systemreset.exe Windows üçin ulgamy nol etmek caa8e19c05890f7d5ab772442148aab6

File info

File name: systemreset.exe.mui
Size: 21504 byte
MD5: caa8e19c05890f7d5ab772442148aab6
SHA1: 8556520102fdd2c2c5c4a46776ee8c4d8c4f28b3
SHA256: 475d9e6706eb921e4bcd1a6b86282bfc5ee7a7ada2a841ffc92644a810b006be
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: systemreset.exe Windows üçin ulgamy nol etmek (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
136Indiki Next
137Bes et Cancel
138Nol et Reset
139Ýap Close
140Başla Start
142Diňe Windows-yň gurnalan draýweri Only the drive where Windows is installed
143Ähli draýwerler All drives
144Täsir astynda galjak draýwerleriň sanawyny görkez Show me the list of drives that will be affected
145Ähli draýwerlerdäki ähli faýllary aýyrmak isleýärsiňizmi? Do you want to remove all files from all drives?
147Goşmaça disk ýeri zerur Additional disk space needed
148Diskde ýer boşatmak üçin şulary edip bilersiňiz: To free up disk space, you can:
149Diski arassalamagy işlediň Run Disk Cleanup
150Faýllaryňyzy daşky bir enjama göçüriň we olary bu kompýuterden öçüriň Copy your files to an external device and delete them from this PC
151Programmalary gurnalyşdan aýryň Uninstall programs
153Bu kän wagt almaz This won’t take long
155Opsiýa saýlaň Choose an option
156Şu kompýuteri iş ýeriňiz üçin sazlap saklaň Keep this PC set up for your workplace
157Hawa Yes
158Kompýuteriňize iş ýeri gorlaryny ulanmaga mümkinçilik berýän üpjünçilik toplumlaryny ýatda saklaýar. Saves provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources.
159Ýok No
160Kompýuteriňize iş ýeri gorlaryny ulanmaga mümkinçilik berýän üpjünçilik toplumlaryny aýyrýar. Removes provisioning packages that let your PC use workplace resources.
161Duýduryş! Warning!
162Bu kompýuter golaýda Windows 10-a beýgeldildi. Eger bu kompýuteri nol etseňiz, beýgeltmäni yza gaýtaryp hem-de öňki Windows wersiýasyna dolanyp bilmersiňiz. This PC was recently upgraded to Windows 10. If you Reset this PC, you won’t be able to undo the upgrade and go back to the previous version of Windows.
163Şu kompýuteri nol etmäge taýýar Ready to reset this PC
165Dikeltmäge taýýar Ready to restore
166Başdan başla Fresh start
167Geliň, başlalyň Let's get started
169Taýýarlyk görülýär Getting things ready
171Bu bireme wagt alar we kompýuteriňiz täzeden başlar. This will take a while and your PC will restart.
173(%2!ws!) üstünde goşmaça %1!ws! boş disk ýeri zerur. An additional %1!ws! of free disk space is needed on (%2!ws!).
179Bellik: Amal tamamlanýança, BitLocker draýwer kodlamasy wagtlaýynça saklanar. Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be temporarily suspended until the process is done.
180Möhüm: Başlamazdan ozal PC-ňizi toga dakyň Important: Plug in your PC before you start
181Bu PC-de başga adamlar seans açan Other people are logged on to this PC
182Dowam etmek isleýärsiňizmi? Bu olaryň ýatda saklanmadyk maglumatlaryny ýitirmeklerine ýol açar. Do you want to continue? This will cause them to lose unsaved data.
183Dikelt Restore
189Bu siziň şahsy faýllaryňyzy we programmalaryňyzy PC-ňizden aýrar we ähli sazlamalary öňünden kabul edilen sazlamalara dikelder. Eger Faýl taryhy-ny ulansaňyz, dowam etmezden ozal faýllaryňyzyň iň soňky wersiýalarynyň Faýl taryhy draýweriňize göçürilendigine göz ýetiriň. Bu birnäçe minut wagt alar we PC-ňiz täzeden başlar. This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. This will take a few minutes and your PC will restart.
190Bellik: BitLocker draýwer kodlamasy ýapylar. Note: BitLocker drive encryption will be turned off.
191PC-ňizde birnäçe draýwer bar Your PC has more than one drive
192Faýllary ähli draýwerlerden aýyrmagy saýlasaňyz, şu draýwerlere tasiri ýeter: If you choose to remove files from all drives, these drives will be affected:
193Täsir ediljek draýwerler Drives that will be affected
194Atsyz draýwer Unnamed drive
195PC-ňiz batareý kuwwady bilen işleýärkä ony nol edip bolmaýar. We can’t reset your PC while it’s running on battery power.
196PC-ňizi toga dakyň Plug in your PC
197Hiç hili üýtgetme edilmedi. No changes were made.
198Kompýuteriňizi nol etmekde mesele ýüze çykdy There was a problem resetting your PC
201Bu kompýuteri nol edip we faýllaryňyzy alyp galyp bolmaýar Cannot reset this PC and keep your files
202Şu kompýuteri nol etmek we faýllaryňyzy alyp galmak üçin Ulanyjylar, Programma faýllary we Windows kataloglary şol bir draýwerde bolmaly. Onuň ýerine, şu kompýuteri nol etmegi we hemme zady aýyrmagy saýlap bilersiňiz, ýöne ilki şahsy faýllaryňyzy ätiýaçlandyrsaňyz gowy bolar. To reset this PC and keep your files, the Users, Program Files, and Windows directories need to be on the same drive. You can choose to reset this PC and remove everything instead, but you should back up your personal files first.
203Draýwerleri hem arassalamak isleýärsiňizmi? Do you want to clean the drives, too?
204Faýllary aýyr we draýweri arassala Remove files and clean the drive
205Bu birnäçe sagat wagt alyp biler, ýöne siziň aýrylan faýllaryňyzy kimdir biriniň dikeltmegini kynlaşdyrar. Kompýuteri gaýtadan işlenmäge iberýän bolsaňyz, şuny ulanyň. This might take a few hours, but will make it harder for someone to recover your removed files. Use this if you’re recycling the PC.
206Diňe meniň faýllarymy aýyr Just remove my files
207Bu has çalt, ýöne goragy has pes. Kompýuteriňizi alyp galýan bolsaňyz, şuny ulanyň. This is quicker, but less secure. Use this if you’re keeping the PC.
211Bu, şahsy faýllaryňyzy we programmalaryňyzy PC-ňizden aýrar, ähli sazlamalary öňünden kabul edilen ýagdaýyna dikelder. Eger Faýl taryhy-ny ulanýan bolsaňyz, dowam etmezden ozal faýllaryňyzyň iň soňky wersiýalarynyň Faýl taryhy-na göçürilendigine göz ýetiriň. PC-ňiz täzeden işlär. This will remove your personal files and apps from your PC and restore all settings to their defaults. If you use File History, make sure the latest versions of your files were copied to your File History drive before you proceed. Your PC will restart.
214Kompýuteriňizi nol edip bolanok, sebäbi ol Windows To Go işledýär. Your PC can’t be reset because it’s running Windows To Go.
215PC-ňizi nol edip bolanok, sebäbi ol Windows To Go işledýär. Your PC can’t be reset because it’s running Windows To Go.
216Bu kompýuteri nol edip bilmeýäris We can’t reset this PC
21811;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
219Faýllaryňyzy aýranyňyzda, olaryň aňsat dikeldilmezligi üçin draýweri hem arassalap bilersiňiz. Bu has ygtybarly, emma has köp wagt gerek bolar. When you remove your files, you can also clean the drive so that the files can’t be recovered easily. This is more secure, but it takes much longer.
247Dikeldiş gurşawyny tapyp bolmady Could not find the recovery environment
248Windows gurnama ýa-da dikeldiş göterijisini dakyň we PC-ňizi göteriji bilen täzeden işlediň. Insert your Windows installation or recovery media, and restart your PC with the media.
253Bu programmalar täzeden gurnalar These apps will need to be reinstalled
254Programmalaryň sanawyny gözden geçiriň. Olary soňra täzeden gurnamak üçin size diskler ýa-da faýllar zerur bolar. Reveiw the list of apps. You’ll need the discs or files to reinstall them later.
255Yza git Go back
256Kämil gözlegi, goragy we başlangyjy küýseseňiz, islän wagtyňyz Windows 10-a gaýdyp geliň. If you end up missing improved search, security, and startup, come back to Windows 10 anytime.
260Windows 10-y synap göreniňiz üçin sag boluň Thanks for trying Windows 10
261Disk ýerini yzyna al Reclaim disk space
262Bu, Windows 7-ni saklamak üçin ulanylan disk ýerini dikelder. Şeýtmek, şol disk ýerini boşadar, ýöne şondan soň Windows 7-ni dikeldip bilmersiňiz. This will recover the disk space used to store Windows 7. It will free up that disk space, but you will no longer be able to restore Windows 7 after this.
263Windows 7-ni aýyrmalymy? Remove Windows 7?
264Bu siziň PC-ňizde disk ýerini boşadar, ýöne Windows 7-ä gaýdyp baryp bilmersiňiz. This will free up space on your PC, but you won’t be able to go back to Windows 7.
265Täze hasaplary aýyr Remove new accounts
266Windows-yň öňki wersiýasyna gaýdyp barmak üçin iň soňky beýgeldişden soň goşulan ähli hasaplary aýyrmaly bolarsyňyz. Profillerini hem goşmak bilen hasaplary doly aýyrmaly. Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to remove any user accounts you added after your most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.
267Bir hasap döretdiňiz (%2!ws!) You created one account (%2!ws!)
268%1!ws! hasap döretdiňiz (%2!ws!) You created %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!)
269Bu hasaplary aýyrmak üçin, Sazlamalar Hasaplar Başga adamlar-a baryp, täzeden synanyşyň. Go to Settings Accounts Other people to remove these accounts, and then try again.
270Hasaplary yzyna geçir Move accounts back
271Windows-yň öňki wersiýasyna gaýdyp barmak üçin iň soňky beýgeldişden soň başga ýere geçirilen ähli hasaplary ilkibaşdaky ýerine gaýtaryp eltmeli bolarsyňyz. Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you’ll need to put any user accounts you moved after your most recent upgrade back in their original location.
272Bir hasaby geçirdiňiz (%2!ws!) You moved one account (%2!ws!)
273%1!ws! hasaby geçirdiňiz (%2!ws!) You moved %1!ws! accounts (%2!ws!)
274Bagyşlaň, ýöne yza gidip bilmersiňiz We’re sorry, but you can’t go back
275Sizi Windows-yň öňki wersiýasyna gaýtaryp eltmek üçin zerur faýllar şu PC-den aýrylypdyr. The files we need to take you back to a previous version of Windows were removed from this PC.
277Sizi Windows-yň öňki wersiýasyna gaýtaryp eltip bolanok, sebäbi iň soňky beýgeldişde ulanylan USB fleş draýwer ýa-da başga daşarky draýwer ýok. Diski dakyp, täzeden synanyşyň. We can’t take you back to a previous version of Windows because the USB flash drive or other external drive that was used during your most recent upgrade is missing. Please insert the disk and try again.
279Sizi Windows-yň öňki wersiýasyna gaýtaryp eltip bolanok, sebäbi beýgeldişden bäri bir aýdan köp geçipdir. We can’t take you back to the previous version of Windows because it’s been more than a month since the upgrade.
280Programmalarym ýa-da enjamlarym Windows 10-da işlänok My apps or devices don’t work on Windows 10
281Öňki gurluşlary ulanmak has aňsatdy Earlier builds seemed easier to use
282Windows 7-ni ulanmak has aňsat ýalydy Windows 7 seemed easier to use
283Windows 8-i ulanmak has aňsat ýalydy Windows 8 seemed easier to use
284Windows 8.1 ulanmak aňsadrak ýalydy Windows 8.1 seemed easier to use
285Öňki gurluşlary has çalt ýalydy Earlier builds seemed faster
286Windows 7 has çalt ýalydy Windows 7 seemed faster
287Windows 8 has çalt ýalydy Windows 8 seemed faster
289Öňki gurluşlar has ygtybarly ýalydy Earlier builds seemed more reliable
290Windows 7 has ygtybarly ýalydy Windows 7 seemed more reliable
291Windows 8 has ygtybarly ýalydy Windows 8 seemed more reliable
293Başga bir sebäp bilen For another reason
294Näme üçin yza gaýdýarsyňyz? Why are you going back?
296Ýene-de aýdyň Tell us more
298Mesele çözmek isleýän bolsaňyz, If you’re up for troubleshooting,
299goldawa ýüz tutuň. contact support.
300Bilmeli zatlaryňyz What you need to know
301Bu biraz wagt alyp biler, we ol gutarýança kompýuteriňizi ulanyp bilmersiňiz. Kompýuteriňizi toga dakylgy we açyk goýuň. This might take a while and you won’t be able to use your PC until it’s done. Leave your PC plugged in and turned on.
302Yza gaýdanyňyzdan soň: After going back:
303• Käbir gollanmalary we programmalary täzeden gurnamaly bolarsyňyz. • You’ll have to reinstall some apps and programs.
304• Käbir programmalary täzeden gurnamaly bolarsyňyz. • You’ll have to reinstall some programs.
306Gulplanyp galmasyn Don’t get locked out
307Windows 7 hasabyňyza girmekde parol ulanan bolsaňyz, ony bilýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 7, make sure you know it.
308Windows 8 hasabyňyza girmekde parol ulanan bolsaňyz, ony bilýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8, make sure you know it.
309Öňki gurluşda hasabyňyza girmekde parol ulanan bolsaňyz, ony bilýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. If you used a password to sign in to your previous build, make sure you know it.
310Windows 7-ä yza git Go back to Windows 7
311Windows 8-e yza git Go back to Windows 8
312Öňki gurluşa gaýdyp bar Go back to earlier build
315Kompýuteriňizi toga dakyň Plug in your PC
316Diňe batareýiň güýji bilen yza gaýdyp bilmersiňiz. Kompýuteriňizi toga dakyp, täzeden synanyşyň. You can’t go back on battery power alone. Plug in your PC and then try again.
324Faýllaryňyz ätiýaçlandyrylanmy? Bu olara täsir etmez, ýöne taýýar bolubermeli. Are your files backed up? This shouldn’t affect them, but it’s best to be prepared.
325Şonsuz hasabyňyza girip bilmersiňiz. You won’t be able to sign in without it.
326Programmalarym ýa-da enjamlarym bu gurluşda işlemedi My apps or devices don’t work on this build
327• Windows 10-a beýgeldileninden soň sazlamalarda edilen üýtgetmeleriň hijisi ýitmez. • You’ll lose any changes made to settings after the upgrade to Windows 10.
328• Iň soňky gurluş gurnalanyndan soň sazlamalarda edilen üýtgetmeleri ýitirersiňiz. • You’ll lose any changes made to settings after installing the latest build.
329Şu gurluşy synap göreniňiz üçin sag boluň Thanks for trying out this build
330Indiki deslapky syn gurluşy elýeterli bolanynda, ony gurnarys. We’ll install the next preview build when it’s available.
331Windows-yň köne wersiýasyny ulanmak has aňsatdy The old version of Windows seemed easier to use
332Windows 8.1 has çalt ýalydy Windows 8.1 seemed faster
333Windows-yň köne wersiýasy has çalt ýalydy The old version of Windows seemed faster
334Windows 8.1 has ygtybarly ýalydy Windows 8.1 seemed more reliable
335Windows 8.1 hasabyňyza girmekde parol ulanan bolsaňyz, ony bilýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. If you used a password to sign in to Windows 8.1, make sure you know it.
336Windows-yň öňki wersiýasynda hasabyňyza girmekde parol ulanan bolsaňyz, ony bilýändigiňize göz ýetiriň. If you used a password to sign in to your previous version of Windows, make sure you know it.
337Windows-yň köne wersiýasy has ygtybarly ýalydy The old version of Windows seemed more reliable
338Windows 8.1-e yza git Go back to Windows 8.1
339Öňki Windows-a gaýdyp bar Go back to previous Windows
340Birneme ýer boşadyp, täzeden synanyşyň. Free up some space and try again.
341Yza gitmek üçin Windows-yň gurnalýan draýwerinde %1!ws! MB boş ýer gerek bolar. To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! MB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed.
342Yza gitmek üçin Windows-yň gurnalýan draýwerinde %1!ws! GB boş ýer gerek bolar. To go back, you’ll need %1!ws! GB of free space on the drive where Windows is installed.
344Edaraňyzyň syýasaty oňa rugsat bermeýär. Goşmaça maglumat üçin, goldaw işgäriňize ýa-da IT bölümiňize ýüz tutuň. Your organization’s policy doesn’t allow it. For more info, talk to your support person or IT department.
345Täzelemeler barada maglumat alyp bolmady Couldn’t get info on updates
346Täzelemeleri gözlemek üçin, Sazlamalar Täzeleme we howpsuzlyk Windows Update-e baryp, Täzelemeler gözlä-ni saýlaň. To check for updates, go to Settings Update & Security Windows Update and select Check for updates.
347Täzelemeler gözlemelimi? Check for updates?
348Dolanmankaňyz, iň soňky täzelemeleri gurnap görüň. Ol Windows 10 bilen baglanyşykly problemalaryňyzy çözüp biler. Before you go back, try installing the latest updates. This might fix the problems you’re having with Windows 10.
349Täzelemeler gözle Check for updates
350Ýok, sag bol No, thanks
351Bu kompýuter nol edilýär Resetting this PC
352Käbir zatlar taýýarlanylýar %1!d!%% Getting a few things ready %1!d!%%
353Bu funksiýa Howpsuz tertipde elýeterli däl This feature is not available in Safe Mode
354Bu kompýuter nol etmek üçin, Windows-y adaty başladyp synanyşyň ýa-da Giňişleýin başlangyç-a baryp, Meseläni çöz-i saýlaň. To reset this PC, start Windows normally and try again, or go to Advanced startup and select Troubleshoot.
355Ol Windows bilen standart gelýänden başga ähli programmalary aýrar. Öndürijiňiz tarapyndan gurnalan islendik dükan programmasy hem saklanar. Enjamyňyz iň soňky Windows wersiýasyna hem täzelener. Şahsy faýllaryňyz we käbir Windows sazlamalary saklanylar. This will remove all apps and programs, except those that come standard with Windows. Any store apps installed by your manufacturer will also be kept. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept.
357Işiňizi ýatda saklaň we enjamyňyzy dakylgy hem-de açyk goýuň Save your work and leave your device plugged in and turned on
358Bu birneme wagt alar we enjam birnäçe gezek açylyp ýapylar This will take a while and your device will restart several times
359Windows-y täzelendirýärkäňiz, enjamyňyzy ulanyp bilmersiňiz, ýöne ol taýýar bolanda, size habar bereris You won't be able to use your device while refreshing Windows, but we will let you know once it's ready
360Enjamyňyza baglylykda, bu proses 20 minuta ýa-da has uzaga çekip biler. This process could take 20 minutes or longer depending on your device.
361Kompýuteriňiz täzelendirilýär Refreshing your PC
362Ol gurnan ähli programmalaryňyzy aýrar. Enjamyňyz iň soňky Windows wersiýasyna hem täzelener. Şahsy faýllaryňyz we käbir Windows sazlamalary saklanylar. This will remove all apps and programs you installed. Your device will also be updated to the latest version of Windows. Your personal files and some Windows settings will be kept.


File Name:systemreset.exe.mui
File Size:21 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows üçin ulgamy nol etmek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:systemreset.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:systemreset.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is systemreset.exe.mui?

systemreset.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file systemreset.exe (Windows üçin ulgamy nol etmek).

File version info

File Description:Windows üçin ulgamy nol etmek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:systemreset.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:systemreset.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200