vssadmin.exe 用于 Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务的命令行接口 c6e2b0ecdc6dda934673d98bafd16616

File info

File name: vssadmin.exe.mui
Size: 29184 byte
MD5: c6e2b0ecdc6dda934673d98bafd16616
SHA1: 59dcad0eeafb3f93e90985fbc4ab55f8120ee3b0
SHA256: d19a02b3ced35d009e968945cb276c9866d4a102f13e6875fddcf9682949da76
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: vssadmin.exe 用于 Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务的命令行接口 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
102未知。 Unknown.
103系统 System
104软件 Software
105硬件 Hardware
106未知类型 Unknown type
107稳定 Stable
108失败 Failed
109未知 Unknown
110等待冻结 Waiting for freeze
111已冻结 Frozen
112等待完成 Waiting for completion
113卷影副本不一致 Inconsistent shadow copy
114资源不足 Out of resources
115已超时 Timed out
116可重试错误 Retryable error
117不可重试的错误 Non-retryable error
118意外错误 Unexpected error
119没有错误 No error
120等待提交卷影复制 Waiting for post shadow copy
121没有响应 Not responding
122文件共享 Fileshare
0x40002710vssadmin 1.1 - 卷影复制服务管理命令行工具(C) 版权所有 2001-2013 Microsoft Corp. vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool(C) Copyright 2001-2013 Microsoft Corp.
0x40002713UNKNOWN%0 UNKNOWN%0
0x40002714错误: %0 Error:%0
0x40002715错误: 意外故障,错误代码 0x%1!08x!。 Error: Unexpected failure, error code: 0x%1!08x!.
0x40002716错误: 意外故障: %1 Error: Unexpected failure: %1
0x40002724---- 支持的命令 ---- ---- Commands Supported ----
0x40002725%1 - 新加卷影副本存储关联 %1 - Add a new volume shadow copy storage association
0x40002726%1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - 把用 ForVolumeSpec 指定的卷和用 OnVolumeSpec 指定的卷之间的卷影副本存储 关联添加到卷影副本存储卷。ForVolumeSpec 的卷影副本的存储将存储在 OnVolumeSpec。该关联在卷影副本存储卷占据的最大空间为 MaxSizeSpec。如果将 MaxSizeSpec 设置为值 UNBOUNDED,则卷影副本存储空间将没有限制。如果卷影副本 存储关联的最大值已经被指定,会显示错误。可以以字节为单位或以 ForVolumeSpec 存储卷的百分比的形式指定 MaxSizeSpec。对于字节级别指定,MaxSizeSpec 必须是 1MB 或更大,并且接受以下后缀: KB、MB、GB、TB、PB 和 EB。另外,B、K、M、G、T、P 和 E 是可以接受的后缀。 如果没有提供后缀,MaxSizeSpec 单位是字节。若要指定 MaxSizeSpec 的百分比, 请使用 %% 字符作为数值的后缀。如果提供程序为 Microsoft 提供程 序,MaxSizeSpec 必须是 100MB 或更大。 - 可以使用 List Providers 命令获取提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified by ForVolumeSpec and the volume specified by OnVolumeSpec the shadow copy storage volume. Storage for shadow copies of ForVolumeSpec will be stored on OnVolumeSpec. The maximum space the association may occupy on the shadow copy storage volume is MaxSizeSpec. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. If the maximum number of shadow copy storage associations have already been made, an error is given. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be 1MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If the provider is the supplied Microsoft provider, MaxSizeSpec must be 100MB or greater. - The provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB
0x40002727%1 - 创建新的卷影副本 %1 - Create a new volume shadow copy
0x40002728%1 %2 /Type=ShadowType /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - 为 ForVolumeSpec 创建指定类型的新卷影副本。 除非指定了 ProviderNameOrID,不然会调用默认的卷影副本提供程序。 ForVolumeSpec 必须是本地卷驱动器号或装入点。如果指定了 MaxRetryMinutes 并且另一个进程正在创建卷影副本,vssadmin 将会继续在 MaxRetryMinutes 分 钟里尝试创建卷影副本。 - 可用 List Providers 命令获取提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin Create Shadow /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /AutoRetry=2 - 有效卷影复制类型: %1 %2 /Type=ShadowType /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - Creates a new shadow copy of the specified type for the ForVolumeSpec. The default shadow copy Provider will be called unless ProviderNameOrID is specified. The ForVolumeSpec must be a local volume drive letter or mount point. If MaxRetryMinutes is specified and there is another process creating a shadow copy, vssadmin will continue to try to create the shadow copy for MaxRetryMinutes minutes. - The provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Create Shadow /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /AutoRetry=2 - Valid shadow copy types:
0x40002729%1 - 删除卷影副本存储关联 %1 - Delete volume shadow copy storage associations
0x4000272A%1 %2 /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - 删除 ForVolumeSpec 和 OnVolumeSpec 之间一个现有的卷影副本存储关联。 如果没有提供 /On 选项,所给 ForVolumeSpec 的所有卷影副本存储关联将被删除。 - 可用 List Providers 命令获取提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: %1 %2 /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. If no /On option is given, all shadow copy storage associations will be deleted for the given ForVolumeSpec. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D:
0x4000272B%1 - 删除卷影副本 %1 - Delete volume shadow copies
0x4000272C%1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Oldest] [/Quiet]%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet] - 所给 ForVolumeSpec 删除所有现有卷影副本满足所给选项。如果给出 /Oldest, 该卷上所有旧的匹配卷影副本会被删除。如果使用 /All 不带 ForVolumeSpec 选项,所有卷上能被删除的卷影副本会被删除。如果使用 /Shadow=ShadowId, 该卷影副本 ID 的卷影副本会本删除。 - 可以通过使用 List Shadows 命令获得卷影复制 ID。 输入卷影副本 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。该 ID 可以通过 List Shadows 复制命令获得。 示例用法: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - 有效卷影复制类型: %1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Oldest] [/Quiet]%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet] - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all existing shadow copies satisfying the given options. If /Oldest is given, the oldest matching shadow copy on the volume is deleted. If /All is given without a ForVolumeSpec, all shadow copies on all volumes that can be deleted are deleted. If /Shadow=ShadowId is given, the shadow copy with that Shadow Copy ID is deleted. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. This ID can be obtained through the List Shadows command. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /For=C: vssadmin Delete Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - Valid shadow copy types:
0x4000272D%1 - 曝露现有卷影副本 %1 - Exposes an existing shadow copy
0x4000272E%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ExposeUsing=LetterDirSpecOrShare] [/SharePath=SharePathDirSpec] - 通过共享名称或装入点暴露现有的卷影副本。如果指定了 LetterDirSpecOrShare,卷影副本会通过所给驱动器号、装入点或共享名称暴露 出来。如果没有指定,将会创建一个默认共享,创建完成时会给该共享起一个名 称。要通过一个驱动器号暴露,LetterDirSpecOrShare 必须是 'X:' 形式。要 通过一个装入点暴露,LetterDirSpecOrShare 必须是以 'X:\\' 开始的完全合 格的路径,它必须指向一个现有的目录。要通过一个共享名称暴露, LetterDirSpecOrShare 必须由有效共享名称字符组成,如 SourceShare2。当通 过一个共享暴露时,除非提供了 SharePathDirSpec,会共享整个卷。如果提供 了 SharePathDirSpec,将通过该共享名称只共享此目录和其上的卷的部分。 SharePathDirSpec 必须以 '\\' 开始。 - 卷影副本唯一可以暴露的类型是 DataVolumeRollback 卷影。有 ClientAccessible 类型的卷影副本不能暴露。 - 可以通过使用列表卷影命令获得卷影复制 ID。 输入卷影副本 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin Expose Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ExposeUsing=SourceShare2 /SharePath=\\sharedpath %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ExposeUsing=LetterDirSpecOrShare] [/SharePath=SharePathDirSpec] - Exposes an existing shadow copy volume through a share name or a mount point. If LetterDirSpecOrShare is specified, the shadow copy is exposed through a given drive letter, mount point or a share name. If it is not specified, a default share will be created and a name will be given upon completion. To expose through a drive letter, LetterDirSpecOrShare must be in the form of 'X:'. To expose through a mount point, LetterDirSpecOrShare must be a fully qualified path starting with 'X:\\', and must point to an existing directory. To expose through a share name, LetterDirSpecOrShare must consist of only valid share name characters, i.e. SourceShare2. When exposing through a share, the whole volume will be shared unless SharePathDirSpec is given. If SharePathDirSpec is given, only the portion of the volume from that directory and up will be shared though the share name. The SharePathDirSpec must start with a '\\'. - The only types of Shadow Copies that can be exposed are the DataVolumeRollback shadows. Shadow Copies that have the ClientAccessible type cannot be exposed. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Expose Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ExposeUsing=SourceShare2 /SharePath=\\sharedpath
0x4000272F%1 - 列出卷影副本存储关联 %1 - List volume shadow copy storage associations
0x40002730%1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - 在系统上显示所给提供程序的所有卷影副本存储关联。并不是所有提供程序使用 卷影存储。如果你的提供程序不支持,会发生一个错误。要为一个所给卷列出所有 关联,请指定一个 ForVolumeSpec 并不带 /On 选项。要在一个所给卷列出所有 关联,请指定一个 OnVolumeSpec 并不带 /For 选项。 - 可以通过使用 List Providers 命令获得提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /On=C: %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system for a given provider. Not all providers use shadow storage. You will receive an error if it is not supported by your provider. To list all associations for a given volume, specify a ForVolumeSpec and no /On option. To list all associations on a given volume, specify a OnVolumeSpec and no /For option. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /On=C:
0x40002731%1 - 列出已注册的卷影副本提供程序 %1 - List registered volume shadow copy providers
0x40002732%1 %2 - 列出已注册的卷影副本提供程序。 举例用法: vssadmin List Providers %1 %2 - List registered volume shadow copy providers. Example Usage: vssadmin List Providers
0x40002733%1 - 列出现有卷影副本 %1 - List existing volume shadow copies
0x40002734%1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - 在系统上显示现有的卷影副本。如果没有选项,会显示系统上所有卷影副本, 并按照卷影副本集排序。允许选项的随意组合以便优化该列表的操作。 - 可以通过使用 List Shadows 命令获得卷影复制 ID。 提供程序 ID 可以通过 List Providers 命令获得。 当输入提供程序、卷影或卷影集 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin List Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - 有效卷影副本类型: %1 %2 [/Type=ShadowType] [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, all shadow copies on the system are displayed ordered by shadow copy set. Any combinations of options are allowed to refine the list operation. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider, Shadow, or Shadow Set ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Shadows /Type=ClientAccessible /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} - Valid shadow copy types:
0x40002735%1 - 列出可以进行卷影副本处理的卷 %1 - List volumes eligible for shadow copies
0x40002736%1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/Type=ShadowType] - 显示可使用 ProviderNameOrId 指定的提供程序进行卷影复制的所有卷。 如果提供了 ShadowType,那么只列出可以进行该类型卷影复制的卷。 - 可用 List Providers 命令获取提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin List Volumes /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Type=ClientAccessible - 有效卷影副本类型: %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrId] [/Type=ShadowType] - Displays all volumes which may be shadow copied using the provider specified by ProviderNameOrId. If ShadowType is given, then lists only those volumes that may have a shadow copy of that type. - The Provider ID can be obtained using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Volumes /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /Type=ClientAccessible - Valid shadow copy types:
0x40002737%1 - 列出订阅的卷影副本写入程序 %1 - List subscribed volume shadow copy writers
0x40002738%1 %2 - 列出订阅的卷影副本写入程序 举例用法: vssadmin List Writers %1 %2 - List subscribed volume shadow copy writers Example Usage: vssadmin List Writers
0x40002739%1 - 调整卷影副本存储关联的大小 %1 - Resize a volume shadow copy storage association
0x4000273A%1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - 调整 ForVolumeSpec 和 OnVolumeSpec 之间的卷影副本存储关联的最大大小。 调整存储关联大小会导致卷影副本消失。如果将 MaxSizeSpec 指定为值 UNBOUNDED, 卷影副本存储空间将没有限制。当某些卷影副本被删除时,卷影副本存储空间会压缩。 可以以字节为单位或 ForVolumeSpec 存储卷的百分比的形式指定 MaxSizeSpec。 对于字节级别指定,MaxSizeSpec 必须是 1MB 或更大,并接受以下后缀: KB、MB、GB、TB、PB 和 EB。另外 B、K、M、G、T、P 和 E 是可以接受的后缀。 如果没有提供后缀,MaxSizeSpec 单位是字节。若要指定 MaxSizeSpec 的百分比, 请使用 %% 字符作为数值的后缀。如果提供程序为 Microsoft 提供程序, MaxSizeSpec 必须是 100MB 或更大。 - 可以使用 List Providers 命令获取提供程序 ID。 输入提供程序 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB %1 %2 [/Provider=ProviderNameOrID] /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. Resizing the storage association may cause shadow copies to disappear. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. As certain shadow copies are deleted, the shadow copy storage space will then shrink. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be 1MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If the provider is the supplied Microsoft provider, MaxSizeSpec must be 100MB or greater. - The Provider ID can be obtained by using the List Providers command. When entering a Provider ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /Provider={b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB
0x4000273B%1 - 将卷还原到卷影副本 %1 - Revert a volume to a shadow copy
0x4000273C%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ForceDismount] [/Quiet] - 将卷还原为卷影副本的状态。在该时间点后生成的所有此卷的卷影副本都将 会删除。如果在生成卷影副本后对该卷上的文件和文件夹进行更改,则所有更改 都将永久性丢失。无法撤消还原操作。还原操作一旦开始,将无法取消。 如果卷中当前包含句柄,则还原将失败,除非指定了 ForceDismount 标志。 示例用法: vssadmin Revert Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ForceDismount %1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/ForceDismount] [/Quiet] - Reverts a volume to its state at the time of the shadow copy. All shadow copies of the volume taken after that point will be removed. All changes to files and folders on the volume made after the time of the shadow copy will be permanently lost. The revert operation cannot be undone. Once the revert operation is started, it cannot be canceled. If any handles are currently held on the volume, the revert will fail unless the ForceDismount flag is specified. Example Usage: vssadmin Revert Shadow /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} /ForceDismount
0x4000273D%1 - 查询正在进行的还原操作的进度。 %1 - Query the progress of in-progress revert operations.
0x4000273E%1 %2 [/For=VolumeName] [/All] - 查询正在进行的还原操作的状态。如果使用 /For 操作指定卷名,则显 示该卷的还原进度的详细信息。如果指定 /All 选项,则列出所有正在 进行的还原操作。 示例用法: vssadmin Query Reverts /For=E: %1 %2 [/For=VolumeName] [/All] - Queries the status of in progress revert operations. If a volume name is specified with the /For operation, the progress of a revert of that volume is detailed. If the /All option is specified, all in-progress reverts are listed. Example Usage: vssadmin Query Reverts /For=E:
0x4000274C找不到卷影副本提供程序 '%1'。 Volume Shadow Copy Provider '%1' not found.
0x4000274D成功地创建了 '%1' 的卷影副本 卷影副本 ID: %2 卷影副本卷名: %3 Successfully created shadow copy for '%1' Shadow Copy ID: %2 Shadow Copy Volume Name: %3
0x4000274E受支持的卷影副本类型 Supported Volume Shadow Copy types
0x4000274F成功地添加了卷影副本存储关联 Successfully added the shadow copy storage association
0x40002750成功地调整了卷影副本存储关联的大小 Successfully resized the shadow copy storage association
0x40002751成功地删除了卷影副本存储关联 Successfully deleted the shadow copy storage association(s)
0x40002752卷影副本集 ID: %1 的内容 在创建时间: %3 含有 %2!d! 个卷影副本 Contents of shadow copy set ID: %1 Contained %2!d! shadow copies at creation time: %3
0x40002753卷影副本 ID: %1 原始卷: (%2)%3 卷影副本卷: %4 源起机器: %5 服务机器: %6 提供程序: '%7' 类型: %8 属性: %9 Shadow Copy ID: %1 Original Volume: (%2)%3 Shadow Copy Volume: %4 Originating Machine: %5 Service Machine: %6 Provider: '%7' Type: %8 Attributes: %9
0x40002756提供程序名: '%1' 提供程序类型: %2 提供程序 Id: %3 版本: %4 Provider name: '%1' Provider type: %2 Provider Id: %3 Version: %4
0x40002757写入程序名: '%1' 写入程序 ID: %2 写入程序实例 ID: %3 状态: [%4!d!] %5 上一个错误: %6 Writer name: '%1' Writer Id: %2 Writer Instance Id: %3 State: [%4!d!] %5 Last error: %6
0x40002758卷影副本存储关联 卷: (%1)%2 卷影副本存储卷: (%3)%4 已用卷影副本存储空间: %5 (%6%%) 分配的卷影副本存储空间: %7 (%8%%) 最大卷影副本存储空间: %9 (%10%%) Shadow Copy Storage association For volume: (%1)%2 Shadow Copy Storage volume: (%3)%4 Used Shadow Copy Storage space: %5 (%6%%) Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: %7 (%8%%) Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: %9 (%10%%)
0x40002759卷路径: %1 卷名: %2 Volume path: %1 Volume name: %2
0x4000275A正在等待响应。如果正在准备卷影副本,响应可能会被推迟。 Waiting for responses. These may be delayed if a shadow copy is being prepared.
0x4000275B确实要删除 %1!u! 卷影副本(%2/%3): [%3]吗? %0 Do you really want to delete %1!u! shadow copies (%2/%3): [%3]? %0
0x4000275C找不到卷影副本 ID: %1。 Shadow Copy ID: %1 not found.
0x4000275D成功地删除了 %1!d! 个卷影副本。 Successfully deleted %1!d! shadow copies.
0x4000275E已通过 '%1' 成功暴露卷影副本。 Successfully exposed shadow copy through '%1'.
0x4000275F收到错误 %1!08x!,正在删除卷影副本 ID: %2。 Received error %1!08x! trying to delete Shadow Copy ID: %2.
0x40002760%1: 可以通过共享文件夹的卷影副本访问 %1: Accessible through Shadow copies of shared folders
0x40002761%1: 卷影副本没有同共享文件夹的卷影副本关联 %1: Shadow copies not associated with Shadow copies of shared folders
0x40002762%1: %1:
0x40002766%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - 将用 ForVolumeSpec 指定的卷和用 OnVolumeSpec 指定的卷之间的卷影副 本存储关联添加到卷影副本 存储卷。ForVolumeSpec 的卷影副本的存储将 存储在 OnVolumeSpec 上。该关联在卷影副本存储卷占据的 最大空间为 MaxSizeSpec。如果将 MaxSizeSpec 设 置为值 UNBOUNDED,则卷影副本存储空间将没有限制。如果卷影副 本存储关联的最大值已经被指定, 会显示错误。可以以字节为单位或 ForVolumeSpec 存储卷的百分比的形式指定 MaxSizeSpec。对于字节级别指定, MaxSizeSpec 必须是 %3!d!MB 或更大,并且接受以下后缀: KB、MB、GB、TB、PB 和 EB。另外,B、K、M、G、T、P 和 E 是可以接受的 后缀。若要指定 MaxSizeSpec 的百分比,请使用 %% 字符作为数值的后缀。 如果没有提供后缀,MaxSizeSpec 单位是字节。 示例用法: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%% %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association between the volume specified by ForVolumeSpec and the volume specified by OnVolumeSpec the shadow copy storage volume. Storage for shadow copies of ForVolumeSpec will be stored on OnVolumeSpec. The maximum space the association may occupy on the shadow copy storage volume is MaxSizeSpec. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. If the maximum number of shadow copy storage associations have already been made, an error is given. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be %3!d!MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. Example Usage: vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Add ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%%
0x40002767%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - 创建 ForVolumeSpec 的新卷影副本。 ForVolumeSpec 必须是本地卷驱动器号或装入点。如果指定了 MaxRetryMinutes, 并且另一个进程正在创建一个卷影副本,vssadmin 将会继续在 MaxRetryMinutes 分钟里尝试创建卷影副本。 示例用法: vssadmin Create Shadow /For=C: /AutoRetry=2 %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/AutoRetry=MaxRetryMinutes] - Creates a new shadow copy of ForVolumeSpec. ForVolumeSpec must be a local volume drive letter or mount point. If MaxRetryMinutes is specified and there is another process creating a shadow copy, vssadmin will continue to try to create the shadow copy for MaxRetryMinutes minutes. Example Usage: vssadmin Create Shadow /For=C: /AutoRetry=2
0x40002768%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Oldest] [/Quiet]%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet]%1 %2 /All - 用于所给 ForVolumeSpec,删除所有匹配卷影副本。 如果使用 /Oldest,该卷上所有旧的卷影副本会被删除。 如果使用 /All,所有卷上能被删除的卷影副本会被删除。 如果使用 /Shadow=ShadowId,带有该卷影副本 ID 的卷影副本会本删除。只有 ClientAccessible 类型的卷影副本能被删除。 - 可以通过使用 List Shadows 命令获得卷影复制 ID。 输入卷影副本 ID 时,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。该 ID 可以通过 List Shadows 命令获得。 示例用法: vssadmin Delete Shadows /For=C: /Oldest %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/Oldest] [/Quiet]%1 %2 /Shadow=ShadowId [/Quiet]%1 %2 /All - For the given ForVolumeSpec deletes all matching shadow copies. If /Oldest is given, the oldest shadow copy on the volume is deleted If /All is given, then all shadow copies on all volumes that can be deleted will be deleted. If /Shadow=ShadowId is given, the shadow copy with that Shadow Copy ID will be deleted. Only shadow copies that have the ClientAccessible type can be deleted. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow Copy ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. This ID can be obtained through the List Shadows command. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete Shadows /For=C: /Oldest
0x40002769%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - 删除 ForVolumeSpec 和 OnVolumeSpec 之间一个现有的卷影副本存储关联。 如果没有使用 /On 选项,所给 ForVolumeSpec 的所有卷影副本存储关联将被删除。 示例用法: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec [/On=OnVolumeSpec] [/Quiet] - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. If no /On option is given, all shadow copy storage associations will be deleted for the given ForVolumeSpec. Example Usage: vssadmin Delete ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D:
0x4000276A%1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - 在系统上显示现有的卷影副本。如果没有选项,会显示系统上所有卷影副本, 并按照卷影副本集排序。 - 卷影副本 ID 可以通过 List Shadows 命令获得。 当输入卷影副本 ID,必须按照以下格式: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} 这里的 X 是十六进制字符。 示例用法: vssadmin List Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5} %1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec] [/Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId] - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, all shadow copies on the system are displayed ordered by shadow copy set. Combinations of options can be used to refine the list operation. - The Shadow Copy ID can be obtained by using the List Shadows command. When entering a Shadow ID, it must be in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where the X's are hexadecimal characters. Example Usage: vssadmin List Shadows /Shadow={c5946237-af12-3f23-af80-51aadb3b20d5}
0x4000276B%1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - 在系统上显示所有卷影副本存储关联。 要为一个所给卷列出所有关联,请指定一个 ForVolumeSpec 并不带 /On 选项。要在一个所给卷列出所有关联,请指定一个 OnVolumeSpec 并不带 /For 选项。 示例用法: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /On=C: %1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system. To list all associations for a given volume, specify a ForVolumeSpec and no /On option. To list all associations on a given volume, specify an OnVolumeSpec and no /For option. Example Usage: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /On=C:
0x4000276C%1 %2 - 显示可能被卷影复制的所有卷。 示例用法: vssadmin List Volumes %1 %2 - Displays all volumes which may be shadow copied. Example Usage: vssadmin List Volumes
0x4000276D%1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - 调整 ForVolumeSpec 和 OnVolumeSpec 之间的卷影副本存储 关联的最大大小。调整存储关联大小会导致卷影 副本消失。当某些卷影副本被删除时,卷影副本存储 空间会压缩。如果将 MaxSizeSpec 指定为值 UNBOUNDED,卷影副本 存储空间将没有限制。可以以字节为单位或 ForVolumeSpec 存储卷的 百分比形式指定 MaxSizeSpec。对于字节级别指定, MaxSizeSpec 必须是 %3!d!MB 或更大,并接受以下后缀: KB、MB、GB、TB、 PB 和 EB。另外 B、K、M、G、T、P 和 E 是可以接受的后缀。若要指定 MaxSizeSpec 的百分比,请使用 %% 字符作为数值的后缀。如果没有提供后缀, MaxSizeSpec 单位是字节。 示例用法: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%% %1 %2 /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and OnVolumeSpec. Resizing the storage association may cause shadow copies to disappear. As certain shadow copies are deleted, the shadow copy storage space will then shrink. If MaxSizeSpec is set to the value UNBOUNDED, the shadow copy storage space will be unlimited. MaxSizeSpec can be specified in bytes or as a percentage of the ForVolumeSpec storage volume. For byte level specification, MaxSizeSpec must be %3!d!MB or greater and accepts the following suffixes: KB, MB, GB, TB, PB and EB. Also, B, K, M, G, T, P, and E are acceptable suffixes. To specify MaxSizeSpec as percentage, use the %% character as the suffix to the numeric value. If a suffix is not supplied, MaxSizeSpec is in bytes. Example Usage: vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=900MB vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=D: /MaxSize=UNBOUNDED vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=20%%
0x4000276E找不到指定的卷影副本。 The specified Shadow Copy could not be found.
0x4000276F无法删除指定的卷影副本。 The specified Shadow Copy could not be deleted.
0x40002770卷影副本已经被成功地还原。 The Shadow Copy has been successfully reverted.
0x40002771Volume: %1 还原完成的百分比: %2!d! Volume: %1 Percentage of Revert Complete: %2!d!
0x40002772Volume: %1 还原完成的百分比: 未知 Volume: %1 Percentage of Revert Complete: Unknown
0x40002773此卷上当前正在进行还原。 A revert is currently in progress on this volume.
0x40002774此卷不支持还原。 Revert is not supported for this volume.
0x40002775卷无法被还原,因为它正在使用中。 The volume cannot be reverted since it is in use.
0x40002776是否确实要还原为此卷影副本(%1/%2): [%2]? %0 Do you really want to revert to this shadow copy (%1/%2): [%2]? %0
0x40002A94持续%0 Persistent%0
0x40002A95读/写%0 Read/Write%0
0x40002A96客户端可访问%0 Client-accessible%0
0x40002A97无自动释放%0 No auto release%0
0x40002A98没有写入程序%0 No writers%0
0x40002A99可传送%0 Transportable%0
0x40002A9A没有出现%0 Not surfaced%0
0x40002A9B硬件协助的%0 Hardware assisted%0
0x40002A9C差异%0 Differential%0
0x40002A9D丛%0 Plex%0
0x40002A9E导入的%0 Imported%0
0x40002A9F本地曝光%0 Exposed locally%0
0x40002AA0远程曝光%0 Exposed remotely%0
0x40002AA1%0 %0
0x40002AF9卷影副本提供程序没有在系统中注册。 The volume shadow copy provider is not registered in the system.
0x40002AFA卷影副本提供程序出现错误。有关详细信息,请参阅系统和应用程序事件日志。 The shadow copy provider had an error. Please see the system andapplication event logs for more information.
0x40002AFB找不到指定卷或者指定卷不是本地卷。 Either the specified volume was not found or it is not a local volume.
0x40002AFC不支持对指定卷进行卷影副本处理。 Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
0x40002AFD指定的卷影副本提供程序不支持对指定卷进行卷影副本处理。 The given shadow copy provider does not support shadow copying the specified volume.
0x40002AFE处理指定命令时,卷影副本提供程序出现意外错误。 The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to processthe specified command.
0x40002AFF将数据清除到正在进行卷影副本处理的卷时,卷影副本提供程序超时。这可能是由于卷上的活动太多。请等卷的使用不是很频繁时再试一次。 The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume beingshadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume.Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily.
0x40002B00将数据写入到正在进行卷影副本处理的卷时,卷影副本提供程序超时。这可能是由于某个应用程序或系统服务在卷上的活动太多。请等卷上的活动有所减少时再试一次。 The shadow copy provider timed out while holding writes to the volumebeing shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on thevolume by an application or a system service. Try again later whenactivity on the volume is reduced.
0x40002B01处理命令时,卷影副本应用程序或服务遇到意外错误。 A shadow copy aware application or service had an unexpected error while trying to process the command.
0x40002B02正在创建另一个卷影副本,因此无法创建当前的卷影副本。有许多造成此问题的常见方案: * 如果已设置共享文件夹的卷影副本,请确保任意两个卷的计划相互之间 相差五分钟以上。 * 如果已计划任何形式的自动备份,请确保该备份计划与用于 共享文件夹卷影副本的计划不相互重叠。通常,几分钟后重试该操作或更改自动任务的计划应该能够解决此问题。 Another shadow-copy creation is in progress, so the current shadow copy cannot be created. There are a numberof common scenarios causing this problem: * If Shadow Copies of Shared Folders is set up, ensure that no two volumes have schedules that lie within five minutes of each other. * If automatic backup of any form is scheduled, ensure that the backup schedule does not overlap with the schedule used for Shadow Copies of Shared Folders. Generally, retrying the operation after a few minutes or changing the schedule of an automatic task should fix this problem.
0x40002B03指定卷已达到其卷影副本数量最大值。 The specified volume has already reached its maximum number of shadow copies.
0x40002B04卷影副本提供程序不支持指定的卷影副本类型。 The shadow copy provider does not support the specified shadow type.
0x40002B05已达到最大数量的卷影副本存储关联。 Maximum number of shadow copy storage associations already reached.
0x40002B06存储不足,无法创建卷影副本存储文件和其他快照数据。 Insufficient storage available to create either the shadow copy storagefile or other shadow copy data.
0x40002B07找不到满足查询的项目。 No items found that satisfy the query.
0x40002B08运行命令时,内存不足。 Ran out of resources while running the command.
0x40002B09你没有正确的权限,无法运行这个命令。请从具有提升管理员权限的命令窗口运行此实用程序。 You don't have the correct permissions to run this command. Please run this utility from a commandwindow that has elevated administrator privileges.
0x40002B0A自动还原%0 Auto recovered%0
0x40002B0B用于回退恢复%0 For rollback recovery%0
0x40002B0C还原已中止,因为该卷已删除。 The revert was aborted because the volume was removed.
0x40002B0D已找到快照,但它们不在允许的上下文范围内。请尝试使用创建它们的备份应用程序删除它们。 Snapshots were found, but they were outside of your allowed context. Try removing them with thebackup application which created them.
0x40002B5D指定的卷影副本提供程序不支持卷影副本存储关联。没有添加卷影副本存储关联。 The specified Shadow Copy Provider does not support shadow copy storageassociations. A shadow copy storage association was not added.
0x40002B5E找不到指定的卷影副本存储关联。 The specified volume shadow copy storage association was not found.
0x40002B5F指定的卷影副本存储关联已存在。 The specified shadow copy storage association already exists.
0x40002B60指定的卷影副本存储关联已在使用中,无法删除。 The specified shadow copy storage association is in use.
0x40002B63无法创建卷影副本%0 Unable to create a shadow copy%0
0x40002B64内部错误。 Internal error.
0x40002BC0指定的数量无效 Specified number is invalid
0x40002BC1无效命令。 Invalid command.
0x40002BC2无效选项。 Invalid option.
0x40002BC3无效选项值。 Invalid option value.
0x40002BC4同一个选项不能指定一次以上。 Cannot specify the same option more than once.
0x40002BC5指定了一个这个命令不允许使用的选项。 An option is specified that is not allowed for the command.
0x40002BC6缺少一个所需选项。 A required option is missing.
0x40002BC7无效的选项组合。 Invalid combination of options.
0x40002BC8不允许暴露的卷影,原因是卷影类型不正确,或暴露的名称无效。 Expose shadow is not allowed because either the shadow is of the incorrect type or the exposure name is invalid.
0x40002BC9卷影已经存在,不允许暴露的卷影。 Expose shadow is not allowed because the shadow is already exposed.
0x4000300DY%0 Y%0
0x4000300EN%0 N%0


File Name:vssadmin.exe.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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Initialized Data Size:28672
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:用于 Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务的命令行接口
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:VSSADMIN.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:VSSADMIN.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is vssadmin.exe.mui?

vssadmin.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file vssadmin.exe (用于 Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务的命令行接口).

File version info

File Description:用于 Microsoft (R) 卷影复制服务的命令行接口
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:VSSADMIN.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:VSSADMIN.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200