3002 | Kwa sasa hakuna chaguo za nishati zinazopatikana. |
There are currently no power options available. |
3003 | Chagua sababu ambayo inaelezea kabisa kwanini unataka kuzima kompyuta hii |
Choose a reason that best describes why you want to shut down this PC |
3004 | Mtu mwingine bado anatumia kompyuta hii. Ukizima sasa, unaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
Someone else is still using this PC. If you shut down now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3005 | Ukizima sasa, wewe na watu wengine wanaotumia kompyuta hii wanaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
If you shut down now, you and any other people using this PC could lose unsaved work. |
3006 | Mtu mwingine bado anatumia kompyuta hii. Ukianza upya sasa, wanaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
Someone else is still using this PC. If you restart now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3007 | Ukianza upya sasa, wewe na watu wengine wowote wanaotumia kompyuta hii wanaweza kupoeza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
If you restart now, you and any other people using this PC could lose unsaved work. |
3008 | Endelea |
Continue |
3009 | Hata hivyo zima |
Shut down anyway |
3010 | Hata hivyo anzisha |
Restart anyway |
3013 | Zima |
Shut down |
3014 | &Zima |
Sh&ut down |
3015 | Inafunga progr. zote na huzima kompyuta. |
Closes all apps and turns off the PC. |
3016 | Washa upya |
Restart |
3017 | Washa &upya |
&Restart |
3018 | Hufunga progr. zote, huzima kompyuta, na kisha huiwasha tena. |
Closes all apps, turns off the PC, and then turns it on again. |
3019 | Sinzia |
Sleep |
3020 | &Sinzia |
&Sleep |
3021 | Kompyuta huwashwa lakini hutumia nishati ya chini. Programu hubaki wazi wakati kompyuta inapoamka, unarudi mahali ulipotoka mara moja. |
The PC stays on but uses low power. Apps stay open so when the PC wakes up, you’re instantly back to where you left off. |
3022 | Fufumaa |
Hibernate |
3023 | &Fufumaa |
&Hibernate |
3025 | Huzima kompyuta lakini programu hubaki imefunguliwa. Wakati kompyuta imewashwa, unarudi mahali ulikotoka. |
Turns off the PC but apps stay open. When the PC is turned on, you’re back to where you left off. |
3026 | Sasisha na uzime |
Update and shut down |
3027 | Sasisha na &uzime |
Update and sh&ut down |
3029 | Hufunga progr. zote, kusasisha kompyuta, na kuizima. |
Closes all apps, updates the PC, and then turns it off. |
3030 | Sasisha na anzisha upya |
Update and restart |
3031 | Sasisha na &anzisha upya |
Update and &restart |
3033 | Hufunga progr. zote, husasisha kompyuta, huizima, na kisha kuiwasha tena. |
Closes all apps, updates the PC, turns it off, and then turns it on again. |
3034 | Toka |
Sign out |
3035 | Hufunga progr. zote na kukutoa. |
Closes all apps and signs you out. |
3038 | Kata mawasiliano |
Disconnect |
3039 | Hukatisha muunganisho wako kwenye kompyuta hii ya mbali. |
Ends your connection to this remote PC. |
3040 | &Kata mawasiliano |
&Disconnect |
3041 | To&ka |
S&ign out |
3042 | Funga |
Lock |
3043 | &Tia kufuli |
L&ock |
3044 | Hufunga akaunti yako kwenye kompyuta hii. |
Locks your account on this PC. |
3045 | Ondoa Egeshoni |
Undock |
3046 | O&ndoa Egeshoni |
U&ndock |
3047 | Huondoa kompyuta yako ya mkononi au kompyuta daftari kutoka kwenye kituo cha kuegesha. |
Removes your laptop or notebook computer from a docking station. |
3050 | Msimamizi mfumo wako amelemaza baadhi ya hali ya nishati kwa akaunti hii. |
The system administrator has disabled some power states for this user account. |
3052 | Badilisha mtumiaji |
Switch user |
3053 | Badilisha watumiaji bila kufunga progr. |
Switch users without closing apps. |
3054 | B&adilisha mtumiaji |
S&witch user |
3100 | Chagua sababu inayofafanua kwa nini unataka kuzima kompyuta |
Choose a reason that best describes why you want to shut down this computer |
3101 | Mtu mwingine bado anatumia kompyuta hii. Ikiwa utazima sasa, wanaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
Someone else is still using this computer. If you shut down now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3102 | Ikiwa utaizima sasa, wewe na watu wengine wanaotumia kompyuta hii mnaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
If you shut down now, you and any other people using this computer could lose unsaved work. |
3103 | Mtu mwingine bado anatumia kompyuta hii. Ikiwa utaanza upya sasa, wanaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
Someone else is still using this computer. If you restart now, they could lose unsaved work. |
3104 | Ikiwa utawasha upya sasa, wewe na watu wengine wanao tumia kompyuta hii mnaweza kupoteza kazi ambayo haijahifadhiwa. |
If you restart now, you and any other people using this computer could lose unsaved work. |
3105 | Hufunga progr. zote na kuzima kompyuta. |
Closes all apps and turns off the computer. |
3106 | Hufunga progr. zote na kuzima kompyuta, na kisha inaiwasha tena. |
Closes all apps, turns off the computer, and then turns it on again. |
3107 | Kompyuta inabaki kama imewashwa lakini inatumia nishati ya chini. Programu zinabaki kama zimewashwa kwa hivyo wakati kompyuta inaamka, unarudi mara moja mahali ulipoachia. |
The computer stays on but uses low power. Apps stay open so when the computer wakes up, you’re instantly back to where you left off. |
3108 | Inazima kompyuta lakini programu zinabaki kama zimewashwa kwa hivyo wakati kompyuta inaamka, unarudi mara moja mahali ulipoachia. |
Turns off the computer but apps stay open. When the computer is turned on, you’re back to where you left off. |
3109 | Inafunga progr. zote, inasasisha kompyuta, na kisha inaizima. |
Closes all apps, updates the computer, and then turns it off. |
3110 | Inafunga progr. zote, inasasisha kompyuta, inaizima, na kisha inaiwasha. |
Closes all apps, updates the computer, turns it off, and then turns it on again. |
3111 | Inatamatisha muunganisho wako kwa kompyuta hii ya mbali. |
Ends your connection to this remote computer. |
3112 | Inafunga akaunti yako kwenye kompyuta hii. |
Locks your account on this computer. |