workfolderssvc.dll.mui Microsoft (C) 工作資料夾服務 d855d40c400eeb8a5152d95b105ad81f

File info

File name: workfolderssvc.dll.mui
Size: 10752 byte
MD5: d855d40c400eeb8a5152d95b105ad81f
SHA1: 4637915813a89cf329f78a0b59566e118e9dd1d2
SHA256: 3e9fb20477548f8ad8831d2ee8d5ca9545c04fee26c949e617ccd4fd2ada5294
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
101此服務會與「工作資料夾」伺服器同步檔案,讓您可以在任何已設定「工作資料夾」的電腦和裝置上使用檔案。 This service syncs files with the Work Folders server, enabling you to use the files on any of the PCs and devices on which you've set up Work Folders.
102Work Folders Work Folders
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x70000001SyncPartnership SyncPartnership
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WorkFolders Microsoft-Windows-WorkFolders
0x90000002Operational Operational
0x90000003Debug Debug
0x90000004Analytic Analytic
0x90000005ManagementAgent ManagementAgent
0xB0000000「Windows 工作資料夾」服務正在執行。 The Windows Work Folders service is running.
0xB0000001「Windows 工作資料夾」服務正在停止。 The Windows Work Folders service is stopping.
0xB0000002已在 %1 與 %2 (%3) 之間建立同步化合作關係。 A sync partnership was created between %1 and %2 (%3).
0xB0000003已刪除 %1 與 %2 (%3) 之間的同步化合作關係。 A sync partnership between %1 and %2 (%3) was deleted.
0xB0000004正在繼續 %1 與 %2 (%3) 之間的同步。 Resuming sync between %1 and %2 (%3).
0xB0000005正在嘗試套用下列「工作資料夾」群組原則設定:%n「工作資料夾」URL: %1%n強制自動設定: %2 Attempting to apply the following Work Folders Group Policy configuration:%nWork Folders URL: %1%nForce automatic setup: %2
0xB0000006正在嘗試移除下列「工作資料夾」群組原則設定:%n探索 URL: %1 %n伺服器 URL: %2 Attempting to remove the following Work Folders Group Policy configuration:%nDiscovery URL: %1 %nServer URL: %2
0xB0000007正在透過群組原則使用下列選項設定「工作資料夾」:%n合作關係識別碼: %1%n合作關係類型: %2%n探索 URL: %3%n伺服器 URL: %4 Configuring Work Folders through Group Policy with the following options:%nPartnership ID: %1%nPartnership type: %2%nDiscovery URL: %3%nServer URL: %4
0xB0000008已順利透過群組原則設定「工作資料夾」。 Configuration of Work Folders through Group Policy succeeded.
0xB0000009透過群組原則套用「工作資料夾」設定時,發現現有的「工作資料夾」設定。%n探索 URL: %1 %n伺服器 URL: %2%n由下列原則設定: %3 While applying Work Folders configuration through Group Policy, an existing Work Folders configuration was found. %nDiscovery URL: %1 %nServer URL: %2%nConfigured by policy: %3
0xB000000A透過群組原則設定「工作資料夾」失敗。%n錯誤: %1。 Configuration of Work Folders through Group Policy failed. %nError: %1.
0xB000000B在套用群組原則時,於移除「工作資料夾」設定時發生問題。%n錯誤: %1 There was a problem removing the Work Folders configuration when applying Group Policy. %nError: %1
0xB000000C與「Windows 工作資料夾」服務通訊時發生問題。請確認此服務正在執行。%n錯誤: %1 There was a problem communicating with the Windows Work Folders service. Confirm that this service is running. %nError: %1
0xB000000D抓取您的「工作資料夾」群組原則設定時發生問題。%n錯誤: %1 There was a problem retrieving your Work Folders Group Policy configuration. %nError: %1
0xB000000E抓取您目前的「工作資料夾」設定時發生問題。%n錯誤: %1。 There was a problem retrieving your current Work Folders configuration. %nError: %1.
0xB000000F將現有的「工作資料夾」設定與群組原則所要套用的設定做比較時發生問題。%n錯誤: %1。 There was a problem comparing the existing Work Folders configuration to the configuration being applied by Group Policy. %nError: %1.
0xB0000010%1 上的伺服器探索找到伺服器 %2。 Server discovery on %1 found server %2.
0xB0000011「同步共用」探索成功。伺服器 URL: %1; 合作關係類型: %2; 伺服器合作關係識別碼: %3 Sync Share discovery succeeded. Server URL: %1; Partnership type: %2; Server partnership id: %3
0xB0000012已從使用者的電子郵件地址找到探索 URL。使用者的電子郵件地址: %1; 探索 URL %2 The discovery URL was found from the user's email address. User's email address: %1; Discovery URL %2
0xB0000013此電腦與「工作資料夾」伺服器不相容,因此必須進行升級。如需升級電腦的指示,請連絡系統管理員。 This PC is incompatible with the Work Folders server and must be upgraded. Please contact your administrator for instructions on upgrading your PC.
0xB00001F6無法建立 %1 與 %2 (%3) 之間的同步化合作關係,錯誤碼為 %4。 A sync partnership between %1 and %2 (%3) failed to create with %4.
0xB00001F7無法刪除 %1 與 %2 (%3) 之間的同步化合作關係,錯誤碼為 %4。 A sync partnership between %1 and %2 (%3) failed to delete with %4.
0xB0000204%1 上的伺服器探索失敗,錯誤為 %2。 Server discovery on %1 failed with %2.
0xB0000205「同步共用」探索失敗。伺服器 URL: %1; 合作關係類型: %2; 錯誤: %3 Sync Share discovery failed. Server URL: %1; Partnership type: %2; Error: %3
0xB0000206從使用者的電子郵件地址搜尋探索 URL 失敗。使用者的電子郵件地址: %1; 錯誤: %2 Searching for a discovery URL from the user's email address failed. User's email address: %1; Error: %2
0xB00003E8無法下載某些檔案。請確定 %1 的磁碟機至少有 %2 MB 的可用空間。 Some files cannot be downloaded. Make sure the drive for %1 has at least %2 MB free.
0xB00003E9無法從伺服器取得 ADFS 存取權杖。使用者: %1。ADFS URI: %2。錯誤: %3 Failed to get an ADFS access token from the server. User: %1. ADFS URI: %2. Error: %3
0xB00003EA無法從伺服器取得 ADFS 重新整理權杖。使用者: %1。ADFS URI: %2。錯誤: %3 Failed to get an ADFS refresh token from the server. User: %1. ADFS URI: %2. Error: %3
0xB000044C「工作資料夾」已順利上傳檔案。檔案名稱: %1; 同步識別碼: %2 Work Folders sucessfully uploaded a file. File name:%1; Sync ID: %2
0xB000044D「工作資料夾」無法上傳檔案。檔案名稱: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 錯誤: %3 Work Folders failed to upload a file. File name:%1; Sync ID: %2; Error: %3
0xB000044E「工作資料夾」已順利下載檔案。檔案名稱: %1;同步識別碼: %2 Work Folders sucessfully downloaded a file. File name:%1; Sync ID: %2
0xB000044F「工作資料夾」無法下載檔案。檔案名稱: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 錯誤: %3 Work Folders failed to download a file. File name:%1; Sync ID: %2; Error: %3
0xB0000450「工作資料夾」已順利上傳變更批次。合作關係識別碼: %1 Work Folders sucessfully uploaded a change batch. Partnership ID:%1
0xB0000451「工作資料夾」無法上傳變更批次。合作關係識別碼: %1; 錯誤: %2 Work Folders failed to upload a change batch. Partnership ID:%1; Error: %2
0xB0000452「工作資料夾」已順利下載變更批次。合作關係識別碼: %1 Work Folders sucessfully downloaded a change batch. Partnership ID:%1
0xB0000453「工作資料夾」無法下載變更批次。合作關係識別碼: %1; 錯誤: %2 Work Folders failed to download a change batch. Partnership ID:%1; Error: %2
0xB00007D0「工作資料夾」使用 USN 變更日誌偵測不到已變更的檔案,因此正在掃描所有檔案是否有變更。不需要採取任何動作。路徑: %1 Work Folders couldn't detect changed files using the USN change journal, so it's scanning all files for changes. No action is required. Path: %1
0xB00007D1已開始同步。URI: %1 Sync started. URI: %1
0xB00007D2已完成同步。URI: %1 Sync completed. URI: %1
0xB00007D3同步批次上傳完成。%n%n已上傳 %1 個檔案 (%2 個位元組)。%n%3 個檔案上傳失敗 (%4 個位元組)。%n經歷時間: %5 秒。%n速率: %6 KBps。 Sync batch upload completed.%n%nUploaded %1 file(s) (%2 bytes).%nFailed %3 file(s) (%4 bytes).%nElapsed time: %5 seconds.%nRate: %6 KBps.
0xB00007D4同步批次下載完成。%n%n已下載 %1 個檔案 (%2 個位元組)。%n%3 個檔案上傳失敗。%n經歷時間: %5 秒。%n速率: %6 KBps。 Sync batch download completed.%n%nDownloaded %1 file(s) (%2 bytes).%nFailed %3 file(s).%nElapsed time: %5 seconds.%nRate: %6 KBps.
0xB00007D5HTTP 要求失敗。%n%nURI: %1 %n指令動詞: %2 %n標頭: %3 %n內文長度: %4 %nHTTP 回應: %5 %n伺服器 HRESULT: %6 HTTP request failure.%n%nURI: %1 %nVerb: %2 %nHeaders: %3 %nBody Length: %4 %nHTTP Response: %5 %nServer HRESULT: %6
0xB00007D6因為發生錯誤,「工作資料夾」已略過檔案上傳。檔案同步識別碼: %1; 錯誤: %2 Work Folders skipped uploading a file because of an error. Sync ID: %1; Error: %2
0xB00007D7「工作資料夾」將略過檔案下載,因為使用者在「工作資料夾」所在的磁碟機上沒有足夠的可用空間。使用者: %1 Work Folders will skip downloading files because the user doesn't have enough free space on the drive where Work Folders is located. User: %1
0xB00007D8無法驗證使用者。使用者: %1 Couldn't authenticate the user. User: %1
0xB00007D9「工作資料夾」已順利同步項目。項目: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 同步動作: %3 Work Folders successfully synchronized an item. Item: %1; Sync ID: %2; Sync action: %3
0xB00007DB「工作資料夾」已順利更新項目的目前狀態。項目: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 更新動作: %3 Work Folders successfully updated the current state of an item. Item: %1; Sync ID: %2; Update action: %3
0xB00007DD「工作資料夾」偵測到項目上有衝突,而且已決定衝突解決方法。並行存取衝突: %1; 來源項目名稱: %2; 來源同步識別碼: %3; 目的地項目名稱: %4; 目的地同步識別碼: %5; 資料優勝項: %6; 命名空間優勝項: %7; 屬性優勝項: %8; 破和局優勝項: %9 Work Folders detected a conflict on an item and decided a conflict resolution. Concurrency conflict: %1; Source item name: %2; Source sync ID: %3; Destination item name: %4; Destination sync ID: %5; Data winner: %6; Namespace winner: %7; Attributes winner: %8; Tie breaker winner: %9
0xB0000834同步失敗。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1; 錯誤: %2 Sync failed. Work Folders path: %1; Error: %2
0xB0000835「工作資料夾」已暫停同步。合作關係: %1 Work Folders suspended sync. Partnership: %1
0xB0000836「工作資料夾」已繼續同步。合作關係: %1 Work Folders resumed syncing. Partnership: %1
0xB0000837已停止「工作資料夾」同步,因為此電腦的企業識別碼已由發行授權單位從遠端撤銷。已封鎖對此電腦上「工作資料夾」中檔案的存取。若要繼續同步,請按一下 [工作資料夾控制台] 中的 [停止使用「工作資料夾」],然後重新建立「工作資料夾」同步化合作關係。合作關係: %1 Work Folders sync stopped because the Enterprise ID for this PC was remotely revoked by the issuing authority. Access to files in Work Folders is blocked on this PC. To resume syncing, in the Work Folders Control Panel, click Stop using Work Folders and then recreate the Work Folders synchronization partnership. Partnership: %1
0xB0000838「工作資料夾」偵測到資料庫損毀並已復原。資料庫路徑: %1 Work Folders detected a database corruption and recovered. Database path: %1
0xB0000839「工作資料夾」偵測到資料庫損毀,但復原失敗。資料庫路徑: %1; 錯誤: %2 Work Folders detected a database corruption and recovery failed. Database path: %1; Error: %2
0xB000083A「工作資料夾」偵測到已重新建立伺服器資料庫。本機 Epoch: %1; 伺服器 Epoch: %2 Work Folders detected that the server database has been recreated. Local epoch: %1; Server epoch: %2
0xB000083B「工作資料夾」偵測到發生需要重新建立資料庫的錯誤。資料庫路徑: %1; 錯誤碼: %2 Work Folders detected that an error occured that requires the database to be recreated. Database path: %1; Error code: %2
0xB000083C「工作資料夾」同步中繼資料已過期。將會自動重新建置。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Work Folders synchronization metadata is stale. It will be automatically rebuild. Work Folders path: %1
0xB000083D已建立「工作資料夾」同步中繼資料。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 The Work Folders synchronization metadata was created. Work Folders path: %1
0xB000083E無法建立「工作資料夾」同步中繼資料。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1; 錯誤: %2 The Work Folders synchronization metadata could not be created. Work Folders path: %1; Error: %2
0xB000083F已刪除「工作資料夾」同步中繼資料。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 The Work Folders synchronization metadata was deleted. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0000840無法刪除「工作資料夾」同步中繼資料。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1; 錯誤: %2 The Work Folders synchronization metadata could not be deleted. Work Folders path: %1; Error: %2
0xB0000841「工作資料夾」無法更新項目的目前狀態。項目: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 更新動作: %3; 錯誤碼: %4 Work Folders failed to update the current state of an item. Item: %1; Sync ID: %2; Update action: %3; Error code: %4
0xB0000842「工作資料夾」無法同步項目。項目: %1; 同步識別碼: %2; 同步動作: %3; 錯誤碼: %4 Work Folders failed to synchronize an item. Item: %1; Sync ID: %2; Sync action: %3; Error code: %4
0xB0000843工作資料夾偵測到不相容的資料庫版本,且已修復。資料庫路徑: %1 Work Folders detected a database version that is incompatible and recovered it. Database path: %1
0xB0000844工作資料夾偵測到不相容的資料庫版本,且修復失敗。資料庫路徑: %1; 錯誤: %2 Work Folders detected a database version that is incompatible and recovery failed. Database path: %1; Error: %2
0xB0001F40正在開始同步。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Starting sync. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F41「工作資料夾」正在尋找已變更的檔案。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Work Folders is looking for changed files. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F42正在開始下載檔案。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Starting to download files. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F43正在開始上傳檔案。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Starting to upload files. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F44已完成同步。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Finished syncing. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F45正在開始執行調解同步。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Starting reconciliation sync. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F46已完成執行調解同步。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Finished reconciliation sync. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F47正在開始上傳同步知識。伺服器合作關係識別碼: %1 Starting sync knowledge upload. Server partnership id: %1
0xB0001F48正在開始資料傳輸以進行檔案下載。伺服器合作關係識別碼: %1 Starting data transfer for file download. Server partnership id: %1
0xB0001F49正在套用已下載的檔案。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Applying downloaded files. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F4A正在開始同步知識下載。伺服器合作關係識別碼: %1 Starting sync knowledge download. Server partnership id: %1
0xB0001F4B正在建立變更批次以進行上傳。「工作資料夾」路徑: %1 Creating a change batch for upload. Work Folders path: %1
0xB0001F4C正在開始資料傳輸以進行檔案上傳。伺服器合作關係識別碼: %1 Starting data transfer for file upload. Server partnership id: %1
0xB0002329使用者所需的認證。 Credentials required for the user.
0xB000232A「工作資料夾」偵測到同步錯誤。請檢查合作關係狀態、網路連線能力與磁碟空間。 Work Folders detected a sync error. Check partnership status, network connectivity, and disk space.
0xB000232B「工作資料夾」偵測到同步錯誤。請檢查檔案大小與類型是否受支援。 Work Folders detected a file error. Check file sizes and types are supported.
0xB000232C您的電腦不符合組織的安全性原則。 Your PC doesn't comply with your organization's security policies.


File Name:workfolderssvc.dll.mui
File Size:10 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:10240
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft (C) 工作資料夾服務
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:workfolderssvc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:workfolderssvc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is workfolderssvc.dll.mui?

workfolderssvc.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file workfolderssvc.dll (Microsoft (C) 工作資料夾服務).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft (C) 工作資料夾服務
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:workfolderssvc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:workfolderssvc.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200