wordpad.exe Windows 写字板应用程序 d8146064491fc285f55075375cb81b4e

File info

File name: wordpad.exe.mui
Size: 147968 byte
MD5: d8146064491fc285f55075375cb81b4e
SHA1: 5889f21f3cfe99d2070d4af770b49010c351673b
SHA256: 63a15ab1f92a262194047a92a4bc68e64a4836ca88ec65c85ed0efdbf33869f0
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: wordpad.exe Windows 写字板应用程序 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100OLE 初始化失败。写字板不能继续。 OLE initialization failed. WordPad can't continue.
103无效度量。 This is not a valid measurement.
104%d%% 完成格式化 ... 请稍候。 %d%% complete Formatting ... please wait.
105%d%% 完成。 %d%% complete.
108无法加载多信息编辑控制 DLL。系统内存可能不足,或文件 MSFTEDIT.DLL 丢失或损坏。 Could not load the RichEdit control DLL. The system may be low on memory or the file MSFTEDIT.DLL may be missing or corrupt.
111宋体 Courier New

You are about to save the document in a Text-Only format, which will remove all formatting. Are you sure you want to do this?

To save in other format, click No.
113正在存文件... Saving file...
115正在格式化... Formatting...
116 Left
117 Center
118 Right
119度量必须在 %1 和 %2 之间。 The measurement must be between %1 and %2.
120无效数字。 This is not a valid number.
121数字必须在 1 和 1638 之间。 The number must be between 1 and 1638.
Word for Windows 6.0 (*.doc)
WordPad Document
Word for Windows 6.0 (*.doc)
WordPad Document
文本文档 (*.txt)
Text Document
Text Documents (*.txt)
Text Document
130RTF 文档 (RTF)
RTF 文档 (*.rtf)
RTF 文档
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
Rich Text Document
全部文档 (*.*)
All Documents (*.*)
137文本文档 - MS-DOS 格式
文本文档 - MS-DOS 格式(*.txt)
MS-DOS 文本文档
Text Document - MS-DOS Format
Text Documents - MS-DOS Format (*.txt)
MS-DOS Text Document
164“写字板”已完成搜索文档。 WordPad has finished searching the document.
Changes the font of the selection.
Changes the font size of the selection.
Font Size
169" "
170in in
171inch inch
172inches inches
173厘米 cm
174pt pt
175pi pi
176这段中设置了太多的制表位。 There are too many tab stops set in this paragraph.
179无法加载 %1 个文件。 Can't load %1 files.
180不能打开 %1。已有太多打开的文件。 Unable to open %1. There are too many files already open.
181不能创建 %1。文件夹已满。使用另一个文件夹或从此文件夹中删除一些文件。 Unable to create %1. This folder is full. Use another folder or delete some files from this folder.
182文档 %1 正被另一个应用程序使用,不能访问。 The document %1 is in use by another application and cannot be accessed.
189文本文档 Text Document
190RTF 文档 Rich Text Document
192不能写到 %1 上。
Unable to write to %1.
The disk is write-protected.
A file cannot be saved on a write-protected disk.
193Unicode 文本文档
Unicode 文本文档 (*.txt)
Unicode 文本文档
Unicode Text Document
Unicode Text Documents (*.txt)
Unicode Text Document
194Unicode 文本文档 Unicode Text Document
195正在加载文档时,发生一个意外的错误,可能会出现文字截断。 An unexpected error occurred while loading the document. It may appear truncated.
The above filename is too long.
Changes the font script of the selection.
Font Script
209写字板文档 Wordpad Document
210此文档包含一个或多个到其他文件的链接。你想用链接的文件中的数据更新此文档吗? This document contains one or more links to other files. Do you want to update this document with the data from the linked files?
211以默认方式保存为这种格式(&D) Save in this format by &default
212多信息文本窗口 Rich Text Window
213新建 RTF 文档 New Rich Text Document
215保存(&S) &Save
216不保存(&N) Do&n't Save
217你想将更改保存到 %1 吗? Do you want to save changes to %1?
220文件 Files
221选择图片 Select Picture
222所有图片文件 All Picture Files
223所有文件 All Files
224图片文件无效。 Invalid Picture File.
225写字板无法插入图片。 WordPad can’t insert the picture.
226错误! 超链接引用无效。 Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Do you want to open this link?

228写字板无法打开该 URL。请检查该 URL,然后重试。如果继续看到此问题,则你可能无权访问该 URL。 WordPad was unable to open the URL. Check the URL and try again. If you continue to see this problem, you might not have access to the URL.
232调整图片大小时出错。 There was an error resizing picture.
234OpenDocument 文本
OpenDocument 文本(*.odt)
OpenDocument 文本
OpenDocument Text
OpenDocument Text (*.odt)
OpenDocument Text
235Office Open XML 文档
Office Open XML 文档(*.docx)
Office Open XML 文档
Office Open XML Document
Office Open XML Document (*.docx)
Office Open XML Document
236某些内容可能已丢失 Some content might be lost
237不支持嵌入的表! 请尝试另存为 RTF 格式 Nested tables not supported! Please try saving as RTF format
238保存此文档会导致某些无法在写字板中显示的内容将丢失。可以通过保存副本来保留原始文档。 Saving this document will cause some content that can't be displayed in WordPad to be lost. You can save a copy to preserve the original document.
239对齐 Justified
240安全警告 Security warning
241已阻止某些内容 Some content is blocked
242已阻止此文档的某些内容,因为此文档的来源可能不受信任。如果你信任此文档的来源,请单击“取消阻止”显示所有内容。 Some content of this document has been blocked because the source of this document might not be trusted. If you trust the source of this document, click Unblock to show all content.
Show all content
Don't show blocked content
246写字板无法取消阻止文件。已阻止内容无法显示。 WordPad was unable to unblock the file. Blocked content will not be shown.
300Office Open XML 文档 Office Open XML Document
301OpenDocument 文本 OpenDocument Text
所有写字板文档 (*.rtf, *.docx, *.odt, *.txt)
All Wordpad Documents
All Wordpad Documents (*.rtf, *.docx, *.odt, *.txt)
1063输入一个介于 %d%% 和 %d%% 之间的值 Enter a value from %d%% to %d%%
6300编辑(&E) &Edit
6301打开(&O) &Open
6302%1 与 %2 对象链接(&O) %1 Linked %2 &Object
6303%1 %2 对象(&O) %1 %2 &Object
Some content might be lost.
Save a copy
The original document will be preserved.
63206321 6321
6322缩放(&M) Zoo&m
6323+ +
6324- -
6325%s%% %s%%
6326缩放滑块 Zoom Slider
6327缩放级别 Zoom level
6328放大 Zoom in
6329缩小 Zoom out
6330缩放 Zoom
10000写字板 Wordpad
10001最近使用的文档 Recent documents
10002新建(&N) &New
10005更新文档(&U) &Update document
10006另存为(&V) Sa&ve as
10007将副本存为(&V) Sa&ve copy as
10008保存文档的副本 Save a copy of the document
10009RTF 文本文档(&R) &Rich Text document
10010纯文本文档(&P) &Plain text document
10011其他格式(&O) &Other formats
10016预览并打印文档 Preview and print the document
10017快速打印(&Q) &Quick print
10018打印预览(&V) Print pre&view
Pa&ge setup
10020在电子邮件中发送(&D) Sen&d in email
10022关于写字板(&T) Abou&t WordPad
10023退出(&X) E&xit
10024退出并返回文档(&X) E&xit and Return to Document
10025另存为(&A) Save &as
10026将副本存为(&A) Save copy &as
10027打印(&R) P&rint
10028Office Open XML 文档(&X) Office Open &XML document
10029OpenDocument 文本(&D) Open&Document text
21000主页 Home
21100剪贴板 Clipboard
21101粘贴 Paste
21103选择性粘贴(&S) Paste &special
21104剪切(&T) Cu&t
21105复制(&C) &Copy
21200字体 Font
21300段落 Paragraph
21301减少缩进 Decrease indent
21302增加缩进 Increase indent
21304列表(&L) &Lists
21305向左对齐文本 Align text left
21306向中心对齐文本 Align text center
21307向右对齐文本 Align text right
21308段落(&A) P&aragraph
21309更改行间距 Change line spacing
213101.0 1.0
213111.15 1.15
213121.5 1.5
213132 2
21314在段落之后添加 10pt 的空格(&A) &Add 10pt space after paragraphs
21315对齐文本 Justify text
21400插入 Insert
21401图片 Picture
21403更改图片(&G) Chan&ge picture
21404调整图片大小(&R) &Resize picture
21405绘图 Paint drawing
21406日期和时间 Date and time
21407插入对象 Insert object
21500编辑 Editing
21501查找 Find
21502替换 Replace
21503全选 Select all
22000打印预览 Print preview
22100打印 Print
22201100% 100%
22202一页 One page
22203两页 Two pages
22300预览 Preview
22301下一页 Next page
22302上一页 Previous page
22400关闭 Close
22401关闭打印预览 Close print preview
23000查看 View
23200显示或隐藏 Show or hide
23201标尺 Ruler
23202状态栏 Status bar
23300设置 Settings
23301自动换行 Word wrap
23302不自动换行(&N) &No wrap
23303按窗口大小自动换行(&W) Wrap to &window
23304按标尺自动换行(&R) Wrap to &ruler
23305度量单位 Measurement units
23306英寸(&I) &Inches
23307厘米(&C) &Centimeters
23308磅(&P) &Points
23309十二点(&S) Pica&s
27857链接(&K) Lin&ks
27860对象属性(&B) O&bject properties
31001撤消 Undo
31002重做 Redo
32000帮助 Help
32815 None
32816项目符号 Bullet
32817编号 Numbering
32818字母 - 小写 Alphabet - Lower case
32819字母 - 大写 Alphabet - Upper case
32820罗马数字 - 小写 Roman Numeral - Lower case
32821罗马数字 - 大写 Roman Numeral - Upper case
32836对象属性(&R) Object P&roperties
40128Microsoft 写字板是字处理程序,可以用于创建和编辑带有富文本格式和图片的文本文档。写字板可以打开 .docx、.odt、.rtf 或 .txt 文件。 Microsoft WordPad is a word processing program that you can use to create and edit text documents with rich formatting and pictures. WordPad can open .docx, .odt, .rtf or .txt files.
41001新建(Ctrl+N) New (Ctrl+N)
41002打开(Ctrl+O) Open (Ctrl+O)
41003保存(Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
41004在电子邮件中发送 Send in email
41005快速打印 Quick print
41007撤消(Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
41008重做(Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
41010更新(Ctrl+S) Update (Ctrl+S)
41011另存为 Save as
41012将副本存为 Save copy as
41013RTF 文本文档 Rich Text document
41014纯文本文档 Plain text document
41015其他格式 Other formats
41019打印(Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
41023粘贴(Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
41025选择性粘贴(Alt+Ctrl+V) Paste special (Alt+Ctrl+V)
41026剪切(Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
41027复制(Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
41030启动一个列表 Start a list
41031向左对齐文本(Ctrl+L) Align text left (Ctrl+L)
41032居中(Ctrl+E) Center (Ctrl+E)
41033向右对齐文本(Ctrl+R) Align text right (Ctrl+R)
41035插入图片 Insert picture
41037更改图片 Change picture
41038调整图片大小 Resize picture
41039插入绘图(Ctrl+D) Insert Paint drawing (Ctrl+D)
41040插入日期和时间 Insert date and time
41042查找(Ctrl+F) Find (Ctrl+F)
41043替换(Ctrl+H) Replace (Ctrl+H)
41044全选(Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
41061写字板帮助(F1) WordPad Help (F1)
41062页面设置 Page setup
41063退出写字板 Exit WordPad
41068行距 Line spacing
41083对齐(Ctrl+J) Justify (Ctrl+J)
41101创建新文档。 Create a new document.
41102打开现有文档。 Open an existing document.
41103保存活动文档。 Save the active document.
41104在电子邮件中以附件形式发送文档副本。 Send a copy of the document in an email message as an attachment.
41105将文档直接发送到默认打印机,而不进行任何更改。 Send the document directly to the default printer without making changes.
41106打印之前进行预览并对页面进行更改。 Preview and make changes to pages before printing.
41107撤消上一个操作。 Reverses the last action.
41108重复上一个操作。 Repeats the last action.
41109单击此处可打开、保存或打印文档,并且可以查看能够对文档执行的其他操作。 Click here to open, save, or print, and to see everything else you can do with your document.
41110更新容器以显示所有更改。 Update the container to show any changes.
41111用新名称或格式保存文档。 Save the document with a new name or format.
41112用新名称或格式保存文档的副本。 Save a copy of the document with a new name or format.
41113以 RTF 格式保存文档。 Save the document in the Rich Text format.
41114将文档另存为没有换行符或格式的纯文本。 Save the document as plain text without line breaks or formatting.
41115打开“另存为”对话框从所有可能的文件类型中进行选择。 Open the Save as dialog box to select from all possible file types.
41119在打印之前,选择打印机、份数以及其他打印选项。 Select printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
41123单击此处可获得更多选项,例如仅粘贴纯文本。 Click here for more options such as pasting only plain text.
41124粘贴剪贴板的内容。 Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
41126从文档中剪切选定内容并将其放置到剪贴板上。 Cut the selection from the document and put it on the Clipboard.
41127复制选定内容并将其放置到剪贴板上。 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
41128减少段落的缩进级别。 Decrease the indent level of the paragraph.
41129增加段落的缩进级别。 Increase the indent level of the paragraph.
41130单击箭头可选择不同的列表样式。 Click the arrow to choose different list styles.
41131将文本向左对齐。 Align text to the left.
41132居中对齐文本。 Center text.
41133将文本向右对齐。 Align text to the right.
41134显示“段落”对话框。 Show the Paragraph dialog box.
41135单击此处可获得更多选项,例如更改图片和调整图片大小。 Click here for more options such as change picture and resize picture.
41136插入一个来自文件的图片。 Insert a picture from a file.
41137更改为另一个图片,但保留当前图片的格式和大小。 Change to a different picture, preserving the formatting and size of the current picture.
41138在纵横比锁定的情况下缩放当前图片的高度和宽度或者单独缩放。 Scale height and width of current picture with aspect ratio locked or independently.
41139插入在 Microsoft 画图中创建的绘图。 Insert drawing created in Microsoft Paint.
41140单击此处可获得日期和时间格式选项。 Click here for date and time format options.
41141显示“插入对象”对话框。 Show the Insert object dialog box.
41142在文档中查找文本。 Find text in the document.
41143替换文档中的文本。 Replace text in the document.
41145将文档缩放到正常大小的 100%。 Zoom the document to 100% of the normal size.
41146将文档缩放到一页,使整个页面适应窗口大小。 Zoom the document so that an entire page fits in the window.
41147将文档缩放到两页,使两个页面适应窗口大小。 Zoom the document so that two pages fit in the window.
41148导航到文档的下一页。 Navigate to the next page of the document.
41149导航到文档的上一页。 Navigate to the previous page of the document.
41150关闭“打印预览”并返回到正在编辑的文档。 Close print preview and return to editing the document.
41151放大文档。 Zoom in on the document.
41152缩小文档。 Zoom out on the document.
41154显示或隐藏标尺。可以使用标尺度量和排列文档中的文本和对象。 Show or hide ruler. You can use ruler to measure and line up text and objects in the document.
41155显示或隐藏窗口底部的状态栏。 Show or hide status bar at the bottom of the window.
41156选择文字环绕选项以更改文字在屏幕上的显示方式。这不会影响打印时文档的外观。 Select word wrapping option to change how text appears on your screen. This does not affect how document looks when you print it.
41157不对文本进行换行。 No text wrapping.
41158按窗口大小自动对文本进行换行。 Wrap text to window.
41159按标尺自动对文本进行换行。 Wrap text to ruler.
41160为标尺和页面设置选择度量单位。 Select measurement units for ruler and page setup.
41161获得有关使用写字板的帮助。 Get help using WordPad.
41162更改页面布局设置。 Change page layout settings.
41164以 Office Open XML 格式保存文档。 Save the document in the Office Open XML format.
41165以 OpenDocument 格式保存文档。 Save the document in the OpenDocument format.
41168更改文本的行间距。在段落之后添加或删除空格。 Change the spacing between lines of text. Add or remove the space after paragraphs.
Align text to both left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.
This creates a clean look along the left and right side of the page.
41201F F
41202N N
41203O O
41204S S
41205U U
41206A A
41209R R
41210P P
41216W W
41217Q Q
41218V V
41219G G
41220D D
41221X X
41226H H
41232T T
41233C C
41234AO AO
41235AI AI
41236L L
41237AL AL
41238AC AC
41239AR AR
41240PG PG
41241PI PI
41248FD FD
41250SA SA
41251J J
41257I I
41265M M
41276PS PS
41319打印当前文档。 Print the current document.
41499AJ AJ
57346选择你想得到“帮助”的对象。 Select an object you want to get Help on.
Closes the active document.
Changes the printing options.
Page Setup
Changes the printer and printing options.
Print Setup
Erases the selection.
Erases everything.
Erase All
Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source.
Paste Link
Repeats the last find.
Find Next
Reverses the last action.
Carries out the previously undone action.
Splits the active window into panes.
Displays program information, version number, and copyright.
Displays instructions about how to use help.
Displays Help for the button, menu, or window you click.
Displays Help for current task or command.
Switches to the next window pane.
Next Pane
Switches back to the previous window pane.
Previous Pane
Converts object to different type.
Convert Object
59136EXT EXT
59137CAP CAP
59138NUM NUM
59140OVR OVR
59141REC REC
59400对象 Object
59402%1 (已恢复) %1 (Recovered)
Wordpad can't open this document.
This document is either corrupt
or protected under Rights Management.
61184更改窗口大小。 Changes the window size.
61185更改窗口位置。 Changes the window position.
61186将窗口缩为图标。 Reduces the window to an icon.
61187将窗口最大化。 Enlarges the window to full size.
61188切换到下一个文档窗口。 Switches to the next document window.
61189切换到上一个文档窗口。 Switches to the previous document window.
61190关闭活动窗口并提示保存文档。 Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents.
61202将窗口还原到正常大小。 Restores the window to normal size.
61203激活任务列表。 Activates Task List.
Closes print preview mode
Cancel Preview.
61500正在打开文档... Opening document...
61501写字板不支持此文档格式的所有功能。某些内容可能会丢失或显示不正确。 WordPad does not support all of the features of this document’s format. Some content might be missing or displayed improperly.
61502Microsoft YaHei UI Segoe UI
0x30000000信息 Info
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000002错误 Error
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Wordpad Microsoft-Windows-Wordpad
0xB0000001初始化应用程序的当前实例 Intializing current instance of the application
0xB0000002应用程序的现有实例 Exiting current Instance of the application
0xB0000003未能初始化 Failed to Initialize
0xB0000004OLE 初始化失败 OLE initialization failed
0xB0000005未能加载 msftedit.dll Failed to load msftedit.dll
0xB0000006将写字板初始化为 OLE 服务器 Wordpad is initialized as OLE Server
0xB0000007创建窗口:%1 失败 Creation of Window:%1 failed
0xB0000008意图加载失败: %1 Intent Load Failed: %1
0xB0000009新建文档失败: %1 New Document Failed: %1
0xB000000A间接创建字体失败 Create Font Indirect Failed
0xB000000B插入图片失败,HRESULT:%1。 Insert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1.
0xB000000C插入图片失败,HRESULT:%1 和 Msg:%2。 Insert Picture Failed with HRESULT:%1 and Msg:%2.
0xB000000DGDIPlus 错误:%1。 GDIPlus Error:%1.
0xB000000E写字板启动开始。 Wordpad Launch Start.
0xB000000F写字板启动结束。 Wordpad Launch End.
0xB0000010插入图片开始。 Insert Picture Start.
0xB0000011插入图片结束。 Insert Picture End.
0xB0000012调整图片大小开始。 Resize Picture Start.
0xB0000013调整图片大小结束。 Resize Picture End.
0xB0000014%1 失败,因为系统内存不足。 %1 failed since the system is low on memory.
0xB0000015Msg:%1。HRESULT:%2 Msg:%1 .HRESULT:%2
0xB0000017实时预览显示(类型: %1)开始。 Live Preview Show (Type: %1) Start.
0xB0000018实时预览显示结束。 Live Preview Show End.
0xB0000019实时预览取消(类型: %1)开始。 Live Preview Cancel (Type: %1) Start.
0xB000001A实时预览取消结束。 Live Preview Cancel End.
0xB000001B实时预览执行(类型: %1)开始。 Live Preview Execute (Type: %1) Start.
0xB000001C实时预览执行结束。 Live Preview Execute End.
0xB000001D文件打开开始。 File Open Start.
0xB000001E文件打开结束。 File Open End.
0xB000001F文件保存开始。 File Save Start.
0xB0000020文件保存结束。 File Save End.
0xB0000021缩放开始。 Zoom Start.
0xB0000022缩放结束。 Zoom End.
0xB0000023分析错误: %1。 ParseError:%1.
0xB0000024分析错误: HResult: %1,错误: %2。 ParseError: HResult: %1, Error: %2.
0xB0000026不支持的元素: %1。 UnSupported Element:%1.
0xB0000027开始读取 TOM。 Start reading TOM.
0xB0000028结束读取 TOM。 End reading TOM.
0xB0000029开始保存 Ole 或图片。 Start saving Ole or Picture.
0xB000002A结束保存 Ole 或图片。 End saving Ole or Picture.
0xB000002B开始读取 Ole 或图片。 Begin reading Ole or Picture.
0xB000002C结束读取 Ole 或图片。 End reading Ole or Picture.
0xB000002D已索引搜索字符串 Indexed Search String
0xB000002E写字板搜索筛选器遇到错误 Wordpad Search Filter Encountered an error


File Name:wordpad.exe.mui
File Size:144 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:147456
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows 写字板应用程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:wordpad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WORDPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wordpad.exe.mui?

wordpad.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file wordpad.exe (Windows 写字板应用程序).

File version info

File Description:Windows 写字板应用程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:wordpad
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WORDPAD.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200