zipfldr.dll.mui Komprimirane mape cf859638877f3ab46059ccb8555b17f1

File info

File name: zipfldr.dll.mui
Size: 28160 byte
MD5: cf859638877f3ab46059ccb8555b17f1
SHA1: 1906b0523dd792e44074566b500df0768ae449bd
SHA256: da0052edb6738d864c942ae49bc32b04975ae9d0ac96d611543a6ac33569060d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
100Izdvaja sve datoteke na razini ovog imenika i izvodi odabrane stavke Extract all files at this directory level and execute selected item(s)
101Izvodi samo odabrane stavke Execute only the selected item(s)
102Otvori Open
103Istraži Explore
105Kopira stavke u međuspremnik za kasnije lijepljenje na druge mape Copy item(s) to the clipboard for later pasting to other folders
107Izdvaja stavke na mjesto koje ćete odrediti Extract item(s) to a location that you specify
111TRAJNO briše odabrane stavke (nije moguće vraćanje) PERMANENTLY delete selected item(s) (no Undo possible)
112Prikazuje list svojstava za odabranu stavku Display property sheet for selected item
113Izrezuje stavke u međuspremnik za kasnije lijepljenje na druge mape Cut item(s) to the clipboard for later pasting to other folders
10010Izreži Cut
10011Kopiraj Copy
10012Izbriši Delete
10013Preimenuj Rename
10014Svojstva... Properties...
10015Spremljeno Stored
10016Stisnuto Shrunk
10017Smanjeno Reduced
10018Implodirano Imploded
10019Tokenizirano Tokenized
10020Komprimirano (Deflated) Deflated
10021Nepoznato Unknown
10026Vrsta Type
10027Pristup objektu %1 je odbijen. Access to %1 was denied.
10028%d od %d %d of %d
10033Izdvoji... Extracting...
10038Put %1!s! ne postoji. The path %1!s! does not exist.
10039Iz&dvoji sve... Ex&tract All...
10041Izdvaja sadržaj mape Extracts folder contents
10055Pogreška komprimirane (zipane) mape Compressed (zipped) Folders Error
10066(Korijenski imenik arhiva) (Archive Root Directory)
10075Nevažeća lozinka Invalid Password
10076Lozinka koju ste upisali nije valjana. Želite
li sada upisati novu lozinku?
The password you have entered is invalid. Do you
wish to enter a new password now?
10080Da Yes
10081Ne No
10091Komprimiranje... Compressing...
10093Uklanjanje izvornika... Removing Originals...
10094Iako su datoteke uspješno dodane u arhivu, Komprimirane (zipane) mape
nisu u potpunosti uklonjeni izvornici (provjerite da datoteke
nisu zaštićene od pisanja, te da imate dovoljno ovlasti
da ih uklonite).
Although the files were successfully added to the archive, Compressed (zipped) Folders
was unable to completely remove the originals (verify that the files
are not write protected, and that you have sufficient privileges to
remove them).
10095&Izdvoji... &Extract...
10097Izdvaja sve datoteke iz odabranih arhiva na odredišno mjesto Extract all files from the selected archive(s) to the drop location
10101Komprimirane (zipane) mape nisu mogle stvoriti navedeni imenik. Provjerite
ne postoji li već ta mapa te je li upisani put valjan.
Compressed (zipped) Folders was unable to create the specified directory. Ensure that
the directory does not already exist, and that the path entered is valid.
10112Komprimirane mape Compressed (zipped) Folders
10129Uklanjanje lozinki iz datoteka... Removing password from files...
10135Izdvajanje komprimiranih mapa Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders
10136Ova mapa već sadrži datoteku s nazivom '%s'. Želite li zamijeniti postojeću datoteku? This folder already contains a file named '%s'. Would you like to replace the existing file?
10137Nema dovoljno memorije za izdvajanje komprimirane datoteke. Not enough memory to extract the compressed file.
10138Navedena komprimirana datoteka je prazna. The specified compressed file is empty.
10139Pogreška pri stvaranju izlazne datoteke. Error creating output file.
10140Pogreška pri otvaranju komprimirane datoteke. Error opening the compressed file.
10141Pogreška pri čitanju datoteke Error reading the file
10142Datoteka je preskočena zbog nepoznatog načina komprimiranja. File skipped unknown compression method.
10143Unos trenutno nije moguć. Busy cannot enter now.
10144Na disku nema dovoljno prostora za izdvajanje datoteke. There is not enough space on the disk to extract the file.
10145Nema datoteka za izdvajanje. No files to extract.
10146Neočekivani kraj datoteke. Unexpected end of file.
10148Komprimirana (zipana) mapa Compressed (zipped) folder
10149Pojavila se pogreška pri izvođenju ove operacije. An error occurred while performing this operation.
10150Komprimirana (zipana) mapa nije valjana ili je oštećena. The Compressed (zipped) Folder is invalid or corrupted.
10151Isti pogon koristi se i kao izvor i kao odredište tijekom izdvajanja iz ZIP datoteke koja se nalazi na više nositelja podataka. Same volume used as both source and destination during extraction from multi volume ZIP file.
10152Nije moguće izdvojiti stavku ID jedinice. Cannot extract a volume ID Item.
10153Loša struktura naredbe. Bad command structure.
10154Lozinke nema ili ne odgovara. Bad or missing password.
10155Imenik ne postoji. Treba li ga stvoriti? Directory does not exist. Create it?
10156Interna logička pogreška. Internal logic error.
10157Sustav Windows ne može stvoriti komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu.
Izvorna mapa sadrži previše datoteka.
Windows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder.
The source folder contains too many files.
10158Nevažeći oblik naredbe. Invalid command format.
10159Zip datoteka nije valjana ili nema dovoljno memorije. Zip file invalid or insufficient memory.
10160Aplikacija je prekinula postupak. Application cancelled operation.
10161Nema dovoljno prostora na disku za izvođenje ovog postupka. There is not enough space on the drive to perform this operation.
10163Postupak se ne može provesti jer nije moguće pronaći datoteke ili mape. The operation cannot be performed because the file or folder cannot be found.
10164Zip datoteke nema ili je prazna. Missing or empty Zip file.
10165Pogreška pri zapisivanju izlazne datoteke. Možda je disk pun. Output file write failure. Your disk could be full.
10166Sustav Windows ne može stvoriti komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu.

Datoteka se možda koristi.
Windows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder.

The file may be in use.
10167Nevažeća kombinacija kontrolnih parametara. Invalid combination of control parameters.
10168Nije moguće dovršiti postupak. Could not complete operation.
10169Pogreška medija, disk nije spreman ili je došlo do hardverske pogreške. Media error, disk not ready, or hardware error.
10170Datoteka nije pronađena ili nema dozvole za čitanje. File not found or no read permission.
10171Kombinacija parametara za više jedinica nije valjana. Invalid combination of multi volume parameters.
10172Nepravilno korištenje ZIP datoteke koja se nalazi na više nositelja podataka. Improper use of multi-volume ZIP file.
10173Nije moguće dodati lozinku datotekama koje imaju "-" ili "&" u nazivu. Cannot add a password to files which have '-' or '&' in the file name.
10179PromptFlag PromptFlag
10180Nije moguće premjestiti komprimiranu (zipanu) datoteku u nju samu. Cannot Move a Compressed (zipped) Folder into itself.
10184Instalacijski program Setup
10185Instaliraj Install
10188&Ukloni lozinku... Remo&ve Password...
10189Lozinka koju ste upisali nije ispravna. Pokušajte je upisati ponovno. The password that you typed is not correct. Try typing it again.
10190Nevažeća lozinka, nije moguće otvoriti. Invalid password, could not open.
10192Na disku nema dovoljno prostora za izvođenje ovog postupka. There is not enough space on the disk to perform this operation.
10193Ova mapa već ima lozinku. Uklonite lozinku prije ponovnog pokušaja. This folder already has a password, please remove the password before trying again.
10194Nova komprimirana (zipana) mapa New Compressed (zipped) Folder
10195Komprimirana mapa Compressed (zipped) Folder
10196Lozinku nije moguće dodati na praznu komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu. Cannot add a password to an empty Compressed (zipped) Folder.
10197Dodaje lozinku sadržaju mape. Adds a password to folder contents.
10198Uklanja lozinku iz sadržaja mape. Removes a password from folder contents.
10199Nije moguće izračunati slobodan prostor na disku. Could not calculate free space on the drive.
10200Nije moguće kopirati komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu u nju samu. Cannot copy a Compressed (zipped) Folder onto itself.
10201Datoteka '%s' je samo za čitanje, sistemska ili skrivena. Želite li zamijeniti postojeću datoteku? File '%s' is either a read only, system, or hidden file. Would you like to replace the existing file.
10202Nije uspjela promjena atributa. Failed to change the attributes.
10203Umetnite disketu %d od %d. Please insert disk %d of %d.
10204Pojavila se pogreška pri otvaranju ZIP datoteke. An error occurred while opening the ZIP file.
10205Pojavila se pogreška pri čitanju ZIP datoteke. An error occurred while reading the ZIP file.
10206Pojavila se pogreška pri pisanju ZIP datoteku. An error occurred while writing to the ZIP file.
10207Umetnite disketu %d. Please insert disk %d.
10208Ciljni medij je NE-izmjenjiv, pa se ne može koristiti za postupak korištenja više nositelja podataka. Target Media is NON-Removable and can not be used for a Multi-Volume operation.
10209Isti nositelj podataka ne može se koristiti i kao izvor i kao odredište The same volume can not be used as both the source and destination
10210Umetnite prvi nositelj podataka iz skupa više nositelja podataka. Please insert the first disk of the Multi-Volume set.
10211Umetnite zadnji nositelj podataka iz skupa više nositelja podataka i
kliknite U redu za nastavak.
Please insert the last disk of the Multi-Volume set and
click OK to continue.
10212Umetnite prvi nositelj podataka iz skupa više nositelja podataka i
kliknite U redu za nastavak .
Please insert the first disk of the Multi-Volume set and
click OK to continue .
10213Pojavila se pogreška pri pokušaju formatiranja diska. An error occurred while trying to format the disk.
10214Ova mapa već sadrži mapu s nazivom '%1'. Preimenujte mapu i dajte joj jedinstven naziv, a zatim ponovite postupak. This folder already contains a folder named '%1'. Rename the folder you are trying to copy and then perform the operation again.
10216Mapa se ne može premjestiti ili kopirati Unable to move or copy folder
10217Poništi Undo
10218Pril&agodba &Customize
10219Naziv datoteke %1 je predug. Navedite drugi naziv datoteke. The file name %1 is too long. Specify a different file name.
10221(Više) (Multiple)
10222%d mape, %d datoteke %d Folders, %d Files
10223%d mape %d Folders
10224%d datoteke %d Files
10226Komprimirana (zipana) mapa poslana je na cilj Compressed (zipped) Folder SendTo Target
10227Temp%1_%2\ Temp%1_%2\
10228Navedeni je direktorij %1!s! prazan, pa ga Komprimirane (zipane) mape ne mogu dodati u arhiv. The specified directory %1!s! is empty, so Compressed (zipped) Folders cannot add it to the archive.
10229Nije moguće dovršiti postupak.

Pristup je odbijen.
Unable to complete the operation.

Access is denied.
10230Komprimirano Deflated 64 Deflated 64
10231%s, ... %s, ...
10302Izdvoji sve datoteke Extract all files
10419'%1' se ne može komprimirati jer sadrži znakove kao što je %2, koji se ne mogu koristiti u komprimiranim mapama. Morate preimenovati ovu datoteku ili direktorij. '%1' cannot be compressed because it includes characters that cannot be used in a compressed folder, such as %2. You should rename this file or directory.
10420Kompresija se ne može izvršiti jer je put do datoteke ili imenika '%1' predug. The compression cannot be performed because the path to the file or directory '%1' is too long.
10421Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu '%1' nije moguće pronaći.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' cannot be found.
10422Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Odbijen je pristup komprimiranoj (zipanoj) mapi '%1'.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

Access to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' is denied.
10423Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Komprimirana (zipana) mapa '%1' nije valjana.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' is invalid.
10424Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Put do odredišne mape nije valjan. Navedite drugi put.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination folder path is invalid. Please specify a different path.
10425Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Put do odredišne mape ne može biti relativan. Navedite drugi put.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination folder path cannot be relative. Please specify a different path.
10426Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Odredišni put nije imenik. Navedite put do imenika.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination path is not a directory. Please specify a directory path.
10427Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Put do komprimirane (zipane) mape '%1' je predug.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The path to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' is too long.
10428Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Odredišni je put predug. Preimenujte komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu i pokušajte ponovno.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination path is too long. Rename the Compressed (zipped) Folder and try again.
10429Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Nije bilo moguće stvoriti odredišnu datoteku.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination file could not be created.
10430Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Nije bilo moguće stvoriti odredišnu mapu.
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination folder could not be created.
10431Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Put do komprimirane (zipane) mape '%1' sadrži znakove koji onemogućuju izdvajanje: %2
Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The path to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' contains characters that prevent its extraction: %2
10432Windows ne može završiti izdvajanje.

Nije moguće pronaći komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu '%1'.
Windows cannot open the folder.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' cannot be found.
10433Windows ne može otvoriti mapu.

Odbijen je pristup komprimiranoj (zipanoj) mapi '%1'.
Windows cannot open the folder.

Access to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' is denied.
10434Windows ne može otvoriti mapu.

Komprimirana (zipana) mapa '%1' nije valjana.
Windows cannot open the folder.

The Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' is invalid.
10435Windows ne može otvoriti mapu.

Put do komprimirane (zipane) mape '%1' sadrži znakove koji onemogućuju izdvajanje: %2
Windows cannot open the folder.

The path to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' contains characters that prevent its extraction: %2
10450Windows ovdje ne može stvoriti komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu.
Želite li da umjesto toga ona bude stavljena na radnu površinu?
Windows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder here.
Do you want it to be placed on the desktop instead?
10451Windows ne može stvoriti komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu jer je navedena mapa prazna. Windows cannot create the Compressed (zipped) Folder because the specified folder is empty.
10500Odabir odredišta i izdvajanje datoteka Select a Destination and Extract Files
10506Nije moguće dovršiti rad s čarobnjakom za izdvajanje iz komprimiranih (zipanih) mapa Cannot Complete the Compressed (zipped) Folders Extraction Wizard
10509Postupak izdvajanja nije dovršen The Extraction Operation was not Completed
10512&Izdvoji &Extract
10520Odabir odredišta Select a destination
10521Windows nije mogao dodati neke prazne direktorije u komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu. Windows was unable to add one or more empty directories to the Compressed (zipped) Folder.
10530Komprimiraj Zip
10531Stvori komprimiranu (zipanu) mapu koja sadrži odabrane stavke. Create a compressed (zipped) folder that contains the selected items.
10544Jedna od odabranih datoteka ili više njih ne mogu se dodati u komprimiranu (zip) mapu jer su samo mrežne. Želite li ih staviti na raspolaganje izvanmrežno i nastaviti? One or more of the selected files can't be added to a compressed (zipped) folder because they're online-only. Do you want to make them available offline and continue?
10545Jedna od odabranih datoteka ili više njih ne mogu se preuzeti. Provjerite nije li pauzirano sinkroniziranje datoteka pa pokušajte ponovno. One or more of the selected files couldn't be downloaded. Make sure file syncing isn't paused and try again.
10546Datoteka '%1' ne može se dodati u komprimiranu (zip) mapu jer je samo mrežna. Želite li je staviti na raspolaganje izvanmrežno i nastaviti? '%1' can't be added to a compressed (zipped) folder because it's online-only. Do you want to make it available offline and continue?
10547Datoteka se ne može preuzeti. Provjerite nije li pauzirano sinkroniziranje datoteka pa pokušajte ponovno. The file couldn't be downloaded. Make sure file syncing isn't paused and try again.
10548Preuzimanje datoteke %1 Downloading %1
10600Komprimirane mape ne podržavaju šifriranje.

Mapa %1 bit će kopirana bez šifriranja. Želite li nastaviti?
Compressed (zipped) folders do not support encryption.

%1 will be copied without encryption. Do you want to continue?
10601Komprimirane mape ne podržavaju šifriranje.

%1!u! stavki bit će kopirano bez šifriranja. Želite li nastaviti?
Compressed (zipped) folders do not support encryption.

%1!u! items will be copied without encryption. Do you want to continue?
10602Komprimirana će se mapa promijeniti u poslovnu This compressed (zipped) folder will be changed to Work
10603Datoteka je poslovna pa će se %1 promijeniti u poslovno. Želite li nastaviti? This is a Work file, so %1 will be changed to Work. Do you want to continue?
10604Datoteke su poslovne pa će se %1 promijeniti u poslovno. Želite li nastaviti? These are Work files, so %1 will be changed to Work. Do you want to continue?
10605Poslovne se datoteke ne mogu dodati u komprimiranu mapu Can't add Work files to this compressed (zipped) folder

Komprimirana mapa već je vlasništvo druge tvrtke ili ustanove.

This compressed (zipped) folder is already owned by another organization.
0x10000034SQM SQM
0x30000001Pokreni Start
0x30000002Zaustavi Stop
0x50000004Informacije Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Shell-ZipFolder Microsoft-Windows-Shell-ZipFolder


File Name:zipfldr.dll.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:27648
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Komprimirane mape
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Compressed (zipped) Folders Shell Extension
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:ZIPFLDR.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is zipfldr.dll.mui?

zipfldr.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file zipfldr.dll (Komprimirane mape).

File version info

File Description:Komprimirane mape
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Compressed (zipped) Folders Shell Extension
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:ZIPFLDR.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200