objsel.dll.mui 物件選取器對話方塊 cb5be8f4ee8bb821e5439b67408419a5

File info

File name: objsel.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: cb5be8f4ee8bb821e5439b67408419a5
SHA1: 7b717163021fb535386895c385516d6e7a98de54
SHA256: 3c1cb5db6ad249d8b760fb56c925162fa957a35f5bbf0cf078640bf479744ffa
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
105名稱 Name
106在資料夾 In Folder
112整個目錄 Entire Directory
122記憶體用完。請關閉一些應用程式後重試。 Out of memory. Close one or more applications and try again.
138使用者 User
140連絡人 Contact
142群組 Group
144電腦 Computer
146服務帳戶 Service Account
148密碼設定物件 Password Settings Object
151%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
155物件名稱不正確,因為它包含數個斜線或反斜線符號。請輸入正確的名稱,然後重新執行搜尋。如果要了解正確的資料項目,請按物件名稱清單上方的 [範例] 連結。 The object name is not valid because it contains more than one slash or backslash. Type a valid name, and then run the search again. For examples of valid entries, click the Examples link above the list of object names.
156找不到物件名稱 "%1"。請檢查已選取物件類型及位置是否正確,並檢查您輸入的物件名稱是否正確,或是從選取項目移除這個物件。 An object named "%1" cannot be found. Check the selected object types and location for accuracy and ensure that you typed the object name correctly, or remove this object from the selection.
159您所輸入的物件名稱與 %1 個以上的物件相符。只會顯示前 %1 個物件。 The object name you typed matches more than %1 objects. Only the first %1 objects will be displayed.
161有好幾個物件名稱符合下列的物件名稱: "%1"。請從這個清單中選擇一個物件,或按 [取消] 來重新輸入名稱。 More than one object matches the following object name: "%1". Select an object from this list or, to reenter the name, click Cancel.
164這個位置包含 %1!u! 個以上的物件。但只會顯示前面 %1!u! 個物件。 This location contains more than %1!u! objects. Only the first %1!u! objects will be shown.
165物件名稱不正確,因為它的結尾有斜線或反斜線符號。請輸入正確的物件名稱,然後重新執行搜尋。如果要了解正確的資料項目,請按物件名稱清單上方的範例連結。 The object name is not valid because it ends in a slash or backslash. Type a valid object name, and run the search again. For examples of valid entries, click the examples link above the list of object names.
169以下物件不在 [選取位置] 對話方塊的網域清單中,所以是無效的名稱:
The following object is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is therefore not valid:
173user、[email protected] 或 domain\user name user, [email protected], or domain\user name
174「使用者名稱」或「網域\使用者名稱」 username or domain\username
190這個名稱 "%1" 無效。如果您要指定電腦上的某個物件,請使用這個格式: computer\item。如果您要指定某部電腦,請使用這個格式: \\computer。 The following name is not valid: "%1". To specify an object on a computer, use the following format: computer\item. To specify a computer, use the following format: \\computer.
201找不到以下名稱的物件 (%2) : "%1"。請檢查選取的物件類型及位置是否正確,並確認您是否輸入正確的物件名稱,或是從選取項目上移除這個物件。 An object (%2) with the following name cannot be found: "%1". Check the selected object types and locations for accuracy and ensure that you have typed the object name correctly, or remove this object from the selection.
202system32 system32
203程式無法開啟必要的對話方塊。 The program cannot open the required dialog box.
204Windows 無法處理物件 (名稱 "%1"),因為下列錯誤:

Windows cannot process the object with the name "%1" because of the following error:

210程式無法開啟必要的對話方塊,因為找不到位置。請關閉這個訊息並重試。 The program cannot open the required dialog box because no locations can be found. Close this message, and try again.
211使用您輸入的使用者名稱和密碼後,發生以下錯誤:%1 The following error occurred while using the user name and password you entered: %1
223"%1" 不是正確的名稱。請使用下列其中一個名稱: "%1", "%2"。 "%1" is not a valid name. Use one of the following names instead: "%1", "%2".
224發生錯誤,但沒有錯誤說明。 An error with no description has occurred.
225系統記憶體不足。請關閉一些程式,然後按 [重試]。
或按 [取消] 繼續執行。
The system is low on memory. Close some programs, then click Retry.
Click Cancel to attempt to continue.
226記憶體不足的錯誤 Low Memory Error
227操作失敗。(0x%1!08X!) The operation failed. (0x%1!08X!)
228物件 "%1" 並未啟用。無法選取尚未啟用的物件來進行這個操作。 The following object is not enabled: "%1". Objects that are not enabled cannot be selected for this operation.
246程式無法開啟所需的對話方塊,因為它無法判定電腦 "%1" 是否已加入網域。請關閉此訊息,再試一次。 The program cannot open the required dialog box because it cannot determine whether the computer named "%1" is joined to a domain. Close this message, and try again.
247程式無法開啟必要的對話方塊,因為它無法判定這台電腦是否已加入網域。 The program cannot open the required dialog box because it cannot determine whether this computer is joined to a domain.
248程式無法開啟必要的對話方塊,請關閉這個訊息並重試。 The program cannot open the required dialog box. Close this message, and try again.
249因為您已經改變搜尋位置,可用的物件類型也已變更。要改變這個容器的可用物件類型,請按選項對話方塊中的 [位置],然後選取其他位置 Because you changed the search location, the available object types have changed. To change the object types available in this container, click Locations on the selection dialog box, and select another location
251Windows 無法展開容器 %1,因為發生下列錯誤:

Windows cannot expand the container named "%1" because of the following error:

262公用查詢 Common Queries
278開頭含有 Starts with
279完全符合 Is exactly
283請輸入物件名稱來選取 (範例)(&E): &Enter the object name to select (examples):
284內建安全性主體 Built-in security principal
289其他物件 Other object
306名稱為 "%1" 的容器傳回以下錯誤:
The container named "%1" returned the following error:
Select a different container, or try again.
307目前的搜尋找不到相符的項目。請檢查您的搜尋參數並重試。 No items match the current search. Check your search parameters, and try again.

The following error prevented the display of any items:

309搜尋中... Searching...
310正在停止搜尋... Stopping search...
311群組 - 本機 Group - local
315選擇欄位(&C)... Choose &columns...
317無法讀取文字方塊內容,因為發生下列錯誤: %1!u!。 Because of the following error, the contents of the text box cannot be read: %1!u!.
318有數個物件符合名稱 "%1"。請從這個清單選取一些名稱,或重新輸入名稱。 More than one object matched the name "%1". Select one or more names from this list, or, reenter the name.
322只能輸入一個名稱,而且名稱不能包含分號。請輸入正確的名稱。 Only one name can be entered, and the name cannot contain a semicolon. Enter a valid name.
325從選取項目上移除 "%1"(&R) &Remove "%1" from selection
326已選取數個物件。只能傳回一個物件。請移除額外的物件並按 [確定] More than one object is selected. Only one object can be returned. Remove extra objects and press OK
328找到物件: %1 Objects found: %1
330請輸入擁有 %1 權限的帳戶認證。

例如 %2
Enter your credentials for an account with permissions for %1.

For example %2
331輸入網路認證 Enter network credentials
332無法開啟 [進階] 頁,因為發生下列錯誤:
The advanced page cannot be opened because of following error:
333無法開啟 [進階] 頁 The advanced page cannot be opened
336用來尋找以下網域的選取物件所需的 Active Directory 網域控制站無法使用:
The Active Directory Domain Controllers required to find the selected objects in the following domains are not available:
337不明網域 unknown domain
338 and

請確定 Active Directory 網域控制站是否可供使用,然後重試選擇物件。

Ensure the Active Directory Domain Controllers are available, and try to select the objects again.
340\ \
342使用您輸入的使用者名稱和密碼後,發生以下錯誤: %1 The following error occurred while impersonating with the user name and password you entered: %1
500%1 %1
501%1或%2 %1 or %2
502%1、%2或%3 %1, %2, or %3
503%1、%2、%3或%4 %1, %2, %3, or %4
504%1、%2、%3、%4或%5 %1, %2, %3, %4, or %5
505%1、%2、%3、%4、%5或%6 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, or %6
506%1、%2、%3、%4、%5、%6或%7 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, or %7
507%1、%2、%3、%4、%5、%6、%7 或 %8 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7 or %8
600選取%1 Select %1
601選取%1或%2 Select %1 or %2
602選取%1、%2或%3 Select %1, %2, or %3
603選取%1、%2、%3或%4 Select %1, %2, %3, or %4
604選取%1、%2、%3、%4或%5 Select %1, %2, %3, %4, or %5
605選取%1、%2、%3、%4、%5或%6 Select %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, or %6
606選取 %1、%2、%3、%4、%5、%6或%7 Select %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, or %7
607選取 %1、%2、%3、%4、%5、%6、%7 或 %8 Select %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, or %8
4100操作無法繼續,因為在 Active Directory 網域服務中找不到必要的物件: "%1"。 The operation cannot continue because a required object was not found in Active Directory Domain Services: "%1".
4101操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 新增操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP add operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4102操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 修改操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP modify operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4103操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 移動操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP move operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4104操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 連線/繫結操作失敗: 錯誤: %1!d! (%2)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP connect/bind operation failed: error: %1!d! (%2).
4105操作無法繼續,因為 LDAP 刪除操作失敗: 物件 "%1",錯誤: %2!d! (%3)。 The operation cannot continue because LDAP delete operation failed: object "%1", error: %2!d! (%3).
4106在使用下列旗標 (%2) 的網域 "%1" 中,找不到網域控制站。(%3) Could not find a domain controller in the domain "%1" using the following flag(s) (%2). (%3)
4107在使用下列旗標 (%2) 的樹系 "%1" 中,找不到網域控制站。(%3) Could not find a domain controller in the forest "%1" using the following flag(s) (%2). (%3)


File Name:objsel.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:物件選取器對話方塊
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:objsel
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:objsel.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is objsel.dll.mui?

objsel.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file objsel.dll (物件選取器對話方塊).

File version info

File Description:物件選取器對話方塊
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:objsel
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:objsel.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200