SpaceControl.dll.mui 存储空间控制面板 d149b240007ea482d69f3a8f9fe7d47c

File info

File name: SpaceControl.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: d149b240007ea482d69f3a8f9fe7d47c
SHA1: 3a438eda7ada9fda6e0f2844319337feb0bcd587
SHA256: 268fb4270f705a97da5c376fcda2f36dc6ee705f45fed8854cbefba0fb4ad384
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1存储空间 Storage Spaces
2在驱动器发生故障时帮助保护文件。 Help protect your files from drive failure.
21确定 OK
22取消 Cancel
23101 管理存储空间 101 Manage Storage Spaces
102使用存储空间将文件保存到两个或更多驱动器,以便在驱动器发生故障时为你提供保护。通过使用存储空间,你还可以在容量不足时轻松添加更多驱动器。如果你没有看到任务链接,请单击“更改设置”。 Use Storage Spaces to save files to two or more drives to help protect you from a drive failure. Storage Spaces also lets you easily add more drives if you run low on capacity. If you don't see task links, click Change settings.
103更改设置 Change settings
104创建新的池和存储空间 Create a new pool and storage space
105文件历史记录 File History
106BitLocker 驱动器加密 BitLocker Drive Encryption
201创建存储池 Create storage pool
203选择驱动器以创建存储池 Select drives to create a storage pool
205创建池 Create pool
206没有可用于存储空间的驱动器。请确保要使用的驱动器已连接。 No drives that work with Storage Spaces are available. Make sure that the drives you want to use are connected.
207返回到主页 Return to the main page
208存储池 Storage pool
301重命名池 Rename pool
302重命名存储池 Rename a storage pool
303为存储池输入新名称 Enter a new name for the storage pool
305要重命名的存储池 Storage pool to rename
306新名称 New name
307名称: Name:
401创建存储空间 Create a storage space
403为存储空间输入名称、复原类型和大小 Enter a name, resiliency type, and size for the storage space
405名称和驱动器号 Name and drive letter
407驱动器号: Drive letter:
408复原 Resiliency
409复原类型: Resiliency type:
412大小 Size
413总池容量: Total pool capacity:
414可用池容量: Available pool capacity:
415大小(最大): Size (maximum):
416简单存储空间写入一个数据副本,在驱动器发生故障时无法为你提供保护。简单存储空间至少需要一个驱动器。 A simple storage space writes one copy of your data, and doesn't protect you from drive failures. A simple storage space requires at least one drive.
417双向镜像存储空间写入两个数据副本,可以在一个驱动器发生故障时为你提供保护。双向镜像存储空间至少需要两个驱动器。 A two-way mirror storage space writes two copies of your data, helping to protect you from a single drive failure. A two-way mirror storage space requires at least two drives.
418三向镜像存储空间写入三个数据副本,可以在两个驱动器同时发生故障时为你提供保护。三向镜像存储空间至少需要五个驱动器。 A three-way mirror storage space writes three copies of your data, helping to protect you from two simultaneous drive failures. A three-way mirror storage space requires at least five drives.
419奇偶校验存储空间写入你的数据以及奇偶校验信息,可以在一个驱动器发生故障时为你提供保护。奇偶校验存储空间至少需要三个驱动器。 A parity storage space writes your data with parity information, helping to protect you from a single drive failure. A parity storage space requires at least three drives.
420无法创建存储空间,因为没有可用的驱动器号。 You can't create a storage space because there are no drive letters available.
421最大大小必须为 63 TB 或更小。 The maximum size must be 63 TB or smaller.
422指定的最大大小无效。 The specified maximum size is not valid.
423包括复原: Including resiliency:
434存储空间可以大于存储池中的可用容量。当池中的容量不足时,你可以添加更多驱动器。 A storage space can be larger than the amount of available capacity in the storage pool. When you run low on capacity in the pool, you can add more drives.
435文件系统: File system:
501添加驱动器 Add drives
503选择要添加到存储池的驱动器 Select drives to add to the storage pool
507驱动器使用率 Drive usage
508优化驱动器使用率,以将现有数据分布到所有驱动器上 Optimize drive usage to spread existing data across all drives
509优化可能会使你的电脑速度变慢一段时间,但你可以随时停止优化而不会丢失进度。 Optimization might slow down your PC for a while, but you can stop it anytime without losing your progress.
601删除池 Delete pool
602删除存储池 Delete a storage pool
603删除此存储池 Delete this storage pool
605要删除的存储池 Storage pool to delete
701格式 Format
702格式化存储空间 Format a storage space
703为存储空间输入一个名称 Enter a name for the storage space
705要格式化的存储空间 Storage Space to format
709无法格式化存储空间,因为没有可用的驱动器号。 You can't format the storage space because there are no drive letters available.
801更改 Change
802更改存储空间 Change a storage space
803输入存储空间的新名称和大小 Enter a new name and size for the storage space
805要更改的存储空间 Storage space to change
806新名称和驱动器号 New name and drive letter
809无法分配驱动器号,因为没有可用的驱动器号。 You can't assign a drive letter because there are no drive letters available.
810新大小 New size
813存储空间大小(最大): Storage space size (maximum):
817指定的大小无效。 The specified size is not valid.
818无法扩展该存储空间,因为群集数将超过文件系统支持的最大群集数。 The storage space cannot be extended because the number of clusters will exceed the maximum number of clusters supported by the file system.
901删除 Delete
902删除存储空间 Delete a storage space
903删除此存储空间 Delete this storage space
905删除存储空间将永久删除它包含的所有文件。使用回收站无法恢复这些文件。 Deleting a storage space permanently deletes all the files that it contains. You can't recover the files by using the Recycle Bin.
906要删除的存储空间 Storage space to delete
1001重命名 Rename
1002重命名驱动器 Rename a drive
1003为驱动器输入一个新名称 Enter a new name for the drive
1005要重命名的驱动器 Drive to rename
1101重置 Reset
1102重置驱动器 Reset a drive
1103重置此驱动器 Reset this drive
1105要重置的驱动器 Drive to reset
1106该驱动器已从存储池中分离,包含的文件可能不同于池中另一个驱动器上的文件。如果重置该驱动器,则会将该驱动器的内容替换为另一个驱动器上的文件。 This drive was separated from the storage pool and might contain files that are different from those on the other drive in the pool. If you reset this drive, the contents of the drive will be replaced with the files from the other drive.
1107驱动器配置出现问题。重置驱动器可使驱动器重新变为可用,但会永久删除当前位于该驱动器上的文件。 There's a problem with the drive configuration. Resetting the drive makes it usable again, but permanently deletes the files currently on the drive.
1202删除驱动器 Remove a drive
1203删除此驱动器 Remove this drive
1205要删除的驱动器 Drive to remove
1301查看文件 View files
1302联机 Bring online
1303脱机 Take offline
1304磁盘 %u Disk %u
1307未格式化的驱动器 Unformatted drives
1309已格式化的驱动器 Formatted drives
1310以下驱动器可能包含文件。如果你将已格式化的驱动器用于存储池,Windows 会永久删除该驱动器上的所有文件。使用回收站无法恢复这些文件。 The following drives might contain files. If you use a formatted drive with a storage pool, Windows permanently deletes all the files on that drive. You can't recover the files by using the Recycle Bin.
1311提供 %1 池容量 Providing %1 pool capacity
1312已使用 %1 %1 used
1313物理驱动器 Physical drives
1314正在使用 %2 池容量的 %1 Using %1 of %2 pool capacity
1316使用 %1 池容量 Using %1 pool capacity
1317%1 %1
1321修复 Repair
1322驱动器包含无法识别的配置 Drives with an unrecognized configuration
1323以下驱动器包含无法识别的配置,因而无法用于存储空间。重置这些驱动器可使它们可用。如果这些驱动器仍然无法识别,则你需要更换它们。 The following drives contain an unrecognized configuration and can't be used with Storage Spaces. Reset the drives to make them usable. If the drives continue to be unrecognized, you might need to replace them.
1324SN: %1 SN: %1
1327优化正在等待... Optimization is waiting...
1328优化驱动器使用率已完成 %1... Optimizing drive usage is %1 complete...
1329正在停止优化... Stopping optimization...
1401为删除做准备 Prepare for removal
1402为删除做驱动器准备 Prepare a drive for removal
1403为删除做此驱动器的准备 Prepare this drive for removal
1405准备操作完成以后,此驱动器就会被列为“可以删除”,这意味着你可以安全地断开该驱动器的连接。此时可单击“删除”链接删除该驱动器。 This drive will be listed as 'Ready to remove' when preparation is finished and it's safe to disconnect the drive. At that point, click the Remove link to finish removing the drive.
1406此驱动器上的所有数据将移到池中的其他驱动器,这可能会在数小时内降低电脑的运行速度。如果可能的话,请保持电脑的电源连接并禁用睡眠,直到电脑完成相关操作。 All data on this drive will be moved to other drives in the pool, which might slow down your PC for a few hours. If possible, keep your PC plugged in and disable sleep until it's finished.
1407要准备的驱动器 Drive to prepare
1501优化驱动器使用率 Optimize drive usage
1506要优化的存储池 Storage pool to optimize
1601停止优化 Stop optimization
1701升级池 Upgrade pool
1702升级此池以启用新功能,例如优化驱动器的使用以及安全地删除额外的驱动器。 Upgrade this pool to enable new features, such as optimizing drive usage and safely removing extra drives.
1704升级此池以启用新功能 Upgrade this pool to enable new features
1706升级会启用新功能,例如优化驱动器的使用以及安全地删除额外的驱动器。升级后,早期版本的 Windows 将无法识别此池(例如,如果你将此池移到其他电脑,就会发生这种情况)。 Upgrading will enable new features, such as optimizing drive usage and safely removing extra drives. After upgrading, earlier versions of Windows won't be able to recognize this pool (for example, if you move this pool to another PC).
1707要升级的存储池 Storage pool to upgrade
32768信息 Information
32769错误 Error
32770警告 Warning
32771正常 OK
32784字节 bytes
32785KB KB
32786MB MB
32787GB GB
32788TB TB
32789PB PB
32790EB EB
32791ZB ZB
32801已通过 SCSI 连接 Attached via SCSI
32802已通过 ATAPI 连接 Attached via ATAPI
32803已通过 ATA 连接 Attached via ATA
32804已通过 IEEE-1394 连接 Attached via IEEE-1394
32805已通过 SSA 连接 Attached via SSA
32806已通过光纤通道连接 Attached via Fibre Channel
32807已通过 USB 连接 Attached via USB
32808已通过 RAID 连接 Attached via RAID
32809已通过 iSCSI 连接 Attached via iSCSI
32810已通过 SAS 连接 Attached via SAS
32811已通过 SATA 连接 Attached via SATA
32812已通过 SD 连接 Attached via SD
32813已通过 MMC 连接 Attached via MMC
32814已通过虚拟总线连接 Attached via a virtual bus
32815已通过 VHD 连接 Attached via VHD
32816已通过存储空间总线连接 Attached via Storage Spaces bus
32817已通过 NVMe 连接 Attached via NVMe
32818已通过存储类内存总线连接 Attached via Storage Class Memory bus
32819已通过 UFS 连接 Attached via UFS
32832无法识别 Unrecognized
32833简单(无复原) Simple (no resiliency)
32834镜像 Mirror
32835奇偶校验 Parity
32836无法识别的镜像 Unrecognized mirror
32837双向镜像 Two-way mirror
32838三向镜像 Three-way mirror
32848使磁盘脱机 Take a Disk Offline
32849使磁盘联机 Bring a Disk Online
32857重命名存储空间 Rename a Storage Space
32859连接存储空间 Attach a Storage Space
32860分离存储空间 Detach a Storage Space
32867停止优化驱动器使用率 Stop optimizing drive usage
32880正在启动任务... Starting task...
32881正在使驱动器脱机... Taking the drive offline...
32882正在使驱动器联机... Bringing the drive online...
32883正在准备驱动器... Preparing drives...
32884正在创建池... Creating the pool...
32885正在删除池... Deleting the pool...
32886正在格式化驱动器... Formatting drives...
32887正在重命名池... Renaming the pool...
32890正在创建存储空间... Creating the storage space...
32891正在格式化存储空间... Formatting the storage space...
32892正在删除存储空间... Deleting the storage space...
32893正在更改存储空间... Changing the storage space...
32895正在连接存储空间... Attaching the storage space...
32896正在分离存储空间... Detaching the storage space...
32897正在向池添加驱动器... Adding the drives to the pool...
32898正在从池中删除驱动器... Removing the drive from the pool...
32900正在重命名驱动器... Renaming the drive...
32901正在重置驱动器... Resetting the drive...
32902发生错误,该操作可能无法完成。 An error occurred and the operation might not have completed.
32903正在准备将数据移出驱动器... Preparing to move data off the drive...
32904正在启动优化... Starting optimization...
32905正在升级池... Upgrading the pool...
32912状态未知 Status unknown
32913正在等待群集启动 Waiting for cluster to start
32914配置无法识别;重置驱动器 Unrecognized configuration; reset drive
32915失败;删除驱动器 Failed; remove drive
32916已从池中分离;重置驱动器 Separated from pool; reset drive
32917错误;考虑更换 Error; consider replacing
32919已断开连接;重新连接驱动器 Disconnected; reconnect drive
32927已退出;添加一个驱动器,然后删除此驱动器 Retired; add a drive then remove this drive
32928正在为删除做准备 Preparing for removal
32929准备好删除 Ready to remove
33024复原减少;检查“物理驱动器”部分 Reduced resiliency; check the Physical drives section
33025复原减少;重新连接驱动器 Reduced resiliency; reconnect drives
33026正在修复(%1) Repairing (%1)
33027无法访问;检查“物理驱动器”部分 Inaccessible; check the Physical drives section
33028无法访问;重新连接驱动器 Inaccessible; reconnect drives
33029无法通过用户操作访问 Inaccessible by user action
33030因超时而无法访问 Inaccessible due to timeout
33031无容量;请添加一个驱动器 No capacity; add 1 drive
33032容量低;请添加一个驱动器 Low capacity; add 1 drive
33033未格式化;请格式化存储空间 Not formatted; format storage space
33040脱机;使其联机 Offline; bring online
33041通过策略脱机;使其联机 Offline by policy; bring online
33042由于容量不足而脱机;使其联机 Offline due to lack of capacity; bring online
33043无容量;添加 %1!d! 个驱动器 No capacity; add %1!d! drives
33044容量不足;添加 %1!d! 个驱动器 Low capacity; add %1!d! drives
33045由于关键写入失败而处于脱机状态;添加驱动器 Offline due to critical write failures; add drives
33046等待数据完整性扫描而处于脱机状态;使其联机 Offline awaiting data integrity scan; bring online
33297只读;检查“物理驱动器”部分 Read-only; check the Physical drives section
33298驱动器问题;检查“物理驱动器”部分 Drive issues; check the Physical drives section
33300只能通过用户操作读取 Read-only by user action
33301无容量;添加驱动器 No capacity; add drives
33302容量不足;添加驱动器 Low capacity; add drives
33303驱动器或存储空间问题;检查“物理驱动器”和“存储空间”部分 Drive or storage space issues; check the Physical drives and Storage spaces sections
33304池不完整;重新连接驱动器 Incomplete pool; reconnect drives
33552没有足够的可用容量 Not enough available capacity
33553虚拟磁盘无法完成该操作,因为另一台计算机控制其配置 The virtual disk could not complete the operation because another computer controls its configuration
33554没有足够资源来完成该操作 There are not enough resources to complete the operation
33555存储池无法完成该操作,因为其配置为只读 The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only
33556无法删除驱动器,因为无法重新分配所有数据。请在该池中添加额外的驱动器,然后重试该操作。 Drive could not be removed because not all data could be reallocated. Add an additional drive to this pool and reattempt this operation.
33557存储池无法完成该操作,因为其运行状况或操作状态不允许 The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it
33558该操作不支持某个指定的物理磁盘 One of the physical disks specified is not supported by this operation
33584无法添加一个或多个驱动器 Can't add one or more drives
33585检查驱动器连接,然后重试。 Check the drive connections, and then try again.
33586无法添加驱动器 Can't add drives
33588无法连接存储空间 Can't attach the storage space
33589检查“物理驱动器”部分以查找显示警告或错误的驱动器。 Check the Physical drives section for drives that display Warning or Error.
33590无法使用一个或多个驱动器 Can't use one or more drives
33591检查驱动器连接,然后将驱动器添加到池中。 Check the drive connections, and then add the drives to the pool.
33592无法创建池 Can't create the pool
33594无法创建存储空间 Can't create the storage space
33596无法删除池 Can't delete the pool
33597无法删除存储空间 Can't delete the storage space
33598关闭正在访问存储空间的所有应用程序,然后重试。 Close all applications that are accessing the storage space, and then try again.
33599无法分离存储空间 Can't detach the storage space
33601无法格式化存储空间 Can't format the storage space
33602无法使驱动器脱机 Can't take the drive offline
33603关闭正在访问驱动器的所有应用程序,然后重试。 Close all applications that are accessing the drive, and then try again.
33604无法使驱动器联机 Can't bring the drive online
33605无法准备驱动器 Can't prepare drives
33608无法格式化驱动器 Can't format the drive
33610无法从池中删除驱动器 Can't remove the drive from the pool
33611无法重命名驱动器 Can't rename the drive
33614无法重命名池 Can't rename the pool
33616无法更改存储空间 Can't change the storage space
33617无法重置驱动器 Can't reset the drive


File Name:SpaceControl.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:存储空间控制面板
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SpaceControl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:SpaceControl.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is SpaceControl.dll.mui?

SpaceControl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file SpaceControl.dll (存储空间控制面板).

File version info

File Description:存储空间控制面板
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SpaceControl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:SpaceControl.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200