mstscax.dll.mui Odjemalec storitev oddaljenega namizja ActiveX d3943911586218c74b44128bad8f34f9

File info

File name: mstscax.dll.mui
Size: 180736 byte
MD5: d3943911586218c74b44128bad8f34f9
SHA1: 393eecfc083b1dead5852f441c52a0a3fc681652
SHA256: b8d7b02f2e55441eba18cc30b460b4325d13eafef714d64bfffece877723023b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
30016 16
301Franklin Gothic Franklin Gothic
304Poskus vzpostavljanja povezave: %1!d! od %2!d! Connection attempt: %1!d! of %2!d!
305Preusmerjeni tiskalniški dokument oddaljenega namizja Remote Desktop Redirected Printer Doc
306Čiščenje začasnega imenika odložišča ... Cleaning temporary clipboard directory...
307Pripravljanje informacij za lepljenje ... Preparing paste information...
308Žal ne morete spremeniti lastnosti tiskalnika Sorry, you can't change printer properties
309Če želite spremeniti te lastnosti, na namizju odprite »Povezavo z oddaljenim namizjem« in vzpostavite povezavo z %s To change these properties, open Remote Desktop Connection on the desktop and connect to %s
312Strežnik se ne odziva The server isn't responding
313Preden bomo samodejno znova vzpostavili povezavo, bomo še malo počakali, če se bo strežnik morda odzval. We'll wait a little longer for the server to respond before automatically reconnecting.
314Čakanje na odziv strežnika ... Waiting for the server to respond...
315Preverite omrežno povezavo Check your network connection
316Nimate več vzpostavljene poevzave z omrežjem. Ko bo povezava na voljo, bomo samodejno znova vzpostavili povezavo. You’re not connected to a network anymore. We'll reconnect you automatically when a connection is available.
317Čakanje na omrežje ... Waiting for the network...
318Poskus vnovičnega vzpostavljanja povezave Trying to reconnect
319Vzpostavljanje povezave s/z: Connecting to:
320Vzpostavljanje oddaljene povezave ... Initiating remote connection...
322Segoe UI Segoe UI
323(Se ne odziva) (Not responding)
324(Povezava ni vzpostavljena) (Not connected)
325(Vnovično vzpostavljanje povezave) (Reconnecting)
13550%s (Oddaljeno) %s (Remote)
13551Vnovično vzpostavljanje povezave z %s Reconnecting to %s
13552Povezava je bila prekinjena. Poskus vnovičnega vzpostavljanja povezave ... The connection has been lost. Attempting to reconnect...
13554Vzpostavljanje povezave se ne more nadaljevati, ker preverjanje pristnosti ni omogočeno in oddaljeni računalnik zahteva omogočeno preverjanje pristnosti za vzpostavitev povezave. The connection cannot proceed because authentication is not enabled and the remote computer requires that authentication be enabled to connect.
13555Oddaljeni računalnik ne more preveriti identitete računalnika, s katerim želite vzpostaviti povezavo. Težava lahko nastane:

1) Če je v oddaljenem računalniku nameščena različica sistema Windows, ki je starejša od različice Windows Vista.
2) Če je oddaljeni računalnik konfiguriran tako, da podpira samo varnostne plasti protokola oddaljenega namizja (RDP)

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika.

Ali želite kljub temu vzpostaviti povezavo?
Remote Desktop cannot verify the identity of the computer you want to connect to. This problem can occur if:

1) The remote computer is running a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista.
2) The remote computer is configured to support only the RDP security layer.

Contact your network administrator or the owner of the remote computer for assistance.

Do you want to connect anyway?
13556Oddaljeni računalnik ne more preveriti identitete oddaljenega namizja, s katerim želite vzpostaviti povezavo. Težava lahko nastane:

1) Če je v oddaljenem računalniku nameščena različica sistema Windows, ki je starejša od različice Windows Vista.
2) Če je oddaljeni računalnik konfiguriran tako, da podpira samo varnostne plasti protokola oddaljenega namizja (RDP).

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika.
The connection cannot proceed because Remote Desktop cannot verify the identity of the computer you want to connect to. This problem can occur if:

1) The remote computer is running a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista.
2) The remote computer is configured to support only the RDP security layer.

Contact your network administrator or the owner of the remote computer for assistance.
13557Zgodila se je napaka pri preverjanju pristnosti (Koda: 0x%x).

Oddaljen računalnik: %s
An authentication error has occurred (Code: 0x%x).

Remote computer: %s
13558Varnostni alarm Security Alert
13559Potrdilo je poteklo ali pa še ni veljavno. The certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
13560Ime strežnika na potrdilu je napačno. The server name on the certificate is incorrect.
13561Potrdila ni izdal zaupanja vredne overitelj digitalnih potrdil. The certificate is not from a trusted certifying authority.
13562Potrdilo je bilo preklicano in ni varno za uporabo. The certificate has been revoked and is not safe to use.
13563Za potrdilo ni mogoče izvesti preverjanja preklica. A revocation check could not be performed for the certificate.
13564Potrdilo oz. povezana veriga ni veljavna (Koda: 0x%x). The certificate or associated chain is invalid (Code: 0x%x).
13565Ali želite vzpostaviti povezavo s tem računalnikom kljub napakam v potrdilu? Do you want to connect to this computer despite these certificate errors?
13566Ne morete nadaljevati, ker zahtevate preverjanje pristnosti. You may not proceed since you required authentication.
13567Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana.

Oddaljeni računalnik (%s) nima varnostnega potrdila. Težavo sporočite tehnični podpori.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended.

The remote computer (%s) does not have a security certificate. Please report this problem to technical support.
13568Ne morete nadaljevati zaradi teže napak potrdila. You may not proceed due to the severity of the certificate errors.
13569Neujemanje imen Name mismatch
13570Ime potrdila Certificate name
13571Ali želite nadaljevati vzpostavljanje povezave? Do you want to continue connecting?
13572Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s potrdilom strežnika. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using a server certificate.
13573Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s Kerberosom. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using Kerberos.
13574Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s potrdilom strežnika in Kerberosom. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using a server certificate and Kerberos.
13575Geslo za %s Password for %s
13576Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s protokolom PKU2U. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using PKU2U.
13577Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s potrdilom strežnika in protokolom PKU2U. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using a server certificate and PKU2U.
13578Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s protokolom %s. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using %s.
13579Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena s potrdilom strežnika in protokolom %s. The identity of the remote computer was verified by using a server certificate and %s.
13580Znaka * ne morete uporabiti kot del URL-ja zaupanja vrednega mesta. You cannot use the * character as part of your trusted site URL.
13581Neveljavno zaupanja vredno mesto Invalid Trusted Site
13590Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena prek posrednika za povezavo, ki je bil preverjen s potrdilom strežnika. The identity of the remote computer was verified through a connection broker, which was verified by using a server certificate.
13591Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena prek posrednika za povezavo, ki je bil preverjen s protokolom Kerberos. The identity of the remote computer was verified through a connection broker, which was verified by using Kerberos protocol.
13592Pristnost identitete oddaljenega računalnika je bila preverjena prek posrednika za povezavo, ki je bil preverjen s potrdilom strežnika in protokolom Kerberos. The identity of the remote computer was verified through a connection broker, which was verified by using a server certificate and Kerberos protocol.
13600Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

Skrbnik je prekinil sejo.
Pri vzpostavljanju povezave je prišlo do napake.
V omrežju je prišlo do napake.

Če želite pomoč pri reševanju težave, si oglejte »Oddaljeno namizje« v pomoči in podpori.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended, possibly for one of the following reasons:

The administrator has ended the session.
An error occurred while the connection was being established.
A network problem occurred.

For help solving the problem, see "Remote Desktop" in Help and Support.
13601Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Računalnik nima dovolj navideznega pomnilnika. Zaprite druge programe in poskusite znova. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali tehnično podporo.
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

Your computer does not have enough virtual memory available. Close your other programs, and then try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.
13602Zaradi varnostne napake odjemalec ni mogel vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom. Preverite, ali ste prijavljeni v omrežje, in nato poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Because of a security error, the client could not connect to the remote computer. Verify that you are logged on to the network, and then try connecting again.
13603Oddaljeno namizje ne najde računalnika »%s«. To morda pomeni, da »%s« ne spada v navedeno omrežje. Preverite ime računalnika in domeno, s katero želite vzpostaviti povezavo. Remote Desktop can't find the computer "%s". This might mean that "%s" does not belong to the specified network. Verify the computer name and domain that you are trying to connect to.
13604Zaradi napake v protokolu odjemalec ni mogel vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če odjemalec še vedno ne uspe vzpostaviti povezave, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Because of a protocol error, the client could not connect to the remote computer.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again. If the client still fails to connect, contact your network administrator.
13605Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Povezava je bila prekinjena zaradi napake v omrežju. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja oz. tehnično podporo.
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

The connection was lost due to a network error. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.
13606Prišlo je do notranje napake. An internal error has occurred.
13607Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na lastnika oddaljenega računalnika oz. skrbnika vašega omrežja.
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.
13608Različici odjemalca in strežnika se ne ujemata. Posodobite programsko opremo odjemalca in poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Client and server versions do not match. Please upgrade your client software and then try connecting again.
13609Zaradi napake v šifriranju podatkov bo seja prekinjena. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom. Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13610Zaradi napake v protokolu bo ta seja prekinjena. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom. Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13611Navedeno ime računalnika vsebuje neveljavne znake. Preverite ime in poskusite znova. The specified computer name contains invalid characters. Please verify the name and try again.
13612Povezave z drugo konzolno sejo v oddaljenem računalniku ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti, ker v računalniku že poteka konzolna seja. Your computer could not connect to another console session on the remote computer because you already have a console session in progress.
13613Odjemalec ne more vzpostaviti povezave, ker ne podpira ravni šifriranja FIPS.
Znižajte pravilnik zahtevane varnostne ravni na strani strežnika ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja za pomoč
The client can't connect because it doesn't support FIPS encryption level.
Please lower the server side required security level Policy, or contact your network administrator for assistance
13614Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Dva računalnika nista mogla vzpostaviti povezave v dodeljenem času. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja oz. tehnično podporo.
This computer can't connect to the remote computer.

The two computers couldn't connect in the amount of time allotted. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.
13615Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana.

Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena, mogoče zaradi težav z omrežno povezljivostjo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali tehnično podporo.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended.

The connection to the remote computer was lost, possibly due to network connectivity problems. Try connecting to the remote computer again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.
13616Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana.

Morda je skrbnik omrežja prekinil povezavo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na tehnično podporo za pomoč.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended.

Your network administrator might have ended the connection. Try connecting again, or contact technical support for assistance.
13617Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana.

Drug uporabnik je vzpostavil povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom, zato je bila vaša povezava prekinjena. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali pa na skupino za tehnično podporo.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended.

Another user connected to the remote computer, so your connection was lost. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator or technical support group.
13618Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana.

Odjavljeni ste iz oddaljenega računalnika. Sejo je končal skrbnik omrežja ali drug uporabnik. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na tehnično podporo za pomoč.
Your Remote Desktop Services session has ended.

You were logged off the remote computer. Your network administrator or another user might have ended your session. Try connecting again, or contact technical support for assistance.
13619Seja storitev oddaljenega namizja je končana, ker oddaljeni računalnik ni prejel nobenega vnosa. Your Remote Desktop Services session ended because the remote computer didn't receive any input from you.
13620Oddaljena seja se je končala, ker je bila dosežena omejitev skupnega časa prijave. To omejitev nastavijo skrbnik strežnika ali omrežni pravilniki. The remote session ended because the total logon time limit was reached. This limit is set by the server administrator or by network policies.
13621Zaradi napake v protokolu (koda: 0x%x) bo oddaljena seja prekinjena.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
Because of a protocol error (code: 0x%x), the remote session will be disconnected.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13622Medtem ko je odjemalec poskušal vzpostaviti povezavo, je prišlo do licenčne napake (časovna omejitev licenciranja je potekla).
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
A licensing error occurred while the client was attempting to connect (Licensing timed out).
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13623Oddaljeni računalnik je prekinil sejo, ker je prišlo do napake v licenčnem protokolu.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
The remote computer disconnected the session because of an error in the licensing protocol.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again or contact your server administrator.
13624Povezava je bila prekinjena, ker ima oddaljeni računalnik premalo pomnilnika. The connection was disconnected because the remote computer is low on memory.
13625Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je prišlo do notranje napake v licenčnem protokolu oddaljenega računalnika. The remote session was disconnected because there was an internal error in the remote computer's licensing protocol.
13626Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker ni na voljo noben licenčni strežnik oddaljenega namizja, ki bi posredoval licenco.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license.
Please contact the server administrator.
13627Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker za ta računalnik ni na voljo nobena licenca za dostop odjemalca do oddaljenega namizja.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer.
Please contact the server administrator.
13628Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je računalnik oddaljenemu računalniku poslal neveljavno licenčno sporočilo. The remote session was disconnected because the remote computer received an invalid licensing message from this computer.
13629Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je bila licenca za dostop odjemalca do oddaljenega namizja, ki je shranjena v tem računalniku, spremenjena. The remote session was disconnected because the Remote Desktop client access license stored on this computer has been modified.
13630Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker oblika zapisa licence za dostop odjemalca do oddaljenega namizja, ki je shranjena v tem računalniku, ni veljavna. The remote session was disconnected because the Remote Desktop client access license stored on this computer is in an invalid format.
13631Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je med licenčnim protokolom prišlo do omrežnih težav.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
The remote session was disconnected because there were network problems during the licensing protocol.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13632Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je odjemalec predčasno končal licenčni protokol. The remote session was disconnected because the client prematurely ended the licensing protocol.
13633Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker je bilo licenčno sporočilo nepravilno šifrirano. The remote session was disconnected because a licensing message was incorrectly encrypted.
13634Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker licence za dostop odjemalca v lokalnem računalniku ni bilo mogoče posodobiti ali podaljšati.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because the local computer's client access license could not be upgraded or renewed.
Please contact the server administrator.
13635Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker oddaljeni računalnik nima licence za sprejem oddaljenih povezav.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because the remote computer is not licensed to accept remote connections.
Please contact the server administrator.
13637Zaradi napake v protokolu, ki je bila zaznana v odjemalcu (koda 0x%x), bo ta seja prekinjena.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
Because of a protocol error detected at the client (code 0x%x), this session will be disconnected.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13638Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena zaradi napake med raztezanjem podatkov v odjemalcu.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
The remote session was disconnected because of a decompression failure at the client side.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13639Povezava je bila prekinjena zaradi šifrirne napake v strežniku.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
The remote session was disconnected because of a decryption error at the server.
Please try connecting to the remote computer again.
13640Odjemalec ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Najverjetnejši vzroki za napako so:
1) V oddaljenem računalniku ni omogočenih oddaljenih povezav.
2) Največje število povezav z oddaljenim računalnikom je preseženo.
3) Med vzpostavljanjem povezave je prišlo do napake v omrežju.
4) Oddaljen računalnik ne podpira zahtevane varnostne ravni FIPS. Znižajte pravilnik zahtevane ravni varnosti na strani
odjemalca ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
The client could not establish a connection to the remote computer.

The most likely causes for this error are:
1) Remote connections might not be enabled at the remote computer.
2) The maximum number of connections was exceeded at the remote computer.
3) A network error occurred while establishing the connection.
4) The remote computer might not support the required FIPS security level. Please lower the client
side required security level Policy, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13641Vnovična vzpostavitev povezave z oddaljeno sejo ni uspela.
Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo.
Failed to reconnect to your remote session.
Please try to connect again.
13644Povezava je bila zavrnjena, ker uporabniški račun ni pooblaščen za oddaljeno prijavo. The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login.
13645Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom zaradi enega od spodaj navedenih vzrokov:

1) Oddaljen dostop do strežnika ni omogočen.
2) Oddaljeni računalnik je izklopljen.
3) Oddaljeni računalnik ni na voljo v omrežju.

Prepričajte se, da je oddaljeni računalnik vklopljen in da je vzpostavljena povezava med njim ter omrežjem ter da je omogočen oddaljeni dostop.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:

1) Remote access to the server is not enabled
2) The remote computer is turned off
3) The remote computer is not available on the network

Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.
13646Povezava z oddaljeno sejo je prekinjana, ker ustvarjanje shrambe licenc ni uspelo in je dostop zavrnjen.
Zaženite odjemalca do oddaljenega namizja z večjimi pravicami.
The remote session was disconnected because license store creation failed with access denied.
Please run remote desktop client with elevated privileges.
13651Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker uporabniško ime oz. geslo ni veljavno. Vnesite veljavno uporabniško ime in geslo. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the user name or password is not valid. Type a valid user name and password.
13652Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ne more preveriti seznama ukinjenih potrdil. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because it can’t verify the certificate revocation list. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13653Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

1) Zahtevan naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ime subjekta v potrdilu strežnika SSL se ne ujemata.
2) Potrdilo je poteklo ali je ukinjeno.
3) Korenski overitelj digitalnih potrdil ne zaupa potrdilu.

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Your computer can't connect to the remote computer due to one of the following reasons:

1) The requested Remote Desktop Gateway server address and the server SSL certificate subject name do not match.
2) The certificate is expired or revoked.
3) The certificate root authority does not trust the certificate.

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13654Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je potrdilo SSL preklical overitelj digitalnih potrdil. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the SSL certificate was revoked by the certification authority. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13655Računalnik ne more preveriti identitete prehoda za odd. namizje »%s«. S strežniki, ki jih ni mogoče identificirati, ni varno vzpostavljati povezave. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. This computer can't verify the identity of the RD Gateway "%s". It's not safe to connect to servers that can't be identified. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13656Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker se zahtevani naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ime subjekta v potrdilu ne ujemata. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server address requested and the certificate subject name do not match. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13657Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je potrdilo strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje poteklo ali pa je bilo preklicano. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server's certificate has expired or has been revoked. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13658Vaš računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezavo s strežnikom prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13659Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je zahtevan način izmenične prijave. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because an alternate logon method is required. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13660Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje nedosegljiv ali napačen. Vnesite pravilen naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server address is unreachable or incorrect. Type a valid Remote Desktop Gateway server address.
13661Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje začasno nedosegljiv. Poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily unavailable. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13662Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker manjka komponenta odjemalca storitev oddaljenega namizja ali pa je neustrezna različica. Preverite, ali se je namestitev uspešno dokončala in poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Services client component is missing or is an incorrect version. Verify that setup was completed successfully, and then try reconnecting later.
13663Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežniku prehoda za oddaljeno namizje primanjkuje strežniških sredstev in je začasno nedosegljiv. Poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is running low on server resources and is temporarily unavailable. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13664Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je zaznana napačna različica datoteke rpcrt4.dll. Preverite, ali so vse komponente odjemalca prehoda za oddaljeno namizje pravilno nameščene. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because an incorrect version of rpcrt4.dll has been detected. Verify that all components for Remote Desktop Gateway client were installed correctly.
13665Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni nameščena nobena storitev pametne kartice. Namestite storitev pametne kartice in poskusite znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because no smart card service is installed. Install a smart card service and then try again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13666Računalnik ne more ohraniti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je bralnik pametnih kartic odstranjen. Poskusite znova z veljavno pametno kartico ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja za pomoč. Your computer can't stay connected to the remote computer because the smart card has been removed. Try again using a valid smart card, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13667Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker pametna kartica ni na voljo. Poskusite znova s pametno kartico. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because no smart card is available. Try again using a smart card.
13668Računalnik ne more ohraniti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je bila odstranjena pametna kartica. Znova vstavite pametno kartico in poskusite znova. Your computer can't stay connected to the remote computer because the smart card has been removed. Reinsert the smart card and then try again.
13669Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker uporabniško ime ali geslo ni veljavno. Vnesite veljavno uporabniško ime in geslo. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the user name or password is not valid. Please type a valid user name and password.
13670Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je v prenosni plasti prišlo do napake varnostnega paketa. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because a security package error occurred in the transport layer. Retry the connection or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13671Strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prekinil povezavo. Poskusite jo znova vzpostaviti pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. The Remote Desktop Gateway server has ended the connection. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13672Skrbnik strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prekinil povezavo. Poskusite jo znova vzpostaviti pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. The Remote Desktop Gateway server administrator has ended the connection. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13673Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

1) Vaše poverilnice (kombinacija uporabniškega imena, domene in gesla) so napačne.
2) Vaše pametne kartice ni mogoče prepoznati.
Your computer can't connect to the remote computer due to one of the following reasons:

1) Your credentials (the combination of user name, domain, and password) were incorrect.
2) Your smart card was not recognized.
13674Poverilnice strežnika prehoda za odd. namizje RD Gateway Server Credentials
13678Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je skrbnik omrežja omejil dostop do tega strežnika prehoda za odd. namizje. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because your network administrator has restricted access to this RD Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13679Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik proxy zahteva preverjanje pristnosti. Če želite dovoliti promet do strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje brez preverjanja pristnosti prek svojega spletnega strežnika proxy, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the web proxy server requires authentication. To allow unauthenticated traffic to an RD Gateway server through your web proxy server, contact your network administrator.
13680Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Nastala je napaka, ki je preprečila povezavo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponovi, se obrnite na lastnika oddaljenega računalnika ali skrbnika omrežja.
This computer can’t connect to the remote computer.

An error occurred that prevented the connection. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.
13691Storitev pametne kartice se ne izvaja. Zaženite storitev pametne kartice in poskusite znova. The smart card service is not running. Please start the smart card service and try again.
13692Bralnika pametnih kartic ni mogoče zaznati. Priključite bralnik pametnih kartic in poskusite znova. A smart card reader was not detected. Please attach a smart card reader and try again.
13693V bralniku pametnih kartic ni kartice. Vstavite svojo pametno kartico in poskusite znova. There is no card inserted in the smart card reader. Please insert your smart card and try again.
13694V podsistemu pametne kartice se je zgodila napaka. Napako sporočite centru za pomoč. An error has occurred in the smart card subsystem. Please contact your helpdesk about this error.
13700Vnesite poverilnice za %s. Te poverilnice bodo uporabljene pri vzpostavljanju povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom. Enter your credentials for %s. These credentials will be used when you connect to the remote computer.
13702Povezava ni mogoče vzpostaviti, ker poverilnic ni mogoče poslati oddaljenemu računalniku. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. A connection will not be made because credentials may not be sent to the remote computer. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13703Vnesite nove poverilnice za %s. Poverilnice, uporabljene pri vzpostavljanju povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, niso delovale. Please enter new credentials for %s. The credentials that were used to connect to the remote computer did not work.
13704Vnesite poverilnice Enter your credentials
13705Te poverilnice bodo uporabljene pri vzpostavljanju povezave z/s %s. These credentials will be used to connect to %s.
13706Te poverilnice bodo uporabljene vzpostavljanju povezave z/s %s.

Če pa %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
These credentials will be used to connect to %s.

However, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13707Poverilnice niso delovale Your credentials did not work
13708Poverilnice, uporabljene pri vzpostavljanju povezave z/s %s, niso delovale. Vnesite nove poverilnice. The credentials that were used to connect to %s did not work. Please enter new credentials.
13709Poverilnice, uporabljene pri vzpostavljanju povezave z/s %s, niso delovale. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
The credentials that were used to connect to %s did not work. Please enter new credentials.

If %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13710Navedeno uporabniško ime ne obstaja. Preverite uporabniško ime in se znova poskusite prijaviti. Če težava ne izgine, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The specified user name does not exist. Verify the user name and try logging in again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13711Uporabniški račun je trenutno onemogočen in ga ni mogoče uporabljati. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The user account is currently disabled and cannot be used. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13712Omejitev uporabniškega računa (na primer omejitev glede na čas dneva) vam onemogoča prijavo. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali tehnično podporo. A user account restriction (for example, a time-of-day restriction) is preventing you from logging on. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13713Zaradi varnosti je bil uporabniški račun zaklenjen, ker je bilo preveč poskusov prijave ali poskusov spreminjanja gesla. Pred vnovičnim poskušanjem še malo počakajte ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. As a security precaution, the user account has been locked because there were too many logon attempts or password change attempts. Wait a while before trying again, or contact your system administrator or technical support.
13714Ta uporabniški račun je pretekel. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. This user account has expired. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13715Geslo za ta uporabniški račun je poteklo. Če se želite prijaviti, mora biti geslo drugačno. Posodobite geslo ali se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. This user account's password has expired. The password must change in order to logon. Please update the password or contact your system administrator or technical support.
13716Skrbnik sistema je omejil čas, ko se lahko prijavite. Poskusite se znova prijaviti pozneje. Če težava ne izgine, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično pomoč. The system administrator has restricted the times during which you may log in. Try logging in later. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13717Skrbnik sistema je omejil računalnike, s katerimi se lahko prijavite. Poskusite se prijaviti z drugim računalnikom. Če težava ne izgine, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The system administrator has limited the computers you can log on with. Try logging on at a different computer. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13718Preden se prvič prijavite, morate spremeniti geslo. Posodobite geslo ali se obrnite na skrbnika sistem ali osebje za tehnično podporo. You must change your password before logging on the first time. Please update your password or contact your system administrator or technical support.
13719Skrbnik sistema je omejil vrste prijave (omrežna ali interaktivna), ki jih lahko uporabljate. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The system administrator has restricted the types of logon (network or interactive) that you may use. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13720Zahtevan je podprotokol Kerberos »uporabnik za uporabnika«. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The Kerberos sub-protocol User2User is required. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13721Povezava je bila prekinjena, ker je oddaljeni računalnik poslal nepričakovano potrdilo o preverjanju pristnosti strežnika.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava še naprej pojavlja, se obrnite na lastnika oddaljenega računalnika ali skrbnika omrežja.
The connection has been terminated because an unexpected server authentication certificate was received from the remote computer.
Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator.
13722Povezave ni bilo mogoče dokončati, ker oddaljeni računalnik, s katerim ste vzpostavili stik, ni bil naveden. To se je morda zgodilo zaradi zastarelega vnosa v predpomnilniku DNS. Namesto imena računalnika rajši uporabite njegov IP naslov. The connection cannot be completed because the remote computer that was reached is not the one you specified. This could be caused by an outdated entry in the DNS cache. Try using the IP address of the computer instead of the name.
13723Skrbnik sistema vam ne dovoli, da bi vzpostavili povezavo s tem oddaljenim računalnikom. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. Your system administrator does not allow you to connect to this remote computer. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13724Povezave z vašimi programi ni bilo mogoče samodejno znova vzpostaviti, znova zaženite svoje programe Could not auto-reconnect to your applications,please re-launch your applications
13725Vnesite poverilnice za »%s«. Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v ta oddaljeni računalnik ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic. Enter your credentials for %s. Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to this remote computer.
13726Vnesite poverilnice za %s. Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v ta oddaljeni računalnik ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic. Enter your credentials for %s. Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to this remote computer.
13727Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v %s ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic. Vnesite nove poverilnice. Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials.
13728Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v %s ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic. Vnesite nove poverilnice. Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials.
13729Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v %s ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials.

Also, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13730Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v %s ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials.

Also, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13731Vnesite poverilnice za %s. Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Enter your credentials for %s. Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer because its identity is not fully verified.
13732Vnesite poverilnice za %s. Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Enter your credentials for %s. Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer because its identity is not fully verified.
13733Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik %s ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Vnesite nove poverilnice. Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity is not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.
13734Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik %s ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Vnesite nove poverilnice. Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity is not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.
13735Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik %s ne dovoli uporabe privzetih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity is not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.

Also, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13736Skrbnik sistema za prijavo v oddaljeni računalnik %s ne dovoli uporabe shranjenih poverilnic, ker identiteta računalnika ni v celoti preverjena. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity is not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.

Also, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13737Za preverjanje pristnosti se ni bilo mogoče obrniti na overitelja digitalnih potrdil. Če uporabljate prehod za oddaljeno namizje s pametno kartico, poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim namizjem z geslom. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. A certification authority could not be contacted for authentication. If you are using a Remote Desktop Gateway with a smart card, try connecting to the remote computer using a password. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13738Vnesite nove poverilnice za %s. Oddaljeno namizje ne more stopiti v stik z overiteljem pristnosti, ki je izdal vašo pametno kartico. Please enter new credentials for %s. Remote Desktop cannot contact the authentication authority associated with your smart card.
13739Oddaljeno namizje ne more stopiti v stik z overiteljem pristnosti, ki je izdal vašo pametno kartico. Vnesite nove poverilnice. Remote Desktop cannot contact the authentication authority associated with your smart card. Please enter new credentials.
13740Oddaljeno namizje ne more stopiti v stik z overiteljem pristnosti, ki je izdal vašo pametno kartico. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Remote Desktop cannot contact the authentication authority associated with your smart card. Please enter new credentials.

Also, if %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13741Varnostni pravilnik v računalniku zahteva, da vnesete geslo v pogovorno okno »Varnost sistema Windows«. Oddaljeni računalnik, s katerim poskušate vzpostaviti povezavo, ne prepozna poverilnic, ki ste jih navedli v pogovorno okno »Varnost sistema Windows«. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali tehnično podporo. The security policy of your computer requires you to type a password on the Windows Security dialog box. However, the remote computer you want to connect to cannot recognize credentials supplied using the Windows Security dialog box. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13742Oddaljeni računalnik zahteva preverjanje pristnosti na ravni omrežja, česar vaš računalnik ne podpira. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali tehnično podporo. The remote computer requires Network Level Authentication, which your computer does not support. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
13743Vnesite nove poverilnice za %s. V pametno kartico je bil vnesen napačen PIN. Please enter new credentials for %s. An incorrect PIN was presented to the smart card.
13744V pametno kartico je bil vnesen napačen PIN. Vnesite nove poverilnice. An incorrect PIN was presented to the smart card. Please enter new credentials.
13745V pametno kartico je bil vnesen napačen PIN. Vnesite nove poverilnice.

Če %s ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti na ravni omrežja, ne bo sprejel teh poverilnic. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
An incorrect PIN was presented to the smart card. Please enter new credentials.

If %s does not support Network Level Authentication, it will not accept these credentials. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
13746Oddaljeno namizje ne more preveriti identitete oddaljenega računalnika zaradi časovne ali datumske razlike med vašim in oddaljenim računalnikom. Prepričajte se, ali je ura v vašem računalniku nastavljena na pravilen čas in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponovi, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika. Remote Desktop cannot verify the identity of the remote computer because there is a time or date difference between your computer and the remote computer. Make sure your computer’s clock is set to the correct time, and then try connecting again. If the problem occurs again, contact your network administrator or the owner of the remote computer.
13747Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker računalniku zmanjkuje sredstev za video.

Zaprite druge programe in poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če težave niste odpravili, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali osebje za tehnično podporo.
The remote session was disconnected because your computer is running low on video resources.

Close your other programs, and then try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact your network administrator or technical support.
13748Oddaljeni računalnik ne podpira načina omejenega skrbništva ali oddaljenega čuvaja. The remote PC doesn't support Restricted Administration mode or Remote Guard.
13749Oddaljeni računalnik je pridružen imeniku AAD. Če se vpisujete v svoj službeni račun, poskusite uporabiti svoj službeni e-poštni naslov. Remote machine is AAD joined. If you are signing in to your work account, try using your work email address.
13770Obnovi navzdol Restore Down
13771Minimiraj Minimize
13772Zapri Close
13773Pokaži ukaze za oddaljeni računalnik Show the commands for the remote PC
13774Pripni vrstico povezave Pin the connection bar
13775Odpni vrstico povezave Unpin the connection bar
13776Informacije o varnosti Security info
13777Informacije o povezavi Connection info
13778Izberite naprave, ki jih želite uporabiti Select devices to use
13780Povezava z oddaljenim namizjem Remote Desktop Connection
13781Uporabite računalnik za vzpostavljanje povezave z računalnikom na drugi lokaciji in zaženite programe ali odprite datoteke. Use your computer to connect to a computer that is located elsewhere and run programs or access files.
13785Pasovna širina: Bandwidth:
13786Čas odhoda in vrnitve: Round-trip time:
13787Prenos UDP: UDP transport:
13788Število slik v sekundi: Frame rate:
13789Zakasnitev zvoka proti zakasnitvi videoposnetka: Audio delay vs. video:
13790Pokaži vizualizatorja: Show visualizer:
13791Pokaži prekrivanje videoposnetkov: Show video overlay:
13792Kopiraj v odložišče Copy to Clipboard
13793slik/s FPS
13794ms ms
13795Datum/ura: %1 %2
Različica odjemalskega operacijskega sistema: %3 %4 %5 %6
Date/Time: %1 %2
Client OS Build: %3 %4 %5 %6
13796Resnično True
13797Napačno False
13798Način oddaljenega delovanja MIL: MIL remoting mode:
13799Način strojne opreme: Hardware mode:
13800Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je vaše geslo poteklo ali ga morate spremeniti. Spremenite geslo ali se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali tehnično podporo. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because your password has expired or you must change the password. Please change the password or contact your network administrator or technical support for assistance.
13801Med pošiljanjem podatkov strežniku prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prišlo do napake. Strežnik je začasno nedosegljiv ali pa je povezava onemogočena. Poskusite znova pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. An error occurred while sending data to the Remote Desktop Gateway server. The server is temporarily unavailable or a network connection is down. Try again later, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13802Med prejemanjem podatkov iz strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prišlo do napake. Strežnik je začasno nedosegljiv ali pa je omrežna povezava onemogočena. Poskusite znova pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. An error occurred while receiving data from the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Either the server is temporarily unavailable or a network connection is down. Try again later, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13803Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje dosegel največ povezav. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server reached its maximum allowed connections. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13804Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje ne podpira te zahteve. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server does not support the request. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13805Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker odjemalec ne podpira ene od zmogljivosti strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the client does not support one of the Remote Desktop Gateway's capabilities. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13806Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker sta strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ta računalnik nezdružljiva. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server and this computer are incompatible. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13807Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker uporabljene poverilnice niso veljavne. Vstavite veljavno pametno kartico, vnesite PIN ali geslo in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the credentials used are not valid. Insert a valid smart card and type a PIN or password, and then try connecting again.
13808Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker vaš računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjuje veljavnostnih zahtev pravilnika za zaščito omrežnega dostopa, ki jih je postavil skrbnik omrežja. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because your computer or device did not pass the Network Access Protection requirements set by your network administrator. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13809Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni potrdil, konfiguriranih za uporabo v strežniku prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because no certificate was configured to use at the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13810Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker skrbnik računalnika ne dovoli uporabe strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje, s katerim poskušate vzpostaviti povezavo. Če ste skrbnik, dodajte ime tega strežnika prehoda na seznam zaupanja vrednih strežnikov prehoda za oddaljeno namizje v računalniku in poskusite znova. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the RD Gateway server that you are trying to connect to is not allowed by your computer administrator. If you are the administrator, add this Remote Desktop Gateway server name to the trusted Remote Desktop Gateway server list on your computer and then try connecting again.
13811Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjuje zahtev zaščite omrežnega dostopa, ki jih je določil skrbnik omrežja, in sicer zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

1) Ime strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in strežniško ime subjekta v potrdilu javnega ključa se ne ujemata.
2) Potrdilo je poteklo ali je bilo preklicano.
3) Korenski overitelj digitalnih potrdil ne zaupa potrdilu.
4) Raz
širitev ključa potrdila ne podpira šifriranja.
5) Računalnik ne more preveriti seznama preklicanih potrdil.

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because your computer or device did not meet the Network Access Protection requirements set by your network administrator, for one of the following reasons:

1) The Remote Desktop Gateway server name and the server's public key certificate subject name do not match.
2) The certificate has expired or has been revoked.
3) The certificate root authority does not trust the certificate.
4) The certificate key ext
ension does not support encryption.
5) Your computer cannot verify the certificate revocation list.

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13812Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje zahteva preverjanje pristnosti uporabniškega imena in gesla, uporabili pa ste poverilnico pametne kartice. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because a user name and password are required to authenticate to the Remote Desktop Gateway server instead of smart card credentials.
13813Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje zahteva poverilnice pametne kartice, uporabili pa ste uporabniško ime in geslo. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because smart card credentials are required to authenticate to the Remote Desktop Gateway server instead of a user name and password.
13814Če želite vzpostaviti povezavo z %s, vnesite PIN poverilnice pametne kartice Type your smart card PIN to connect to %s
13815Če želite vzpostaviti povezavo z %s, vnesite uporabniško ime in geslo. Type your user name and password to connect to %s
13816Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni zaznan noben bralnik pametnih kartic. Priključite bralnik pametnih kartic in poskusite znova ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja, če želite pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because no smart card reader is detected. Connect a smart card reader and then try again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
13817Če želite vzpostaviti povezavo z %s, vnesite svoje poverilnice Enter your credentials to connect to %s
13819Povezava je bila prekinjena, ker je bila dosežena časovna omejitev seje. The connection has been disconnected because the session timeout limit was reached.
13820Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker potrdila pametne kartice ni bilo mogoče najti v shrambi potrdil ali ker se storitev razširjanja potrdil ne izvaja. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer, possibly because the smart card is not valid, the smart card certificate was not found in the certificate store, or the Certificate Propagation service is not running. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13821Povezava prehoda za odd. namizje je prekinjena zaradi neuspelih rednih preverjanj pristnosti uporabnika. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo, tako da vnesete pravilno uporabniško ime in geslo. Če vnovična vzpostavitev povezave ne uspe, se za nadaljnjo pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. The RD Gateway connection ended because periodic user authentication failed. Try reconnecting with a correct user name and password. If the reconnection fails, contact your network administrator for further assistance.
13823Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker prehod za oddaljeno namizje in oddaljeni računalnik ne moreta izmenjati pravilnikov. To se je morda zgodilo zaradi enega od teh razlogov:
1. Oddaljeni računalnik ne more izmenjati pravilnikov s prehodom za oddaljeno namizje.
2. Konfiguracija oddaljenega računalnika ne omogoča nove povezave.
3. Povezava med prehodom za oddaljeno namizje in oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway and the remote computer are unable to exchange policies. This could happen due to one of the following reasons:
1. The remote computer is not capable of exchanging policies with the Remote Desktop Gateway.
2. The remote computer's configuration does not permit a new connection.
3. The connection between the Remote Desktop Gateway and the remote computer ended.

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13824Povezava prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prekinjena zaradi neuspelih rednih preverjanj pristnosti uporabnika. Vaš računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjujeta zahtev zaščite omrežnega dostopa (NAP), ki jih je določil skrbnik omrežja. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. The RD Gateway connection ended because periodic user authorization failed. Your computer or device didn't pass the Network Access Protection (NAP) requirements set by your network administrator. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13825Vzpostavljanje povezave z %s Connecting to %s
13826Vzpostavljanje varne povezave z %s Establishing Secure Connection to %s
13827Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim virom, ker nimate dovoljenja za uporabo tega vira. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. This computer cannot connect to the remote resource because you do not have permission to this resource. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
13828Trenutno ni na voljo noben vir, s katerim bi bilo mogoče vzpostaviti povezavo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. There are currently no resources available to connect to. Retry the connection or contact your network administrator.
13829Ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem dostopala do tega vira, je prišlo do napake. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. An error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was accessing this resource. Retry the connection or contact your system administrator.
13830Odjemalca oddaljenega namizja morate posodobiti na najnovejšo različico. Za pomoč pri nameščanju posodobitve se obrnite na svojega skrbnika sistema, nato pa poskusite znova. Your Remote Desktop Client needs to be updated to the newest version. Contact your system administrator for help installing the update, and then try again.
13831Več informacij najdete tukaj: %s. More information can be found at: %s.
13832Konfiguracija vašega omrežja ne dovoljuje zahtevanih vrat HTTPS. Za pomoč pri omogočanju teh vrat ali onemogočanju spletnega proxyja se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja in nato poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Your network configuration doesn’t allow the necessary HTTPS ports. Contact your network administrator for help allowing those ports or disabling the web proxy, and then try connecting again.
13833Nastavljamo več sredstev, kar lahko traja nekaj minut. Poskusite znova pozneje. We’re setting up more resources, and it might take a few minutes. Please try again later.
13834Odjemalca oddaljenega namizja morate posodobiti na najnovejšo različico. Če želite namestiti pomembne posodobitve, znova zaženite odjemalca. Your Remote Desktop Client needs to be updated to the newest version. Please restart the client to install important updates.
13835Uporabniško ime, ki ste ga vnesli, se ne ujema z uporabniškim imenom, s katerim ste se naročili na svoje programe. Če se želite vpisati kot drug uporabnik, v meniju »Osnovno« izberite »Izpis«. The user name you entered does not match the user name used to subscribe to your applications. If you wish to sign in as a different user please choose Sign Out from the Home menu.
13836Videti je, kot da storitev Azure RemoteApp trenutno preskuša preveč uporabnikov. Počakajte nekaj minut in nato poskusite znova. Looks like there are too many users trying out the Azure RemoteApp service at the moment. Please wait a few minutes and then try again.
13837Dosežena je bila omejitev največjega števila uporabnikov. Za dodatno pomoč se obrnite na svojega skrbnika. Maximum user limit has been reached. Please contact your administrator for further assistance.
13838Na voljo je posodobitev. Če jo želite namestiti, kliknite tukaj. An update is available, click here to install.
13840Vaše preskusno obdobje za Azure RemoteApp je poteklo. Za pomoč se obrnite na svojega skrbnika ali tehnično podporo. Your trial period for Azure RemoteApp has expired. Ask your admin or tech support for help.
13841Nimate več dostopa do programa Azure RemoteApp. Za pomoč se obrnite na svojega skrbnika ali tehnično podporo. You no longer have access to Azure RemoteApp. Ask your admin or tech support for help.
13842Različica grafičnih zmogljivosti: Graphics caps version:
13843Grafični način odjemalca: Client graphics mode:
13844Zmožnost AVC: AVC capability:
13845Znova zaženite programsko opremo Gfx Restart Gfx Software
13846Shrani površine Gfx: Save Gfx Surfaces:
13900Omrežje ni na voljo. Povezava bo znova vzpostavljena, ko bo omrežje na voljo. The network is not available. The connection will be reinstated when the network is available.
14006Do te težave lahko pride, če se v oddaljenem računalniku izvaja različica sistema Windows, ki je starejša od sistema Windows Vista, ali če konfiguracija oddaljenega računalnika ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti strežnika.

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika.
This problem can occur if the remote computer is running a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista, or if the remote computer is not configured to support server authentication.

For assistance, contact your network administrator or the owner of the remote computer.
14007Nastavitve vašega računalnika ne dovoljujejo vzpostavitve povezave s tem oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ga ni mogoče prepoznati. Morda se v njem izvaja različica sistema Windows, ki je starejša od sistema Windows Vista, ali njegova konfiguracija ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti strežnika.

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika.
Your computer’s settings do not allow connection to this remote computer because it cannot be identified. Either it is running a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista, or it is not configured to support server authentication.

For assistance, contact your network administrator or the owner of the remote computer.
14008Pristnosti identitete oddaljenega računalnika ni mogoče preveriti. Ali želite vseeno vzpostaviti povezavo? The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want to connect anyway?
14009Vzpostavljanje povezave z oddaljenim namizjem ni uspelo, ker ni mogoče preveriti pristnosti oddaljenega računalnika Your remote desktop connection failed because the remote computer cannot be authenticated
14010Ali želite vzpostaviti povezavo kljub tem napakam potrdila? Do you want to connect despite these certificate errors?
14011Zahtevano je preverjanje pristnosti, zato ne morete nadaljevati. You cannot proceed because authentication is required.
14012Povezava z oddaljenim omizjem ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Oddaljeni računalnik %s, s katerim želite vzpostaviti povezavo, vas preusmerja v drug računalnik %s. Povezava z oddaljenim namizjem ne more preveriti, ali oddaljena računalnika pripadata isti gruči gostiteljskih strežnikov seje oddaljenega namizja. Ko vzpostavljate povezavo z gručo gostiteljskih strežnikov seje oddaljenega namizja, uporabite ime gruče, ne ime računalnika.

Če uporabljate povezavo RDP, ki jo priskrbel
skrbnik, se nanj obrnite za pomoč.

Če želite vzpostaviti povezavo z določenim članom gruče za njeno skrbništvo, v ukazni poziv vnesite »mstsc.exe /admin«.
Remote Desktop Connection cannot connect to the remote computer.

The remote computer %s that you are trying to connect to is redirecting you to another remote computer named %s. Remote Desktop Connection cannot verify that the computers belong to the same RD Session Host server farm. You must use the farm name, not the computer name, when you connect to an RD Session Host server farm.

If you are using an RDP connection provided to you by your
administrator, contact your administrator for assistance.

If you want to connect to a specific farm member to administer it, type "mstsc.exe /admin" at a command prompt.
14013Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je potrdilo za preverjanje pristnosti, ki ste ga prejeli iz oddaljenega računalnika, poteklo ali ni veljavno.
V nekaterih primerih je vzrok za to napako lahko tudi velika časovna neskladnost med odjemalskimi in strežniškimi računalniki.
Remote Desktop cannot connect to the remote computer because the authentication certificate received from the remote computer is expired or invalid.
In some cases, this error might also be caused by a large time discrepancy between the client and server computers.
14015Oddaljeni računalnik, s katerim želite vzpostaviti povezavo, zahteva preverjanje pristnosti na ravni omrežja (NLA), toda s krmilnikom domene sistema Windows ni mogoče vzpostaviti stika za izvajanje NLA. Če ste skrbnik v oddaljenem računalniku, lahko NLA onemogočite v možnostih na zavihku »Oddaljeno« pogovornega okna »Sistemske lastnosti«. The remote computer that you are trying to connect to requires Network Level Authentication (NLA), but your Windows domain controller cannot be contacted to perform NLA. If you are an administrator on the remote computer, you can disable NLA by using the options on the Remote tab of the System Properties dialog box.
14997Spletno mesto poskuša vzpostaviti oddaljeno povezavo. Preden vzpostavite povezavo, se prepričajte, da lahko zaupate založniku. A website is trying to start a remote connection. Make sure that you trust the publisher before you connect.
14998Spletno mesto poskuša vzpostaviti oddaljeno povezavo. Založnika oddaljene povezave ni mogoče prepoznati. A website is trying to start a remote connection. The publisher of this remote connection can't be identified.
14999Spletno mesto poskuša vzpostaviti oddaljeno povezavo. A website is trying to start a remote connection.
15000Ta oddaljena povezava lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Ne vzpostavite povezave, razen če veste, od kod prihaja ali ste jo že uporabljali. This remote connection could harm your local or remote computer. Do not connect unless you know where this connection came from or have used it before.
15001Založnika te oddaljene povezave ni mogoče prepoznati. Ali želite vseeno vzpostaviti povezavo? The publisher of this remote connection can't be identified. Do you want to connect anyway?
15002Neznan založnik Unknown publisher
15003Ta oddaljena povezava lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Preden vzpostavite povezavo, preverite, ali zaupate izdajatelju. This remote connection could harm your local or remote computer. Make sure that you trust the publisher before you connect.
15004Ta oddaljena povezava lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Preden vzpostavite povezavo, preverite, ali zaupate oddaljenemu računalniku. This remote connection could harm your local or remote computer. Make sure that you trust the remote computer before you connect.
15005Oddaljeni računalnik ne podpira programa RemoteApp.
Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
The remote computer does not support RemoteApp.
For assistance, contact your system administrator.
15006Povezave z oddaljenim programom ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti znova.
Znova zaženite oddaljeni program.
Failed to reconnect to the remote program.
Please restart the remote program.
15007Zvok programa RemoteApp RemoteApp Audio
15008RemoteApp RemoteApp
15009Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker preverjanje pristnosti prek požarnega zidu ni uspelo zaradi manjkajočih poverilnic požarnega zidu. To težavo odpravite tako, da obiščete spletno mesto požarnega zidu, ki ga priporoča skrbnik omrežja, in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo; ali skrbnika omrežja prosite za pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because authentication to the firewall failed due to missing firewall credentials. To resolve the issue, go to the firewall website that your network administrator recommends, and then try the connection again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
15010Te poverilnice bodo uporabljene za vzpostavitev povezave s temi računalniki:
1. %s (strežnik prehoda za odd. namizje)
2. %s (oddaljeni računalnik)
These credentials will be used to connect to the following computers:
1. %s (RD Gateway server)
2. %s (remote computer)
15011Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker preverjanje pristnosti prek požarnega zidu ni uspelo zaradi neveljavnih poverilnic požarnega zidu. To težavo odpravite tako, da obiščete spletno mesto požarnega zidu, ki ga priporoča skrbnik omrežja, in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo; ali skrbnika omrežja prosite za pomoč. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because authentication to the firewall failed due to invalid firewall credentials. To resolve the issue, go to the firewall website that your network administrator recommends, and then try the connection again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
15012Če želite več informacij, pojdite na %s. Koda za prekinitev povezave: 0x%x For more information, please go to %s. Disconnect code: 0x%x.
15013Pravilnik za preverjanje pristnosti strežnika ne dovoli zahtev za vzpostavljanje povezave s shranjenimi poverilnicami. Vnesite nove poverilnice. The server’s authentication policy does not allow connection requests using saved credentials. Please enter new credentials.
15014Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je vaša pametna kartica zaklenjena. Skrbnika omrežja prosite, da odblokira pametno kartico ali ponastavi PIN. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because your smart card is locked out. Contact your network administrator about unlocking your smart card or resetting your PIN.
15021%s %s
15025Pametna kartica Smart card
15026Protokol NTLM NTLM protocol
15027Poverilnice za prijavo Logged on credentials
15028Osnovni protokol Basic protocol
15029Povezava s strežnikom prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je šifrirana. The connection to the Remote Desktop Gateway server is encrypted.
15030Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z računalnikom »%s« zaradi enega od spodnjih razlogov:

1) Vašega uporabniškega računa ni na seznamu dovoljenih prehodov za oddaljeno namizje.
2) Mogoče ste oddaljeni računalnik navedli v formatu NetBIOS (na primer: računalnik1), prehod za oddaljeno namizje pa zahteva popolnoma določeno ime domene ali naslov IP (na primer: ali

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer "%s" for one of these reasons:

1) Your user account is not listed in the RD Gateway’s permission list
2) You might have specified the remote computer in NetBIOS format (for example, computer1), but the RD Gateway is expecting an FQDN or IP address format (for example, or

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15031Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z računalnikom »%s« zaradi enega od spodnjih razlogov:

1) Vaš uporabniški račun nima pooblastil za dostop do prehoda za odd. namizje »%s«.
2) Vaš računalnik nima pooblastil za dostop do prehoda za odd. namizje »%s«.
3) Uporabljate nezdružljiv način preverjanja pristnosti (odd. prehod na primer pričakuje pametno kartico, vi pa ste namesto tega uporabili geslo).

Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer "%s" for one of these reasons:

1) Your user account is not authorized to access the RD Gateway "%s"
2) Your computer is not authorized to access the RD Gateway "%s"
3) You are using an incompatible authentication method (for example, the RD Gateway might be expecting a smart card but you provided a password)

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15032Program RemoteApp RemoteApp program
15033P&ogoni Dri&ves
15034V&rata Po&rts
15035Odlož&išče C&lipboard
15036Druge &podprte naprave Plug and Play Other &supported PnP devices
15037Ali zaupate tej oddaljeni povezavi? Do you trust this remote connection?
15038Ali zaupate izdajatelju te oddaljene povezave? Do you trust the publisher of this remote connection?
15039Po&drobnosti &Details
15041&Tiskalniki Prin&ters
15042Teh možnosti ne morete spremeniti, medtem ko imate vzpostavljeno povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom. You can't change these options while you are connected to the remote computer.
15043Spletno mesto poskuša zagnati program RemoteApp. Založnika programa RemoteApp ni mogoče identificirati. A website is trying to run a RemoteApp program. The publisher of this RemoteApp program can't be identified.
15044Mesto želi zagnati program RemoteApp. Pred vzpostavitvijo povezave za zagon programa preverite, ali lahko zaupate izdajatelju. A website is trying to run a RemoteApp program. Make sure that you trust the publisher before you connect to run the program.
15045Tega me ne sprašuj več za &oddaljene povezave tega izdajatelja D&on't ask me again for remote connections from this publisher
15046Snemanje zvok&a &Audio recording
15047Preverjanje pristnosti, ki temelji na piškotkih Cookie based authentication
15048Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je bil v strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje poslan neveljaven piškotek. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because an invalid cookie was sent to the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15049Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje zavrnil piškotek. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the cookie was rejected by the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15050Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje pričakuje drugačno metodo preverjanja pristnosti. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is expecting an authentication method different from the one attempted. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15051Pospeševanje &grafike &Graphics acceleration
15052Če želite uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se najprej prijavite v to spletno mesto: %s. To use this program or computer, first log on to the following website: %s.
15053Če želite uporabljati ta program, se morate najprej prijaviti v spletno mesto za preverjanje pristnosti. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. To use this program or computer, you must first log on to an authentication website. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15054Vaša seja se je končala. Če želite še naprej uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se najprej prijavite v to spletno mesto: %s. Your session has ended. To continue using the program or computer, first log on to the following website: %s.
15055Vaša seja se je končala. Če želite še naprej uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se morate najprej prijaviti v spletno mesto za preverjanje pristnosti. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your session has ended. To continue using the program or computer, you must first log on to an authentication website. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15060Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker velikost piškotka presega podprto velikost. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the size of the cookie exceeded the supported size. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
15061Druge podprte naprave &USB podjetja RemoteFX Other supported RemoteFX &USB devices
15062Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom z uporabo navedene posredovane konfiguracije strežnika proxy. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer using the specified forward proxy configuration. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
16001Program RemoteApp lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Ne vzpostavite povezave s tem programom, da bi ga zagnali, razen če veste, od kod prihaja ali pa ste ga že uporabljali. This RemoteApp program could harm your local or remote computer. Do not connect to run this program unless you know where this program came from or have used it before.
16002Program RemoteApp lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Preden vzpostavite povezavo, da bi ga zagnali, preverite, ali zaupate programu RemoteApp. This RemoteApp program could harm your local or remote computer. Make sure that you trust the RemoteApp before you connect to run this program.
16003Program RemoteApp lahko škoduje lokalnemu ali oddaljenemu računalniku. Preden vzpostavite povezavo, da bi program zagnali, preverite, ali zaupate izdajatelju. This RemoteApp program could harm your local or remote computer. Make sure that you trust the publisher before you connect to run this program.
16004Založnika programa RemoteApp ni mogoče prepoznati. Ali želite vseeno vzpostaviti povezavo, da bi zagnali program? The publisher of this RemoteApp program can't be identified. Do you want to connect to run the program anyway?
16005Ali zaupate programu RemoteApp? Do you trust this RemoteApp program?
16006Ali zaupate izdajatelju programa RemoteApp? Do you trust the publisher of this RemoteApp program?
16051Pokaži &podrobnosti Show &Details
16052Skrij podrobn&osti Hide &Details
16100%s... (oddaljeno) %s... (Remote)
16202Potrdilo ni veljavno za to uporabo. The certificate is not valid for this usage.
16203Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker poverilnice pametne kartice niso na voljo. Do tega je verjetno prišlo, ker poverilnice pametne kartice ni v shrambi potrdil. Če želite odpraviti napako, se prijavite kot %s, nato vstavite bralnik pametnih kartic in uporabite snap-in za potrdila, da preverite, ali je potrdilo na pametni kartici v uporabnikovi osebni shrambi potrdil. This computer can't connect to the remote computer because smart card credentials are not available, possibly because a smart card certificate is not present in the certificate store. To fix this, log on as %s, then insert the smart card into the smart card reader and use the Certificates snap-in to verify that the smart card certificate is in the user's personal certificate store.
16204Prišlo je do napake pri preverjanju pristnosti
Oddaljeni računalnik: %s
An authentication error has occurred.
Remote computer: %s
16205Prišlo je do napake pri preverjanju pristnosti.
Oddaljeni računalnik: %s
Vzrok za to je lahko poteklo geslo.
Posodobite geslo, če je poteklo.
Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika ali na tehnično podporo.
An authentication error has occured.
Remote computer: %s
This could be due to an expired password.
Please update your password if it has expired.
For assistance, contact your administrator or technical support.
16901Konfiguriranje oddaljene seje ... Configuring remote session...
16902Zavarovanje oddaljene povezave ... Securing remote connection...
16903Ocenjevanje kakovosti povezave ... Estimating connection quality...
17001Iskanje ciljnega računalnika ... Finding the destination computer...
17002Nalaganje ciljnega računalnika ... Loading the destination computer...
17003Priprava ciljnega računalnika ... Preparing the destination computer...
17004Preusmerjanje v ciljni računalnik ... Redirecting to the destination computer...
17051Nalaganje navideznega računalnika ... Loading the virtual machine...
17052Pripravljanje navideznega računalnika ... Preparing the virtual machine...
17053Zaganjanje navideznega računalnika ... Starting the virtual machine...
17054Pridobivanje informacij o omrežju iz navideznega računalnika ... Getting network information from the virtual machine...
17055Vnovični poskus pridobivanja informacij o omrežju iz navideznega računalnika ... Trying again to get network information from the virtual machine...
17101Povezava z oddaljenim namizjem ni našla ciljnega računalnika. To se lahko zgodi, če je ime računalnika nepravilno ali če storitev posrednika za povezavo z oddaljenim namizjem še ni registrirana. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Remote Desktop Connection could not find the destination computer. This can happen if the computer name is incorrect or the computer is not yet registered with RD Connection Broker. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17103Prišlo je do napake, ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem nalagala ciljni računalnik. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. An error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was loading the destination computer. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17104Povezave z oddaljenim namizjem ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti (prišlo je do težave z nastavitvijo navideznega računalnika). Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Couldn't connect to the remote computer (there was a problem setting up the virtual machine). Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator for help.
17105Prišlo je do napake, ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem zaganjala navidezni računalnik. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. An error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was starting the virtual machine. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17107Prišlo je do napake, ko se je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem preusmerjala v ciljni računalnik. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. An error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was redirecting to the destination computer. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17108Windows ni uspel najti naslova IP ciljnega navideznega računalnika. To se lahko zgodi, če navidezni računalnik nima elementov »Hyper-V enlightenments« in se njegovo ime ne ujema z imenom računalnika v sistemu Windows. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Windows can't find the IP address of the destination virtual machine. This can happen if the virtual machine doesn't have Hyper-V enlightenments and the name of the virtual machine doesn't match the computer name in Windows. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
17109V skupini ni razpoložljivih računalnikov. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. There are no available computers in the pool. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17110Vaš računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker storitev Connection Broker ni mogla preveriti veljavnosti nastavitev, navedenih v datoteki RDP. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Connection Broker couldn't validate the settings specified in your RDP file. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
17111Ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem zaganjala navidezni računalnik, je prišlo do napake. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. A time out error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was starting the virtual machine. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17112Ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem zaganjala navidezni računalnik, je prišlo do napake pri nadzoru seje. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. A session monitoring error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was starting the virtual machine. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
17113Obdelava povezave je bila preklicana. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Connection processing has been cancelled. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
18008Več kot %d Mb/s Greater than %d Mbps
18009Manj kot 100 kb/s Less than 100 Kbps
18010Več kot 5000 ms Greater than 5000 ms
18011Manj kot 1 ms Less than 1 ms
18013Kb/s Kbps
18014Mb/s Mbps
18017Vklopljena On
18018Izklopljena Off
18019Izračun ... Calculating...
18021Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je odlična. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is excellent.
18022Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je dobra. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is good.
18023Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je slaba. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is poor.
18024Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je odlična in UDP je omogočen. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is excellent and UDP is enabled.
18025Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je dobra in UDP je omogočen. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is good and UDP is enabled.
18026Kakovost povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom je slaba in UDP je omogočen. The quality of the connection to the remote computer is poor and UDP is enabled.
18027Oddaljeni računalnik nima vzpostavljene povezave. The remote computer is not connected.
19003Strežnik prehoda storitev oddaljenega namizja Remote Desktop Services Gateway
19004Seja je presegla časovno omejitev nedejavnosti.
Povezava se bo prekinila čez minuto
Pritisnite »V redu«, če želite nadaljevati sejo.
Session has been idle over its time limit.
It will be disconnected in 1 minute.
Press Ok to continue session.
1910111pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
19104Vseeno poveži Connect anyway
19105Prekliči Cancel
19106Računalniku zaupam uporabo lokalnih sredstev I trust this PC to use my local resources
19107Tega me ne sprašuj več za povezave s tem računalnikom Don’t ask me again for connections to this PC
19108Založnik: Publisher:
19109Ime računalnika: PC name:
19110Pogoni Drives
19111Vrata Ports
19112Odložišče Clipboard
19113Druge podprte naprave PnP Other supported PnP devices
19114Druge podprte USB-naprave Other supported USB devices
19115Tiskalniki Printers
19116Snemanje zvoka Audio recording
19117Pospeševanje grafike Graphics acceleration
19120Vzpostavljanje povezave s tem računalnikom morda ni varno. Morebitni razlogi za to so: It may not be safe to connect to this PC. This might be because of the following reasons:
19122Ime v potrdilu oddaljenega računalnika: Name in the certificate from the remote PC:
19125Sporočilo skrbnika Message from the administrator
19126Ne vprašaj me več, razen če se spremeni pravilnik Don’t ask me again unless there are policy changes
19127V redu OK
19128Strinjam se I agree
1912920pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 20pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
19130To je zato, ker preverjanje pristnosti ni omogočeno. This is because authentication has not been enabled.
19131To so morebitni razlogi: This could be because of the following reasons:
19132V oddaljenem računalniku je nameščena različica sistema Windows, ki je starejša od sistema Windows Vista. The remote PC’s running a version of Windows that is earlier than Windows Vista.
19133Oddaljeni računalnik ne podpira preverjanja pristnosti strežnika. The remote PC can’t support server authentication.
19134Morda ni varno vzpostaviti povezave. It may not be safe to connect.
19135Oddaljenega računalnika ni mogoče prepoznati. Spodaj so navedeni možni razlogi: This is because the remote PC can’t be identified. This could be because of the following reasons:
19138Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. For help, contact your network administrator.
19139Prišlo je do napake preverjanja pristnosti (Koda: 0x%x).

Oddaljeni računalnik: %s
An authentication error has occurred (Code: 0x%x).

Remote PC: %s
19140Prišlo je do napake preverjanja pristnosti.
Oddaljeni računalnik: %s
An authentication error has occurred.
Remote PC: %s
19141Potrdilo je poteklo ali še ni veljavno. The certificate’s expired or is not yet valid.
19142Ime strežnika na potrdilu ni pravilno. The server name on the certificate is not correct.
19143Potrdila ni izdal zaupanja vreden overitelj digitalnih potrdil. The certificate’s not from a trusted certifying authority.
19144Potrdilo je preklicano in ni varno za uporabo. The certificate’s been revoked and is not safe to use.
19145Ne moremo preveriti, ali je potrdilo veljavno. We can’t check if the certificate’s valid.
19146Potrdilo ni veljavno. The certificate isn’t valid.
19147Potrdilo ni veljavno (Koda: 0x%x). The certificate isn’t valid (Code: 0x%x).
19148Ali želite vseeno vzpostaviti povezavo? Do you want to connect anyway?
19149Identitete oddaljenega računalnika ni mogoče preveriti Can’t verify the identity of the remote PC
19150Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti Can’t connect to the remote PC
19151Do tega je prišlo, ker poverilnice za pametno kartico niso na voljo (v shrambi potrdil morda ni potrdila za pametno kartico). To težavo odpravite tako, da se prijavite kot %s, v bralnik pametnih kartic vstavite pametno kartico in s snap-inom digitalnega potrdila preverite, ali je potrdilo za pametno kartico v uporabnikovi osebni shrambi potrdil. This is because smart card credentials are not available, possibly because a smart card certificate is not present in the certificate store. To fix this, log on as %s, then insert the smart card into the smart card reader and use the Certificates snap-in to verify that the smart card certificate is in the user’s personal certificate store.
19152Ta povezava lahko poškoduje lokalni ali oddaljeni računalnik. This connection could harm your local or remote PC.
19156Izdajatelja te oddaljene povezave ni mogoče prepoznati. Ali želite vseeno vzpostaviti povezavo? Can’t identify the publisher of this remote connection. Do you want to connect anyway?
19159Neznano Unknown
19160Tega me ne sprašuj več za oddaljene povezave tega založnika Don’t ask me again for remote connections from this publisher
20001Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Vzrok za to bi lahko bil eden od teh:

*Skrbnik omrežja je končal sejo.
*Pri nastavljanju povezave se je nekaj zgodilo.
*Prišlo je do težave v omrežni povezavi.

Če se to ponavlja, se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

We're not sure why, but it might be because:

*Your network administrator ended the session.
*Something happened while the connection was being set up.
*There's a network connection problem.

If this keeps happening, ask your administrator for help.
20004Ni mogoče najti strežnika »%s«.

Prepričajte se, da sta ime računalnika in domena pravilna in poskusite znova.
Can't find "%s".

Make sure the PC name and domain are correct and try again.
20006Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Vzrok za to je morda težava z omrežno povezavo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na tehnično podporo ali za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

This might be because of a network connection problem. Try connecting again. If that doesn't work, contact technical support or ask your network administrator for help.
20007Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na tehnično podporo ali za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

Try connecting again. If this keeps happening, contact technical support or ask your network administrator for help.
20008Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoča.

Vzrok za to je lahko težava z omrežno povezavo. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se to ponavlja, se obrnite na tehnično podporo ali za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

This might be because of a network connection problem. Try connecting again. If this keeps happening, contact technical support, or ask your network administrator for help.
20009Zaradi napake v šifriranju podatkov bo ta seja prekinjena. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom. Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try connecting to the remote PC again.
20012Povezave z drugo konzolno sejo v oddaljenem računalniku ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti, ker v vašem računalniku že poteka konzolna seja. Your PC could not connect to another console session on the remote PC because you already have a console session in progress.
20014Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Vzrok za to je lahko težava z omrežno povezavo. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na tehnično podporo ali za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

This might be because of a network connection problem. Try connecting again. If this keeps happening, contact technical support, or ask your network administrator for help.
20015Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Morda je skrbnik omrežja prekinil sejo. Poskusite se čez nekaj časa znova povezati; če to ne deluje, prosite skrbnika omrežja za pomoč.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

Your network administrator might've ended your session. Try connecting again in a while but if that doesn't work, ask your network administrator for help.
20016Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Drug uporabnik je vzpostavil povezavo z istim računalnikom. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

Another user connected to the same PC. Try connecting again later.
20017Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Morda je skrbnik omrežja končal vašo sejo. Prosite ga za pomoč.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

Your network administrator might've ended your session. Ask them for help.
20018Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom je bila prekinjena.

Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo.
Connection to the remote PC was lost.

Try connecting again.
20021Oddaljeni računalnik je prekinil sejo, ker je prišlo do napake v licenčnem protokolu.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom ali se obrnite na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote PC disconnected the session because of an error in the licensing protocol.
Please try connecting to the remote PC again or contact your server administrator.
20024Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker za ta računalnik ni na voljo nobene licence za dostop odjemalca do oddaljenega namizja.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this PC.
Please contact the server administrator.
20029Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena, ker licence za dostop odjemalca v lokalnem računalniku ni bilo mogoče nadgraditi ali podaljšati.
Obrnite se na skrbnika strežnika.
The remote session was disconnected because the local PC's client access license could not be upgraded or renewed.
Please contact the server administrator.
20034Oddaljena seja je bila prekinjena zaradi napake dešifriranja v strežniku.
Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo z oddaljenim računalnikom.
The remote session was disconnected because of a decryption error at the server.
Please try connecting to the remote PC again.
20035Odjemalec ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Najverjetnejši vzroki za napako so:
1) V oddaljenem računalniku ni omogočenih oddaljenih povezav.
2) Največje število povezav z oddaljenim računalnikom je preseženo.
3) Med vzpostavljanjem povezave je prišlo do napake v omrežju.
4) Oddaljen računalnik ne podpira zahtevane varnostne ravni FIPS. Znižajte pravilnik zahtevane ravni varnosti na strani odjemalca ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
The client could not establish a connection to the remote PC.

The most likely causes for this error are:
1) Remote connections might not be enabled at the remote PC.
2) The maximum number of connections was exceeded at the remote PC.
3) A network error occurred while establishing the connection.
4) The remote PC might not support the required FIPS security level. Please lower the client side required security level policy, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20050Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Morda nimate dovoljenja za oddaljeno prijavo. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

You might not have permissions to sign in remotely. Ask your network administrator for help.
20051Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Prepričajte se, da je računalnik vklopljen, da je vzpostavljena povezava z omrežjem in da je omogočen oddaljeni dostop.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.
20057Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

1) Zahtevan naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ime zadeve potrdila strežnika SSL se ne ujemata.
2) Potrdilo je poteklo ali je ukinjeno.
3) Glavni overitelj digitalnih potrdil ne zaupa potrdilu.

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Your PC can't connect to the remote PC due to one of the following reasons:

1) The requested Remote Desktop Gateway server address and the server SSL certificate subject name do not match.
2) The certificate is expired or revoked.
3) The certificate root authority does not trust the certificate.

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20058Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je potrdilo SSL preklical overitelj digitalnih potrdil. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the SSL certificate was revoked by the certification authority. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20059Računalnik ne more preveriti identitete prehoda za oddaljeno namizje »%s«. S strežniki, ki jih ni mogoče identificirati, ni varno vzpostavljati povezave. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. This PC can't verify the identity of the RD Gateway "%s". It's not safe to connect to servers that can't be identified. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20060Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker se zahtevani naslov strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ime zadeve potrdila ne ujemata. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server address requested and the certificate subject name do not match. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20061Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je potrdilo strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje poteklo ali pa je bilo preklicano. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server's certificate has expired or has been revoked. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20062Povezava z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoča.

Videti je, da je težava v oddaljenem računalniku. Obrnite se na tehnično podporo ali za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

There seems to be a problem with the remote PC. Contact technical support or ask your network administrator for help.
20063Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je zahtevan način izmenične prijave. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because an alternate logon method is required. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20064Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Prepričajte se, da imate pravi naslov strežnika prehoda, in poskusite znova.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

Make sure you have the correct gateway server address and try again.
20066Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker manjka komponenta odjemalca storitev oddaljenega namizja ali pa gre za neustrezno različico. Preverite, ali se je namestitev uspešno dokončala in poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Services client component is missing or is an incorrect version. Verify that setup was completed successfully, and then try reconnecting later.
20067Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežniku prehoda za oddaljeno namizje primanjkuje strežniških sredstev in je začasno nedosegljiv. Poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje ali se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is running low on server resources and is temporarily unavailable. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20069Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni nameščena nobena storitev pametne kartice. Namestite storitev pametne kartice in poskusite znova ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because no smart card service is installed. Install a smart card service and then try again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20074Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je v prenosni plasti prišlo do napake varnostnega paketa. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because a security package error occurred in the transport layer. Retry the connection or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20076Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je skrbnik omrežja omejil dostop do tega strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because your network administrator has restricted access to this RD Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20078Ta računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom.

Prišlo je do napake, ki je preprečila povezavo. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponovi, se obrnite na lastnika oddaljenega računalnika ali skrbnika omrežja.
This PC can’t connect to the remote PC.

An error occurred that prevented the connection. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote PC or your network administrator.
20102Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežje.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

Ask your network administrator for help.
20111Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Morda nimate dovoljenj za uporabo tega računalnika. Obrnite se na skrbnika omrežja.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

You might not have permissions to use that PC. Talk to your network administrator.
20117Skrbnik sistema je omejil računalnike, s katerimi se lahko prijavite. Poskusite se prijaviti z drugim računalnikom. Če se težava ponavlja, se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali osebje za tehnično podporo. The system administrator has limited the PCs you can log on with. Try logging on at a different PC. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator or technical support.
20141Varnostni pravilnik v računalniku zahteva, da vnesete geslo v pogovorno okno »Varnost sistema Windows«. Oddaljeni računalnik, s katerim poskušate vzpostaviti povezavo, ne prepozna poverilnic, ki ste jih navedli v pogovorno okno »Varnost sistema Windows«. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali tehnično podporo. The security policy of your PC requires you to type a password on the Windows Security dialog box. However, the remote PC you want to connect to cannot recognize credentials supplied using the Windows Security dialog box. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
20142Oddaljeni računalnik zahteva preverjanje pristnosti na ravni omrežja, česar vaš računalnik ne podpira. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema ali tehnično podporo. The remote PC requires Network Level Authentication, which your PC does not support. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.
20146Povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom ni mogoče vzpostaviti.

Med vašim računalnikom in oddaljenim računalnikom je časovna ali datumska razlika. Prepričajte se, da je ura v vašem računalniku nastavljena na pravilen čas, in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo. Če se težava ponovi, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja ali lastnika oddaljenega računalnika.
Can't connect to the remote PC.

There's a date or time difference between your PC and the remote PC. Make sure your PC's clock is set to the correct time and then try connecting again. If this keeps happening, talk to your network administrator or the owner of the remote PC.
20200Vaš računalnik me more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je geslo poteklo ali ga morate spremeniti. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because your password has expired or you must change the password. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20203Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje dosegel največje dovoljeno število povezav. Znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo pozneje ali se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server reached its maximum allowed connections. Try reconnecting later or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20204Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje ne podpira te zahteve. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server does not support the request. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20205Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker odjemalec ne podpira ene od zmogljivosti strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the client does not support one of the Remote Desktop Gateway's capabilities. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20206Vaš računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in ta računalnik nista združljiva. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server and this PC are incompatible. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20208Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker vaš računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjuje zahtev pravilnika za zaščito omrežnega dostopa, ki jih je postavil skrbnik omrežja. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because your PC or device did not pass the Network Access Protection requirements set by your network administrator. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20209Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni potrdil, konfiguriranih za uporabo v strežniku prehoda za oddaljeno namizje. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can’t connect to the remote PC because no certificate was configured to use at the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20211Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjuje zahtev zaščite omrežnega dostopa, ki jih je postavil skrbnik omrežja, in sicer zaradi enega od teh razlogov:

1) Ime strežnika prehoda za oddaljeno namizje in strežniško ime zadeve v potrdilu javnega ključa se ne ujemata.
2) Potrdilo je poteklo ali je bilo preklicano.
3) Glavni overitelj digitalnih potrdil ne zaupa potrdilu.
4) Razširitev ključa potrdila ne podpira šifriranja.
5) Računalnik ne more preveriti seznama preklicanih potrdil.

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema.
Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because your PC or device did not meet the Network Access Protection requirements set by your network administrator, for one of the following reasons:

1) The Remote Desktop Gateway server name and the server's public key certificate subject name do not match.
2) The certificate has expired or has been revoked.
3) The certificate root authority does not trust the certificate.
4) The certificate key extension does not support encryption.
5) Your PC cannot verify the certificate revocation list.

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20212Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje zahteva preverjanje pristnosti uporabniškega imena in gesla, uporabili pa ste poverilnice pametne kartice. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because a user name and password are required to authenticate to the Remote Desktop Gateway server instead of smart card credentials.
20216Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker ni zaznan noben bralnik pametnih kartic. Priključite bralnik pametnih kartic in poskusite znova ali se za pomoč obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because no smart card reader is detected. Connect a smart card reader and then try again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
20220Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker potrdila pametne kartice ni bilo mogoče najti v shrambi potrdil ali ker se storitev razširjanja potrdil ne izvaja. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC, possibly because the smart card is not valid, the smart card certificate was not found in the certificate store, or the Certificate Propagation service is not running. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
20224Povezava prehoda za oddaljeno namizje je prekinjena zaradi neuspelega rednega preverjanja pristnosti uporabnika. Vaš računalnik ali naprava ne izpolnjujeta zahtev zaščite omrežnega dostopa (NAP), ki jih je določil skrbnik omrežja. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. The RD Gateway connection ended because periodic user authorization failed. Your PC or device didn't pass the Network Access Protection (NAP) requirements set by your network administrator. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
21009Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker preverjanje pristnosti prek požarnega zidu ni uspelo zaradi manjkajočih poverilnic požarnega zidu. To težavo odpravite tako, da obiščete spletno mesto požarnega zidu, ki ga priporoča skrbnik omrežja, in znova poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo; ali pa za pomoč prosite skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because authentication to the firewall failed due to missing firewall credentials. To resolve the issue, go to the firewall website that your network administrator recommends, and then try the connection again, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
21030Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z računalnikom »%s« zaradi enega od spodnjih razlogov:

1) Vašega uporabniškega računa ni na seznamu dovoljenih prehodov za oddaljeno namizje.
2) Mogoče ste oddaljeni računalnik navedli v obliki zapisa NetBIOS (na primer: računalnik1), prehod za oddaljeno namizje pa zahteva popolnoma določeno ime domene ali naslov IP (na primer: ali

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote PC "%s" for one of these reasons:

1) Your user account is not listed in the RD Gateway’s permission list
2) You might have specified the remote PC in NetBIOS format (for example, PC1), but the RD Gateway is expecting an FQDN or IP address format (for example, or

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
21031Oddaljeno namizje ne more vzpostaviti povezave z računalnikom »%s« zaradi enega od spodnjih razlogov:

1) Vaš uporabniški račun nima pooblastil za dostop do prehoda za oddaljeno namizje »%s«.
2) Vaš računalnik nima pooblastil za dostop do prehoda za oddaljeno namizje »%s«.
3) Uporabljate nezdružljiv način preverjanja pristnosti (oddaljeni prehod na primer pričakuje pametno kartico, vi pa ste namesto tega uporabili geslo).

Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote PC "%s" for one of these reasons:

1) Your user account is not authorized to access the RD Gateway "%s"
2) Your PC is not authorized to access the RD Gateway "%s"
3) You are using an incompatible authentication method (for example, the RD Gateway might be expecting a smart card but you provided a password)

Contact your network administrator for assistance.
25014Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je vaša pametna kartica zaklenjena. Skrbnika omrežja prosite, da odblokira pametno kartico ali ponastavi vaš PIN. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because your smart card is locked out. Contact your network administrator about unlocking your smart card or resetting your PIN.
25048Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je bil v strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje poslan neveljaven piškotek. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because an invalid cookie was sent to the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
25049Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker je strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje zavrnil piškotek. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the cookie was rejected by the Remote Desktop Gateway server. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
25050Računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker strežnik prehoda za oddaljeno namizje pričakuje drugačno metodo preverjanja pristnosti. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is expecting an authentication method different from the one attempted. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
25052Če želite uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se najprej prijavite na to spletno mesto: %s. To use this program or PC, first log on to the following website: %s.
25053Če želite uporabljati ta program, se morate najprej prijaviti v spletno mesto za preverjanje pristnosti. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. To use this program or PC, you must first log on to an authentication website. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
25054Vaša seja se je končala. Če želite še naprej uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se najprej prijavite na to spletno mesto: %s. Your session has ended. To continue using the program or PC, first log on to the following website: %s.
25055Vaša seja se je končala. Če želite še naprej uporabljati ta program ali računalnik, se morate najprej prijaviti na spletno mesto za preverjanje pristnosti. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Your session has ended. To continue using the program or PC, you must first log on to an authentication website. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
26900Vzpostavljanje oddaljene povezave Initiating remote connection
26901Konfiguriranje oddaljene seje Configuring remote session
26902Zavarovanje oddaljene povezave Securing remote connection
26903Ocenjevanje kakovosti povezave Estimating connection quality
27001Iskanje ciljnega računalnika Finding the destination computer
27002Nalaganje ciljnega računalnika Loading the destination computer
27003Priprava ciljnega računalnika Preparing the destination computer
27004Preusmerjanje v ciljni računalnik Redirecting to the destination computer
27051Nalaganje navideznega računalnika Loading the virtual machine
27052Pripravljanje navideznega računalnika Preparing the virtual machine
27053Zaganjanje navideznega računalnika Starting the virtual machine
27054Pridobivanje informacij o omrežju iz navideznega računalnika Getting network information from the virtual machine
27055Vnovični poskus pridobivanja informacij o omrežju iz navideznega računalnika Trying again to get network information from the virtual machine
27101Povezava z oddaljenim namizjem ni našla ciljnega računalnika. To se lahko zgodi, če je ime računalnika nepravilno ali če računalnik še ni registriran pri posredniku za povezavo z oddaljenim namizjem. Poskusite znova vzpostaviti povezavo ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. Remote Desktop Connection could not find the destination PC. This can happen if the PC name is incorrect or the PC is not yet registered with RD Connection Broker. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
27104Prišlo je do napake, ko je povezava z oddaljenim namizjem prebujala navidezni računalnik. Poskusite vzpostaviti povezavo znova ali pa se obrnite na skrbnika sistema. An error occurred while Remote Desktop Connection was waking the virtual machine. Try connecting again, or contact your network administrator.
27108Windows ni uspel najti naslova IP ciljnega navideznega računalnika. To se lahko zgodi, če navidezni računalnik nima izboljšav Hyper-V in se njegovo ime ne ujema z imenom računalnika v sistemu Windows. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Windows can't find the IP address of the destination virtual machine. This can happen if the virtual machine doesn't have Hyper-V enlightenments and the name of the virtual machine doesn't match the PC name in Windows. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
27110Vaš računalnik ne more vzpostaviti povezave z oddaljenim računalnikom, ker posrednik povezav ni mogel preveriti veljavnosti nastavitev, navedenih v datoteki RDP. Za pomoč se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. Your PC can't connect to the remote PC because the Connection Broker couldn't validate the settings specified in your RDP file. Contact your network administrator for assistance.
0x10000009Dostop je zavrnjen Access Denied
0x1000000AOdjemalec je prekinil povezavo Client has disconnected
0x1000000BNapaka pri preverjanju pristnosti Authentication Failure
0x1000000CLicence ni bilo mogoče pridobiti Failed to get a license
0x1000000DČasovna omejitev za operacijo je potekla Operation has timed out
0x1000000EStanje ni veljavno Invalid State
0x1000000FPovezave s strežnikom prehoda ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti Connection to gateway server failed
0x10000010Omrežje ni na voljo Network Unavailable
0x10000011Napaka pri razrešitvi DNS-ja (Domain Name System) DNS resolution failure
0x10000012Preverjanje podpisa ni uspelo Sign verification failed
0x10000013Preverjanje sredstva ni uspelo Resource check failed
0x10000014Prijava ni uspela Logon failed
0x30000000Informacije Info
0x3000000ADo tega dogodka pride med vzpostavljanjem povezave This event is raised during the connection process
0x3000000BDo tega dogodka pride med prekinjanjem povezave This event is raised during the disconnection process
0x3000000CDo tega dogodka pride med preverjanjem pristnosti This event is raised during the authentication process
0x3000000DDo tega dogodka pride med poskusom samodejne vnovične vzpostavitve povezave s strežnikom This event is raised while trying to automatically reconnect to the server
0x3000000EDo tega dogodka pride med razreševanjem imena strežnika This event is raised during resolving the server name
0x3000000FDo tega dogodka pride med poskusom pridobivanja veljavne licence This event is raised while trying to get a valid license
0x30000010Do tega dogodka pride med prenosom prehoda This event is raised in the gateway transport
0x30000011Do tega dogodka pride med prejemanjem podatkov iz strežnika This event is raised when data is received from the server
0x30000012Do tega dogodka pride med pošiljanjem podatkov v strežnik This event is raised when data is sent to the server
0x30000013Ta dogodek je nastal med prehodom stanja. This event is raised during a state transition.
0x30000014Ta dogodek se sproži, če odjemalec ni bil pravilno zaustavljen. This event is raised when the client has not been shutdown cleanly.
0x30000015Ta dogodek se sproži, če se uporabnik poskusi izpisati iz odjemalca OOB. This event is raised when the user tries to sign out from the OOB client.
0x30000016Ta dogodek se sproži, če uporabnik poskusi ročno osvežiti vir. This event is raised when the user manually tries to do feed refresh.
0x30000017Ta dogodek se sproži, če se uporabnik poskusi prijaviti na stran ADAL z drugim uporabniškim imenom. This event is raised when the user tries to login in ADAL page using different user name.
0x30000018Ta dogodek se sproži, če je dogodek delovnega prostora (na primer naročanje ali posodobitev) uspel. This event is raised when a workspace event like subscribe/update succeeded.
0x30000019Ta dogodek se sproži, če dogodek delovnega prostora (na primer naročanje ali posodobitev) ni uspel. This event is raised when a workspace event like subscribe/update failed!
0x3000001ATa dogodek se sproži, če odkrivanje vira uspe. This event is raised when feed discovery succeeds
0x3000001BTa dogodek se sproži, če odkrivanje vira ne uspe. This event is raised when feed discovery failed!
0x3000001CTa dogodek se sproži, če v predpomnilniku vira v lokalnem računalniku odjemalca zaradi poškodbe predpomnilnika manjkajo ikone ali datoteke RDP. This event is raised when the feed cache on the client local machine is missing icons or Rdp files due to cache corruption!
0x3000001DTa dogodek se sproži, ko uporabnik uspešno posodobi stanje soglasja v strežniku. This event is raised when user has successfully updated the consent status on server side
0x3000001ETa dogodek se sproži, če uporabnik ne more posodobiti stanja soglasja v strežniku. This event is raised when user is unable to update the consent status on server!
0x3000001FTa dogodek se sproži, ko se odjemalec prvič zažene. This event is raised when the client first launches.
0x30000020Ta dogodek se sproži, ko uporabnik ročno klikne gumb »Ogled povabil«. This event is raised when the user manually clicks the view invitations button.
0x30000021Ta dogodek se sproži, ko uporabnik začne nov cikel odkrivanja virov. V dnevnik zapišemo informacije o razpršenem glavnem imenu uporabnika in časovnem pasu. This event is raised when the user starts a new cycle of feed discovery. We log the hashed UPN and timezone information here
0x30000022Ta dogodek se sproži, ko so vsi viri uporabnika v celoti naročeni ali posodobljeni. V dnevnik zapišemo skupni čas, potreben za vzporedni prenos vseh virov. This event is raised when all the feeds of the user have been subscribed or updated completely. We log the overall time it took to download all feeds in parallel.
0x30000023Ta dogodek se sproži, če pride do operacije zapiranja, ki prekine povezavo. This event is raised when there is a close operation which will tear down the connection.
0x30000024Ta dogodek se sproži, če strežnik pošlje omejitve protokola. V dnevnik zapišemo izbrano različico, način odjemalca in zmožnost AVC. This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log the version selected, and the client mode and AVC capability.
0x30000025Ta dogodek se sproži, če strežnik pošlje omejitve protokola. V dnevnik zapišemo, da se uporabljajo sredstva strojne opreme. This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log that hardware resources are being used.
0x30000026Ta dogodek se sproži, če strežnik pošlje omejitve protokola. V dnevnik zapišemo, da se sredstva strojne opreme ne uporabljajo. This event is raised when protocol caps are received from the server. We log that hardware resources are not being used.
0x30000027Ta dogodek se sproži, ko pride do napake pri pridobivanju žetona knjižnice ADAL. This event is raised when there is error in acquiring ADAL token.
0x30000028Ta dogodek se sproži, ko je žeton za preverjanje pristnosti knjižnice ADAL uspešno ustvarjen. This event is raised when ADAL authentication token is successfully created.
0x30000029Ta dogodek se sproži, ko je preverjanje pristnosti knjižnice ADAL preklicano. This event is raised when ADAL authentication is cancelled.
0x3000002CTa dogodek se sproži, če med izvajanjem pride do napake cevovoda. V dnevnik zabeležimo komponento, funkcijo in kodo napake. This event is raised if a pipeline error is encountered during execution. We log the faulting component, function, and error code.
0x3000002FTo je splošni dogodek, ki ga je morda sprožil odjemalec. This is a generic event that may be raised by the client.
0x30000030To je splošna napaka, ki jo je morda sporočil odjemalec. This is a generic error that may be signaled by the client.
0x50000002Napaka Error
0x50000003Opozorilo Warning
0x50000005Podrobno Verbose
0x70000064Splošno General
0x70000065Zaporedje dogodkov pri vzpostavljanju povezave Connection Sequence
0x70000066Zaporedje dogodkov pri samodejnem vzpostavljanju povezave Automatic Reconnection Sequence
0x70000067Zaporedje dogodkov pri vzpostavljanju povezave s prehodom Gateway Connection Sequence
0x70000068Prehod stanja RDP RDP State Transition
0x70000069Delovni prostor RADC odjemalca RdClient RdClient RADC workspace
0x7000006ADelovni prostor Pipeline odjemalca RdClient RdClient Pipeline workspace
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-ClientActiveXCore Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-ClientActiveXCore
0x90000002Application Application
0xB00000E1%1: uspešen prehod iz stanja %3 v stanje %5 kot odgovor na dogodek %7. %1: Transitioned successfully from %3 to %5 in response to %7.
0xB00000E2%1: pri prehodu iz stanja %3 v stanje %5 kot odgovor na dogodek %7 (koda napake %8) je prišlo do napake. %1: An error was encountered when transitioning from %3 to %5 in response to %7 (error code %8).
0xB00000E3%1: prejeto je potrdilo o pridružitvi kanalu MCS: ChannelID = %2, ChannelName = %3. %1: MCS Channel Join Confirmation received: ChannelID = %2, ChannelName = %3.
0xB00003E9Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) poskuša vzpostaviti povezavo s strežnikom (%2) RDP ClientActiveX is trying to connect to the server (%2)
0xB00003EAKontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je vzpostavil povezavo s strežnikom RDP ClientActiveX has connected to the server
0xB00003EBPovezava s kontrolnikom ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je bila prekinjena (Vzrok= %2) RDP ClientActiveX has been disconnected (Reason= %2)
0xB00003ECOdjemalec se je prijavil v strežnik (ID seje = %2) Client has logged on to the server (SessionId = %2)
0xB00003EDOdjemalec se ni mogel prijaviti v strežnik (Napaka = %2) Client failed to logon on to the server (Error = %2)
0xB00003EEOdjemalski računalnik je izgubil povezavo z omrežjem (Vzrok= %2) Client machine has lost network connectivity (Reason= %2)
0xB00003EFDNS (Domain Name System) ni uspel razrešiti imena strežnika (Napaka= %2) DNS failed to resolve the server name (Error= %2)
0xB00003F0Strežnik je preveril pristnost navedenih poverilnic The credentials provided are authenticated by the server
0xB00003F1Strežnik ni uspel preveriti pristnosti navedenih poverilnic The credentials provided were failed to be authenticated by the server
0xB00003F2Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) vzpostavlja povezavo s strežnikom prehoda (%1=%2) RDP ClientActiveX is connecting to a gateway server (%1=%2)
0xB00003F3Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je uspel vzpostaviti povezavo s strežnikom prehoda RDP ClientActiveX succeeded in connecting to the gateway server
0xB00003F4Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) ni uspel vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom prehoda (Napaka= %2) RDP ClientActiveX failed to connect to the gateway server(Error= %2)
0xB00003F5Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) poskuša samodejno znova vzpostaviti povezavo s strežnikom (%2) RDP ClientActiveX is trying to automatically reconnect to the server (%2)
0xB00003F6Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je uspešno samodejno vzpostavil povezavo s strežnikom RDP ClientActiveX succeeded in automatically connecting to the server
0xB00003F7Kontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) ni uspel samodejno vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom (Vzrok= %1) RDP ClientActiveX failed to automatically connect to the server (Reason= %1)
0xB00003F8Odjemalec ima licenco za vzpostavitev povezave s strežnikom Client has a license to connect to the server
0xB00003F9Odjemalec nima licence za vzpostavitev povezave s strežnikom (Napaka= %2) Client does not have a license to connect to the server (Error= %2)
0xB00003FAKontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) ni uspel vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom (Napaka = %2) RDP ClientActiveX failed to connect to the server (Error = %2)
0xB00003FB%1 %1
0xB00003FCKontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je zabeležil to napako – %2. Oglejte si podrobnosti. RDP ClientActiveX has recorded the following error - %2. Check Details.
0xB00003FDPrenos prehoda kontrolnika ActiveX odjemalca protokola povezave oddaljenih namizij (RDP) je zabeležil to napako – %2. Oglejte si podrobnosti. RDP ClientActiveX's gateway transport has recorded the following error - %2. Check Details.
0xB00003FFKontrolnik ActiveX odjemalca povezave z oddaljenim namizjem se je zagnal s kodekom »RemoteFX« za dekodiranje grafike (vrsta dekoderja = %2) RDP Client ActiveX has started using RemoteFX for graphics decoding (decoder type = %2)
0xB0000403Vzpostavljena je povezava z domeno (%1) s sejo %2. Connected to domain (%1) with session %2.
0xB0000404Strežnik podpira SSL = %1 Server supports SSL = %1
0xB0000405Base64(SHA256(UserName)) je = %1 Base64(SHA256(UserName)) is = %1
0xB0000406Graditev odjemalca RDP %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 RDP Client build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
0xB0000407Pri dekodiranju paketa vrste %1 je prišlo do napake neveljavne oblike zapisa Invalid format error occured when decoding packet of type %1
0xB0000408Ime komponente: %1, :: %2 Component name:%1, :: %2
0xB0000409Ime komponente: %1, :: %2, koda napake: %3 Component name:%1, :: %2, Error code:%3
0xB000044COdjemalec je zaznal, da je zakasnitev povezave %2 ms. The client detected the link latency is %2 milliseconds.
0xB000044DOdjemalec je zaznal, da je pasovna širina %2 kb/s. The client detected the bandwidth is %2 kbps/second.
0xB000044EOdjemalec je inicializiral večtransportno povezavo s strežnikom %2. The client has initiated a multi-transport connection to the server %2.
0xB000044FOdjemalec je vzpostavil večtransportno povezavo s strežnikom. The client has established a multi-transport connection to the server.
0xB0000450Odjemalec ni uspel vzpostaviti večtransportne povezave. The client failed to establish the multi-transport connection.
0xB0000451Večtransportna povezava je prekinjena. The multi-transport connection has been disconnected.
0xB0000452Zapri dogodek, koda = %1. Close event, code = %1.
0xB0000453Sled prekinitve povezave: %1 \"%2\", koda napake:%3 Disconnect trace:%1 \"%2\", Error code:%3
0xB00004B1Ker je preklic obstoječega posla delovnega prostora trajal predolgo, je bil RdClient prisilno zaprt. The RdClient has been forced exit since cancelling existing workspace job took too long.
0xB00004B2Uporabnik je na traku odjemalca OOB kliknil »Izpis«. The user has clicked sign out on the OOB Client ribbon.
0xB00004B3Uporabnik je na traku odjemalca OOB kliknil »Osveži«. The user has clicked Refresh on the OOB client ribbon.
0xB00004B4Uporabnik se je v ADAL poskušal prijaviti z uporabniškim imenom, ki ni isto kot tisto, s katerim se je prvotno naročil. The user tried to login into ADAL with a different user name than the one he/she subscribed to initially.
0xB00004B5%1: dogodek delovnega prostora je uspel za najemnika = %2 , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. NumberOfResources = %5 %1: Workspace Event succeeded for Tenant = %2 , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. NumberOfResources = %5
0xB00004B6%1: dogodek delovnega prostora ni uspel za najemnika = %2. , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. (Koda napake %5) %1: Workspace Event failed for Tenant = %2. , TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %3 ms, AdalTime = %4 ms. (Error code %5)
0xB00004B8Odkrivanje virov je uspelo. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms, NumberOfFeeds = %3 Feed discovery succeeded. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms, NumberOfFeeds = %3
0xB00004B9Odkrivanje virov ni uspelo. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms. (Koda napake = %3) Feed discovery failed. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1 ms, AdalTime = %2 ms. (Error code = %3)
0xB00004BAPrišlo je do poškodbe predpomnilnika vira. Najemnik = %1, ResourceId = %2, ResourceType = %3, (Koda napake %4). Feed cache corruption encountered. Tenant = %1, ResourceId = %2, ResourceType = %3, (Error code %4).
0xB00004BBStanje soglasja je bilo uspešno posodobljeno. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2. Consent status updated successfully. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2.
0xB00004BCPosodobitev stanja soglasja ni uspela. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2. (Koda napake %3) Consent status update failed. TotalTimeWithoutAdal = %1, AdalTime = %2. (Error code %3)
0xB00004BDUporabnik je na traku odjemalca OOB kliknil »Ogled povabil«. The user has clicked view invitations on the OOB client ribbon.
0xB00004BEBase64(SHA256(UserName)) = %1, zamik pasu TimeZone = %2, ime pasu TimeZone = %3. Base64(SHA256(UserName)) = %1, TimeZone Bias = %2, TimeZone Name = %3.
0xB00004BFČas osveževanja = %1, število virov = %2. Refresh Time = %1, Number of feeds = %2.
0xB00004C0Koda napake knjižnice ADAL = %1, opis = %2 ADAL error code = %1, description = %2
0xB00004C1Žeton knjižnice ADAL je bil uspešno zbran ADAL token collected successfully
0xB00004C2Knjižnica ADAL je preklicana ADAL cancelled
0xB00004CB%1 vstopa v fazo %2 %1 entering stage %2
0xB00004CC%1 z vrsto dogodka HTTP %2 %1 with http event type %2
0xB00004CD%1 z vrsto dogodka HTTP %2 in kodo stanja HTTP %3 %1 with http event type %2 and http status code %3
0xB00004CE%1 z vrsto dogodka HTTP %2 ni uspel z rezultatom %3 %1 with http event type %2 failed with xresult %3
0xB0000579Strežnik uporablja različico %1 grafičnega protokola RDP (način odjemalca: %2, AVC je na voljo: %3). The server is using version %1 of the RDP graphics protocol (client mode: %2, AVC available: %3).
0xB000057AOdjemalec za medpomnilnik okvirjev uporablja pomnilnik strojne opreme. The client is using hardware memory for the frame buffer.
0xB000057BOdjemalec za medpomnilnik okvirjev uporablja pomnilnik programske opreme. The client is using software memory for the frame buffer.
0xB000057COdjemalec je pri dekodiranju in prikazovanju grafike RDP naletel na težavo (komponenta: %1, funkcija: %2, koda napake: %3) The client encountered an issue while decoding and displaying RDP graphics (component: %1, function: %2, error code: %3)


File Name:mstscax.dll.mui
File Size:176 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:180224
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Odjemalec storitev oddaljenega namizja ActiveX
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:mstscax.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:mstscax.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is mstscax.dll.mui?

mstscax.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file mstscax.dll (Odjemalec storitev oddaljenega namizja ActiveX).

File version info

File Description:Odjemalec storitev oddaljenega namizja ActiveX
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:mstscax.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:mstscax.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200