twinui.dll.mui TWINUI bfbb2afa584147fb8c64e6906d6c2813

File info

File name: twinui.dll.mui
Size: 74752 byte
MD5: bfbb2afa584147fb8c64e6906d6c2813
SHA1: 1ef664a64c5199f39c262bab789e32f30021bb78
SHA256: a23564b77b01e19e2081a30113468dedf7741156b6fb8d8116f8bb629fa665c7
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Wolof language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Wolof English
996Ndax bëgga nga dindi ëmb bii? Remove this folder?
997Dugal ëmb bii ci %1!s! Add this folder to %1!s!
998Dindi Ëmb Remove Folder
999Fomb Cancel
1000Soo dindee ëmbu “%1!s!” ci %2!s!, dootul feñ ci %2!s!, waaye duñu ko far. If you remove the “%1!s!” folder from %2!s!, it won't appear in %2!s! anymore, but won't be deleted.
1051Taxañ yépp All files
1200Maneesul a ubbi nekkuwaay bii This location can’t be opened
1201Amoo sañ-sañu dugg ci. You don’t have permission to access it.
1202Jafe-jafe am ci yërug jàngukaay bii There’s a problem reading this drive
1203Xoolaatal dawalukaay bi te jéemaat. Check the drive and try again.
1204Jafe-jafe am na ci ubbig nekkuwaay bii. There was a problem opening this location.
1205Baal nu jéemaat. Please try again.
1206Maneesul a gis nekkuwaay bii This location can’t be found
1209%1 jàppandiwul fimne. %1 is currently unavailable.
1210Jafe-jafe teew na ak yoonu mbaal mi There’s a problem with the network path
1211Wérlul ndax dugal nga ko nam ware. Make sure you entered it correctly.
1212Turu taxañ wi daa gudd lool The file name is too long
1213Jéemal a dencaat taxañ bi ak turu taxañ wu gën a gàtt. Try saving the file with a shorter file name.
1214Turu taxañ bii Windows a ko jagoo This file name is reserved for use by Windows
1215Jéemal a dencaat taxañ bi ak weneen tur. Try saving the file with a different file name.
1216Maneesul a jëfandikoo turu taxañ bii This file name can’t be used
1217Jéemal tur wu wuute. Try a different name.
1218Taxañ bii bob yër-kese la This file is read-only
1220Maneesul a denc taxañ bii ndax dees koy jëfandikoo nii This file can’t be saved because it’s in use
1221Ubal taxañ bi njëkk, walla nga denc taxañ bii ak weneen tur. Close the file first, or save this file with a different name.
1223Ngir denc taxañ ci kàggu gii, war na nga sos ab ëmb ci kàggu gi jëkk. To save files in this library, you need to create a folder in the library first.
1224Fii maneesu fee denci ay taxañ Files can’t be saved here
1225Jéemal denc taxañ bi feneen. Try saving the file somewhere else.
1227%1 bob yër-kese la. Jéemal denci taxañ bi feneen. %1 is read-only. Try saving the file somewhere else.
1228Bayaal bu doy nekku fi ngir denc fi taxañ bi There isn’t enough free space to save the file here
1229Féexalal bayaal te jéemaat, walla nga denc taxañ bi feneen. Free up space and try again, or save the file somewhere else.
1230Amoo sañ-sañu denc bii taxañ You don’t have permission to save this file
1232Nekkuwaay bii amandi na ëmb bu tudd noonu This location already has a folder with that name
1234Yenn yëf yi maneesu léen a jël Some items couldn’t be selected
1235Xayna tuxal mbaa farees léen, mbaa rekk amoo sañ-sañ ci ubbi léen. They might have been moved or deleted, or you might not have permission to open them.
1236Dawalukaay bii dees ko tëje BitLocker This drive is encrypted by BitLocker
1237Ngir tijji ko, ubbee ko ci Wërukaayu Taxañ. To unlock the drive, open it in File Explorer.
1250Njuumte Error
1251Turu ëmb wi daa gudd lool..
Làmbaatal tur wu gën a gàtt.
The folder name is too long.
Try again with a shorter folder name.
1252Wii turu ëmb Windows a ko jagoo.
Làmbal weneen turu ëmb.
This folder name is reserved for use by Windows.
Try again with a different folder name.
1253Turu ëmb wi wérul..
Làmbaatal weneen turu ëmb.
The folder name is not valid.
Try again with a different folder name.
1254Amoo sañ-sañu sos ab ëmb ci nekkuwaay bii.

Jokkool ak aji-moom ji walla ab yorkat ngir am ci ndigël.
You do not have permission to create a folder in this location.

Contact the location’s owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
1255Maneesul a sos ëmb bi ci %1 ndax amatul bayaal bu doy. Féexalal bayaal te jéemaat, walla nga làmb beneen nekkuwaay. The folder cannot be created in %1 because there is not enough space on disk. Free up space and try again, or try in another location.
1256Wii turu ëmb am na ba noppi..
Làmbaatal weneen turu ëmb.
This folder already exists.
Try again with a different folder name.
1257Am na taxañ bu ame turu ëmb bi nga joxe. Làmbaatal weneen turu ëmb. There is already a file with the same name as the folder name you specified. Try again with a different folder name.
1258%1 ab kàggu la. Maneesula dugal ab kàggu ci ab kàggu. %1 is a library. You can’t add a library to a library.
1259%1 boolees na ko ci kàggu gi ba noppi. Benn yoon rekk nga man a boole ab ëmb ci kàggu gi. %1 is already included in the library. You can include a folder only once in the same library.
1260Barab bii manu ci bokk ndax ken manukoo xàmmee. This location can’t be included because it can’t be indexed.
1261Maneesula dugal barab bii ci kàggu bi. This location can’t be added to the library.
1262Ëmb bii dina jappandi ci say tëriinu misig. This folder will be available to your music apps.
1263Ëmb bii dina jàppandi ci say tëriinu nataal. This folder will be available to your picture apps.
1264Ëmb bii dina jappandi ci say tëriinu wideo. This folder will be available to your video apps.
1265Ëmb bii dina jappandi ci tëriin yiy jot say wayndare. This folder will be available to apps that access your documents.
130011;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
130120;Light;None;Segoe UI 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
130220;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
130442;Light;None;Segoe UI 42;Light;None;Segoe UI
130642;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 42;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
130711;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
1320Item Picker Item Picker
1321Ubbi Open
1322Denc Niki Save As
1323Jël Ëmb Select Folder
2701Seddoo Share
2703Jafe-jafe am na ci njoxe yi bawoo %s. There was a problem with the data from %s.
2704Ub Close
2705Amuloo benn tëriin bu mën a Séddoo ëmbiit lii. You don’t have any apps that can share this content.
2706Am na lu jaarul yoon ak Séddoo. Jéemaatal ci kanam. Something went wrong with Share. Try again later.
2708Am na lu jaarul yoon ba tax %1 manta séddoo fimne. Jéemaatal ci kanam. Something went wrong, and %1 can’t share right now. Try again later.
2709Amul darra lees di séddoo fimne. Nothing is being shared right now.
2710Sottal Done
2711Ëtt Desktop
2712Seet ab jëfekaay ci Màngasiin bi Look for an app in the Store
2713Am na lu jaarul yoon Something went wrong
2714Séddoo yi weesu Previous share
2715Xool dem gi Check progress
2717%1 manta séddoo. Xoola sa lonkug Internet walla nga taxañ yi ngay séddoo. %1 couldn’t share. Check your Internet connection, or try sharing fewer files.
2718Xool demug yónnee gi Check sending progress
2719Am na lees manta yónnee Some things couldn’t be sent
2720Lëkkalekaay bu jëm %2 ci %1 Link to %2 in %1
2721Séddoog %2 ak %1 Sharing %2 with %1
2722Yaa ngi séddoo: %1 You’re sharing: %1
2723Maneesul a séddoo darra jële ci ëtt bi. Nothing can be shared from the desktop.
2730Séddoo gi Sharing
2731Limu Jëfekaay App List
2732Limu ëmbiit yees di séddoo List of content that’s being shared
2740%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
2742Lëkkale ak tëriin ci Mangasiin bi Link to app in Store
2743Séddoo ab lëkkalekaay ci %s ci Màngasinu Windows Share a link to %s in the Windows Store
2744Nataalu seetu Screenshot
2745Seddoo ab nataalu-seetug %s Share a screenshot of %s
2746Seddoo ab nataalu-seetug Tambali Share a screenshot of Start
2747Seddoo ab nataalu-seetug Seet Share a screenshot of Search
2748Séddoo ab nataalu-seetug Ëtt Share a screenshot of Desktop
2749Fimne yaa ngi wone ëmbiit wuñ aar. Tëjal mbaa nga nëbb bii ëmbiit ngir mana séddoo nataalu-seetu bi. You’re currently viewing protected content. Please close or hide this content in order to share a screenshot.
2751Sharable item list Sharable item list
2753%s manta séddoo fimne. Jéemaatal ci kanam. %s can’t share right now. Try again later.
2754Jëfekaay bii manta séddoo. This app can’t share.
2755Amul dara luñu mëna séddoo fimne nii. There’s nothing to share right now.
2756Jëfekaay bi The application
2780Nataalu-seetug %s Screenshot of %s
2781Nataalu-seetug Tambali Screenshot of Start
2782Nataalu-seetug Seet Screenshot of Search
2783Nataalu-seetug Ëtt Screenshot of Desktop
2800ShareOperation.ReportStarted() was called already, and must not be called again. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() was called already, and must not be called again.
2801The ShareOperation has been destroyed. The ShareOperation has been destroyed.
2802A share cannot be started because another share is already in progress. A share cannot be started because another share is already in progress.
2803The app cannot share until it is in the foreground and active. The app cannot share until it is in the foreground and active.
2804ShareOperation.ReportError() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both. ShareOperation.ReportError() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2805Specify QuickLink.Title. Specify QuickLink.Title.
2806Specify QuickLink.Id. Specify QuickLink.Id.
2807Specify QuickLink.SupportedDataFormats or QuickLink.SupportedFileTypes. Specify QuickLink.SupportedDataFormats or QuickLink.SupportedFileTypes.
2808Specify QuickLink.Thumbnail. Specify QuickLink.Thumbnail.
2810DataRequest.Data cannot be modified after DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() has been called. DataRequest.Data cannot be modified after DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() has been called.
2811Call DataRequest.GetDeferral() before setting DataRequest.Data on an asynchronous method inside the delegate. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() method after setting DataRequest.Data. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral() before setting DataRequest.Data on an asynchronous method inside the delegate. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() method after setting DataRequest.Data.
2812The user did not share this via QuickLink. Check ShareOperation.QuickLinkId before calling RemoveThisQuickLink(). The user did not share this via QuickLink. Check ShareOperation.QuickLinkId before calling RemoveThisQuickLink().
2813Call ShareOperation.ReportStarted() before calling ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask(). Call ShareOperation.ReportStarted() before calling ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask().
2814ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() cannot be called afterwards.
2815ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() was called already, and must not be called again. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() was called already, and must not be called again.
2816ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportDataRetrieved() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportDataRetrieved() cannot be called afterwards.
2817A task could not be added because the ShareOperation is no longer available. A task could not be added because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
2818ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() cannot be called afterwards. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() cannot be called afterwards.
2819ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both. ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2820A task could not be removed because the ShareOperation is no longer available. A task could not be removed because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
3100Immersive Openwith Flyout Immersive Openwith Flyout
3101Yaa ngi jéem a ubbi taxañ bu di xeetu ‘Taxañu Noste’ (%1!ws!) You are attempting to open a file of type ‘System file’ (%1!ws!)
3102Yooyu taxañ Nosteg Doxiin gee koy jëfandikoo ak yeneen tëriin. Soppat mbaa dindi léen man naa yàq sa noste gi. These files are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.
3103Làmb jëfekaay wu ne ci PC bi Try an app on this PC
3104Wuutal Override
310511pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3106Di nga soxla jëfekaay bu bees ngir ubbi %1!ws! bii You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws!
3107Wut “%1” ci Màngasiin bi Get “%1” from the Store
3108Windows manta ubbi xeetu taxañ wii (%1!ws!) Windows can’t open this type of file (%1!ws!)
3110Dina laaj ab jëfekaay bu bees ngir ubbbi bii %1!ws!taxañ You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws! file
311115pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 15pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
311213pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 13pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3113Xool weneen jëfekaay ci PC bi Look for another app on this PC
3115Yeneeni jëfekaay More apps
3116Dëkkee di jëfandikoo bii ngir ubbi taxañu %1!ws! Always use this app to open %1!ws! files
31179pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets
3118Ubbee ak… Open with…
3119Xooli aw jëfekaay ci Màngasiin bi Look for an app in the Store
3120Dëkke di jëfandikoo jëfekaay bii Always use this app
3121Ndax bëgg ngaa ubbee taxañ bii? How do you want to open this file?
3122Noo bëggee ubbi lii? How do you want to open this?
3123Tëriin yi#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#Taxañ Yépp#*.*# Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files#*.*#
3125Wéy di jëfandikoo jëfekaay bii Keep using this app
3126Noo bëgg a ubbee taxañu %1!ws! bii? How do you want to open this %1!ws! file?
3127Noo bëggee yeggale wareef bi (%1!ws!)? How do you want to complete this task (%1!ws!)?
3128Man-man yu nekk ci Windows 10 Featured in Windows 10
3129Yeneeni tànnéef Other options
3130Di nga soxla jëfekaay bu bess ngir éggali bii liggéeey (%1!ws!) You’ll need a new app to complete this task (%1!ws!)
3131Dëkke di jëfandikoo jëfekaay bii ngir liggéey bii Always use this app for this task
3200Noo bëgg di sosee ëmb bees naj (Zip) ak taxañ yus jël? How do you want to create a compressed folder (Zip) with selected files?
3201Noo bëgg a lakkee taxañ yus jël? How do you want to burn selected files?
3202Noo bëgg a ubee ay yi ubbeeku su ko defee manees a jëfandikoowaat tappaan yi ci beneen nosukaay? How do you want to close open sessions so discs can be used on other computers?
3203Noo bêgg di raxasee tappaan yu binduwaatu yi? How do you want to erase rewritable discs?
3204Dëkke jëfandikoo tëriin wii ngir def lii Always use this app for this action
3206Waaw-Kay OK
3208Wone ay jëfekaay Show apps
3209Bees New
3210Nataal di nañu yomb a gënal, tëral ngir yaw, te noppi ngir soppi te séddale. Photos are easily enhanced, organized for you, and ready to edit and share.
3211Seetaanal lépp, ci filmu ak woney Tele yu gën a tàng (suko jaree) ci say wideo bopp. Watch it all, from the hottest movies & TV shows (where available) to your own personal videos.
3212Def lu bari ci net bi ak joowukaay bu bees bi ci Microsoft. Do more online with the new browser from Microsoft.
3213Ubbi ay PDF lu gaaw ci sa xuuskatu Web. Open PDFs right in your web browser.
3214Jëfekaayu misig bi gën ci sa Windows. Dégglul misig yi nga bëgg yépp ci sa jëfandaay. The best music app for Windows. Enjoy all the music you love on all your devices.
3215Li ko dalee talee tay, noo bëgg di ubbee taxañ %1!ws! yii? How do you want to open %1!ws! files from now on?
3216Naka nga bëgg a ubbee daluweb bii? How do you want to open this website?
3217Jëfandikoo saa yu nekk jëfekaay bii ngir ubbi %1!ws! Always use this app to open %1!ws!
3218Jëfandikoo ab jëfekaay Use an app
3219Jëfandikoo jëfekaay biñ fi tànn Use the default browser
3220Dafay ubbi taxañi liggéey ak yu jàmbur Opens work and personal files
3221Dafay soppi sa taxañi jàmbur def leen yu liggéey Changes personal files to work files
3222Dafay soppi sa taxañi jàmbur kese Opens personal files only
3223Noo bëggee ubbi taxañu liggéey bii? How do you want to open this work file?
3224Noo bëggee ubbi taxañu jàmbur bii? How do you want to open this personal file?
3225Noo bëggee ubbi taxañu %1!ws! liggéey bii? How do you want to open this work %1!ws! file?
3226Noo bëggee ubbi taxañu %1!ws! jàmbur bii? How do you want to open this personal %1!ws! file?
3227Use another app Use another app
3228Stay in this app Stay in this app
3300Communicate quickly and focus on what’s important. Communicate quickly and focus on what’s important.
3301Get directions, see location details, and add notes. Get directions, see location details, and add notes.
3302Open EPUBs right in your web browser. Open EPUBs right in your web browser.
450711pt;normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
45219pt;normal;None;Segoe UI 9pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4600? ?
460111pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4602keppees pinned
5511Sañ-sañ yi Permissions
5522Jëfekaay bii wóoloos na ko te man naa jëfandikoo gépp kàttanu noste gi. This app is trusted and can use all system capabilities.
5523Jëfekaay wii am na sañ-sañ ci jëfandikoo: This app has permission to use:
5524Jëfekaay bii jëfandikoowul genn kàttanu noste. This app does not use any system capabilities.
5525Kàttan gees xamul Unknown capability
5526Yenn jekkal yi sa yorkatu noste moo léen di saytu. Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
5527Taal On
5528Fay Off
5529Maneesul a yeesal gii jekkal This setting could not be updated
5551Sumb %1 Version %1
5552Aji-jëf %1 By %1
5570Sutura Privacy
5571May jëfekaay bii muy jot sa: Allow this app to access your:
5574Bataaxalu mbind Text messages
5575Jëfekaay bii man naa jot ci: This app can access:
5576Jëfekaay yi mënuñu jëfandikoo sa barab. Ngir may jëfekaay yi ñu jëfandikoo say leerali barab, demal ci jekkali PC bi. Apps can’t use your location. To allow apps to use your location info, go to PC settings.
5580Man-manu laalaat PC PC custom functionality
5581Lëkkale Sync
5582Maay tëriin bii mu jokkalee ci suuf Allow this app to sync in the background
5591Yëgle yi Notifications
5592May jëfekaay bii muy wone ay yëgle Allow this app to show notifications
5621Jekkal yi Settings
5622Natt ak topp Rate and review
5625Jotug leeral yu jële %1 Getting info from %1
5626Manta jot jekkal yi ñeel jëfekaay bii nii. Can’t get settings for this app right now.
5627Sàq yi Accounts
565111;semibold;none;Segoe UI 11;semibold;none;Segoe UI
565211;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
565311;semilight;none;Segoe UI 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI
56569;normal;none;Segoe UI 9;normal;none;Segoe UI
565711;Semilight;none;Segoe UI 11;Semilight;none;Segoe UI
5680Sàrti Sàmm-Sutura Privacy policy
5950Tànnéefi Taal Power Options
7101Seet Search
7122Jëliitu-seetu (%d) Screenshot (%d)
7123Manoo jël seetu bi You can’t take a screenshot
7124Am na ëmbiit lees aar ci %1. Tëj ko te jéemaat. There is protected content in %1. Close it and try again.
7125Ëmbiit lus aar ubbeeku na. Tëj ko te jéemaat. Protected content is open. Close it and try again.
8804Dayob leeraay%i brightness level %i
8805Wëlbati boppam tàkk Autorotate on
8806Wëlbati boppam fay Autorotate off
8807fay nañu wax ji volume muted
8808fayu ñu wax ji volume not muted
8809Dayob xumbaay%i volume level %i
8810Taal ndëggu gi Play track
8811Ajandi ndëggu gi Pause track
8812Ndëggu gi ci topp Next track
8813Ndëggu gi jiitu Previous track
8814Turu ndëggu %s Track name %s
8815Faram-feccey ndëggu %s Track details %s
88189pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
881920pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
882014pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 14pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8821Anamug ropplaan - tàkk Airplane mode on
8822Anamug ropplaan - fay Airplane mode off
882510pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 10pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8826Fànnu alboom Album art
8827Jëfekaay bi ci topp Next application
883220pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8833Kamera bu takk Camera on
8834Kamera bu fay Camera off
8901Kepp Pin
8902Keppi Unpin
8903Nëbb Hide
8904Nëbbadi Unhide
9002Cuqug %1!s! Launching %1!s!
9201Jekkal bii %1 warta ame màndargam NULL mees ci defaale. Parameter %1 must not contain embedded null characters.
9202Wut aw ab jëfekaay ci Màngasiinu Windows. Find an app in the Windows Store.
9203Yittewoo ngaa samp ab jëfekaay njëkk. Sampal jëfekaayu gaa yi mbaa xame yi ngir jokkook ñi nga xam. You need to install an app first. Install a people or contacts app so you can connect with the people you know.
9204%1xame %1contacts
9208%1 — %2 %1 — %2
9211Am na lu jaarul yoon ba jëfekaay bi manta jëf taxañ yi fimne. Something went wrong and this app can’t pick files right now.
9212Jéemal a jëlaat Jëfekaay bi. Try selecting the app again.
9213Am na lu jaarul yoon ba jëfekaay bi manta denc taxañ yi fimne. Something went wrong and this app can’t save files right now.
9215Amna li jaarul yoon, moo tax jëfekaay bii mënul yeesal ay taxañ fimne nii. Something went wrong and this app can’t update files right now.
9216Jéemal a tijjiwaat wala dencaat ab taxañ . Try opening or saving the file again.
9520Jëfandaay yi Devices
9521Móol Print
9522Naal Project
9524Yónnee Send
9525Laal te yónnee Tap and send
9526Yeneen More
9527Móolukaay yi Printers
9528Taal jëfandaay yi Play devices
9529Jotug leeral yu bawoo %s Getting info from %s
9530Projectors Projectors
9533Tëriin bii mënul mool. This app can’t print.
9534Tëriin bii mënul dox cib jumtukaay. This app can’t play to a device.
9535Tëriin bii mënul yobbu ci jumtukaay. This app can’t send to a device.
9536Ci tëriin yi rekk nga mëna moolee. You can only print from apps.
9537Ci tëriin yi rekk nga mëna taalee. You can only play from apps.
9538Ci tëriin yi rekk nga mën a yoonee. You can only send from apps.
9539Tëriin bii mënul móol fimne. This app can’t print right now.
9540Jëfekaay bi mënu gul a dox ci ab jëfandaay This app can’t play to a device right now.
9541Tëriin bii mënul yoonee ci jumtukaay fimne. This app can’t send to a device right now.
9542Ngir móol ëmbiit, lëkkaleel ab móolukaay. To print content, connect a printer.
9543Ngir taal ëmbitt, lëkkaleel ab jumtukaay. To play content, connect a device.
9544Ëmbitt bii nga tann dañu ko aar, motax mënoo koo taal ci beneen jumtukaay. The selected content is protected and can’t be played to another device.
9547Maaneesul a séddoo %1 ak %2. Couldn’t share %1 with %2.
9548Maneesul a séddoo lenn ci nga tànn ak %1. Couldn’t share some of the things you chose with %1.
9549Maneesul a séddoo yi nga tànn. Some of the things you chose couldn’t be shared.
9550Maneesul a yónnee %1 ci yeneen jumtukaay yi. Couldn’t send %1 to the other device.
9551Maneesul a yónnee ëmbiit ci yeneen jëfandaay yi. Couldn’t send content to other devices.
9552Amul darra lees di yónnee fimne. Nothing is being sent right now.
9554%1 mënula lonku ci %2. %1 couldn’t connect to %2.
9555Mi ngi lonku Connecting
9556Lonkuna, waaye dara feeñul. Connected, but no display.
9557Mi ngi lonkiku Disconnecting
9558Laalal ngir saafara lonk gi. Tap to fix the connection.
9559Saafara lonk gi. Fixing the connection.
9560Manula lonku. Couldn’t connect.
9564Sampaat gi lajj na. Demal ci jekkali PC bi te nga dindi te def jëfandaay bi. Reinstall failed. Go to PC settings and then remove and add the device.
9565Manula gis wone gi. Couldn’t find the display.
9570Mi ngi seet ay wone Searching for displays
9575Ngir niit, lonkal ab woniin. To project, connect a display.
9580Ñaareelu seetu Second screen
9586Sag wone manul a lonk. Your display couldn’t connect.
9587Lëkkalekaay bu jëm %1 ci Màngasiinu Windows Link to %1 in the Windows Store
9589%2 %2
9590Mu ngi lonku Connecting
9591Mu ngi tàkk Playing
9593Mënula lonku. Couldn’t connect.
9594Ordinaatëer bii This PC
9595Jumtukaay bi mënul a doxal yéglekaay bii. Device can’t play this media.
9621Yokk ab móolukaay Add a printer
9622Yokk woniin gu amul buum Add a wireless display
9623Dugal ab jëfandaay Add a device
9902Taal CD kàddu Play audio CD
9903Taal filmu DVD Play DVD movie
9904Yeneeni tànn Other choices
9905Tànnug fimne Current choice
9906Tànn yu yees New choices
9907%1!ls! yees sopp %1!ls! recommends
9908Dawal %1!ls! Run %1!ls!
9909Aji-siiwal ji %1!ls! Published by %1!ls!
9910Ràññeesul aji-siiwal ji Publisher not specified
9911Dëkke def nii ñeel %1!ls!: Always do this for %1!ls!:
9912Taal Boppam - %1!ls! AutoPlay - %1!ls!
9913Dénkaaney aji-defar ji Manufacturer recommends
9914Njangu biir AutoPlay
9915Seetug ëmbiit Searching for content
9916Yebbi gi Downloading
9917Jëfekaay bi manta yebbi. Wuti ko ca Màngasiinu Windows. The app didn’t download. Please get the app from Windows Store.
9918Ëmbiit lees jot Received content
9919Maneesul a gis tànn gees sopp. The recommended choice cannot be found.
9926Samp walla dawal tëriin bu bawoo ci sa defukaay Install or run program from your media
9927Dawal ëmbiit lus woomal Run enhanced content
9928Xët ñeel %1!ls! Page for %1!ls!
9952tappaan bii this disc
9953CD kàddu CD audio
9954DVD filmu DVD movies
9955DVD Kàddu DVD audio
9956CDR yu neen blank CDRs
9957DVD yu neen blank DVDs
9958Ay VCD VCDs
9960njaxas ëmbiit mixed content
9961taxañi kàddu audio files
9962taxañi nataal image files
9963taxañi wideo video files
9964ëmbiit lees xamul unknown content
9965CD kàddu yus woomal enhanced audio CDs
9966DVD filmu yus woomal enhanced DVD movies
9967Blu-ray filmu Blu-ray movies
9968tappaani Blu-ray yu neen blank Blu-ray discs
9969dawaalukaay yu dindiwu removable drives
9970xobi ndàmb memory cards
9971sa ëmbiit your content
9976Tànnal ab jëfekaay ñeel xeetu ëmbiit lii. Choose an app for this type of content.
9977Sa jëfi baaxoo lees di baamtu, mbaa yeneen tànn di nañ jàppandi. Your default action will occur or other choices will become available.
9978Tànn lingay def ak %1!ls!. Choose what to do with %1!ls!.
9979Tànn lees di def ak bii jumtukaay. Choose what to do with this device.
9981Waar wees jël dees na koo tàmbali su yebbi gi noppee. The selected task will launch when the download is complete.
9991Bës nga tànn li jot jëfandaay bii. Select to choose what happens with this device.
9992Bës ngir tànn ci jot %1!ls! bii. Select to choose what happens with %1!ls!.
9993Am nga tànn gu bees ñeel jumtukaay bii. You have new choices for this device.
9994Am nga tànn gu bees ñeel %1!ls!. You have new choices for %1!ls!.
9995Jafe-jafe am na ci bile dawalukaay.  Càmbaral ko te saafara ko. There’s a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it.
1000111;Semibold;None;Segoe UI 11;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
10205Taxañ yi Files
10207Jëfekaay yi Apps
10208Njuréef i “%1” Results for “%1”
10210Gaaral ci seetu ñaareel Project to a second screen
10211wone;prosektër;seetu;display;projector;TV;monitor display;projector;TV;monitor
10212lonkees;connected connected
10213séddoo;share share
10230Door Start
10231Mbooloomkër Homegroup
1023742pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 42pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10250empty area empty area
10251screen edge screen edge
10252Return divider to its original position Return divider to its original position
10253Collapse %s Collapse %s
10254Move %s off screen Move %s off screen
10255Shrink %s to its smallest size Shrink %s to its smallest size
10256Split %s and %s Split %s and %s
10260Maximize %s Maximize %s
10261Restart %s Restart %s
10262Close %s Close %s
10263End %s End %s
10264End all windows of %s End all windows of %s
10270Dugal %1 ci diggante %2 ak %3 Insert %1 between %2 and %3
10271Xajjaalee %1 ak %2 Split %1 with %2
10272Génne %s ci seetu bi Move %s off screen
10273Wuutal %2 ak %1 Replace %2 with %1
10274Wone %s ci seetu bi yëpp Show %s full screen
10275Wonandi %s ci peggu càmmoñu seetu bi Snap %s to the left screen edge
10276Wonandi %s tci peggu ndeyjooru seetu bi Snap %s to the right screen edge
10278Dugal %1 ci càmmoñu %2 Insert %1 to the left of %2
10279Dugal %1 ci ndeyjooru %2 Insert %1 to the right of %2
10280Yaatal %s Maximize %s
10281Wuutal %1 ak %2 Replace %1 with %2
10282Diri ci barabu %s Drag to place %s
10283Yaatal %1, diri ngir teg %1 Maximize %1, drag to place %1
10284Dàq Dismiss
10290Tuuti Small
10291Digg-dóomu Medium
10292Yaatu Wide
10293Rëy Large
10304Tuutal %s Minimize %s
1040211pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10403Dangaa bëgg a jàllantu ci tëriin yi? Did you mean to switch apps?
10404“%1” mi ngi jéem a ubbi “%2”. “%1” is trying to open “%2”.
10407Waaw Yes
10408Déet No
10409Njuréefi Seet ci %s Search Results in %s
10450Bii PC amul benn jëfekaay bu man a wone ay yeesal ci seetub tëjute bi. Demal ci Màngasiinu Windows te wut bu ko man. This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show updates on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10452Bañ di wone tolluwaay yus faram-fecce ci seetub tëjute bi Don’t show detailed status on the lock screen
10453Bañ di wone tolluwaay bu gaaw fii Don’t show quick status here
10455Tànn ab jëfekaay Choose an app
10456Jëfekaay yi bari na lool Too many apps
10457Dindi benn jëfekaay ngir may %s muy daw ci suuf tey woney leeral ci seetub tëjute bi. Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10458Bañ a yokk %1 Don’t add %1
10459Dakkal ab jëfekaay ngir may %s muy daw ci suuf. Stop an app to let %s run in the background.
1046011;semilight;None;Segoe UI 11;semilight;None;Segoe UI
10461Bul wone yeetekaay ci seetug tëj gi Don’t show alarms on the lock screen
10462Dindi benn jëfekaay ngir may %s muy daw ci suuf tey woney yeetekaay ci seetub tëj gi. Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show alarms on the lock screen.
10463Bii PC amul benn jëfekaay bu man a wone ay yeetekaay ci seetub tëj gi. Demal ci Windows Store te wut jëfekaay bu ko man. This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show alarms on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10510Bañ a nangu Don’t allow
10511Nangu Allow
10512May %s muy daw ci suuf? Let %s run in the background?
10513Jëfekaay bii mën na it wone ay tolluwaay yu gaaw aki yëgle ci seetub tëj gi. (Di nga ko mën a soppiwaatee ci jekkali PC bi.) This app can also show quick status and notifications on the lock screen. (You can change this later in Settings.)
10514Sa seetub tëjute fees na. War na nga dindi benn jëfekaay ngir %s man di daw ci suuf tey woney leeral ci seetub tëjute bi. Your lock screen is full. You’ll need to remove an app before %s can run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10515Jëfekaay bii man naa daw ci suuf ngir des di yeeslu. This app can run in the background to stay up to date.
10516Jëfekaay yiy daw ci suuf bari na lool. War na nga dindi benn jëfekaay ngir %s man di daw ci suuf tey yeeslu. Too many apps are running in the background. You’ll need to stop an app before %s can run in the background and stay up to date.
10520Jëfekaay bi àndul ak seetub tëjute bi. The application is not lock screen capable.
10521Jëfekaay bi soxla naa nekk ci kanam ngir sàkkoo féete fenn ci seetub tëjute bi. The application needs to be in the foreground to request a lock screen position.
10522Maneesul a dindi jëfekaay bi ci seetub tëjute bi. The application could not be removed from the lock screen.
10523Doo man a soppi sañ-sañi waar yi ci suuf ak yi ci seetub tëjute bi te fekk jëfekaay biy daw ci toppandookaay bi. You can’t change background task and lock screen privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10532Jëfandikool jëfekaay bii niki sa àartu gu njëkk? Use this app as your primary alarm?
10533Jëfekaay bii man na itam wone yëgley àartu sooko jëlee niki sa àartu gu njëkk. (Dinga ko mën a soppiwaatee ci jekkali PC bi.) This app can also show alarm notifications by setting it as your primary alarm. (You can change this later in Settings.)
10534Ngir jëfekaay bi mën a wone yëgley àartu yi, warngako wecci %s defko sa àartu bu njëkk. For this app to show alarm notifications, you'll have to replace %s as your primary alarm.
10535Weccil sa jëfekaayu àartu bii ak bii? Replace your current alarm app with this one?
10540Jëfekaay bii àttanul àartu gi. The application is not alarm capable.
10541Laajna jëfekaay bi féete kanam ngir sàkku ay gëneeli àartu. The application needs to be in the foreground to request alarm privileges.
10542Maneesula dindi gëneeli àartu jëfekaay bi. The application’s alarm privileges could not be removed.
10543Doo mën a soppi ngëneeli àartu yi dawal jëfekaay bi ci jéemukaay bi. You can’t change alarm privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10590Seetub tëjute Lock screen
10591May jëfekaay bii muy daw ci suuf tey woney leeral ci seetub tëjute bi Allow this app to run in the background and show quick status on the lock screen
1060311pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10604Maneesul a ubbi jëfekaay bi This app can’t open
10608%1!s! dees ko man a ubbi te fekk fuglug sàqum jëfandikukat fay. %1!s! can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10609Deesul man a ubbi jëfekaay bii te fekk Fuglu Sàqum Jëfandikukat fay. This app can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10610Taal Fuglu Sàqum Jëfandikukat Turn on User Account Control
10611%1!s! deesu ko man a ubbee ak sàqum Yorkat bob wàccaale. Duggsil ak meneen sàq te jéemaat. %1!s! can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10612Bii jëfekaay deesu ko man a ubbee ak sàqum Yorkat bob wàccaale. Duggsil ak meneen sàq te jéemaat. This app can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10613%1!s! deesu ko mën a ubbi te fekk Wërukaayu Taxañ di daw ak sañ-sañi yorkat. Dooraatal Wërukaayu Taxañ ci nim baaxoo te jéemaat. %1!s! can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10614Bii jëfekaay deesu ko mën a ubbi te fekk Wërukaayu Taxañ di daw ak sañ-sañi yorkat. Dooraatal Wërukaayu Taxañ ci nim baaxoo te jéemaat. This app can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10615Bii jëfekaay sa yorkatu nostee ko tere. This app has been blocked by your system administrator.
10616Jokkool ak sa yorkatu noste ngir yeneen leeral. Contact your system administrator for more info.
10618Jafe-jafe am na ci %1!s!. Xayna yëlëb sa PC saafara ko. There’s a problem with %1!s!. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10619Jafe-jafe am na ci bii jëfekaay. Xayna yëlëb sa PC saafara ko. There’s a problem with this app. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10620Yëlëb Refresh
10621Ab jafe-jafe ak Windows a ngi tee %1!s! ubbeeku. Xayna yëlëb sa PC saafara ko. A problem with Windows is preventing %1!s! from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10622Ab jafe-jafe ci Windows a ngi tee jëfekaay bii ubbeeku. Xayna yëlëb sa PC saafara ko. A problem with Windows is preventing this app from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10624Jafe-jafe am na ci %1!s!. Jokkool ak sa yorkatu noste ngir jagalaat mbaa sampaat ko. There’s a problem with %1!s!. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10625Jafe-jafe am na ci bii jëfekaay. Jokkool ak sa yorkatu noste ngir jagalaat mbaa sampaat ko. There’s a problem with this app. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10626Xool yeneen leeral ci Màngasiinu Windows yu ñeel %1!s!. Check the Windows Store for more info about %1!s!.
10627Xool yeneen leeral yu ñeel jëfekaay bii ci Màngasiinu Windows. Check the Windows Store for more info about this app.
10628See in Store See in Store
10629Jëfekaay bi manula samp This app can’t install
10630Lonkuwoo ci Internet fimne nii. You’re not connected to the Internet right now.
10631Lonku cig mbaal Connect to a network
10632Sa PC amul bayaal bu doy ngir samp jëfekaay bii. Simpil yenn jëfekaay mbaa fexee jàppandil yeneen bayaalu tàppaan te nga jéemaat. Your PC doesn’t have enough space to install this app. Uninstall some apps or make more disk space available and then try again.
10633Tànn jëfekaay biñuy samp Choose apps to uninstall
10634Jeexal nga àpp biñ may sam sàq ci PC bi You’ve reached the PC limit for your account
10635Laajna nga dindi ab PC ci sa sàqu Windows Store laataa ngay samp jëfekaay bi ci PC bii. You need to remove a PC from your Windows Store account before you can install apps on this PC.
10636Tànnal PC bingay dindi Choose a PC to remove
10637Amul bayaalu tappaan bu doy Not enough disk space
10638Waxtu buñu la mayoon ngir jëfandikoo tëriin bi app na. Demal ci Mangasinu Windows bi ngir jënd tëriin bi. Your trial period for this app has expired. Visit the Windows Store to purchase the full app.
10639Jéemataal Try again
10640Sart bu app Expired license
10641Sa sartu aji-defar app na. Ngir wéy di jëfandikoo tëriin bii, beesalal sa sart. Your developer license has expired. To continue to use this app, please renew your license.
10642Ndax danga bëgg a samp bii jëfekaay ci booy jëfandikoo lonku guñ natt? Do you want to install this app while you’re using a metered connection?
10643Yebbig jëfekaay bii fekk ngay jëfandikoo lonku guñ natt mën na tax ñu fayloowaat la beneen xaalis ci sa palaŋu njoxe. Downloading this app using a metered connection might result in additional charges to your data plan.
10644Samp Install
10645Tëriin bii rëy na torop ngir ñu yebbi ko ak lonku bu yamamaay This app is too big to download using a metered connection
10646Lonku ci beneen mbaal te jéemaat. Connect to another network and try again.
10647Seet beneen mbaal boo lonku Find another network to connect to
10648%1!s! mënul ubbiku ndax amul internet. Fi ñu ko denc nekku fi wala lënkuwul. %1!s! can’t open because it is offline. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10649Jëfekaay bii mënul ubbiku ndax amul internet. Fi ñu ko denc nekku wala lënkuwul. This app can’t open because it is offline. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10650%1!s! mënul ubbiku ndax xamu ñu fu mu nekk. Fi ñu ko denc nekku wala lënkuwul. %1!s! can’t open because it cannot be found. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10651Jëfekaay bii mënul ubbiku ndax xamu ñu fu mu nekk. Fi ñu ko denc nekku wala lënkuwul. This app can’t open because it cannot be found. The storage device might be missing or disconnected.
10652Teel na lool You’re too early
10653Xam nanu ni bëgg ngaa tàmbali lool, waaye fàww nga xaaraat tuuti. Bësal màngasiin bi ngir xam bisu dawal bi. We know you really want to get started, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer. Check the store for the launch date.
10655Jëndaatal jëfekaay bii Purchase this app again
10656Suñ la delloo sa xaalis ci %1!s!, dindi nañu ko ci sa jëfandaay. When you got a refund on %1!s! it was removed from your device.
10657Suñ la delloo sa xaalis ci jëfekaay bii, dindi nañu ko ci sa jëfandaay. When you got a refund on this app it was removed from your device.
10658Faral jëfekaay bi Delete this app
10659Faral %1!s! ci sa jëfandaay yépp. Dindi nanu ko ci Màngasiin bi. Delete %1!s! from all your devices. We’ve removed it from the Store.
10660Faral jëfekaay bi ci sa jëfandaay yépp. Dindi nanu ko ci Màngasiin bi. Delete this app from all your devices. We’ve removed it from the Store.
10661Xoolal sam sàq Check your account
10662%1!s! is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001 %1!s! is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001
10663This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001
10664Go online Go online
10665Your device needs to be online to run games or apps like this one. Your device needs to be online to run games or apps like this one.
10667Try that again Try that again
10668Reset Store Reset Store
10669Store Store
10670Search Support Search Support
10671Connect to the internet Connect to the internet
10672Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7000 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7000
10673Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7001 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7001
10674Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7002 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7002
10675Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7004 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7004
10676Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7005 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7005
10677Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7006 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7006
10678Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7008 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7008
10679Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7009 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7009
10680Set this device to play offline? Set this device to play offline?
10681You can use this device to use apps like this one offline. In Store go to Settings Offline permissions. You can use this device to use apps like this one offline. In Store go to Settings Offline permissions.
10682Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7010 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7010
10683Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7011 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F7011
10684Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8000 Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8000
10685This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8002 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8002
10686This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8003 This app is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8003
10687Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8004 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8004
10688Delete this app Delete this app
10689Delete %1!s! from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store. Delete %1!s! from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store.
10690Delete this app from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store. Delete this app from all your devices. We’ve removed it from Store.
10691Purchase this app again Purchase this app again
10692When you got a refund on %1!s! it was removed from your device. When you got a refund on %1!s! it was removed from your device.
10693When you got a refund on this app it was removed from your device. When you got a refund on this app it was removed from your device.
10694Your free trial is over. Hope you enjoyed it. Your free trial is over. Hope you enjoyed it.
10696Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F812C Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F812C
10697Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8131 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8131
10698Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8132 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8132
10699License and region mismatch License and region mismatch
10700The license for this doesn’t include your current region. The license for this doesn’t include your current region.
10802Ub Jëfekaay bi Close App
10803%s mi ngi móol ab taxañ. Boo ubee %s, man nga cee ñàkke yenn xët yi. %s is printing a file. If you close %s, you might lose some of your pages.
10804%s mi ngi deesi jëfandikoo ngir séddoo. Boo ubee %s, yenn yëf yi man nañoo ñàkk a séddoowu. %s is being used for sharing. If you close %s, some items might not be shared.
10805Yaa ngi jëfandikoo %s ci beneen jëfekaay ngir jël ay taxañ. Boo ubee %s, man nga cee ñàkke yenn jël yi. You’re using %s in another app to pick files. If you close %s, you might lose your selections.
10806Yaa ngi jëfandikoo %s ci beneen jëfekaay ngir denc ab taxañ. Boo ubee %s, boo moyuwul deesul denc taxañ bi. You’re using %s in another app to save a file. If you close %s, the file might not be saved.
10807Yaa ngi jëfandikoo %s ci beneen jëfekaay ngir jël ay xame. Boo ubee %s, man nga cee ñàkke sa jël gi. You’re using %s in another app to pick contacts. If you close %s, you might lose your selection.
10808Yaa ngi jëfandikoo %s ci beneen jëfekaay ngir ubbi ab taxañ. Boo ubee %s, boo moyuwul deesul ubbi taxañ bi. You’re using %s in another app to open a file. If you close %s, the file might not be opened.
10811%s mi ngi yónneey leeral beneen jëfekaay.  Boo ubee %s, mën nga cee ñàkke ay leeral. %s is sending information to another app. If you close %s, you might lose some information.
10812%s mu ngi móol. Sooko tëjee, sa taxañ mën naa baña móol bu baax. %s is printing. If you close it, your file may not print correctly.
10911Apps and &Features Apps and &Features
10912Lonkug mb&aal Net&work Connections
10913Tànnée&fi Taal Power &Options
10914Wonekaayu &Xew Event &Viewer
10915Nos&te S&ystem
10916Saytuwaayu &Jumtukaay Device &Manager
10917Saytu Jumtu&kaay Dis&k Management
10918Saytu &Nosukaay Computer Mana&gement
10919S&antaanekaay &Command Prompt
10920Santaanekaay (&Yorkat) Command Prompt (&Admin)
10921Saytu Waar y&i &Task Manager
10922Setti&ngs Setti&ngs
10923&Lëñbatukaayu Taxañ File &Explorer
10924&Seet &Search
10925Dawa&l &Run
10926Ë&tt &Desktop
10927Barabu Ran&dute Mo&bility Center
10928W&indows PowerShell W&indows PowerShell
10929Windows PowerShell (&Admin) Windows PowerShell (&Admin)
10930Fa&y walla génn Sh&ut down or sign out
11202The calling app is not visible. The calling app is not visible.
11203The appointment subject string is too long. The appointment subject string is too long.
11204The appointment details string is too long. The appointment details string is too long.
11205The appointment location string is too long. The appointment location string is too long.
11206The appointment passed to ShowAddAppointmentUIAsync was null. The appointment passed to ShowAddAppointmentUIAsync was null.
11207ReportCompleted, ReportCanceled or ReportError can only be called once per activation. ReportCompleted, ReportCanceled or ReportError can only be called once per activation.
11208The appointment id must not be an empty string. The appointment id must not be an empty string.
11209The Recurrence property is invalid. Occurences and Until are mutually exclusive properties. The Recurrence property is invalid. Occurences and Until are mutually exclusive properties.
11210The Recurrence property is invalid. Month must be between 1 and 12. The Recurrence property is invalid. Month must be between 1 and 12.
11211The Recurrence property is invalid. Day must be between 1 and 31. The Recurrence property is invalid. Day must be between 1 and 31.
11212The Recurrence property is invalid. DaysOfWeek must be specified for Weekly, MonthlyOnDay, and YearlyOnDay units. The Recurrence property is invalid. DaysOfWeek must be specified for Weekly, MonthlyOnDay, and YearlyOnDay units.
11213The Organizer DisplayName string is too long. The Organizer DisplayName string is too long.
11214The Organizer Address string is too long. The Organizer Address string is too long.
11215The DisplayName string of an Invitee is too long. The DisplayName string of an Invitee is too long.
11216The Address string of an Invitee is too long. The Address string of an Invitee is too long.
11217Invitees and Organizer are mutually exclusive properties. Invitees and Organizer are mutually exclusive properties.
11218An Invitee was null. An Invitee was null.
11219The appointment duration must be nonnegative. The appointment duration must be nonnegative.
11301%1 (Kër) %1 (Home)
11302%1 (Liggéey) %1 (Work)
11303%1 (Portaabal) %1 (Mobile)
11305Woo Call
11306Yónnee bataaxal Send message
11307M-bataaxal Email
11308Kàrt Map
11309Yónnee ci Post to
11310Wooteg Widew Video call
11311Yeneen leeral More details
11312Dugal ab xame Add contact
11313Xame buñ xamul Unknown contact
11314Woo %1 Call %1
11315Bataaxal %1 Message %1
11316M-bataaxal %1 Email %1
11317Kàrt %1 Map %1
11318Siiwal ci %1 Post to %1
11319Wooteg wideo %1 Video call %1
11403Amee am sàq ci %1 Getting accounts from %1
11404Amee ay yorkatu sàq ci %1 Getting account providers from %1
11405Manul a amal jëfekaay bii ay sàq leegi nii. Can’t get accounts for this app right now.
11406Manul a amal jëfekaay bi ay yorkatu sàq leegi nii. Can’t get account providers for this app right now.
11407Laajna jëf Action Required
11408Yokk am sàq Add an account
11409Lonku Connect
11416Lonku ci sàqu %1 Connect to %1 account
11417Sàq %1 dakkantal %2 Account %1 username %2
11418Lajj na jëf ngir sàqu %1 Action required for account %1
11419Benn saq jappandiwul No accounts available
11452Sàq Account
11453Lonkuwaat Reconnect
11454Dindi Remove
11455Wone Leeral yi View Details
11456Saytu Manage
11459Turu sàq Account name
11460Dàkkantal User name
11501The parameter may not be NULL. The parameter may not be NULL.
11502This class is not activatable. This class is not activatable.
11503Only HTTP, HTTPS, and MS-WINDOWS-STORE URIs may be used as fallback URI. Only HTTP, HTTPS, and MS-WINDOWS-STORE URIs may be used as fallback URI.
11504This file may not be launched because it does not have a file extension. This file may not be launched because it does not have a file extension.
11505This file type may not be launched because it is considered dangerous by AssocIsDangerous. This file type may not be launched because it is considered dangerous by AssocIsDangerous.
11506This file may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer. This file may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer.
11507The caller attempted to launch an intranet URI without having the private network capability. The caller attempted to launch an intranet URI without having the private network capability.
11508Local machine URIs are not supported. Local machine URIs are not supported.
11509Untrusted files are not supported. Untrusted files are not supported.
11510ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication must either both be set or both be empty. ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication must either both be set or both be empty.
11511ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication cannot be set when FallbackUri is set. ApplicationDisplayName and PreferredApplication cannot be set when FallbackUri is set.
11512ContentType cannot be set for LaunchFileAsync. ContentType cannot be set for LaunchFileAsync.
11513The calling application does not have permission to call this API. The calling application does not have permission to call this API.
11514The calling application is not visible. The calling application is not visible.
11515This association may not be launched because non-AppContainer handlers are disabled. This association may not be launched because non-AppContainer handlers are disabled.
11516This association may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer. This association may not be launched because it is blocked from being launched outside of an AppContainer.
11517This association may not be launched because dynamic verbs are not supported. This association may not be launched because dynamic verbs are not supported.
11518This API is blocked from use within a Restricted AppContainer. This API is blocked from use within a Restricted AppContainer.
11519DisplayApplicationPicker may not be set to true when launching a folder. DisplayApplicationPicker may not be set to true when launching a folder.
12301Tablet mode Tablet mode

12303Da nga bëgg a génn ci Anamu Tablet? Do you want to exit tablet mode?
12304Da nga bëgg nga jàll ci Anamu Tablet? Do you want to switch to tablet mode?
12305Lii dafay Windows gën a neexa laal sooy jëfandikoo sa jëfandaay niki ab tablet. This makes Windows more touch-friendly when using your device as a tablet.
12306Dëkkeel dima laaj laata may jàll Always ask me before switching
12307Fàttalikul sama tontu te bul mako laajaat Remember my response and don’t ask again
12310Génn nga ci anamu tablet You’ve exited tablet mode
12311Anamu tablet du jàppandi suñu lonkee sa jëfandaay ci ay wone yu bari. Tablet mode isn’t available while your device is connected to multiple displays.
12312Ngir taal anamu tablet ci kanam, demal ci Jekkal yi walla ci barabu toppatoo. To turn on tablet mode later, go to Settings or action center.
12401App needs temporary access App needs temporary access
12402This app is requesting permission to use work content. If you give it access, your organization may track the action. This app is requesting permission to use work content. If you give it access, your organization may track the action.
12403Dangay soppi ëmbeef bii def ko bu Liggéey? Change this content to Work?
12411App can't access content App can't access content
12412Your organization prevents this app from using work content. Your organization prevents this app from using work content.
12421Bàyyi Cancel
12422OK OK
12423Give access Give access
12424Soppi def ko bu Liggéey Change to Work
12425Yeneeni leeral Learn more
12601Pexe yi Tips
13001Segoe UI Segoe UI
13002400 400
130039 9
13007Biro bu bees New desktop
13011Biro %d Desktop %d
13012Fay ak taal liggéey Task Switching
13013Woney Waar Task View
13014Ndimbalu Jël Snap Assist
13015Jëfekaay yuy dox Running Applications
13016Biro yuñu jëmmadi Virtual Desktops
13018Yéeg Scroll Up
13019Wàcc Scroll Down
13020Demmee Càmmoñ Scroll Left
13021Demmee Ndijoor Scroll Right
13022Woneendoo &càmmoñ te wecci “%s” Snap &left and replace "%s"
13023Woneendoo &ndijoor te wecci “%s” Snap &right and replace "%s"
13040Dàq Palanteeru Taal Waar Dismiss Task Switching Window
1304118 18
1310312 12
13104Jëfekaay bu %s saytu App managed by %s
13105%s. Jëfekaay baa ngi jëfandikoo say njoxe liggéey leegi. %s. This app is using work data now.
13106%s. Jëfekaay baa ngi jëfandikoo say njoxe bopp. %s. This app is using personal data now.
13201Segoe MDL2 Assets Segoe MDL2 Assets
13301Laxas Scroll
13302Xumbaay Volume
13304Way wi ci topp Next track
13305Rëyal/Tuutal Zoom
13306Nettalikaay Narrator
13307Leeraay Brightness
13308Dellu Back
13309Jumtukaayu laalaat Custom tool
13401Mën nga jëfandikoo jëfandaay bii ngir dawal ay po ak jëfekaay yu ci melni bu soxlawul net bii. Ci Màngasiin bi demal ci Jekkal yi Sañ-sañi internet. You can use this device to run games or apps like this one offline. In Store go to Settings Online permissions.
13402Sa àppu ñam jeexna, Neexoon nala? Jëndal po mu mat mi! Seetal ci Màngasiin bii ci suuf. You've reached the end of the trial, Did you like it? Buy the full game! See in Store below.
13403May nanu la jëfandikoo gii. Am nanu yaakaar ni dina la neex! You're trying us for free. Hope you're enjoying it!
13404Dese nala %s fan ak %s waxtu yoo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s days and %s hours left trying this for free.
13406Dese nala %s fan yoo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s days left trying this for free.
13409Dese nala %s fan boo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s day left trying this for free.
13410Dese nala %s waxtu ak %s simili yoo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s hours and %s minutes left trying this for free.
13412Dese nala %s waxtu yoo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s hours left trying this for free.
13415Dese nala %s waxtu boo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s hour left trying this for free.
13416Dese nala %s simili yoo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s minutes left trying this for free.
13417Dese nala %s simili boo ko mën a ñam te doo fay. You have %s minute left trying this for free.
13418Po mi jeex na fii ndax danga ko taalee ci beneen jëfandaay. This game has ended here because you started it up on another device.
13426Xool ci Màngasiin See in Store
13427Dem ci jekkal yi Go to Settings
13428Tëj Close
13429Taalee ko fii Play here instead
13491Màngasiin Store
13492Def jëfandaay bii muy mën a dox su net amul? Set this device to play offline?
13493Yaa nga taalee %s feneen You're playing %s somewhere else
13501Desktop %Iu Desktop %Iu
13601To use this here, first remove another device To use this here, first remove another device
13602You’re at the limit for the number of devices that can be used with games and apps from the Store. You’re at the limit for the number of devices that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13603To use this here, first remove another PC To use this here, first remove another PC
13604You’re at the limit for the number of PCs that can be used with games and apps from the Store. You’re at the limit for the number of PCs that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13605To use this here, first remove another tablet To use this here, first remove another tablet
13606You’re at the limit for the number of tablets that can be used with games and apps from the Store. You’re at the limit for the number of tablets that can be used with games and apps from the Store.
13607Your device group has too many devices added in the past 30 days. Wait a bit and try again. Your device group has too many devices added in the past 30 days. Wait a bit and try again.
13608Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FB Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FB
13609Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FC Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FC
13610Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FD Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F81FD
13611The license has expired. The license has expired.
13612The license isn’t working. The license isn’t working.
13613Change accounts Change accounts
13614Sign in with the account that bought the app. Sign in with the account that bought the app.
13616You need to be online to open this. You need to be online to open this.
13617You need to be online to open this during the trial period. You need to be online to open this during the trial period.
13618Renew your subscription Renew your subscription
13619Your subscription has expired. Your subscription has expired.
13620Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900B Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900B
13621Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900D Something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F900D
13622Go to Settings Go to Settings
13623My Devices My Devices
13624Go to support Go to support
13625Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E10BC6 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E10BC6
13626Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11771 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11771
13627Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11774 Something happened on our end. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x87E11774
13628Get the app Get the app
13629Try that later Try that later
13630Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter to reset the Store. Run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter to reset the Store.
13631Connect to a network. Connect to a network.
13632Give us a minute Give us a minute
13633We’re updating this app. It should be ready to use again shortly. We’re updating this app. It should be ready to use again shortly.
13634We’re updating %1!s!. It should be ready to use again shortly. We’re updating %1!s!. It should be ready to use again shortly.
13635Your organization used Device Guard to block this app Your organization used Device Guard to block this app

Contact your support person for more info.

Contact your support person for more info.
13637Contact your support person for more info. Contact your support person for more info.
13639For security and performance, this mode of Windows only runs verified apps from the Store For security and performance, this mode of Windows only runs verified apps from the Store
13640This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.


Still want to run this unverified app?
This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.


Still want to run this unverified app?
13641This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.

Still want to run this unverified app?
This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly.

Still want to run this unverified app?
13642See how See how
55000Sos xool bu bees Create new view


File Name:twinui.dll.mui
File Size:73 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:TWINUI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:TWINUI
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Jagoos na mboolem àq yi.
Original File Name:TWINUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is twinui.dll.mui?

twinui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Wolof language for file twinui.dll (TWINUI).

File version info

File Description:TWINUI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:TWINUI
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Jagoos na mboolem àq yi.
Original Filename:TWINUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x488, 1200