srchadmin.dll.mui 索引选项 d67e9753a63257963347ff75c59a68a1

File info

File name: srchadmin.dll.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: d67e9753a63257963347ff75c59a68a1
SHA1: 391116f843c3838fbcba7ec93d57e9d0d4c335bf
SHA256: 46426d366b2ea5b70d1c392b37c9ca9ca3d0b35ea538a1bee7d437c1c449d224
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
501未运行索引。 Indexing is not running.
502正在等待接收索引状态... Waiting to receive indexing status...
503索引完成。 Indexing complete.
504正在进行索引。这期间搜索结果可能不完全。 Indexing in progress. Search results might not be complete during this time.
505索引正在启动。 Indexing is starting up.
506正在关闭索引。 Indexing is shutting down.
507索引正在执行维护。请稍候。 Index is performing maintenance. Please wait.
508索引被外部应用程序暂停。 Indexing is paused by an external application.
509索引正在等待计算机出现空闲。 Indexing is waiting for computer to become idle.
510由于用户活动,索引的速度减慢。 Indexing speed is reduced due to user activity.
511索引已暂停,以节省电池电量。 Indexing is paused to conserve battery power.
512内存不足,无法继续进行索引。搜索结果可能不完全。 Insufficient memory to continue indexing. Search results might not be complete.
513磁盘空间不足,无法继续进行索引。搜索结果可能不完全。 Insufficient disk space to continue indexing. Search results might not be complete.
515已暂停索引。 Indexing is paused.
516你的组策略已设置为在使用电池电量模式时暂停索引。 Your group policy is set to pause indexing while on battery power.
601索引选项 Indexing Options
602更改 Windows 索引方式以加快搜索速度。 Change how Windows indexes to search faster
603mshelp://Windows/?id=%s mshelp://Windows/?id=%s
605已为 %s 项建立索引 %s items indexed
606重建 Rebuild
607选择索引数据文件的新位置 Choose new location for the index data files
608此操作可能需要很长时间并会影响所有用户。确实要立即开始移动,还是等到下次系统重新启动? This operation may take a long time and will affect all users. Do you want to start the move now, or wait until the next system restart?
609策略生效 Policy is in effect
611修改索引位置已被一个策略禁止。 Modifying index location is disabled by a policy.
613已禁用索引此文件中的文件内容。若要更改此设置,请选择此文件夹的属性对话框中的“除文件属性外,还允许索引此文件夹中文件的内容”。 Indexing of file contents for this folder has been disabled. To change this setting, select "Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" in the properties dialog box for this folder.
614此位置当前不可用。请取消选中此位置,以停止查找曾位于该位置的项。 This location is currently unavailable. Uncheck it to stop finding items that used to be here.
615仅管理员才能更改此位置的设置,因为它将影响所有用户。 Only administrators can change this location's settings, because it would affect all users.
616系统管理员已禁用修改此位置的设置的权限。 The ability to modify settings for this location has been disabled by the system administrator.
617高级索引选项 Advanced Indexing Options
618常见索引位置设置 Common Indexed Locations Settings
620高级选项 Advanced Options
621发音符号设置更改 Diacritics Settings Change

Changing the diacritic settings will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, click OK.
623此操作将删除你的索引(包括自定义索引位置以及已排除在外的位置),并使用默认设置完全重建索引位置。这可能需要较长时间。 This operation will delete your index (including custom index locations and excluded locations) and completely re-build the indexed locations using default settings. This might take a long time.
624还原默认值 Restore Default Settings
625暂停索引 Pause Indexing
626暂停索引 15 分钟 Pause indexing for 15 minutes
628(不可用) (Unavailable)
629可移动磁盘 Removable Disk
630本地磁盘 Local Disk
640重建索引 Rebuild Index
641重建索引可能需要很长时间才能完成。某些视图和搜索结果在重建完成前可能不完整。 Rebuilding the index might take a long time to complete. Some views and search results might be incomplete until rebuilding is finished.
643索引正在执行维护。 Index is performing maintenance.
644由于外部应用程序,索引已暂停。 Indexing is paused by an external application.
645索引正在等待计算机进入空闲状态。 Indexing is waiting for computer to become idle.
647索引已暂停以节约电池电量。 Indexing is paused to conserve battery power.
648内存不足,无法继续进行索引。 Insufficient memory to continue indexing.
649磁盘空间不足,无法继续进行索引。 Insufficient disk space to continue indexing.
651索引已暂停。 Indexing is paused.
701包含的位置 Included Locations
702排除 Exclude
801扩展名 Extension
802筛选器描述 Filter Description
810文件属性筛选器 File Properties filter
811按文本对文件属性和内容进行索引 Index file properties and content as text
812使用 %s Use %s
813仅索引文件属性 Index file properties only
814没有更改此扩展设置的权限。 You do not have permission to change settings for this extension.
815未找到注册的 Ifilter Registered IFilter is not found
913加密文件索引设置由系统管理员进行管理。 Encrypted file indexing setting is managed by your system administrator.
914发音符号支持设置由系统管理员进行管理。 Diacritics support setting is managed by your system administrator.
1301无法添加此扩展名 Can not add this extension
1302输入的扩展名过长。 Extension you have entered is too long.
1501Windows Search Windows Search
1601为加密文件建立索引 Index Encrypted Files
1602无法验证数据安全性 Cannot verify data security
1603直到你验证了正在为索引位置使用全卷加密(如 BitLocker 驱动器加密或非 Microsoft 解决方案)后才能继续。为什么? Don't continue until you verify that full volume encryption (such as BitLocker Drive Encryption or a non-Microsoft solution) is being used for the location of the index. Why?

If you use a smart card to access encrypted files, please insert it now.

This operation will immediately rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as long as several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete during this time.
1607继续(&N) Co&ntinue
1608取消 Cancel
1609详细信息(&D) &Details
1610此操作将会立即重建索引。根据所拥有的文件的多少,搜索可能会花费数小时才能完成。在此期间,搜索可能不完全。 This operation will immediately rebuild the index. Depending upon how many files you have, it can take as long as several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete during this time.


Selecting or clearing the "Index encrypted files" check box will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

If you use a smart card to access encrypted files, please insert it now.

To rebuild the index, click OK.

Selecting or clearing the "Index encrypted files" check box will immediately rebuild the index. Depending on how many files you have, this can take up to several hours to complete. Searches might be incomplete while the index is being rebuilt.

To rebuild the index, click OK.
1801%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
1802日历 Calendar
1803日历约会 Calendar Appointments
1804联系人 Contacts
1806电子邮件 E-mail
1808电子邮件附件 E-mail Attachments
1810其他通信 Other Communications
1901Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
1902使搜索索引保持最新 Keeps the search index up to date


File Name:srchadmin.dll.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:7.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:7.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:索引选项
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:srchadmin
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:srchadmin.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0

What is srchadmin.dll.mui?

srchadmin.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file srchadmin.dll (索引选项).

File version info

File Description:索引选项
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:srchadmin
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:srchadmin.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200