xpsrchvw.exe XPS preglednik c10edfcb48381027a0ba3dd3a4da0b48

File info

File name: xpsrchvw.exe.mui
Size: 89088 byte
MD5: c10edfcb48381027a0ba3dd3a4da0b48
SHA1: 6fbe88ad67881804e833f4df6406be6310ea1b62
SHA256: 038115fa43f6001937cb410eb33aa3429657449469b4be68f9b73b765acd995b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: xpsrchvw.exe XPS preglednik (32-bitno)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
101XPS preglednik naišao je na problem The XPS Viewer encountered a problem
102XPS preglednik XPS Viewer
103Pregledavanje i digitalno potpisivanje XPS dokumenata te postavljanje dozvola za njih View, digitally sign, and set permissions for XPS documents
106XPS dokument XPS Document
115XPS preglednik dovršio je pretraživanje dokumenta. Tražena stavka nije pronađena. The XPS Viewer has finished searching the document. The search item was not found.
120Nije moguće potpisati taj dokument Unable to sign this document
121Nije moguće zatražiti potpis za taj dokument Unable to request a signature for this document
122Autor je ograničio dozvole potpisa na tom dokumentu. The author has restricted signing permissions on this document.
124Nije moguće kopirati taj dokument Unable to copy this document
125Nije moguće ispisati taj dokument Unable to print this document
126Autor je ograničio dozvole kopiranja na tom dokumentu. The author has restricted copying permissions on this document.
127Autor je ograničio dozvole ispisa na tom dokumentu. The author has restricted printing permissions on this document.
128Aktivacija računala... Activating machine...
129Aktivacija korisnika... Activating user...
130Pribavljanje licence... Acquiring license...
175Pomoć za preglednik XPS dokumenata XPS Viewer Help
185XPS preglednik ne može otvoriti taj dokument The XPS Viewer cannot open this document
186XPS preglednik dovršio je pretraživanje dokumenta The XPS Viewer has finished searching the document
187Traženje... Finding...
188Pronađeno je %{PageCount} stranica %{PageCount} pages found
189Pronađena je jedna stranica 1 page found
190Nije pronađena nijedna stranica No pages found
191XPS preglednik ne može postaviti taj račun kao zadani The XPS Viewer cannot set this account as your default
196Zatvori strukturu Close the outline
197U ovom dokumentu nema teksta koji se može pretraživati. There is no searchable text in this document.
198U dijelu ovog dokumenta nema teksta koji se može pretraživati. There is no searchable text in part of this document.
199Pretraživanje stranice %{CurrentPageNumber} od %{PageCount}... Searching page %{CurrentPageNumber} of %{PageCount}...
201Natrag (Alt + strelica lijevo) Back (Alt+Left Arrow)
202Naprijed (Alt + strelica desno) Forward (Alt+Right Arrow)
203Kliknite ovdje da biste otvorili ili spremili dokument Click here to open or save your document
204Pokaži okno strukture (Ctrl + U) Show the outline pane (Ctrl+U)
205Sakrij okno strukture (Ctrl + U) Hide the outline pane (Ctrl+U)
206Okno strukture nije dostupno za taj dokument The outline pane is unavailable for this document
207Cijeli zaslon (F11) Full screen (F11)
208Prikaz i uređivanje dokumenta te postavljanje dozvola za njega View, edit, or set permissions on the document
209Ispis (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
210Pomoć za korištenje XPS preglednika (F1) Get help using XPS Viewer (F1)
211Traženje Find
212Idi na određenu stranicu (Ctrl+G) Go to a specific page (Ctrl+G)
213100% (Ctrl+L) 100% (Ctrl+L)
214Širina stranice (Ctrl+W) Page width (Ctrl+W)
215Jedna stranica (Ctrl+N) One page (Ctrl+N)
216Otkaži traženje Cancel find
217Povećaj ili smanji (Ctrl + ili Ctrl -) Zoom in or out (Ctrl + or Ctrl -)
218Prikaz digitalnih potpisa ovog dokumenta, zahtijevanje potpisa ili njihovo dodavanje View this document's digital signatures, request signatures, or add a signature
219Minijature (Ctrl+H) Thumbnails (Ctrl+H)
220Odaberite raspon stranica koje želite prikazati Select a range of pages to display
221Minijature nisu dostupne Thumbnails are unavailable
222Prestanak prikazivanja dokumenta preko cijelog zaslona (Esc) Stop viewing the document in full screen (Esc)
223Promijenite mogućnosti traženja Change find options
224Prethodna stranica (Ctrl+Page Up) Previous page (Ctrl+Page Up)
225Sljedeća stranica (Ctrl+Page Down) Next page (Ctrl+Page Down)
226Promjena broja prikazanih stranica (Ctrl+Z) Change the number of pages displayed (Ctrl+Z)
227Vrsta koju želite pronaći (Ctrl+E) Type to find (Ctrl+E)
228Odaberite kako želite prikazati taj dokument Choose how to view this document
229Okno strukture nije dostupno u prikazu minijatura The outline pane is unavailable in thumbnails view
250dokument document
251slika image
252tablica table
253redak row
254ćelija cell
255hiperveza hyperlink
256gumb button
257popis list
258stavka popisa list item
259okno pane
350Valjane mogućnosti naredba Valid command options
351XpsRchVw.exe nazivdatoteke.xps [mogućnosti]
/o:nazivdatoteke.tiff - izvoz u višestraničnu tiff datoteku
/o:nazivdatoteke.png - izvoz u više png datoteka
/p - ispis dokumenta
/r:c - renderiranje glifova pomoću značajke ClearType
/r:g - renderiranje glifova pomoću značajke GDI+
/r:a - renderiranje glifova bez zaglađivanja nazubljenosti
XpsRchVw.exe filename.xps [options]
/o:filename.tiff - export to a multipage tiff file
/o:filename.png - export to many png files
/p - print document
/r:c - render glyphs using ClearType
/r:g - render glyphs using GDI+
/r:a - render glyphs aliased
352XPS preglednik ne može izvesti tu naredbu The XPS Viewer could not perform the command
353Provjerite je li upisana naredba valjana pa pokušajte ponovno. Make sure the command you typed is valid and try again.
354Mogućnosti Options
357XPS dokumenti (*.xps;*.oxps) XPS Documents (*.xps;*.oxps)
358Sve datoteke (*.*) All Files (*.*)
359XPS dokumenti (*.xps) XPS Documents (*.xps)
360OpenXPS dokumenti (*.oxps) OpenXPS Documents (*.oxps)
500Okvir za uređivanje za odlazak na stranicu Go To Page Edit Box
501Zumiraj Zoom
502Okvir za uređivanje za traženje Find Edit Box
600XPS preglednik ne može prikazati sve dokumente u strukturi dokumenta The XPS Viewer cannot display all of the items in the document’s outline
602XPS preglednik ne može prikazati sve rezultate pretraživanja The XPS Viewer cannot display all of the find results
603Pokušajte suziti opseg rezultata pomoću dodatnih pojmova za pretraživanje. Try using more find terms to narrow your results.
604Nema dovoljno memorije za prikaz svih stranica u ovom dokumentu.

Zatvorite sve otvorene programe pa pokušajte ponovno.
There is not enough memory to display all of the pages in this document.

Close any open programs and try again.
1001ContextColor channel count does not match profile specified ContextColor channel count does not match profile specified
1002The context color specified in the color profile is not valid The context color specified in the color profile is not valid
1003BeginDeferWindowPos failed BeginDeferWindowPos failed
1004DeferWindowPos failed DeferWindowPos failed
1005EndDeferWindowPos failed EndDeferWindowPos failed
1006SetWindowPos failed SetWindowPos failed
1007CreateIC failed CreateIC failed
1008Matrix transform failed Matrix transform failed
1009Invalid package loader Invalid package loader
1010Union failed Union failed
1011Region construction failed Region construction failed
1012CoCreateInstance failed CoCreateInstance failed
1013QueryInterface failed QueryInterface failed
1017FindResource failed FindResource failed
1018LockResource failed LockResource failed
1019GlobalAlloc failed GlobalAlloc failed
1020GlobalLock failed GlobalLock failed
1021GlobalUnlock failed GlobalUnlock failed
1022CreateStreamOnHGlobal failed CreateStreamOnHGlobal failed
1024ThreadLoader::Start failed ThreadLoader::Start failed
1025The XPS markup referred to a remote resource dictionary that does not exist The XPS markup referred to a remote resource dictionary that does not exist
1026The XPS markup referred to a required resource that does not exist The XPS markup referred to a required resource that does not exist
1028FillRectangle failed FillRectangle failed
1029The XPS page markup did not correctly specify the page width and/or page height The XPS page markup did not correctly specify the page width and/or page height
1030SetPageUnit failed SetPageUnit failed
1031SetClip failed SetClip failed
1032GetClip failed GetClip failed
1033Exclude failed Exclude failed
1034GetLogFont failed GetLogFont failed
1037GetColor failed GetColor failed
1038DrawDriverString failed DrawDriverString failed
1039GetElements failed GetElements failed
1041Pen construction failed Pen construction failed
1042Brush construction failed Brush construction failed
1043FillPath failed FillPath failed
1044GetBounds failed GetBounds failed
1045SetBrush failed SetBrush failed
1046DrawPath failed DrawPath failed
1047GetPathData failed GetPathData failed
1050Illegal subpath type Illegal subpath type
1051SetSmoothingMode failed SetSmoothingMode failed
1052SetInterpolationMode failed SetInterpolationMode failed
1053SetPixelOffsetMode failed SetPixelOffsetMode failed
1054Graphics construction failed Graphics construction failed
1055SetColorMatrix failed SetColorMatrix failed
1056GetTransform failed GetTransform failed
1057DrawImage failed DrawImage failed
1058Invalid image Invalid image
1059SetWrapMode failed SetWrapMode failed
1060SetInterpolationColors failed SetInterpolationColors failed
1065TextureBrush construction failed TextureBrush construction failed
1066Color transform not found Color transform not found
1069GetFamilies failed GetFamilies failed
1070The font style specified in the markup is either not valid or is not valid for this font The font style specified in the markup is either not valid or is not valid for this font
1071Font construction failed Font construction failed
1072Invalid glyph character map Invalid glyph character map
1074Invalid glyph index Invalid glyph index
1075MeasureDriverString failed MeasureDriverString failed
1076StartFigure failed StartFigure failed
1078DrawArcSegment failed DrawArcSegment failed
1080AddBezier failed AddBezier failed
1081AddLine failed AddLine failed
1090ImageList_LoadImage failed ImageList_LoadImage failed
1091CreateEvent failed CreateEvent failed
1092CreateThread failed CreateThread failed
1093GetScrollInfo failed GetScrollInfo failed
1094FillRegion failed FillRegion failed
1095CreateRectRgn failed CreateRectRgn failed
1096GetImageEncoderSize failed GetImageEncoderSize failed
1097No image encoders installed No image encoders installed
1098GetImageEncoders failed GetImageEncoders failed
1099Image encoder not found Image encoder not found
1100Bitmap construction failed Bitmap construction failed
1101Bitmap::Save failed Bitmap::Save failed
1103SetPageScale failed SetPageScale failed
1104IWICImagingFactory::CreateDecoderFromFilename failed IWICImagingFactory::CreateDecoderFromFilename failed
1105IWICBitmapDecoder::GetFrameCount failed IWICBitmapDecoder::GetFrameCount failed
1106Image does not have any frames Image does not have any frames
1107IWICBitmapDecoder::GetFrame failed IWICBitmapDecoder::GetFrame failed
1108IWICBitmapSource::CopyPixels failed IWICBitmapSource::CopyPixels failed
1109Bitmap::SetResolution failed Bitmap::SetResolution failed
1110IWICBitmapSource::GetPixelFormat failed IWICBitmapSource::GetPixelFormat failed
1114IWICImagingFactory::CreateColorContext failed IWICImagingFactory::CreateColorContext failed
1115IWICColorContext::InitializeFromFilename failed IWICColorContext::InitializeFromFilename failed
1116IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetColorContexts failed IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetColorContexts failed
1118IWICFormatConverter::Initialize failed IWICFormatConverter::Initialize failed
1119GetColorDirectory failed GetColorDirectory failed
1120IWICImagingFactory::CreateColorTransformer failed IWICImagingFactory::CreateColorTransformer failed
1122IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetSize failed IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetSize failed
1124IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetResolution failed IWICBitmapFrameDecode::GetResolution failed
1135TreeView_InsertItem failed TreeView_InsertItem failed
1136TreeView_DeleteAllItems failed TreeView_DeleteAllItems failed
1138LoadImage failed LoadImage failed
1139Matrix multiplication failed Matrix multiplication failed
1140Matrix inversion failed Matrix inversion failed
1141Matrix transformation of points failed Matrix transformation of points failed
1142Bitmap::LockBits failed Bitmap::LockBits failed
1143Bitmap::UnlockBits failed Bitmap::UnlockBits failed
1144RegisterClipboardFormat failed RegisterClipboardFormat failed
1145XPS preglednik ne može kopirati tekst u međuspremnik The XPS Viewer could not copy the text to the clipboard
1149Element pair referenced non-existent path Element pair referenced non-existent path
1150A glyph run was specified as both bi-directional and sideways A glyph run was specified as both bi-directional and sideways
1152Could not set fill mode on graphics object Could not set fill mode on graphics object
1153A fill rule was illegally specified in an abbreviated path attribute value A fill rule was illegally specified in an abbreviated path attribute value
1155The resource specified in the resource dictionary did not match the type specified in the markup The resource specified in the resource dictionary did not match the type specified in the markup
1156The type that was specified in the markup to be rendered is not a type that actually can be rendered The type that was specified in the markup to be rendered is not a type that actually can be rendered
1157%{NavURI}. %{NavURI}.
1158XPS preglednik ne može otvoriti tu vezu The XPS Viewer cannot open this link
1159FoldString failed FoldString failed
1160GetStringTypeEx failed GetStringTypeEx failed
1161LCMapString failed LCMapString failed
1164The Indices attribute for a Glyphs element contains more GlyphMapping entries than characters in the UnicodeString attribute The Indices attribute for a Glyphs element contains more GlyphMapping entries than characters in the UnicodeString attribute
1165Bad Document Structure: Empty StoryFragment Bad Document Structure: Empty StoryFragment
1166Bad Document Structure: NamedElement has empty name and location Bad Document Structure: NamedElement has empty name and location
1167Bad Document Structure: NamedElement not found in page markup Bad Document Structure: NamedElement not found in page markup
1168Bad Document Structure: Empty Section Bad Document Structure: Empty Section
1169Bad Document Structure: Empty List Bad Document Structure: Empty List
1170Bad Document Structure: Empty Table Bad Document Structure: Empty Table
1171Bad Document Structure: Empty TableRowGroup Bad Document Structure: Empty TableRowGroup
1172Bad Document Structure: Empty TableRow Bad Document Structure: Empty TableRow
1175This hyperlink is invalid. This hyperlink is invalid.
1176Bad Document Structure: Duplicate NamedElement Bad Document Structure: Duplicate NamedElement
1178A gradient brush used in the markup did not specify at least two gradient stops A gradient brush used in the markup did not specify at least two gradient stops
1179Metoda Graphics::DrawRectangle nije uspjela Graphics::DrawRectangle failed
1180Metoda Graphics::ResetTransform nije uspjela Graphics::ResetTransform failed
1184Detaljne informacije o pogrešci: %{dev} | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId}) Detailed error information: %{dev} | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId})
1185Pogreška poslužitelja %{type} | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId}) | Korisnik (%{user}) | Poslužitelj (%{uri})
Server Failure %{type} | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId}) | User(%{user}) | Server(%{uri})
1186Pogreška veze: | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId}) | Korisnik (%{user})
Bind Failure: | HRESULT(%{hr}{full_dec}, %{hr}{full_hex}, %{hrId}) | User(%{user})
1187Aktivacija računala nije uspjela s poslužitelja - %{uri}.

Machine activation failed from server - %{uri}.

1188Korisnička aktivacija s poslužitelja %{uri} nije uspjela.

User activation from server %{uri} failed.

1189Dobivanje licence nije uspjelo s poslužitelja - %{uri}.

License acquisition failed from server - %{uri}.

1191%{specificerror} %{specificerror}
1192Povezivanje zatraženog korisnika nije moguće.

Unable to bind the requested user.

1196Kopiranje datoteke nije moguće Could not copy file
1203This document has a page which has a ridiculous size This document has a page which has a ridiculous size
1204This package contains a fixed document that does not contain any pages This package contains a fixed document that does not contain any pages
1206Specified page number is out of range Specified page number is out of range
1207Specified text range is not valid Specified text range is not valid
1208Neke mogućnosti ispisa ne mogu se automatski primijeniti na taj dokument Some print options cannot be applied to this document automatically
1209Možete ručno odabrati mogućnosti ispisa ili ispisivati pomoću zadanih postavki. You can select print options manually or print using the default settings.
1211Unable to initialize WIC Unable to initialize WIC
1212Došlo je do pogreške pri ispisu A printing error has occurred
1213XPS preglednik ne može spremiti taj dokument The XPS Viewer cannot save this document
1215Dokument je možda otvoren u nekom drugom programu. Zatvorite sve otvorene programe pa pokušajte ponovno. The document might be open in another program. Close any open programs and try again.
1216GetCurrentDirectory failed GetCurrentDirectory failed
1217XPS preglednik ne može otvoriti tu mapu The XPS Viewer cannot open this folder
1218Could not load msftedit.dll Could not load msftedit.dll
1219Bitmap::LockBits returned Win32Error Bitmap::LockBits returned Win32Error
1221Da biste otvorili XPS dokument, dvokliknite ga u XPS pregledniku. Double-click an XPS document to open it in the XPS Viewer.
1223Funkcija DrawThemeText nije uspjela. DrawThemeText failed.
1224XPS preglednik ne može ispisati sve stranice tog dokumenta. The XPS Viewer cannot print all the pages of this document.
1225Priprema za ispis... Preparing to print...
1226Ova je datoteka dostupna samo za čitanje. This file is read-only.
1227TaskDialogIndirect failed TaskDialogIndirect failed
1228OnLowMemoryPanic failed to close the package OnLowMemoryPanic failed to close the package
1229Prikaz minijatura nije dostupan The thumbnails view is not available
1230Vaše računalo ne zadovoljava minimalne hardverske preduvjete za aktiviranje prikaza minijatura. Your computer does not meet the minimum hardware requirements for running the thumbnails view.
1231XPS preglednik ne može spremiti ovu datoteku The XPS Viewer cannot save this file
1232Ova se datoteka možda koristi ili njezin naziv nije valjan. Zatvorite sve otvorene programe, provjerite naziv datoteke, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. This file might be in use or the file name might not be valid. Close any open programs, check the file name, and try again.
1233Datotečni nastavak možda nije valjan. Odaberite neki drugi oblik datoteke, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. The file name extension might not be valid. Choose a different file type and try again.
1234LoadString failed LoadString failed
1235DigSig's AddIconMetric failed. DigSig's AddIconMetric failed.
1236XPS preglednik ne može ispisati ovaj dokument The XPS Viewer cannot print this document
1237Zadani pisač nije odabran. Odaberite zadani pisač, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. No default printer is selected. Select a default printer and try again.
2502Taj je dokument možda otvoren u nekom drugom programu. Zatvorite sve otvorene programe pa pokušajte ponovno. This document might be open in another program. Close any open programs and try again.
3000Dokument možda nije pravilno prikazan jer mu struktura nije valjana. The document might not be displayed correctly because the document structure is not valid.
3501Neke vaše dozvole za dokument mogle bi biti ograničene. Some of your document permissions might be restricted.
4000Prikaz nekih stranica u ovom dokumentu nije moguć Some pages in this document cannot be displayed
4500Preglednik XPS dokumenata ne može otvoriti hipervezu.
Otvaranje odredišta veze nije sigurno.
XPS Viewer cannot open the hyperlink.
The destination of the link is not safe to open.
5000Preglednik se mora zatvoriti jer je došlo do pogreške od koje se ne može oporaviti.
Ponovno pokrenite preglednik, a zatim ponovno otvorite dokument.
The viewer must close because it encountered an error from which it cannot recover.
Restart the viewer and reopen your document.
6000Prikaz minijatura nije podržan na vašem računalu.
Dodatne informacije potražite u sustavu pomoći za proizvod.
The thumbnail view is not supported on your computer.
Refer to the product help for more information.
6500Prikaz nekih slika u ovom dokumentu nije moguć. Some images in this document cannot be displayed.
10023Detalji Details
10039Stranica Page
10092Razina %{numericLevel} Level %{numericLevel}
10099Dozvole su istekle %{toDate} u %{toTime}. Permissions expired on %{toDate} at %{toTime}.
10100Dozvole će postati dostupne %{fromDate} u %{fromTime}. Permissions will become available on %{fromDate} at %{fromTime}.
10101Dozvole će isteći %{toDate} u %{toTime}. Permissions will expire on %{toDate} at %{toTime}.
10102Dozvole neće isteći. Permissions will not expire.
10103Traži Find
10107%{FirstPageNumber} – %{LastPageNumber} %{FirstPageNumber}–%{LastPageNumber}
10108od %{PageCount} of %{PageCount}
10109%{FirstPageNumber} %{FirstPageNumber}
10113Aktivacija je istekla %{toDate} u %{toTime}. Morate ponovno aktivirati ovog korisnika. Activation expired on %{toDate} at %{toTime}. You must reactivate this user.
10114Aktivacija će postati valjana %{fromDate} u %{fromTime}. Activation will become valid on %{fromDate} at %{fromTime}.
10115%{toDate} u %{toTime} %{toDate} at %{toTime}
10116Aktivacija neće isteći. Activation will not expire.
10119Korisnički račun User account
10121Datum isteka Expiration date
10123Taj dokument možete čitati You can read this document
10124Taj dokument ne možete čitati You cannot read this document
10125Taj dokument možete kopirati You can copy this document
10126Taj dokument ne možete kopirati You cannot copy this document
10127Taj dokument možete ispisati You can print this document
10128Taj dokument ne možete ispisati You cannot print this document
10147%{ZoomPercent}% %{ZoomPercent}%
10321Tijek traženja Find Progress
10328Stranice %{FirstPageNumber} – %{LastPageNumber} od %{PageCount} Pages %{FirstPageNumber}–%{LastPageNumber} of %{PageCount}
10329Stranica %{FirstPageNumber} od %{PageCount} Page %{FirstPageNumber} of %{PageCount}
10330Struktura Outline
10331Dozvole Permissions
10332Potpisi Signatures
10334Ispiši Print
10336Datoteka File
10338Prikaz ove stranice nije moguć This page cannot be displayed
10339Prikaz ovog dokumenta nije moguć This document cannot be displayed
10340Datoteka s tim nazivom već postoji. Spremite ovaj dokument na neko drugo mjesto, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. A file with this name already exists. Save this document in another location and try again.
10342Kontura Outline
10343Pronađi sve Find All
10344Page %{pageNum} - (%{instanceCount}) Page %{pageNum} - (%{instanceCount})
10345Pronađeno je %{instanceCount} podudaranja %{instanceCount} matches found
10346Pronađeno je jedno podudaranje 1 match found
10347Nije pronađeno nijedno podudaranje No matches found
10351Prikaz tog dokumenta nije moguć This document cannot be displayed
10352Ovaj je dokument zaštićen. Prikaži ovaj dokument u pregledniku XPS dokumenata. This document is protected. View this document in the XPS Viewer.
10353Ispisuje se %{PackageName} Printing %{PackageName}
10354Stranica %{CurrentPage} od %{TotalPage} Page %{CurrentPage} of %{TotalPage}
10358Krećite se nagore ili nadolje da biste vidjeli ostale stranice ovog dokumenta. Scroll up or down to view other pages in this document.
10359Datoteka nije pronađena File not found
10368Provjerite naziv datoteke, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. Check the file name and try again.
10370XPS preglednik ne može pronaći taj dokument The XPS Viewer cannot find this document
10371Provjerite jeste li povezani mjestom na kojem je dokument pohranjen pa ponovno otvorite dokument. Make sure you're connected to the location where the document is stored and then reopen the document.
10700Došlo je do nepoznate pogreške. An unknown error has occurred.
11001&Trenutni račun za Windows
Preporučuje se za korištenje na računalima u vašem vlasništvu. Ta vrsta računa najdulje ostaje valjana. Za aktivaciju te vrste računa koristit će se trenutne vjerodajnice za sustav Windows.
&Current Windows account
Recommended for use on machines that you own. This type of account stays valid the longest. Your current Windows credentials will be used to activate this type of account.
11003&Microsoftov račun
Tu vrstu računa aktivirat će bilo koje valjane vjerodajnice Microsoftovog računa.
&Microsoft account
This type of account can be activated by any valid Microsoft account credentials.
11004Taj dokument možete potpisati You can sign this document
11005Taj dokument ne možete potpisati You cannot sign this document
11019Korisnici mogu &zatražiti dodatne dozvole od %{name} Users can &request additional permissions from %{name}
11020Zatraži dodatne dozvole od: Request more permissions from:
11021Svi Everyone
11022Vrsta računa Account Type
11023Windows Windows
11024Microsoftov račun Microsoft account
11026Unesite adresu Enter an address
11027Taj korisnik već ima dozvole. This user already has permissions.
11030XPS preglednik ne može spremiti promjene unesene u taj dokument The XPS Viewer could not save the changes you made to this document
11031Ako uklonite dozvole, svatko će moći čitati, kopirati i potpisivati taj dokument. Ako taj dokument sadrži povjerljive informacije, više neće biti zaštićen. If you remove the permissions, everyone will be able to read, copy, print, and sign this document. If this document contains confidential information, it will no longer be protected.
11032Uklanjanje dozvola za dokument Remove Document Permissions
11033Šifriranje dokumenta... Encrypting document...
11034Šifriranje nije uspjelo.

Encrypting failed.

11036Taj je dokument zaštićen. This document is protected.
11038Kliknite ovdje da biste pregledali dozvole... Click here to view permissions...
11040Dozvole za dokument Document Permissions
11042Segoe UI Segoe UI
1104312 12
11044Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti sve dozvole iz tog dokumenta? Are you sure you want to remove all permissions from this document?
11045Nije moguće otvoriti taj zaštićeni dokument Unable to open this protected document
11046Korisnici mogu zatražiti dodatna prava od %{uri} Users may request additional rights from %{uri}
11048XPS preglednik ne može mijenjati dozvole za taj dokument The XPS Viewer cannot make changes to this document's permissions
11049Zatvori informativnu traku Close the info bar
11050Traženje korisnika, kontakata ili grupa Find users, contacts, or groups
11051Daj dozvole svim korisnicima Grant permissions to all users
11052Dodaj korisnika Add user
11053Ažuriranje dozvola za ovaj dokument nije moguće Unable to update permissions on this document
11054Postavljanje računa za dozvole nije moguće Unable to set up your permissions account
11056Uspostavljanje veze sa servisom za upravljanje pravima nije moguće. Provjerite mrežnu vezu, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. The Rights Management Service could not be contacted. Please check your network connection and try again.
11057Zadržana je prethodna verzija dokumenta. The previous version of the document has been retained.
11058XPS preglednik ne može aktivirati nijedan račun za upravljanje pravima na tom računalu. The XPS Viewer cannot activate any rights management accounts on this machine.
11059Želite li obnoviti račun? Would you like to renew your account?
11060Taj je dokument stvoren s ograničenim dozvolama. Račun za pristup tom dokumentu istekao je ili nije više dostupan. Želite li sada obnoviti račun? This document was created with restricted permissions. Your account to access this document is expired or no longer available. Would you like to renew your account now?
11061Dodijelite potpuni pristup i mogućnost promjene ili uklanjanja dozvola. Give full access and the ability to modify or remove permissions.
11062Dodijelite dozvolu za čitanje dokumenta. Give permission to read the document.
11063Dodijelite dozvolu za ispis dokumenta. Give permission to print the document.
11064Dodijelite dozvolu za digitalno potpisivanje dokumenta. Give permission to digitally sign the document.
11065Dodijelite dozvolu za kopiranje teksta i slika iz dokumenta. Give permission to copy text and images from the document.
11066Provjera autentičnosti pomoću servisa za upravljanje pravima nije moguća Unable to authenticate with the Rights Management Service
11067Provjerite mrežnu vezu ili vjerodajnice, a zatim pokušajte ponovno. Check your network connection or credentials and try again.
11902Odabir vrste računa koji želite aktivirati Select account type to activate
11905Ovaj je dokument zaštićen upravljanjem pravima. Morate aktivirati račun da biste ga vidjeli. Odaberite vrstu računa koji želite aktivirati: This document is protected by rights management. You must activate an account to view it. Select which account type to activate:
12300Problem je možda u tome što dokument nema valjane dozvole ili je potrebno ponovno instalirati softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. The problem might be that either this document has invalid permissions or the Windows Rights Management Client software must be reinstalled.
12301Tom dokumentu nedostaju potrebne informacije o dozvoli. Ažuriranu verziju tog dokumenta zatražite od njegova autora. This document is missing required permission information. Contact the document author for an updated version of this document.
12305Korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom dokumentu. Pokušajte otvoriti taj dokument pomoću nekog drugog računa ili se obratite njegovu autoru. User account does not have permission to access to this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact the document author.
12306Poslužitelj kojemu preglednik mora pristupiti ne smatra verziju sustava Microsoft Windows koju koristite pouzdanom. Da biste pregledali taj dokument, ažurirajte Microsoft Windows na ovom računalu novijom verzijom. The version of Microsoft Windows that you are using is not trusted by a server that the viewer must access. Update Microsoft Windows on this computer to a newer version in order to view this document.
12310Preglednik XPS dokumenata ne može inicijalizirati softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. To može upućivati na problem u pregledniku XPS dokumenata i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. XPS Viewer cannot initialize the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12311Nije moguće pravilno otvoriti softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. Pomoć za konfiguriranje klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows zatražite od administratora sustava. The Windows Rights Management Client software could not be opened correctly. Contact your system administrator for help in configuring the Windows Rights Management Client.
12312Previše aplikacija koristi softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. Zatvorite neke od tih aplikacija pa ponovno pokušajte otvoriti dokument. There are too many applications using the Windows Rights Management Client software. Close some of the other applications and try to open the document again.
12316Korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom dokumentu. Pokušajte otvoriti dokument pomoću nekog drugog računa. User account does not have permission to access this document. Try to open this document using another account.
12318Softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows ne može pročitati certifikat. To može upućivati na problem u XPS pregledniku i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. The Windows Rights Management Client software could not read the certificate. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12319Taj dokument sadrži vrstu ključa za upravljanje digitalnim pravima koju ova verzija preglednika ne podržava. Da biste pribavili kopiju ovog dokumenta bez tog ključa, obratite se njegovu autoru. This document contains a digital rights management key type that is not supported by this version of the viewer. Contact the document author to obtain a copy of this document that does not include this key.
12320Softveru klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows nije moguće pravilno pristupiti. To bi mogao biti problem s preglednikom i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. The Windows Rights Management Client software could not be accessed correctly. This could be a problem with the viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12321Datum i vrijeme na vašem računalu ne podudaraju s datumom i vremenom na poslužitelju kojemu dokument mora pristupati. Ažurirajte datum i vrijeme sustava na svom računalu ili se obratite administratoru sustava. The date and time of your computer does not match the date and time of a server that the document must access. Update the system date and time of your computer or contact your system administrator.
12323XPS preglednik naišao je na problem sa softverom klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. To može upućivati na problem u XPS pregledniku i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. XPS Viewer encountered a problem with the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12324Istekla je valjanost tog dokumenta. Od njegova autora zatražite ažuriranu verziju. This document's validation has expired. Contact the document author for an updated version of this document.
12325Licenci za taj dokument nedostaje potrebna komponenta. Pomoć za tu pogrešku zatražite od administratora sustava. A license for the document is missing a required component. Contact your system administrator for help with this error.
12327XPS preglednik ne može zadovoljiti pravila pristupa. Rješenje problema zatražite od administratora sustava. XPS Viewer cannot satisfy an access policy. Contact your system administrator for help with the corrective action.
12328Licenca tog dokumenta više se ne smatra pouzdanom. Zatražite ažuriranju verziju dokumenta od njegova autora. A license in this document is no longer trusted. Contact the document author for an updated version of this document.
12329Taj dokument sadrži popis opoziva. Ova verzija preglednika ne podržava dokumente s popisom opoziva. Od autora dokumenta zatražite kopiju ovog dokumenta bez popisa opoziva. This document contains a revocation list. Documents that have a revocation list are not supported by this version of the viewer. Contact the document author to obtain a copy of this document without a revocation list.
12330Vaš korisnički račun više nije valjan. Pomoć vezanu uz korisnički račun zatražite od administratora sustava. Your user account is no longer valid. Contact your system administrator for help with your user account.
12331Opozvano je pravo na prikaz tog dokumenta. Od njegova autora zatražite ažuriranu verziju. The right to view this content has been revoked. Contact the document author for an updated version of this document.
12332Poslužitelj kojemu preglednik mora pristupiti ne smatra njegovu verziju pouzdanom. Da biste pregledali taj dokument, ažurirajte XPS preglednik novijom verzijom. This version of the viewer is not trusted by a server that it must access. Update XPS Viewer to a newer version to view this document.
12333Nije moguće pravilno konfigurirati softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. To može upućivati na problem s preglednikom i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. The Windows Rights Management Client software could not be configured correctly. This could be a problem with the viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12334Korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom dokumentu. Pokušajte otvoriti taj dokument pomoću nekog drugog računa. User account does not have permission to access to this document. Try to open this document using another account.
12337Korisnički račun nije aktiviran na ovom računalu. Aktivirajte korisnički račun na ovom računalu pa ponovno otvorite dokument. User account has not been activated on this machine. Activate the user account on this machine and reopen this document.
12339Taj dokument sadrži značajku koju ova verzija preglednika ne podržava. Da bi se dokument mogao otvoriti u pregledniku, potrebno ga je ponovno stvoriti bez popisa opoziva. This document includes a feature that is not supported by this version of the viewer. This document must be recreated without a revocation list before it can be opened in the viewer.
12340Taj dokument sadrži popis opoziva. Ova verzija preglednika ne podržava dokumente s popisom opoziva. Kopiju tog dokumenta bez popisa opoziva zatražite od njegova autora. This document because it contains a revocation list. Documents that have a revocation list are not supported by this version of the viewer. Contact the document author to obtain a copy of this document without a revocation list.
12344Preglednik XPS dokumenata naišao je na problem sa softverom klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. To može upućivati na problem u pregledniku XPS dokumenata i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. XPS Viewer encountered a problem with the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12347Istekla je potrebna sigurnosna komponenta. Ažurirane komponente zatražite od administratora sustava. A required security component has expired. Contact your system administrator for updated components.
12348Korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom dokumentu. Pokušajte otvoriti dokument pomoću nekog drugog računa ili zatražite novu kopiju dokumenta od njegova autora. User account does not have permission to access this document. Try to open this document using another account or contact the document author for a new copy of this document.
12352Preglednik XPS mora pristupiti poslužitelju , a korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom poslužitelju. Pokušajte s nekim drugim računom ili zatražite novi dokument od njegova autora. XPS Viewer requires access to server and user account does not have permission to access that server. Try another account or contact the document author for a new document.
12354Postoji problem s vašom sigurnosnom konfiguracijom. Da biste popravili svoju sigurnosnu konfiguraciju, obratite se administratoru sustava. There is a problem with your security configuration. Contact your system administrator to correct your security configuration.
12359XPS preglednik ne može se povezati s poslužiteljem da bi provjerio dozvolu za pristup ovom dokumentu. Provjerite je li računalo povezano s internetom ili se obratite administratoru sustava. XPS Viewer could not connect to server in order to verify your permission to access this document. Be sure that your computer is connected to the Internet or contact your system administrator.
12361Niste prijavljeni kao administrator. Da biste otvorili dokument s ograničenim dozvolama, morate se prijaviti kao administrator. You are not logged on as an administrator. You must log on as an administrator to open a document with restricted permission.
12362Korisnički račun nije postavljen za upravljanje digitalnim pravima. Da biste na računu postavili upravljanje digitalnim pravima, obratite se administratoru sustava. User account is not setup for digital rights management. Contact your system administrator to set up your account for digital rights management.
12364Aktivacija upravljanja digitalnim pravima nije uspjela. Pokušajte ponovno otvoriti taj dokument. The digital rights management activation failed. Try reopening this document.
12365Korisnik je poništio zahtjev. The request was canceled by the user.
12367XPS preglednik mora pristupiti poslužitelju , a korisnički račun nema dozvolu za pristup tom poslužitelju. Pokušajte s nekim drugim računom ili zatražite novi dokument od njegova autora. This document requires access to server and user account does not have permission to access that server. Try another account or contact the document author for a new document.
12368Pri pokušaju pristupa poslužitelju XPS preglednik naišao je na pogrešku. Zatražite pomoć od administratora sustava. XPS Viewer encountered an error trying to access to server . Contact your system administrator for help.
12370Preglednik XPS dokumenata ne može inicijalizirati softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. Softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows možda nije pravilno instaliran. Ponovno instalirajte softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. XPS Viewer cannot initialize the Windows Rights Management Client software. The Windows Rights Management Client software might not be correctly installed. Reinstall the Windows Rights Management Client software.
12371XPS preglednik mora pristupiti poslužitelju , a taj poslužitelj nije pravilno odgovorio. Pomoć za rješavanje tog problema zatražite od administratora sustava. XPS Viewer requires access to server and that server did not respond correctly. Contact your system administrator to help correct the problem.
12372Poslužitelj više nije dostupan. Zatražite pomoć od administratora sustava. Server is no longer available. Contact your system administrator for help.
12373Došlo je do problema sa softverom klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. To može upućivati na problem u XPS pregledniku i trebalo bi se prijaviti Microsoftu. There was a problem with the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and should be reported to Microsoft.
12374XPS preglednik ne može pronaći poslužitelj . Zatražite pomoć od administratora sustava. XPS Viewer could not find server . Contact your system administrator for help.
12375Korisnički račun nema valjanu adresu e-pošte. User account does not have a valid e-mail address.
12377Softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows je zastario. Da biste pregledali taj dokument, instalirajte najnoviju verziju softvera klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows. The Windows Rights Management client software is out-of-date. Install a current version of the Windows Rights Management client software to view this document.
12390Korisnički račun nije moguće postaviti za upravljanje digitalnim pravima. Da biste postavili račun, obratite se administratoru sustava. User account cannot be setup for digital rights management. Contact your system administrator to set up your account.
12391Poslužitelj se preselio. Zatražite pomoć od administratora sustava. Server has moved. Contact your system administrator for help.
12396XPS preglednik otkrio je da je na njemu u tijeku postupak ispravljanja pogrešaka. XPS Viewer has detected that it is being debugged.
12412Softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows nije pravilno instaliran. Ponovno instalirajte softver klijenta za upravljanje pravima u sustavu Windows ili se obratite administratoru sustava. The Windows Rights Management Client software is not installed correctly. Reinstall the Windows Rights Management Client software or contact your system administrator.
12420Sustav Windows pokrenut je u sigurnom načinu rada. Windows is running in Safe Mode.
12421Provjera valjanosti ove verzije sustava Microsoft Windows nije moguća. This version of Microsoft Windows cannot be validated.
16004Digitalni potpisi Digital Signatures
16005Kliknite ovdje da biste prikazali potpise... Click here to view signatures...
16013Da biste pogledali detalje, kliknite ovdje Click here for details
16014Zatražen je potpis za: Signature requested for:
16015Cijeli je dokument potpisan (valjan) Whole document signed (valid)
16016Oštećen potpis Broken signature
16032U XPS pregledniku nije moguće prikazivati ili unosite promjene digitalnih potpisa ovog dokumenta The XPS Viewer cannot display or make changes to this document's digital signatures
16034Ja sam autor ovog dokumenta. I am the author of this document.
16035Pregledao sam sadržaj ovog dokumenta. I have reviewed the contents of this document.
16036Pregledao sam i odobrio sadržaj ovog dokumenta. I have reviewed and approve the contents of this document.
16037Pristajem na uvjete definirane u ovom dokumentu. I agree with the terms defined in this document.
16038Potvrđujem točnost i integritet ovog dokumenta. I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document.
16041Dvojben potpis Questionable signature
16042Prikaz potpisa View Signature
16047Prikaz certifikata... View Certificate...
16048Ukloni potpis Remove Signature
16051Dodaj zahtjev za potpisom Add Signature Request
16052Jeste li sigurni da želite poništiti valjanost drugih potpisa i dodati zahtjev za potpisom? Are you sure you want to invalidate other signatures and add a signature request?
16053Ovaj dokument sadrži valjane digitalne potpise. Dodavanjem novog zahtjeva za potpisom poništit ćete sve postojeće digitalne potpise. This document contains valid digital signatures. By adding a new signature request you will break all existing digital signatures.


16059Potpisano %{date}
Signed on %{date}
16060Zahtjev za potpisom odnosi se na %{request}
Signature request was for %{request}
Cilj %{intent}

Intent: %{intent}
16062Taj dokument ima valjan potpis
This document has a valid signature
16063Potpis na ovom dokumentu obuhvaća sadržaj koji se ne može prikazati i koji možda nije pouzdan
The signature on this document includes content that cannot be displayed and may not be trustworthy
16064Potpis na ovom dokumentu oštećen je i ne smije se smatrati valjanim
The signature on this document is broken and must not be considered valid
16065Ovaj je dokument digitalno potpisan This document has been digitally signed
16066Ovaj dokument ima dvojben potpis This document has a questionable signature
16067Ovaj dokument ima oštećen potpis This document has a broken signature
16069Potvrda uklanjanja Confirm Remove
16070Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovaj potpis? Are you sure you want to remove this signature?
16071Uklanjanjem ovog potpisa stvorit ćete otvoreni zahtjev za potpisom za ovaj dokument. Removing this signature will create a pending signature request on this document.
16072Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovaj zahtjev za potpisom? Are you sure you want to remove this signature request?
16073Dodavanjem ili uklanjanjem zahtjeva za potpisom poništit ćete sve digitalne potpise već primijenjene na ovaj dokument. Adding or removing signature requests will invalidate all digital signatures already applied to this document.
16075Da biste se potpisali, kliknite ovdje Click here to sign
16080Taj je dokument potpisan ili ima zahtjeve za potpisima. This document has been signed or has signature requests.
16083Taj dokument ima oštećene potpise. This document has broken signatures.
16088Status potpisa je upitan Signature status is questionable
16089Status potpisa je valjan Signature status is valid
16090Status potpisa je oštećen Signature status is broken
16095Potrgan potpis Broken signature
16096Valjan potpis Valid signature
16098Ažuriranje potpisa... Updating signatures...
16100Taj dokument sadrži dodatne mogućnosti označavanja koje XPS ne razumije i ne može potpisati. This document contains additional markup compatibility data that the XPS Viewer does not understand and cannot sign.
16101Certifikat je istekao ili još nije valjan za potpisivanje (CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID)
A certificate has expired or is not yet valid for signing (CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID)
16102Certifikati u lancu pouzdanih certifikata nisu ispravno vremenski ugniježđeni (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NIJE_VREMENSKI_UGNIJEŽĐEN)
Certificates in the certificate trust chain are not properly time nested (CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_NESTED)
16103Opozvana je pouzdanost jednog certifikata u lancu pouzdanih certifikata (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_JE_OPOZVANA)
Trust for one of certificates in the certificate trust chain has been revoked (CERT_TRUST_IS_REVOKED)
16104Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata nema valjan potpis (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NEMA_VALJAN_POTPIS)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain does not have a valid signature (CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID)
16105Potpisivanje certifikata ili lanca pouzdanih certifikata nije valjano za njegovu predloženu upotrebu (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NIJE_VALJANA_ZA_KORIŠTENJE)
Signing certificate or certificate trust chain is not valid for its proposed usage (CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE)
16106Lanac pouzdanih certifikata utemeljen je na nepouzdanom korijenu (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_JE_NEPOUZDANI_KORIJEN)
The certificate trust chain is based on an untrusted root (CERT_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT)
16107Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata izdala je ustanova za izdavanje certifikata koju je certificirao izvorni certifikat (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_JE_KRUŽNA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain was issued by a certification authority that the original certificate had certified (CERT_TRUST_IS_CYCLIC)
16108Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima nastavak koji nije valjan (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_IMA_NEVALJANO_PROŠIRENJE)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has an extension that is not valid (CERT_TRUST_INVALID_EXTENSION)
16109Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima osnovno proširenje ograničenja i ne može se korisiti za izdavanje drugih certifikata ili je nje duljina njegova puta premašena (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_IMA_NEVALJANA_OSNOVNA_OGRANIČENJA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a basic constraints extension, and either the certificate cannot be used to issue other certificates, or the chain path length has been exceeded (CERT_TRUST_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS)
16110Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja naziva koje nije valjano (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_IMA_NEVALJANA_OGRANIČENJA_NAZIVA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a name constraints extension that is not valid (CERT_TRUST_INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS)
16111Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja naziva koje sadrži nepodržana polja (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NE_PODRŽAVA_OGRANIČENJE_NAZIVA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a name constraints extension that contains unsupported fields (CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_SUPPORTED_NAME_CONSTRAINT)
16112Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja naziva i ograničenje naziva nedostaje za jednu mogućnost naziva u certifikatu potpisivanja (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NIJE_DEFINIRALA_OGRANIČENJE_NAZIVA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a name constraints extension and a name constraint is missing for one of the name choices in the signing certificate (CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_DEFINED_NAME_CONSTRAINT)
16113Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja naziva i tamo nema dopuštenog ograničenja naziva za jednu mogućnost naziva u certifikatu potpisivanja (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NEMA_DOPUŠTENO_OGRANIČENJE_NAZIVA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a name constraints extension, and there is not a permitted name constraint for one of the name choices in the signing certificate (CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_PERMITTED_NAME_CONSTRAINT)
16114Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja naziva i jedna mogućnost naziva u certifikatu potpisivanja izričito je izuzeta (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_IZUZELA_JE_OGRANIČENJE_NAZIVA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a name constraints extension, and one of the name choices in the signing certificate is explicitly excluded (CERT_TRUST_HAS_EXCLUDED_NAME_CONSTRAINT)
16115Certifikat potpisivanja nema nijedan rezultantni pravilnik izdavanja i jedan certifikat ustanove za izdavanje certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja pravilnika koje ga treba (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NEMA_PRAVILNIK_IZDAVANJA_LANCA)
The signing certificate does not have any resultant issuance policies, and one of the issuing certification authority certificates has a policy constraints extension requiring it (CERT_TRUST_NO_ISSUANCE_CHAIN_POLICY)
16116Certifikat potpisivanja izričito je nepouzdan (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_IZRIČITO_JE_NEPOUZDANA)
The signing certificate is explicitly distrusted (CERT_TRUST_IS_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST)
16117Certifikat potpisivanja ne podržava ključno proširenje (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NE_PODRŽAVA_KLJUČNO_PROŠIRENJE)
The signing certificate does not support a critical extension (CERT_TRUST_HAS_NOT_SUPPORTED_CRITICAL_EXT)
16118Lanac pouzdanih certifikata nije potpun (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_JE_NEPOTPUNI_LANAC)
The certificate trust chain is not complete (CERT_TRUST_IS_PARTIAL_CHAIN)
16119Popis pouzdanih certifikata korišten za stvaranje lanca pouzdanih certifikata nije vremenski valjan (CTL_POUZDANOSTI_CERTIFIKATA_NIJE_VREMENSKI_VALJAN)
A certificate trust list used to create certificate trust chain was not time valid (CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID)
16120Popis pouzdanih certifikata korišten za stvaranje lanca pouzdanih certifikata nema valjan potpis (CTL_POUZDANOSTI_CERTIFIKATA_NEMA_VALJAN_POTPIS)
A certificate trust list used to create certificate trust chain did not have a valid signature (CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID)
16121Popis pouzdanih certifikata korišten za stvaranje lanca pouzdanih certifikata nije valjan za tu namjenu (CTL_POUZDANOSTI_CERTIFIKATA_NIJE_VALJAN_ZA_KORIŠTENJE)
A certificate trust list used to create certificate trust chain is not valid for this usage (CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE)
16122Jedan certifikat u lancu pouzdanih certifikata ima proširenje ograničenja pravilnika i jedan izdani certifikat ima nedopušteno proširenje mapiranja pravilnika li nema potrebno proširenje pravilnika izdavanja (POUZDANOST_CERTIFIKATA_NEMA_VALJANA_OGRANIČENJA_PRAVILNIKA)
One of the certificates in the certificate trust chain has a policy constraints extension, and one of the issued certificates has a disallowed policy mapping extension or does not have a required issuance policies extension (CERT_TRUST_INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS)
16123Taj dokument ima valjan potpis. Certifikat potpisivanja ima vrstu korištenja ključa koja nije namijenjena potpisivanju elektroničkih dokumenata
This document has a valid signature. The signing certificate has a key usage type not intended for signing electronic documents
16124%{date} (Datum i vrijeme koje unosi potpisnik) %{date} (Date and time provided by signer)
17000Pomoć Help
17001Alatna traka izbornika Menu toolbar
17002Alatna traka izbornika ikona Icon menu toolbar
17003Alatna traka traženja Find toolbar
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17010Dokument Document
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17018Potpišite dokument do Sign document by
17019Stranica minijature %{pageNum} Thumbnail Page %{pageNum}


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What is xpsrchvw.exe.mui?

xpsrchvw.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file xpsrchvw.exe (XPS preglednik).

File version info

File Description:XPS preglednik
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:xpsrchvw.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
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