0x201 | Se realizó correctamente una copia de seguridad de la información de autorización de propietario de TPM en Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. |
TPM Owner Authorization information was backed up successfully to Active Directory Domain Services. |
0x202 | No se pudo realizar una copia de seguridad de la información de Autorización de propietario de TPM en los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.%nCódigo de error: %1%nCompruebe que su equipo está conectado al dominio. Si su equipo está conectado al dominio, pida al administrador del dominio que compruebe si el esquema de Active Directory es apropiado para la copia de seguridad de información de Autorización de propietario de TPM de Windows 8 y si el objeto Equipo actual tiene permisos en el objeto TPM. Las instalaciones de Windows Server 2008 R2 o anteriores necesitan una extensión del esquema para poder realizar copias de seguridad de Autorización de propietario de TPM de Windows 8. Para obtener más información sobre cómo configurar los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory para TPM, consulte la documentación en línea. |
Failed to backup TPM Owner Authorization information to Active Directory Domain Services.%nErrorcode: %1%nCheck that your computer is connected to the domain. If your computer is connected to the domain, have your Domain Administrator check that the Active Directory schema is appropriate for backup of Windows 8 TPM Owner Authorization information and that the current Computer object has write permission to the TPM object. Installations of Windows Server 2008 R2 or before need a schema extension in order to be ready for backup of Windows 8 TPM Owner Authorization information. Consult online documentation for more information about setting up Active Directory Domain Services for TPM. |
0x203 | El hardware del Módulo de plataforma segura (TPM) de este equipo no ha podido establecer los parámetros de ataque por diccionario para el modo heredado. |
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware on this computer has failed to set its Dictionary Attack Parameters to legacy mode. |
0x204 | Successfully sent physical presence request to clear the Trusted Platform Module(TPM). |
Successfully sent physical presence request to clear the Trusted Platform Module(TPM). |
0x205 | Failed to send physical presence request to clear the Trusted Platform Module(TPM). |
Failed to send physical presence request to clear the Trusted Platform Module(TPM). |
0x206 | Failed to get isOwned status from Trusted Platform Module(TPM), proceeding to clear TPM assuming that TPM is owned. Error code:%1 |
Failed to get isOwned status from Trusted Platform Module(TPM), proceeding to clear TPM assuming that TPM is owned. Error code:%1 |
0x301 | La configuración de Autorización de propietario de TPM cambió de '%1' a '%2'. |
TPM Owner Authorization configuration changed from '%1' to '%2'. |
0x401 | El TPM se aprovisionó correctamente y está listo para su uso. |
The TPM was successfully provisioned and is now ready for use. |
0x402 | El hardware Módulo de plataforma segura (TPM) de este equipo no se puede aprovisionar automáticamente para su uso. Para instalar el TPM de forma interactiva, use la consola de administración de TPM (Inicio-tpm.msc) y seleccione la acción para que el TPM esté listo.%n%nError: %1%nInformación adicional: %2 |
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware on this computer cannot be provisioned for use automatically. To set up the TPM interactively use the TPM management console (Start-tpm.msc) and use the action to make the TPM ready.%n%nError: %1%nAdditional Information: %2 |
0x403 | El sistema tomó correctamente la propiedad del hardware Módulo de plataforma segura (TPM) de este equipo (comando TakeOwnership de TPM). |
The Ownership of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware on this computer was successfully taken (TPM TakeOwnership command) by the system. |
0x404 | La tarea de generación de clave NGC se desencadenó correctamente. |
The NGC key generation task was successfully triggered. |
0x405 | Error al desencadenar la tarea de generación de clave de NGC. |
The triggering of the NGC key generation task failed. |
0x406 | La tarea de inscripción del certificado NGC se desencadenó correctamente. |
The NGC certificate enrollment task was successfully triggered. |
0x407 | Error al desencadenar la tarea de inscripción del certificado NGC. |
The triggering of the NGC certificate enrollment task failed. |
0x501 | Este evento desencadena la generación de identificadores de dispositivos TBS. |
This event triggers the TBS device identifier generation. |
0x502 | Se generó el identificador de dispositivos TBS. |
The TBS device identifier has been generated. |
0x601 | El certificado de estado del dispositivo se aprovisionó correctamente desde %1. |
The Device Health Certificate was successfully provisioned from %1. |
0x602 | El aprovisionamiento del certificado de estado del dispositivo no pudo conectarse a %1. %2 |
The Device Health Certificate provisioning could not connect to %1. %2 |
0x603 | No se pudo aprovisionar el certificado de estado del dispositivo desde %1. Código de estado HTTP %2: %3 |
The Device Health Certificate could not be provisioned from %1. HTTP status code %2: %3 |
0x701 | El hardware del Módulo de plataforma segura (TPM) de este equipo está programado para que lo borre el sistema. |
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware on this computer is scheduled to be cleared by the system. |
0x50000003 | Advertencia |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Información |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-TPM-WMI |
Microsoft-Windows-TPM-WMI |
0x90000002 | Sistema |
System |
0xD0000001 | Heredado |
Legacy |
0xD0000002 | ResetLockPlusUser |
ResetLockPlusUser |
0xD0000003 | Equilibrado |
Balanced |
0xD0000004 | FullOwnerAuth |
FullOwnerAuth |
0xD0000005 | Completo |
Full |
0xD0000006 | LevelCount |
LevelCount |
0xD0000007 | NullBitValue |
NullBitValue |
0xD0000008 | Nulo |
Null |
0xD0000009 | Bloqueado |
Lockout |
0xD000000A | No válido |
Invalid |
0xF0000001 | TpmAutoProvisioningDisabled |
TpmAutoProvisioningDisabled |
0xF0000002 | ShutdownRequired |
ShutdownRequired |
0xF0000003 | RebootRequired |
RebootRequired |
0xF0000004 | TpmForceClearOrImportOwnerAuthRequired |
TpmForceClearOrImportOwnerAuthRequired |
0xF0000005 | TpmPhysicalPresenceRequired |
TpmPhysicalPresenceRequired |
0xF0000006 | TpmActivate |
TpmActivate |
0xF0000007 | TpmTakeOwnership |
TpmTakeOwnership |
0xF0000008 | TpmCreateEk |
TpmCreateEk |
0xF0000009 | TpmDelegationSync |
TpmDelegationSync |
0xF000000A | TpmSrkAuthInvalid |
TpmSrkAuthInvalid |
0xF000000B | TpmDisableOwnerClearFlagNotSet |
TpmDisableOwnerClearFlagNotSet |
0xF000000C | TpmSrkPubNotCurrentInRegistry |
TpmSrkPubNotCurrentInRegistry |
0xF000000D | TpmReadSrkPubFlagNotSet |
TpmReadSrkPubFlagNotSet |
0xF000000E | TpmBootCounterNotCreated |
TpmBootCounterNotCreated |
0xF000000F | TpmAdBackupOfOwnerAuthNotDone |
TpmAdBackupOfOwnerAuthNotDone |
0xF0000010 | TpmAdBackupInProgressPhaseI |
TpmAdBackupInProgressPhaseI |
0xF0000011 | TpmAdBackupInProgressPhaseII |
TpmAdBackupInProgressPhaseII |
0xF0000012 | NoProvisioningDueToLegacyConfigurationOfOwnerAuth |
NoProvisioningDueToLegacyConfigurationOfOwnerAuth |
0xF0000013 | EkProvisioningNotComplete |
EkProvisioningNotComplete |
0xF0000014 | TcgEventLogUnreadableOrEmpty |
TcgEventLogUnreadableOrEmpty |
0xF0000015 | MinimalFunctionalityNotAchieved |
MinimalFunctionalityNotAchieved |
0xF0000016 | NonTaskSpecificErrorOccurred |
NonTaskSpecificErrorOccurred |
0xF0000017 | DeviceLockCounterNotCreated |
DeviceLockCounterNotCreated |