rstrui.exe Microsoft® Windows 系統還原 c5d72141d8e4f7bd9b963de274508add

File info

File name: rstrui.exe.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: c5d72141d8e4f7bd9b963de274508add
SHA1: c18b280c12abdadf70dbece4a3592f63f88c3312
SHA256: 18679dc29d011ce9f7d5072e166aed3ebb2a0d1bdfb6f98c608fb83f40eecd7c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: rstrui.exe Microsoft® Windows 系統還原 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1正在取消... Canceling...
2這個操作需要幾分鐘的時間。請稍候... This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait...
100系統還原 System Restore
102將系統還原到所選擇的還原點。 Restore system to a chosen restore point.
103系統還原失敗,因為發生未指定的錯誤。 System Restore failed due to an unspecified error.
104本機磁碟 Local Disk


System Restore could not open for the following reason:


Please try again.
106您必須在此磁碟機上啟用系統保護 You must enable system protection on this drive
107系統還原並未順利完成。 System Restore did not complete successfully.
108您的電腦正以有限診斷狀態執行。若在此有限狀態使用系統還原,您將無法復原該還原操作。 Your computer is running in a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in this limited state, you cannot undo the restore operation.
109只有線上作業系統可以使用系統保護。 System Protection is available only in online operating system.
110找不到備份裝置。系統還原正在尋找備份上的還原點。請確定備份裝置已啟動,並已連接到這部電腦,然後按一下 [確定]。 The backup drive could not be found. System Restore is looking for restore points on your backup. Make sure the backup drive is on and connected to this computer and then click OK.
111將您的電腦還原到所選事件之前的狀態。 Restore your computer to the state it was in before the selected event
113日期和時間 Date and Time
114確認要還原的磁碟 Confirm disks to restore
115描述 Description
116安裝: Install:
117解除安裝: Uninstall:
118從系統映像備份還原系統檔案時,您必須將包含備份的磁碟連接到電腦。 Restoring system files from a system image backup will require you to connect the disk containing your backup to the computer.
119自備份建立之後所做的所有系統變更 (包括已安裝或解除安裝的任何程式或驅動程式) 都會被復原。您的文件、圖片與其他個人資料不會受影響。 All system changes since the backup was taken, including any programs or drivers installed or uninstalled, will be undone. Your documents, pictures and other personal data will not be affected.
120復原: Undo:
121SYSTEM: System:
129系統還原需要您確認想要還原的磁碟機。 System Restore needs you to confirm which drives you want to restore.
130 None
131選取此選項可復原最近的更新、驅動程式或軟體安裝 (如果您認為它們就是問題來源)。 Select this option to undo the most recent update, driver, or software installation if you think it is causing problems.
132選取此選項可從列出的時間點中,復原系統還原所執行的內容 (如果您認為當時並沒有修正問題,或是造成更多問題)。 Select this option to undo the System Restore done at the time listed, if you think it didn't fix problems or caused more problems.
133復原系統還原(&U): &Undo System Restore:
134建議的還原(&R): &Recommended restore:

System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system.



There was an unexpected error:


Please close System Restore and try again.
138精靈無法初始化系統還原。請關閉精靈,然後再試一次。 The wizard was unable to initiate the system restore. Please close the wizard and try again.

You must be an administrator to perform a system restore. Please log in as an administrator then try again.

140系統還原順利完成。系統已還原到 %1!s!。您的文件沒有受到任何影響。 System Restore completed successfully. The system has been restored to %1!s!. Your documents have not been affected.
145您的文件及檔案不會受到任何影響。 Your documents and files will not be affected.
146沒有排程任何還原操作。 No restore operation was scheduled.
147系統還原仍在進行中,或是沒有完成。 The System Restore is still in progress or did not complete.
148系統還原執行期間,發生未指定的錯誤。 An unspecified error occurred during System Restore.
149系統還原在還原您的檔案時,用盡所有磁碟空間。 System Restore ran out of disk space while restoring your files.
150還原點於還原期間損壞或已刪除。 The restore point was damaged or was deleted during the restore.
151還原點中的登錄已損壞,並且無法還原。 The registry in the restore point was damaged and could not be restored.
152還原期間發生磁碟失敗。這可能是因為磁碟中的錯誤磁區所致。請在此磁碟上執行 chkdsk /R,然後再次執行系統還原。 There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on disk. Run chkdsk /R on this disk and then try running System Restore again.
156系統還原需要重新啟動您的電腦,以還原您的檔案及設定。 System Restore needs to restart your computer to restore your files and settings.
157正在初始化... Initializing...
158正在估計所需空間... Estimating space needed...
159正在還原登錄... Restoring registry...
160正在還原檔案... Restoring files...
161正在還原 IIS... Restoring IIS...
162正在還原 COM+... Restoring COM+...
163正在還原 WMI... Restoring WMI...
164正在完成還原... Finishing restore...
165正在清除... Cleaning up...
166未知 Unknown
167沒有足夠的磁碟空間可執行系統還原。請至少先釋放出 500 MB 的磁碟空間,然後再試一次。 There is not enough free disk space to run System Restore. Please free at least 500 MB of disk space and try again.
168磁碟機 Drive
169無法辨識: Unknown:
170狀態 Status
171已備妥還原 Ready to restore
172此磁碟機未受保護,因而將會略過 This drive is not protected and will be skipped
173此磁碟機可視需要還原 This drive might be restored if desired
174可用空間不足,無法還原磁碟 There is not enough free space to restore the disk
175磁碟機不是處於選取的還原點 The drive is not in the selected restore point
176找不到磁碟機 The drive cannot be found
177您電腦的系統磁碟機上未建立任何還原點。若要建立還原點,請開啟系統保護。 No restore points have been created on your computer's system drive. To create a restore point open system protection.

「系統復原」完成之前,將無法取消復原。若您是在安全模式或從 [系統復原選項] 功能表執行「系統復原」,將無法取消復原。
Once started, System Restore may not be interrupted
Do you want to continue?

System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone.
181(系統) (System)
182正在完成檔案還原... Finalizing file restore...
183手動: Manual:
184完成 Finished
185重新啟動 Restart
186按一下 [重新啟動] 按鈕以重新啟動電腦。 Click Restart button to restart the computer.
187系統保護已關閉,若要開啟以便能夠使用系統還原,請設定系統保護。 System protection is turned off. To turn it back on so that you can use System Restore, configure system protection.
189目前的時區: %1!s! Current time zone: %1!s!
191系統還原精靈已在執行中。此程式將立即結束。 The System Restore wizard is already running. This program will now exit.
192系統還原可能因為電源中斷、系統錯誤或系統重設而已經中斷。 System Restore was interrupted, possibly because of a power failure, a system error, or a system reset.
195不明的描述; 還原點已刪除 -- 這在磁碟空間不足的電腦上是正常情況 Unknown description; Restore Point was deleted -- this is normal on computers that are low on disk space
197找不到選取的備份。系統還原正在尋找備份上的還原點。選擇其他還原點。 The selected backup could not be found. System Restore is looking for a restore point that is on your backup. Choose a different restore point.
200程式 Program
201驅動程式 Driver
202類型 Type
203選擇來源 Choose a source
204您可以從還原點或系統映像備份執行系統還原 You can perform System Restore from a restore point or system image backup

System Restore cannot find the list of system image backups.

207Windows Update: Windows Update:
208重大更新: Critical Update:
210系統還原需要系統管理員權限 System Restore requires administrator privileges
211若要執行此工作,您必須使用系統管理員帳戶登入。 To perform this task, you must log on using an administrator account.
212系統還原無法還原檔案。如果防毒程式正在保護檔案,就會發生這個情況。如果仍然失敗,請關閉防毒並重試還原,或從 Windows 修復環境執行系統還原。 System restore failed to restore a file. This could happen if an anti-virus program is protecting the file. If the failure persists switch off your anti-virus and retry the restore, or perform system restore from Windows Recovery Environment.
System restore failed in delayed file move operation for the file
System restore failed in delayed delete operation for the file
System restore failed in delayed set short filename operation for the file


There was an unexpected error:


System Restore will now close.
1047選擇這個選項,以使用建議的還原點來修復您的系統。 Select this option to use the recommended restore point to repair your system.
1048系統管理員已關閉系統還原。如果要開啟系統還原,請連絡您的系統管理員。 System Restore has been turned off by your system administrator. To turn on System Restore, contact your system administrator.
1049若要使用系統還原,您必須指定要還原的 Windows 安裝。

請重新啟動這部電腦,並選取作業系統,然後選取 [系統還原]。
To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.

Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore.
1050若要執行離線系統還原,系統必須在 Windows 修復環境內啟動。 To perform an offline System Restore, the system must be started in the Windows Recovery Environment.
1051磁碟 %1!s! 有錯誤。 The disk %1!s! has errors.
1052Windows 在 %1!s! 偵測到檔案系統損毀。您必須檢查磁碟是否具有錯誤才能還原。

Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.

Check the disk for errors
1055系統還原無法在啟動時執行還原操作。 System Restore was unable to perform restore operations on startup.


System Restore has found pending updates to your computer.

It is recommended that you restart your computer to apply these updates before continuing with System Restore.

Do you want to restart your computer?
1071時間 Time
1073備份: Backup:
1074偵測不到任何項目。 None detected.
1076 Yes
1077 No
1078系統還原在啟動之後就不能中斷。您是否要繼續? Once started, System Restore cannot be interrupted. Do you want to continue?
1079「系統還原」完成之前,將無法復原。若您是在安全模式或從 [系統復原選項] 功能表執行「系統還原」,將無法復原。 System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone.
1081正在啟動系統還原 Starting System Restore
1082請稍候,系統還原正在啟動。可能需要幾分鐘才能完成。 Please wait while System Restore starts. It might take up to a few minutes.
1083Windows Update Windows Update
1084請稍候,系統還原正在尋找受影響的程式與驅動程式。 Please wait while System Restore looks for affected programs and drivers.
1085正在掃描受影響的程式與驅動程式 Scanning for affected programs and drivers
1089系統映像還原點 System Image Restore Point
1090自動還原點 Automatic Restore Point
1091系統還原會自動建議最近的還原點。您也可以從還原點清單中進行選擇。請嘗試使用在您開始注意到問題的日期和時間之前建立的還原點。還原點的描述則會對應事件的名稱。 System Restore automatically recommends the most recent restore point. You can also choose from a list of restore points. Try using restore points created just before the date and time you started noticing problems. The descriptions of the restore points correspond with the name of an event.
1092系統還原使用還原點將系統檔案和設定還原為較早的時間點,而不會影響個人檔案。系統還原也會將電腦還原為在選取的還原點之前所處的狀態。 System Restore uses restore points to return your system files and settings to an earlier point in time, without affecting personal files. System restore returns your computer to the state it was in before the restore point that you select.
1093關閉 Close
1095其他復原選項,例如重新安裝 Windows、從系統映像備份還原您的電腦,或是可從您電腦製造商取得的工具。若要了解可使用哪些選項,請參閱 [系統復原選項] 功能表。 Additional recovery options, such as re-installing Windows, restoring your computer from a system image backup, or tools from your computer manufacturer might be available. To find out which options are available, see the System Recovery Options menu.
1096無法偵測。 Cannot detect.
1097時間: %1 Time: %1
1098描述: %1 Description: %1
1099%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
1100系統還原找不到離線開機磁碟區。請確定它目前可供存取。 System Restore could not find the offline boot volume. Please ensure it is currently accessible.


File Name:rstrui.exe.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15360
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Windows 系統還原
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:rstrui.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:rstrui.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is rstrui.exe.mui?

rstrui.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file rstrui.exe (Microsoft® Windows 系統還原).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Windows 系統還原
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:rstrui.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:rstrui.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200