sysdm.cpl.mui Programček »Sistem« za nadzorno ploščo c4fe9a26296f622fd6c660652c097c91

File info

File name: sysdm.cpl.mui
Size: 36864 byte
MD5: c4fe9a26296f622fd6c660652c097c91
SHA1: b1179c9666c9e0b0cecde7c99fa75b42ba1011e2
SHA256: f1417455ba818a1243a556bf5d74f9f8c50e915e951416c319a501d986e8dc8e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
3Sistemske lastnosti System Properties
7%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP
8Uporabnišk&e spremenljivke za %s &User variables for %s
9Ime Name
10Velikost Size
11Vrsta Type
12Stanje Status
13Spremenjena Modified
15Lokalni Local
16V strežniku Roaming
17Obvezno Mandatory
18Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati profil tega uporabnika: %s? Are you sure you want to delete the profile for the following user: %s?
19Potrditev brisanja Confirm Delete
20Izberite imenik, v katerega želite shraniti profil: Select a directory to place the profile in:
21Napaka profila Profile Error
22Neznan račun Account Unknown
23Račun je izbrisan Account Deleted
24Ali naj sistem uporabi profil v strežniku ali le lokalno predpomnjeno kopijo profila v strežniku, kadar se uporabnik %s prijavi v ta računalnik? When %s logs onto this computer, should the operating system use the roaming profile or just the locally cached copy of the roaming profile?
25%.500s že obstaja. Trenutna vsebina tega imenika ali datoteke bo med to operacijo izbrisana. Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati? %.500s already exists. The current contents of this directory or this file will be deleted during this operation. Are you sure you want to continue?
26Potrjevanje kopiranja Confirm Copy
27Profil ni bil v celoti izbrisan. Napaka - Profile not deleted completely. Error -
28Nastavljanje varnosti ciljnega profila je spodletelo. Napaka - Failed to set Security on the Destination Profile. Error -
29Kopiranje registrske datoteke %s je spodletelo. Napaka - Failed to copy Registry file %s. Error -
30Varnostno kopiranje Backup
31Začasna Temporary
32Samo branje ReadOnly
35Možnosti učinkovitosti delovanja Performance Options
36Če želite ustvariti nove uporabniške račune, kliknite tukaj. To create new user accounts, click here.
37Privzeti profil Default Profile
55netid.dll netid.dll
56Windows je v vašem računalniku ustvaril začasno ostranjevalno datoteko, ker je ob zagonu računalnika pri konfiguraciji ostranjevalne datoteke prišlo do napake. Skupna velikost ostranjevalnih datotek vseh diskovnih pogonov je morda večja od navedene. Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer because of a problem that occurred with your paging file configuration when you started your computer. The total paging file size for all disk drives may be somewhat larger than the size you specified.
75(brez) (none)
76Izvažanje majhnega dela pomnilnika (128 KB) Small memory dump (128 KB)
77Izvažanje jedra pomnilnika Kernel memory dump
78Izvažanje celotnega pomnilnika Complete memory dump
79Datoteka za izvoz: Dump file:
80Imenik za izvoz majhnega dela pomnilnika: Small dump directory:
81Izvažanje majhnega dela pomnilnika (256 KB) Small memory dump (256 KB)
82Samodejni izvoz pomnilnika Automatic memory dump
83Izvoz dejavnega pomnilnika Active memory dump
100Za to operacijo ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika; zaprite enega ali več programov, da sprostite pomnilnik. Insufficient memory for this operation; close one or more Windows applications to increase available memory.
114Vnesite vrednost med %d in %d s. Please enter a value between %d and %d seconds.
118Odseka »USER Environment« v registru ni mogoče odpreti.
Register je morda poškodovan.
Cannot open USER Environment section in Registry.
Possible registry corruption.
119Novih spremenljivk okolja ni mogoče shraniti v register.
Register je morda poškodovan.
Cannot save new Environment variables in Registry.
Possible registry corruption.
121V sistem Windows niste prijavljeni kot član uporabniške skupine, ki ima pravico do ogleda nastavitev navideznega pomnilnika te delovne postaje. You are not logged onto Windows as a member of the user group that has the right to view the workstation's Virtual Memory settings.
123Začetna velikost ostranjevalne datoteke mora znašati med %d MB in %d MB, pri čemer ne more presegati količine nezasedenega prostora na izbranem pogonu. The initial paging file size must be between %d MB and %d MB, and cannot exceed the amount of free space on the drive you have selected.
124Vnesite največjo možno velikost ostranjevalne datoteke, ki naj bo večja ali enaka začetni velikosti in hkrati manjša od %d MB. Enter a maximum page file size that is greater than or equal to the initial page file size, and less than %d MB.
125Na tem pogonu ni dovolj prostora za ostranjevalno datoteko navedene velikosti. Vnesite manjše število ali sprostite nekaj diskovnega prostora. There is not enough space on this drive for the paging file size specified. Please enter a smaller number or free some disk space.
126Pogon %c: je premajhen za ostranjevalno datoteko z največjo možno velikostjo, ki ste jo navedli. Vnesite manjše število. Drive %c: is too small for the maximum paging file size specified. Please enter a smaller number.
127Trenutnih nastavitev navideznega pomnilnika ni mogoče prebrati. Could not read the current virtual memory settings.
128MB MB
130Na pogonu %c: ni dovolj nezasedenega prostora za ostranjevalno datoteko z največjo možno velikostjo, ki ste jo navedli. Če nadaljujete s to nastavitvijo, bo velikost ostranjevalne datoteke dosegla le velikost, ki jo dopušča nezaseden prostor, ki je na voljo. Drive %c: does not have enough free space for the maximum paging file size specified. If you continue with this setting, the paging file will only grow to the size of the available free space.
131Odseka »SYSTEM Environment« v registru ni mogoče odpreti.
Register je morda poškodovan.
Cannot open SYSTEM Environment section in Registry.
Possible registry corruption.
132V sistem Windows niste prijavljeni kot član uporabniške skupine, ki ima pravico do ogleda nastavitev obnovitve te delovne postaje. You are not logged onto Windows as a member of the user group that has the right to view the workstation's Recovery settings.
135Datoteka z imenom »%s« že obstaja. Ali želite obstoječo datoteko prepisati z ostranjevalno? Another file exists with the file name "%s". Do you wish to overwrite the existing file with a page file?
136Na tem pogonu ni dovolj prostora za ostranjevalno datoteko navedene velikosti. Ko bo ostranjevalna datoteka ustvarjena, mora biti na disku vsaj še %d MB nezasedenega prostora. Navedite manjšo velikost ostranjevalne datoteke ali sprostite nekaj diskovnega prostora. There is not enough space on this drive to create the page file size specified. At least %d Megabytes of free disk space must be left after the page file is created. Specify a smaller page file size or free some disk space.
138Windows morda ne bo zabeležil podrobnosti, s katerimi bi bilo mogoče prepoznati sistemske napake, ker je ostranjevalna datoteka onemogočena ali pa je manjša od %d MB. Kliknite »V redu«, če se želite vrniti v oknu z nastavitvami navideznega pomnilnika, omogočiti ostranjevalno datoteko in nastaviti velikost vrednosti, ki je večja od %d MB. Če pa želite spremeniti izbiro izvoza pomnilnika, kliknite »Prekliči«. Windows might not be able to record details that could help identify system errors because your current paging file is disabled or less than %d megabytes. Click OK to return to the Virtual Memory settings window, enable the paging file, and set the size to a value over %d megabytes, or click Cancel to change your memory dump selection.
139Če onemogočite ostranjevalno datoteko oz. nastavite začetno velikost ostranjevalne datoteke na manj kot %d MB, sistem v primeru sistemske napake morda ne bo mogel zapisati podrobnosti, ki bi pomagale najti težavo. Ali želite nadaljevati? If you disable the paging file or set the initial size to less than %d megabytes and a system error occurs, Windows might not record details that could help identify the problem. Do you want to continue?
140Če želite informacije o iskanju napak zapisati v datoteko, morate vnesti ime datoteke. If you want to write debugging information to a file, you must enter a file name.
141Informacije za iskanje napak je mogoče zapisati le na lokalne zapisljive diskovne pogone. Navedite pot na lokalnem diskovnem pogonu. Debugging information can be written only to local, writable disk drives. Please specify a path on a local disk drive.
142Pot datoteke z informacijami za iskanje napak je morda neveljavna ali pa je trenutno nedostopna. Ali jo želite spremeniti? The debugging information file path may be invalid or is currently inaccessible. Do you wish to change it?
143Pot datoteke z informacijami za iskanje napak je predolga. Navedite pot, krajšo od %ld znakov. The path for the debugging information file is too long. Please specify a path that is less than %ld characters.
144Pot datoteke z informacijami za iskanje napak mora biti polno navedena, kot je na primer c:\windir\memory.log The debugging information file path must be a fully qualified path such as c:\windir\memory.log
150Vnesite številsko vrednost začetne velikosti ostranjevalne datoteke. Enter a numeric value for the initial page file size.
151Vnesite številsko vrednost največje možne velikosti ostranjevalne datoteke. Enter a numeric value for the maximum page file size.
152Spremembe, ki ste jih naredili, bodo veljale šele po vnovičnem zagonu vašega računalnika. The changes you have made require you to restart your computer before they can take effect.
153Trenutne velikosti ostranjevalne datoteke ni mogoče ugotoviti. Vrednost, ki predstavlja trenutno velikost ostranjevalne datoteke, je morda nepravilna. Unable to determine the current paging file size. The value reported as the current paging file size may be incorrect.
154Odseka »SYSTEM Environment« v registru ni mogoče odpreti.
Niste prijavljeni kot skrbnik.
Cannot open SYSTEM Environment section in Registry.
You are not logged on as an administrator.
155Popoln izvoz pomnilnika ni dovoljen za sisteme, ki imajo več kot 2GB pomnilnika.
Če se želite težavi izogniti, se obrnite na Microsoftovo podporo za pomoč.
Full memory dumps are not allowed for systems with more than 2GB of memory.
Please contact Microsoft Support for information on a workaround.
156Na zaklenjenem nosilcu BitLocker ni mogoče nastaviti ostranjevalne datoteke. Odklenite nosilec in poskusite znova. You cannot set a pagefile on a BitLocker volume that is locked. Please unlock the volume and try again.
160Spremenljivka Variable
161Vrednost Value
162Ta spremenljivka okolja je prevelika. V tem pogovornem oknu lahko nastavite vrednosti, ki so dolge največ toliko znakov: %d. This environment variable is too large. This dialog allows setting values up to %d characters long.
164Sistem upravlja sam System managed
165Brez None
170Odseka »USER Environment« v registru ni mogoče odpreti.
Niste prijavljeni kot skrbnik.
Cannot open USER Environment section in Registry.
You are not logged on as an administrator.
171Novih spremenljivk okolja ni mogoče shraniti v register.
Niste prijavljeni kot skrbnik.
Cannot save new Environment variables in Registry.
You are not logged on as an administrator.
200Nova sistemska spremenljivka New System Variable
201Urejanje sistemske spremenljivke Edit System Variable
202Nova uporabniška spremenljivka New User Variable
203Urejanje uporabniške spremenljivke Edit User Variable
204Če želite spremeniti nastavitve storitve Windows Update, se morate v računalnik prijaviti kot skrbnik. You must be logged on to this computer as an administrator to change Windows Update settings.
205Ime računalnika Computer Name
206Strojna oprema Hardware
207Dodatno Advanced
208Zaščita sistema System Protection
209Urejanje komponente poti Edit Path Component
210Komponenta poti ne sme vsebovati nobenega krmilnega znaka niti nobenega od teh znakov:
/ " |
A path component can't contain any control characters nor any of the following characters:
/ " |
211S tem boste zavrgli vse spremembe, opravljene v tem pogovornem oknu, in to vrednost uredili kot besedilo. This will discard any changes made in this dialog and edit this value as text instead.
3000Imenika ni mogoče izbrisati. Izbrišite imenik in poskusite znova. Directory could not be deleted. Please delete the directory and retry.
14050Preprečitev izvajanja podatkov Data Execution Prevention
14051Izvršilne datoteke@*.exe@ Executable Files@*.exe@
14052Onemogočanje funkcije preprečevanja izvajanja podatkov (DEP) za programe ali storitve sistema Windows
lahko izpostavi računalnik poškodbam virusov in drugim nevarnostim.

Če želite nadaljevati onemogočanje funkcije preprečevanja izvajanja podatkov, kliknite gumb »V redu«.
Disabling Data Execution Prevention for a Windows program or service
may expose your computer to damage from viruses or other threats.

To continue disabling Data Execution Prevention, click OK.
14053Atributov funkcije DEP ni mogoče nastaviti v 64-bitnih izvedljivih datotekah. You can not set DEP attributes on 64-bit executables.
14054Če želite uporabiti te nastavitve, morate biti skrbnik računalnika in uporabiti datoteko bcdedit.exe. Če želite več informacij, preglejte spletno Microsoftovo zbirko znanja. To use these settings, you must be a computer administrator and you must use the bcdedit.exe file. For more information, search the Microsoft Knowledge Base online.
14055Procesor računalnika ne podpira strojne funkcije DEP. Vendar pa Windows lahko s programsko opremo DEP prepreči nekatere vrste napadov. Your computer's processor does not support hardware-based DEP. However, Windows can use DEP software to help prevent some types of attacks.
14056Če želite spremeniti te nastavitve, morate biti skrbnik računalnika. To change these settings, you must be an administrator for this computer.
14057Program se mora izvajati z omogočeno zaščito izvajanja podatkov (DEP). Zaščite izvajanja podatkov ne morete izklopiti. This program must run with data execution protection (DEP) enabled. You cannot turn off DEP for this program.
14058Procesor računalnika podpira strojno funkcijo DEP. Your computer's processor supports hardware-based DEP.


File Name:sysdm.cpl.mui
File Size:36 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:36352
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Programček »Sistem« za nadzorno ploščo
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sysdm.cpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:sysdm.cpl.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sysdm.cpl.mui?

sysdm.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file sysdm.cpl (Programček »Sistem« za nadzorno ploščo).

File version info

File Description:Programček »Sistem« za nadzorno ploščo
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sysdm.cpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:sysdm.cpl.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200