If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Chinese (Traditional) |
English |
102 | 播放(&P) |
&Play |
103 | 播放選取的項目。 |
Play selected items. |
104 | 新增至燒錄清單(&B) |
Add to &Burn List |
105 | 準備即將燒錄至 CD 的選定項目。 |
Prepare the selected items to be burned to a CD. |
106 | 新增到播放清單(&A)... |
&Add to Playlist... |
107 | 新增所選的檔案到播放清單。 |
Add selected files to a play list. |
108 | 新增到同步處理清單(&S) |
Add to &Sync List |
109 | 準備要複製到可攜式裝置的所選項目。 |
Prepare the selected items to be copied to a portable device. |
110 | 以 Windows Media Player 播放(&P) |
&Play with Windows Media Player |
111 | 已經開啟播放程式對話方塊。請關閉播放程式中所有開啟的對話方塊,然後按一下 [重試]。 |
A Player dialog box is already open. Close any open dialog boxes in the Player, and then click Retry. |
112 | Windows Media Player |
Windows Media Player |
113 | 新增到 Windows Media Player 清單(&W) |
Add to &Windows Media Player list |
114 | 新增所選的檔案到目前的播放清單。 |
Add selected files to the current play list. |
115 | 線上購買音樂 |
Shop for music online |
116 | 線上選購音樂。 |
Shop for music online. |