CbsProvider.dll.mui DISM 程序包提供程序 cbddac68d8d8b6e665001d7e6e5f4bac

File info

File name: CbsProvider.dll.mui
Size: 27136 byte
MD5: cbddac68d8d8b6e665001d7e6e5f4bac
SHA1: 970e2f22ff8e111831a38f2647244f857e9e4923
SHA256: 184fae452bb7d56881cf55d01b504ce3d5f567a7caf60a62a6d7e54ec4eaa62f
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100CBSProvider CBSProvider
101正在添加程序包 %1!s! Adding package %1!s!
102正在删除程序包 %1!s! Removing package %1!s!
103启用一个或多个功能 Enabling feature(s)
104禁用一个或多个功能 Disabling feature(s)
105正在暂存程序包 %1!s! Staging package %1!s!
106由于重新启动已暂停,因此程序包 %1!s! 可能已失败。重新启动系统,然后重试此命令。 Package %1!s! may have failed due to a pending restart. Restart the system and try the command again.
107由于对映像中正在运行的组件的更新处于挂起状态,程序包 %1!s! 可能已失败。请重试此命令。 Package %1!s! may have failed due to pending updates to servicing components in the image. Try the command again.
108程序包名称 Package Name
109状态 State
110安装时间 Install Time
111发行类型 Release Type
112程序包列表: Packages listing:
113程序包信息: Package information:
114适用 Applicable
115 Yes
116 No
117版权所有 Copyright
118公司 Company
119创建时间 Creation Time
120描述 Description
121身份标识 Identity
122安装客户端 Install Client
123安装位置 Install Location
124安装程序包名称 Install Package Name
125安装用户名 Install User Name
126上次更新时间 Last Update Time
127名称 Name
128产品版本 Product Version
129需要重新启动 Restart Required
130技术支持信息 Support Information
131程序包功能列表 Features listing for package
132功能名称 Feature Name
133父程序包 Parent Package
134功能信息: Feature Information:
135显示名称 Display Name
Removing unused components from the image.
138(没有找到此程序包的功能) (No features found for this package)
139产品名称 Product Name
140程序包标识符 Package Identity
Reverting pending actions from the image...
142(没有找到程序包) (No packages found)
The operation completed. Revert of pending actions will be attempted after the reboot.
144自定义属性: Custom Properties:
145(没有找到任何自定义属性) (No custom properties found)
146可完全脱机安装 Completely offline capable
147功能标识 Capability Identity
148功能列表: Capability listing:
150(未找到功能) (No capability found)
151下载大小 Download Size
152安装大小 Install Size
153自服务程序包 Self servicing package
200不存在 Not Present
201卸载挂起 Uninstall Pending
202暂存 Staged
204已安装 Installed
205安装挂起 Install Pending
206被取代 Superseded
207不完全安装 Partially Installed
250已禁用 Disabled
251禁用挂起 Disable Pending
254已启用 Enabled
255启用挂起 Enable Pending
256启用的功能 Enabled Features
257禁用的功能 Disabled Features
260禁用已删除的负载 Disabled with Payload Removed
300删除安装 Service Pack 期间创建的备份文件。
Removing backup files created during service pack installation.
301Service Pack 清理 Service Pack Cleanup
302Service Pack 清理操作完成。
Service Pack Cleanup operation completed.
303Service Pack 清理无法继续: 找不到 Service Pack 备份文件。
Service Pack Cleanup cannot proceed: No Service Pack backup files were found.
304Service Pack 清理无法继续: 此计算机上有一个操作正在等待完成。
请重新启动计算机,然后运行 Service Pack 清理。
Service Pack Cleanup cannot proceed: An operation is waiting to be completed on this computer.
Restart your computer, and then run Service Pack Cleanup.
305已删除 Service Pack 备份文件 Removed Service Pack backup files.
322未定 Undetermined
No component store corruption detected.
The component store is repairable.
The component store cannot be repaired.
The restore operation completed successfully.
The restore operation failed. Either the repair source was not found or the component store cannot be repaired.
340组件存储(WinSxS)信息: Component Store (WinSxS) information:
341Windows 资源管理器报告的组件存储大小 Windows Explorer Reported Size of Component Store
342组件存储的实际大小 Actual Size of Component Store
343已与 Windows 共享 Shared with Windows
344备份和已禁用的功能 Backups and Disabled Features
345缓存和临时数据 Cache and Temporary Data
346上次清理的日期 Date of Last Cleanup
347可回收的程序包数 Number of Reclaimable Packages
348推荐使用组件存储清理 Component Store Cleanup Recommended
1000ImageTopLevelHelp ImageTopLevelHelp
1100PackageCommands PackageCommands
1101有关可用的程序包命令的信息 Information on the available package commands.

1103Add-Package Add-Package
1104向映像中添加程序包。 Adds packages to the image.
/Add-Package /PackagePath: [/IgnoreCheck] [/PreventPending]

在映像中添加一个或多个程序包。/PackagePath 可以指向
.cab 文件、.msu 文件或文件夹。
如果适用性检查失败,可使用 /IgnoreCheck 开关跳过
如果程序包或 Windows 映像具有挂起的联机操作,
可使用 /PreventPending 开关跳过程序包安装。

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package
/PackagePath:C:\test\packages /IgnoreCheck

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package
/PackagePath:C:\test\packages\ /PreventPending

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package

/Add-Package /PackagePath: [/IgnoreCheck] [/PreventPending]

Adds one or more packages to an image. /PackagePath can point to either
a .cab file, a .msu file, or a folder.
Use the /IgnoreCheck switch to skip installation of the package if the
applicability checks fail.
Use the /PreventPending switch to skip the installation of the package if
the package or Windows image has pending online actions.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package
/PackagePath:C:\test\packages /IgnoreCheck

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package
/PackagePath:C:\test\packages\ /PreventPending

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Add-Package

1106Remove-Package Remove-Package
1107从映像中删除程序包。 Removes packages from the image.
/Remove-Package {/PackagePath: | /PackageName:}


不能使用此命令删除 .msu 文件。

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Remove-Package

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Remove-Package

/Remove-Package {/PackagePath: | /PackageName:}

Removes one or more packages unless there are online, unprocessed pending
actions. If online actions are pending, the resources remain in the image and
the package state is set to Uninstall Requested. You must boot the image to
process pending actions before the package can be removed.

You cannot use this command to remove .msu files.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Remove-Package

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Remove-Package

1109Enable-Feature Enable-Feature
1110启用映像中的特定功能。 Enables a specific feature in the image.
/Enable-Feature /FeatureName: [/PackageName:]
[/Source:] [/LimitAccess] [/All]

启用由 FeatureName 命令参数指定的功能。
如果该功能是 Windows Foundation 应用程序包,则不必指定 /PackageName。
否则,请使用 /PackageName 指定该功能的父应用程序包。

则可以使用多个 /FeatureName 参数。

请使用 /Source 参数指定还原该功能所需的文件位置。
可以使用多个 /Source 参数。
使用 /LimitAccess 可阻止 DISM 联系 WU/WSUS。
使用 /All 可启用指定功能的所有父级功能。

DISM.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Hearts /All

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Calc

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Feature

/Enable-Feature /FeatureName: [/PackageName:]
[/Source:] [/LimitAccess] [/All]

Enables the feature specified by the FeatureName command argument.
You do not have to specify the /PackageName if it is the Windows Foundation Package.
Otherwise, use /PackageName to specify the parent package of the feature.

Multiple /FeatureName arguments can be used if the features are components in
the same parent package.

You can restore and enable a feature that has previously been removed from the
image. Use the /Source argument to specify the location of the files needed to
restore the feature. Multiple /Source arguments can be used.
Use /LimitAccess to prevent DISM from contacting WU/WSUS.
Use /All to enable all parent features of the specified feature.

DISM.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Hearts /All

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Calc

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:Feature

1112Disable-Feature Disable-Feature
1113禁用映像中的特定功能。 Disables a specific feature in the image.
/Disable-Feature /FeatureName: [/PackageName:] [/Remove]

禁用由 FeatureName 命令参数指定的功能。
如果 /PackageName 是 Windows Foundation 程序包,则你不必指定它。
否则,使用 /PackageName 指定该功能的父程序包。

使用多个 /FeatureName 参数。
使用 /Remove 可删除某个功能但不会删除该功能在映像中的
清单。该功能在使用 /Get-FeatureInfo 时将被列为“禁用已删除的负载”,
并且可以通过结合使用 /Enable-Featurecan 和 /Source 选项进行还原和

DISM.exe /Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Hearts

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Calc
/PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~ /Remove

/Disable-Feature /FeatureName: [/PackageName:] [/Remove]

Disables the feature specified by the FeatureName command argument.
You do not have to specify the /PackageName if it is the Windows Foundation Package.
Otherwise, use /PackageName to specify the parent package of the feature.

Multiple /FeatureName arguments can be used if the features are components in
the same parent package.
Use /Remove to remove a feature without removing the feature's manifest from the
image. The feature will be listed as 'Disabled with Payload Removed' when using
/Get-FeatureInfo and can be restored and enabled using /Enable-Feature with the
/Source option.

DISM.exe /Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Hearts

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Calc
/PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~ /Remove

1115Get-Packages Get-Packages
1116显示有关映像中所有程序包的信息。 Displays information about all packages in
the image.
/Get-Packages [/Format:]

显示有关映像中所有程序包的信息。使用 /Format 选项
指定输出为表格或列表格式。如果未指定 /Format,

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages
DISM.exe /Format:Table /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages
DISM.exe /Format:List /English /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages

/Get-Packages [/Format:]

Displays information about all packages in the image. Use the /Format option
to specify a table or list format for the output. If /Format is not
specified, the output is formatted as a list.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages
DISM.exe /Format:Table /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages
DISM.exe /Format:List /English /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages

1118Get-PackageInfo Get-PackageInfo
1119显示有关特定程序包的信息。 Displays information about a specific package.
{/PackagePath: | /PackageName:}

/PackagePath 可以指向 .cab 文件或某文件夹。
.cab 文件的路径应该指向此程序包的原始源,而不是

无法使用此命令获取 .msu 文件的程序包信息。

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo

{/PackagePath: | /PackageName:}

Displays information about a specific package.
/PackagePath can point to either a .cab file or a folder. The path to the
.cab file should point to the original source of the package, not to where
the file is installed on the image.

You cannot use this command to get package information for .msu files.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo

1121Get-Features Get-Features
1122显示有关程序包中所有功能的信息。 Displays information about all features in
a package.
/Get-Features [/Format:] [/PackagePath:]

所有功能。/PackagePath 可以指向 .cab 文件或某文件夹。使用
/Format 选项指定输出为表格或列表格式。如果未指定 /Format,

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:Table

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:List

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features

/Get-Features [/Format:] [/PackagePath:]

Displays information about all features found in a specific package. If you
do not specify a package name or path, all features in the image will be
listed. /PackagePath can point to either a .cab file or a folder. Use the
/Format option to specify a table or list format for the output. If /Format
is not specified the option is formatted as a list.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:Table

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:List

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features

1124Get-FeatureInfo Get-FeatureInfo
1125显示有关特定功能的信息。 Displays information about a specific feature.
/Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:
[/PackagePath:] [/PackageName:]

显示有关特定功能的信息。使用 /Get-Features 在映像中
可以使用 /PackageName 和 /PackagePath 在程序包中查找

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:XPS-Viewer

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:Feature

/Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:
[/PackagePath:] [/PackageName:]

Displays information about a specific feature. Use /Get-Features to find the
name of the feature in the image. Feature names are case-sensitive.
/PackageName and /PackagePath can be used to find a specific feature in a

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:XPS-Viewer

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:Feature

1127Cleanup-Image Cleanup-Image
Performs cleanup and recovery operations on the
/Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions

警告! 只有在系统恢复方案中才应
使用 /RevertPendingActions 选项,对无法启动的 Windows 映像

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions

/Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded [/hidesp]
使用 /SPSuperseded 可删除在 Service Pack 安装期间创建的
所有备份文件。使用 /HideSP 可阻止在操作系统
的“已安装更新”中列出 Service Pack。

警告! 在完成 /SPSuperseded 操作后,将无法
卸载 Service Pack。

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded /hidesp

/Cleanup-Image {/CheckHealth | /ScanHealth | /RestoreHealth}
使用 /CheckHealth 可检查映像是否已由失败的进程标记为
使用 /ScanHealth 可通过扫描来查找映像中的组件存储损坏。
使用 /RestoreHealth 可通过扫描来查找映像中的组件存储损坏,
组合使用 /Source 和 /RestoreHealth 可指定可用于修复的
使用 /LimitAccess 可阻止 DISM 联系 WU/WSUS。

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

/Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup [/ResetBase [/Defer]]
使用 /StartComponentCleanup 可清理被取代的组件并减少
组件存储的大小。使用 /ResetBase 可重置被取代的
组合使用 /Defer 和 /ResetBase 可将长时间运行的清理操作推迟到

警告! 在 /StartComponentCleanup 和 /ResetBase 操作完成之后,便
无法卸载安装的 Windows 更新。

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

/Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
使用 /AnalyzeComponentStore 可创建 WinSxS 组件存储的报告。
有关 WinSxS 报告的详细信息以及如何使用

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore

/Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions

WARNING! You should use the /RevertPendingActions option only in a
system-recovery scenario to perform recovery operations on a Windows image
that did not boot.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions

/Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded [/hidesp]
Use /SPSuperseded to remove any backup files created during the installation
of a service pack. Use /HideSP to prevent the service pack from being listed
in the Installed Updates for the operating system.

WARNING! The service pack cannot be uninstalled after the /SPSuperseded
operation is completed.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded /hidesp

/Cleanup-Image {/CheckHealth | /ScanHealth | /RestoreHealth}
Use /CheckHealth to check whether the image has been flagged as corrupted
by a failed process and whether the corruption can be repaired.
Use /ScanHealth to scan the image for component store corruption.
Use /RestoreHealth to scan the image for component store corruption, and
then perform repair operations automatically.
Use /Source with /RestoreHealth to specify the location of known good
versions of files that can be used for the repair. For more information on
specifying a source location, see
Use /LimitAccess to prevent DISM from contacting WU/WSUS.

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth

DISM.exe /Image:c:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

/Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup [/ResetBase [/Defer]]
Use /StartComponentCleanup to clean up the superseded components and reduce
the size of the component store. Use /ResetBase to reset the base of
superseded components, which can further reduce the component store size.
Use /Defer with /ResetBase to defer long-running cleanup operations to the
next automatic maintenance.

WARNING! The installed Windows Updates cannot be uninstalled after the
/StartComponentCleanup with /ResetBase operation is completed.

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

/Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
Use /AnalyzeComponentStore to create a report of the WinSxS component store.
For more information about the WinSxS report and how to use the information
provided in the report, see

DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore

1130Get-Capabilities Get-Capabilities
1131获取映像中的功能。 Get capabilities in the image.
/Get-Capabilities [/Source:] [/LimitAccess]


使用 /Source 参数指定获取功能所需的
文件的位置。可以使用多个 /Source 参数。
使用 /LimitAccess 可阻止 DISM 联系 WU/WSUS。

DISM.exe /Online /Get-Capabilities

/Get-Capabilities [/Source:] [/LimitAccess]

Get capabilities in the image.

Use the /Source argument to specify the location of the files needed to
get the capabilities. Multiple /Source arguments can be used.
Use /LimitAccess to prevent DISM from contacting WU/WSUS.

DISM.exe /Online /Get-Capabilities

1133Get-CapabilityInfo Get-CapabilityInfo
1134获取映像中功能的信息。 Get information of a capability in the image.
/Get-CapabilityInfo /CapabilityName:


DISM.exe /Online /Get-CapabilityInfo

/Get-CapabilityInfo /CapabilityName:

Get information of a capability in the image.

DISM.exe /Online /Get-CapabilityInfo

1136Add-Capability Add-Capability
1137为一个映像添加功能。 Add a capability to one image.
/Add-Capability /CapabilityName: [/Source:] [/LimitAccess]


使用 /Source 参数可指定添加该功能所需的
文件位置。可以使用多个 /Source 参数。
使用 /LimitAccess 可阻止 DISM 联系 WU/WSUS。

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability

/Add-Capability /CapabilityName: [/Source:] [/LimitAccess]

Add a capability to one image.

Use the /Source argument to specify the location of the files needed to
add the capability. Multiple /Source arguments can be used.
Use /LimitAccess to prevent DISM from contacting WU/WSUS.

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability

1139Remove-Capability Remove-Capability
1140从一个映像中删除功能。 Remove a capability from one image.
/Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:


DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Capability

/Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:

Remove a capability from one image.

DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Capability

0x00002710程序包 %1 已安装。 The package %1 is already installed.
0x0000271A程序包 %1 不在映像中。 The package %1 is not present in the image.
0x00002724找不到需要处理的程序包。 No packages were found that require processing.
0x0000272E未添加程序包,因为指定的 Windows 映像或程序包具有挂起的联机操作。有关 /PreventPending 选项的详细信息,请参阅帮助。 The package was not added because the specified Windows image or package has pending online actions.For more information about the /PreventPending option, refer to the help.
0x00004E20未在此上下文中识别出 %1 选项。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 The %1 option is not recognized in this context. For more information, refer to the help.
0x00004E2A%1 选项必须出现在命令行上,位于该选项的参数之前。有关详细信息,请参阅 %1 选项的帮助。 The %1 option must appear on the command-line before the arguments for that option.For more information, refer to the help for the %1 option.
0x00004E34%1 选项缺少参数。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 The %1 option is missing an argument.For more information, refer to the help.
0x00004E48%1 选项对于该命令无效。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 The %1 option is not valid with this command.For more information, refer to the help.
0x00004E4D%1 选项不带参数。请重新输入不带参数的命令。 The %1 option does not take an argument.Re-enter the command without the argument.
0x00004E52使用该命令时,不要同时指定 /PackagePath 和 /PackageName 选项。请重新输入该命令,仅指定这些选项之一。 When using this command, do not specify both the /PackagePath and /PackageName options. Re-enter the command, specifying only one of these options.
0x00004E5C该命令要求指定 /PackagePath 或 /PackageName 选项。请重新输入该命令,指定这些选项之一。 This command requires that either the /PackagePath or /PackageName options be specified.Re-enter the command, specifying one of these options.
0x00004E66该命令要求指定 /FeatureName 选项。请重新输入该命令,指定 /FeatureName 选项。 This command requires that the /FeatureName option be specified.Re-enter the command, specifying the /FeatureName option.
0x00004E67只能在命令行上为 %1 指定一个程序包。请重新输入该命令,指定唯一一个程序包。 Only one package can be specified on the command-line for %1.Re-enter the command, specifying only one package.
0x00004E70处理 %1 时出错。找不到指定的路径。确保该参数有效并且该路径存在。 An error occurred while processing %1. The specified path was not found. Ensure that the argument is valid and that the path exists.
0x00004E7A未在命令行上指定任何程序包。请重新输入该命令,指定一个程序包。 No packages were specified on the command-line.Re-enter the command, specifying a package.
0x00004E84在命令行上处理指定的程序包时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred while processing the packages specified on the command-line.For more information, review the log file.
0x00004E8E尝试获取指定程序包的名称时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred while trying to get the name of a specified package.For more information, review the log file.
0x00004E98尝试获取指定程序包的状态时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred while trying to get the state of a specified package.For more information, review the log file.
0x00004EA2处理 %1 时出错。安装状态未知或无效。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred while processing %1. The install state is unknown or invalid. For more information, review the log file.
0x00004EAC未在命令行上指定任何 Windows 功能。使用 /Get-Features 选项在映像中找到功能名称,然后重试该命令。 No Windows features were specified on the command line.Use the /Get-Features option to find the name of the feature in the image and try the command again.
0x00004EB6尝试打开作为默认程序包的 Windows Foundation 程序包时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred while trying to open the Windows Foundation Package as the default package. For more information, review the log file.
0x00004EC0指定的程序包不适用于此映像。 The specified package is not applicable to this image.
0x00004EC1将忽略程序包 %1!s!,因为它不适用于此映像。 The package %1!s! will be ignored, as it is not applicable to this image.
0x00004ECA无法使用此命令指定更新程序包(.msu)文件。 Cannot specify update package (.msu) files with this command.
0x00004ED4在临时目录中创建文件夹时出错。确保该临时目录存在并且你具有读取/写入权限。 An error occurred creating a folder within the temporary directory.Ensure that the temporary directory exists and that you have Read/Write permissions.
0x00004EDE将 .msu 程序包扩展到临时文件夹 %1!s! 时出错。 An error occurred while expanding the .msu package into the temporary folder, %1!s!.
0x00004EE8从 .msu 程序包应用 Unattend.xml 文件时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.For more information, review the log file.
0x00004EF2在扩展的 .msu 程序包中找不到 Unattend.xml 文件。 Unable to find the Unattend.xml file in the expanded .msu package.
0x00004EFC.msu 程序包包含无法使用 DISM.exe 安装的功能。 The .msu package contains features that cannot be installed using DISM.exe.
0x00004F06DISM 不支持使用 /Online 选项服务 .msu 程序包。 DISM does not support servicing .msu packages with the /Online option.
0x00004F10该操作无法完成,因为当前 Windows 正在执行另一服务操作。请等待几分钟,然后再次尝试运行该命令。 The operation cannot be completed because Windows is currently performing another servicing operation. Wait a few minutes and try running the command again.
0x00004F1A操作完成,但未启用 %1 功能。 The operation is complete but %1 feature was not enabled.
0x00004F1B可能未启用必要的父功能。可以使用 /enable-feature /all 选项自动启用以下列表中的每个父功能。如果已启用父功能,请参阅日志文件以便进一步诊断。 A required parent feature may not be enabled. You can use the /enable-feature /all option to automatically enable each parent feature from the following list. If the parent feature(s) are already enabled, refer to the log file for further diagnostics.
0x00004F1C无法在当前映像中启用该功能,因为未安装父功能。如果需要使用该功能,请尝试将映像更改为更高版本的 Windows。 This feature cannot be enabled in the current image because the parent feature(s) are not installed. If you need this feature, try changing the image to a higher edition of Windows.
0x00004F24无法将指定的程序包添加到脱机映像。请使用 /Online 选项将该程序包添加到正在运行的操作系统。 The specified package cannot be added to an offline image.Add this package to a running operating system using the /Online option.
0x00004F2E仅脱机映像支持此操作。 This operation is only supported against an offline image.
0x00004F38从映像中还原挂起的操作时出错。有关详细信息,请查看日志文件。 An error occurred reverting the pending actions from the image.For more information, review the log file.
0x00004F42该命令不支持使用 /Format 选项指定的参数。有关有效语法的详细信息,请参阅帮助。 The argument specified with the /Format option is not supported with this command. For more information about valid syntax, refer to the help.
0x00004F4C尝试打开时出错 - %1 错误: 0x%2!x! An error occurred trying to open - %1 Error: 0x%2!x!
0x00004F60正在处理 %1!d! (共 %2!d!) - %0 Processing %1!d! of %2!d! - %0
0x00004F6A发生错误 - %1 错误: 0x%2!x! An error occurred - %1 Error: 0x%2!x!
0x00004F74功能名称 %1 未知。 Feature name %1 is unknown.
0x00004F7E未识别出 Windows 功能名称。请使用 /Get-Features 选项在映像中查找功能名称,然后重试该命令。 A Windows feature name was not recognized.Use the /Get-Features option to find the name of the feature in the image and try the command again.
0x00004F88无法使用此命令指定多个程序包路径。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 Multiple package paths cannot be specified with this command. For more information, refer to the help.
0x00004F92无法使用此命令指定多个功能参数。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 Multiple feature arguments cannot be specified with this command. For more information, refer to the help.
0x00004F9C该命令已完成,但有错误。有关详细信息,请参阅日志文件。 The command completed with errors. For more information, refer to the log file.
0x00004FA6指定的映像不再可用,可能已损坏。 请放弃修改后的映像。然后重新开始。 The specified image is no longer serviceable and may be corrupted. Discard the modified image and start again.
0x00004FB0由于版本不匹配,无法将指定的程序包添加到此 Windows 映像。请更新 Windows 映像,然后重试该操作。 The specified package cannot be added to this Windows Image due to a version mismatch. Update the Windows image and try the operation again.
0x00004FBA指定的程序包为无效的 Windows 程序包。 The specified package is not valid Windows package.
0x00004FC4此映像已经安装某个 Windows 版本。不能在一个映像中安装多个 Windows 版本。 This image already has a Windows edition installed. There cannot be more than one installed Windows edition in an image.
0x00004FCE%1: %2 错误: 0x%3!x! %1: %2 Error: 0x%3!x!
0x00004FD8拒绝访问 %1!s!。指定的程序包并非可以修改的类型。 Access denied to %1!s!. The specified package is not a type that can be modified.
0x00004FE2暂存目录大小可能不足以执行该操作。这可能会引起异常行为。请使用 /ScratchDir 选项指向具有足够暂存空间的文件夹。推荐大小为至少 %1!d! MB。 The scratch directory size might be insufficient to perform this operation. This can cause unexpected behavior. Use the /ScratchDir option to point to a folder with sufficient scratch space. The recommended size is at least %1!d! MB.
0x00004FE3程序包路径无效。请指定 CAB 文件的路径或包含扩展的 CAB 文件的文件夹路径,然后重试该命令。 The package path is not valid. Specify a path to either a CAB file or a folder containing an expanded CAB file and try the command again.
0x00004FEC若要从此主机环境服务 Windows 映像,你必须在该计算机上安装修补程序 KB960037。该修补程序位于 Windows OPK 和 Windows AIK 媒体的 \\HotFix 文件夹中。 To service a Windows image from this host environment, you must install hotfix KB960037 on this computer. The hotfix is available on the Windows OPK and Windows AIK media in the \\HotFix folder.
0xC0004FF6无法在 Windows PE 目标映像上使用 /RevertPendingActions 选项。必须在整个 Windows 操作系统映像上使用该操作仅进行系统恢复。 The /RevertPendingActions option cannot be used on a Windows PE target image.The operation must be used on a full Windows operating system image for system recovery only.
0xC0005000找不到源文件。请使用“源”选项指定还原该功能所需的文件位置。有关指定源位置的详细信息,请参阅。 The source files could not be found. Use the \"Source\" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see
0xC000500A无法下载源文件。请使用“源”选项指定还原该功能所需的文件位置。有关指定源位置的详细信息,请参阅。 The source files could not be downloaded. Use the \"source\" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more information on specifying a source location, see
0xC0005014无法在 Windows PE 目标映像上使用 /ScanHealth 选项。必须在整个 Windows 操作系统映像上使用该操作。 The /ScanHealth option cannot be used on a Windows PE target image.The operation must be used on a full Windows operating system image.
0xC000501E无法在 Windows PE 目标映像上使用 /RestoreHealth 选项。必须在整个 Windows 操作系统映像上使用该操作。 The /RestoreHealth option cannot be used on a Windows PE target image.The operation must be used on a full Windows operating system image.
0xC0005028无法在 Windows PE 目标映像上使用 /CheckHealth 选项。必须在整个 Windows 操作系统映像上使用该操作。 The /CheckHealth option cannot be used on a Windows PE target image.The operation must be used on a full Windows operating system image.
0xC0005032由于存在挂起的操作,无法完成该操作。 The operation could not be completed due to pending operations.
0xC000503C无法卸载永久性程序包。 Permanent package cannot be uninstalled.
0xC000503D此命令要求指定 /Name 选项。请重新输入该命令,输入时指定 /Name 选项。 This command requires that the /Name option be specified.Re-enter the command, specifying the /Name option.
0xC000503E若要检查适用的 Windows 功能,需要建立 Internet 连接。若要显示已安装的 Windows 功能,请指定 /LimitAccess 选项。 To check the applicable Windows capabilities, internet connectivity is required.To show the installed Windows capabilities, specify the /LimitAccess option.
0xC000753A此命令不能指定多个清理参数。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 Multiple cleanup arguments cannot be specified with this command. For more information, refer to the help.
0xC0007544无法枚举计算机上的 Service Pack。 有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。 Could not enumerate Service Pack on machine. For more information, refer to the help.
0xC000754E无法识别 Windows 映像的当前版本。 Could not identify the current edittion of the Windows image.
0xC0007558无法在 Windows PE 目标映像上使用 /spsuperseded 选项。必须在完整的 Windows 操作系统上使用该操作。 The /spsuperseded option cannot be used on a Windows PE target image.The operation must be used on a full Windows operating system.


File Name:CbsProvider.dll.mui
File Size:26 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DISM 程序包提供程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CbsProvider.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:CbsProvider.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is CbsProvider.dll.mui?

CbsProvider.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file CbsProvider.dll (DISM 程序包提供程序).

File version info

File Description:DISM 程序包提供程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CbsProvider.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:CbsProvider.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200