wbadmin.exe Microsoft® BLB 备份的命令行接口 d90ba20a9f4ad0cdece0a188e57f53a5

File info

File name: wbadmin.exe.mui
Size: 102912 byte
MD5: d90ba20a9f4ad0cdece0a188e57f53a5
SHA1: cbab4569676a24cf7cdf3762fe0ede00cccf2e42
SHA256: 51318254406cbf0fd6d4c85540bfc0cd67a2a76ebcb76d02bc7da124f1284926
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: wbadmin.exe Microsoft® BLB 备份的命令行接口 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100wbadmin wbadmin
101未定义的值 Undefined value
102系统状态备份 System State Backup
103数据备份 Data Backup
105固定磁盘 Fixed Disk
1061394/USB 磁盘 1394/USB Disk
107网络共享 Network Share
108可移动媒体 Removable media
109排除音频和视频 Exclude both audio and video
110排除音频 Exclude audio
111排除视频 Exclude video
112未排除任何对象 Nothing excluded
113正在初始化 Initializing
114正在创建卷快照 Creating volume snapshots
115正在备份数据 Backing up data
116正在等待媒体 Waiting for media
117终止 Aborted
118已取消 Cancelled
119已完成 Completed
120尚未启动 Not yet started
121失败 Failed
122未找到卷 Volume not found
123正在创建目标快照 Creating target snapshot
126本地磁盘 Local Disk
127 ,
128选定文件 Selected files
129整卷 Full volume
131Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server
132Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Exchange Server
134Active Directory 域服务 Active Directory Domain Services
135文件复制服务 File Replication Service
136注册表 Registry
138未知 Unknown
150 Volume(s)
151文件 File(s)
152应用程序 Application(s)
153裸机恢复 Bare Metal Recovery
154系统状态 System State
155计划的备份目标 Scheduled backup target
156EFI 系统分区 EFI System Partition
157虚拟机 Virtual Machine(s)
170包括 Included
171不包括 Not Included
172(选定文件) (Selected Files)
173VSS 备份选项(全部) VSS Backup Option (FULL)
174VSS 备份选项(复制) VSS Backup Option (COPY)
0x00790025%0 %0
0x0079002C当前运行的操作没有停止。 The operation that is currently running was not stopped.
0x00790031当前未计划备份。 A backup is not currently scheduled.
0x40000401\t%1 \t%1
0x4000040B语法: WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP [-quiet]描述: 停止运行现有的每日计划备份。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或Administrators 组的成员。参数:-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行该命令。备注: 如果停止计划备份,则在重新格式化存储备份的磁盘(以便删除全部现有备份)之前,将无法再使用这些磁盘存储备份。 Syntax: WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP [-quiet]Description: Stops running the existing scheduled daily backups.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Remarks: If you stop the scheduled backups, the disks where you stored the backups cannot be used again to store backups until they are reformatted (so that all existing backups are deleted).
0x40002710wbadmin 1.0 - 备份命令行工具(C) 版权所有 2013 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。 wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool(C) Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
0x40002742---- 支持的命令 ---- ---- Commands Supported ----
0x40002744卷 ID = %1卷“%3”,在 %2 装入(“%5”,创建备份时在 %4 装入)卷大小 = %6可以恢复 = %7 Volume ID = %1Volume '%3', mounted at %2 ('%5', mounted at %4 at the time the backup was created)Volume size = %6Can recover = %7
0x40002746组件 = %1 (%2%3%4) Component = %1 (%2%3%4)
0x40002747卷 ID = %1卷“%3”,在 %2 装入卷大小 = %4可以恢复 = %5 Volume ID = %1Volume '%3', mounted at %2Volume size = %4Can recover = %5
0x40002748正在检索卷信息... Retrieving volume information...
0x40002749正在检索卷和组件信息... Retrieving volume and component information...
0x4000274A应用程序 = %1虚拟机名称: %2 虚拟机描述: %3 虚拟机标识符: %4总大小: %5 Application = %1VM name: %2 VM caption: %3VM identifier: %4Total Size: %5
0x40002751这样会将 %1 备份到 %2。 This will back up %1 to %2.
0x40002752是否要开始备份操作?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to start the backup operation?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002754开始对 %1 进行备份操作。 The backup operation to %1 is starting.
0x40002755CE%0 CE%0
0x40002758YN%0 YN%0
0x4000275A你确定要在当前备份操作完成前将其结束吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Are you sure you want to end the current backup operation before it is finished?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002763已成功完成卷 %1 的备份。 The backup of volume %1 completed successfully.
0x40002764无法完成卷 %1 的备份。错误: %2 The backup of volume %1 could not be completed. Error: %2
0x40002766正在创建卷 %1 的备份,已复制(%2!lu!%%)。 Creating a backup of volume %1, copied (%2!lu!%%).
0x40002767正在为卷 %1 压缩虚拟硬盘,已完成(%2!lu!%%)。 Compacting the virtual hard disk for volume %1, completed (%2!lu!%%).
0x40002769备份操作在完成前停止。 The backup operation stopped before completing.
0x4000276A成功完成备份操作。 The backup operation successfully completed.
0x4000276B正在格式化媒体... Formatting media...
0x4000276D你确定要停止当前操作吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Are you sure you want to stop the current operation?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002778警告: 驱动器 %1 中标记为 %2 的媒体的文件系统不支持存储备份,或其可用空间小于 1GB。若要继续,需要格式化该媒体才能存储备份。该媒体上的所有数据都将丢失。你确定要使用当前媒体吗?按 [%3] 格式化并使用当前媒体,按 [%4] 将该媒体替换为其他媒体。[%3] 是 [%4] 否 %0 Warning: The media in drive %1 labeled %2 either has a file system that does not support storing a backup or has less than 1 gigabyte of free space. To continue, the media needs to be formatted to store backups. Any data on the media will be lost. Are you sure that you want to use the current media? Press [%3] to format and use current media, [%4] to replace this media with different media. [%3] Yes [%4] No %0
0x40002792你已选择将 %2 上所创建备份中的卷 %1恢复到原始位置。 You have chosen to recover volume(s) %1 from the backup created on %2 to the original location.
0x40002793你已选择将 %2 上所创建备份中的卷 %1恢复到另一个位置 %3。 You have chosen to recover volume(s) %1 from the backup created on %2 to a different location, %3.
0x40002794选择恢复的某些卷包含不一致的组件。有关详细信息,请查看 %1。 Some of the volumes chosen for recovery have inconsistent components. For details, see %1.
0x400027A6你确定要在恢复操作完成前将其停止吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Are you sure you want to stop the recovery operation before it is finished?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400027AA恢复卷 %1 的操作失败。错误: %2 The recovery operation for volume %1 failed. Error: %2
0x400027AC成功完成卷 %1 的恢复操作。 The recovery operation for volume %1 successfully completed.
0x400027AE正在运行卷 %1 的恢复操作,已复制(%2!lu!%%)。 Running a recovery operation for volume %1, copied (%2!lu!%%).
0x400027AF正在完成卷 %1... Finalizing volume %1 ...
0x400027B1恢复操作完成。 The recovery operation completed.
0x400027B2恢复操作在完成前停止。 The recovery operation stopped before completing.
0x400027B3警告: %1 的卷映射在备份该卷后已更改。恢复到原始位置将覆盖卷 %2 而不是 %1。你想继续吗?[%3] 是 [%4] 否 %0 Warning: Volume mapping for %1 has changed since the volume was backed up.Recovering to the original location will overwrite volume %2 instead of %1.Do you want to continue?[%3] Yes [%4] No %0
0x400027B4备份操作摘要:------------------ Summary of the backup operation:------------------
0x400027B5恢复操作摘要:-------------------- Summary of the recovery operation:--------------------
0x400027B6警告: %1 的卷映射在备份该卷后已更改。该卷将恢复到 %2。你想继续吗?[%3] 是 [%4] 否 %0 Warning: Volume mapping for %1 has changed since the volume was backed up. The volume will be recovered to %2.Do you want to continue?[%3] Yes [%4] No %0
0x400027BD当前正在恢复 %1。 Currently recovering %1.
0x400027C4(没有标签)%0 (no label)%0
0x400027CF备份不包含与以下应用程序对应的任何组件: %1 The backup did not include any components that correspond to the followingapplication: %1
0x400027D0你想恢复应用程序 %1 吗?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 Do you want to recover the application %1?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x400027E0无%0 None%0
0x400027E1%1!d! 字节%0 %1!d! bytes%0
0x400027E2%1!d!.%2!02d! KB%0 %1!d!.%2!02d! KB%0
0x400027E3%1!d!.%2!02d! MB%0 %1!d!.%2!02d! MB%0
0x400027E4%1!d!.%2!02d! GB%0 %1!d!.%2!02d! GB%0
0x400027E5错误: 仅在 Windows Preinstallation Environment 中支持 %1 %2 命令。 Error: %1 %2 command is supported only in Windows Preinstallation Environment.
0x400027EB是否要使用这些设置启用计划备份?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to enable scheduled backups using these settings?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400027EC你想格式化 %1 (包括卷 %2)并将其用作存储计划备份的位置吗?[%3] 是 [%4] 否 %0 Do you want to format and use %1 (that includes volumes %2) as the location to store scheduled backups?[%3] Yes [%4] No %0
0x400027ED为计划备份指定的存储位置不包含任何卷。是否要格式化并使用以下位置? %1 [%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 The location specified for storing scheduled backups does not include anyvolumes. Do you want to format and use the following location? %1 [%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x400027EE无法从 DVD 或其他可移动介质恢复单个文件或应用程序数据。只能从该类型的存储介质中恢复整个卷。 You cannot recover individual files or application data from DVDs or otherremovable media. You can only recover full volumes from this type of storagemedia.
0x400027F1(脱机)%0 (offline)%0
0x400027F6你想从 %1 恢复编录吗?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 Do you want to recover the catalog from %1?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x400027F7已成功恢复编录。 The catalog has been successfully recovered.
0x400027F8(没有卷标签)%0 (no volume label)%0
0x400027F9以下磁盘中的一个或多个卷包含以前创建的备份: One or more volumes from the following disks contain backups created previously:
0x400027FA%1!d!. \t磁盘名称: %2\t磁盘标识符: %3 %1!d!. \tDisk name: %2\tDisk identifier: %3
0x400027FB此操作可能会删除列出的磁盘中的备份数据。你可以使用 -excludeDisks 参数明确排除磁盘,并禁止清除排除的磁盘中的数据。有关详细信息,请在命令提示符下键入: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY /?。是否确实要继续执行恢复操作?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 This action might delete backup data from the disks listed. You can use the -excludeDisks parameter to specifically exclude disks and prevent data from being erased on the excluded disks.For more information, at the command prompt type: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY /?.Are you sure you want to continue with the recovery operation?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400027FF\t卷:\t\t: %2 [%1] \tVolumes\t\t: %2 [%1]
0x40002800\t\t\t%2 [%1] \t\t\t%2 [%1]
0x40002801所输入的凭据不正确,或用户没有对远程共享文件夹的写入权限。请指定有效凭据。 The credentials entered are either incorrect or the user does not have write permissions to the remote shared folder. Specify valid credentials.
0x40002802警告: 此版本的 Windows 不支持 %1 %2 命令。 Warning: The %1 %2 command is not supported in this version of Windows.
0x40002804磁盘名称: %1磁盘处于脱机状态。 Disk name : %1The disk is offline.
0x40002808备份操作在完成前结束。 The backup operation ended before completing.
0x40002809还原备份中包含的所有数据之前,恢复过程停止。 The recovery process stopped before all of the data included in the backup wasrestored.
0x4000280A详细错误: %0 Detailed error: %0
0x4000280B已成功删除备份编录。 The backup catalog has been successfully deleted.
0x4000280C正在重新创建磁盘,请稍候。此步骤将在磁盘上重新创建分区和卷,并对重新创建的卷进行完全格式化。这可能需要几分钟的时间。 Please wait while the disks are being recreated. This step recreates partitions and volumes on disks and fully formats the recreated volumes. Thiscould take several minutes or more.
0x4000280D成功重新创建磁盘。 The disks were successfully recreated.
0x40002813%1!lu!%% 的验证完成... Verification of %1!lu!%% completed...
0x40002814卷 %1 的恢复操作完成,但出现警告。 The recovery operation for volume %1 completed with warning(s).
0x40002815卷 %1 的备份操作完成,但出现警告。 The backup operation for volume %1 completed with warning(s).
0x40002816警告: 在为备份指定的硬盘上发现新的坏簇。不会备份坏簇上的数据,因为无法读取这些簇。要确保备份硬盘上的所有数据,请打开命令提示符,浏览到具有坏簇的硬盘,然后键入 CHKDSK /R 以修复硬盘。在完成修复后,重试备份。 Warning: New bad clusters were found on the hard disks specified for backups.Data on the bad clusters was not backed up because the clusters could not be read. To ensure that all data on the hard disks is backed up, open a command prompt, navigate to the hard disks that have bad clusters and then type CHKDSK /R to repair the hard disk. After the repair is completed, retry the backup.
0x4000281B错误 - 无法继续执行备份操作,因为备份存储目标“%1”上存在坏簇。在使用备份目标之前,必须在目标驱动器的命令提示符下键入 CHKDSK /R 以修复这些坏簇。 ERROR - The backup operation could not continue because of bad clusters on the backup storage destination '%1'. Before you can use the backup destinationthe bad clusters must be fixed by typing CHKDSK /R at the command prompt of the destination drive.
0x4000281E当前媒体为只读媒体。若要继续,请插入可写媒体,然后按 [%3]。若要退出,请按 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 The current media is read-only. To continue, insert writable media, and then press [%3]. To exit, press [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x4000281F注意: 承载操作系统组件的所有卷均已恢复。但是,无法恢复其中的一个或多个数据卷,因为无法重新创建目标卷,或该目标卷不可用。 Note: All volumes that host operating system components have been recovered. However, one or more of your data volumes could not be recovered because the destination volume could not be recreated or is unavailable.
0x40002820恢复系统状态成功完成 [%1] The recovery of the system state successfully completed [%1].
0x40002821恢复系统状态失败 [%1] The recovery of the system state failed [%1].
0x40002823正在启动系统状态恢复操作 [%1]。 Starting a system state recovery operation [%1].
0x40002824正在准备恢复操作... Preparing for a recovery operation...
0x40002825正在处理要恢复的文件。这可能需要几分钟时间... Processing files for recovery. This might take a few minutes...
0x40002826已处理(%1!lu!)文件。 Processed (%1!lu!) files.
0x40002827处理文件完成。开始从备份恢复文件 Processing of the files is complete.Starting to recover files from the backup
0x40002828总体进度: %1!lu!%%。当前正在恢复“%2”报告的文件 Overall progress: %1!lu!%%. Currently recovering files reported by '%2'
0x40002829恢复“%1”报告的文件已完成 The recovery of files reported by '%1' has completed.
0x4000282A此位置的备份信息包含 %1 之前所创建备份的详细信息。编录恢复操作完成后,你可能无法访问此日期之后创建的备份。 The backup information on this location has details of backups created up to%1. You may not be able to access backups created after this date when the catalog recovery operation completes.
0x4000282B正在恢复注册表。这可能需要几分钟时间... Restoring the registry. This might take a few minutes...
0x4000282C正在完成恢复操作... Finalizing the recovery operation...
0x4000282D正在清理... Cleaning up...
0x4000282E警告: 此操作将对你的群集执行授权还原。在恢复群集数据库后,将停止并重新启动群集服务。这可能需要几分钟的时间。 Warning: This operation will perform an authoritative restore of yourcluster. After recovering the cluster database, the Cluster service will be stopped and then started. This might take a few minutes.
0x4000282FDisk%0 Disk%0
0x40002830DVD%0 DVD%0
0x40002831是否要启动系统状态恢复操作?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to start the system state recovery operation?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002832正在停止服务... Stopping services...
0x40002833请提供对此远程共享文件夹具有写入权限的用户的用户名和密码。 Provide a user name and a password for a user who has write permission to theremote shared folder.
0x40002834警告: 指定的备份不在当前计算机上。建议不要将备份恢复到其他计算机,因为这样可能会使计算机处于不稳定的状态。你确定要使用此备份恢复当前计算机吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Warning: The specified backup is of a different computer than the current one. Recovering the backup to an alternate computer is not recommended because it might put the computer into an unstable state.Are you sure you want to use this backup to recover the current computer?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002835恢复操作失败,因为指定备份中的卷与当前计算机上的卷不同。 The recovery operation failed because the volumes in the specified backup are different than the volumes on the current computer.
0x40002836警告: 在 Windows Preinstallation Environment 中不支持文件或应用程序恢复。 Warning: File or application recovery is not supported in Windows Preinstallation Environment.
0x40002837所显示的备份时间基于所使用的当前操作系统的时区。正在使用的时区为 %1。 The times of the backups displayed are based on the time zone of the current operating system that you are using. The time zone being used is %1.
0x40002838在 %1 启动的系统状态恢复操作已成功完成。 The system state recovery operation that started at %1 has successfully completed.
0x40002839在 %1 启动的系统状态恢复操作已完成,但有错误(0x%2!08lx!)。 The system state recovery operation that started at %1 completed with errors (0x%2!08lx!).
0x4000283A尚未执行系统状态恢复。 A system state recovery has not been performed.
0x4000283B按 Enter 继续... Press ENTER to continue...
0x4000283C语法: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP [-addtarget:] [-removetarget:] [-schedule:] [-include: [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-hyperv:] [-allCritical] [-systemState] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-user:] [-password:] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]描述: 创建每日备份计划或修改现有备份计划。如果不指定任何选项,则显示当前的计划备份设置。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-addtarget 指定备份的存储位置。要求你以磁盘、 卷或指向远程共享文件夹的通用命名约定(UNC) 路径(\\\\\\\\)的形式指定位置。 默认情况下,备份保存在: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\。如果指定磁盘,则将在使用前 格式化该磁盘,该磁盘上的全部现有数据都将被永久 删除。如果指定共享文件夹,则将无法添加更多位置。 一次只能指定一个共享文件夹作为存储位置。 重要信息: 如果将备份保存到远程共享文件夹,则在 使用同一文件夹再次备份同一计算机时,将覆盖此备份。 另外,如果备份操作失败,则结果可能会没有任何备份, 因为会覆盖旧备份,而新备份又不可用。通过在远程共享 文件夹中创建子文件夹来组织备份,便可以避免这种 情况。如果这样做,则子文件夹将需要具备父文件夹的 两倍空间。 一个命令中只能指定一个位置。可以通过再次运行该命令, 添加多个卷和磁盘备份存储位置。-removetarget 指定你要从现有的备份计划中删除的存储位置。-schedule 指定一天中创建备份的时间(以逗号分隔的形式指定, 采用格式 HH:MM)。-include 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的项目列表。 可以包含多个文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。-nonRecurseInclude 指定备份中包含的以逗号分隔的非递归项目列表。 可以包含多个文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用。-exclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的项目列表。 可以排除文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。-nonRecurseExclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的非递归项目 列表。可以排除文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。-hyperv 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的组件列表。 标识符可以是组件名称或组件 GUID (有或没有括号)。-systemState 创建包含系统状态以及使用 -include 参数指定的 任何其他项目的备份。-allCritical 创建包含所有关键卷(关键卷包含操作系统文件和组件)以 及使用 -include 参数指定的任何其他项目的备份。 如果为裸机恢复创建备份,则该参数非常有用。-vssFull 使用卷影复制服务(VSS)执行完整备份。每个文件的历史 记录都会相应更新,以反映备份情况。如果未使用此参数, 则 WBADMIN START BACKUP 将进行副本备份,但是所备份 文件的历史记录不会相应更新。 警告: 如果使用 Windows Server 备份以外的产品 备份包含在当前备份中的卷上的应用程序,则请勿使用此 参数,否则,可能会永久性破坏其他备份产品正在创建 的增量、差异或其他类型的备份。-vssCopy 使用 VSS 执行副本备份。所备份文件的历史记录不会 相应更新。这是默认值。-user 指定对备份存储目标(如果它是远程共享文件夹)具有写入 权限的用户。该用户需要是正在进行备份的计算机上的 Administrators 组或 Backup Operators 组的成员。-password 指定由参数 -user 所提供的用户名的密码。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行该命令。-allowDeleteOldBackups 覆盖在升级之前找到的备份。示例:WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{aa123d14-bba0-1dd9-0d93-80aaaa6bbb63}-schedule:09:00,18:00 -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -include:c:\\dir1\\* -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00 -hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:e: -hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f} -schedule:00:00备注: 若要查看所有联机磁盘的磁盘标识符,请使用WBADMIN GET DISKS。如果要备份某个应用程序用于恢复,则必须备份包含该应用程序和应用程序数据的整个卷。 Syntax: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP [-addtarget:] [-removetarget:] [-schedule:] [-include: [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-hyperv:] [-allCritical] [-systemState] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-user:] [-password:] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]Description: Creates a daily backup schedule or modifies an existing backup schedule. With no options specified, displays the current scheduled backup settings.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group.Parameters:-addtarget Specifies the storage location for backups. Requires you to specify the location as a disk, volume, or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a remote shared folder (\\\\\\\\). By default, the backup will be saved at: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\. If you specify a disk, the disk will be formatted before use, and any existing data on it is permanently erased. If you specify a shared folder, you cannot add more locations. You can only specify one shared folder as a storage location at a time. Important: If you save a backup to a remote shared folder, that backup will be overwritten if you use the same folder to backup the same computer again. In addition, if the backup operation fails, you may end up with no backup because the older backup will be overwritten, but the newer backup will not be usable. You can avoid this by creating subfolders in the remote shared folder to organize your backups. If you do this, the subfolders will need twice the space of the parent folder. Only one location can be specified in a single command. Multiple volume and disk backup storage locations can be added by running the command again.-removetarget Specifies the storage location that you want to remove from the existing backup schedule.-schedule Specifies the times of day to create a backup (comma-delimited and formatted as HH:MM).-include Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file.-nonRecurseInclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-exclude Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. -nonRecurseExclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. -hyperv Specifies the comma-delimited list of components to be included in backup. The identifier could be component name or component guid(with or without braces). -systemState Creates a backup that includes the system state in addition to any other items that you specified with the -include parameter.-allCritical Creates a backup that includes all critical volumes (critical volumes contain the operating system files and components) in addition to any other items that you specified with the -include parameter. This parameter is useful if you are creating a backup for bare metal recovery. -vssFull Performs a full backup using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Each file's history is updated to reflect that it was backed up. If this parameter is not used WBADMIN START BACKUP makes a copy backup, but the history of files being backed up is not updated. Caution: Do not use this parameter if you are using a product other than Windows Server Backup to back up applications that are on the volumes included in the current backup. Doing so can potentially break the incremental, differential, or other type of backups that the other backup product is creating.-vssCopy Performs a copy backup using VSS. The history of the files being backed up is not updated. This is the default value.-user Specifies the user with write permission to the backup storage destination (if it is a remote shared folder). The user needs to be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators group on the computer that is getting backed up. -password Specifies the password for the user name provided by the parameter -user.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.-allowDeleteOldBackups Overwrites the backups found before upgrade.Examples:WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{aa123d14-bba0-1dd9-0d93-80aaaa6bbb63} -schedule:09:00,18:00 -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -include:c:\\dir1\\* -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00 -hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:e: -hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f} -schedule:00:00Remarks: To view the disk identifier of all online disks, use WBADMIN GET DISKS. If you want to back up an application for recovery, you must back up the entire volume that contains the application and application data.
0x4000283D警告: 正在恢复到“%1”的位置看似好像重分析点。要恢复文件的实际位置取决于如何处理此重分析点。你想继续进行恢复操作吗?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 Warning: The location that you are recovering to '%1' seems to be a reparse point. The actual location where the files will get recovered depends on how this reparse point is processed. Do you want to continue with the recovery operation?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x4000283E总体进度: %1!lu!%% 正在恢复其他系统状态文件... Overall progress: %1!lu!%% Recovering additional system state files...
0x4000283F恢复其他系统状态文件已完成。 The recovery of additional system state files has completed.
0x40002841无法恢复当前组件依赖的组件 %1。 错误: %0 Failed to recover the component %1 on which the current component depends. Error: %0
0x40002842正在尝试恢复的组件位于远程计算机 [%1] 上。请在此远程计算机上恢复该组件。 The component that you are trying to recover is on the remote computer [%1]. Please recover it on the remote computer.
0x40002843警告: 下列组件同时被一个或多个其他应用程序使用。如果恢复操作对这些依赖应用程序产生负面影响,你应该单独为它们执行应用程序恢复。 Warning: The following components are also used by one or more other applications. If the recovery operation adversely affects these dependent applications, you should perform an application recovery for them separately.
0x40002844%1 %1
0x40002846计算机 = %1 SQL Server 组件 = %2 (%3%4%5) Computer = %1 SQL Server component = %2 (%3%4%5)
0x40002848详细错误:%0 Detailed error:%0
0x40002849重新启动服务器以完成该操作。注意: 系统状态恢复操作尝试恢复系统文件时,请耐心等待。这可能需要几分钟时间才能完成,具体取决于被替换的文件数量以及在此过程中需要重新启动服务器的次数。请勿打断此过程。 Restart the server to complete the operation.Note: Please wait while the system state recovery operation attempts torecover system files. This might take several minutes to complete, dependingon how many files are getting replaced and the server restarts needed during the process. Do not interrupt this process.
0x4000284A%1!lu!) %0 %1!lu!) %0
0x4000284B无法重新计算恢复位置 %1 的坏簇信息。错误: %2在恢复位置,在命令提示符下键入 CHKDSK /B 以清除卷上的坏簇列表,然后重新扫描所有分配和可用的簇以查找错误。 Failed to recompute the bad cluster information for the recovery location %1. Error: %2On the recovery location, at the command prompt, type: CHKDSK /B to clear thelist of bad clusters on the volume and rescan all allocated and free clusters for errors.
0x4000284C正在重新计算卷 %1 的坏簇信息,(%2!lu!%%)完成... Recomputing the bad cluster information for volume %1, (%2!lu!%%) complete...
0x4000284D已恢复卷 %1 上的数据,但出现下列警告: The data on volume %1 was recovered with the following warning(s):
0x4000284E恢复成功的文件日志: %1 恢复失败的文件日志:%2 Log of files successfully recovered: %1 Log of files for which recovery failed:%2
0x40002851%1 (%2\\%1)%0 %1 (%2\\%1)%0
0x40002852你没有访问此远程共享文件夹上的备份的正确权限。请提供对此远程共享文件夹具有读取权限的用户的用户名和密码。 You do not have the correct permissions to access backups on the remote shared folder. Provide a user name and password for a user who has read permission to the remote shared folder.
0x40002853用户名和密码不正确,或该用户对此远程共享文件夹没有读取权限。请提供对此远程共享文件夹具有读取权限的用户的用户名和密码。 The user name and password are either incorrect or are for a user who does not have read permission to the remote shared folder. Provide a user name and password for a user who has read permission to the remote shared folder.
0x40002854为应用程序 %1 运行一致性检查。 Running a consistency check for the application %1.
0x40002855组件 %1 (%2\\%1)的一致性检查失败。备份应用程序 %3 失败。 The consistency check failed for the component %1 (%2\\%1).The backup of the application %3 failed.
0x40002856未备份以下应用程序组件,因为其一致性检查失败,或在快照期间跳过了这些组件。无法使用该备份恢复这些应用程序组件。请联系应用程序供应商以帮助解决该问题。 The following application components were not backed up because either their consistency check failed or they were skipped during the snapshot process. These application components will not be available for recovery using this backup. Please contact the application vendor for help in resolving this issue.
0x40002857备份操作完成,但有错误。 The backup operation completed with errors.
0x40002858注意: 要完成与此节点关联的群集的还原,必须执行以下操作:1. 在此节点上启动群集服务。2. 在还原的群集数据库中识别的节点上启动 群集服务。随故障转移群集功能安装了 Windows PowerShell 故障转移群集模块。要查看在群集服务运行后为集群识别的节点列表,请使用 Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-ClusterNode。 Note: To complete the restoration of the cluster associated with this node youmust do the following:1. Start the Cluster service on this node. 2. Start the Cluster service on the nodes identified in the restored cluster database. The Failover Clusters module for Windows PowerShell is installed with the Failover Cluster feature. To see the list of nodes identified for the cluster once the Cluster service is running, use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Get-ClusterNode.
0x4000285ASTART SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -- 运行系统状态备份。 START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -- Runs a system state backup.
0x4000285B语法: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget: [-quiet]描述: 创建本地计算机的系统状态备份,并将其存储在指定位置。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-backupTarget 指定要存储备份的位置。 存储位置需为一个驱动器号或基于 GUID 的卷,格式为: \\\\?\\Volume{GUID}。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。示例:WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:f: Syntax: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget: [-quiet]Description: Creates a system state backup of the local computer and stores it on the location specified.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-backupTarget Specifies the location where you want to store the backup. The storage location requires a drive letter or a GUID-based volume of the format: \\\\?\\Volume{GUID}.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Example: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:f:
0x4000285CDELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -- 删除一个或多个系统状态备份。 DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -- Deletes one or more system state backups.
0x4000285D语法: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP {-keepVersions: | -version: | -deleteOldest} [-backupTarget:] [-machine:] [-quiet]描述: 删除指定的系统状态备份。如果指定的卷包含除本地服务器的系统状态备份之外的备份,将不会删除这些备份。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-keepVersions 指定要保留的最新系统状态备份数。 此值必须为正整数。选项值 -keepVersions:0 将删除所有系统状态备份。-version 备份的版本标识符,采用 MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM 格式。 如果不知道版本标识符,请在命令提示符下键入: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。可以使用此命令删除 专门作为系统状态备份的版本。 使用 WBADMIN GET ITEMS 可查看版本类型。-deleteOldest 删除最旧的系统状态备份。-backupTarget 指定要删除的备份的存储位置。系统状态备份的 存储位置是一个驱动器号、装入点或基于 GUID 的卷路径。只有在查找不在本地计算机上的备份 时,才需要指定此值。有关本地计算机的相关 备份信息,可以在本地计算机的备份编录中找到。-machine 指定要删除其系统状态备份的计算机。 将多台计算机备份到同一位置时,此选项很有用。 应在指定 -backupTarget 时使用此选项。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。备注: 必须指定下列参数之一,而且只能指定一个:-keepVersions、-version 或 -deleteOldest。Windows Server 备份不将注册表用户配置单元(HKEY_CURRENT_USER)作为系统状态备份或系统状态恢复的一部分进行备份或恢复。示例:WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -version:03/31/2006-10:00WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -keepVersions:3WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:f: -deleteOldest Syntax: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP {-keepVersions: | -version: | -deleteOldest} [-backupTarget:] [-machine:] [-quiet]Description: Deletes the system state backups that you specify. If the specified volume contains backups other than system state backups of the localserver, those backups will not be deleted.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-keepVersions Specifies the number of the latest system state backups to keep. The value must be a positive integer. The option value -keepVersions:0 deletes all the system state backups.-version Version identifier of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version identifier, at a command prompt, type: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. Versions that are exclusively system state backups can be deleted using this command. Use WBADMIN GET ITEMS to view the version type. -deleteOldest Deletes the oldest system state backup.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location for the backup that you want to delete. The storage location for system state backups is a drive letter, a mount point, or a GUID-based volume path. This value only needs to be specified for locating backups that ar not of the local computer. Information about backups for the local computer will be available in the backup catalog on the local computer.-machine Specifies the computer whose system state backup you want to delete. Useful when multiple computers were backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Remarks: One, and only one, of these parameters must be specified: -keepVersions, -version, or -deleteOldest.Windows Server Backup does not back up or recover registry user hives (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as part of system state backup or system state recovery.Examples: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -version:03/31/2006-10:00WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -keepVersions:3 WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:f: -deleteOldest
0x4000285E正在枚举系统状态备份... Enumerating system state backups...
0x4000285F找到的系统状态备份数: %1!lu! 要保留的副本数: %2!lu!由于找到的备份数小于或等于指定保留的备份数,因此,不会删除任何备份。 Number of system state backups found: %1!lu! Number of copies to keep: %2!lu!Because the number of backups found is less than or equal to the number specified to keep no backups will be deleted.
0x40002860找到 %1!lu! 个系统状态备份,在删除操作之后还将剩余 %2!lu! 个。 Found %1!lu! system state backups, %2!lu! will be left after the delete operation.
0x40002861你想删除系统状态备份吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to delete the system state backups?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002862正在初始化... Initializing...
0x40002863正在删除系统状态备份版本 %3 (已删除 %1!lu! 个,共 %2!lu! 个)... Deleting system state backup version %3 (%1!lu! out of %2!lu!)...
0x40002864删除系统状态备份版本 %1 的操作失败,错误为: %2。 The operation to delete system state backup version %1 failed with error: %2.
0x40002865删除系统状态备份的操作已取消。 The operation to delete system state backups was canceled.
0x40002866删除系统状态备份的操作完成,已删除 %1!lu! 个备份。 The operation to delete system state backups completed, %1!lu! backups were deleted.
0x40002867这将删除指定位置处服务器的所有系统状态备份。如果指定的卷包含除此服务器的系统状态备份之外的备份,则不会删除这些备份。 This will delete all the system state backups of the server at the specified location. If the specified volume contains backups other than system state backups of this server, those backups will not be deleted.
0x40002868这会将系统状态从卷 %1 备份到卷 %2。 This will back up the system state from volume(s) %1 to %2.
0x40002869正在识别要备份的系统状态文件,请稍候。这可能需要几分钟时间... Please wait while system state files to back up are identified. This might take several minutes...
0x4000286A找到(%1!lu!)文件。 Found (%1!lu!) files.
0x4000286B搜索系统状态文件完成。正在开始备份文件... The search for system state files is complete.Starting to back up files...
0x4000286C总体进度: %1!lu!%%。当前正在备份“%2”报告的文件... Overall progress: %1!lu!%%. Currently backing up files reported by '%2'...
0x4000286D备份“%1”报告的文件完成。 The backup of files reported by '%1' is complete.
0x4000286E总体进度: %1!lu!%%。当前正在备份其他系统状态文件... Overall progress: %1!lu!%%. Currently backing up additional system state files...
0x4000286F备份其他系统状态文件完成。 The backup of additional system state files is complete.
0x40002870正在开始备份系统状态[%1]... Starting to back up the system state [%1]...
0x40002871系统状态备份成功完成[%1]。 The backup of the system state successfully completed [%1].
0x40002872系统状态备份失败[%1]。 The backup of the system state failed [%1].
0x40002873备份中没有任何卷。 There are no volumes in the backup.
0x40002874备份中没有任何应用程序。 There are no applications in the backup.
0x40002875备份失败的文件日志:%1 Log of files for which backup failed:%1
0x40002876备份成功的文件日志:%1 Log of files successfully backed up:%1
0x40002877恢复成功的文件日志:%1 Log of files successfully recovered:%1
0x40002878提供用于计划备份的用户名和密码。用户帐户必须具有对此远程共享文件夹的写入权限,并且必须是正在备份的计算机上的Administrators 组或 Backup Operators 组的成员。 Provide the user name and password to use for scheduling the backup. The user account must have write permission to the remote shared folder and must be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators group on the computer that is getting backed up.
0x40002879ENABLE BACKUP -- 创建或修改每日备份计划。 ENABLE BACKUP -- Creates or modifies a daily backup schedule.
0x4000287BDISABLE BACKUP -- 禁用计划备份。 DISABLE BACKUP -- Disables the scheduled backups.
0x4000287CSTART BACKUP -- 运行一次性备份。 START BACKUP -- Runs a one-time backup.
0x4000287D语法: WBADMIN START BACKUP [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-include:] [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-hyperv:] [-allCritical] [-systemState] [-noVerify] [-user:] [-password:] [-noInheritAcl] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]描述: 使用指定参数创建备份。如果未指定参数,并且创建了计划的每日备份,则此命令会使用计划备份的设置创建备份。参数:-backupTarget 指定该备份的存储位置。要求提供硬盘驱动器号(f:)、 基于 GUID 的格式为 \\\\?\\Volume{GUID} 的卷路径, 或者指向远程共享文件夹的通用命名约定(UNC)路径 (\\\\\\\\)。 默认情况下,备份将保存在: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\。 重要信息: 如果将备份保存到远程共享文件夹,则在 使用同一文件夹再次备份同一计算机时,将覆盖此备份。 另外,如果备份操作失败,则结果可能得不到任何备份, 因为会覆盖旧备份,而新备份又不可用。通过在远程共享 文件夹中创建子文件夹来组织备份,便可以避免这种 情况。如果这样做,子文件夹将需要具备父文件夹的 两倍空间。-include 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的项目列表。 可以包含多个文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用此选项。-exclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的项目列表。 可以排除文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用此选项。-nonRecurseInclude 指定要在备份中包含的以逗号分隔的非递归项目列表。 可以包含多个文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用此选项。-nonRecurseExclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的非递归项目 列表。可以排除文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时此使用此选项。-hyperv 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的组件列表。 标识符可以是组件名称或组件 GUID (有或没有括号)。-allCritical 创建包含所有关键卷(关键卷包含操作系统文件和组件)以 及使用 -include 参数指定的任何其他项目的备份。如果 创建备份用于裸机恢复,则此参数非常有用。仅当 使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用此选项。-systemState 创建包含系统状态以及使用 include 参数指定的 所有其他项目的备份。-noVerify 指定不验证写入可移动媒体(例如 DVD)的备份是否有 错误。如果不使用此参数,则会验证保存到可移动媒体 的备份是否有错误。-user 如果将备份保存到远程共享文件夹,则指定对该文件夹 具有写入权限的用户名。-password 指定为参数 -user 所提供的用户名对应的密码。-noInheritAcl 将与 -user 和 -password 所指定凭据对应的访问控制 列表(ACL)权限应用到 \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\ (包含备份的文件夹)。 若要稍后访问备份,则必须使用这些凭据,或者必须是 共享文件夹所在计算机上的 Administrators 组或 Backup Operators 组的成员。 如果未使用 -noInheritAcl,则默认情况下会将 ACL 权限从远程共享文件夹应用到 文件夹,以便对远程共享文件夹具有访问权限的 任何用户都可以访问该备份。-vssFull 使用卷影复制服务(VSS)执行完整备份。每个文件的历史 记录都会相应更新,以反映备份情况。如果未使用此参数, 则 WBADMIN START BACKUP 将进行副本备份,但是所备份 文件的历史记录不会相应更新。 警告: 如果使用 Windows Server 备份以外的产品 备份包含在当前备份中的卷上的应用程序,则请勿使用此 参数,否则,可能会破坏其他备份产品正在创建的增量、 差异或其他类型的备份。-vssCopy 使用 VSS 执行副本备份。所备份文件的历史记录不会 相应更新。这是默认值。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行该命令。-allowDeleteOldBackups 覆盖在升级之前找到的备份。示例:WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\-hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:\\*,d:\\mountpoint\\*,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\-exclude:e:\\folder\\*WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\\\server\\share-hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}备注: 若要备份某个应用程序用于恢复,必须备份包含该应用程序和应用程序数据的整个卷。 Syntax: WBADMIN START BACKUP [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-include:] [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-hyperv:] [-allCritical] [-systemState] [-noVerify] [-user:] [-password:] [-noInheritAcl] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]Description: Creates a backup using specified parameters. If no parameters are specified and you have created a scheduled daily backup, this command creates the backup by using the settings for the scheduled backup. Parameters:-backupTarget Specifies the storage location for this backup. Requires a hard disk drive letter (f:), a volume GUID-based path in the format of \\\\?\\Volume{GUID}, or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a remote shared folder (\\\\\\ \\). By default, the backup will be saved at: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\. Important: If you save a backup to a remote shared folder, that backup will be overwritten if you use the same folder to backup the same computer again. In addition, if the backup operation fails, you may end up with no backup because the older backup will be overwritten, but the newer backup will not be usable. You can avoid this by creating subfolders in the remote shared folder to organize your backups. If you do this, the subfolders will need twice the space of the parent folder.-include Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-exclude Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-nonRecurseInclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-nonRecurseExclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-hyperv Specifies the comma-delimited list of components to be included in backup. The identifier could be component name or component guid(with or without braces).-allCritical Creates a backup that includes all critical volumes (critical volumes contain the operating system files and components) in addition to any other items that you specified with the -include parameter. This parameter is useful if you are creating a backup for bare metal recovery. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-systemState Creates a backup that includes the system state in addition to any other items that you specified with the include parameter.-noVerify Specifies that backups written to removable media (such as a DVD) are not verified for errors. If you do not use this parameter, backups saved to removable media are verified for errors.-user If the backup is saved to a remote shared folder, specifies the user name with write permission to the folder.-password Specifies the password for the user name that is provided for the parameter -user.-noInheritAcl Applies the access control list (ACL) permissions that correspond to the credentials specified by -user and -password to \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\ (the folder that contains the backup). To access the backup later, you must use these credentials or be a member of the Administrators group or the Backup Operators group on the computer with the shared folder. If -noInheritAcl is not used, the ACL permissions from the remote shared folder are applied to the folder by default so that anyone with access to the remote shared folder can access the backup.-vssFull Performs a full backup using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Each file's history is updated to reflect that it was backed up. If this parameter is not used WBADMIN START BACKUP makes a copy backup, but the history of files being backed up is not updated. Caution: Do not use this parameter if you are using a product other than Windows Server Backup to back up applications that are on the volumes included in the current backup. Doing so can potentially break the incremental, differential, or other type of backups that the other backup product is creating.-vssCopy Performs a copy backup using VSS. The history of the files being backed up is not updated. This is the default value.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.-allowDeleteOldBackups Overwrites the backups found before upgrade.Examples: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\ -hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:\\*,d:\\mountpoint\\*,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\ -exclude:e:\\folder\\*WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:\\\\server\\share-hyperv:vm1,{627cf8de-2967-4c39-852c-655a691d245f}Remarks: If you want to back up an application for recovery, you must back up the entire volume that contains the application and application data.
0x4000287ESTOP JOB -- 停止当前正在运行的备份或恢复 操作。 STOP JOB -- Stops the currently running backup or recovery operation.
0x4000287F语法: WBADMIN STOP JOB [-quiet]描述: 取消当前正在运行的备份或恢复操作。取消的操作将无法重新启用,必须从头开始重新运行取消的备份或恢复操作。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行该命令。 Syntax: WBADMIN STOP JOB [-quiet]Description: Cancels the backup or recovery operation that is currently running. Canceled operations cannot be restarted - you must rerun a canceled backup or recovery operation from the beginning.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.
0x40002880GET VERSIONS -- 列出可从指定位置中恢复的 备份的详细信息。 GET VERSIONS -- Lists details of backups that can be recovered from a specified location.
0x40002881语法: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:]描述: 列出有关存储于本地计算机或其他计算机上的可用备份的详细信息。不带参数使用此命令时,将列出本地计算机的所有备份,即使这些备份不可用。为备份提供的详细信息包括备份时间、备份存储位置、版本标识符(WBADMIN GET ITEMS 需要使用它来执行恢复)以及可以执行的恢复类型。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-backupTarget 指定包含需要其详细信息的备份的存储位置。 用于列出有关本地计算机以外的备份的信息。 其他位置可能是本地连接的硬盘驱动器、 DVD 驱动器或远程共享文件夹。-machine 指定需要其备份详细信息的计算机。 在多台计算机的备份存储于同一位置时使用。 应在指定 -backupTarget 时使用。示例:WBADMIN GET VERSIONS -backupTarget:h:WBADMIN GET VERSIONS -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01备注: 若要列出可从特定备份恢复的项目,请使用 WBADMIN GET ITEMS。 Syntax: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:]Description: Lists details about the available backups that are stored on the local computer or on another computer. When this command is used without parameters, it lists all backups of the local computer, even if those backupsare not available. The details provided for a backup include the backup time,the backup storage location, the version identifier (needed for WBADMIN GET ITEMS and to perform recoveries), and the type of recoveries you can perform. To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backups that you want the details for. Use for listing information about backups that were not of the local computer. Alternate locations can be locally attached hard disk drives, DVD drives, or remote shared folders.-machine Specifies the computer that you want backup details for. Use when backups of multiple computers are stored in the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.Examples:WBADMIN GET VERSIONS -backupTarget:h:WBADMIN GET VERSIONS -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01Remarks: To list items available for recovery from a specific backup, use WBADMIN GET ITEMS.
0x40002882START RECOVERY -- 运行恢复。 START RECOVERY -- Runs a recovery.
0x40002883语法: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version: -items:{ | | | } -itemtype:{Volume | App | HyperV | File} [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:] [-recoveryTarget:{ | }] [-recursive] [-overwrite:{Overwrite | CreateCopy | Skip}] [-notRestoreAcl] [-skipBadClusterCheck] [-noRollForward] [-alternateLocation] [-recreatePath] [-quiet]描述: 基于指定的参数运行恢复操作。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-version 以 /YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM 格式指定要恢复的备份版本。 如果不知道版本标识符,请键入 WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。-items 以逗号分隔的形式指定要恢复的卷、应用程序、文件或 文件夹列表。 - 如果 -itemtype 是 Volume,则只能通过提供 卷驱动器号、卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称 指定单个卷。 - 如果 -itemtype 是 App,则只能指定单个应用 程序。若要恢复,必须已经向 Windows Server 备份 注册该应用程序。还可以使用值 ADIFM 恢复 Active Directory 域服务的安装。请参阅备注了解 详细信息。 - 如果 -itemtype 是 HyperV,则可以指定 VirtualMachine 的名称或标识符。 - 如果 -itemtype 是 File,则可以指定文件或文件夹, 但它们应该为同一卷的一部分,并位于同一父文件夹下。-itemtype 指定要恢复项目的类型。必须为 Volume、App、Hyperv 或 File。-backupTarget 指定包含要恢复的备份的存储位置。当该位置 不同于通常存储此计算机备份的位置时, 此参数很有用。-machine 指定要为其恢复备份的计算机的名称。当多台 计算机备份到同一位置时,此参数很有用。 应该在指定 -backupTarget 时使用。-recoveryTarget 指定要还原到的位置。如果此位置不同于 上次备份的位置,则此参数很有用。还可以 用于还原卷、文件或应用程序。如果 要还原某个卷,则可以指定备用卷的卷驱 动器号。如果要还原文件或应用程序,则 可以指定备用的恢复位置。-recursive 仅当恢复文件时有效。将恢复文件夹中的 文件及从属于指定文件夹的所有文件。 默认情况下,只恢复直接位于指定文件夹 下的文件。-overwrite 仅当恢复文件时有效。指定当同一 位置中已存在正在恢复的文件时采取 的操作。 -Skip 会使 Windows Server 备份 跳过现有文件并继续恢复下一个文件。 -CreateCopy 会使 Windows Server 备份 创建现有文件的副本,以便不会修改现有 文件 -Overwrite 会使 Windows Server 备份 使用备份中的文件覆盖现有文件。-notRestoreAcl 仅当恢复文件时有效。指定不还 原要从备份恢复的文件的安全访问控 制列表(ACL)。默认情况下,会还原 安全 ACL (默认值为 true)。如果 使用此参数,则会从要将文件还原到的 位置继承所还原文件的 ACL。-skipBadClusterCheck 仅当恢复卷时有效。跳过检查要 恢复到的磁盘是否存在坏簇信息。 如果要恢复到其他服务器或硬件, 则建议不使用此参数。你可以 随时在这些磁盘上手动运行命令 CHKDSK /B,检查其是否存在坏簇 并相应地更新文件系统信息。 重要信息: 在运行如上所 述的 CHKDSK 之前,在已恢复系统 上报告的坏簇可能不准确。-noRollForward 仅当恢复应用程序时有效。 如果选择备份中的最新版本,则此参数允许先 前的时间点恢复。对于不是最新的其他应用程序 版本,则会默认完成先前的时间点恢复。-alternateLocation 仅当将 HyperV 恢复到其他恢复目标时有效。 允许使用 Hyper-V 管理服务恢复 HyperV 组件, 更新配置及注册 VM。-recreatePath 仅当将 HyperV 恢复到其他恢复目标作为复制为文件夹时 有效。这样将允许重新创建文件夹结构,否则会将组件的 所有文件置于单个文件夹中。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。 Syntax: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version: -items:{ | | | } -itemtype:{Volume | App | HyperV | File} [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:] [-recoveryTarget:{ | }] [-recursive] [-overwrite:{Overwrite | CreateCopy | Skip}] [-notRestoreAcl] [-skipBadClusterCheck] [-noRollForward] [-alternateLocation] [-recreatePath] [-quiet]Description: Runs a recovery operation based on the parameters that you specify.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-version Specifies the version of the backup to recover in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version identifier, type WBADMIN GET VERSIONS.-items Specifies a comma-delimited list of volumes, applications, files, or folders to recover. -If -itemtype is Volume, you can specify only a single volume by providing the volume drive letter, volume mount point, or GUID-based volume name. -If -itemtype is App, you can specify only a single application. To be recovered, the application must have registered with Windows Server Backup. You can also use the value ADIFM to recover an installation of Active Directory Domain Services. See Remarks for more information. -If -itemtype is HyperV, you can specify VirtualMachine's name or identifier. -If -itemtype is File, you can specify files or folders, but they should be part of the same volume and they should be under the same parent folder.-itemtype Specifies the type of items to recover. Must be Volume, App, Hyperv or File.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backup that you want to recover. The parameter is useful when the location is different from where backups of this computer are usually stored.-machine Specifies the name of the computer that you want to recover the backup for. The parameter is useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-recoveryTarget Specifies the location to restore to. This parameter is useful if this location is different than the location that was previously backed up. It can also be used for restorations of volumes, files, or applications. If you are restoring a volume, you can specify the volume drive letter of the alternate volume. If you are restoring a file or application, you can specify an alternate recovery location.-recursive Valid only when recovering files. Recovers the files in the folders and all files subordinate to the specified folders. By default, only files which reside directly under the specified folders are recovered.-overwrite Valid only when recovering files. Specifies the action to take when a file that is being recovered already exists in the same location. -Skip causes Windows Server Backup to skip the existing file and continue with recovery of the next file. -CreateCopy causes Windows Server Backup to create a copy of the existing file so that the existing file is not modified. -Overwrite causes Windows Server Backup to overwrite the existing file with the file from the backup.-notRestoreAcl Valid only when recovering files. Specifies to not restore the security access control lists (ACLs) of files being recovered from backup. By default, the security ACLs are restored (the default value is true). If this parameter is used, the ACLs for the restored files will be inherited from the location to which the files are being restored.-skipBadClusterCheck Valid only when recovering volumes. Skips checking the disks that you are recovering to for bad cluster information. If you are recovering to an alternate server or hardware, we recommend not using this parameter. You can manually run the command CHKDSK /B on these disks at any time to check them for bad clusters, and then update the file system information accordingly. Important: Until you run CHKDSK as described, the bad clusters reported on your recovered system may not be accurate.-noRollForward Valid only when recovering applications. This allows for previous point-in-time recovery if the latest version from the backups is selected. For other versions of the application that are not the latest, previous point-in-time recovery is done by default.-alternateLocation Valid only when recovering HyperV to alternate recovery target. Allows recovering the HyperV components, updating configuration and registering the VM with the Hyper-V management service. -recreatePath Valid only when recovering HyperV to alternate recovery target as copy as folders. This allows recreating the folder structure otherwise all the files of a component will be put under a single folder. -quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.
0x40002884GET STATUS -- 报告当前正在运行的 操作状态。 GET STATUS -- Reports the status of the currently running operation.
0x40002885语法: WBADMIN GET STATUS描述: 报告当前运行的备份或恢复操作的状态。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。备注: 在当前的备份或恢复操作完成前,该命令不会停止。即使关闭命令窗口,该命令也会继续运行。如果要停止操作,请使用 WBADMIN STOP JOB 命令。 Syntax: WBADMIN GET STATUSDescription: Reports the status of the currently running backup or recovery operation.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Remarks: This command will not stop until the current backup or recovery operation is finished - it will continue to run even if you close the command window. If you want to stop the operation instead, use the WBADMIN STOP JOB command.
0x40002886GET ITEMS -- 列出备份中包含的项目。 GET ITEMS -- Lists items contained in a backup.
0x40002887语法: WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version: [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:]描述: 列出特定备份中包含的项目。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-version 以 YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM 格式指定备份的版本。 如果不知道版本信息,请键入 WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。-backupTarget 指定包含需要其详细信息的备份的存储位置。 存储位置可以是本地连接的磁盘驱动器,也 可以是远程共享文件夹。 如果在创建备份的同一台服务器上运行 WBADMIN GET VERSIONS,则不需要此参数。 但是,若要获取有关其他服务器上所创建 备份的信息,则需要此参数。-machine 指定需要其备份详细信息的计算机的名称。 当多台计算机备份到同一位置时很有用。 应该在指定 -backupTarget 时使用。示例:WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:03/31/2005-09:00WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share-machine:server01 Syntax: WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version: [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:]Description: Lists the items included in a specific backup.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-version Specifies the version of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version information, type WBADMIN GET VERSIONS.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backups for which you want the details. The storage location can be a locally attached disk drive or a remote shared folder. If WBADMIN GET VERSIONS is run on the same server where the backup was created, this parameter is not needed. However, this parameter is required to get information about a backup created from another server.-machine Specifies the name of the computer that you want the backup details for. Useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.Examples: WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:03/31/2005-09:00WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01
0x40002888GET DISKS -- 列出当前联机的磁盘。 GET DISKS -- Lists the disks that are currently online.
0x40002889语法: WBADMIN GET DISKS描述: 列出本地计算机上当前联机的内部磁盘和外部磁盘。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。 Syntax: WBADMIN GET DISKS Description: Lists the internal and external disks that are currently online for the local computer.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group.
0x4000288ASTART SYSRECOVERY -- 运行系统恢复。 START SYSRECOVERY -- Runs a system recovery.
0x4000288B语法: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version: -backupTarget:{ | } [-machine:] [-restoreAllVolumes] [-recreateDisks] [-excludeDisks] [-skipBadClusterCheck] [-quiet]描述: 基于指定的参数运行系统恢复(裸机恢复)。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-version 以 YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM 格式指定要恢复的 备份的版本标识符。如果不知道版本标识符, 请键入 WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。-backupTarget 指定包含要恢复的一个或多个 备份的存储位置。当存储位置不同 于通常存储此计算机备份的位置 时,此参数很有用。-machine 指定要恢复的计算机的名称。 当多台计算机备份到同一位置时,此参数 很有用。应该在指定 -backupTarget 时 使用。-restoreAllVolumes 从所选备份中恢复所有卷。如果未指定 此参数,则仅恢复关键卷(包含系统状态 和操作系统组件的卷)。需要在系 统恢复过程中恢复非关键卷时, 此参数很有用。-recreateDisks 将磁盘配置恢复到创建备份时 的状态。 警告: 该参数会删除托管操作 系统组件的卷上的所有数据。 也可能会删除数据卷中的数据。-excludeDisks 仅当与 -recreateDisks 参数一起指定时有效。 并且必须以逗号分隔的磁盘标识符(如 WBADMIN GET DISKS 输出中所列)列 表进行输入。不会对排除的磁盘进行分区或 格式化。此参数有助于保留你不想在恢复过 程中修改的磁盘上的数据。-skipBadClusterCheck 跳过检查恢复目标磁盘是否存在坏簇 信息。如果要还原到备用服务器或硬件, 建议不要使用此参数。你可以随时在恢复 磁盘上手动运行 CHKDSK /B,以检查 其是否存在坏簇,并相应更新文件系统信息。 警告: 按如上所述运行 CHKDSK 之前,在 已恢复系统上报告的坏簇可能不准确。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。示例:WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:d:WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01 Syntax: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version: -backupTarget:{ | } [-machine:] [-restoreAllVolumes] [-recreateDisks] [-excludeDisks] [-skipBadClusterCheck] [-quiet]Description: Runs a system recovery (bare metal recovery) based on theparameters that you specify. To use this command, you must be a member ofthe Backup Operators group or the Administrators group. Parameters:-version Specifies the version identifier for the backup to recover in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version identifier, type WBADMIN GET VERSIONS.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backup or backups that you want to recover. This parameter is useful when the storage location is different from where backups of this computer are usually stored.-machine Specifies the name of the computer that you want to recover. This parameter is useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-restoreAllVolumes Recovers all volumes from the selected backup. If this parameter is not specified, only critical volumes (volumes that contain the system state and operating system components) are recovered. This parameter is useful when you need to recover non-critical volumes during system recovery.-recreateDisks Recovers a disk configuration to the state that existed when the backup was created. Warning: This parameter deletes all data on volumes that host operating system components. It might also delete data from data volumes.-excludeDisks Valid only when specified with the -recreateDisks parameter and must be input as a comma-delimited list of disk identifiers (as listed in output of WBADMIN GET DISKS). Excluded disks are not partitioned or formatted. This parameter helps to preserve data on disks that you do not want modified during the recovery.-skipBadClusterCheck Skips checking your recovery destination disks for bad cluster information. If you are restoring to an alternate server or hardware, we recommend that you do not use this parameter. You can manually run CHKDSK /B on your recovery disks at any time to check them for bad clusters and update the file system information accordingly. Warning: Until you run CHKDSK as described, the bad clusters reported on your recovered system might not be accurate.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Examples: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:d:WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01
0x4000288CRESTORE CATALOG -- 恢复备份编录。 RESTORE CATALOG -- Recovers a backup catalog.
0x4000288D语法: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:{ | } [-machine:] [-quiet]描述: 从指定的存储位置恢复本地计算机的备份编录。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-backupTarget 指定在创建备份后系统备份编录的 所在位置。-machine 指定要为其恢复备份编录的计算机 的名称。当多台计算机的备份存储 到同一位置时使用。应该在指定 -backupTarget 时使用。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。示例:WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:d:WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01备注: 如果存储备份的位置(磁盘、DVD 或远程共享文件夹)已损坏或丢失,而且无法用于还原备份编录,请使用WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG 删除损坏的编录。在这种情况下,应该在删除备份编录后创建一个新的备份。 Syntax: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:{ | } [-machine:] [-quiet]Description: Recovers a backup catalog for the local computer from a storage location that you specify.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-backupTarget Specifies the location of the backup catalog of the system as it was at the point after the backup was created.-machine Specifies the name of the computer that you want to recover the backup catalog for. Use when backups for multiple computers have been stored at the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Examples: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:d:WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01Remarks: If the location (disk, DVD, or remote shared folder) where you store your backups is damaged or lost and cannot be used to restore the backup catalog, use WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG to delete the corrupted catalog. In this case, you should create a new backup once your backup catalog is deleted.
0x4000288EDELETE CATALOG -- 删除备份编录。 DELETE CATALOG -- Deletes the backup catalog.
0x4000288F语法: WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG [-quiet]描述: 删除存储在本地计算机上的备份编录。当备份编录已损坏并且无法使用 WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG 进行还原时使用。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。备注: 如果删除计算机的备份编录,将无法使用 Windows Server 备份管理单元访问该计算机的备份。在这种情况下,如果可以访问其他备份位置,请使用 WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG从该位置还原备份编录。应该在删除备份编录后创建一个新备份。 Syntax: WBADMIN DELETE CATALOG [-quiet]Description: Deletes the backup catalog that is stored on the local computer.Use this command when the backup catalog has been corrupted and you cannot restore it using WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Remarks: If you delete the backup catalog for a computer, you will not be able to access the backups of that computer using the Windows Server Backup snap-in. In this case, if you can access another backup location, use WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG to restore the backup catalog from that location. You should create a new backup once your backup catalog is deleted.
0x40002890START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -- 运行系统状态恢复。 START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -- Runs a system state recovery.
0x40002891语法: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version: -showsummary [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:] [-recoveryTarget:] [-authsysvol] [-autoReboot] [-quiet]描述: 从指定的备份向某个位置执行系统状态恢复。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组或 Administrators 组的成员。注意: Windows Server 备份不将注册表用户配置单元(HKEY_CURRENT_USER)作为系统状态备份或系统状态恢复的一部分进行备份或恢复。参数:-version 指定要恢复的备份的版本标识符,采用格式 MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM。如果不知道版本标识符, 请键入 WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。-showsummary 报告上次系统状态恢复的摘要(在完成该操作 所需的重新启动之后)。此参数不能与任何其他 参数一起使用。-backupTarget 指定包含要恢复的备份的存储位置。 如果存储位置与通常存储此计算机 备份的位置不同,则此参数很有用。-machine 指定要恢复的计算机的名称。 当多台计算机备份到同一位置时, 此参数很有用。应该在指定 -backupTarget 时使用。-recoveryTarget 指定要还原到的目录。如果恢复到 备用位置,则此参数很有用。-authsysvol 如果使用此参数,将执行 SYSVOL (系统卷共享目录)的权威恢复。-autoReboot 指定在系统状态恢复操作结束时重新启动系统。 该参数仅对到原始位置的恢复有效。 如果需要在恢复操作之后执行步骤, 则不建议使用该参数。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。示例:WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00-backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01 Syntax: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version: -showsummary [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-machine:] [-recoveryTarget:] [-authsysvol] [-autoReboot] [-quiet]Description: Performs a system state recovery to a location and from a backupthat you specify. To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Note: Windows Server Backup does not back up or recover registry user hives (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as part of system state backup or system state recovery.Parameters:-version Specifies the version identifier of the backup to recover in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version identifier, type WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. -showsummary Reports the summary of the last system state recovery (after the restart required to complete the operation). This parameter cannot be accompanied by any other parameters.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backup or backups that you want to recover. This parameter is useful when the storage location is different from where the backups of this computer are usually stored.-machine Specifies the name of the computer that you want to recover. This parameter is useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-recoveryTarget Specifies the directory to restore to. This parameter is useful if the backup is recovered to an alternate location.-authsysvol If used, performs an authoritative recovery of SYSVOL (the System Volume shared directory).-autoReboot Specifies to restart the system at the end of the system state recovery operation. This parameter is valid only for a recovery to the original location. We donot recommend you use this parameter if you need to perform steps after the recovery operation.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Examples: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01
0x40002892你即将禁用备份计划。将保留计划备份存储位置的全部现有备份。你确定要停止运行计划备份吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 You are about to disable the backup schedule.All existing backups on the scheduled backup storage locations will be retained.Are you sure you want to stop running scheduled backups?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x40002893将新媒体插入驱动器 %1 中。然后,若要继续,请输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 Insert the new media into drive %1. Then, to continue, enter [%3].To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40002894从媒体恢复时发生错误: %2。你想使用当前磁盘重试吗?若要继续,请输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 An unexpected error occurred during recovery from media: %2. Do you want to retry with the current disk? To continue, enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40002895该驱动器为空。若要继续,请插入介质后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 The drive is empty. To continue, insert media, and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40002896无法使用该媒体,因为它是当前备份的一部分。若要继续,请插入其他媒体后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 The media cannot be used because it is a part of the current backup. To continue, insert different media, and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40002897驱动器中的媒体与所请求的媒体不同。若要继续,请将标签为 %1 的媒体插入 DVD 驱动器或其他可移动媒体设备,然后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 The media in the drive is different from the requested media. To continue, insert media labeled %1 into a DVD drive or other removable media device, and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40002898为指定要备份的卷创建卷影副本... Creating a shadow copy of the volumes specified for backup...
0x40002899若要继续,请将备份集中的最后一个媒体插入驱动器 %1,然后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 To continue, insert the last media in the backup set into drive %1 and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x4000289A将备份磁盘标记为 %1。此标签用于在恢复期间识别此备份磁盘。 Label the backup disk as %1.This label identifies this backup disk during recovery.
0x4000289B请为新媒体添加标签 %1。此信息将用于在恢复期间识别此备份媒体。 Label new media as %1. This information will be used to identify this backup media during a recovery.
0x4000289C若要继续,请将标签为 %1 的媒体插入 DVD 驱动器或其他可移动媒体设备,然后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 To continue, insert the media labeled %1 into a DVD drive or other removable media device and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x4000289D在备份到媒体的过程中发生错误: %2。请重试当前媒体。如果问题仍然存在,请重新格式化当前媒体后重试,或将新媒体插入驱动器 %1 继续备份操作。若要继续,请输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 An unexpected error occurred during the backup to the media: %2. Retry the current media. If the issue persists, reformat the current media andretry, or insert new media into drive %1 to continue the backup operation.To continue, enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x4000289E准备下一个媒体。若要继续,请将标签为 %1 的媒体插入 DVD 驱动器或其他可移动媒体设备,然后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 Ready for the next media. To continue, insert the media labeled %1 into a DVD drive or other removable media device and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x4000289F警告: 你已选择恢复整个卷。这将删除要恢复到的卷上的全部现有数据,即使操作被取消或失败也是如此。在继续之前,请确保此卷不包含任何你将来可能需要的数据。注意: 如果所恢复的卷上包含应用程序,则需要在恢复卷后恢复这些应用程序。你想继续吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Warning: You have chosen to recover a full volume. This will delete any existing data on the volume you recover to, even if the operation is canceled or fails. Before you continue, make sure that this volume does not contain and data that you might want in the future.Note: If the recovered volume contains applications, you will need to recoverthose applications after you recover the volume.Do you want to continue?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028A0卷 %1 上的某些文件可能已损坏。如果可能,强烈建议你使用其他备份执行恢复。要尝试修复文件损坏,请在卷 %1 上运行 CHKDSK /R。 Some files on volume %1 might be corrupted. If possible, perform the recovery using another backup. To attempt to repair the file corruption, run CHKDSK /R on volume %1.
0x400028A1你已选择将文件 %1 从 %2 上创建的备份恢复到 %3。正在准备恢复文件... You have chosen to recover the file(s) %1 from the backup created on %2 to %3.Preparing to recover files...
0x400028A2你想继续吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to continue?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028A3将 %1 恢复到 %2 失败。错误 %3要恢复的总大小: %4已恢复的总大小: %5已恢复的总文件数: %6!I64d!失败的总文件数: %7!I64d! Recovery of %1 to %2 failed. Error %3Total size to recover: %4Total size recovered: %5Total files recovered: %6!I64d!Total files failed: %7!I64d!
0x400028A4将 %1 恢复到 %2 成功完成。已恢复的总字节数: %3已恢复的总文件数: %4!I64d!失败的总文件数: %5!I64d! Recovery of %1 to %2 successfully completed.Total bytes recovered: %3Total files recovered: %4!I64d!Total files failed: %5!I64d!
0x400028A5正在对 %1 运行恢复操作,已复制(%2!lu!%%)。 Running the recovery operation for %1, copied (%2!lu!%%).
0x400028A7无法从 DVD 或其他可移动媒体上存储的备份恢复应用程序。你必须使用存储在硬盘或远程共享文件夹上的备份。 You cannot recover an application from a backup stored on a DVD or other removable media. You must use a backup that is stored on a hard disk or in a remote shared folder.
0x400028A8已取消对应用程序 %1 的恢复。 The recovery of application %1 was canceled.
0x400028A9已成功恢复组件 %1。 The component %1 was successfully recovered.
0x400028AAWindows Server 备份无法还原以下组件: %1 Windows Server Backup was unable to restore the following component: %1
0x400028AB正在准备组件 %1 进行恢复... Preparing the component %1 for recovery...
0x400028AC正在恢复组件 %1 的文件,已复制(%2!lu!%%)。 Recovering the files for the component %1, copied (%2!lu!%%).
0x400028AD正在恢复组件 %1。 Recovering the component %1.
0x400028AE准备组件 %1 进行恢复失败。 Preparing the component %1 for recovery failed.
0x400028AFWindows Server 备份未能恢复组件 %1 的文件。 Windows Server Backup failed to recover the files for component %1.
0x400028B0Windows Server 备份未能还原组件 %1。 Windows Server Backup failed to restore the component %1.
0x400028B1你已选择恢复应用程序 %1。将恢复以下组件: You have chosen to recover the application %1.The following components will be recovered:
0x400028B2你已选择恢复应用程序 %1。以下组件的文件将被恢复到 %2。注意: 在不使用写入程序的情况下将文件恢复到备用位置将不会恢复应用程序。 You have chosen to recover the application %1. The files for the following components will be recovered to %2.Note: Recovering the files to an alternate location without involving writer will not recover the application.
0x400028B3磁盘名称: %1磁盘编号: %2!d!磁盘标识符: %3总空间: %4已用空间: %5卷: %6 Disk name: %1Disk number: %2!d!Disk identifier: %3Total space: %4Used space : %5Volumes: %6
0x400028B4警告: 在 Windows 恢复环境中不支持 %1 %2 命令。 Warning: %1 %2 command is not supported in Windows Recovery Environment.
0x400028B5警告: 你即将重新创建卷,这将删除包含操作系统组件的所有卷上的数据。此操作也可能会删除数据卷上的数据。被删除的数据将使用备份中的数据替换。如果磁盘布局与创建备份时的布局不同,此操作也将删除其他磁盘上的数据。一旦恢复操作开始,即使操作失败或者重新启动,都将无法恢复删除的数据。你想继续吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Warning: You are about to recreate volumes, which will erase the data on all volumes that contain operating system components. This action might also delete data on data volumes. The deleted data will be replaced with the data in the backup. If the disk layout is different from the layout when the backup was created, this action will also erase data on the other disks. Oncethe recovery operation starts, you cannot recover the erased data, even if the action fails or is restarted.Do you want to continue?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028B6准备所有磁盘上的所有卷进行恢复。 Preparing all the volumes on all disk(s) for recovery.
0x400028B7仅准备关键磁盘上的关键卷以进行恢复。 Preparing only the critical volumes on critical disks for recovery.
0x400028B8计划备份设置:裸机恢复: %1系统状态备份: %2备份中的卷: %3备份中的组件: %4排除的文件: %5高级设置: %6要储存备份的位置: %7一天中运行备份的次数: %8 The scheduled backup settings:Bare metal recovery : %1System state backup: %2Volumes in backup: %3Components in backup: %4Files excluded: %5Advanced settings: %6Location to store backup: %7Times of day to run backup: %8
0x400028B9你想使用计划备份所用的相同配置创建备份吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to create a backup using the same configuration that you use for scheduled backups?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028BA你确定要删除备份编录吗? 如果删除该编录,将需要创建一组新的备份。[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0重要信息: 删除备份编录时,可能会无法访问以前从该位置创建的备份。如果可以访问其他备份位置,请使用 WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG 从其他备份位置还原你的编录,从而恢复对备份的访问。 Are you sure that you want to delete the backup catalog? If you delete the catalog, you will need to create a new set of backups.[%1] Yes [%2] No %0Important: When you delete the backup catalog, you might lose access to the backups that were created previously from that location. If you can access another backup location, you can use WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG to restore your catalog from another backup location and regain access to the backups.
0x400028BB磁盘上没有卷,或者 Windows 无法检索到卷信息。%0 There are no volumes on the disk or Windows is unable to retrieve volumeinformation.%0
0x400028BC不可恢复的错误: 无法打开标准输出控制台,hr: 0x%1!08lx! Unrecoverable error: Cannot open the standard output console, hr: 0x%1!08lx!
0x400028BD已启用计划备份。 The scheduled backup is enabled.
0x400028BE已禁用备份计划。若要再次运行备份,你需要重新配置备份计划。 The backup schedule has been disabled. To run backups again you will need to reconfigure the backup schedule.
0x400028BF驱动器中的媒体没有足够的空间启动备份。请将新媒体插入驱动器 %1 中。若要继续,请在插入磁盘后输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 The media in the drive does not have sufficient space to start a backup. Insert new media into drive %1. To continue, enter [%3] after inserting the disk. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x400028C0语法: WBADMIN START BACKUP [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-include:] [-allCritical] [-user:] [-password:] [-noInheritAcl] [-noVerify] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-quiet]描述: 使用指定的参数创建备份。如果未指定任何参数,并且已经创建每日计划备份,则此命令将使用该计划备份的设置创建备份。参数:-backupTarget 指定此备份的存储位置。要求提供硬盘驱动器号(f:)、 基于 GUID 的格式为 \\\\?\\Volume{GUID} 的卷路径 或指向远程共享文件夹的通用命名约定(UNC)路径 (\\\\\\\\)。 默认情况下,备份将保存在: \\\\ \\\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\。 重要信息: 将备份保存到远程共享文件夹时, 如果再次使用同一文件夹备份同一计算机,则 该备份将被覆盖。另外,如果备份操作失败, 则结果可能是不会得到任何备份,因为旧备份 将被覆盖,而新备份又不可用。 通过在远程共享文件夹中创建子文件夹来组织 备份,便可以避免这种情况。如果这样做,则 子文件夹将需要父文件夹的两倍空间。-include 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的项目列表。 可以包含多个卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、卷装入点 或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,则应该使用反斜杠(\\\\)终止。 指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用。-allCritical 创建包含所有关键卷(关键卷包含操作系统文件和组件)以 及使用 -include 参数指定的任何其他项目的备份。如果 创建备份用于裸机恢复或系统状态恢复,则此参数很有用。 仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时使用。-user 如果将备份保存到远程共享文件夹,则指定对该文件夹 具有写入权限的用户名。-password 指定由参数 -user 所提供用户名对应的密码。-noInheritAcl 将与 -user 和 -password 所指定凭据对应的访问控制 列表(ACL)权限应用到 \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup \\\\ (包含备份的文件夹)。 若要稍后访问备份,则必须使用这些凭据,或者必须是 共享文件夹所在计算机上的 Administrators 组或 Backup Operators 组的成员。 如果未使用 -noInheritAcl,则默认情况下会将 ACL 权限从远程共享文件夹应用到 文件夹,以便对远程共享文件夹具有访问权限的 任何用户都可以访问该备份。-noVerify 指定未验证写入可移动媒体(例如 DVD)的备份是否存在 错误。如果不使用此参数,则会验证保存到可移动媒体 的备份是否存在错误。-vssFull 使用卷影复制服务(VSS) 执行完整备份。每个文件的历史 记录都会相应更新,以反映备份情况。如果未使用此参数, 则 WBADMIN START BACKUP 将进行副本备份,但是所备份 文件的历史记录不会相应更新。 警告: 如果使用 Windows Server 备份以外的产品 备份包含在当前备份中的卷上的应用程序,则请勿使用此 参数。这样做可能会破坏其他备份产品正在创建的增量备份、 差异备份或其他类型的备份。-vssCopy 使用 VSS 执行副本备份。所备份文件的历史记录不会 相应更新。这是默认值。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。示例: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\ Syntax: WBADMIN START BACKUP [-backupTarget:{ | }] [-include:] [-allCritical] [-user:] [-password:] [-noInheritAcl] [-noVerify] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-quiet]Description: Creates a backup using specified parameters. If no parameters are specified and you have created a scheduled daily backup, this command creates the backup by using the settings for the scheduled backup. Parameters:-backupTarget Specifies the storage location for this backup. Requires a hard disk drive letter (f:), a volume GUID-based path in the format of \\\\?\\Volume{GUID}, or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a remote shared folder (\\\\\\\\). By default, the backup will be saved at: \\\\ \\\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\. Important: If you save a backup to a remote shared folder, that backup will be overwritten if you use the same folder to back up the same computer again. In addition, if the backup operation fails, you may finish with no backup because the older backup will be overwritten, but the newer backup will not be usable. You can avoid this by creating subfolders in the remote shared folder to organize your backups. If you do this, the subfolders will need twice the space of the parent folder.-include Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-allCritical Creates a backup that includes all critical volumes (critical volumes contain the operating system files and components) in addition to any other items that you specified with the -include parameter. This parameter is useful if you are creating a backup for bare metal recovery or system state recovery. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-user If the backup is saved to a remote shared folder, specifies the user name with write permission to the folder.-password Specifies the password for the user name that is provided by the parameter -user.-noInheritAcl Applies the access control list (ACL) permissions that correspond to the credentials specified by -user and -password to \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup \\\\ (the folder that contains the backup). To access the backup later, you must use these credentials or be a member of the Administrators group or the Backup Operators group on the computer with the shared folder. If -noInheritAcl is not used, the ACL permissions from the remote shared folder are applied to the folder by default so that anyone with access to the remote shared folder can access the backup.-noVerify Specifies that backups written to removable media (such as a DVD) are not verified for errors. If you do not use this parameter, backups saved to removable media are verified for errors.-vssFull Performs a full backup using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Each file's history is updated to reflect that it was backed up. If this parameter is not used WBADMIN START BACKUP makes a copy backup, but the history of files being backed up is not updated. Caution: Do not use this parameter if you are using a product other than Windows Server Backup to back up applications that are on the volumes included in the current backup. Doing so can potentially break the incremental, differential, or other type of backups that the other backup product is creating.-vssCopy Performs a copy backup using VSS. The history of the files being backed up is not updated. This is the default value.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Example: WBADMIN START BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -include:e:,d:\\mountpoint,\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\
0x400028C1Windows Server 备份无法格式化备份介质: %2要继续进行备份,你可以使用当前介质重试备份,或将新介质插入到驱动器 %1 中。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 Windows Server Backup was unable to format the backup media: %2To continue the backup you can retry the backup using the current media or insert new media into the drive %1. [%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x400028C2在此位置找到多台计算机的备份。请指定要使用哪台计算机的备份。为此,请对WBADMIN GET VERSIONS 使用参数 -machine:BackupMachineName可以在指定位置使用其备份执行恢复的计算机列表: Backups of more than one computer were found in this location. Specify which computer's backups you want to use. To do this, use the parameter -machine:BackupMachineName with WBADMIN GET VERSIONSThe list of computers whose backups can be used to perform a recovery at the specified location:
0x400028C3验证当前媒体失败。该媒体可能已损坏。你可以重试当前媒体。如果问题仍然存在,则格式化当前媒体并重试,或将新媒体插入驱动器 %1。然后,若要继续,请输入 [%3]。若要退出,请输入 [%4]。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 Verifying the current media failed. The media might be corrupted. You can retry the current media. If the issue persists, format the current media and retry, or insert new media into drive %1.Then, to continue, enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4].[%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x400028C4%1 - %2!I64i! 字节无法备份,因为源卷上存在坏簇。 %1 - %2!I64i! bytes could not be backed up because of bad clusters on the source volume.
0x400028C5无法恢复 %1!I64i! 字节,因为备份映像上存在坏簇。可以使用其他备份位置重试恢复操作。或者,可以在恢复的卷上运行 CHKDSK /R,以纠正由于坏簇导致的任何错误。 %1!I64i! bytes could not be recovered because of bad clusters on the backup image. You can retry the recovery operation using a different backup location or you can run CHKDSK /R on the recovered volume to correct any errors due to the bad clusters.
0x400028C6%1!I64i! 字节无法写入被恢复的卷,因为在卷(%2)上存在坏簇。请在被恢复的卷上运行 CHKDSK /R,纠正由于坏簇导致的任何错误。 %1!I64i! bytes could not be written to the recovered volume because of bad clusters on the volume (%2). Run CHKDSK /R on the recovered volume to correct any errors due to bad clusters.
0x400028C7备份时间: %1备份位置: %2,标签为 %3版本标识符: %4可以恢复: %5 Backup time: %1 Backup location: %2 labeled %3Version identifier: %4Can recover: %5
0x400028C8在 %1 启动的系统状态恢复操作已完成,但出现警告。请参阅错误日志获取详细信息。 The system state recovery operation that started at %1 completed with warnings. See the error log for more information.
0x400028C9应用程序 = %1 Application = %1
0x400028CA你已选择恢复应用程序 %1。以下组件的文件将恢复为 %2。 You have chosen to recover the application %1. The files for the following components will be recovered to %2.
0x400028CB警告: 如果尝试恢复到备用位置的虚拟机是从此主机备份的,这样将删除并覆盖原始虚拟机(如果原始虚拟机仍然存在)。 Warning: If a Virtual Machine you are trying to recover to alternate location was backed up from this host, this will delete and overwrite the original virtual machine if it still exists.
0x400028CC警告: 如果网络设置在恢复后与以前不同,则可能无法启动虚拟机。在恢复完成后,请在尝试启动虚拟机之前使用 Hyper-V 管理器验证虚拟机的网络设置。 Warning: The virtual machines might not start if their network settings aredifferent after recovery. After recovery is complete use Hyper-V Manager to verify the network settings of the virtual machines before they are started.
0x400028CF你想继续群集的权威恢复吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to continue with an authoritative recovery of the cluster?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028D0恢复失败的文件日志:%1 Log of files for which recovery failed:%1
0x400028D1已成功将 %1 恢复到 %2。 Successfully recovered %1 to %2.
0x400028D2将 %1 恢复到 %2 失败。错误: %3 The recovery of %1 to %2 failed. Error: %3
0x400028D3应用程序扩展插件为组件: %1执行预恢复步骤失败 The application extension plug-in failed to perform the pre-recovery steps for the component: %1
0x400028D4应用程序扩展插件为组件: %1执行后恢复步骤失败 The application extension plug-in failed to perform the post-recovery steps for the component: %1
0x400028D5无法删除此备份,因为此备份存储位置不可用。你想删除编录中的此备份条目吗? (此选项不会释放存储位置上的空间。)[%1] 是 [%2] 对于所有类似的错误都是 [%3] 否 [%4] 对于所有类似的错误都否 %0 The backup cannot be deleted because the backup storage location is not available. Do you want to delete the entry of the backup in the catalog? (This option will not free space on the storage location.)[%1] Yes [%2] Yes for all similar errors [%3] No [%4] No for all similar errors %0
0x400028D6你想删除编录中的此备份条目吗?(此选项不会释放存储位置上的空间)。[%1] 是,[%2] 否 %0 Do you want to delete the entry of the backup in the catalog? (This option will not free space on the storage location.)[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028D7是否%0 YENO%0
0x400028D8从编录中删除系统状态备份版本 %1 失败,出现错误: %2 The deletion of the system state backup version %1 from the catalog failed with the error: %2
0x400028D9正在为卷 %1 标识要备份的文件,请稍候。这可能需要几分钟时间。 Please wait while files to backup for volume %1 are identified. This might take several minutes.
0x400028DB文件标识已完成。正在开始将卷 %1 备份到 %2... File identification is complete.The backup of volume %1 to %2 is starting...
0x400028DC计划备份的存储位置可以是磁盘、卷或远程共享文件夹。可以为计划备份配置多个存储位置,但这些位置必须具有相同的类型。当前计划使用 %1 进行备份存储。添加新的存储类型将删除存储位置 %1。 Storage locations for scheduled backups can be disks, volumes, or remote shared folders. Multiple storage locations can be configured for scheduled backups, but they must be of the same type. The current schedule uses %1 for backup storage. Adding a new storage type will remove the %1 storage locations.
0x400028DD警告: 仅允许将一个远程共享文件夹作为备份存储位置。如果继续,将替换当前的备份存储位置。 Warning: Only one remote shared folder is allowed as a backup storage location. If you continue, you will replace the current backup storage location.
0x400028DE磁盘 %0 disk%0
0x400028DF网络%0 network%0
0x400028E0卷%0 volume%0
0x400028E1卷 %1 的备份操作完成,但有错误。无法备份某些文件。 The backup operation for volume %1 completed with errors. Some files could not be backed up.
0x400028E2备份时间: %1 备份目标: %2,标签为 %3版本标识符: %4可以恢复: %5快照 ID: {%6} Backup time: %1 Backup target: %2 labeled %3Version identifier: %4Can recover: %5Snapshot ID: {%6}
0x400028E3卷 ID = %1卷“%3”,创建备份时在 %2 处装入卷大小 = %4可以恢复 = %5 Volume ID = %1Volume '%3', mounted at %2 at the time the backup was createdVolume size = %4Can recover = %5
0x400028E4Windows Server 备份正在更新现有的备份,以删除自上次备份以来从服务器中删除的文件。这可能需要几分钟的时间。 Windows Server Backup is updating the existing backup to remove files that havebeen deleted from your server since the last backup. This might take a few minutes.
0x400028E5警告: 创建此备份时,在备份中仅包括卷“%1”中的选定文件或文件夹。如果继续,将仅恢复那些特定的文件和文件夹。恢复目标上不属于备份范围的所有其他现有文件或文件夹将被删除。你想继续吗?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 Warning: When this backup was created, only selected files or folders from volumes '%1' were included in the backup. If you continue, only those specific files and folders will be recovered. Any other existing files or folders on the recovery destination that were not part of the backup will be deleted.Do you want to continue?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x400028E6这将覆盖现有的计划备份,可能导致无法访问现有的备份。要确保你可以访问现有的备份,请选择一个不同的位置以存储备份。 This will overwrite your existing scheduled backup and might cause your existingbackups to become inaccessible. To ensure that you can access your existing backups select a different location to store your backups.
0x400028E7警告: 如果使用远程共享文件夹上的备份执行系统状态恢复,并且在恢复过程中网络连接中断,则可能导致正在恢复的计算机变为无法使用。如果可能,请将备份复制到本地计算机,然后执行恢复。是否要继续?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Warning: Performing a system state recovery from a backup on a remoteshared folder could result in the computer that you are recovering becomingunusable if network connectivity is lost during the recovery process. If possible, copy the backup to the local computer and then perform the recovery instead.Do you want to continue?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028E8计算机将在 %1!lu! 秒之后重新启动。按任何键将取消重新启动。 Computer will be restarted after %1!lu! seconds.Press any key to cancel the restart.
0x400028E9计算机重新启动已取消。 Computer restart canceled.
0x400028EA需要重新启动计算机才能完成系统状态恢复操作。按 [%1] 立即重新启动计算机。[%1] 是 %0 A computer restart is required to complete the system state recovery operation.Press [%1] to restart the computer now.[%1] Yes %0
0x400028EB立即重新启动计算机。 Restarting computer now.
0x400028EC从卷 %1 中选择的文件%0 Selected files from volume(s) %1 %0
0x400028ED正在启动系统状态恢复操作。 Starting a system state recovery operation.
0x400028EE已成功完成系统状态的恢复。 The recovery of the system state successfully completed.
0x400028EF系统状态恢复操作已完成,但出现警告。有关详细信息,请参阅错误日志。 The system state recovery operation completed with warnings.See the error log for more information.
0x400028F0系统状态的恢复失败。 The recovery of the system state failed.
0x400028F1DELETE BACKUP -- 删除一个或多个备份。 DELETE BACKUP -- Deletes one or more backups.
0x400028F2语法: WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP {-keepVersions: | -version: | -deleteOldest} [-backupTarget:] [-machine:] [-quiet]描述: 删除指定的备份。如果指定的卷包含本地服务器备份以外的备份,将不会删除这些备份。若要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators组或 Administrators 组的成员。参数:-keepVersions 指定要保留的最新备份的 数量。该值必须是正整数。选项值 -keepVersions:0 将删除所有备份。-version 备份的版本标识符,格式为 MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM。 如果你不知道版本标识符,请在命令 提示符下键入: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS。 可以使用此命令删除专门作为备份的版本。 请使用 WBADMIN GET ITEMS 查看版本类型。-deleteOldest 删除最早的备份。-backupTarget 指定要删除的备份的存储位置。 备份的存储位置是驱动器号、 装入点或基于 GUID 的卷路径。只有 在查找非本地计算机的备份时才需要 指定此值。有关本地计算机备份的 信息,可以在本地计算机上的 备份目录中找到。-machine 指定要删除其备份的计算机。 如果已将多台计算机备份到同一个位置, 则此参数非常有用。应在指定 -backupTarget 时使用此参数。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行此命令。备注: 下面这些参数中,必须且只能指定一个:-keepVersions、-version 或 -deleteOldest。示例:WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -version:03/31/2006-10:00WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -keepVersions:3WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -deleteOldest Syntax: WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP {-keepVersions: | -version: | -deleteOldest} [-backupTarget:] [-machine:] [-quiet]Description: Deletes the backups that you specify. If the specified volume contains backups other than backups of the localserver, those backups will not be deleted.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group. Parameters:-keepVersions Specifies the number of the latest backups to keep. The value must be a positive integer. The option value -keepVersions:0 deletes all the backups.-version Version identifier of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format. If you do not know the version identifier, at a command prompt, type: WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. Versions that are exclusively backups can be deleted using this command. Use WBADMIN GET ITEMS to view the version type. -deleteOldest Deletes the oldest backup.-backupTarget Specifies the storage location for the backup that you want to delete. The storage location for backups is a drive letter, a mount point, or a GUID-based volume path. This value only needs to be specified for locating backups that are not of the local computer. Information about backups for the local computer will be available in the backup catalog on the local computer.-machine Specifies the computer whose backup you want to delete. Useful when multiple computers were backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.Remarks: One, and only one, of these parameters must be specified: -keepVersions, -version, or -deleteOldest.Examples: WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -version:03/31/2006-10:00WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -keepVersions:3 WBADMIN DELETE BACKUP -backupTarget:f: -deleteOldest
0x400028F3找到 %1!lu! 个备份,删除操作后将留下 %2!lu! 个。 Found %1!lu! backups, %2!lu! will be left after the delete operation.
0x400028F4正在删除备份版本 %3 (第 %1!lu! 个,共 %2!lu! 个)... Deleting backup version %3 (%1!lu! out of %2!lu!)...
0x400028F5删除备份版本 %1 的操作失败,错误: %2。 The operation to delete backup version %1 failed with error: %2.
0x400028F6从编录中删除备份版本 %1 失败,错误: %2 The deletion of the backup version %1 from the catalog failed with the error: %2
0x400028F7正在枚举备份... Enumerating backups...
0x400028F9这将删除指定位置服务器的所有备份。 This will delete all the backups of the server at the specified location.
0x400028FA是否删除这些备份?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 Do you want to delete the backups?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x400028FB找到的备份副本数: %1!lu! 要保留的备份副本数: %2!lu!由于找到的备份副本数小于或等于指定保留的备份副本数,因此,不会删除任何备份副本。 Number backup copies found: %1!lu! Number of backup copies to keep: %2!lu!Because the number of backup copies found is less than or equal to the number of backup copies specified to keep, no backup copies will be deleted.
0x400028FC删除备份的操作已完成,删除了 %1!lu! 个备份。 The operation to delete backups completed, %1!lu! backups were deleted.
0x400028FDGET VIRTUALMACHINES -- 列出当前的 Hyper-V 虚拟机。 GET VIRTUALMACHINES -- Lists current Hyper-V virtual machines.
0x400028FE语法: WBADMIN GET VIRTUALMACHINES描述: 列出系统上存在的 Hyper-V 虚拟机。 要使用此命令,你必须是 Backup Operators 组 或 Administrators 组的成员。 Syntax: WBADMIN GET VIRTUALMACHINESDescription: Lists the Hyper-V virtual machines that are present on the system. To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group.
0x400028FF虚拟机名称: %1 虚拟机描述: %2 虚拟机标识符: %3 VM name: %1VM caption: %2VM identifier: %3
0x40002900未安装 Hyper-V 角色或系统上未配置虚拟机。 Either the Hyper-V role is not installed or there are no VMs configured on the system.
0x40002901在提到的备份集中找不到用户提到的用于恢复的组件 %1。 The component %1 mentioned by user for recovery was not found in the backup set mentioned.
0x40002903在快照期间跳过了应用程序 %3 的组件 %1 (%2\\%1)。 The component %1 (%2\\%1) of Application %3 was skipped during snapshot.
0x40002905正在启动应用程序备份... Starting application backup...
0x40002906已取消应用程序备份。 Application backup was canceled.
0x40002907应用程序备份成功。 Application backup succeeded.
0x40002908应用程序备份成功,但有错误。 Application backup succeeded with errors.
0x40002909应用程序备份失败。 Application backup failed.
0x4000290A正在枚举 %1 的文件... 找到 %2!lu! 个 Enumerating files for %1... %2!lu! found
0x4000290B正在复制 %1 的文件... 已完成 %2!lu!%%。 Copying files for %1... %2!lu!%% done.
0x4000290C%1 的备份成功。 Backup of %1 succeeded.
0x4000290D%1 的备份失败。 Backup of %1 failed.
0x4000290E在卷影复制操作期间,跳过了应用程序 %3 的组件 %1 (%2)。 The component %1 (%2) of application %3 was skipped during the shadow copy operation.
0x4000290F如果你仅选择备份位于启用了重复数据删除的卷上的某些优化的文件或文件夹,则 Windows Server 备份将以非优化的形式备份它们。 If you've selected only some of your optimized files/folders residing on a Deduplication enabled volume for backup, Windows Server Backup will backup them in the non-optimized form.
0x40002910示例:WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:Volume -items:d:WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:App -items:Registry -recoverytarget:d:\\WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:File -items:d:\\folder -recursiveWBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:Volume -items:\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:*WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-recoveryTarget:E:\\recover -recreatePathWBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-recoveryTarget:E:\\recover -alternateLocation备注: 若要从特定备份版本查看可用于恢复的可用项列表,请使用 WBADMIN GET ITEMS。如果某个卷在备份时没有装入点或驱动器号,则此命令将返回一个应用于恢复该卷的基于 GUID 的卷名称。当 -itemtype 为 App 时,你可以对 -item 使用 ADIFM 的值以执行从媒体安装(IFM)操作,以恢复 Active Directory 域服务所需的所有相关数据。ADIFM 会创建 Active Directory数据库、注册表和 SYSVOL 状态的副本,然后将此信息保存在 -recoveryTarget 指定的位置。仅当已指定 -recoveryTarget时使用此参数。注意: 在使用 WBADMIN 执行从媒体安装操作时,应当考虑使用 NTDSUTIL 命令,因为 NTDSUTIL 仅复制最小量的所需数据。并且,NTDSUTIL IFM 子命令会从只读域控制器(RODC)安装媒体中删除机密,例如密码。这会使安装介质的传输更安全。 Examples:WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:Volume -items:d:WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:App -items:Registry -recoverytarget:d:\\WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:File -items:d:\\folder -recursiveWBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -itemType:Volume -items:\\\\?\\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\\WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:04/30/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:*WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-backupTarget:\\\\servername\\share -machine:server01WBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-recoveryTarget:E:\\recover -recreatePathWBADMIN START RECOVERY -itemtype:hyperV -items:64A50294-D491-48D8-8FFB-6A97BC72B095-recoveryTarget:E:\\recover -alternateLocationRemarks: To view a list of items available that are available for recovery from a specific backup version, use WBADMIN GET ITEMS. If a volume did not have a mount point or drive letter at the time of backup, then this command would return a GUID-based volume name that should be used for recovering the volume.When the -itemtype is App, you can use a value of ADIFM for -item to performan install from media (IFM) operation to recover all the related data needed for Active Directory Domain Services. ADIFM creates a copy of the Active Directory database, registry, and SYSVOL state, and then saves this information in the location specified by -recoveryTarget. Use this parameter only when -recoveryTarget is specified.Note: Before using WBADMIN to perform an Install from Media operation, you should consider using the NTDSUTIL command because NTDSUTIL only copies the minimum amount of data needed. Also, the NTDSUTIL IFM subcommand removes secrets, such as passwords, from read-only domain controller (RODC) installation media. This makes transportation of the installation media more secure.
0x40002911运行备份时,备份中包含的所有虚拟机都将被暂时置于已保存状态。 Any virtual machines included in the backup might be temporarily placed into asaved state when the backup runs.
0x40002912语法: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP [-addtarget:] [-removetarget:] [-schedule:] [-include: [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-allCritical] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-user:] [-password:] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]描述: 创建每日备份计划或修改现有备份计划。如果不指定任何选项,则显示当前的计划备份设置。若要使用此命令,你必须是备份操作员组或管理员组的成员。参数:-addtarget 指定备份的存储位置。要求你以磁盘、 卷或指向远程共享文件夹的通用命名约定(UNC) 路径(\\\\\\\\)的 形式指定位置。默认情况下,备份保存在: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\。如果指定磁盘,则将在使用前 格式化该磁盘,该磁盘上的全部现有数据都将被永久 删除。如果指定共享文件夹,则将无法 添加更多位置。一次只能指定一个共享文件夹作为 存储位置。 重要信息: 如果将备份保存到远程共享文件夹,则在 使用同一文件夹再次备份同一计算机时, 将覆盖此备份。另外,如果备份操作失败, 则结果可能会没有任何备份, 因为会覆盖旧备份,而新备份又 不可用。通过在远程共享 文件夹中创建子文件夹来组织备份,便可以避免这种 情况。如果这样做,则子文件夹将需要具备父文件夹的 两倍空间。 一个命令中只能指定一个位置。 可以通过再次运行该命令, 添加多个卷和磁盘备份存储位置。-removetarget 指定你要从现有的备份计划中删除的 存储位置。-schedule 指定一天中创建备份的时间(以逗号分隔的形式指定, 采用格式 HH:MM)。-include 指定要包含在备份中的以逗号分隔的 项目列表。可以包含多个文件、文件夹或卷。 可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用 反斜杠(\\)终止。指定文件路径时,可以在文件名中 使用通配符(*)。-nonRecurseInclude 指定备份中包含的以逗号分隔的非递归 项列表。可以包含多个 文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用 卷驱动器号、卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称 指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该 使用反斜杠(\\)终止。指定文件路径时,可以在 文件名中使用通配符(*)。仅当使用 -backupTarget 参数时 使用。-exclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的项目 列表。可以排除文件、文件夹或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的 卷名称指定卷路径。如果使用 基于 GUID 的卷名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\) 终止。指定文件路径时, 可以在文件名中使用通配符(*)。-nonRecurseExclude 指定要从备份中排除的以逗号分隔的非递归项目 列表。可以排除文件、文件夹 或卷。可以使用卷驱动器号、 卷装入点或基于 GUID 的卷名称指定 卷路径。如果使用基于 GUID 的卷 名称,它应该使用反斜杠(\\)终止。指定 文件路径时,可以在文件名中使用 通配符(*)。-allCritical 创建包含所有关键卷(关键 卷包含操作系统文件和组件) 以及使用 -include 参数指定的 任何其他项目的备份。如果为裸机 恢复创建备份,则此参数非常有用。-vssFull 使用卷影复制服务(VSS)执行完整备份。 每个文件的历史记录都会相应更新, 以反映备份情况。如果未使用此参数,则 WBADMIN START BACKUP 将进行副本备份,但是所备份 文件的历史记录不会相应更新。 警告: 如果使用 Windows Server 备份以外的产品 备份包含在当前备份中的卷上的应用程序, 则请勿使用此参数,否则, 可能会永久性破坏其他备份产品正在创建 的增量、差异或其他类型的备份。-vssCopy 使用 VSS 执行副本备份。所备份文件的历史记录不会 相应更新。这是默认值。-user 指定对备份存储目标(如果它是远程共享文件夹)具有写入 权限的用户。该用户需要是正在进行备份的 计算机上的管理员组或 备份操作员组的成员。-password 指定由参数 -user 所提供的 用户名的密码。-quiet 在不提示用户的情况下运行该命令。-allowDeleteOldBackups 覆盖在升级之前找到的备份。示例:WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -include:c:\\dir1\\* -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00 -allCritical Syntax: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP [-addtarget:] [-removetarget:] [-schedule:] [-include: [-nonRecurseInclude:] [-exclude:] [-nonRecurseExclude:] [-allCritical] [-vssFull | -vssCopy] [-user:] [-password:] [-quiet] [-allowDeleteOldBackups]Description: Creates a daily backup schedule or modifies an existing backup schedule. With no options specified, displays the current scheduled backup settings.To use this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or Administrators group.Parameters:-addtarget Specifies the storage location for backups. Requires you to specify the location as a disk, volume, or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a remote shared folder (\\\\\\\\). By default, the backup will be saved at: \\\\\\\\WindowsImageBackup\\ \\. If you specify a disk, the disk will be formatted before use, and any existing data on it is permanently erased. If you specify a shared folder, you cannot add more locations. You can only specify one shared folder as a storage location at a time. Important: If you save a backup to a remote shared folder, that backup will be overwritten if you use the same folder to backup the same computer again. In addition, if the backup operation fails, you may end up with no backup because the older backup will be overwritten, but the newer backup will not be usable. You can avoid this by creating subfolders in the remote shared folder to organize your backups. If you do this, the subfolders will need twice the space of the parent folder. Only one location can be specified in a single command. Multiple volume and disk backup storage locations can be added by running the command again.-removetarget Specifies the storage location that you want to remove from the existing backup schedule.-schedule Specifies the times of day to create a backup (comma-delimited and formatted as HH:MM).-include Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file.-nonRecurseInclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to include in the backup. You can include multiple files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. Should be used only when the -backupTarget parameter is used.-exclude Specifies the comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file. -nonRecurseExclude Specifies the non-recursive, comma-delimited list of items to exclude from the backup. You can exclude files, folders, or volumes. Volume paths can be specified using volume drive letters, volume mount points, or GUID-based volume names. If you use a GUID-based volume name, it should be terminated with a backslash (\\). You can use the wildcard character (*) in the file name when specifying a path to a file.-allCritical Creates a backup that includes all critical volumes (critical volumes contain the operating system files and components) in addition to any other items that you specified with the -include parameter. This parameter is useful if you are creating a backup for bare metal recovery. -vssFull Performs a full backup using the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Each file's history is updated to reflect that it was backed up. If this parameter is not used WBADMIN START BACKUP makes a copy backup, but the history of files being backed up is not updated. Caution: Do not use this parameter if you are using a product other than Windows Server Backup to back up applications that are on the volumes included in the current backup. Doing so can potentially break the incremental, differential, or other type of backups that the other backup product is creating.-vssCopy Performs a copy backup using VSS. The history of the files being backed up is not updated. This is the default value.-user Specifies the user with write permission to the backup storage destination (if it is a remote shared folder). The user needs to be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators group on the computer that is getting backed up. -password Specifies the password for the user name provided by the parameter -user.-quiet Runs the command with no prompts to the user.-allowDeleteOldBackups Overwrites the backups found before upgrade.Examples:WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -include:c:\\dir1\\* -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:e: -schedule:00:00 -allCritical
0x4079011CWindows Server 备份要求介质上至少具有 1GB 的可用空间才能继续。在将新介质插入驱动器 %1 后,你可以继续进行备份。[%3] 继续 [%4] 退出 %0 Windows Server Backup needs at least 1 gigabyte of free space on your media to continue. You can continue the backup after inserting new media into drive%1. [%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
0x40790185正在扫描文件系统... Scanning the file system...
0x40790186BMR 的故障排除信息: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=225039 Troubleshooting information for BMR: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=225039
0x8079002E注意: 恢复操作将引起本地计算机上的所有复制内容(使用 DFSR 或 FRS 复制)在恢复后重新同步。由于重新同步导致网络流量增大,从而可能会引起潜在的延迟或停机问题。 Note: The recovery operation will cause all replicated content (replicated using DFSR or FRS) on the local computer to resynchronize after recovery. The rise in network traffic due to resynchronization may cause potential latency or outage issues.
0x8079002F创建备份时使用的复制引擎是“%1”。请停止该域中其他 Active Directory 服务器上的此复制引擎服务,并将其配置为非权威恢复,然后继续操作。是否要继续?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 The replication engine used when the backup was created was '%1'. Stop this replication engine service on other Active Directory servers in the domain and configure them for non-authoritative recovery before continuing.Do you want to continue?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x80790030恢复操作将初始化此域控制器(包括 SYSVOL)上的所有已复制内容(使用 DFSR 或 FRS 复制)。如果你在此服务器上有其他已复制文件夹,且不想让该恢复影响它们,请现在取消此操作。是否要继续?[%1] 是[%2] 否 %0 The recovery operation will reset all replicated content (replicated using DFSR or FRS) on this domain controller, including SYSVOL. If you have other replicated folders on this server and do not want them to be affected by the recovery, cancel this operation now.Do you want to continue?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x80790032当已经使用 Windows Server Backup 创建此服务器的备份时,如果不首先恢复编录,则可能会丢失对这些备份的访问权限。你想在不恢复编录的情况下继续操作吗?如果这是此服务器的首次备份,或者不需要访问早期的备份,请选择 %1。如果已经创建此服务器的备份,并且希望在继续操作前恢复这些备份的编录,请选择 %2。若要恢复编录并访问早期备份,请在命令提示符处键入以下命令,其中 是包含服务器最新备份的位置:WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backuptarget:[%1] 继续 [%2] 退出 %0 If you have already created backups of this server using Windows Server Backup, you might lose access to them if you do not recover the catalog first. Do you want to continue without recovering the catalog?Select %1 if this is the first backup of this server or if you do not need to access earlier backups. Select %2 if you have already created backups of this server and want to recover the catalog for those backups before you continue. To recover the catalog and access the earlier backups, at a command prompt, type the following, where is the location containing latest backup of the server: WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG -backuptarget:.[%1] Continue [%2] Exit %0
0x80790033你选择用于存储备份的磁盘已经包含此服务器 的计划备份。你想保留这些备份吗?[%2] 是 [%3] 否 %0 The disk you have selected for storing backups already contains scheduled backups of this server . Do you want to keep these backups?[%2] Yes [%3] No %0
0x80790034启动系统状态恢复后,将无法暂停或取消。将需要重新启动服务器才能完成恢复操作。你希望继续吗?[%1] 是 [%2] 否 %0 System state recovery cannot be paused or cancelled once it has started. It will need a restart of the server to complete the recovery operation.Do you want to continue ?[%1] Yes [%2] No %0
0x80790050错误 - 命令不完整。请参阅以下列表。若要获得有关此命令的帮助信息,请键入 WBADMIN /?。 ERROR - Command incomplete. See the list below. For Help for this command, type WBADMIN /?.
0x80790051错误 - 无效命令: %1。请参阅以下列表。若要获得有关此命令的帮助信息,请键入 WBADMIN /?。 ERROR - Invalid command: %1. See the list below. For Help for this command, type WBADMIN /?.
0x80790052错误 - 命令不完整。请参阅以下列表。若要获得更多命令,请键入 WBADMIN /?。若要获得有关此命令的帮助信息,请键入 WBADMIN /?。 ERROR - The command is incomplete. See the list below.For more commands, type WBADMIN /?.For Help for this command, type WBADMIN /?.
0x80790053错误 - 无效命令: %1。请参阅以下列表。若要获得更多命令,请键入 WBADMIN /?。若要获得有关此命令的帮助信息,请键入 WBADMIN /?。 ERROR - Invalid command: %1. See the list below.For more commands, type WBADMIN /?.For Help for this command, type WBADMIN /?.
0x80790054错误 - 缺少参数。请参阅以下命令语法。 ERROR - Missing parameters. See the command syntax below.
0x80790055错误 - 命令语法不正确。错误: %1。请参阅以下命令语法。 ERROR - Command syntax incorrect. Error: %1. See the command syntax below.
0x80790056错误 - 当前未运行任何备份或恢复操作。 ERROR - No backup or recovery operation is currently running.
0x80790057错误 - 找不到任何备份。 ERROR - No backup was found.
0x80790058错误 - 指定的恢复位置不存在。 ERROR - The specified recovery location does not exist.
0x8079005A错误 - 找不到指定的备份。 ERROR - The specified backup was not found.
0x8079005C错误 - 拒绝访问。你必须是 Administrator 组或 Backup Operator 组的成员才能使用 Windows Server 备份。另外,必须使用从提升权限的命令提示符下运行 WBADMIN。(若要打开提升的命令提示符,请单击「开始」,右键单击“命令提示符”,然后单击“以管理员身份运行”。) ERROR - Access denied. You must be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators group to use Windows Server Backup. In addition, you must run WBADMIN from an elevated command prompt. (To open an elevated command prompt, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.)
0x8079005D错误 - 操作期间出错: 0x%1!lx!。 ERROR - Error during operation: 0x%1!lx!.
0x8079005E错误 - 在指定的远程共享文件夹中找不到任何备份。 ERROR - No backups were found in the specified remote shared folder.
0x8079005F错误 - 找不到指定的备份位置或该位置不是受支持的备份存储位置。 ERROR - The specified backup location could not be found or is not a supported backup storage location.
0x80790060错误 - 不支持恢复指定的应用程序,或者在选择恢复的备份中不存在指定的应用程序。 ERROR - Recovery of the specified application is either not supported or thespecified application is not present in the backup selected for recovery.
0x80790062错误 - 无法从 DVD 或其他可移动媒体类型中还原组件。 ERROR - Components cannot be restored from a DVD or other removable media type.
0x80790064错误 - 缺少命令所需的选项 %1。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - An option required for the command is missing: %1. See the syntax below.
0x80790065错误 - 提供的某一参数或选项为非预期参数或选项: %1。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - One of the parameters or options provided is unexpected: %1. See the syntax below.
0x80790066错误 - 错误地指定了参数或选项 %1 的值: %2。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - The value for parameter or option: %1 is incorrectly specified: %2. See the syntax below.
0x80790067错误 - 多次指定了某一参数或选项: %1。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - One of the parameters or options was specified more than once: %1. See the syntax below.
0x80790068错误 - 指定的某一参数或选项无效: %1。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - One of the parameters or options specified is invalid: %1. See the syntax below.
0x80790069错误 - 备份的原始卷不再存在,或已重新创建为更改的卷的唯一标识符: %1。因此,无法将该卷恢复到原始位置。请确保已装入该卷并已将其格式化为 NTFS/ReFS,或者使用 -recoveryTarget 参数指定其他恢复位置。 ERROR - The original volume that you backed up either no longer exists or hasbeen recreated as the unique identifier of the volume that changed: %1.Because of this, you cannot recover this volume to the original location. Please make sure the volume is mounted and formatted as NTFS/ReFS, or specify an alternate location for recovery using the -recoveryTarget parameter.
0x8079006A错误 - 缺少参数或选项 %1 的值。请参阅以下语法。 ERROR - The value for the parameter or option: %1 is missing. See the syntax below.
0x8079006B错误 - 指定的备份位置已格式化(%1),无法用于存储备份。请使用 NTFS/ReFS 格式化该卷或指定其他 NTFS/ReFS 卷。 ERROR - The specified backup location is formatted (%1) and cannot be used to store backups. Please format the volume with NTFS/ReFS or specify another NTFS/ReFS volume.
0x80790081错误 - 无法包括其中一个指定的源卷: %1。请以卷驱动器号或访问路径(如果卷装入到文件夹中)的形式指定源卷。只能备份本地连接的磁盘上的卷。 ERROR - One of the source volumes specified cannot be included: %1. Specify the source volume as a volume drive letter or access path (if volume is mounted in a folder). Only volumes on locally attached disks can be backed up.
0x80790082错误 - 其中一个指定的源卷位于指定用于存储备份的磁盘上: %1。 ERROR - One of the source volumes specified is present on the disk specified to store backups: %1.
0x80790083错误 - 选项无效。\"*\" 应单独作为项目提供。 ERROR - Invalid option. \"*\"alone should be given as items.
0x80790088错误 - 系统恢复失败。请检查并尝试以下各项: 1. 确保备份时现有磁盘已连接并处于联机状态。 可以从 DISKPART 命令解释程序运行 \"list disks\" 命令检查计算机上现有 磁盘的当前列表。如果上述步骤未能解决该问题,则: a. 运行不带 -restoreAllVolumes 选项 的 WBADMIN START RECOVERY。该选项 仅还原包含操作系统组件的那些卷。 若要获得帮助,请键入 WBADMIN START RECOVERY /? b. 如果备份后磁盘上的卷布局已改变,请使用 -recreateDisks 选项重试系统恢复。 若要获得帮助,请键入 WBADMIN START RECOVERY /? c. 运行 WBADMIN START RECOVERY 手动逐个恢复卷。 ERROR - System recovery failed. Please review and try the following: 1. Make sure that disks present at time of backup are attached and are online. You can use run \"list disks\" command from DISKPART command interpreter to review the current list of disks present on the machine.If the above step does not resolve the problem, a. Run WBADMIN START RECOVERY without -restoreAllVolumes option. This option will restore only those volumes that contain operating system components. For help type WBADMIN START RECOVERY /? OR, b. If the volume layout on the disk has changed after the backup, retry system recovery with the -recreateDisks option. For Help, type WBADMIN START RECOVERY /?. OR, c. Run WBADMIN START RECOVERY to manually recover volumes one by one.
0x80790089错误 - 恢复位置不能与备份存储位置相同。请选择其他恢复位置。 ERROR - The recovery location cannot be the same as the backup storage location. Please choose another location to recover to.
0x80790090错误 - 备份编录已损坏。请使用 WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG 从备份中还原编录。键入 WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG /? 可获取相关帮助。 ERROR - The backup catalog is corrupted. Please restore the catalog from a backup using WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG. For Help, type WBADMIN RESTORE CATALOG /?.
0x80790092错误 - 用户名或密码无效。 ERROR - The user name or password is invalid.
0x80790093错误 - 用户对远程共享文件夹没有写入权限。 ERROR - The user does not have write permission to the remote shared folder.
0x80790094错误 - 用户名或密码不是所需的,因为备份位置不是远程共享文件夹。 ERROR - The user name or password is unexpected because the backup location is not a remote shared folder.
0x80790095错误 - 备份存储位置不存在或不包含备份编录。请尝试从其他存储位置恢复编录。 ERROR - The backup storage location does not exist or does not contain the backup catalog. Try recovering the catalog from another storage location.
0x80790097错误 - 无法在安全模式下运行此命令。请在正常模式下重新启动 Windows,然后重试该操作。 ERROR - Cannot run this command in Safe Mode. Restart Windows in normal mode, and then retry the operation.
0x80790098错误 - 无法分析输出文件以便写入到该文件。请使用 -output:{文件名} 以Unicode 形式写入到该文件。 ERROR - Unable to parse the output file so that it can be written to. Use -output:{file name} to write to the file as unicode.
0x80790099错误 - 无法打开输出文件以便写入到该文件。 ERROR - Unable to open output file so that it can be written to.
0x80790100错误 - 此功能在便携式工作站环境中不可用。 ERROR - This feature is not avaliable in a portable workstation environment.
0x80790101错误 - 恢复位置不能是远程共享文件夹。请选择此服务器上的磁盘或卷,然后重试该操作。 ERROR - The recovery location cannot be a remote shared folder. Please choose a disk or volume on this server and then try the operation again.
0x80790102错误 - 此版本的 Windows 不支持到远程共享文件夹的计划备份。 ERROR - This version of Windows does not support scheduled backups to a remote shared folder.
0x80790105错误 - 不能将选定磁盘用作备份存储位置,因为该磁盘包含 OEM、未知分区或其他特殊分区。 ERROR - The selected disk cannot be used as a backup storage location becauseit contains OEM, unknown, or other special partition(s).
0x80790106错误 - 指定的 DVD 或其他可移动媒体不包含任何备份信息。请确保插入上次备份的 DVD 或其他可移动媒体。 ERROR - The specified DVD or other removable media does not contain any backup information. Please ensure that the last DVD or other removable media in the backup is inserted.
0x80790113错误 - WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -recreateDisks 不可用,因为 Windows 恢复环境是从硬盘运行的。若要使用 WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -recreateDisks,请从 Windows 安装光盘或 Windows 恢复光盘运行 Windows 恢复环境。 ERROR - WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -recreateDisks is not available because Windows Recovery Environment is running from your hard disk. To use WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -recreateDisks, run Windows Recovery Environment from the Windows setup disc or Windows recovery disc.
0x80790114错误 - 关键卷(%1)无法恢复到 Windows 恢复环境的启动分区(%2)。恢复操作已结束。 ERROR - The critical volume (%1) cannot be recovered to the boot partition (%2) of Windows Recovery Environment. The recovery operation ended.
0x80790116错误 - Windows Server 备份未能确定启动卷的路径,无法继续进行恢复操作。 ERROR - Windows Server Backup failed to determine the path to the boot volume and cannot continue with the recovery operation.
0x80790117错误 - 指定的备份位置(%1)为只读位置,无法用于存储备份。 ERROR - The specified backup location (%1) is read-only and cannot be used to store backups.
0x80790119错误 - 因为未指定参数 -machine:,所以无法执行请求的操作。 ERROR - The requested operation could not be performed because the parameter -machine: was not specified.
0x8079011B错误 - 在备份项目中多次包括了卷 %1。 ERROR - The volume %1 is included more than once in the items for backup.
0x8079011C错误 - 无法从 DVD 或可移动媒体恢复系统状态。 ERROR - The system state cannot be recovered from a DVD or other removable media.
0x8079011D错误 - 块级备份引擎服务已禁用。请启用此服务,然后重试该操作。 ERROR - The Block Level Backup Engine service has been disabled. Please enable the service, and then retry the operation.
0x8079011E错误 - 在备份中未找到指定路径“%1”。 ERROR - The specified path \"%1\" was not found in the backup.
0x8079011F错误 - 无法删除指定的备份存储目标,因为它没有出现在计划的备份配置中。 ERROR - The specified backup storage destination cannot be removed because it is not present in the scheduled backup configuration.
0x80790120错误 - 不支持联机恢复 EFI 系统分区。请尝试使用 Windows 安装光盘从 Windows 恢复环境中恢复。 ERROR - Online recovery of an EFI system partition is not supported. Please try recovering from Windows Recovery Environment using the Windows setup disc.
0x80790121错误 - EFI 系统分区无法用作恢复位置。 ERROR - An EFI system partition cannot be used as a recovery location.
0x80790122错误 - 未找到恢复路径“%1”。 ERROR - The recovery path \"%1\" was not found.
0x80790123错误 - 指定位置对于计划备份而言无效。请指定磁盘标识符或有效的远程共享文件夹。 ERROR - The location specified is an invalid location for a scheduled backup. Specify either a disk identifier or a valid remote shared folder.
0x80790124不允许向原始位置恢复应用程序,因为应用程序没有向此计算机上的 Windows Server 备份注册。 Recovery of the application to the original location is not allowed because the application is not registered with Windows Server Backup on this computer.
0x80790125错误 - 应用程序扩展插件出现故障。错误代码:%2 (0x%1!lx!) ERROR - An application extension plug-in failed. Error code:%2 (0x%1!lx!)
0x80790150错误 - 当前组策略设置阻止向本地连接的磁盘进行系统状态备份。 ERROR - Current Group Policy settings prevent system state backups to a locally attached disk.
0x80790151错误 - 未找到任何系统状态备份。此命令用于删除仅包含系统状态的备份。 ERROR - No system state backups were found.This command can be used to delete backups that only contain the system state.
0x80790152错误 - 指定的版本为完整的卷备份,不是系统状态备份。 ERROR - The version specified is a full volume backup, not a system state backup.
0x80790153错误 - 你必须指定下列参数之一,且只能指定一个: -keepVersions、-version 或 -deleteOldest。 ERROR - You must specify one, and only one, of the following parameters: -keepVersions, -version, or -deleteOldest.
0x80790154错误 - Windows Server 备份无法将指定的应用程序恢复到其 安装位置。请指定另一个位置。 ERROR - Windows Server Backup cannot recover the specified application to the location where it was installed. Specify another location.
0x80790155错误 - 在备份中找不到指定的组件。 ERROR - The specified component cannot be found in the backup.
0x80790156错误 - 指定要还原的路径应该是同一卷的一部分, 且应该在同一父文件夹下。 ERROR - The paths specified to restore should be part of the same volume and should be under same parent folder.
0x80790157错误 - 无法删除计划备份的上次备份位置。请使用 WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP 禁用该计划备份。然后使用 WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP 重新配置计划备份。 ERROR - The last backup location for scheduled backup cannot be removed. Use WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP to disable the scheduled backup. Then use WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP to reconfigure scheduled backups.
0x80790158错误 - 已将指定的位置 %1 添加为备份存储位置。 ERROR - The specified location %1 has already been added as a backup storage location.
0x80790159错误 - 指定用于存储备份的磁盘无效。 ERROR - The disk specified for storing backups is invalid.
0x8079015A错误 - 未找到磁盘。请确保磁盘联机。 ERROR - The disk was not found. Make sure the disk is online.
0x8079015C错误 - 你不能使用多个远程共享文件夹存储计划备份。 ERROR - You cannot use multiple remote shared folders to store scheduled backups.
0x8079015D错误 - 当前未计划备份。 ERROR - A backup is not currently scheduled.
0x8079015E错误 - 为备份存储指定的磁盘包含关键卷: %1。 ERROR - The disk specified for backup storage contains a critical volume: %1.
0x80790160错误 - 已指定存储计划备份的位置无效。请指定有效磁盘。 ERROR - The location that you have specified to store scheduled backups is invalid. Specify a valid disk.
0x80790161错误 - 指定要进行排除的磁盘无法与连接到计算机的任何磁盘相匹配。请运行 WBADMIN GET DISKS,并验证指定的磁盘是否有效。 ERROR - The disk specified for exclusion could not be matched with any disks that are attached to the computer. Run WBADMIN GET DISKS and verify that the disk specified is valid.
0x80790163错误 - 出现卷影复制服务操作错误: (0x%1!lx!)%2 ERROR - A Volume Shadow Copy Service operation error has occurred: (0x%1!lx!)%2
0x80790164错误 - 共享还原点操作失败,返回错误(0x%1!lx!)%2 ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x%1!lx!)%2
0x80790165错误 - 当前的组策略设置阻止你使用带有可移动存储的设备(如 DVD 驱动器)存储备份。 ERROR - Current Group Policy settings prevent you from using a device with removable storage such as DVD drives to store backups.
0x80790167错误 - 当前组策略设置限制你执行此操作。 ERROR - Current Group Policy settings restrict you from performing this operation.
0x80790168格式化磁盘的操作失败。请确保磁盘已联机并且可以访问。 The operation to format the disk failed. Please ensure the disk is online andaccessible.
0x80790169注意: 为备份包括的卷列表不包括所有包含操作系统组件的卷。此备份不能用于执行系统恢复。但是,如果目标媒体类型支持,则可以恢复其他项目。 Note: The list of volumes included for backup does not include all the volumes that contain operating system components. This backup cannot be used to perform a system recovery. However, you can recover other items if the destination media type supports it.
0x8079016A注意: 所选备份目标卷在动态磁盘上。如果需要使用此备份执行恢复,则在执行裸机恢复时可使用的功能会受到限制。选择位于基本磁盘上的备份目标卷将支持完整的裸机恢复功能。请打开磁盘管理(diskmgmt.msc)查看基本磁盘列表。 Note: The backup destination volume that you have selected is on a dynamicdisk. If you need to perform a recovery using this backup, you will have limited functionality while performing a bare metal recovery.Selecting a backup destination volume that is on a basic disk will enable fullfunctionality for bare metal recoveries. Open Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) to view a list of basic disks.
0x8079016B错误 - 找不到“%1”指定的路径。 ERROR - The path specified by '%1' was not found.
0x8079016C错误 - 文件“%1”无效。 ERROR - The file '%1' is invalid.
0x8079016D警告 - 文件路径“%1”不存在,将被忽略。 WARNING - The file path '%1' does not exist and will be ignored.
0x8079016E无法取消系统状态恢复操作,因为系统可能变得不稳定或者无法启动系统。 The system state recovery operation cannot be canceled because the system may become unstable or you may not be able to start the system.
0x8079016F错误 - 不允许从指定的备份进行系统状态恢复,因为系统状态不是备份的一部分。 ERROR - A system state recovery is not allowed from the specified backup because the system state is not part of the backup.
0x80790170错误 - 指定的备份卷无效。 ERROR - The specified backup volume is invalid.
0x80790171错误 - 无法使用 SYSRECOVERY,因为指定的备份中不存在所有关键卷。 ERROR - SYSRECOVERY is not possible because all the critical volumes are not present in the specified backup.
0x80790172无法使用可移动媒体作为计划备份的存储位置。 You cannot use removable media as a storage location for scheduled backups.
0x80790173错误 - 当前的“组策略”设置限制执行此操作。 ERROR - Current Group Policy settings restrict you from performing this operation.
0x80790174选择的备份存储位置与操作系统位于同一物理硬盘上。如果该硬盘发生故障,则可能会丢失系统数据及备份数据。 The backup storage location that you selected is on the same physical harddisk as your operating system. If the hard disk fails, you may lose both your system data and backup data.
0x80790175此版本的 Windows 不支持执行到远程共享文件夹的备份。 Performing a backup to a remote shared folder is not supported by this editionof Windows.
0x80790176此版本的 Windows 不支持执行系统映像备份。 Performing a system image backup is not supported by this edition of Windows.
0x80790178错误 - 驱动器中的 DVD 或其他媒体不包含可以用来系统恢复的备份。如果将创建的备份保存到多个媒体,则确保插入此系列中的最后一个媒体。 ERROR - The DVD or other media in the drive does not contain a backup that canbe used for system recovery. If the backup you created was saved to multiple media make sure last media in the series is inserted.
0x80790179注意: 备份的数据在此目标上无法得到安全保护。存储在远程共享文件夹上的备份可能会被网络上的其他人访问。你应该只将备份保存到你信任访问该位置的其他用户的位置,或者保存到网络上具有附加安全预防措施的位置。 Note: The backed up data cannot be securely protected at this destination.Backups stored on a remote shared folder might be accessible by otherpeople on the network. You should only save your backups to a locationwhere you trust the other users who have access to the location or on a network that has additional security precautions in place.
0x8079017A注意: 如果你创建承载虚拟硬盘(VHD)文件的卷的备份,则会自动从备份中排除 VHD 文件(如果这些文件是在创建备份时安装的文件)。若要备份 VHD 文件的内容,请在每个备份操作之前,单独备份虚拟卷或卸载 VHD 文件。 Note: If you are creating a backup of volumes hosting virtual hard disk (VHD)files, the VHD files will be automatically excluded from the backup if theyare mounted at the time the backup is created. To back up the contents of theVHD files, either back up the virtual volumes separately or dismount the VHDfiles before every backup operation.
0x8079017B准备备份 Hyper-V 数据时出错。请检查与卷影复制服务、群集服务以及 Hyper-V 有关的应用程序事件日志,以获取详细信息。 An error occurred while preparing to back up Hyper-V data. Please check application event logs related to Volume Shadow Copy Service,Cluster service, and Hyper-V for more information.
0x8079017C无法重新启动系统。请手动重新启动系统以完成系统状态恢复操作。 Unable to restart the system. Restart the system manually to complete thesystem state recovery operation.
0x8079017E错误 - 无法验证文件路径“%1” ERROR - Could not validate the file path '%1'
0x8079017F错误 - 在备份集中找不到指定用于恢复的组件之一。 ERROR - One of the specified components for recovery cannot be found in the backup set.
0x80790180错误 - 指定的 Hyper-V 组件“%1”无效。 ERROR - The Hyper-V component '%1' specified is invalid.
0x80790181错误 - Hyper-V 组件“%1”指定了多次。如果确实有多个组件具有相同的名称,请通过提供组件标识符来消除歧义。你可以使用 \"wbadmin get virtualmachines\"列出 Hyper-V 组件的相关信息。 ERROR - The Hyper-V component '%1' is specified more than once. If there indeed are multiple components with the same name, please disambiguate by providing the component identifier. You can use \"wbadmin get virtualmachines\" to list relevant info for Hyper-V components.
0x80790182错误 - Windows Server 备份已检测到选定的备份目标 %1 包含使用旧版本 Windows 生成的备份。向该目标执行新备份将导致删除以前的备份。请将现有备份复制到其他位置,并使用 -allowDeleteOldBackups重新运行备份作业,以使新备份成功。 ERROR - Windows Server Backup has detected that the selected backup destination %1 contains backups taken with a previous version of Windows. Performing a new backup to the destination will cause previous backups to get erased. Copy the existing backups to a different location and rerun the backup job with -allowDeleteOldBackups for the new backup to succeed.
0x80790183错误 - 目标卷大小小于源卷大小。请选择大小大于或等于源卷大小的目标卷。 ERROR - The destination volume size is less than the source volume size. Choose a destination volume whose size is greater than or equal to the source volume size.
0x80790184注意: 由于不支持的文件系统属性,到非 NTFS 格式的目标卷的文件恢复可能失败。 Note: File recovery to non-NTFS formatted destination volume may failbecause of unsupported filesystem properties.


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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® BLB 备份的命令行接口
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WBADMIN.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WBADMIN.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wbadmin.exe.mui?

wbadmin.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file wbadmin.exe (Microsoft® BLB 备份的命令行接口).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® BLB 备份的命令行接口
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WBADMIN.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WBADMIN.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200