If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Chinese (Traditional) |
English |
100 | BitLocker Drive Encryption Service |
BitLocker Drive Encryption Service |
101 | BDESVC 裝載 BitLocker 磁碟機加密服務。BitLocker 磁碟機加密提供作業系統的安全啟動,以及 OS、固定或抽取式磁碟區的完整磁碟區加密。這個服務允許 BitLocker 提示使用者進行與其掛接之磁碟區相關的各種動作,而且會自動解除鎖定磁碟區,並不需要使用者互動。此外,還會將修復資訊儲存至 Active Directory (如果可用),而且必要時可確定使用的是最新修復憑證。停止或停用這個服務,會讓使用者無法利用這個功能。 |
BDESVC hosts the BitLocker Drive Encryption service. BitLocker Drive Encryption provides secure startup for the operating system, as well as full volume encryption for OS, fixed or removable volumes. This service allows BitLocker to prompt users for various actions related to their volumes when mounted, and unlocks volumes automatically without user interaction. Additionally, it stores recovery information to Active Directory, if available, and, if necessary, ensures the most recent recovery certificates are used. Stopping or disabling the service would prevent users from leveraging this functionality. |
102 | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Corporation |
104 | 使用者登入時提供資料磁碟區的自動解除鎖定功能 |
Provides automatic unlocking of data volumes on user sign-in |