dnsclientpsprovider.dll.mui DNS 用戶端 WMIv2 提供者 c0262b6b8d1b92a8fd17360c4f70fa91

File info

File name: dnsclientpsprovider.dll.mui
Size: 14336 byte
MD5: c0262b6b8d1b92a8fd17360c4f70fa91
SHA1: 194de838ede30b04e7a0ea653cd30942d0400704
SHA256: c8a4107f746ff940e06be78125845ba94553cbf0bc9a6c1381a0a649b16aa32a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1停用 Disable
2EnableOnNetworkId EnableOnNetworkId
3EnableDA EnableDA
4DisableDA DisableDA
5用於控制 DirectAccess 規則狀態的屬性。 Property for controlling DirectAccess rules state.
6FallbackSecure FallbackSecure
7FallbackUnsecure FallbackUnsecure
8FallbackPrivate FallbackPrivate
9用於控制 DNS 用戶端名稱解析遞補原則的屬性。 Property for controlling DNS client name resolution fallback policy.
10QueryIPv6Only QueryIPv6Only
11QueryBoth QueryBoth
12用於控制 DNS 用戶端查詢原則的屬性。 Property for controlling DNS client query policy.
13DNS 用戶端名稱解析原則表格全域設定 DNS Client Name Resolution Policy Table Global Settings
14名稱解析原則表格項目的版本。 The version for Name Resolution Policy Table entry.
15DNS 命名空間,可以是尾碼/首碼/FQDN/子網路/任一。若要指定「任一」,值必須是 . (英文句點) DNS namespace which can be a Suffix/Prefix/FQDN/Subnet/Any.In order to specify Any, the value must be .(dot)
16規則的唯一識別名稱。 Name which uniquely identifies a rule.
17NRPT 規則的選用易記名稱。 An optional friendly name for the NRPT rule.
18用於識別是否已在規則上啟用 DNSSEC 的屬性。 Property which identifies if DNSSEC is enabled on the rule.
19用於在 DNS 回應上啟用 AD 位元檢查的屬性。 Property to enable AD bit check on DNS responses.
20用於透過 IPsec 通道輸送 DNSSEC 查詢的屬性。 Property to tunnel DNSSEC queries over IPsec channel.
21用於控制 IPsec 通道加密設定的屬性。 Property to control IPsec tunnel encryption settings.
22 None
23 Low
24 Medium
25 High
26用於識別是否已在規則上啟用 DirectAccess 的屬性。 Property which identifies if DirectAccess is enabled on the rule.
27用於驗證 IPsec 通道的憑證授權單位。 Certification authority to validate the IPsec channel.
28啟用 DA 時會查詢的 DNS 伺服器。 The DNS servers which will be queried when DA is enabled.
29用於透過 IPsec 通道輸送 DNS 查詢的屬性。 Property to tunnel DNS queries over IPsec channel.
30連線到網際網路時所要使用的 Proxy 伺服器類型。 The proxy server type to be used when connecting to the Internet.
31NoProxy NoProxy
32UseDefault UseDefault
33UseProxyName UseProxyName
34連線到網際網路時所要使用的 Proxy 伺服器。 The proxy server to be used when connecting to the Internet.
35停用 DA 時,會將 DNS 查詢傳送至的 DNS 伺服器。 The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabled.
36DNS 查詢中主機名稱的編碼格式。 Encoding format for host names in the DNS query.
37Utf8WithMapping Utf8WithMapping
38Utf8WithoutMapping Utf8WithoutMapping
39Punycode Punycode
40目前規則的易記描述。 A user friendly description of the current rule.
41DNS 用戶端名稱解析原則表格項目 DNS Client Name Resolution Policy Table Entry
42DNS 命名空間,可以是尾碼/首碼/FQDN/子網路。 DNS namespace which can be a Suffix/Prefix/FQDN/Subnet.
43識別是否已啟用 DirectAccess 的屬性。 Property which identifies if DirectAccess is enabled.
44用於驗證 DNSSEC 之 IPsec 通道的憑證授權單位。 Certification authority to validate the IPsec channel for DNSSEC.
45是否需要 DNSSEC 驗證。 Whether DNSSEC validation is required or not.
46DNSSEC 查詢是否需要 IPsec。 Whether IPsec is required for DNSSEC queries.
47DNSSEC 的 IPsec 加密層級。 IPsec encryption level for DNSSEC.
48用於驗證 DirectAccess 之 IPsec 通道的憑證授權單位。 Certificattion authority to validate the IPsec channel for DirectAccess.
49DirectAccess 是否需要 IPsec。 Whether IPsec is required for DirectAccess.
50DirectAccess 的 IPsec 加密層級。 IPsec encryption level for DirectAccess.
51啟用 DirectAccess 時會查詢的 DNS 伺服器。 The DNS servers which will be queried when DirectAccess is enabled.
52直接 Direct
53一般 DNS 伺服器 Generic DNS Servers
54DNS 用戶端原則設定 DNS Client Policy Configuration
55修改全域 NRPT 設定 Modifies Global NRPT settings
56控制 Direct Access 的屬性 Property that controls Direct Access
57GPO 的名稱 (若未指定,則為網域上的預設 GPO)
Name of GPO, if not specified the default GPO on the domain
58裝載 GPO 的伺服器 Server hosting the GPO
59指定是否要顯示 Cmdlet 的結果 Specifies if result of the cmdlet should be displayed
60Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptGlobal 物件包含 DNS 用戶端 NRPT 全域設定的所有屬性。 Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptGlobal object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT Global settings.
61抓取名稱解析原則表格全域設定 Retrieves Name Resolution Policy Table global settings
62DNS 用戶端 NRPT DNS Client NRPT
63新增規則到名稱解析原則表格 Adds a rule to Name Resolution Policy Table
64啟用 Direct Access 時會查詢的 DNS 伺服器
The DNS servers which will be queried when Direct Access is enabled
65控制 DA 是否需要 IPsec 的屬性
Property for controlling whether IPsec is required or not for DA
66用於控制 DA 之 IPsec 加密類型的屬性 Property for controlling IPsec encryption type for DA
67連線到網際網路時所要使用的 Proxy 伺服器
The proxy server to be used when connecting to the Internet
68連線到網際網路時所要使用的 Proxy 伺服器類型。
The proxy server type to be used when connecting to Internet.
69用於控制是否需要 Dnssec 驗證的屬性
Property for controlling whether Dnssec validation is required or not
71用於驗證 IPsec 通道的憑證授權單位
Certification authority to validate the IPsec channel
72儲存系統管理員備註 Stores admin notes
An optional friendly name for the Name Resolution Policy Table rule
74用於透過 IPsec 通道輸送 DNS 查詢的屬性 Property to tunnel DNS queries over IPsec channel
75用於控制 Ipsec 通道加密設定的屬性
Property to control Ipsec tunnel encryption settings
76停用 DA 時,會將 DNS 查詢傳送至的 DNS 伺服器
The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabled
77DNS 查詢中主機名稱的編碼格式
Encoding format for host names in the DNS query
78DNS 命名空間,可以是尾碼/首碼/FQDN/子網路/任一。若要指定「任一」,值必須是 . (英文句點)。
DNS namespace which can be a suffix/prefix/FQDN/subnet/any. In order to specify any, the value must be .(dot)
79Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptRule 物件包含 DNS 用戶端 NRPT 規則的所有屬性 Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientNrptRule Object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT rule
80移除 DNS 用戶端 NRPT 規則 Removes DNS client NRPT rule
81要在其上執行操作之 GPO 的名稱 Name of the GPO on which to operate
Name which uniquely identifies a rule
83包含 GPO 之伺服器的名稱 Name of the server containing the GPO
84指定不發出提示 Specifies not to issue a prompt
85抓取 DNS 用戶端名稱解析原則表格規則 Retrieves DNS client Name Resolution Policy Table rules
86規則的唯一識別名稱 Name which uniquely identifies a rule
88修改所指定命名空間的 DNS 用戶端 NRPT 規則。 Modifies DNS client NRPT rule for given namespace.
89用於控制 DA 之 IPsec 加密類型的屬性。 Property for controlling IPsec encryption type for DA.
90啟用 Direct Access 時會查詢的 DNS 伺服器 The DNS servers which will be queried when Direct Access is enabled
92名稱解析原則表格規則的選用易記名稱。 An optional friendly name for the Name Resolution Policy Table rule.
93要用於驗證 DirectAccess 之 Ipsec 通道的憑證授權單位 Certification authority to validate the Ipsec channel for DirectAccess
94停用 DA 時,會將 DNS 查詢傳送至的 DNS 伺服器 The DNS servers the DNS query is sent to when DA is disabled
95DNS 命名空間,可以是尾碼/首碼/FQDN/子網路/任一。若要指定「任一」,值必須是 . (英文句點)。 DNS namespace which can be a suffix/prefix/FQDN/subnet/any. In order to specify any, the value must be .(dot)
96儲存系統管理員註解的屬性。 Property to store admin comments.
98控制是否需要 Dnssec 驗證的屬性。 Property for controlling whether Dnssec validation is required or not.
99GPO 的名稱 (若未指定,則為網域上的預設 GPO)。 Name of GPO, if not specified the default GPO on the domain.
100DNS 用戶端 NRPT 規則 DNS Client NRPT Rule
101抓取電腦上設定的名稱解析原則表格 Retrieves Name Resolution Policy Table configured on the machine
102若指定此參數,會傳回 EffectiveNrptPolicy If this parameter is specified then EffectiveNrptPolicy is returned
103Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientPolicyConfiguration 物件包含 DNS 用戶端 NRPT 原則的所有屬性。若已指定 "Effective",只會抓取 Effective 原則的內容。 Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#DnsClientPolicyConfiguration object contains all the properties of DNS client NRPT policy. If "Effective" is specified, only the contents of Effective policy are retrieved.
104電腦上設定之 Nrpt 原則的 CIM 類別 CIM class for Nrpt policy configured on machine
1000DNS 名稱解析原則表格 Powershell 提供者 DNS Name Resolution Policy Table Powershell Provider
1001找不到規則 %1。 Rule %1 was not found.
1002規則 %1 已損毀。 Rule %1 is corrupt.
1003無法執行 PassThru 要求。 Unable to perform PassThru request.
1004未指定群組原則物件 (GPO) 名稱。若要在該 GPO 中設定 NRPT 設定,您必須指定有效的網域 GPO 名稱,並選擇性指定要在其上設定組態的網域控制站。 A Group Policy Object(GPO) name was not specified. In order to configure NRPT settings in the GPO, you must specify a valid GPO name for the domain and optionally the domain controller on which you want to configure the settings.
1005必須指定 EnableDAForAllNetworks、SecureNameQueryFallback 或 QueryPolicy 參數,才能完成操作。 At least one of EnableDAForAllNetworks, SecureNameQueryFallback and QueryPolicy parameters must be specified for the operation to complete.
1006無法載入 NRPT 資訊。若已指定 GPOName,請確定電腦已加入網域,且輸入 GPO 存在於網域控制站上。若未指定 GPOName,請確定您有該電腦上的系統管理權限。 Failed to load the NRPT information. If you have specified GPOName, verify that the machine is domain joined and the input GPO is present on the domain controller. If GPOName was not specified, verify that you have administrative privileges on the machine.
1007無法設定屬性 %1 的值。指定的輸入值: %2。 Failed to set the value for property %1. Input value specified: %2.
1009無效的 DAProxyServername。請以 : 的格式提供 DAProxyServerName 的值。 Invalid DAProxyServername. Please provide a value for DAProxyServerName in the format :.
1010無法建立新的 NRPT 規則。 Failed to create a new NRPT rule.
1012無法認可設定至存放區。 Failed to commit the configuration to the store.
1013無法更新規則的 Namespace、Comment、DisplayName 或 IPSecCARestriction 屬性。 Failed to update one of Namespace, Comment, DisplayName or IPSecCARestriction property for the rule.
1014無法更新規則的 DNSSEC 設定。 Failed to update DNSSEC settings for the rule.
1015無法更新規則的 DA 設定。 Failed to update DA settings for the rule.
1016無法更新規則的一般 DNS 伺服器。 Failed to update generic DNS servers for the rule.
1017無法更新規則的 IDN 設定。 Failed to update IDN setting for the rule.
1018DAProxyType 是指定為 UseProxyName,但 DAProxyServerName 參數是空的。請提供 DAProxyServerName。 The DAProxyType is specified as UseProxyName but DAProxyServerName parameter is empty. Please provide a DAProxyServerName.
1019無法更新規則的版本。 Failed to update the version for the rule.
1020規則建立或編輯要求您必須指定下列其中一個參數至 Cmdlet 並為其指定有效值: DnsSecEnable、DAEnable、NameServers 或 NameEncodingCmdlet。 The rule creation or editing requires specifying a valid value for at least one of: DnsSecEnable, DAEnable, NameServers or NameEncoding parameters to the cmdlet.
1021您必須指定 DnsSecEnable 參數至 Cmdlet,才能在規則上設定 DnsSecIPsecRequired、DnsSecValidationRequired 或 DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType。 You must specify the DnsSecEnable parameter to the cmdlet in order to configure DnsSecIPsecRequired, DnsSecValidationRequired or DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType on the rule.
1022您必須指定 DnsSecIPsecRequired 參數來設定 DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType。 You must specify the DnsSecIPsecRequired parameter inorder to configure DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType.
1023您必須指定 DAEnable 參數至 Cmdlet,才能在規則上設定 DANameServers、DAIPsecRequired、DAIPsecEncryptionType、DAProxyType 或 DAProxyServerName。 You must specify the DAEnable parameter to the cmdlet in order to configure DANameServers, DAIPsecRequired, DAIPsecEncryptionType, DAProxyType or DAProxyServerName on the rule.
1024您必須指定 DAIPsecRequired 參數來設定 DAIPsecEncryptionType。 You must specify DAIPsecRequired parameter inorder to configure DAIPsecEncryptionType.
1025DANameServers 的輸入值必須包含一或多個有效的 IPv4 與 IPv6 位址。 The input value for DANameServers must contain one or more valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
1026NameServers 的輸入值必須包含一或多個 IPv4 與 IPv6 位址。 The input value for NameServers must contain one or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
1027未在規則上設定 DNSSEC。您必須指定 DnsSecEnable 參數並提供 $true 的值到 Cmdlet,才能在規則上設定 DnsSecIPsecRequired、DnsSecValidationRequired 或 DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType。 DNSSEC is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DnsSecEnable parameter with a value of $true to the cmdlet in order to configure DnsSecIPsecRequired, DnsSecValidationRequired or DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType on the rule.
1028未在規則上設定 DnsSecIPsecRequired。您必須指定 DnsSecIPsecRequired 參數並提供 $true 的值,以設定 DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType。 DnsSecIPsecRequired is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DnsSecIPsecRequired parameter with value a of $true to configure DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType.
1029未在規則上設定 DA。您必須指定 DAEnable 參數並提供 $true 的值至 Cmdlet,才能在規則上設定 DANameServers、DAIPsecRequired、DAIPsecEncryptionType、DAProxyType 或 DAProxyServerName。 DA is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DAEnable parameter with a value of $true to the cmdlet in order to configure DANameServers, DAIPsecRequired, DAIPsecEncryptionType, DAProxyType or DAProxyServerName on the rule.
1030未在規則上設定 DAIPsecRequired。您必須指定 DAIPsecRequired 參數並提供 $true 的值,以設定 DAIPsecEncryptionType。 DAIPsecRequired is not configured on the rule. You must specify the DAIPsecRequired parameter with a value of $true to configure DAIPsecEncryptionType.
1031只有已指定參數 DAProxyType 並提供 UseProxyName 的值時,才能指定 DAProxyServerName 參數。 DAProxyServerName parameter can be specified only when the parameter DAProxyType is specified and with value equal to UseProxyName.
1032無法取得規則 %1,因為無法辨識其版本。 Cannot get rule %1 due to unrecognized version.
1033無法設定規則 %1,因為無法辨識其版本。 Cannot set rule %1 due to unrecognized version.
1034無法移除規則 %1,因為無法辨識其版本。 Cannot remove rule %1 due to unrecognized version.
1100執行操作時發生記憶體配置失敗 Memory allocation failure when performing the operation
1101無法列舉規則。 Failed to enumerate rules.
1102無法移除 %1 規則 Failed to remove %1 rule
1103無法抓取 NRPT 原則。如需詳細資訊,請參閱延伸錯誤 Failed to retrieve NRPT policy. Please refer to extended error for more details
1200正在新增命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 於
%6 GPO
Adding NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 in
%6 GPO
1201正在新增命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
Adding NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
1202正在移除命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 於
%6 GPO
Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 in
%6 GPO
1203正在移除命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
1204正於 %1 GPO 中設定 NRPT 的全域參數 Setting global parameters for NRPT in %1 GPO
1205正在設定 NRPT 的全域參數 Setting global parameters for NRPT
1206正在啟用 DNSSEC Enabling DNSSEC
1207正在停用 DNSSEC Disabling DNSSEC
1208正在啟用 %1 GPO 中的 DNSSEC Enabling DNSSEC in %1 GPO
1209正在停用 %1 GPO 中的 DNSSEC Disabling DNSSEC in %1 GPO
1210正在啟用 DirectAccess Enabling DirectAccess
1211正在停用 DirectAccess Disabling DirectAccess
1212正在啟用 %1 GPO 中的 DirectAccess Enabling DirectAccess in %1 GPO
1213正在停用 %1 GPO 中的 DirectAccess Disabling DirectAccess in %1 GPO
1214正在將 %2 GPO 中的命名空間設定為 %1 Setting namespace to %1 in %2 GPO
1215正在將命名空間設定為 %1 Setting namespace to %1
1216正在將 %2 GPO 中的 NameServer 設定為 %1 Setting NameServer to %1 in %2 GPO
1217正在將 NameServer 設定為 %1 Setting NameServer to %1
1218正在清除 %1 GPO 中的 NameServer Clearing NameServer in %1 GPO
1219正在清除 NameServer Clearing NameServer
1220正在將 %2 GPO 中的 NameEncoding 設定為 %1 Setting NameEncoding to %1 in %2 GPO
1221正在將 NameEncoding 設定為 %1 Setting NameEncoding to %1
1300已啟用 Enabled
1301已停用 Disabled
1302 No
1500正在移除命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2,
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3,
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 於
%6 GPO
Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2,
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3,
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5 in
%6 GPO
Do you want to continue?
1501正在移除命名空間 %1 的 NRPT 規則:
DAEnable: %2,
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3,
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
Removing NRPT rule for namespace %1 with
DAEnable: %2,
DnsSecValidationRequired: %3,
NameEncoding: %4
NameServers: %5
Do you want to continue?


File Name:dnsclientpsprovider.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DNS 用戶端 WMIv2 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:DnsClientPsProvider.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:DnsClientPsProvider.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is dnsclientpsprovider.dll.mui?

dnsclientpsprovider.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file dnsclientpsprovider.dll (DNS 用戶端 WMIv2 提供者).

File version info

File Description:DNS 用戶端 WMIv2 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:DnsClientPsProvider.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:DnsClientPsProvider.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200