MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui Döwrebap täzelenme sazlamalaryny dolandyryjy iş ýüzünde c3b5c1ad003cbb8a1d7cd812ec2a3aea

File info

File name: MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Size: 40960 byte
MD5: c3b5c1ad003cbb8a1d7cd812ec2a3aea
SHA1: 30787e2fb367714ec9f6751f0405e2d685672e7e
SHA256: 18c1c94cdbbcd5074a2ea7ede92fc26274a5f6ab5de87d14a129564d2135b1e9
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
50Täzelenmeler barlanýar... Checking for updates...
51Täzelenmeler göçürilip alynýar %1!u!%% Downloading updates %1!u!%%
52Täzelenmeler gurnalyşa taýýarlanylýar %1!u!%% Preparing to install updates %1!u!%%
53Garaşmagyňyzy haýyş edýäris... Please wait...
54Enjamyňyz täzelenen. Soňky barlanan wagty: %1, %2. Your device is up to date. Last checked: %1, %2
55Hiç hili täzelenme ýok. Täzelenmeleri her gün barlamaga dowam ederis. No updates are available. We'll continue to check daily for newer updates.
56Täzelenmeler gurnalmaga taýýar Updates are ready to install
57Enjamyňyzy ulanmaýan wagtyňyz täzelenmeler awtomatiki gurnalar, isleseňiz olary häzir gurnap bilersiňiz. We'll automatically install updates when you aren't using your device, or you can install them now if you want.
58Täzelenmeler göçürilip alynmaga taýýar Updates are ready to download
59Täzelenmeler gurnalýar... Installing updates...
60Bu täzelenmäni tamamlamak üçin aýratyn gurnama başlatmaly. Ony başlatmak üçin "Gurna" düwmesini saýlaň. Gurnama penjiresi görünmeýän bolsa, şu penjiräni kiçeldiň ýa-da tabşyryk zolagyny barlaň. We need to start a separate installation to complete this update. Select Install to start it. If you don't see the install window, minimize this window, or check the taskbar.
61Enjamyňyz täzelenen. Soňky barlanan wagty: Şu gün, %1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Today, %1
62Enjamyňyz täzelenen. Soňky barlanan wagty: Düýn, %1 Your device is up to date. Last checked: Yesterday, %1
63Täzelemeler başladylýar... Initializing updates...
64%1!u!%% täzelemeleri göçürip almaga taýýarlanýar Preparing to download updates %1!u!%%
100Täzelenmeleri barla Check for updates
101Elýeterli täzelemeler awtomatik göçürilip alnyp, gurnalar, ölçegli birikmeler degişli däl (tölegli ýerlerde). Available updates will be downloaded and installed automatically, except over metered connections (where charges may apply).
102Häzir täzeden işlet Restart now
103Häzir gurna Install now
104Göçürip al Download
105Täzeden synanyş Retry
106Meseleleri düzet Fix issues
107Gerek däl zatlary aýyrmak üçin ammara gidiň Go to Storage to remove things you don't need
108Indiki Next
109Gurnamagy tamamlar ýaly açyp ýapmakda kynçylyk çekýäris. Az salymdan synanyşyň. Muny görmäge dowam etseňiz, internetden gözläp görüň ýa-da kömek üçin goldawa ýüz tutuň. Şu ýalňyşlyk kodunyň peýdasy degip biler: (%1) We're having trouble restarting to finish the install. Try again in a little while. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
110Täzeden işletmek we täzelemegi tamamlamak üçin şular gerek: To restart and finish updating, we need:
• Batareýiňize 40%-e çenli zarýad bermeli.

• Your battery charged to 40%.
• Telefon jaňyňyz gutarmaly.

• Your phone call to be finished.
113Bu opsiýa edaraňyz tarapyndan dolandyrylýar. This option is managed by your organization.
114Täzelemeleri dowam etdir Resume updates
130Windows-y täzelänimde beýleki Microsoft önümleriniň täzelenmelerini ber. Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows.
131Microsoft Update-den täzelenmeleri onlaýn barlaň. Check online for updates from Microsoft Update.
133Giňişleýin öwren Learn more
134Täzelemeden soň enjamymy awtomatik sazlamagy gutarmak üçin, hasaba giriş maglumatymy ulan. Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update.
135Goşmaça maglumat Learn more
136Gizlinlik beýannamasy Privacy statement
137Windows-y täzelänimde draýwer täzelemelerini goş Include driver updates when I update Windows
140Isleseňiz, häzir açyp ýapyp bilersiňiz. Ýa-da, has amatly wagtda açyp ýapmagy rejeläp bilersiňiz. Rejelenen wagtda enjamyňyzy toga dakyň. Täzelemäniň möçberine baglylykda, gurnaw biraz wagt alyp biler. If you want, you can restart now. Or, you can reschedule the restart to a more convenient time. Be sure your device is plugged in at the scheduled time. Depending on the size of the update, the install might take a while.
141Adatça enjamyňyzy ulanmaýan wagtyňyzda täzeden işletmegi meýilleşdireris (şu wagt %1 amatly ýaly). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 today looks good).
142Adatça enjamyňyzy ulanmaýan wagtyňyzda täzeden işletmegi meýilleşdireris (şu wagt ertir %1 amatly ýaly). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 tomorrow looks good).
143Adatça enjamyňyzy ulanmaýan wagtyňyzda täzeden işletmegi meýilleşdireris (şu wagt %2 senesinde %1 amatly ýaly). We'll schedule a restart during a time you usually don't use your device (right now %1 on %2 looks good).
144Täzeden işlediljek wagtyny saýlaň Select a restart time
145Şu gün Today
146Ertir Tomorrow
147Ol wagt öten zamanda galýar. Başga bir wagt saýlaň. That time is in the past. Choose another time.
148Bize görkezme berseňiz, täzelemeleri gurnap dynarys: We’ll finish installing updates when you tell us to:
149Açyp ýapjak wagtymyz, size ýatladyjy görkezeris. Açyp ýapmak hakda has köp habarnama görmek isleseňiz, şuny açyň. We’ll show a reminder when we’re going to restart. If you want to see more notifications about restarting, turn this on.
150Täzelenmeler elýeterli. Updates are available.
151Aşakdaky täzelemeleri gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin, kompýuteri täzeden işletmeli: A restart is required to finish installing the following updates:
152Goşmaça dil goldawy Additional language support
160• Internete göz aýlamagy we programma sazlaşygyny kämilleşdirýär. • Improve web browsing and app compatibility.
161• Enjamyňyzyň işleýşini kämilleşdirýär. • Improve the way your devices work.
162• Enjamyňyzy has oňat goraýar. • Help make your device more secure.
163• %1 • %1
164Täzeleme taryhy Update history
165Jikme-jiklikler Details
166Gizlinlik sazlamalary Privacy settings
167Bellik: Windows Update beýleki täzelenmeleri barlanynda ilki öz-özüni awtomatiki täzeläp biler. Note: Windows Update might update itself automatically first when checking for other updates.
168Ösen opsiýalar Advanced options
169Täzeden işletmek opsiýalary Restart options
170Açyp-ýapmagy rejele Schedule the restart
180Awtomatiki (maslahat berilýän) Automatic (recommended)
181Hemme zat adatdakysy ýaly işlesin. Enjamyňyzy ulanmaýan wagtyňyz ony awtomatiki usulda täzeden işlederis. Ölçegli birikmede (tölegli bolup biler) täzelenmeler göçürilip alynmaz. Keep everything running smoothly. We'll restart your device automatically when you're not using it. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
182Göçürip almagy habar ber Notify to download
183Täzelenmeleri haçan göçürip almalydygyny saýlaň, täzeden işletmeli ýagdaýlarda size habar berler. Choose when to download updates, and you'll be notified if a restart is needed.
184Meýilleşdirilen täzeden işletmegi habar ber Notify to schedule restart
185Täzelenmeleri gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin enjamy täzeden işletmegi meýilleşdirmegiňiz soralar. Ölçegli birikmede (tölegli bolup biljek bolsa) täzelenmeler göçürilip alynmaz. You'll be asked to schedule a restart to finish installing updates. Updates won't download over a metered connection (where charges may apply).
186Täzelenmeleri gurnamaly bolanynda hemişe enjamymy täzeden işlet. Always restart my device at this time whenever updates need to be installed.
187Şu enjamda göçürilip alnan täzelenmeleri, ýerli torumdaky beýleki enjamlary täzelemekde gaýtadan ulan. Reuse updates downloaded on this device to update other devices on my local network.
188Täzelenmeleri hiç haçan barlama (maslahat berlenok) Never check for updates (not recommended)
189Guramaňyz, awtomatiki täzelenmeleri öçüripdir Your organization has turned off automatic updates
190Gurnamagy habar ber Notify to install
191Ölçegli birikmede täzelenmeler göçürilip alynmaz. Täzelenmeler göçürilip alnansoň olary gurnamagyňyz soralar. Updates won't download over a metered connection. You'll be asked to install updates when they've been downloaded.
192Biz täzelemeleri awtomatik göçürip alyp gurnarys, ýöne oňa ölçegli birikmeler degişli däl (olarda tölegler bolup biler). Şeýle boanda, biz diňe Windows-yň kadaly işläp durmagy üçin gerek bolan täzelemeleri awtomatik göçürip alarys. We'll automatically download and install updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly.
193Biz täzelemeleri göçürip almagyňyzy sorarys, ýöne Windows-yň kadaly işläp durmagy üçin gerek bolan täzelemeler muňa degişli däl. Şeýle bolanda, biz ol täzelemeleri awtomatik göçürip alarys. We'll ask you to download updates, except when updates are required to keep Windows running smoothly. In that case, we’ll automatically download those updates.
194Biz täzelemeleri awtomatik göçürip alarys, ýöne oňa ölçegli birikmeler degişli däl (olarda tölegler bolup biler). Şeýle bolanda, biz diňe Windows-yň kadaly işläp durmagy üçin gerek bolan täzelemeleri awtomatik göçürip alarys. Täzelemeler göçürilip alnansoň, olary gurnamagyňyzy sorarys. We'll automatically download updates, except on metered connections (where charges may apply). In that case, we’ll automatically download only those updates required to keep Windows running smoothly. We'll ask you to install updates after they've been downloaded.
200Entek hiç hili täzelenme gurnalmady. No updates have been installed yet.
201Üstünlikli gurnaldy - %1 Successfully installed on %1
202Gurnamak şowsuz - %1 Failed to install on %1
203Gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin täzeden işletmeli Requires a restart to finish installing
204Hil täzelemeleri (%1!u!) Quality Updates (%1!u!)
205Funksiýa täzelemeleri (%1!u!) Feature Updates (%1!u!)
206Draýwer täzelemeleri (%1!u!) Driver Updates (%1!u!)
207Kesgitleme täzelemeleri (%1!u!) Definition Updates (%1!u!)
208Başga täzelemeler (%1!u!) Other Updates (%1!u!)
209Düýrlendi Collapsed
210Düýrlenmedi Not Collapsed
240Dikeldiş opsiýalary Recovery options
241Täzelenmeleri gurnalyşdan aýyr Uninstall updates
300Programma üpjünçiliginiň täze ygtyýarnama şertleri Software License Terms
301Bu täzelenmäni gurnamak üçin programma üpjünçiliginiň täze ygtyýarnama şertlerini kabul ediň ýa-da täzelenmäni häzir gurnamak islemeýän bolsaňyz, ýokardaky "Yza" düwmesini saýlaň. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Close this window or select the Back arrow above if you don't want to install the update now.
302Bu täzelenmäni gurnamak üçin täze programma üpjünçiligi ygtyýarnama şertlerini kabul ediň. Täzelenmäni häzir gurnamak islemeseňiz, "Yza" düwmesini saýlaň. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms. Select the Back button if you don't want to install the update now.
400Ýap Close
401Kabul et we gurna Accept and install
500Göçürip almaga garaşylýar Waiting for download
501Göçürilip alynýar… Downloading
502Gurnalmaga garaşylýar Waiting for install
503Gurnalýar Installing
504Täzeden işletmek zerur Requires restart
505Säwlik Error
506Dowam edýär In progress
550Funksiýa täzelemelerini gurnamaly wagty kesgitlemek üçin, şaha taýýarlyk derejesini saýlaň. Häzirki şaha täzelemäniň köp kişi üçin taýýardygyny aňladýar, Häzirki biznes şahasy bolsa, onuň edaralara ýaýradylmaga taýýardygyny görkezýär. Choose the branch readiness level to determine when feature updates are installed. Current Branch means the update is ready for most people, and Current Branch for Business means it’s ready for widespread use in organizations.
551Häzirki şahamça Current Branch
552Häzirki biznes şahamçasy Current Branch for Business
553Funksiýa täzelemesi täze mümkinçilikleri we gowulandyrmalary öz içine alýar. Ony şunça gün gaýra goýmak mümkin: A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
554Hil täzelemesi howpsuzlyk gowulandyrmalaryny öz içine alýar. Ony şunça gün gaýra goýmak mümkin: A quality update includes security improvements. It can be deferred for this many days:
555Bu enjama täzelemeleriň gurnalamagyny %1!u! güne çenli wagtlaýynça sägindiriň. Täzelemeler dowam edende, bu enjamy ýene sägindirme üçin, ol iň soňky täzelemeleri almaly bolar. Temporarily pause updates from being installed on this device for up to %1!u! days. When updates resume, this device will need to get the latest updates before it can be paused again.
556Bu enjam üçin täzelemeleri sägindirdiňiz. Täzelemeleriň haçan dowam etjegi barada goşmaça maglumat üçin, Kämil opsiýalary saýlaň. You have paused updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
557Edaraňyz bu enjam üçin käbir täzelemeleri sägindirdi. Täzelemeleriň haçan dowam etjegi barada goşmaça maglumat üçin, Kämil opsiýalary saýlaň. Your organization paused some updates for this device. For more info on when updates will resume, select Advanced options.
558Häzir sägindirmek täzelemeleri %1 çenli sägindirer Pausing now will pause updates until %1
559Täzelemeler %1 çenli sägindi Updates paused until %1
560Hil täzelemeleri edaraňyz tarapyndan %1 çenli sägindirildi Quality updates paused by your organization until %1
561Funksiýa täzelemeleri edaraňyz tarapyndan %1 çenli sägindirildi Feature updates paused by your organization until %1
562Käbir täzelemeler eýýäm göçürilip alnyp gurnaldy we olary sägindirip bolmaýar. Bu enjamy açyp ýapmak ol täzemeleri gurnap dynar. Başga hiç bir täzeleme säginmez. Some updates were already downloaded and installed and can’t be paused. Restarting this device will finish installing these updates. Any other updates will be paused.
563Täzelemelere dowam edildi, şonuň üçin biz täzelemeleri ýene sägindirjek bolsaňyz, iň soňky howpsuzlyk hem-de hil täzelemeleri arkaly kompýuteriňizi täze saklamak üçin, täzelemeleri gözletmeli. Updates have been resumed so we are checking for updates to keep your machine current with the latest security and quality updates before you can pause updates again.
564Täzelemeleri sägindir Pause Updates
600Başlaýyş wagtyndan başlap, %1!u! sagatdan köp bolmadyk gutaryş wagtyny saýlaň. Choose an end time that’s no more than %1!u! hours from the start time.
601Gutaryş wagty (maks %1!u! sagat) End time (max %1!u! hours)
602Edaraňyz siziň Işjeň sagat çäkleriňizi saýlady. Your organization has chosen your Active hours limits.
700Enjamyňyz işjeň sagatlaryň daşynda täzeden işledilmäge bellenilen. (Işjeň sagatlar %1 - %2.) Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
701Biz %1, %2 wagta rejelenen açyp ýapyşa doly taýýar ýa-da has gurat we goragly işlemek üçin, häzir Açyp ýap-y saýlaň. We’re all set to do the restart you scheduled at %1 on %2, or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
702Windows-y täzeläp dynmak üçin, edaraňyz %1 sagatda enjamyňyzy açyp ýapar. Ýa-da, has gurat we goragly işlemek üçin, häzir Açyp ýap-y saýlaň. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Or select Restart now to run more smoothly and securely right away.
703Enjamyňyz %1 sagatda täzeden işlediler. Enjam täzedem işledilmänkä, işleriňizi ýatda saklaň. Your device will restart at %1. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
704Enjamyňyz %1 wagtda açylyp-ýapylar, sebäbi täzelemeleri işjeň sagatlaryňyzyň daşynda täzelejek bolduk, ýöne başa barmady. Açylyp-ýapylmazdan öň islendik işi ýatda saklaň. Your device will restart at %1 because we tried but were unable to install updates outside of your active hours. Make sure to save any work before the restart.
705şu gün today
706ertir tomorrow
707Enjamyňyz edaraňyzyň bellän işjeň sagatlarynyň daşynda täzeden işledilmäge bellenilen. (Işjeň sagatlar %1 - %2.) Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours set by your organization. (Active hours are %1 to %2.)
708Işjeň sagatlaryňyzdan başga, täzelemeleri gurnar ýaly amatly wagt tapyp bilmedik we ony dynmak üçin, siz enjamyňyzy açyp ýapmaly. We couldn’t find a good time to install updates outside of your active hours and need you to restart your device to finish up.
800Enjamyňyz howp astynda, sebäbi ol täzelenmedik we onda möhüm howpsuzlyk hem-de hil täzelemeleri ýok. Geliň, Windows has goragly işlär ýaly, siziň işiňizi ugrukdyralyň. Dowam etmek üçin, şu düwmäni saýlaň: Your device is at risk because it’s out of date and missing important security and quality updates. Let’s get you back on track so Windows can run more securely. Select this button to get going:
1000Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 MB - %2 MB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1001Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 MB - %2 GB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1002Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 GB - %2 GB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB-%2 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1003Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 MB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1004Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 GB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1005Täzelenmeler elýeterli, ýöne göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça birneme ýer gerek. Size zerur däl käbir zatlary häzir aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to download. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1100Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne gurnamak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 MB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 MB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1101Täzelenme elýeterli, ýöne gurnamak üçin wagtlaýynça %1 GB ýer gerek. Edil häzir zerur däl käbir zatlary aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need %1 GB of space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1102Täzelenmeler elýeterli, ýöne gurnamak üçin wagtlaýynça birneme ýer gerek. Size zerur däl käbir zatlary häzir aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. Updates are available, but we temporarily need some space to install. Remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
1200Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB-%2 MB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1201Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB-%2 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1202Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 GB-%2 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1203Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1204Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1205Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da olary häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän Wi-Fi-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered Wi-Fi for some updates.
1300Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnap bolmady, sebäbi kompýuterde seans açmansyňyz. We couldn't install some updates because you weren't logged on to the PC.
1301Siziň giren hasabyňyzy ulanmak arkaly käbir täzelenmeleri gurnap bolmady. Başga bir hasaba girip synanyşyň. We couldn't install some updates using the account you're signed in with. Try signing in with another account.
1302Bu kompýuteriň käbir täzelenmeleri almaga rugsady ýok, Windows-yň başga bir neşirine beýgeldişiň gurnaljak bolýan bolmagy mümkin. Täzelenmä synanyşmaga dowam ederis. This PC isn't authorized to get some updates, possibly because an upgrade to a different edition of Windows is trying to install. We'll keep trying to update.
8000Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnamakda meseleler ýüze çykdy, ýöne soňra täzeden synanyşarys. Muny görmäge dowam etseňiz we internetden maglumat gözlemek ýa-da goldawa ýüz tutmak isleseňiz, şunuň kömegi degip biler: There were problems installing some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help:
8001• %1 - Säwlik %2 • %1 - Error %2
8002Täzelemeleri gurnamakda käbir meseleler ýüze çykdy, ýöne soňra täzeden synanyşarys. Muny görmäge dowam etseňiz we internetden gözlemek ýa-da maglumat üçin goldawa ýüz tutmak isleseňiz, şunuň kömegi degip biler: (%1) There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (%1)
8003Käbir meseleleri tapdyk. Olary düzetmek we täzelemegi tamamlamak üçin şu habary saýlaň. We found some issues. Select this message to fix and finish updating.
8004Täzelenmeleri barlap bolmady, sebäbi siz internete birikmänsiňiz. Öýjükli maglumat ýa-da Wi-Fi birikmäňiziň bardygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or Wi-Fi connection and try again.
8005Birikmäňiz roumingde. Soňra awtomatiki gaýtadan synanyşarys. Your connection is roaming. We'll try again later automatically.
8006Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnap bolanok, sebäbi başga täzelenmeler dowam edýär. Kompýuteriňizi täzeden işletmegiň kömegi degip biler, onsoň täzelemäge synanyşmaga dowam ederis. We can't install some updates because other updates are in progress. Restarting your computer may help, and we'll keep trying to update.
8007Täzelenmeleri göçürip almagy tamamlap bolmady, sebäbi internet birikmesi kesildi. Internete birigendigiňize göz ýetiriň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. We couldn't finish downloading updates because the Internet connection was lost. Make sure you're connected and we'll try again later.
8008Täzelenmeler elýeterli, ýöne olar häzirki birikmäňiz bilen göçürip alardan aşa uly. Wi-Fi toruna birigen badyňyza täzelenmeleri göçürip alarys. Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to Wi-Fi.
8009Käbir täzelenmeleri göçürip alyp bolmady, sebäbi hasabyňyzdan çykaryldyňyz. Hasabyňyza giriň, täzelemäge gaýtadan synanyşyň we göçürip alyşyň dowamynda hasabyňyzdan çykmaň. We couldn't download some updates because you were signed out of your account. Sign in with your account, try the update again, and stay signed in during the download.
8010Batareý tygşytlaýjy açyk, şonuň göçürimleri sägindirdik. Batareý tygşytlaýjy ýapylanda dowam ederis ýa-da şu wagt etmek üçin, "Göçürip al" düwmesine basyň. Battery Saver is on, so we've paused downloads. We'll resume when Battery Saver is off or click the ‘Download’ button to do it now.
8011Käbir täzelemeleri göçürip almakda meseleler ýüze çykdy, ýöne soňra täzeden synanyşarys. Muny görmäge dowam etseňiz, internetden gözläp görüň ýa-da kömek üçin goldawa ýüz tutuň. Şu ýalňyşlyk kodunyň peýdasy degip biler: (%1) There were problems downloading some updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this, try searching the web or contacting support for help. This error code might help: (%1)
8014Ulgamdaky meseleler sebäpli käbir täzelenmeleri göçürip alyp bolmady. Göçürip almaga synanyşmaga dowam ederis. We couldn't download updates because of network problems. We'll keep trying to download.
8015Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnap bolmady, sebäbi kompýuter öçürilipdir. We couldn't install some updates because the PC was turned off.
8016Kompýuteriňizdäki häzirki draýwer, siziň gurnajak bolýan draýweriňizden has oňat bolup biler. Gurnamaga synanyşmaga dowam ederis. A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we're trying to install. We'll keep trying to install.
8017Käbir täzelenmeler bes edildi. Täzelenmeler elýeterli bolsa, synanyşmaga dowam ederis. Some updates were cancelled. We'll keep trying in case new updates become available.
8019Täzelenmäňizde käbir üýtgetmeler etmeli. Synanyşmaga dowam ederis. We need to make some changes to your update. We'll keep trying.
8020Täzelenmäňizi bökdeýän käbir zatlary düzetmäge kömek ediň. Please help us fix some things that are blocking your update.
8021Täzelenmeleriň göçürilip alynýan ammar ýeri üýtgedildi. Täzelenmeler göçürilip alynýarka hiç hili draýwer ýa-da ýat kartasy aýrylmaly däldir. The storage location where updates were downloading changed. Make sure any drives or memory cards aren't removed while updates are downloading.
8022Bu täzelenmäni gurnamak üçin täze programma üpjünçiligi ygtyýarnama şertlerini kabul ediň. To install this update, accept the new Software License Terms.
8023Sizi täzeleme hyzmatyna birikdirip bilmedik. Soňra täzeden synanyşarys ýa-da häzir barlap bilersiňiz. Ol şonda-da bolmasa, onda internete birigendigiňizi anyklaň. We couldn't connect to the update service. We'll try again later, or you can check now. If it still doesn't work, make sure you're connected to the Internet.
8024Täzelenmeleriňizi göçürip almak üçin wagtlaýynça goşmaça ýer gerek. Size zerur däl käbir zatlary häzir aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. We temporarily need more space to download your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8025Täzelenmeleriňizi gurnamak üçin wagtlaýynça goşmaça ýer gerek. Size zerur däl käbir zatlary häzir aýryň, onsoň täzeden synanyşarys. We temporarily need more space to install your updates. Please remove some things you don't need right now and we'll try again.
8026Täzelenmeleri göçürip almakda käbir meseleler bar. Enjamyňyzy täzeden işletseňiz, kömegi degip biler. We're having some trouble downloading updates. Restarting your device may help.
8027Käbir täzelenme faýllaryny gurnalmanka öçüren bolmagyňyz mümkin. Olar size henizem gerek bolsa, şol faýllary göçürip alarys. You may have deleted some update files before they could be installed. We'll download those files for you if you still need them.
8028Käbir täzeleme faýllaryna dogry gol çekilmändir.

Ýalňyşlyk kody: (%1)
Some update files aren't signed correctly.

Error code: (%1)
8029Internet birikmäňiziň ölçegli ýa-da roumingde däldigini anyklap, täzelemeleri göçürip almaga täzeden synanyşyň.

Ýalňyşlyk kody: (%1)
Make sure your Internet connection isn't metered or roaming, and try downloading updates again.

Error code: (%1)
8030Käbir täzelemeleri göçürip almak tamamlanmady. Synanyşmaga dowam ederis.

Ýalňyşlyk kody: (%1)
Some updates didn't finish downloading. We'll keep trying.

Error code: (%1)
8031Täzelemäni tamamlap bilmeýäris. Enjamyňyzy açyp ýapyň, soňra täzeden synanyşarys.

Ýalňyşlyk kody: (%1)
We can't finish the update. Try restarting your device and we'll try again.

Error code: (%1)
8032Käbir täzeleme faýllary ýok ýa-da olarda mesele bar. Soňra täzelemäni gaýtadan göçürip almaga synanyşarys.

Ýalňyşlyk kody: (%1)
Some update files are missing or have problems. We'll try to download the update again later.

Error code: (%1)
8033Täzelenmeleri alyp bolmady. Guramaňyzyň toruna birigendigiňize göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We couldn't get updates. Make sure you are connected to your organization's network and try again.
8034Batareý tygşytlaýjy açyldy. Täzelenmeleri gurnamazdan ozal enjamyňyzy toga dakyň. Battery Saver is turned on. Plug in your device before you install updates.
8035Täzelenmeleri gurnamak üçin batareýiňiz 40%-e çenli zarýad alan bolmaly. To install updates, we need your battery charged to 40%.
8036Täzelenmeleri barlap bolmady, sebäbi siz internete birikmänsiňiz. Öýjükli maglumat ýa-da WLAN birikmäňiziň bardygyna göz ýetirip, täzeden synanyşyň. We couldn't check for updates, because you aren't connected to the Internet. Make sure you have a cellular data or WLAN connection and try again.
8037Täzelenmeler elýeterli, ýöne olar häzirki birikmäňiz bilen göçürip alardan aşa uly. WLAN toruna birigen badyňyza täzelenmeleri göçürip alarys. Updates are available, but they are too big to download over your current connection. We'll download the updates as soon as you connect to WLAN.
8038Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB-%2 MB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8039Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB-%2 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8040Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 GB-%2 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB-%2 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8041Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 MB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 MB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8042Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly %1 GB göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can download %1 GB using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8043Täzelemeler elýeterli. Ölçelýän birikme ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, biz olary göçürip alarys ýa-da olary häzirki maglumat birikmäňiz arkaly göçürip alyp bilersiňiz (tölegli bolup biler). Şonda-da, käbir täzelemeler üçin ölçelmeýän WLAN-a birikmeli bolmagyňyz mümkin. Updates are available. We'll download them when you are not using a metered connection, or you can get them now using your current data connection (charges might apply). You might still need to connect to unmetered WLAN for some updates.
8044Täzelemeleri gurnap bilmedik, sebäbi enjamyňyzda sene we wagt maglumatynda bir problema bar. Sene, wagt we sagat guşaklygy sazlamalaryňyzyň dogrudygyny anyklaň we biz soň täzeden synanyşarys. We couldn't install updates because there's a problem with the date and time information on your device. Make sure your date, time, and time zone settings are correct and we'll try again later.
8045Indiki gezek tok dakylanda, täzelemeleri göçürip alarys ýa-da häzir göçürip almak üçin, "göçürip al" düwmesine basyň We'll download updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'download' button to do it now
8046Indiki gezek tok dakylanda, täzelemeleri gurnarys ýa-da häzir gurnamak üçin, "gurna" düwmesine basyň We'll install updates next time you're plugged in or just click the 'install' button to do it now
8047Bir täzeleme enjamyňyz üçin taýýarlanyp dur, ýöne ol heniz doly taýyn däl. Biz synanyşyp durarys ýa-da şu wagt gaýtadan synanyp bilersiňiz. An update is being prepared for your device, but it’s not quite ready yet. We'll keep trying or you can try again now.


File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
File Size:40 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:40448
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Döwrebap täzelenme sazlamalaryny dolandyryjy iş ýüzünde
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui?

MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file MusUpdateHandlers.dll (Döwrebap täzelenme sazlamalaryny dolandyryjy iş ýüzünde).

File version info

File Description:Döwrebap täzelenme sazlamalaryny dolandyryjy iş ýüzünde
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusUpdateHandlers.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:MusUpdateHandlers.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200