ncsi.dll.mui 网络连接状态指示器 d18e5a3f689a8bf76430d0ba4ccc68fe

File info

File name: ncsi.dll.mui
Size: 8704 byte
MD5: d18e5a3f689a8bf76430d0ba4ccc68fe
SHA1: df08fb0d33814f7c730c90c27756137a69b925f6
SHA256: 9f51ec7a048f3231c5c9b620f3429ee688fe4221616282b8e8b50dce834fcc4b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
0x10000031响应时间 Response Time
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004信息 Information
0x70000001等待 NetReady Wait for NetReady
0x70000002等待本地连接 Wait for Local Connectivity
0x70000003等待 Internet 连接 Wait for Internet Connectivity
0x70000004等待企业连接 Wait for Corporate Connectivity
0x70000005检查企业内/外位置 Check Corporate Inside/outside Location
0x70000006Internet 连接检测 Internet Connectivity Detection
0x70000007公司网络连接检测 Corporate Connectivity Detection
0x70000008代理服务器检测 Proxy Detection
0x70000009内部/外部检测验证 Inside/Outside detection verification
0x7000000A可疑状态 Suspect state
0x7000000B企业可疑状态 Corporate Suspect state
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-NCSI Microsoft-Windows-NCSI
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-NCSI/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-NCSI/Analytic
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-NCSI/Operational Microsoft-Windows-NCSI/Operational
0xB00007D1将跳过企业连接检查。原因: %1 Corporate connectivity check will be skipped. Reason: %1
0xB00007D2已启用企业连接检查 Corporate connectivity check is enabled
0xB00007D3将跳过企业内/外位置检查。原因: %1 Corporate inside/outside location check will be skipped. Reason: %1
0xB00007D4已启用企业内/外位置检查 Corporate inside/outside location check is enabled
0xB0000FA1进入的状态: %2 接口 Luid: %3 Entered State: %2 Interface Luid: %3
0xB0000FA2转换为状态: %2 接口 Luid: %3 Transitioning to State: %2 Interface Luid: %3
0xB0000FA9开始对接口 %3 进行内部/外部检测。 Inside/Outside detection started for interface %3.
0xB0000FAA接口 %3 的内部/外部检测完成 (%4)。 Inside/Outside detection finished for interface %3 (%4).
0xB0000FABWindows 防火墙组策略设置已更新。触发其他内部/外部位置检测 Windows Firewall Group Policy settings have been updated. Triggering another inside/outside location detection
0xB0000FAC接口 %1 的内部/外部探测失败。%n%n错误: %6 (%5)%n主机: %3/%4%n下一次重试: %7 秒。 Inside/Outside probe failed for interface %1.%n%nError: %6 (%5)%nHost: %3/%4%nNext retry: %7 second(s).
0xB0000FAD开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Internet 探测 Active Internet Probe started on interface %1
0xB0000FAE完成在接口 %1 (%2)上的活动 Internet 探测 Active Internet Probe finished on interface %1 (%2)
0xB0000FAF开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Internet 探测(DNS) Active Internet Probe (DNS) started on interface %1
0xB0000FB0完成在接口 %1 上的活动 Internet 探测(DNS) Active Internet Probe (DNS) finished on interface %1
0xB0000FB1开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Internet 探测(HTTP) Active Internet Probe (HTTP) started on interface %1
0xB0000FB2完成在接口 %1 上的活动 Internet 探测(HTTP) Active Internet Probe (HTTP) finished on interface %1
0xB0000FB3开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Corp 探测 Active Corp Probe started on interface %1
0xB0000FB4完成在接口 %1 上的活动 Corp 探测(%2) Active Corp Probe finished on interface %1 (%2)
0xB0000FB5开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Corp 探测(DNS) Active Corp Probe (DNS) started on interface %1
0xB0000FB6完成在接口 %1 上的活动 Corp 探测(DNS) Active Corp Probe (DNS) finished on interface %1
0xB0000FB7开始在接口 %1 上进行活动 Corp 探测(HTTP) Active Corp Probe (HTTP) started on interface %1
0xB0000FB8结束在接口 %1 上的活动 Corp 探测(HTTP) Active Corp Probe (HTTP) finished on interface %1
0xB0000FB9代理服务器检测已启动 Proxy Detection started
0xB0000FBA代理服务器检测已停止(HasProxy=%1) Proxy Detection stopped (HasProxy=%1)
0xB0000FBB家族 %2 的接口 %1 上的操作 Internet 标记已标出 Opportunistic Internet flag on interface %1 for family %2 marked
0xB0000FBC内部/外部检测可疑 Inside/Outside detection is suspect
0xB0000FBD接口 %2 上已进入可疑状态(家族: %3 原因: %4) Entered suspect state on interface %2 (Family: %3 Reason: %4)
0xB0000FBE接口 %2 上已取消可疑状态(家族: %3) Suspect state cancelled on interface %2 (Family: %3)
0xB0000FBF接口 %2 上可疑状态已到期(家族: %3) Suspect state expired on interface %2 (Family: %3)
0xB0000FC0接口 %2 上已进入企业可疑状态 Entered corporate suspect state on interface %2
0xB0000FC1接口 %2 上已取消企业可疑状态 Corporate suspect state cancelled on interface %2
0xB0000FC2接口 %2 上企业可疑状态已到期 Corporate suspect state expired on interface %2
0xB0000FC3正在取消接口 %1 的热点检测方案 Cancelling hotspot detection scenario for interface %1
0xB0000FC5正在接口 %1 上启动系列 %2 的热点检测 Starting hotspot detection for family %2 on interface %1
0xB0000FC6已在接口 %1 上检测到热点(系列: %2) Hotspot detected on interface %1 (Family: %2)
0xB0000FC7未在接口 %1 上检测到热点(系列: %2) Hotspot not detected on interface %1 (Family: %2)
0xB0000FC8接口 %1 (%2)已连接 Interface %1 (%2) has been connected
0xB0000FC9接口 %1 (%2)已断开连接 Interface %1 (%2) has been disconnected
0xB0000FCA%1 上的功能更改(%2 系列: %3 功能: %4 更改原因: %5) Capability change on %1 (%2 Family: %3 Capability: %4 ChangeReason: %5)
0xB0000FCB%1 上的代理功能更改(%2系列: %3 代理的功能: %4) Proxied capability change on %1 (%2 Family: %3 ProxiedCapability: %4)
0xB0000FCC被动轮询状态更改(应被动轮询的次数: %1 已被动轮询的次数: %2 允许的被动轮询的次数: %3 客户端状态: %4 用户状态: %5 网络安静模式: %6 失败的用户轮询次数: %7 失败的网络轮询次数V4: %8 失败的网络轮询次数V6: %9) Passive Poll state change (ShouldPassivePollRun: %1 WasPassivePollRunning: %2 IsPassivePollAllowed: %3 ClientPresent: %4 UserPresent: %5 NetworkQuietMode: %6 DeadUserPollCount: %7 DeadNetPollCountV4: %8 DeadNetPollCountV6: %9)
0xB0000FCD%1 上的 NetReady 更新(%2 系列: %3 NetReady: %4) NetReady update on %1 (%2 Family: %3 NetReady: %4)
0xB0000FCE%1 上的公司连接更改(%2 系列: %3 拥有的公司连接: %4) Corporate connectivity change on %1 (%2 Family: %3 HasCorporateConnectivity: %4)
0xB0000FCF在 %1 上设置了默认网关(%2 系列: %3 网关IP: %5 网关MAC: %7 已知无代理: %8 已知热点: %9 已知 OppInternet: %10 已知的已代理 OppInternet: %11) Default gateway is set on %1 (%2 Family: %3 GatewayIP: %5 GatewayMAC: %7 KnownProxyless: %8 KnownHotspot: %9 KnownOppInternet: %10 KnownProxiedOppInternet: %11)
0xB0000FD0%1 上到 Internet 的下一个跃点已更改(%2 系列: %3 拥有到 Internet 的下一个跃点: %4 下一个跃点地址: %6) Next hop to Internet has changed on %1 (%2 Family: %3 HasNextHopToInternet: %4 NextHopAddress: %6)
0xB0000FD1%1 上的首选地址更改(%2 系列: %3 拥有的首选地址: %4 地址后缀源: %5) Preferred address change on %1 (%2 Family: %3 HasPreferredAddress: %4 AddressSuffixOrigins: %5)
0xB0000FD2%1 上的首选全局地址更改(%2 系列: %3 拥有的首选全局地址: %4 地址后缀源: %5) Preferred global address change on %1 (%2 Family: %3 HasPreferredGlobalAddress: %4 AddressSuffixOrigins: %5)
0xB0000FD3接口 %1 上的主动探测结果代码(%2 系列: %3) = %4 Active probe result code on interface %1 (%2 Family: %3) = %4
0xB0000FD4%1 (%2)的接口诊断: IPv4 地址: %3,IPv6 地址: %4,IPv4 功能: %5,IPv6 功能: %6,使用的 IPv4 测试: %7,使用的 IPv6 测试: %8 Interface diagnostic for %1 (%2): IPv4 address: %3, IPv6 address: %4, IPv4 capability: %5, IPv6 capability: %6, IPv4 test used: %7, IPv6 test used: %8
0xD0000001企业配置不可用 Corporate configuration is not available
0xD0000002企业配置无效 Corporate configuration is not valid
0xD0000003外部 OUTSIDE
0xD0000004内部 INSIDE
0xD0000005接口已断开连接 Interface Disconnected
0xD0000006接口到达 Interface Arrival
0xD0000007接口 NetReady Interface NetReady
0xD0000008本地连接 Local Connectivity
0xD0000009Internet 连接 Internet Connectivity
0xD000000A无企业连接 No Corporate Connectivity
0xD000000B企业连接 Corporate Connectivity
0xD000000C正在识别企业位置 Corporate Location Identifying
0xD000000D已识别企业位置 Corporate Location Identified
0xD000000E未知 Unknown
0xD000000F默认配置 Default Config
0xD0000010WPAD WPAD
0xD0000011手动 Manual
0xD0000012 None
0xD0000013错误路径 BadPath
0xD0000014错误的代理路径 BadPathToProxy
0xD0000015Teredo 关闭 TeredoDown
0xD0000017本地 Local
0xD0000018Internet Internet
0xD0000019V4 V4
0xD000001AV6 V6
0xD000001CNoAddress NoAddress
0xD000001DNoGlobalAddress NoGlobalAddress
0xD000001ENoRoute NoRoute
0xD000001FActiveHttpProbeSucceeded ActiveHttpProbeSucceeded
0xD0000020ActiveHttpProbeFailed ActiveHttpProbeFailed
0xD0000021ActiveHttpProbeFailedButDnsSucceeded ActiveHttpProbeFailedButDnsSucceeded
0xD0000022ActiveHttpProbeFailedHotspotDetected ActiveHttpProbeFailedHotspotDetected
0xD0000023ActiveDnsProbeSucceeded ActiveDnsProbeSucceeded
0xD0000024ActiveDnsProbeFailed ActiveDnsProbeFailed
0xD0000025SuspectDnsProbeFailed SuspectDnsProbeFailed
0xD0000026SuspectDnsProbeFailedAndNoGateway SuspectDnsProbeFailedAndNoGateway
0xD0000027SuspectArpProbeFailed SuspectArpProbeFailed
0xD0000028PassivePacketHops PassivePacketHops
0xD0000029CapabilityReset CapabilityReset
0xD000002AActiveHttpProbeSucceededViaProxy ActiveHttpProbeSucceededViaProxy
0xD000002BSuspectArpProbeFailedExitingCS SuspectArpProbeFailedExitingCS
0xD000002C无数据 no data
0xD000002Dfalse false
0xD000002Etrue true
0xD000002F强制网络门户 captive portal
0xD0000030no data no data
0xD0000031HTTP HTTP
0xD0000032DNS DNS
0xD0000033被动 passive


File Name:ncsi.dll.mui
File Size:8.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8192
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:网络连接状态指示器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ncsi.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ncsi.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ncsi.dll.mui?

ncsi.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file ncsi.dll (网络连接状态指示器).

File version info

File Description:网络连接状态指示器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ncsi.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ncsi.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200