File name: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Size: | 13824 byte |
MD5: | c5859300569ff32eabccabb5691f786e |
SHA1: | a32729e5a468acc801fd4c9e326b9937b2a29aba |
SHA256: | 1ee474c761d4674cbaf5b9757c31c63cecc60f7bacea519bc214194f4ddb9cab |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Uzbek | English |
26002 | Saqlash xotira manbai to'lgan. Agar joy bo'shatmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ishlatilmaydigan ilovalarni o'chirib tashlashingiz mumkin. | Phone storage is full. You can remove unused applications if you want to free up space. |
26004 | Telefoningiz sozlamalarini o'zgartirib bo'lmadi. | Your phone's settings couldn't be changed. |
26007 | Telefon sozlamalari o'zgartirilmadi | Phone settings change unsuccessful |
26008 | Telefon sozlamalari o'zgardi | Phone settings changed |
26009 | telefoningiz sozlamalarini muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirdi. | successfully changed your phone's settings. |
26010 | Telefoningiz sozlamalariga o'zgartirishlar muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi. | The changes to your phone's settings were successful. |
26011 | Tizim xabarnomasi | System notification |
26012 | O'zgartirishlar bor | Changes are available |
26024 | Noma'lum yuboruvchi | Unidentified sender |
26027 | %1 telefoningiz uchun yangi sozlamalarni yubordi. Agar yuboruvchini tanib, shu o'zgarishlarni qabul qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yuboruvchi PIN kodini kiritib, Kiritish klavishasiga teging. O'zgarishlar kiritilgandan so'ng matnli xabar olasiz.
Agar buni hozir bajarmoqchi bo'lmasangiz, o'zgarishlarni to'xtatib turish uchun Orqaga qaytish tugmasiga teging. Ularni rad qilish uchun Bekor qilish-ga teging. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don't want to do this right now press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26028 | Siz aniqlanmagan manbadan ba'zi yangi telefon sozlamalarini oldingiz. Agar yuboruvchini tanib, shu o'zgarishlarni qabul qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yuboruvchi PIN kodini kiritib, Kiritish klavishasiga teging. O'zgarishlar kiritilgandan so'ng matnli xabar olasiz.
Agar buni hozir bajarmoqchi bo'lmasangiz, o'zgarishlarni to'xtatib turish uchun Orqaga qaytish tugmasiga teging. Ularni rad qilish uchun Bekor qilish-ga teging. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26030 | Kiritgan PIN kodingiz noto'g'ri. Uni qayta kiritib ko'ring.
Qolgan urinishlar: %1 |
The PIN you entered was incorrect. Try entering it again.
Remaining attempts: %1 |
26031 | Noto'g'ri PIN kod | Incorrect PIN |
26043 | Kiritgan PIN kodingiz noto'g'ri. | The PIN you entered was incorrect. |
26045 | Telefon o'zgartirishlari kerak | Phone changes needed |
26046 | Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) unga ba'zi o'zgartirishlar kiritishi kerak. O'zgartirish kiritish uchun Wi-Fi-ga ulanishingiz yoki uyali ma'lumotni yoqishingiz kerak.
Tugagandan so'ng matnli xabar qabul qilasiz. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. |
26047 | Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) unga ba’zi bir o‘zgartirishlar kiritishi kerak. O‘zgartirish kiritish uchun Wi-Fi-ga ulanishingiz yoki uyali ma’lumotni yoqishingiz kerak.
Tugagandan so‘ng sizga matnli xabar keladi. Yangilashni bekor qilish uchun Uyali+SIM Sozlamalariga o‘ting. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26048 | %1 tugadi va telefoningiz uchun o'zgartirishlar tugatildi. | %1 is finished, and the changes to your phone are complete. |
26050 | ok | ok |
26051 | bekor qilmoq | cancel |
26052 | yopmoq | close |
26053 | ha | yes |
26054 | yo'q | no |
26055 | bajarildi | done |
26057 | qabul qilmoq | accept |
26058 | ulanmoq | connect |
26059 | kiritish | enter |
26060 | hozir o‘chirib yoqish | restart now |
26061 | keyinroq o‘chirib yoqish | restart later |
26062 | Bu telefoningizning sozlamalarini o‘zgartiradi. | This will change your phone's settings. |
26063 | %1 sizga yangi sozlamalarni yubordi. Agar yuboruvchini tanib, o‘zgarishlarni qabul qilmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, Qabul qilish-ga teging. O‘zgarishlar kiritilgandan so‘ng matnli xabar olasiz.
Agar buni hozir bajarmoqchi bo‘lmasangiz, o‘zgarishlarni to‘xtatib turish uchun Orqaga tugmasiga teging. Ularni rad qilish uchun Bekor qilish-ga teging. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26064 | Siz aniqlanmagan manbadan ba’zi yangi telefon sozlamalarini oldingiz. Agar yuboruvchini tanib, o‘zgarishlarni qabul qilmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, Qabul qilish-ga teging. O‘zgarishlar kiritilgandan so‘ng matnli xabar olasiz.
Agar buni hozir bajarmoqchi bo‘lmasangiz, o‘zgarishlarni to‘xtatib turish uchun Orqaga tugmasiga teging. Ularni rad qilish uchun Bekor qilish-ga teging. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26065 | %1 telefoningizni o‘zgartirishni tugata olmadi, chunki siz serverga ulana olmadingiz. | %1 couldn't finish making changes to your phone because you couldn't connect to the server. |
26078 | Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) unga ba’zi o‘zgartirishlar kiritishi kerak.
Quyida mobil operatoringizdan tafsilotlar: |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
Here are the details from your mobile operator: |
26079 | Telefon o‘zgartirishlari kerak | Phone changes needed |
26080 | ko‘rinish | view |
26081 | Iltimos, faqat raqamlarni kiriting. | Please enter only numbers. |
26082 | Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) unga ba’zi o‘zgartirishlar kiritishi kerak.
Tugagandan so‘ng matnli xabar qabul qilasiz. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. |
26083 | Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) uni o‘zgartirishi kerak.
Tugagandan so‘ng sizga matnli xabar keladi. Yangilashni bekor qilish uchun Uyali va SIM-karta Sozlamalariga o‘ting. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to modify your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26085 | Uyali ma’lumot sozlamalarini yangilash uchun teging | Tap to update cellular data settings |
26086 | Qurilmangizni o‘chirib yoqish lozim | Your device needs to restart |
26087 | Tashkilotingiz qurilma o‘chirib yoqilishini talab qiluvchi siyosatni qat’iylashtirdi. U o‘chirib yoqilmaguniga qadar ish manbalari yoki ish tarmog‘iga kirish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lmasligingiz mumkin. | Your organization has pushed down policies that require your device to restart. You may be unable to access work resources or your work network until it is restarted. |
26088 | Shaxsingizni tasdiqlash va PIN kod registratsiyasini tugatish uchun PIN kodni kiriting. | Enter your PIN to confirm your identity and finish your PIN enrollment. |
26089 | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot |
26090 | RebootCSP scheduled reboot | RebootCSP scheduled reboot |
26091 | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot |
26092 | Tashkilotingiz qurilmangizni qulflab qo‘ydi. Uni ochish uchun PIN koddan foydalaning. | Your company has locked your device. You can use your PIN to unlock it. |
26093 | Tashkilotingiz PIN kodingizni o‘zgartirdi. Yangi PIN kodni bilish uchun tashkilotingizdagi javobgar shaxs bilan bog‘laning. | Your company has reset your PIN. Contact your company’s support person to learn the PIN. |
26094 | Dinamik boshqaruv | Dynamic Management |
26095 | Boshqaruv sozlamalaringiz o‘zgardi, chunki yaqinda qurilmangiz konteksti o‘zgardi. | Your management settings have changed because of a recent change to your device context. |
50002 | &Telefoningiz tarmoqda yaxshi ishlashni davom ettirishi uchun mobil operatoringiz (%1) unga ba’zi o‘zgartirishlar kiritishi kerak. O‘zgartirish kiritish uchun siz WLAN tarmog‘iga ulanishingiz yoki uyali ma’lumotni yoqishingiz kerak.
Tugagandan so‘ng sizga matnli xabar keladi. Yangilanishni bekor qilish uchun Uyali+SIM Sozlamalariga o‘ting. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to WLAN or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
50003 | Tarmoq yangilanishi mavjud | Network update available |
50004 | Mobil operatoringiz telefoningiz tarmog'ini yangilamoqda, shunda siz qo'ng'iroq, matnli xabar va yana ko'p narsalarni amalga oshira olasiz.
Yangilanish nihoyasiga yetganida matnli xabar olasiz. |
Your mobile operator is updating your phone network so you'll be able to make phone calls, send text messages, and more.
You'll get a text message when the update is done. |
50005 | Tarmoq profilingiz yangilandi va qo'llanilishga tayyor. | Your network profile is updated and ready to go. |
50007 | Mobil operatoringiz tarmoq profilingizni yangilay olmadi. Agar siz ularga yordam so'rab qo'ng'iroq qilsangiz, ularga ushbu xato kodini ko'rganligingizni ayting: %1. | Your mobile operator wasn't able to update your network profile. If you call them for help, tell them you saw this error code: %1. |
50009 | Qo'shimcha ilovalarni yuklab olish | Downloading additional apps |
File Description: | DMAppsRes |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | DMAppsRes |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. |
Original Filename: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x443, 1200 |