fvevol.sys.mui BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver d8a2ad3dcfcbdd4ac5551f74a7fc90ad

File info

File name: fvevol.sys.mui
Size: 12800 byte
MD5: d8a2ad3dcfcbdd4ac5551f74a7fc90ad
SHA1: a4dcbc1c9562147c60f63857a71af73954ea1786
SHA256: 689614e2a2fb3970e5da32356331c24a7eb515e0871e4c96288390738dca713a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Neutral language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Neutral English
100BitLocker Drive Encryption Filter Driver BitLocker Drive Encryption Filter Driver
900正在進行 BitLocker 轉換。 BitLocker conversion is in progress.
50001BitLocker BitLocker
50003BitLocker 磁碟機加密效能計數器 BitLocker Drive Encryption performance counters
50005Min Read Split Size Min Read Split Size
50007上次間隔期間的最小讀取緩衝區分割大小 (位元組) Minimum read buffer split size in bytes during last interval
50009Max Read Split Size Max Read Split Size
50011上次間隔期間的最大讀取緩衝區分割大小 (位元組) Maximum read buffer split size in bytes during last interval
50013Min Write Split Size Min Write Split Size
50015上次間隔期間的最小寫入緩衝區分割大小 (位元組) Minimum write buffer split size in bytes during last interval
50017Max Write Split Size Max Write Split Size
50019上次間隔期間的最大寫入緩衝區分割大小 (位元組) Maximum write buffer split size in bytes during last interval
50021Read Requests/sec Read Requests/sec
50023上一秒收到的讀取要求數 Number of read requests received over the last second
50025Read Subrequests/sec Read Subrequests/sec
50027上一秒發出的讀取子要求數 Number of read subrequests issued over the last second
50029Write Requests/sec Write Requests/sec
50031上一秒收到的寫入要求數 Number of write requests received over the last second
50033Write Subrequests/sec Write Subrequests/sec
50035上一秒發出的寫入子要求數 Number of write subrequests issued over the last second
0x00006001磁碟區 %2 加密已經啟動。 Encryption of volume %2 started.
0x00006002磁碟區 %2 加密已經停止。 Encryption of volume %2 stopped.
0x00006003磁碟區 %2 加密已經完成。 Encryption of volume %2 completed.
0x00006004磁碟區 %2 解密已經啟動。 Decryption of volume %2 started.
0x00006005磁碟區 %2 解密已經停止。 Decryption of volume %2 stopped.
0x00006006磁碟區 %2 解密已經完成。 Decryption of volume %2 completed.
0x00006007轉換磁碟區 %2 的背景工作執行緒已經啟動。 Conversion worker thread for volume %2 was started.
0x00006008轉換磁碟區 %2 的背景工作執行緒已經暫時停止。 Conversion worker thread for volume %2 was temporarily stopped.
0x00006009對磁碟區 %2 啟用自動解除鎖定。 Auto-unlock enabled for volume %2.
0x0000600A轉換磁碟區 %2 時發生錯誤。 An error was encountered converting volume %2.
0x0000600B對磁碟區 %2 停用自動解除鎖定。 Auto-unlock disabled for volume %2.
0x0000600C磁碟區 %2 上的轉換操作發生磁區損毀錯誤。請驗證此磁碟區上的資料。 The conversion operation on volume %2 encountered a bad sector error. Please validate the data on this volume.
0x0000600D無法對磁碟區 %2 啟用自動解除鎖定。 Failed to enable auto-unlock for volume %2.
0x0000600E無法對磁碟區 %2 停用自動解除鎖定。 Failed to disable auto-unlock for volume %2.
0x0000600F對磁碟區 %2 進行自動解除鎖定失敗。 Auto-unlocking failed for volume %2.
0x00006010嘗試自動重新啟動磁碟區 %2 上的轉換失敗。 An attempt to automatically restart conversion on volume %2 failed.
0x00006011中繼資料寫入: 嘗試修改中繼資料時,磁碟區 %2 傳回錯誤。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata write: Volume %2 returning errors while trying to modify metadata. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006012中繼資料重建: 嘗試寫入中繼資料複本至磁碟區 %2 失敗,可能是磁碟損毀。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata rebuild: An attempt to write a copy of metadata on volume %2 failed and may appear as disk corruption. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006013磁碟區 %2 包含錯誤的叢集。轉換期間將會跳過這些叢集。 Volume %2 contains bad clusters. These clusters will be skipped during conversion.
0x00006014重新啟動時找不到磁碟區 %2 的金鑰檔案。 No key file was found for Volume %2 during restart.
0x00006015重新啟動時發現磁碟區 %2 的金鑰檔案損毀。 A corrupt key file was encountered for Volume %2 during restart.
0x00006016重新啟動時未抓取任何磁碟區主要金鑰。 No volume master key was retrieved in a key file during restart.
0x00006017重新啟動時 TPM 未啟用。 The TPM was not enabled during restart.
0x00006018重新啟動時發現 SRK 不正確。 The SRK was found to be invalid during restart.
0x00006019重新啟動時 PCR 不相符。 The PCRs did not match during restart.
0x0000601A重新啟動時未從金鑰檔案抓取任何磁碟區主要金鑰。 No volume master key was retrieved from a key file during restart.
0x0000601B重新啟動時開機應用程式雜湊不符合期待值。 A boot application hash did not match expected value during restart.
0x0000601C重新啟動時開機設定選項不符合期待值。 The boot configuration options did not match expected values during restart.
0x0000601D重新啟動時未從 PIN 抓取任何磁碟區主要金鑰。 No volume master key was retrieved from a PIN during restart.
0x0000601E重新啟動時未從修復密碼抓取任何磁碟區主要金鑰。 No volume master key was retrieved from a recovery password during restart.
0x0000601F上次重新啟動時發現不正確的金鑰。 A valid key was found during the last restart.
0x00006020重新啟動時嘗試抓取磁碟區主要金鑰時發生意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error was encountered attempting to retrieve the volume master key during restart.
0x00006021重新啟動時無法從要求的來源取得金鑰。 A key was not available from required sources during restart.
0x00006022中繼資料認可: 無法寫入磁碟區 %2 中所有中繼資料的複本。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata commit: Not all copies of metadata on volume %2 could be written. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006023中繼資料認可: 無法寫入磁碟區 %2 中任何中繼資料的複本。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata commit: No copies of metadata on volume %2 could be written. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006024中繼資料認可: 無法清除中繼資料更新。 Metadata commit: Metadata update could not be flushed.
0x00006025中繼資料認可: 嘗試驗證磁碟區 %2 中的中繼資料更新時發生讀取失敗。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata commit: An attempt to verify metadata update on volume %2 failed at read. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006026中繼資料認可: 更新磁碟區 %2 中的中繼資料驗證時失敗。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata commit: Update verification of metadata on volume %2 failed. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x00006027中繼資料初始讀取: 找不到磁碟區 %2 中的主要中繼資料記錄。需要修復磁碟區。 Metadata initial read: Primary metadata record on volume %2 could not be found. Volume needs recovery.
0x00006028中繼資料初始讀取: 找不到磁碟區 %2 中的容錯移轉中繼資料記錄。需要修復磁碟區。 Metadata initial read: Failover metadata record on volume %2 could not be found. Volume needs recovery.
0x00006029中繼資料初始讀取: 已使用磁碟區 %2 中的容錯移轉中繼資料記錄。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata initial read: Failover metadata record on volume %2 used. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x0000602A中繼資料檢查: 無法讀取 %2 中的中繼資料記錄,而且已將中繼資料記錄標示為重建。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata check: Metadata record on volume %2 could not be read and has been marked for rebuild. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x0000602B中繼資料重建: 嘗試在 %2 建立新的中繼資料集時發生認可失敗,可能是磁碟損毀。如果持續發生此錯誤,請將磁碟區解密。 Metadata rebuild: An attempt build a new set of metadata on %2 failed at commit and may appear as disk corruption. If failures continue, decrypt volume.
0x0000602C加密磁碟區檢查: 無法讀取 %2 上的磁碟區資訊。 Encrypted volume check: Volume information on %2 cannot be read.
0x0000602D初始狀態檢查: 正在捲動 %2 上的磁碟區轉換交易。 Initial state check: Rolling volume conversion transaction on %2.
0x0000602EBIOS/TCG 記憶體覆寫控制: 尋找 TPM 驅動程式時發生錯誤。 BIOS/TCG Memory Overwrite Control: Error finding TPM driver.
0x0000602FBIOS/TCG 記憶體覆寫控制: 登錄 TPM 裝置介面時發生錯誤。 BIOS/TCG Memory Overwrite Control: Error registering TPM device interface.
0x00006030BIOS/TCG 記憶體覆寫控制: 變更值時發生錯誤。 BIOS/TCG Memory Overwrite Control: Error changing value.
0x00006031上次重新啟動時找到有效的 BitLocker 金鑰。 A valid BitLocker key was found during the last restart.
0x00006032作業系統磁碟區無法使用自動解除鎖定主鑰。請透過 BitLocker WMI 介面重試操作。 The auto-unlock master key was not available from the operating system volume. Retry the operation via the BitLocker WMI interface.
0x00006033在 Bootmgr 上啟用開機偵錯,所以無法取得 TPM 金鑰。 Boot debugging is enabled on Bootmgr so TPM based keys cannot be obtained.
0x00006034磁碟分割表格中指定的磁碟分割大小比該磁碟分割所包含的檔案系統小。在由磁碟分割表格計算出的磁碟分割大小,和開機磁區中由每個磁區的位元組與磁區欄位數量計算出的檔案系統大小一致之前,無法使用 BitLocker TPM 金鑰。 The partition size specified in the partition table is smaller than the size of the file system contained by that partition. BitLocker TPM based keys cannot be used until the size of the partition calculated from the partition table is consistent with the size of the file system calculated from the bytes per sector and number of sectors fields in the boot sector.
0x00006035系統韌體無法在重新啟動時覆寫系統記憶體。應該要升級韌體。 The system firmware failed to enable overwriting of system memory on restart. The firmware should be upgraded.
0x00006036Bootmgr 無法找到磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 金鑰檔案。 Bootmgr failed to find a BitLocker key file for Volume %2.
0x00006037Bootmgr 在磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 金鑰檔案中偵測到損毀。 Bootmgr detected corruption in the BitLocker key file for Volume %2.
0x00006038Bootmgr 無法從金鑰檔案內容取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the key file contents.
0x00006039Bootmgr 判斷 TPM 已停用。 Bootmgr determined that the TPM is disabled.
0x0000603ABootmgr 判斷出 TPM 的 SRK 之授權資料與 BitLocker 不相容。 Bootmgr determined that the authorization data for the SRK of the TPM is incompatible with BitLocker.
0x0000603BBootmgr 無法從 TPM 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰,因為 PCR 並不符合。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM because the PCRs did not match.
0x0000603CBootmgr 無法從 TPM 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM.
0x0000603D開機應用程式雜湊並不符合重新啟動期間的預期值。 A boot application hash did not match the expected value during restart.
0x0000603EBootmgr 無法從 TPM + PIN 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM + PIN.
0x0000603FBootmgr 無法從修復密碼取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the recovery password.
0x00006041在重新啟動期間嘗試抓取 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰發生非預期的錯誤。 An unexpected error was encountered attempting to retrieve the BitLocker volume master key during restart.
0x00006042磁碟機 %2 無法通過內部 BitLocker 自我測試。BitLocker 無法繼續加密資料。請連絡您的系統管理員。 An internal BitLocker self-test failed for drive %2. BitLocker cannot continue encrypting data. Contact your system administrator.
0x00006043Bootmgr 無法從 TPM + 增強 PIN 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM + enhanced PIN.
0x00006044從原生模式切換到篩選模式時,磁碟機 %2 無法通過內部 BitLocker 自我測試。BitLocker 無法繼續加密資料。請連絡您的系統管理員。 An internal BitLocker self-test failed for drive %2 when switching from raw mode to filtering mode. BitLocker cannot continue encrypting data on this drive. Contact your system administrator.
0x00006045Bootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector.
0x00006046已開始加密磁碟區 %2 上的已使用空間。 Encryption of the used space on volume %2 started.
0x00006047已停止加密磁碟區 %2 上的已使用空間。 Encryption of the used space on volume %2 stopped.
0x00006048已完成加密磁碟區 %2 上的已使用空間。 Encryption of the used space on volume %2 completed.
0x00006049已開始清除磁碟區 %2 上的可用空間。 Wiping of free space on volume %2 started.
0x0000604A已停止清除磁碟區 %2 上的可用空間。 Wiping of free space on volume %2 stopped.
0x0000604B已完成清除磁碟區 %2 上的可用空間。 Wiping of free space on volume %2 completed.
0x0000604C已使用修復密碼啟動 Windows。%n保護裝置識別碼: %5。 A recovery password was used to start Windows.%nProtector ID: %5.
0x0000604DBootmgr 無法從密碼中取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the password.
0x0000604E已使用修復金鑰啟動 Windows。%n保護裝置識別碼: %5。 A recovery key was used to start Windows.%nProtector ID: %5.
0x0000604FBitLocker 驅動程式已開始磁碟區 %2 的中繼資料自我修復作業。 The BitLocker driver has started a self-healing operation on the metadata of volume %2.
0x00006050BitLocker 驅動程式已順利完成磁碟區 %2 的中繼資料自我修復作業。 The BitLocker driver has successfully completed a self-healing operation on the metadata of volume %2.
0x00006051Bootmgr 無法從 TPM 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰,因為已停用安全開機。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM because Secure Boot was disabled.
0x00006052Bootmgr 無法從 TPM 取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰,因為安全開機設定意外變更。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the TPM because Secure Boot configuration changed unexpectedly.
0x00006053因為太多次不正確的密碼嘗試,已觸發裝置鎖定。 Device Lock was triggered due to too many incorrect password attempts.
0x00006054已針對磁碟區 %2 啟動寫入時的 BitLocker 加密。 BitLocker encryption on write started for volume %2.
0x00006055已針對磁碟區 %2 啟動 BitLocker 可用空間整理。 BitLocker free space sweep started for volume %2.
0x00006056已停止磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 可用空間整理。 BitLocker free space sweep stopped for volume %2.
0x00006057已完成磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 可用空間整理。 BitLocker free space sweep completed for volume %2.
0x00006058已針對磁碟區 %2 啟動 BitLocker 最終整理。 BitLocker finalization sweep started for volume %2.
0x00006059已暫停磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 最終整理。 BitLocker finalization sweep paused for volume %2.
0x0000605A已繼續執行磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 最終整理。 BitLocker finalization sweep resumed for volume %2.
0x0000605B已完成磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 最終整理。 BitLocker finalization sweep completed for volume %2.
0x0000605C因為磁碟 I/O 錯誤,寫入時的磁碟區 %2 的 BitLocker 加密失敗。請檢查磁碟是否有損毀的磁區。 BitLocker encryption on write failed for volume %2 due to disk I/O error. Check the disk for bad sectors.
0x0000605DBitLocker 在磁碟區 %2 上的最終整理失敗,因為發生磁碟 I/O 錯誤。請檢查該磁碟是否有損毀的磁區。 BitLocker finalization sweep failed for volume %2 due to disk I/O error. Check the disk for bad sectors.
0x0000605E包含磁碟區 %2 的磁碟是採用非揮發性快取軟體,不支援透過其快取原則來控制該軟體。這可能會暫時影響 BitLocker 對您的資料提供全面防護的能力。 Disk containing volume %2 is employing non-volatile caching software which does not support control over its caching policies. This may temporarily impact BitLocker's ability to fully secure your data.
0x0000605F包含磁碟區 %2 的軟體是採用非揮發性快取軟體,該軟體發生問題。這可能會暫時影響 BitLocker 對您的資料提供全面防護的能力。請連絡磁碟製造商以取得更新的軟體。 Disk containing volume %2 is employing non-volatile caching software which is experiencing problems. This may temporarily impact BitLocker's ability to fully secure your data. Contact disk manufacturer for an updated software.
0x00006060已觸發「裝置鎖定」,因為發生「裝置鎖定」狀態驗證失敗。 Device Lock was triggered due to Device Lockout state validation failure.
0x00006061裝置加密功能不再自動管理磁碟機 %2。 Drive %2 is no longer automatically managed by device encryption.
0x00006062裝置加密功能現在已自動管理磁碟機 %2。 Drive %2 is now automatically managed by device encryption.
0x00006063磁碟區 %2 的 WIM 雜湊產生已暫停。 WIM hash generation paused for volume %2.
0x00006064磁碟區 %2 的 WIM 雜湊產生已繼續進行。 WIM hash generation resumed for volume %2.
0x00006065磁碟區 %2 的 WIM 雜湊產生已完成。 WIM hash generation completed for volume %2.
0x00006066磁碟區 %2 的 WIM 雜湊產生失敗。 WIM hash generation failed for volume %2.
0x00006067將刪除磁碟區 %2 的 WIM 雜湊。 WIM hashes will be deleted for volume %2.
0x00006068Bootmgr 無法使用 TPM 將 VMK 解除密封 Bootmgr failed to unseal VMK using the TPM
0x00006069Bootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰: 無法取得通訊協定控制代碼。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector: failed to acquire protocol handle.
0x0000606ABootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰: 無法取得 IP 位址。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector: failed to get IP address.
0x0000606BBootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰: 無法建立要求。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector: failed to create request.
0x0000606CBootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰: 無法傳送要求。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector: failed to send request.
0x0000606DBootmgr 無法從網路金鑰保護裝置取得 BitLocker 磁碟區主要金鑰: 回應無效。 Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker volume master key from the network key protector: invalid response.
0x31000000資訊 Info
0x31000001開始 Start
0x31000002停止 Stop
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-Driver Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-Driver
0x90000002System System
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-Driver-Performance Microsoft-Windows-BitLocker-Driver-Performance


File Name:fvevol.sys.mui
File Size:12 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:12288
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Driver
File Subtype:7
Language Code:Neutral
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:FVEVOL.SYS
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:FVEVOL.SYS.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Warning:Possibly corrupt Version resource

What is fvevol.sys.mui?

fvevol.sys.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Neutral language for file fvevol.sys (BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver).

File version info

File Description:BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:FVEVOL.SYS
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:FVEVOL.SYS.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x0, 1200