inetcpl.cpl.mui Internet boshqaruv paneli cb7915982b6789ee889d15902e090057

File info

File name: inetcpl.cpl.mui
Size: 129536 byte
MD5: cb7915982b6789ee889d15902e090057
SHA1: 89a6a0f9f133e5a15f0f5c49a5b45d12ef580a53
SHA256: cd7573b8d21a5619fe73018b7aa1bebd099d44191698d57a5aab3c5fe9a215c4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
105Internet Options Internet Options
77815 daqiqa 15 minutes
77930 daqiqa 30 minutes
7801 soat 1 hour
7814 soat 4 hours
7821 kun 1 day
7831 hafta 1 week
784%1!d! daqiqa %1!d! minutes
1032Ushbu soha uchun ruxsat berilgan darajalar: o‘rtachadan yuqorigacha Allowed levels for this zone: Medium to High
1033Ushbu soha uchun ruxsat berilgan darajalar: Barcha Allowed levels for this zone: All
1034Ushbu soha uchun ruxsat berilgan darajalar: Yuqori Allowed levels for this zone: High
1491%1s bosh sahifa ilovalari %1s home page tabs
1581%1 (Sukut bo‘yicha) %1 (default)
1652Vaqtinchalik Internet fayllarini yo‘q qilish... Deleting Temporary Internet Files...
1653Jurnal jurnalini yo‘q qilish... Deleting history...
1654Cookie fayllarni yo‘q qilish... Deleting cookies...
1655Ma’lumot shakllarini o‘chirmoq... Deleting forms data...
1656Saqlangan parollarni o‘chirmoq... Deleting stored passwords...
1657Sharhlovchining qayd daftarini yo‘q qilmoq Delete Browsing History
1658Iltimos, sharhlash jurnali yo‘q qilinguniga qadar kuting. Please wait while the browsing history is deleted.
1659Windows himoyachisi SmartScreen filtri ma’lumotlari o‘chirilmoqda... Deleting Windows Defender SmartScreen data...
1661Kuzatishdan himoya ma’lumotini o‘chirmoqda... Deleting Tracking Protection data...
1662Ustqurma ma’lumotini o‘chirmoqda... Deleting add-on data...
1663Yuklash tarixi yo'q qilinmoqda... Deleting download history...
1664Deleting website caches... Deleting website caches...
4300You cannot use the system folder. You cannot use the system folder.
4301Vaqtinchalik Internet fayllari jild uchun yangi joyni tanlang. Choose a new location for your Temporary Internet Files folder.
4309Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders. Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders.
4310This folder is a computer name or a special folder. This folder is a computer name or a special folder.
4312Internet opsiyalari Internet Options
4313Internetga ulanish va aks ettirish sozlamalarini sozlash. Configure your Internet display and connection settings.
4320There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
4322You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial. You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial.
4325This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path. This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path.
4474Smallest Smallest
4475Kichikroq Smaller
4476Medium Medium
4477Larger Larger
4478Largest Largest
4602Satr quyidagi belgilardan tashkil qilinishi mumkin emas:
[ ] , ; =
A user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters:
[ ] , ; =
4604User Defined [%1] User Defined [%1]
4607Foydalanish uchun tanlangan proksi-server sozlamalari bo‘sh. Bu esa Internetga kirishga to‘sqinlik qiladi. Proksi-ulanishni o‘chirishni istaysizmi? The settings for the proxy server you've chosen to use are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection?
4608Xato proksi-server Invalid Proxy Server
4610Mavjud emas None
4612Please select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use. Please select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use.
4613Vaqtinchalik Internet fayllarini saqlash uchun mo‘ljallangan disk maydoni belgilangan chegaradan oshib ketgan. Samaradorlikni oshirish uchun hajm chegarasi 1024 megabayt qilib belgilangan. Vaqtinchalik saqlash maydoni hajmi quyidagi hajmgacha qisqartiriladi (bu bir necha daqiqani olishi mumkin). The amount of disk space currently set aside to store temporary Internet files is above the size limit. To improve performance, the size limit is now 1024 megabytes. Your temporary storage space will be reduced to this size (this might take several minutes).
4614The recommended security level for this zone is "%s".

The security level that you have chosen is lower than this.

Are you sure you want to change the security level?
The recommended security level for this zone is "%s".

The security level that you have chosen is lower than this.

Are you sure you want to change the security level?
4615Diqqat! Warning!
4624Kiritilgan sayt nomi noto‘g‘ri. Sayt nomi boshida to‘g‘ri bayonnomadan foydalanishingiz shart, misol uchun, http:// yoki https://. The site name you entered is not valid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://.
4625Security Security
4629Ushbu sohaga qo‘shilgan saytlar https:// old qo‘shimchasidan foydalanishi lozim. Ushbu old qo‘shimcha xavfsiz ulanishni ta’minlaydi. Sites added to this zone must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection.
4630Soha sozlamalarida kutilmagan xato yuzaga keldi. Ushbu saytni qo‘shish mumkin emas. There was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site.
4631css css
4632Sahifa usullari*.cssBarcha fayllar*.* Stylesheets*.cssAll Files*.*
4633The style sheet you selected could not be found. The style sheet you selected could not be found.
4634Xato Error
4638Siz kiritgan fayl avvaldan boshqa sohada mavjud. Iltimos, saytni joriy sohaga qo‘shishdan oldin uni avvalgi sohadan olib tashlang. The site you specified already exists in another zone. Please remove the site from that zone before adding it to the current zone.
4639O‘rnini almashtiriladigan belgilar noto‘g‘ri ketma-ketlikda kiritilgan.
To‘g‘ri ketma-ketliklar davomi:
Noto‘g‘ri ketma-ketliklar davomi:
You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence.
Examples of valid patterns:
Examples of invalid patterns:
4648%s sozlamalar %s settings
4649Mahalliy tarmoq (LAN) sozlamalari Local Area Network (LAN) Settings
4650Mahalliy tarmoq uchun pro&ksi-serverdan foydalaning (Ushbu sozlamalardan masofadan ulanishda yoki VPN ulanishlarda foydalanish mumkin emas). Use a pro&xy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections).
4653Haqiqatan ham, ushbu masofadan ulanishni yo‘q qilmoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection?
4655You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts. You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts.
4656You have entered an invalid redial interval. You have entered an invalid redial interval.
4657You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time. You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time.
4659You do not have restart privileges. You do not have restart privileges.
4660Cannot move Temporary Internet Files. Cannot move Temporary Internet Files.
4662This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder. This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder.
4665Iltimos, elementlarni qo‘shish mumkin bo‘lgan jildni tanlang. Please select a folder to which you can add items.
4666Joriy joylashuv: Current location:
4667Yangi joylashuv: New location:
4668- Xavfsizlik sozlamalari tavsiya etilgan darajadan past, bu esa kompyuterga bo‘lishi mumkin bo‘lgan onlayn hujumlar xavfini kuchaytiradi.
- Sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish uchun "Ixtiyoriy daraja"ni bosingl.
- Tavsiya etilgan sozlamalardan foydalanish uchun
- Your security settings are below the recommended level, putting your computer at an increased risk of online attack.
- To change the settings, click Custom level.
- To use the recommended settings, click Default level.
4669- Xavfli tarkibga ega bo‘lgan veb-saytlarga mos keladi
- Xavfsizlikning maksimal darajasi
- Past imkoniyatli xavfsizlik asboblaridan foydalanish mumkin emas
- Appropriate for websites that might have harmful content
- Maximum safeguards
- Less secure features are disabled
4670- Xavfli tarkibni yuklashdan oldingi so‘rov
- Imzolanmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari yuklanmaydi
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
4671- Mahalliy tarmoqdagi veb-saytlarga mos keladi (intranet)
- Tarkibning asosiy qismi so‘rovsiz ishga tushiriladi
- Imzolanmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari yuklanmaydi
- Xuddi shunday o‘rta daraja bilan, lekin faqat so‘rovlarsiz
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet)
- Most content will be run without prompting you
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
- Same as Medium level without prompts
4672- Xavfsizlikning va ogohlantirish so‘rovlarining minimal darajasi ta’minlangan
- Tarkibning asosiy qismi so‘rovsiz yuklanadi va ishga tushiriladi
- Barcha faol tarkib ishga tushirilishi mumkin
- To‘liq ishonilgan saytlarga mos keladi
- Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided
- Most content is downloaded and run without prompts
- All active content can run
- Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trust
4673Ixtiyoriy sozlamalar.
- Sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish uchun "Ixtiyoriy daraja"ni bosing.
- Tavsiya etilgan sozlamalardan foydalanish uchun esa, "Sukut bo‘yicha daraja"dan foydalaning.
Custom settings.
- To change the settings, click Custom level.
- To use the recommended settings, click Default level.
4674Yuqori High
4675O‘rtacha Medium
4676O‘rtacha-Past Medium-low
4677Past Low
4678Maxsus Custom
4679Yangi joylashishda yuklanayotgan tarkib uchun yetarlicha bo‘sh joy mavjud emas.
Iltimos, avval jild hajmini qisqartirish uchun ushbu fayllarni yo‘q qiling, undan so‘ng qayta urinib ko‘ring yoki boshqa joylashishga oling.
There won't be enough space in the new location for the currently downloaded content.
Please either delete these files first and try again, reduce the size of the folder, or pick another location.
4680Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen.
Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location.
Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen.
Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location.
4681Temporary Internet Files Temporary Internet Files
4682Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator. Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator.
4683Internet Control Panel Internet Control Panel
4684Undefined Undefined
4686SSL-kesh muvaffaqiyatli tozalandi. The SSL cache was successfully cleared.
4687SSL-kesh muvaffaqiyatli tozalandi SSL Cache Cleared Successfully
4688Mening kompyuterim My Computer
4689Mahalliy intranet Local intranet
4690Ishonchli saytlar Trusted sites
4691Internet Internet
4692Cheklangan saytlar Restricted sites
4693Sizning kompyuteringiz Your Computer
4694Ushbu soha intranetda mavjud bo‘lgan barcha veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone is for all websites that are found on your intranet.
4695Ushbu soha kompyuterni yoki fayllarni zararlamasligiga ishonilgan veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone contains websites that you trust not to damage your computer or your files.
4696Ushbu soha Internet veb-saytlari uchun, ishonchli va cheklangan sohalarda berilganlardan tashqari. This zone is for Internet websites, except those listed in trusted and restricted zones.
4697Ushbu soha kompyuterni yoki fayllarni zararlashi mumkin bo‘lgan veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone is for websites that might damage your computer or your files.
4731Tasvirlar uchun matnni har doim kengaytirmoq Always expand ALT text for images
4732Qo‘shish nuqtasini fokus/tanlov o‘zgartirishlari bilan siljitmoq Move system caret with focus/selection changes
4733Taklif etilgan saytlarni yoqish Enable Suggested Sites
4734Sahifani taxmin qilish yordamida oldinga sahifalashni yoqmoq Enable flip ahead with page prediction
4735Silliq aylantirishdan foydalanmoq Use smooth scrolling
4736Ishchi stol uchun Internet Explorerda surish harakatini yoqmoq Turn on the swiping motion on Internet Explorer for the desktop
4737FTP jildni ko‘rib chiqishga ruxsat bermoq (Internet Explorerdan tashqarida) Enable FTP folder view (outside of Internet Explorer)
4738Microsoft Edge dasturini ochadigan (Yangi varaq tugmasi yonidagi) tugmani berkitish Hide the button (next to the New Tab button) that opens Microsoft Edge
4739Veb-sahifalarda ovozlarni chiqarmoq Play sounds in webpages
4741Veb-sahifalarda animatsiyalarni namoyish etmoq Play animations in webpages
4742Rasmlarni ko‘rsatmoq Show pictures
4743Passiv FTP bayonnomasidan foydalanmoq (brandmauerlar va DSL modemlar bilan birgalikda) Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
4744Multimedia Multimedia
4745Ko‘rib chiqish Browsing
4746Maxsus imkoniyatlar Accessibility
4747Xavfsizlik Security
4749Diskka shifrlangan sahifalar saqlanmasin Do not save encrypted pages to disk
4750Sharhlovchi yopilganda, vaqtinchalik Internet fayllari jildni bo‘shatmoq Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed
4751Kengaytirilgan himoyalangan rejimni yoqmoq* Enable Enhanced Protected Mode*
4753SSL 3.0ni ishlatmoq Use SSL 3.0
4754TLS 1.0ni ishlatmoq Use TLS 1.0
4755Takomillashtirilgan himoyalangan rejim uchun 64-bitli jarayonlarni yoqish* Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Mode*
4757Xavfsizlik rejimi o‘zgartirilganda, ogohlantirmoq Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode
4758Nashr etish nashr qilinishi mumkin bo‘lmagan sohaga yo‘naltirilganda, ogohlantirmoq Warn if POST submittal is redirected to a zone that does not permit posts
4759Sertifikat manzili nomutanosibligi haqida ogohlantirmoq Warn about certificate address mismatch
4760Server sertifikati bekor qilinmaganligini tekshirmoq Check for server certificate revocation
4761Noshir sertifikati bekor qilinmaganligini tekshirmoq Check for publisher's certificate revocation
4762Yuklangan dasturlardagi imzolarni tekshirmoq Check for signatures on downloaded programs
4763Internet Explorerda tashrif buyurilgan Do Not Track so‘rovlarini yuborish* Send Do Not Track requests to sites you visit in Internet Explorer*
4769Chop etish Printing
4770Fon ranglarini va rasmlarini chop etmoq Print background colors and images
4771Manzillar oynasidan qidirmoq Search from the Address bar
4774ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari va ulanish modullari ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4775ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari va ulanish modullarini ishga solmoq Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4776Imzolangan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlarini yuklamoq Download signed ActiveX controls
4777Imzolanmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlarini yuklamoq Download unsigned ActiveX controls
4778Java Java
4779Java permissions Java permissions
4780Ssenariylarga ruxsat bermoq Allow Scriptlets
4782Ssenariylar Scripting
4783Foydalanish uchun xavfsiz qilib belgilanmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlaridan foydalanmoq Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting
4784Foydalanish uchun xavfsiz qilib belgilangan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlaridan foydalanmoq Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
4785Domendan tashqaridagi ma’lumotlar manbasiga kirish Access data sources across domains
4786Faol ssenariylar Active scripting
4787Java qo‘llanmalari ssenariylarini amalga oshirmoq Scripting of Java applets
4788Foydalanuvchi haqiqiyligini tekshirish User Authentication
4790Tizimga kirish Logon
4791Yuklanishlar Downloads
4792Faylni yuklab olish File download
4793Shrift yuklanishi Font download
4794Xar xil Miscellaneous
4796Fayllarni tortib o‘tkazish yoki ko‘chirish va qo‘shib qo‘yish Drag and drop or copy and paste files
4797Shifrlanmagan ma’lumot shakllarini o‘tkazish Submit non-encrypted form data
4798Dasturlar va fayllarni IFRAME oynasida ishga tushirmoq Launching programs and files in an IFRAME
4799Tarkibni domenlardan bir xil oyna ichiga ko‘chirib o‘tishga ruxsat bermoq Allow dragging of content between domains into the same window
4800Tarkibni domenlardan turli oynalarga ko‘chirib o‘tishga ruxsat bermoq Allow dragging of content between domains into separate windows
4803Yoqmoq Enable
4804Taklif matni Prompt
4805O‘chirmoq Disable
4806Ma’mur tomonidan ruxsat etilgan Administrator approved
4807Tizimga anonim kirish Anonymous logon
4808Foydalanuvchi ismi va parolni so‘ramoq Prompt for user name and password
4809Joriy foydalanuvchi ismi va paroli bilan tizimga avtomatik ravishda kirish Automatic logon with current user name and password
4810Faqatgina intranet sohasida tizimga avtomatik ravishda kirish Automatic logon only in Intranet zone
4814Past darajadagi xavfsizlik Low safety
4815O‘rta darajadagi xavfsizlik Medium safety
4816Yuqori darajadagi xavfsizlik High safety
4817Custom Custom
4818Disable Java Disable Java
4822HTTP sozlamalari HTTP settings
4823HTTP 1.1dan foydalanmoq Use HTTP 1.1
4824HTTP 1.1dan proksi-ulanish orqali foydalanmoq Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections
4825Har doim Always
4826Hech qachon Never
4827Kursorni yo‘naltirmoq Hover
4828Havolalarni tagiga chizmoq Underline links
4832Har bir ssenariy xatosi haqidagi xabarnomani ekranga chiqarmoq Display a notification about every script error
4833HTTP xatolari to‘g‘risidagi batafsil xabarnomani ko‘rsatmoq Show friendly HTTP error messages
4835Yuklash yakunlangandan so‘ng xabar bermoq Notify when downloads complete
4836Internet Explorer sukut bo‘yicha foydalanilmayotganida xabar bermoq Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser
4837Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates
4838Jurnal hamda saralanganlardagi foydalanilmaydigan jildlarni yopmoq Close unused folders in History and Favorites
4839UTF-8 URL-yo‘lini yubormoq Send URL path as UTF-8
4840Intranet URLlari uchun UTF-8 so‘rovi satrlarini yubormoq Send UTF-8 query strings for non-Intranet URLs
4841Intratarmoq URLlari uchun UTF-8 so‘rovi satrlarini yubormoq Send UTF-8 query strings for Intranet URLs
4843Rasm ramkalarini ko‘rsatmoq Show image download placeholders
4847Natijalarni faqatgina asosiy oynada tahrir etmoq Just display the results in the main window
4848Noma’lum manzillar avto-qidirish provayderiga topshirilmasin Do not submit unknown addresses to your auto-search provider
4849Manzil qatoriga kiritiladigan yagona so'z uchun intranet saytiga o'ting Go to an intranet site for a single word entry in the Address bar
4850Veb-sayt ma’lumotlari Sozlamalari Website Data Settings
4851Internet Explorerning Manzil qatorida va Ochish dialogida satr ichi Avtoto'ldirishdan foydalalning Use inline AutoComplete in the Internet Explorer Address Bar and Open Dialog
4852Fayllar sharhlovchisida va Ishga tushirish Dialogi satr ishida avtoto‘ldirishdan foydalaning Use inline AutoComplete in File Explorer and Run Dialog
4853Foydalanuvchi ma’lumotlari chidamliligi Userdata persistence
4854Almashish buferiga dasturiy kirishga ruxsat bermoq Allow Programmatic clipboard access
4855Har xil domenlar orqali boshqa oynalar va sub-kadrlarga o‘tish Navigate windows and frames across different domains
4856Shaxsiy saralanganlar menyusini yoqmoq Enable personalized favorites menu
4857Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files.
Do you want to continue?
(All other changes have been saved.)
Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files.
Do you want to continue?
(All other changes have been saved.)
4858Tizimdan chiqmoq Log Off
4862Agar mijozda faqatgina bitta sertifikat mavjud bo‘lsa, sertifikatlarni talab qilmaslik Don't prompt for client certificate selection when only one certificate exists
4863Integrallashtirilgan Windows haqiqiyligini tekshirishni yoqmoq Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
4864Qo‘llanmalar va xavfsiz bo‘lmagan fayllarni faollashtirmoq Launching applications and unsafe files
4866Xatto terminal serverlaridan ham dastlabki kompozitsiyalarni talab qilmoq Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server
4867Ssenariyda holat satrini yangilashga ruxsat bermoq Allow status bar updates via script
4870Metayangilanishga ruxsat bermoq Allow META REFRESH
4871Tasvir o‘lchamini avtomatik tarzda moslashga ruxsat bermoq Enable automatic image resizing
4872Aralash tarkibni ekranga chiqarmoq Display mixed content
4873Veb-sahifalardagi tugmalar va boshqa boshqaruv asboblarni aks ettirish usullarini yoqmoq Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages
4874Sharhlovchining chetdagi kengaytirilishlarini ruxsat etmoq Enable third-party browser extensions
4877Sayt avvaldan %s sohaga tegishli. This site is already in the %s zone.
4878Ko‘rsatilgan sayt avvaldan %1 sohada mavjud. Uni %2 sohaga yuborishni istaysizmi? The site you specified already exists in the %1 zone. Would you like to move it to the %2 zone?
4879Microsoft veb-brauzeri boshqaruv elementlari ssenariylariga ruxsat bermoq Allow scripting of Microsoft web browser control
4880Display enhanced security configuration dialog Display enhanced security configuration dialog
4881Mahalliy fayllar va jildlar orasida harakatlanishga ruxsat bermoq Allow navigation to local files and folders
4883Qalqib chiquvchi oynani bloklamoq Use Pop-up Blocker
4884Binar kod va ssenariy xulq-atvori Binary and script behaviors
4885MIME Sniffingni yoqish Enable MIME Sniffing
4886Kam huquqli Internet veb-tarkibli soha ushbu sohadan veb-saytlarni ochishi mumkin Websites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone
4887Ssenariy tomonidan tushirilgan oynalariga hech qanday o‘lcham va joylashuv cheklashlarisiz ruxsat bermoq Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints
4889ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari uchun avtomatik so‘rov Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls
4890Veb-sahifalarning faol tarkibi uchun cheklangan bayonnomalardan foydalanishga ruxsat bermoq Allow webpages to use restricted protocols for active content
4891Faol tarkibga Mening Kompyuterimdagi fayllarida ishlashga ijozat etish Allow active content to run in files on My Computer
4892Faol tarkibga CDlardan Mening Kompyuterimda ishlashga ijozat berish Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer
4893Yuqori: Barcha qalqib chiquvchi oynalarni bloklamoq (o‘zgartirish uchun Ctrl+Alt) High: Block all pop-ups (Ctrl+Alt to override)
4894O‘rta: Aksariyat avtomatik tarzda qalqib chiquvchi oynalarni bloklamoq Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups
4895Past: Xavfsiz saytlardan qalqib chiquvchi oynalarga ruxsat bermoq Low: Allow pop-ups from secure sites
4897Avval foydalanilmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlarini ogohlantirishlarsiz ishga tushirilishiga ruxsat bermoq Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt
4898Veb-saytlarning oynalarni manzil yoki holat satrlarisiz ochishiga ruxsat bermoq Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars
4899Tashqi media-pleyeridan foydalanmaydigan video va animaysiyalarni veb-sahifada namoyish etilishiga ruxsat bermoq Display video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player
4900Faqatgina tasdiqlangan domenlarga ActiveXni taklifsiz qo‘llashga ruxsat berish Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without prompt
4901XSS filtrini yoqish Enable XSS filter
4907Yangi oynalar va ilovalar uchun masshtabini qayta o‘rnating Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs
4908Yangi oynalar va ilovalar shriftlari o‘lchamini o‘rtacha qiymatga tiklamoq Reset text size to medium for new windows and tabs
4910Ctrl+Tab yordamida ilovadan boshqasiga o‘tishda eng oxirgi tartibdan foydalanmoq Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab
4911Fayllarni serverga yuklash jarayonida mahalliy katalog yo‘lini yoqmoq Include local directory path when uploading files to a server
4912Veb-saytlarning ssenariyli oynalar yordamida ma’lumotlarni so‘rashiga ruxsat bermoq Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows
4913Favqulodda to‘xtab qolishni avtomatik tiklashni yoqish Enable automatic crash recovery
4914Bo‘sh sahifa A blank page
4915Yangi ilova sahifasi The new tab page
4916Sizning birinchi bosh sahifangiz Your first home page
4917Tanlashda tezlatgich tugmasini aks ettirish Display Accelerator button on selection
4918Yangi oynalar va ilovalar uchun Klavishalar orqali o‘tishni yoqish Enable Caret Browsing for new windows and tabs
4919Sistema ohangalrini yoqmoq Play system sounds
4920Tezlashtirilgan grafikalar Accelerated graphics
4921GPU vizuallashtirish o'rniga dasturiy ta'minot vizuallashtirishidan foydalaning Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering
4922HTML5 media elementlarda alternativ kodlarni yoqmoq Enable alternative codecs in HTML5 media elements
4923ActiveX filtrlashga ruxsat bermoq Allow ActiveX Filtering
4924ActiveX boshqarish elementlarida zararli dasturlarga qarshi dasturiy ta’minotni ishga tushirmoq Run antimalware software on ActiveX controls
4925HTTP2 dan foydalanish Use HTTP2
4926Yangiliklar tasmasini ochadigan yangi varaq sahifasi The new tab page with my news feed
5000AaBbYyZz AaBbYyZz
5003Lotin yozuvi Latin
5005ελληνικά ελληνικά
5006Кириллица Кириллица
5007Հայերեն Հայերեն
5008עברית עברית
5009العربية العربية
5010देवनागरी देवनागरी
5011বাংলা বাংলা
5012ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
5013ગુજરાતી ગુજરાતી
5014ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଓଡ଼ିଆ
5015தமிழ் தமிழ்
5016తెలుగు తెలుగు
5017ಕನ್ನಡ ಕನ್ನಡ
5018മലയാളം മലയാളം
5019ไทย ไทย
5020ລາວ ລາວ
5021བོད་ཡིག བོད་ཡིག
5022ქართული ქართული
5023한글 한글
5024日本語 日本語
5025繁體中文 繁體中文
5026简体中文 简体中文
5027አማRdኛ አማRdኛ
5028ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ
5030ꆈꌠꁱꂷ ꆈꌠꁱꂷ
5031⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑ ⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑
5032ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ
5033ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ
5034සිංහල සිංහල
5035ܣܘܪܝܐ ܣܘܪܝܐ
5036ဢႝတွၼ် ဢႝတွၼ်
5037ភាសាខ្មែរ ភាសាខ្មែរ
5038ދިވެހިބަސް ދިވެހިބަސް
5039ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ
5050?????? ??????
5053????•?????? ????•??????
5055ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲ ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲
5057????⁚?? ????⁚??
5058?? ?????? ?? ??????
5059ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ
5061ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ
5062ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈ­ᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈ­ᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ
5063ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ
5064ꕙꔤ ꕙꔤ
5304Barcha "cookie" faillarini bloklamoq Block All Cookies
5306O‘rtacha yuqori Medium High
5309Barcha "cookie" faillarini qabul qilmoq Accept All Cookies
5311- Barcha veb-saytlardagi "cookie" fayllarni bloklaydi
- Ushbu kompyuterda avvaldan mavjud bo‘lgan "cookie" fayllarini veb-saytlar tomonidan o‘qish mumkin emas
- Blocks all cookies from all websites
- Cookies that are already on this computer cannot be read by websites
5312- Veb-saytlardagi barcha maxfiylik siyosatini qondirmaydigan "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizSiz ham bog‘lanishni ta’minlaydigan ma’lumotga ega bo‘lgan "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Blocks all cookies from websites that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
5313- Maxfiylik siyosatini qondirmaydigan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizSiz ham bog‘lanishni ta’minlaydigan ma’lumotga ega bo‘lgan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizSiz ham bog‘lanishni ta’minlaydigan ma’lumotga ega bo‘lgan asosiy "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
- Blocks first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5314- Maxfiylik siyosatini qondirmaydigan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizsiz ham bog‘lanishni ta’minlaydigan ma’lumotga ega bo‘lgan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizsiz ham bog‘lanishni t
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
- Restricts first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5315- Maxfiylik siyosatini qondirmaydigan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini bloklaydi
- Sizning roziligingizSiz ham bog‘lanishni ta’minlaydigan ma’lumotga ega bo‘lgan uchinchi tomon "cookie" fayllarini cheklaydi
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Restricts third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5316- Har qanday veb-saytdan olingan "cookie" fayllarini saqlaydi.
- Ushbu kompyuterda avvaldan mavjud bo‘lgan "cookie" fayllari ularni yaratgan veb-saytlar orqali o‘qilishi mumkin bo‘ladi
- Saves cookies from any website.
- Cookies that are already on this computer can be read by the websites that created them
5317- Yaxshilangan yoki import qilingan sozlamalar - Advanced or imported settings
5351Maxfiylik importi Privacy Import
5352Your privacy settings file was successfully imported. Your privacy settings file was successfully imported.
5355Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file. Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file.
5356Internet maxfiylik siyosati afzalligi*.xmlBarcha fayllar*.* Internet Privacy Preferences*.xmlAll Files*.*
5360Internet sohasi uchun sozlamani tanlang. Select a setting for the Internet zone.
5361Maxfiylikning ishlatilayotgan maxsus sozlamalaridan foydalanmaslik va standart sozlamalarni o‘rnatish uchun "Sukut" tugmasini bosing. To set a standard privacy level instead of using custom settings, click the Default button.
5363This site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone. This site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone.
5365Windows himoyachisi SmartScreen filtrini yoqish Enable Windows Defender SmartScreen
5368Windows himoyachisi SmartScreen filtridan foydalanish Use Windows Defender SmartScreen
5380Noto‘g‘ri domen Invalid Domain
5381Noto‘g‘ri domen kiritilgan. Domen
Internet sohasida mavjud bo‘lishi va HTTP yoki HTTPS bayonnomasidan foydalanishi shart.
xn- bilan boshlanuvchi URL-manzillari to‘g‘ri IDN nomlari bo‘lishi kerak.

To‘g‘ri domenlar namunalari:

You have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be
in the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
URLs beginning with xn-- must be valid IDN names.

Examples of valid domains:

5386Domen Domain
5387Parametr Setting
5388Doim ruxsat bermoq Always Allow
5389Doim bloklamoq Always Block
5414Haqiqatan ham, barcha saytlarni olib tashlamoqchimisiz? Are you sure you want to remove all sites?
5415Barcha saytlarni olib tashlamoq Remove all sites
5430Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
5431Bosh sahifa ilovalar guruhidagi ba’zi elementlar veb-sahifa hisoblanmaydi.

Qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydigan elementlarni olib tashlash uchun "Ha" tugmasini bosing.
Some of the entries in your home page tab group are not webpages.

Click OK to remove unsupported entries.
5432Bosh sahifa ilovalar guruhi uchun tanlangan veb-sahifalar soni Internet Explorer tomonidan qo‘llab-quvvatlanadigan maksimal qiymatdan oshib ketgan.

Qo‘shimcha veb-sahifalarni olib tashlash uchun "Ha" tugmasini bosing.
The number of webpages you've selected for your home page tab group exceeds the maximum supported by Internet Explorer.

Click OK to remove the additional webpages.
5440Ushbu .NET Framework o‘rnatilishiga ruxsat bermoq Enable .NET Framework setup
5609- Xavfsizlik xatari - Security At Risk
6000Xalqaro International
6002Intranet bo‘lmagan URL-manzillari uchun IDN server nomlarini yubormoq Send IDN server names for non-Intranet URLs
6003Intranet URL-manzillari uchun IDN server nomlarini yubormoq Send IDN server names for Intranet URLs
6004Ssenariylarni sozlashni o‘chirmoq (Internet Explorer) Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
6005Ssenariylar sozlashni o‘chirmoq (boshqa) Disable script debugging (Other)
6006Imzo noto‘g‘riligidan qat’iy nazar dasturni ishga tushirishga yoki o‘rnatishga ruxsat bermoq Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid
6007Har doim shifrlangan manzillarni ko‘rsatmoq Always show encoded addresses
6008Shifrlangan manzillar uchun Xabarnoma panelini ko‘rsatmoq Show Notification bar for encoded addresses
6016O‘zgartirishlar kuchga kirishi uchun, kompyuterni qayta ishga tushirish kerak For changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computer
6019Internetdan bo‘lishi mumkin bo‘lgan hujumlar xavfini kamaytirish uchun xotira himoyasini yoqmoq Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks
6300XMLHTTP ichki qo‘llab-quvvatlashni yoqmoq Enable native XMLHTTP support
6304DOM Saqlab qo‘yishni yoqish Enable DOM Storage
6310Boshqa tarkiblar bilan aralashgan xavfsiz bo'lmagan rasmlarni bloklamoq Block unsecured images with other mixed content
6400.NET Framework .NET Framework
6401Bo‘sh XAML Loose XAML
6402XPS hujjatlar XPS documents
6403XAML veb-brauzer qo‘llanmalari XAML browser applications
6410(xavfsiz emas) (not secure)
6411(tavsiya etiladi) (recommended)
6412Sizning xavfsizlik sozlamalaringiz kompyuteringizni xatarga qo‘ymoqda Your security settings put your computer at risk
6413Internet Explorer sukut bo‘yicha foydalaniladi. Internet Explorer is the default web browser.
6414Hozirda Internet Explorer sukut bo‘yicha foydalanilmayapti. Internet Explorer is not currently the default web browser.
6423Joriy xavfsizlik sozlamalaringiz kompyuteringizni xatarga qo‘ymoqda. The current security settings will put your computer at risk.
6440The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL. The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL.
6441Invalid URL Invalid URL
6612Security Settings - My Computer Zone Security Settings - My Computer Zone
6613Xavfsizlik sozlamalari - mahalliy intranet sohasi Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone
6614Xavfsizlik sozlamalari - Internet sohasi Security Settings - Internet Zone
6615Xavfsizlik sozlamalari - cheklangan saytlar sohasi Security Settings - Restricted Sites Zone
6616Xavfsizlik sozlamalari - "Ishonchli saytlar" sohasi Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone
6618Render legacy filters Render legacy filters
6619TDC nazoratiga ruxsat berish Allow the TDC Control
6640Do you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection?

Do you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection?

6641Tarmoq ulanishini uzish Disconnecting network connection
6642Deleting network connection Deleting network connection
6643Internet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it again Internet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it again
6711Masshtablash darajasini bosh holatiga qaytarish Reset zoom level
6712Matn o‘lchamini o‘rtachaga qayta o‘rnatish Reset text size to medium
6714FTP jildini ko‘rishga ijozat etish Enable FTP folder view
6715O‘rnatilgan avtoto‘ldirishdan foydalanmoq Use inline AutoComplete
6730Veb-sayt Website
6731Fayllar saqlash joyi File Storage
6732Ma’lumotlar saqlash joyi Data Storage
6733Cheklovdan oshib ketish Exceed limit
6735Allowed Allowed
6736Excluded Excluded
6737N/A N/A
6738%d MB %d MB
6800TLS 1.1 qo‘llash Use TLS 1.1
6801TLS 1.2 qo‘llash Use TLS 1.2
6825Har doim Internet Explorerda Always in Internet Explorer
6826Ishchi stolda har doim Internet Explorer orqali Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop
6827Internet Explorer aniqlaydi Let Internet Explorer decide
6828- Ko‘pgina veb-saytlar uchun mos
- Xavfli bo‘lishi mumkin bo‘lgan tarkibni olishdan oldin so‘rov yuboriladi
- Appropriate for most websites
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
6829- Xavfli bo‘lishi mumkin bo‘lgan tarkibni yuklab olishdan oldin so‘rov yuboriladi - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
6830- Mahalliy tarmog‘ingizdagi veb-saytlar uchun mos (intranet)
- Ko‘p tarkib so‘rovsiz ishga tushiriladi
- So‘rovsiz O‘rtacha daraja bilan bir xil
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet)
- Most content will be run without prompting you
- Same as Medium level without prompts
6831Unumdorlikni optimallashtirishni sayt va tarkibni fonda yuklang Load sites and content in the background to optimize performance
6832Bopomofo Bopomofo
6833Buginese Buginese
6834Coptic Coptic
6835Deseret Deseret
6836Glagolitic Glagolitic
6837Gothic Gothic
6838Old Italic Old Italic
6839Javanese Javanese
6840N'Ko N'Ko
6841Ol Chiki Ol Chiki
6842Old Turkic Old Turkic
6843Osmanya Osmanya
6844Phags-pa Phags-pa
6845Sora Sompeng Sora Sompeng
6846Tai Le Tai Le
6847New Tai Lue New Tai Lue
6848Tifinagh Tifinagh
6849Vai Vai
7001- Ko‘pchilik veb-saytlarga to‘g‘ri keladi
- Xavfsiz bo‘lmagan tarkibni yuklashdan oldingi so‘rov
- Imzolanmagan ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari yuklanmaydi
- Appropriate for most websites
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
7003O‘rtadan yuqori Medium-high
7010Sukut bo‘yicha Default
7011Monobo‘shliqli Serif Monospace Serif
7012Proporsiyali Serif Proportional Serif
7013Monobo‘shliqli Sans Serif Monospace Sans Serif
7014Proporsiyali Sans Serif Proportional Sans Serif
7015Tasodifiy Casual
7016Kursiv Cursive
7017Smallcaps Smallcaps
7018O‘zgarmas Solid
7019Yarim shaffof Semitransparent
7020Shaffof Transparent
7022Baland tomon Raised edge
7023Past tomon Depressed edge
7024Kontur Outline
7025Soya Drop Shadow
702650 50
7027100 100
7028150 150
7029200 200
7030Shrift rangi Font color
7031Fon rangi Background color
7032Oyna rangi Window color
8000Har doim ishlab chiqaruvchi konsoli xabarlarini yozib olish Always record developer console messages


File Name:inetcpl.cpl.mui
File Size:126 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Internet boshqaruv paneli
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:INETCPL.CPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:INETCPL.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0

What is inetcpl.cpl.mui?

inetcpl.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file inetcpl.cpl (Internet boshqaruv paneli).

File version info

File Description:Internet boshqaruv paneli
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:INETCPL.CPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:INETCPL.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200