EventTracingManagement.dll.mui ETW 的 WMI 提供者 be2835ee6dae006136b0da5ddb662df0

File info

File name: EventTracingManagement.dll.mui
Size: 19968 byte
MD5: be2835ee6dae006136b0da5ddb662df0
SHA1: 0b947117b92b78133c171c923499d7d484d77fff
SHA256: 80592a75a064084f878b11e0a27a9921fed5eac325bc92b1690e8839c5883113
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1InstanceID 是選擇性屬性,可用來在具現化Namespace的領域內唯一識別此類別的執行個體。此類別的各子類別可以覆寫此屬性以將它設定為必要項或機碼。此類子類別也可以修改偏好的演算法,以確保如下定義的唯一性。
為確保在Namespace中的唯一性,必須使用下列「偏好的」演算法建構 InstanceID 的值:
其中, 與 是由冒號 (:) 分隔,而 必須包含建立或定義 InstanceID 之企業實體擁有的註冊商標或唯一名稱,或包含由知名全球授權單位指派給企業實體的註冊識別碼 (此需求類似於結構描述類別名稱的 _ 結構)。此外,為確保唯一性, 不能包含冒號 (:)。使用此演算法時,要顯示在 InstanceID 中的第一欄必須顯示在 與 之間。
是由企業實體所選擇,而且不能被重複用於識別不同的基礎 (現實世界) 元素。若並非 Null 且未使用上述「偏好的」演算法,定義實體必須保證產生的 InstanceID 不會跨此執行個體之Namespace的這個或其他提供者所產生的任何 InstanceID 重複使用。
若並未針對 DMTF 定義的執行個體設定為 Null,則必須將 設定為 CIM 並使用「偏好的」演算法。
InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below.
To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm:
Where and are separated by a colon (:), and where must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between and .
is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance.
If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the set to CIM.
2Caption 屬性是物件的簡短文字描述 (單行字串)。 The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.
3Description 屬性提供物件的文字描述。 The Description property provides a textual description of the object.
請注意,ManagedSystemElement 的 Name 屬性也被定義為使用者易記名稱。但是,它通常是 Key 的子類別。相同的屬性 (在完全沒有其他差異的情況下) 可區分身分識別與使用者易記名稱並不合理。當 Name 存在且不是 Key (例如,LogicalDevice 的執行個體),相同的資訊可同時存在於 Name 與 ElementName 屬性。請注意,如果有關聯的 CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities 執行個體,此屬性可能會有限制 (如該類別中定義之 ElementNameMask 與 MaxElementNameLen 屬性所定義)。
A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.
52.19.0 2.19.0
6ManagedElement 是抽象類別,它為 CIM 架構中的非關聯類別提供通用超級類別 (或繼承樹狀結構的頂層)。 ManagedElement is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema.
7指示物件安裝時間的日期時間值。欠缺此值並不代表物件尚未安裝。 A datetime value that indicates when the object was installed. Lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.
8Name 屬性會定義可用來識別物件的標籤。設定為子類別時,Name 屬性可被覆寫以變成 Key 屬性。 The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.
「通訊中斷」表示 ManagedSystem Element 已知存在,而且過去系統曾順利與其聯繫,但目前無法與其聯繫。
「 已停止」與「已中止」類似,但前者意味著徹底且循序的停止,而後者意味著意外停止 (可能需要更新元素的狀態與設定)。
「已完成」表示元素已完成其操作。此值應該與「狀況良好」、「錯誤」或「已降級」結合,以便用戶端能判斷已完成之操作的狀態是「已完成且狀況良好」(通過)、「已完成但發生錯誤」(失敗) 或「已完成但已降級」(操作完成,但狀態並非「狀況良好」或已完成但回報了錯誤)。
「電源模式」表示元素在 Associated PowerManagementService 關聯中包含額外的電源模式資訊。
OperationalStatus 會取代 ManagedSystemElement 的 Status 屬性以提供一致的方法給列舉,滿足陣列屬性的實作需求,以及從目前環境移轉到未來環境的移轉路徑。因為此變更需要已過時的限定詞,所以先前未能進行。由於現有的 Status 屬性已在管理應用程式中廣泛使用,我們強烈建議提供者或檢測設備同時提供 Status 與 OperationalStatus 屬性。此外,OperationalStatus 的第一個值應該包含元素的主要狀態。檢測之後,Status (因為它是單一值屬性) 也應該提供元素的主要狀態。
Indicates the current statuses of the element. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration\'s values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail.
"Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on.
"Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future.
"In Service" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered.
"No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it.
"Lost Communication" indicates that the ManagedSystem Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable.
"Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated.
"Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced.
"Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems.
"Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error).
"Power Mode" indicates that the element has additional power model information contained in the Associated PowerManagementService association.
OperationalStatus replaces the Status property on ManagedSystemElement to provide a consistent approach to enumerations, to address implementation needs for an array property, and to provide a migration path from today\'s environment to the future. This change was not made earlier because it required the deprecated qualifier. Due to the widespread use of the existing Status property in management applications, it is strongly recommended that providers or instrumentation provide both the Status and OperationalStatus properties. Further, the first value of OperationalStatus should contain the primary status for the element. When instrumented, Status (because it is single-valued) should also provide the primary status of the element.
10不明 Unknown
11其他 Other
12狀況良好 OK
13已降級 Degraded
14負荷過高 Stressed
15預期將失敗 Predictive Failure
16錯誤 Error
17無法修復的錯誤 Non-Recoverable Error
18正在啟動 Starting
19正在停止 Stopping
20已停止 Stopped
21服務中 In Service
22無法連絡 No Contact
23通訊中斷 Lost Communication
24已中止 Aborted
25休眠 Dormant
26支援實體發生錯誤 Supporting Entity in Error
27已完成 Completed
28電源模式 Power Mode
29DMTF 保留 DMTF Reserved
30廠商保留 Vendor Reserved
31描述各種 OperationalStatus 陣列值的字串。例如,若「正在停止」是指派給 OperationalStatus 的值,則此屬性可能包含關於物件為何被停止的解釋。請注意,此陣列中的項目與 OperationalStatus 中位於相同陣列索引中的項目相互關聯。 Strings describing the various OperationalStatus array values. For example, if "Stopping" is the value assigned to OperationalStatus, then this property may contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus.
32指出物件之目前狀態的字串。已定義各種操作與非操作狀態。此屬性已過時而被 OperationalStatus 取代,OperationalStatus 在其列舉中包含相同的語意。做出此變更的原因有三:
1) 以陣列的形式可更為正確地定義狀態。當狀態實際為多重值屬性 (例如,元素狀態可能為「狀況良好」與「已停止」),此定義可克服使用單一值來描述狀態的限制。
2) 10 的 MaxLen 有太多限制,而且會導致列舉值不夠清楚。
3) 對 uint16 資料類型的變更已在定義 CIM V2.0 時討論。但是,現有的 V1.0 實作已使用該字串屬性,而且不願意修改其程式碼。因此,我們將 Status 定義為 Schema 的祖項。使用過時的限定詞不止可以維護現有的屬性,還允許可有使用 OperationalStatus 的增強定義。
A string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses are defined. This property is deprecated in lieu of OperationalStatus, which includes the same semantics in its enumeration. This change is made for 3 reasons:
1) Status is more correctly defined as an array. This definition overcomes the limitation of describing status using a single value, when it is really a multi-valued property (for example, an element might be OK AND Stopped.
2) A MaxLen of 10 is too restrictive and leads to unclear enumerated values.
3) The change to a uint16 data type was discussed when CIM V2.0 was defined. However, existing V1.0 implementations used the string property and did not want to modify their code. Therefore, Status was grandfathered into the Schema. Use of the deprecated qualifier allows the maintenance of the existing property, but also permits an improved definition using OperationalStatus.
33指出元素的目前健康情況。此屬性表示此元素的健康情況,但不一定表示其子元件的健康情況。可能的值介於 0 到 30 之間,其中 5 表示元素健康情況十分良好,而 30 表示元素完全無法運作。連續體定義如下:
「無法修復的錯誤」(30) - 元素完全失敗,而且無法修復。已失去此元素提供的所有功能。
「嚴重失敗」(25) - 元素無法運作,而且可能無法修復。
「主要失敗」(20) - 元素失敗。此元件的部分或所有功能已降級或無法運作。
「次要失敗」(15) - 所有功能都能使用,但某些功能可能已被降級。
「已降級/警告」(10) - 元素正常運作,而且已提供所有功能。但是,元素未以最佳狀態運作。例如,元素可能未以最佳效能運作,或可能報告可修復的錯誤。
「狀況良好」(5) - 元素完全可運作並在正常操作參數內運作,而且沒有錯誤。
「不明」(0) - 實作目前無法報告健康情況。
DMTF 已保留連續體的未使用部分,以便在未來供額外的健康情況使用。
Indicates the current health of the element. This attribute expresses the health of this element but not necessarily that of its subcomponents. The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means the element is entirely healthy and 30 means the element is completely non-functional. The following continuum is defined:
"Non-recoverable Error" (30) - The element has completely failed, and recovery is not possible. All functionality provided by this element has been lost.
"Critical Failure" (25) - The element is non-functional and recovery might not be possible.
"Major Failure" (20) - The element is failing. It is possible that some or all of the functionality of this component is degraded or not working.
"Minor Failure" (15) - All functionality is available but some might be degraded.
"Degraded/Warning" (10) - The element is in working order and all functionality is provided. However, the element is not working to the best of its abilities. For example, the element might not be operating at optimal performance or it might be reporting recoverable errors.
"OK" (5) - The element is fully functional and is operating within normal operational parameters and without error.
"Unknown" (0) - The implementation cannot report on HealthState at this time.
DMTF has reserved the unused portion of the continuum for additional HealthStates in the future.
34已降級/警告 Degraded/Warning
35次要失敗 Minor failure
36主要失敗 Major failure
37嚴重失敗 Critical failure
39CommunicationStatus 表示檢測設備與基礎 ManagedElement 通訊的能力。CommunicationStatus 的可能值如下: 不明、無、通訊狀況良好、通訊中斷或無法連絡。
傳回 Null 值表示實作 (提供者) 未實作此屬性。
「不明」 表示實作一般可以傳回此屬性,但目前無法這樣做。
「無法使用」表示實作 (提供者) 可以傳回此屬性的值,卻無法傳回此特定軟硬體的值,或者因為屬性會新增無意義的資訊 (例如刻意新增額外資訊至另一個屬性) 而刻意不使用此屬性。
「通訊中斷」表示 Managed Element 已知存在,而且系統過去曾順利與其聯繫,但目前無法與其聯繫。
CommunicationStatus indicates the ability of the instrumentation to communicate with the underlying ManagedElement. CommunicationStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, None, Communication OK, Lost Communication, or No Contact.
A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property.
"Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time.
"Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property).
"Communication OK " indicates communication is established with the element, but does not convey any quality of service.
"No Contact" indicates that the monitoring system has knowledge of this element, but has never been able to establish communications with it.
"Lost Communication" indicates that the Managed Element is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable.
40無法使用 Not Available
41通訊狀況良好 Communication OK
42DetailedStatus 透過額外的狀態詳細資料彌補 PrimaryStatus 的不足。可能的值如下: 無法使用、沒有額外資訊、負荷過高、預期將失敗、錯誤、無法修復的錯誤、支援實體發生錯誤。詳細狀態是用來在元素的 PrimaryStatus 上展開。
傳回 Null 值表示實作 (提供者) 未實作此屬性。
「無法使用」表示實作 (提供者) 可以傳回此屬性的值,卻無法傳回此特定軟硬體的值,或者因為屬性會新增無意義的資訊 (例如刻意新增額外資訊至另一個屬性) 而刻意不使用此屬性。
「沒有額外資訊」表示元素正常運作中,如 PrimaryStatus = "狀況良好" 所指示。
DetailedStatus compliments PrimaryStatus with additional status detail. It consists of one of the following values: Not Available, No Additional Information, Stressed, Predictive Failure, Error, Non-Recoverable Error, SupportingEntityInError. Detailed status is used to expand upon the PrimaryStatus of the element.
A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property.
"Not Available" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property).
"No Additional Information" indicates that the element is functioning normally as indicated by PrimaryStatus = "OK".
"Stressed" indicates that the element is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of "Stressed" states are overload, overheated, and so on.
"Predictive Failure" indicates that an element is functioning normally but a failure is predicted in the near future.
"Non-Recoverable Error " indicates that this element is in an error condition that requires human intervention.
"Supporting Entity in Error" indicates that this element might be "OK" but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error. An example is a network service or endpoint that cannot function due to lower-layer networking problems.
43沒有額外資訊 No Additional Information
44OperatingStatus 提供元素操作情況的目前狀態值,而且可以用來提供有關 EnabledState 值的詳細資訊。它也可以提供元素的轉換狀態 (當元素從某個狀態轉換為另一個狀態,例如當元素在 EnabledState 與 RequestedState 以及其他轉換情況之間轉換)。
OperatingStatus 的可能值如下: 不明、無法使用、服務中、正在啟動、正在停止、已中止、休眠、已完成、正在移轉、正在移出、正在移入、正在建立快照、正在關機、正在測試
傳回 Null 值表示實作 (提供者) 未實作此屬性。
「不明」 表示實作一般可以傳回此屬性,但目前無法這樣做。
「無」表示實作 (提供者) 可以傳回此屬性的值,但從未針對此特定硬體/軟體這樣做,或刻意不使用此屬性,因為它會新增無意義的資訊 (就像在刻意新增額外資訊至另一個屬性的屬性的案例中)。
「 已停止」與「已中止」類似,但前者意味著徹底且循序的停止,而後者意味著意外停止 (可能需要更新元素的狀態與設定)。
「已完成」表示元素已完成其操作。此值應該與 PrimaryStatus 中的「狀況良好」、「錯誤」或「已降級」結合,以便用戶端能判斷已完成之操作的狀態是「已完成且狀況良好」(通過)、「已完成但發生錯誤」(失敗) 或「已完成但已降級」(操作完成,但狀態並非「狀況良好」或已完成但回報了錯誤)。
OperatingStatus provides a current status value for the operational condition of the element and can be used for providing more detail with respect to the value of EnabledState. It can also provide the transitional states when an element is transitioning from one state to another, such as when an element is transitioning between EnabledState and RequestedState, as well as other transitional conditions.
OperatingStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, Not Available, In Service, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Aborted, Dormant, Completed, Migrating, Emmigrating, Immigrating, Snapshotting. Shutting Down, In Test
A Null return indicates the implementation (provider) does not implement this property.
"Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time.
"None" indicates that the implementation (provider) is capable of returning a value for this property, but not ever for this particular piece of hardware/software or the property is intentionally not used because it adds no meaningful information (as in the case of a property that is intended to add additional info to another property).
"Servicing" describes an element being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered.
"Starting" describes an element being initialized.
"Stopping" describes an element being brought to an orderly stop.
"Stopped" and "Aborted" are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the element might need to be updated.
"Dormant" indicates that the element is inactive or quiesced.
"Completed" indicates that the element has completed its operation. This value should be combined with either OK, Error, or Degraded in the PrimaryStatus so that a client can tell if the complete operation Completed with OK (passed), Completed with Error (failed), or Completed with Degraded (the operation finished, but it did not complete OK or did not report an error).
"Migrating" element is being moved between host elements.
"Immigrating" element is being moved to new host element.
"Emigrating" element is being moved away from host element.
"Shutting Down" describes an element being brought to an abrupt stop.
"In Test" element is performing test functions.
"Transitioning" describes an element that is between states, that is, it is not fully available in either its previous state or its next state. This value should be used if other values indicating a transition to a specific state are not applicable.
"In Service" describes an element that is in service and operational.
45正在服務 Servicing
46正在移轉 Migrating
47正在移出 Emigrating
48正在移入 Immigrating
49正在建立快照 Snapshotting
50正在關機 Shutting Down
51正在測試 In Test
52切換中 Transitioning
53PrimaryStatus 提供高階狀態值,目的是對應狀態的紅色/黃色/綠色類型表示法。您應該將它搭配 DetailedStatus 使用,以提供 ManagedElement 與其子元件的高階、詳細健康情況狀態。
PrimaryStatus 的可能值如下: 不明、狀況良好、已降級或錯誤。「不明」 表示實作一般可以傳回此屬性,但目前無法這樣做。
「狀況良好」表示 ManagedElement 正常運作中。
「已降級」表示 ManagedElement 未以最佳狀況運作。
「錯誤」表示 ManagedElement 發生錯誤情況。
PrimaryStatus provides a high level status value, intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. It should be used in conjunction with DetailedStatus to provide high level and detailed health status of the ManagedElement and its subcomponents.
PrimaryStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, OK, Degraded or Error. "Unknown" indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time.
"OK" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning normally.
"Degraded" indicates the ManagedElement is functioning below normal.
"Error" indicates the ManagedElement is in an Error condition.
54CIM_ManagedSystemElement 是「系統元素」階層的基底類別。System 的所有可分辨元件都是可包括在此類別中的候選項目。系統元件範例包括:
- 軟體元件 (例如,應用程式伺服器、資料庫與應用程式)
- 作業系統元件 (例如,檔案、處理程序與執行緒)
- 裝置元件 (例如,磁碟機、控制器、處理器與印表機)
- 實體元件 (例如,晶片與介面卡)。
CIM_ManagedSystemElement is the base class for the System Element hierarchy. Any distinguishable component of a System is a candidate for inclusion in this class. Examples of system components include:
- software components such as application servers, databases, and applications
- operating system components such as files, processes, and threads
- device components such as disk drives, controllers, processors, and printers
- physical components such as chips and cards.
552.22.0 2.22.0
56CIM_LogicalElement 是代表抽象系統元件 (例如,Files、Processes 或 LogicalDevices) 之 System 的所有元件的基底類別。 CIM_LogicalElement is a base class for all the components of a System that represent abstract system components, such as Files, Processes, or LogicalDevices.
572.6.0 2.6.0
58提供者的名稱 The name of the provider
59GUID,電腦上安裝之提供者的唯一識別碼。 Guid, the unique id of the provider installed on the computer.
60提供者的「自動記錄程式」(當屬於「自動記錄程式」設定之一部分時)。 The Autologger of the provider, when part of a Autologger configuration.
61提供者的工作階段 (當提供者是工作階段的一部分時)。 The session of the provider, when part of a session.
62事件擷取的最大事件等級。 The maximum event level for the event capture.
63為事件擷取指定的 MatchAnyKeyword 遮罩。 The MatchAnyKeyword mask specified for the event capture.
64為事件擷取指定的 MatchAllKeyword 遮罩。 The MatchAllKeyword mask specified for the event capture.
65ETW 追蹤提供者的屬性旗標。 Property flags of the ETW trace provider.
66此類別封裝電腦上的 ETW 追蹤提供者。 This class encapsulates an ETW Trace provider on a computer.
671.0 1.0
68要取得之 ETW 追蹤工作階段的名稱。 Name of the ETW trace session to get.
69ETW 追蹤工作階段的記錄檔模式。 Log file mode of ETW trace session.
70ETW 追蹤工作階段緩衝區大小 (KB)。 ETW trace session buffer size in KB.
71ETW 追蹤工作階段的最小緩衝區數目。 Minimum number of buffers of ETW trace session.
72ETW 追蹤工作階段的最大緩衝區數目。 Maximum number of buffers of ETW trace session.
73ETW 追蹤工作階段排清擷取緩衝區的逾時值。 Timeout value for ETW trace session to flush capture buffer.
74ETW 工作階段時鐘類型。 ETW session clock types.
75效能計數器值 (高解析度) Performance counter value (high resolution)
76系統計時器 System timer
77CPU 週期計數器 CPU cycle counter
78用於記錄事件的檔案大小上限 Maximum size of the file used to log events
79事件擷取追蹤將寫入的本機檔案名稱。 Local filename to which event capture traces will be written to.
80將指定 ETW 追蹤工作階段的記錄檔傳送給已設定的遠端共用。 Send log file of the specified ETW trace session to configured remote share.
81即時 ETW 追蹤工作階段類別。 Live ETW trace session class.
82新的自動記錄工具工作階段設定的名稱。 Name of new autologger session configuration.
83每個緩衝區的大小 (KB)。應該小於 1 MB。 The size of each buffer, in kilobytes. Should be less than one megabyte.
84記錄每個事件的時間戳記時使用的計時器。 The timer to use when logging the time stamp for each event.
85若要停用即時保存,請將此值設定為 1。 To disable real time persistence, set this value to 1.
86ETW 建立的記錄檔執行個體數目上限。 The maximum number of instances of the log file that ETW creates.
87記錄檔的完整路徑。預設值是 %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles\WMI\.etl。 The fully qualified path of the log file. Default is %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles\WMI\.etl.
88強制排清追蹤緩衝區的頻率 (秒)。 How often, in seconds, the trace buffers are forcibly flushed.
89自動記錄程式工作階段設定識別碼。 Autologger session configuration ID.
90指定一或多個記錄模式,例如 EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE 0x100。每個模式是位元欄位。 Specify one or more log modes, such as EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE 0x100. Each mode is a bit field.
91記錄檔的大小上限 (MB),超過此上限之後就會建立新的記錄檔。預設值是 100 MB。 Maximum size in MByte of log file before a new one created. Default is 100 MB.
921: 在開機時建立 ETW 追蹤工作階段; 0: 不建立。 1: create an ETW trace session at boot time; 0: otherwise.
93自動記錄程式的啟動狀態; 否則為 win32 錯誤碼。 The startup status of the AutoLogger; Otherwise win32 error code.
94自動記錄程式工作階段設定類別。 Autologger session configuration class.
5001此電腦上已有名為 '%1!s!' 的作用中追蹤工作階段存在。 There is already an active tracing session on this computer with the name '%1!s!'.
5002此電腦上沒有名為 '%1!s!' 的作用中追蹤工作階段。 There are no active tracing sessions on this computer with the name '%1!s!'.
5003存取遭拒。此作業需要系統管理員權限。 Access Denied. This operation requires administrator privileges.
5004有另一個作用中追蹤工作階段正在寫入到提供的 LocalFilePath,或該路徑無效: '%1!s!'。 There is another active tracing session writing to the provided LocalFilePath, or the path is invalid: '%1!s!'.
5005無法啟動工作階段 '%1!s!'。StartTrace 失敗,錯誤為 0x%2!x!。 Failed to start session '%1!s!'. StartTrace failed with error 0x%2!x!.
5006無法更新工作階段 '%1!s!'。ControlTrace 失敗,錯誤為 0x%2!x!。 Failed to update session '%1!s!'. ControlTrace failed with error 0x%2!x!.
5007無法啟用或停用工作階段 '%1!s!' 的提供者。EnableTraceEx2 失敗,錯誤為 0x%2!x!。 Failed to enable or disable provider to session '%1!s!'. EnableTraceEx2 failed with error 0x%2!x!.
5008指定的提供者 GUID 無法轉換為有效的 GUID (%1!s!)。 The specified provider GUID could not be converted into a valid GUID (%1!s!).
5009無法開啟登錄中的自動記錄工具設定。RegOpenKeyEx 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to open autologger configuration in the registry. RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5010無法將提供者新增到登錄中的自動記錄工具設定。RegCreateKeyExW 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to add provider to the autologger configuration in the registry. RegCreateKeyExW failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5011無法為自動記錄工具 '%3!s!' 設定提供者 '%2!s!' 的登錄值 '%1!s!'。RegSetKeyValueW 失敗,錯誤為 0x%4!x!。 Failed to set the registry value '%1!s!' for provider '%2!s!' for autologger '%3!s!'. RegSetKeyValueW failed with error 0x%4!x!.
5012無法為自動記錄工具 %2!s! 刪除提供者 '%1!s!' 的登錄機碼。RegDeleteTreeW 失敗,錯誤為 0x%3!x!。 Failed to delete the registry key for provider '%1!s!' for autologger %2!s!. RegDeleteTreeW failed with error 0x%3!x!.
5013緩衝處理模式與設定 LocalFilePath 不相容。 Buffering mode is not compatible with setting LocalFilePath.
5014緩衝處理模式與其他檔案模式不相容。 Buffering mode is not compatible with other file modes.
5015循序檔案模式與循環檔案模式不相容。 Sequential file mode is not compatible with circular file mode.
5016全域序號模式與本機序號模式不相容。 Global sequence number mode is not compatiable with local sequence number mode.
5017目前的 LogFileMode (0x%1!x!) 需要 LocalFilePath。 LocalFilePath is required for the current LogFileMode (0x%1!x!).
5018循環檔案模式與附加檔案模式不相容。 Circular file mode is not compatible with append file mode.
5019目前的 LogFileMode (0x%1!x!) 需要 MaximumFileSize。 MaximumFileSize is required for the current LogFileMode (0x%1!x!).
5020預先配置檔案模式要求您必須設定 MaximumFileSize。 Preallocate file mode requires MaximumFileSize to be set.
5021預先配置檔案模式與新增檔案或附加檔案模式不相容。 Preallocate file mode is not compatible with either newfile or append file mode.
5022新工作階段不允許不可停止模式。 Nonstoppable mode is not allowed for new sessions.
5023一次只能指定一個交互式關機模式。 Only one hybrid shutdown mode can be specified at a time.
5024循環檔案模式與新增檔案模式不相容。 Circular file mode is not compatible with newfile file mode.
5025新增檔案模式與系統記錄工具模式不相容。 Newfile file mode is not compatible with system logger mode.
5026新增檔案模式與附加檔案模式不相容。 Newfile file mode is not compatible with append file mode.
5027系統記錄工具無法使用分頁記憶體。 System loggers cannot use paged memory.
5028只針對緩衝處理模式支援壓縮。 Compression is only supported for buffering mode.
5029不支援重新記錄模式。 Relog mode is not supported.
5030不支援私用處理程序內模式。 Private in-proc mode is not supported.
5031工作階段名稱是必要項目。 A session name is required.
5032工作階段名稱太長。工作階段名稱長度不能超過 1024 個字元。 The session name is too long. Session names must be shorter than 1024 characters.
5033LocalFilePath 太長。檔案路徑長度不能超過 1024 個字元。 LocalFilePath is too long. File paths must be shorter than 1024 characters.
5034DestinationFolder 必須針對檔案模式追蹤工作階段設定為輸出資料夾,或針對緩衝處理模式追蹤工作階段設定為完整輸出檔案路徑。 DestinationFolder must be set to an output folder for file mode tracing sessions or to a full output file path for buffering mode tracing sessions.
5035無法確認變更。未進行任何變更。 Failed to confirm changes. No changes have been made.
5036處理因為失敗的配置而失敗。記憶體不足。 Processing failed due to a failed allocation. Out of memory.
5037無法取得作用中追蹤工作階段清單。QueryAllTraces 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to get the list of active tracing sessions. QueryAllTraces failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5038工作階段 '%1!s!' 未設定為記錄到檔案,而且不是緩衝處理模式工作階段。 Session '%1!s!' is not configured to log to a file and is not a buffering mode session.
5039DestinationFolder 可能太長或具有無效的檔案路徑: '%1!s!'。 DestinationFolder is may too long or an invalid file path: '%1!s!'.
5040DestinationFolder 可能太長或具有無效的檔案路徑。最終輸出檔案路徑無效: '%1!s!\%2!s!'。 DestinationFolder is may too long or an invalid file path. The final output file path was invalid: '%1!s!\%2!s!'.
5041追蹤工作階段的新檔案名稱可能太長或具有無效的檔案路徑。最終輸出檔案路徑無效: '%1!s!\%2!s!'。 The new file name for the tracing session may too long or an invalid file path. The final output file path was invalid: '%1!s!\%2!s!'.
5042在緩衝處理模式工作階段 ('%1!s!') 上呼叫 Send 時,DestinationFolder 必須是檔案路徑而非目錄。 DestinationFolder must be a file path, not a directory, when calling Send on a buffering mode session ('%1!s!').
5043不能同時指定 SessionName 與 AutologgerName。 SessionName and AutologgerName cannot both be specified at the same time.
5044必須指定 SessionName 或 AutologgerName。 SessionName or AutologgerName must be specified.
5045此電腦上已有名為 '%1!s! 的自動記錄工具。 There is already an autologger on this computer with the name '%1!s!.
5046提供者 %1!s! 已針對名為 %2!s! 的自動記錄工具啟用。 Provider %1!s! is already enabled to the autologger named %2!s!.
5047無法列舉此電腦上已註冊的提供者清單。EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryList) 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to enumerate the list of registered providers on this computer. EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryList) failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5048無法列舉已啟用提供者 '%1!s!' 的工作階段清單。EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryInfo) 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to enumerate the list of sessions provider '%1!s!' is enabled to. EnumerateTraceGuidsEx(TraceGuidQueryInfo) failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5049無法取得工作階段識別碼 %1!hu! 的工作階段屬性。ControlTrace 失敗,錯誤為 0x%2!x!。 Failed to get the session properties for session ID %1!hu!. ControlTrace failed with error 0x%2!x!.
5050無法列舉登錄中的自動記錄工具設定。RegEnumKeyExW 失敗,錯誤為 0x%1!x!。 Failed to enumerate autologger configuration in the registry. RegEnumKeyExW failed with error 0x%1!x!.
5201開始新的追蹤工作階段 Start new tracing session
5202更新追蹤工作階段 Update tracing session
5203停止追蹤工作階段 Stop tracing session
5204將緩衝處理模式追蹤工作階段排清到磁碟 Flush buffering mode tracing session to disk
5205將追蹤工作階段切換到新的輸出檔案 Switch tracing session to a new output file
5206將原始 ETL 複製到目的資料夾 Copy original ETL to destination folder
5207刪除原始 ETL 檔案 Delete original ETL file
5208為工作階段 '%2!s!' 啟用提供者 '%1!s!' Enable provider '%1!s!' to session '%2!s!'
5209為工作階段 '%2!s!' 停用提供者 '%1!s!' Disable provider '%1!s!' from session '%2!s!'
5210修改工作階段 '%2!s!' 上的提供者 '%1!s!' 啟用狀態 Modify enablement for provider '%1!s!' on session '%2!s!'
5211新增提供者 '%1!s!' 到自動記錄工具 '%2!s!' Add provider '%1!s!' to autologger '%2!s!'
5212從自動記錄工具 '%2!s!' 刪除提供者 '%1!s!' Delete provider '%1!s!' from autologger '%2!s!'
5213修改自動記錄工具 '%2!s!' 上的提供者 '%1!s!' 啟用狀態 Modify enablement for provider '%1!s!' on autologger '%2!s!'


File Name:EventTracingManagement.dll.mui
File Size:20 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:19456
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ETW 的 WMI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:"EventTracingManagement.dll"
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:"EventTracingManagement.dll".mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is EventTracingManagement.dll.mui?

EventTracingManagement.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file EventTracingManagement.dll (ETW 的 WMI 提供者).

File version info

File Description:ETW 的 WMI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:"EventTracingManagement.dll"
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:"EventTracingManagement.dll".mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200