webcheck.dll.mui Nadgledanje Veb lokacije cee75465f2039a979dbf0354646cc612

File info

File name: webcheck.dll.mui
Size: 35328 byte
MD5: cee75465f2039a979dbf0354646cc612
SHA1: b2e6f5862e561b975743f7871dd407511a5e709d
SHA256: f9ad7ca2ea560d925a43443842472ea84d1a5be2c792008b71b9553c9b9f4747
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
8000Sva ažuriranja se zaustavljaju. Sačekajte. Stopping all updates. Please wait.

Ovu e-poruku vam je poslao Internet Explorer 8
Da biste zaustavili ovo obaveštavanje putem e-poruke, uredite svojstva ove stavke van mreže.
Da biste pronašli ovu stavku, u meniju „Omiljene lokacije“ izaberite stavku „Upravljaj stavkama van mreže“.
Da biste uredili njena svojstva, kliknite desnim tasterom miša na stavku i izaberite stavku „Svojstva“.

This e-mail was sent to you by Internet Explorer 8
To stop this e-mail notification, edit the properties of this offline item.
To find this item, click the Favorites menu and then click Manage Offline Items.
To edit its properties, right-click the item, and then click Properties.
8004Lokacija van mreže '%s' je ažurirana.%sDa biste prikazali ovu stranicu, kliknite ovde: %s%sOvu poruku je poslao agent za dostavu informacija programa Internet Explorer 8. Your offline site '%s' has been updated.%sTo view this page, click here: %s%sThis message was sent by the Internet Explorer 8 Information Delivery Agent.
8006To: %1
Subject: Internet Explorer Notice: %2
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_NextPart_0"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=%4
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

To: %1
Subject: Internet Explorer Notice: %2
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_NextPart_0"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=%4
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

8007Lokacija van mreže '%s' je ažurirana.

Da biste prikazali ovu stranicu, kliknite ovde: %s

Ovu poruku je poslao agent za dostavu informacija programa Internet Explorer 8.
Your offline site '%s' has been updated.

To view the page, click here: %s

This message was sent by the Internet Explorer 8 Information Delivery Agent.
8009Ažurirana stavka sa mreže: %s
Offline item updated: %s
8010Beleška programa Internet Explorer: %s
Internet Explorer Notice: %s
8011Tema: Ažurirana stavka van mreže: %1
Vaša lokacija van mreže '%2' je ažurirana.

Da biste prikazali ovu stranicu, kliknite ovde: %3

Ovu poruku je poslao agent za dostavu informacija programa Internet Explorer 8.
Subject: Offline item updated: %1
Your offline site '%2' has been updated.

To view the page, click here: %3

This message was sent by the Internet Explorer 8 Information Delivery Agent.
8012Tema: Beleška programa Internet Explorer: %1
Subject: Internet Explorer Notice: %1
8013Greška: Dostignuta je gornja granica za privremene Internet datoteke Error: Size limit for Temporary Internet Files reached
8014Upozorenje: Dostignuta je gornja granica za stavku van mreže Warning: Size limit for offline item reached

8016Želite li da prekinete vezu sa %1!s!? Do you want to close the connection to %1!s!?
8018Veza sa %1!s! je bila neaktivna i stoga je prekinuta.

Ako želite da isključite ili izmenite automatsko prekidanje veze, kliknite na ikonu „Internet“ na kontrolnoj tabli.
The connection to %1!s! was idle and was disconnected.

If you want to turn off or change Auto Disconnect, click the Internet icon in Control Panel.
8020Nije moguće povezati se Cannot connect
8021Nema stavki van mreže No offline items
Ova lokacija je delimično preuzeta na računar. Preuzimanje nije dovršeno zato što: %ws.

This site has been partially downloaded to your computer. The download wasn't completed because: %ws.

8023Neuspešno Failed
8024Uspešno Successful
8025Nije uspela potvrda poverenja. Trust verification failure.
8030Kanali Channels
8032Ažurirano: nekoliko grešaka pri preuzimanju Updated: Some download errors
8033Greška: nepovratna greška u ažuriranju Error: Unrecoverable update error
8034Ažurirano Updated
8035Ažurirano: nisu otkrivene nikakve promene Updated: No changes detected
8044Dnevno Daily
8046Želite li zaista da izbrišete ovih %d stavki van mreže? Are you sure you want to delete these %d offline items?
8047Odabrali ste da vam ovaj kanal bude dostupan van mreže i da ga možete dodati na interfejs aktivne radne površine. You have chosen to make this channel available offline and add it to your Active Desktop interface.
8048Odabrali ste da vam ovaj kanal bude dostupan van mreže i da ga možete dodati na interfejs aktivne radne površine. Za ovaj kanal je potrebna lozinka, stoga odaberite „Prilagodi“ i unesite lozinku. You have chosen to make this channel available offline and add it to your Active Desktop interface. This channel requires a password, please choose Customize and enter it.
8049&Detalji &Details
8050Detalj Detail
8051Već je povezan Already connected
8052Koristi se direktna Internet veza Using direct Internet connection
8053Nije moguće povezati na Internet Unable to connect to the Internet
8054Koristi se proxy server Using proxy server
8055Povezan Connected
8056Veza sa %1!s! je neaktivna %2!u! minuta. The connection to %1!s! has been idle for %2!u! minutes.
8076Isplaniraj Schedule
8078Internet Explorer ne podržava sinhronizaciju ovog tipa URL adrese. Internet Explorer doesn't support synchronizing this type of URL.
8090Poslednja sinhronizacija Last Synchronization
8091Važeće vrednost je duboka od 0 do 5 nivoa. A valid value is from 0 to 5 levels deep.
8092Ako ova lokacija zahteva korisničko ime i lozinku, kliknite na dugme „Opcije prijavljivanja“. If this site requires a username and password, click Login Options.
8093Naveli ste korisničko ime i lozinku za ovu lokaciju. Da biste pregledali ili izmenili ove opcije, kliknite na: You have specified the username and password for this site. To review or change these options, click:
8103Ime Name
8104Unesite svoju lozinku za ovaj kanal. Please provide your password for this channel.
8105Unesite svoje korisničko ime za ovaj kanal. Please provide your user name for this channel.
8106Da biste mogli da primate obaveštenja putem e-pošte treba da unesete imena vaše e-pošte i SMTP servera. To receive e-mail notifications you need to provide your e-mail and SMTP server names.
8107Navedite svoju lozinku za ovu Veb lokaciju. Please provide your password for this website.
8108Za pozivanje je često potrebno korisničko ime i lozinka. Unesite ovu informaciju na kontrolnu tablu Interneta. Automatic dial-up usually requires a user name and password. Please enter this information in the Internet Control Panel.
8109Navedite svoje korisničko ime za ovu Veb lokaciju. Please provide your user name for this website.
8111Sledeće ažuriranje Next update
8112&Nema detalja &No details
8113Ništa None
8124Ova radnja je ograničena. Za više informacija obratite se administratoru sistema. This action is restricted. For more information, please contact your system administrator.
8137Channel Screen Saver.scr Channel Screen Saver.scr
8138Zaključena je sesija ažuriranja. Update session concluded.
8143Ograničenje veličine lokacije mora da bude između 50 KB i 20,000 KB. Da biste onemogućili ograničenje veličine, opozovite odabir. Stvarna veličina iskorišćenosti diska ograničena je i veličinom fascikle privremenih Internet datoteka. The site size limit must be between 50 KB to 20,000 KB. To disable the size limit, clear this check box. The actual amount of disk usage is also constrained by the size of the Temporary Internet Files folder.
8144Veličina Size
8146Ažuriranja softvera Software Updates
8147%d dokumenata (%dK) je premešteno u %d:%02d %d documents (%dK) transferred in %d:%02d
8148Operacija je zaustavljena Operation was stopped
8149Greška: prijavljivanje nije uspelo (ime i lozinka su odbijeni) Error: Login failed (name/password refused)
8150Greška pri učitavanju URL adrese Error downloading URL
8151Status Status
8153Greška tokom ažuriranja Error while updating
8155Greška: manjak resursa ili memorije Error: Low resources or memory
8157Stavke van mreže nisu ažurirane zato što se veza sa Internetom nije mogla uspostaviti putem modema. Offline items were not updated because a connection to the Internet could not be made via the modem.
8158Nije moguće povezati na Internet. Unable to connect to the Internet.
8159Stavke van mreže nisu ažurirane zato što se veza sa Internetom nije mogla uspostaviti jer je uključeno deljenje datoteka za Microsoft mreže. Da biste isključili deljenje datoteka, odaberite ikonu „Mreža“ na kontrolnoj tabli. Offline items were not updated because a connection to the Internet could not be made because File Sharing for Microsoft Networks is turned on. To turn off File Sharing, please choose the Network Icon in the Control Panel.
8160Internet Explorer nije mogao da pronađe nijednu stavku van mreže koju sada treba da ažurira. Internet Explorer couldn't find any offline items to update at this time.
8177Na ručnom ažuriranju On manual update
8190Veb stranice van mreže Offline Webpages
8191us-ascii us-ascii
8195(nepoznato) (unknown)
8198Lokacija Location
8200Lokacija je promenjena Site changed
8201Promene nisu pronađene No changes found
8210Nedeljno Weekly
8214Ako dobavljač sadržaja navede veze ka dodatnim stranicama, želite li da i te stranice budu dostupne van mreže? If the content provider specifies links to additional pages, would you like to make those pages available offline too?
8215Ako ova omiljena lokacija sadrži veze ka drugim stranicama, želite li da i te stranice budu dostupne van mreže? If this favorite contains links to other pages, would you like to make those pages available offline too?
8228Morate navesti e-adresu i ime servera. You must specify an e-mail address and server name.
8229%ws Predloženi planer %ws Recommended Schedule
8230Želite li zaista da izbrišete '%1!.1023ws!'? Are you sure you want to delete '%1!.1023ws!'?
8231Lozinke koje ste uneli se ne podudaraju. The passwords you entered do not match.
8232Svakih %1!.1023ws! dana u %2!.1023ws! Every %1!.1023ws! days at %2!.1023ws!
8233Već imate postojeći planer koji se zove '%.1023ws' sa sledećim postavkama: You already have an existing schedule named '%.1023ws' with the following settings:
8234Nijedan planer nije proveren. No schedules are checked.
8236Dnevno u %2!.1023ws! Daily at %2!.1023ws!
8237Van mreže Offline
8239Potvrdite brisanje planera Confirm Schedule Delete
8240Nepoznato Unknown
8241Potvrda brisanja stavke van mreže Confirm Offline Item Delete
8244Čeka se na neaktivnost sistema Waiting for idle system
8245Ažuriranje se nastavlja Resuming update
8246Unesite ime plana! Please enter a schedule name!
8247Morate uneti ime datoteke. You must type a file name.
8248Preimenuj Rename
8249Dostignuta je granica privremenih Internet datoteka Temporary Internet Files limit reached
8250Da bi vam pomogao da upravljate prostorom na čvrstom disku, Internet Explorer ograničava prostor na disku koji mogu koristiti stranice van mreže. Taj prostor je sada pun. Želite li da uvećate veličinu prostora koja se koristi za skladištenje stranica van mreže? To help you manage hard disk space, Internet Explorer limits the space that offline pages can use. That space is now full. Would you like to increase the amount of space used for storing offline pages?
8251Robots.txt upozorenje: neke stranice nisu preuzete na osnovu zahteva lokacije Robots.txt warning: Some pages not downloaded by site's request
8253Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 8
8300Upozorenje: planirana ažuriranja su onemogućena Warning: Scheduled updates are disabled
8301Upozorenje: planirana ažuriranja su ograničena Warning: Scheduled updates are restricted
8302Upozorenje: planirano ažuriranje se desilo pre minimalnog intervala za ažuriranje Warning: Scheduled update occurred before minimum update interval
8303Upozorenje: planirano ažuriranje se desilo tokom zabranjenog vremena Warning: Scheduled update occurred during a restricted time
8600Otvara izabrane stavke. Opens the selected items.
8601Sinhronizuje izabrane stavke. Synchronizes the selected items.
8602Preimenuje izabrane stavke. Renames the selected items.
8603Kopira izabrane stavke u ostavu. Copies the selected items to the Clipboard.
8604Briše izabrane stavke. Deletes the selected items.
8605Prikazuje svojstva izabranih stavki. Displays the properties of the selected items.
8607Prikazuje Veb stranice, a da ih pri tom ne preuzima sa mreže. Shows webpages without fetching them from net.
8608Sinhronizuje sve stavke. Synchronizes all items.
8610Sortira stavke po imenu. Sorts items by name.
8620Otvara pomoć za Internet Explorer. Opens help for Internet Explorer.


File Name:webcheck.dll.mui
File Size:34 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:34816
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:11.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Unknown (241A)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Nadgledanje Veb lokacije
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WEBCHECK.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:WEBCHECK.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is webcheck.dll.mui?

webcheck.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file webcheck.dll (Nadgledanje Veb lokacije).

File version info

File Description:Nadgledanje Veb lokacije
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WEBCHECK.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:WEBCHECK.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200