽章的範本更新要求。
The certificate request failed because of one of the following conditions:
- There are no trusted certification authorities (CAs) available.
- The available CAs do not issue certificates based on the specified template.
- You are performing a renewal request for a template that requires an RA signature.
6467需要用來保護私密金鑰的密碼。請輸入密碼。 A password is required in order to protect the private key. Please enter a password.
7000描述 Description
7004選取憑證。 Select a certificate.


File Name:cryptuiwizard.dll.mui
File Size:34 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft 信任 UI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is cryptuiwizard.dll.mui?

cryptuiwizard.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file cryptuiwizard.dll (Microsoft 信任 UI 提供者).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft 信任 UI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200