Winrs.exe winrs c037f7d5aca0343c472e68b93ebdf13c

File info

File name: Winrs.exe.mui
Size: 11264 byte
MD5: c037f7d5aca0343c472e68b93ebdf13c
SHA1: 32cfe9649bddb65f064699dffa46838b9a109f4b
SHA256: ef52a1acf60005a268afe07e582f40bfcfae7062c1612ac14c451de6e36d438b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: Winrs.exe winrs (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
(全部大写的字符 = 必须由用户提供的值。)


COMMAND - 可以作为 cmd.exe 外壳程序中的命令来执行的任何字符串。

(所有开关都接受短形式或长形式。例如 -r 和
-remote 都有效。)

-r[emote]:ENDPOINT - 使用 NetBIOS 名称或标准连接 URL: [TRANSPORT://]TARGET[:PORT] 的目标终结点。如果未指定该点,
则使用 -r:localhost。

-un[encrypted] - 指定不加密到远程外壳程序的消息。这在以下情况下有用: 疑难解答、已使用 IPSec 加密网络通讯,或者强制使用物理安全性。默认情况下,使用 Kerberos 或 NTLM 密钥加密消息。选择 HTTPS 传输时忽略该开关。

-u[sername]:USERNAME - 在命令行上指定用户名。如果未指定该用户名,则工具将使用协商身份验证或提示指定名称。
如果指定 -username,则还必须指定 -password。

-p[assword]:PASSWORD - 在命令行上指定密码。如果未指定 -password 而指定 -username,则工具将提示指定密码。如果指定 -password,则还必须指定 -user。

-t[imeout]:SECONDS - 不推荐使用该选项。

-d[irectory]:PATH - 指定远程外壳程序的启动目录。如果未指定,则远程外壳程序将在用户的主目录下启动,该主目录由环境变量 %USERPROFILE% 定义。

-env[ironment]:STRING=VALUE - 指定外壳程序启动时要设置的单个环境变量,这允许更改外壳程序的默认环境。必须多次使用该开关来指定多个环境变量。

-noe[cho] - 指定应禁用该回显。可能需要此操作来确保不在本地显示用户对远程提示的响应。默认情况下,回显为 "on"。

-nop[rofile] - 指定不应加载用户的配置文件。默认情况下,服务器将试图加载用户配置文件。如果远程用户不是目标系统上的本地管理员,则需要使用该选项 (默认设置将导致错误)。

-a[llow]d[elegate] - 指定可以将用户凭据用于访问远程共享,例如,不是目标终结点所在的计算机上创建的远程共享。

-comp[ression] - 启用压缩。远程计算机上的旧安装可能不支持压缩,因此默认情况下处于禁用状态。

-[use]ssl - 在使用远程终结点时使用 SSL 连接。指定该传输 "https:" 以外的设置时,将使用默认的 WinRM 默认端口。

-?- 帮助

若要终止远程命令,用户可以键入 Ctrl-C 或 Ctrl-Break,该键入将被发送到远程外壳程序。第二次 Ctrl-C 将强制终止 winrs.exe。

若要管理活动的远程外壳程序或 WinRS 配置,请使用 WinRM 工具。管理活动的外壳程序的 URI 别名为 shell/cmd。WinRS 配置的 URI 别名为 winrm/config/winrs。键入 "WinRM -?" 可以在 WinRM 工具中找到示例用法。

winrs -r: command
winrs -usessl command
winrs -r:myserver command
winrs -r: command
winrs -r: -unencrypted command
winrs -r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs -r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs -r: -t:600 -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs -r:myserver -env:PATH=^%PATH^%;c:\tools -env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs -r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789
winrs -r:myserver -ad -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 dir \\anotherserver\share

(ALL UPPER-CASE = value that must be supplied by user.)


COMMAND - Any string that can be executed as a command in the cmd.exe shell.

(All switches accept both short form or long form. For example both -r and
-remote are valid.)

-r[emote]:ENDPOINT - The target endpoint using a NetBIOS name or the standard connection URL: [TRANSPORT://]TARGET[:PORT]. If not specified
-r:localhost is used.

-un[encrypted] - Specify that the messages to the remote shell will not be encrypted. This is useful for troubleshooting, or when the network traffic is already encrypted using ipsec, or when physical security is enforced. By default the messages are encrypted using Kerberos or NTLM keys. This switch is ignored when HTTPS transport is selected.

-u[sername]:USERNAME - Specify username on command line. If not specified the tool will use Negotiate authentication or prompt for the name.
If -username is specified, -password must be as well.

-p[assword]:PASSWORD - Specify password on command line. If -password is not specified but -username is the tool will prompt for the password. If -password is specified, -user must be specified as well.

-t[imeout]:SECONDS - This option is deprecated.

-d[irectory]:PATH - Specifies starting directory for remote shell. If not specified the remote shell will start in the user's home directory defined by the environment variable %USERPROFILE%.

-env[ironment]:STRING=VALUE - Specifies a single environment variable to be set when shell starts, which allows changing default environment for shell. Multiple occurrences of this switch must be used to specify multiple environment variables.

-noe[cho] - Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user's answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally. By default echo is "on".

-nop[rofile] - Specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default will result in error).

-a[llow]d[elegate] - Specifies that the user's credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint.

-comp[ression] - Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default.

-[use]ssl - Use an SSL connection when using a remote endpoint. Specifying this instead of the transport "https:" will use the default WinRM default port.

-? - Help

To terminate the remote command the user can type Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break, which will be sent to the remote shell. The second Ctrl-C will force termination of winrs.exe.

To manage active remote shells or WinRS configuration, use the WinRM tool. The URI alias to manage active shells is shell/cmd. The URI alias for WinRS configuration is winrm/config/winrs. Example usage can be found in the WinRM tool by typing "WinRM -?".

winrs -r: command
winrs -usessl command
winrs -r:myserver command
winrs -r: command
winrs -r: -unencrypted command
winrs -r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs -r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs -r: -t:600 -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs -r:myserver -env:PATH=^%PATH^%;c:\tools -env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs -r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789
winrs -r:myserver -ad -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 dir \\anotherserver\share
2Winrs 错误: 缺少命令 Winrs error: Command is missing
3Winrs.exe: 无法识别的开关" Winrs.exe: Unrecognized switch "
4Winrs.exe: 无效的超时值" Winrs.exe: Invalid Timeout Value "
5Winrs.exe: 无效的加密值" Winrs.exe: Invalid Encrypt Value "
6Winrs.exe: 重复的开关" Winrs.exe: duplicate switch "
7Winrs 错误: 由于超时或被管理员删除,远程 shell 已关闭。当前命令已终止。 Winrs error: remote shell has been closed due to timeout or deleted by the administrator. The current command has been terminated.
8使用 "winrs -?" 获取使用信息 Use "winrs -?" to obtain the usage information
9winrs.exe: 缺少目录值 winrs.exe: Missing directory value
10winrs.exe: 缺少环境值 winrs.exe: Missing environment value
11winrs.exe: 缺少超时值 winrs.exe: Missing timeout value
12winrs.exe: 缺少用户名值 winrs.exe: Missing username value
13winrs.exe: 缺少密码值 winrs.exe: Missing password value
14winrs.exe: 缺少远程值 winrs.exe: Missing remote value
15Winrs.exe: "-noecho" 开关只能用于字符文件输入,无法与管道一起使用。 Winrs.exe: The "-noecho" switch can be used for character file input only, it cannot be used with pipes.
16是否终止外壳(%c/%c)? Terminate the shell (%c/%c)?
17Y Y
18N N
(全部大写的字符 = 必须由用户提供的值。)


COMMAND - 可以作为 cmd.exe 外壳程序中的命令执行的任何字符串。

(所有开关接受短格式和长格式。例如,-r 和
-remote 都有效。)

-r[emote]:ENDPOINT - 使用 NetBIOS 名称或标准连接 URL 的目标终结点: [TRANSPORT://]TARGET[:PORT]。如果未指定,
则使用 -r:localhost。

-un[encrypted] - 指定不加密发送到远程外壳程序的消息。这在以下情况下非常有用: 疑难解答、已使用 IPsec 加密网络通信或强制使用物理安全性。默认情况下,使用 Kerberos 或 NTLM 密钥加密消息。如果选择了 HTTPS 传输,则忽略该开关。

-u[sername]:USERNAME - 在命令行中指定用户名。如果未指定,工具将使用协商身份验证或提示指定名称。
如果指定了 -username,还必须指定 -password。

-p[assword]:PASSWORD - 在命令行中指定密码。如果未指定 -password 但指定了 -username,工具将提示指定密码。如果指定了 -password,还必须指定 -user。

-t[imeout]:SECONDS - 该选项已弃用。

-d[irectory]:PATH - 指定远程外壳程序的启动目录。如果未指定,远程外壳程序将在环境变量 %USERPROFILE% 定义的用户主目录中启动。

-env[ironment]:STRING=VALUE - 指定在外壳程序启动时设置的单个环境变量,以便更改外壳程序的默认环境。必须多次使用该开关以指定多个环境变量。

-noe[cho] - 指定应禁用回显。可能需要执行此操作以确保不在本地显示用户对远程提示的应答。默认情况下,回显为“on”。

-nop[rofile] - 指定不应加载用户的配置文件。默认情况下,服务器将尝试加载用户配置文件。如果远程用户不是目标系统上的本地管理员,则需要使用该选项(默认设置将产生错误)。

-comp[ression] - 启用压缩。远程计算机上的旧安装可能不支持压缩,因此,默认将其禁用。

-[use]ssl - 在使用远程终结点时,使用 SSL 连接。如果指定传输“https:”以外的设置,则会使用默认 WinRM 端口。

-? - 帮助

要终止远程命令,用户可以键入 Ctrl-C 或 Ctrl-Break,键入内容将发送到远程外壳程序。第二次键入的 Ctrl-C 将强制终止 winrs.exe。

要管理活动的远程外壳程序或 WinRS 配置,请使用 WinRM 工具。用于管理活动外壳程序的 URI 别名为 shell/cmd。WinRS 配置的 URI 别名为 winrm/config/winrs。可通过键入“WinRM -?”,在 WinRM 工具中查找示例用法。

winrs -r: command
winrs -usessl command
winrs -r:myserver command
winrs -r: command
winrs -r: -unencrypted command
winrs -r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs -r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs -r: -t:600 -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs -r:myserver -env:PATH=^%PATH^%;c:\tools -env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs -r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789

(ALL UPPER-CASE = value that must be supplied by user.)


COMMAND - Any string that can be executed as a command in the cmd.exe shell.

(All switches accept both short form or long form. For example both -r and
-remote are valid.)

-r[emote]:ENDPOINT - The target endpoint using a NetBIOS name or the standard connection URL: [TRANSPORT://]TARGET[:PORT]. If not specified
-r:localhost is used.

-un[encrypted] - Specify that the messages to the remote shell will not be encrypted. This is useful for troubleshooting, or when the network traffic is already encrypted using ipsec, or when physical security is enforced. By default the messages are encrypted using Kerberos or NTLM keys. This switch is ignored when HTTPS transport is selected.

-u[sername]:USERNAME - Specify username on command line. If not specified the tool will use Negotiate authentication or prompt for the name.
If -username is specified, -password must be as well.

-p[assword]:PASSWORD - Specify password on command line. If -password is not specified but -username is the tool will prompt for the password. If -password is specified, -user must be specified as well.

-t[imeout]:SECONDS - This option is deprecated.

-d[irectory]:PATH - Specifies starting directory for remote shell. If not specified the remote shell will start in the user's home directory defined by the environment variable %USERPROFILE%.

-env[ironment]:STRING=VALUE - Specifies a single environment variable to be set when shell starts, which allows changing default environment for shell. Multiple occurrences of this switch must be used to specify multiple environment variables.

-noe[cho] - Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user's answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally. By default echo is "on".

-nop[rofile] - Specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default will result in error).

-comp[ression] - Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default.

-[use]ssl - Use an SSL connection when using a remote endpoint. Specifying this instead of the transport "https:" will use the default WinRM default port.

-? - Help

To terminate the remote command the user can type Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break, which will be sent to the remote shell. The second Ctrl-C will force termination of winrs.exe.

To manage active remote shells or WinRS configuration, use the WinRM tool. The URI alias to manage active shells is shell/cmd. The URI alias for WinRS configuration is winrm/config/winrs. Example usage can be found in the WinRM tool by typing "WinRM -?".

winrs -r: command
winrs -usessl command
winrs -r:myserver command
winrs -r: command
winrs -r: -unencrypted command
winrs -r:https://[::FFFF:] command
winrs -r:http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:80 command
winrs -r: -t:600 -u:administrator -p:$%fgh7 ipconfig
winrs -r:myserver -env:PATH=^%PATH^%;c:\tools -env:TEMP=d:\temp config.cmd
winrs -r:myserver netdom join myserver /domain:testdomain /userd:johns /passwordd:$%fgh789


File Name:Winrs.exe.mui
File Size:11 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Linker Version:14.10
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:winrs
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:winrs.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:winrs.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Winrs.exe.mui?

Winrs.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file Winrs.exe (winrs).

File version info

File Description:winrs
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:winrs.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:winrs.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200