ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui ServiceModel 相关事件说明 d777b984f20c2486700711f2c7fa1607

File info

File name: ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui
Size: 23216 byte
MD5: d777b984f20c2486700711f2c7fa1607
SHA1: dfb48a2204c2cce7288ed11b0905957a1df1094c
SHA256: f1f66764f22e128ec5eea280e163b0fdc1fbd1e165e3c9d665afa44b63129c6c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
2000Windows Communication Foundation Net.TCP 侦听器适配器(TCP-In) Windows Communication Foundation Net.TCP Listener Adapter (TCP-In)
2001允许 TCP 通信传输到 Net.TCP 侦听器适配器的 Windows Communication Foundation 入站规则[TCP 808] An inbound rule for Windows Communication Foundation to allow TCP traffic to the Net.TCP Listener Adapter [TCP 808]
2002Windows Communication Foundation Windows Communication Foundation
12002此功能允许入站通信传输到 Net.TCP 侦听器适配器。 This feature provides the ability to allow inbound traffic to the Net.TCP Listener Adapter.
0x1ServiceAuthorization ServiceAuthorization
0x2MessageAuthentication MessageAuthentication
0x3ObjectAccess ObjectAccess
0x4跟踪 Tracing
0x5WebHost WebHost
0x6FailFast FailFast
0x7消息日志记录 Message Logging
0x8性能计数器 Performance Counter
0xB状态机 State Machine
0xD共享服务 Sharing Service
0xE侦听器适配器 Listener Adapter
0x40060001服务授权成功。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nAuthorizationContext: %4%nActivityId: %5%nServiceAuthorizationManager: %6 Service authorization succeeded.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nAuthorizationContext: %4%nActivityId: %5%nServiceAuthorizationManager: %6
0x40060003消息身份验证成功。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4 Message authentication succeeded.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4
0x40060005安全协商成功。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%n协商: %5 Security negotiation succeeded.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%nNegotiation: %5
0x40060007传输身份验证成功。%n服务: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n Transport authentication succeeded.%nService: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n
0x40060009模拟成功。%nMethodName: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3 Impersonation succeeded.%nMethodName: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3
0xC0010064未设置跟踪。将禁用跟踪。%r异常: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r Tracing was not set up. Tracing will be disabled.%rException: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0010065未初始化跟踪源。将禁用跟踪。%r异常: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The trace source was not initialized. Tracing will be disabled.%rException: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0010066已调用 FailFast。%r消息: %1%r堆栈跟踪: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r FailFast was invoked.%rMessage: %1%rStack Trace: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0010067FailFast 过程中引发异常。%r异常: %1%r进程名称: %2%r过程 ID: %3%r An exception was thrown during FailFast.%rException: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0010068未跟踪一个或多个事件。%r原始事件字符串: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r An event or events were not traced.%rOriginal event string: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0010069未跟踪一个或多个事件。%r原始事件字符串:%r%1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r An event or events were not traced.%rOriginal event string:%r%1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC001006A固定断言为 false。%r消息: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r An invariant assertion is false.%rMessage: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC001006BPII 日志记录已打开。将记录敏感信息。%r进程名称: %1%r进程 ID: %2%r PII logging has been turned on. Sensitive information will be logged in the clear.%rProcess Name: %1%rProcess ID: %2%r
0xC001006C未记录已知的 PII: 不允许已知 PII 的日志记录。若要允许已知 PII 的日志记录,请将 machine.config 中的 \"enableLoggingKnownPii\" 设置为 true。%r进程名称: %1%r进程 ID: %2%r No known PII is being logged: logging of known PII is not allowed. To allow logging of known PII, please set \"enableLoggingKnownPii\" to true in machine.config.%rProcess Name: %1%rProcess ID: %2%r
0xC0020001发生了 Webhost 未处理的异常。%r发件人信息: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r A Webhost unhandled exception occurred.%rSender Information: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020002发生 WebHost HTTP 异常。%r发件人信息: %1%rHtmlErrorMessage:%r%2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r A WebHost HTTP exception occurred.%rSender Information: %1%rHtmlErrorMessage:%r%2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0020003WebHost 无法处理请求。%r发件人信息: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r WebHost failed to process a request.%rSender Information: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020004尝试侦听 URL “%1” 时发生错误。此辅助进程将终止。%r发件人信息: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r An error occurred while trying to listen for the URL '%1'. This worker process will be terminated.%rSender Information: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0020005消息未记录。%r异常: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r A message was not logged.%rException: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0020006正在访问消息正文的错误消息记录筛选器已删除。%rXPath:%r%1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r A bad message logging filter that was accessing the message body was removed.%rXPath:%r%1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0020007消息记录无法创建跟踪源。%r异常:%1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r Message logging failed to create the trace source.%rException:%1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0020008消息日志记录已打开。将记录敏感信息,即使已在网络上对其进行加密: 例如,消息正文。%r进程名称: %1%r进程 ID: %2%r Message Logging has been turned on. Sensitive information may be logged in the clear, even if it was encrypted on the wire: for example, message bodies.%rProcess Name: %1%rProcess ID: %2%r
0xC0020009消息日志记录已关闭。%r进程名称: %1%r进程 ID: %2%r Message logging has been turned off.%rProcess Name: %1%rProcess ID: %2%r
0xC002000A未加载性能计数器。%r类别名称: %1%r计数器名称: %2%r异常:%3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r A performance counter was not loaded.%rCategory Name: %1%rCounter Name: %2%rException:%3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC002000B性能计数器未删除。%r类别名称: %1%r计数器名称: %2%r实例名称: %3%r异常:%4%r进程名称: %5%r进程 ID: %6%r A performance counter was not removed.%rCategory Name: %1%rCounter Name: %2%rInstance Name: %3%rException:%4%rProcess Name: %5%rProcess ID: %6%r
0xC002000C未处理 WMI GetObject 请求。%rWMI 对象: %1%r异常:%2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WMI GetObject request was not processed.%rWMI Object: %1%rException:%2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC002000D未处理 WMI PutInstance 请求。%rWMI 对象: %1%r异常:%2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WMI PutInstance request was not processed.%rWMI Object: %1%rException:%2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC002000E未处理 WMI DeleteInstance 请求。%r异常:%1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The WMI DeleteInstance request was not processed.%rException:%1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC002000F未处理 WMI CreateInstance 请求。%r类名称: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WMI CreateInstance request was not processed.%rClass name: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020010未处理 WMI ExecQuery 请求。%r异常:%1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The WMI ExecQuery request was not processed.%rException:%1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0020011未处理 WMI ExecMethod 请求。%r异常:%1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The WMI ExecMethod request was not processed.%rException:%1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0020012WMI 提供程序未注册。%rWMI 对象: %1%r错误:%2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WMI provider was not registered.%rWMI Object: %1%rError:%2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020013WMI 提供程序并非未注册。%rWMI 对象: %1%r错误:%2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WMI provider was not unregistered.%rWMI Object: %1%rError:%2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020014类型不匹配: CIM 类 %1 属性 %2 无法接受类型 %3%r 的值进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r Type mismatch: CIM class %1 property %2 cannot accept value of type %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0020015类型不匹配: CIM 类 %1 不具有类型为 %3%r 的属性 %2进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r Type mismatch: CIM class %1 does not have property %2 of type %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0020016COM+: 启动服务时发生错误。%rAppId: %1%rClsId: %2%r代理项: %3%r异常: %4%r进程名称: %5%r进程 ID: %6%r COM+: An error occurred while starting the service.%rAppId: %1%rClsId: %2%rSurrogate: %3%rException: %4%rProcess Name: %5%rProcess ID: %6%r
0xC0020017COM+: 启动 DllHost 初始值时出现错误。%rAppId: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r COM+: An error occurred while starting the DllHost initializer.%rAppId: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0020018COM+: 导入类型库时发生错误。%rIID: %1%r类型库 ID: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r COM+: An error occurred while importing the type library.%rIID: %1%rType library ID: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0020019COM+: 方法调用失败。%r从: %1%r应用程序 ID: %2%rCLSID: %3%rIID: %4%r操作: %5%r代理项: %6%r实例 ID: %7%r托管线程 ID: %8%r非托管线程 ID: %9%r调用方标识: %10%r异常: %11%r进程名称: %12%r进程 ID: %13%r COM+: A method call failed.%rFrom: %1%rApp ID: %2%rCLSID: %3%rIID: %4%rAction: %5%rSurrogate: %6%rInstance ID: %7%rManaged Thread ID: %8%rUnmanaged Thread ID: %9%rCaller Identity: %10%rException: %11%rProcess Name: %12%rProcess ID: %13%r
0xC002001ACOM+: 创建 COM 实例时发生错误。%r从: %1%r应用程序 ID: %2%rCLSID: %3%r传入事务 ID: %4%r代理项: %5%r请求标识: %6%r异常: %7%r进程名称: %8%r进程 ID: %9%r COM+:An error occurred while creating a COM instance.%rFrom: %1%rApp ID: %2%rCLSID: %3%rIncoming Transaction ID: %4%rSurrogate: %5%rRequesting Identity: %6%rException: %7%rProcess Name: %8%rProcess ID: %9%r
0xC002001BComPlus: 方法调用事务不匹配。%r传入事务 ID: %1%r当前事务 ID: %2%r从: %3%r应用程序 ID: %4%rCLSID: %5%rIID: %6%r操作: %7%r代理项: %8%r实例 ID: %9%r托管线程 ID: %10%r非托管线程 ID: %11%r调用方标识: %12%r异常: %13%r进程名称: %14%r进程 ID: %15%r ComPlus:Method call transaction mismatch.%rIncoming Transaction ID: %1%rCurrent Transaction ID: %2%rFrom: %3%rApp ID: %4%rCLSID: %5%rIID: %6%rAction: %7%rSurrogate: %8%rInstance ID: %9%rManaged Thread ID: %10%rUnmanaged Thread ID: %11%rCaller Identity: %12%rException: %13%rProcess Name: %14%rProcess ID: %15%r
0xC0030001状态机处理事件时引发未处理的异常。%r事务 ID: %1%r状态机名称: %2%r当前状态: %3%r历史记录: %4%r列入 ID: %5%r异常: %6%r进程名称: %7%r进程 ID: %8%r An unhandled exception was thrown while a state machine was processing an event.%rTransaction ID: %1%rState machine name: %2%rCurrent state: %3%rHistory: %4%rEnlistment ID: %5%rException: %6%rProcess Name: %7%rProcess ID: %8%r
0xC0030002状态机尝试处理意外事件。该事件被认为是致命的。%r事务 ID: %1%r状态机名称: %2%r当前状态: %3%r历史记录: %4%r事件名称: %5%r事件详细信息: %6%r进程名称: %7%r进程 ID: %8%r A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was considered fatal.%rTransaction ID: %1%rState machine name: %2%rCurrent state: %3%rHistory: %4%rEvent name: %5%rEvent details: %6%rProcess Name: %7%rProcess ID: %8%r
0xC0030003参与者恢复日志项已损坏,无法反序列化。此错误可能导致数据丢失。%r事务 ID: %1%r恢复数据(Base64 编码): %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r A participant recovery log entry was corrupt and could not be deserialized. Data loss may result from this error.%rTransaction ID: %1%rRecovery data (Base64 encoded): %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030004协调器恢复日志项已损坏,无法反序列化。此错误可能导致数据丢失。%r事务 ID: %1%r恢复数据(Base64 编码): %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r A coordinator recovery log entry was corrupt and could not be deserialized. Data loss may result from this error.%rTransaction ID: %1%rRecovery data (Base64 encoded): %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030005无法为协调器列入生成恢复日志项。事务将中止。%r事务 ID: %1%r原因: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r A recovery log entry could not be generated for the coordinator enlistment. The transaction will be aborted.%rTransaction ID: %1%rReason: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030006无法为参与者列入生成恢复日志项。事务将中止。%r事务 ID: %1%r列入 ID: %2%r原因: %3%r异常: %4%r进程名称: %5%r进程 ID: %6%r A recovery log entry could not be generated for a participant enlistment. The transaction will be aborted.%rTransaction ID: %1%rEnlistment ID: %2%rReason: %3%rException: %4%rProcess Name: %5%rProcess ID: %6%r
0xC0030007WS-AT 协议服务无法初始化。因此,将禁用 WS-AT 功能。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r The WS-AT protocol service failed to initialize. As a result, WS-AT functionality will be disabled.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030008WS-AT 协议服务无法启动。因此,将禁用 WS-AT 功能。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r The WS-AT protocol service failed to start. As a result, WS-AT functionality will be disabled.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030009MSDTC WS-AT 协议在恢复开始时失败。因此,将禁用 WS-AT 功能。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r The MSDTC WS-AT protocol failed at the beginning of recovery. As a result, WS-AT functionality will be disabled.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC003000AWS-AT 协议服务无法完成启动和恢复。因此,将禁用 WS-AT 功能。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r The WS-AT protocol service failed to complete startup and recovery. As a result, WS-AT functionality will be disabled.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC003000B恢复期间 MSDTC TransactionBridge 失败。这是错误状态,因此 MSDTC 服务将终止。%r异常: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The MSDTC TransactionBridge failed during recovery. This is a fatal condition, so the MSDTC service was terminated.%rException: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC003000CWS-AT 协议服务无法停止。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r异常: %3%r进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r The WS-AT protocol service failed to stop.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rException: %3%rProcess Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC003000D状态机尝试处理意外事件。不认为该事件是致命事件。%r事务 ID: %1%r状态机: %2%r当前状态: %3%r历史记录: %4%r事件名称: %5%r事件详细信息: %6%r进程名称: %7%r进程 ID: %8%r A state machine attempted to process an unexpected event. The event was not considered fatal.%rTransaction ID: %1%rState machine: %2%rCurrent state: %3%rHistory: %4%rEvent name: %5%rEvent details: %6%rProcess Name: %7%rProcess ID: %8%r
0xC003000E性能计数器无法初始化。%r计数器名称: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r A performance counter failed to initialize.%rCounter name: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC003000FWS-AT 协议服务成功完成启动和恢复。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WS-AT protocol service successfully completed startup and recovery.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0030010WS-AT 协议服务已停止。%r协议 ID: %1%r协议名称: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r The WS-AT protocol service was stopped.%rProtocol ID: %1%rProtocol Name: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0030011找不到具有指纹“%1”的标识证书。%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r Identity certificate with thumbprint '%1' could not be found.%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0030012无法验证带有指纹“%1”的标识证书。%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r Identity certificate with thumbprint '%1' could not be validated.%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0030013带有主题名称“%1”和指纹“%2”的标识证书不具有私钥。进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have a private key.Process Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0030014带有主题名称“%1”和指纹“%2”的标识证书不具有可访问的私钥。进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have an accessible private key.Process Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0030015带有主题名称“%1”和指纹“%2”的标识证书不在其 KeyUsages 中提供“%3”。进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its KeyUsages.Process Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0030016带有主题名称“%1”和指纹“%2”的标识证书不在其 EnhancedKeyUsages 中提供“%3”。进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its EnhancedKeyUsages.Process Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0040001NT 服务无法启动;无法发布侦听终结点。%r错误代码: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r The NT service failed to start; the listening endpoint could not be published.%rError Code: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0040002分析“%1”(绑定站点“%3”的“%2”)时发生错误。因此对该站点暂时禁用了该协议。有关详细信息,请参阅异常消息。%r绑定: %4%r源: %5%r异常: %6%r进程名称: %7%r进程 ID: %8%r An error occurred while parsing the %1 binding '%2' of the site '%3', thus the protocol is disabled for the site temporarily. See the exception message for more details.%rBinding: %4%rSource: %5%rException: %6%rProcess Name: %7%rProcess ID: %8%r
0xC0040003尝试侦听站点“%3”时,在协议“%2”的激活服务“%1”中发生错误。因此对该站点暂时禁用了该协议。有关详细信息,请参阅异常消息。%rURL: %4%r状态: %5%r异常: %6%r进程名称: %7%r进程 ID: %8%r An error occurred in the Activation Service '%1' of the protocol '%2' while trying to listen for the site '%3', thus the protocol is disabled for the site temporarily. See the exception message for more details.%rURL: %4%rStatus: %5%rException: %6%rProcess Name: %7%rProcess ID: %8%r
0xC0040004处理 WAS 通知时侦听器适配器中发生异常错误。进程将终止。%r协议: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r An unexpected error occurred in the listener adapter while handling a WAS notification. The process will be terminated.%rProtocol: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0040005WAS 已断开连接。%rHRESULT: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r WAS was disconnected.%rHRESULT: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0040006WAS 依赖的连接已超时。%r进程名称: %1%r进程 ID: %2%r A connection that WAS depends on timed out.%rProcess Name: %1%rProcess ID: %2%r
0xC0040007启动服务的请求失败。%r错误代码: %1%r进程名称: %2%r进程 ID: %3%r A request to start the service failed.%rError Code: %1%rProcess Name: %2%rProcess ID: %3%r
0xC0040008调度重复套接字时发生错误: 进程中的此句柄当前已泄露。%rID: %1%r源: %2%r异常: %3%r 进程名称: %4%r进程 ID: %5%r An error occurred while dispatching a duplicated socket: this handle is now leaked in the process.%rID: %1%rSource: %2%rException: %3%r Process Name: %4%rProcess ID: %5%r
0xC0040009调度重复的命名管道时发生错误: 进程中的此句柄当前已泄露。%r源: %1%r异常: %2%r进程名称: %3%r进程 ID: %4%r An error occurred while dispatching a duplicated named pipe: this handle is now leaked in the process.%rSource: %1%rException: %2%rProcess Name: %3%rProcess ID: %4%r
0xC0060002服务授权失败。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nAuthorizationContext: %4%nActivityId: %5%nServiceAuthorizationManager: %6%n%7 Service authorization failed.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nAuthorizationContext: %4%nActivityId: %5%nServiceAuthorizationManager: %6%n%7
0xC0060004消息身份验证失败。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%n%5 Message authentication failed.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%n%5
0xC0060006安全协商失败。%n服务: %1%n操作: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%n协商: %5%n%6 Security negotiation failed.%nService: %1%nAction: %2%nClientIdentity: %3%nActivityId: %4%nNegotiation: %5%n%6
0xC0060008传输身份验证失败。%n服务: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n%4 Transport authentication failed.%nService: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n%4
0xC006000A模拟失败。%nMethodName: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n%4 Impersonation failed.%nMethodName: %1%nClientIdentity: %2%nActivityId: %3%n%4


File Name:ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui
File Size:23 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:2003:04:08 12:10:36+03:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:8.0
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15872
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:4.0
Image Version:0.0
Subsystem Version:5.1
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:3.0.4506.8795
Product Version Number:3.0.4506.8795
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:Private build
File OS:Win32
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ServiceModel 相关事件说明
File Version:3.0.4506.8795 (WinRel.030729-8700)
Internal Name:ServiceModelEvents.dll
Legal Copyright:(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
Original File Name:ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft(R) .NET Framework
Product Version:3.0.4506.8795
Private Build:DDBLD283B

What is ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui?

ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file ServiceModelEvents.dll (ServiceModel 相关事件说明).

File version info

File Description:ServiceModel 相关事件说明
File Version:3.0.4506.8795 (WinRel.030729-8700)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ServiceModelEvents.dll
Legal Copyright:(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
Original Filename:ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft(R) .NET Framework
Product Version:3.0.4506.8795
Translation:0x804, 1200