If an error occurred or the following message in Swedish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Swedish |
English |
1001 | Datum |
Date |
1002 | Tid |
Time |
1003 | Klientens IP-adress |
Client IP Address |
1004 | Användarnamn |
User Name |
1005 | Tjänstnamn |
Service Name |
1006 | Servernamn |
Server Name |
1007 | Serverns IP-adress |
Server IP Address |
1008 | Serverport |
Server Port |
1009 | Metod |
Method |
1010 | URI-stam |
URI Stem |
1011 | URI-fråga |
URI Query |
1012 | Protokollstatus |
Protocol Status |
1013 | Win32-status |
Win32 Status |
1014 | Skickade byte |
Bytes Sent |
1015 | Mottagna byte |
Bytes Received |
1016 | Åtgången tid |
Time Taken |
1017 | Protokollversion |
Protocol Version |
1018 | Användaragent |
User Agent |
1019 | Cookie |
Cookie |
1020 | Referenssida |
Referer |
1021 | Utökade egenskaper |
Extended Properties |
1022 | Värd |
Host |
1023 | Protokollets understatus |
Protocol Substatus |