Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.mui UEV 事件日志消息 bd98bf55ff73ab40f314ab776473a0da

File info

File name: Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.mui
Size: 24576 byte
MD5: bd98bf55ff73ab40f314ab776473a0da
SHA1: c9678a80e36c4a18592480544c9bf96121ce9d8f
SHA256: 9334c04290522711015c7c1d500561ed6fdf67582157bb37c62ac690e2aefd53
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100UEV EventLogMessages UEV EventLogMessages
101UEV 事件日志消息 UEV Event Log Messages
0x10000001调试输出消息。 Debug Out Messages.
0x30000000信息 Info
0x30000001启动 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x3000000FUE-V Generator UE-V Generator
0x30000010应用代理 App Agent
0x30000012模板服务 Template Service
0x30000016代理服务 Agent Service
0x30000017应用设置位置模板目录 Apply Settings Location Template Catalog
0x30000019CSC 工具 CSC Tool
0x3000001A同步控制器 Synchronization Controller
0x3000001B应用程序监视器 Application Monitor
0x50000000始终记录 Log Always
0x50000001严重 Critical
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000005详细 Verbose
0x70000001与文件系统同步 Synchronization to filesystem
0x7000000A安装/卸载,启动参数 Install/uninstall, bootstrap parameters
0x70000014App Agent 运行时 App Agent runtime
0x7000001E包装程序 Packager
0x70000028本地/远程更改管理器,脱机文件 Local/remote change manager, offline files
0x7000003C配置 Configuration
0x70000046代码注入 Code Injection
0x7000005A设置模板目录处理 Settings Template Catalog Processing
0x7000006E服务控制 Service Control
0x70000078Orchestrator Orchestrator
0x70000082UEVGenerator UEVGenerator
0x7000008CLocalStore LocalStore
0x70000096脱机文件操作 Offline Files Operations
0x700000A0SyncController SyncController
0x700000AAAppMonitor AppMonitor
0x700000B4IPCMessage IPCMessage
0x700003E9AppAgent AppAgent
0x700003EAAgentService AgentService
0x700003EBAppAgentCommon AppAgentCommon
0x700003ECUevCommon UevCommon
0x700003EDChangeManager ChangeManager
0x700003EFCscChangeManager CscChangeManager
0x700003F0CscTool CscTool
0x700003F4TemplateService TemplateService
0x700003F5SyncProvider SyncProvider
0x700003F8模板控制台 TemplateConsole
0x700003FATrayApp TrayApp
0x700003FBCommonWinRT CommonWinRT
0x70002710用于将内存内 SQM 会话数据保存到文件的任务。 Task to save in-memory SQM session data to a file.
0x73000000 None
0x90000001可操作 Operational
0x90000002分析 Analytic
0x92000002调试 Debug
0xB0000001%1 %1
0xB00001F5正在结束用户的会话;正在保存 OS 设置。 The user's session is ending; saving OS settings.
0xB00001F6监视的应用程序引发了 UE-V 异常。 The monitored application threw a UE-V exception.
0xB00001F7监视的应用程序引发了 std::exception 类型的 C++ 异常。 The monitored application threw a C++ exception of type std::exception.
0xB00001F8UE-V Agent 尝试绕过进程的退出函数时遇到错误。进程结束时,应用程序或 Windows OS 设置将可能不会同步。 The UE-V Agent encountered an error while attempting to detour the process's exit functions. The application or Windows OS settings will probably not synchronize when the process ends.
0xB00001F9注册用户会话事件时出错。将不会为当前用户会话上载或下载 Windows OS 设置。 An error occurred while registering for user session events. Windows OS settings will not be uploaded or downloaded for the current user session.
0xB00001FA已检测到紧急关闭。OS 设置将不会与设置存储位置同步。 A critical shutdown was detected. OS Settings will not be synchronized to the settings storage location.
0xB00001FB同步过程失败,并出现错误 %1。可能未与设置存储位置同步设置数据。请尝试使用“公司设置中心”控制台启动同步过程,从而再次运行该过程。 The synchronization process failed with error %1. Settings data may not have been synchronized with the settings storage location. Try running the synchronization process again by launching it using the \"Company Settings Center\" console.
0xB00001FC等待同步过程完成时超时。同步过程将继续在后台运行。 Timed out waiting for the synchronization process to complete. The synchronization process will continue to run in the background.
0xB00001FD同步过程未能启动。由于“%2”而返回了错误 %1。设置数据未与设置存储位置同步。请尝试使用“公司设置中心”控制台启动同步过程,从而再次运行该过程。 The synchronization process failed to start. Error %1 was returned because \"%2\". Settings data was not synchronized with the settings storage location. Try running the synchronization process again by launching it using the \"Company Settings Center\" console.
0xB0000226正在进入 AppAgent 的 DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH。 Entering DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for the AppAgent.
0xB0000227正在退出 AppAgent 的 DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH。 Exiting DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH for the AppAgent.
0xB0000228正在进入 AppAgent 的 ExeMain 旁路。 Entering AppAgent's ExeMain detour.
0xB0000229AppAgent 正在调用应用程序的实际 ExeMain 函数。 The AppAgent is calling the application's real ExeMain function.
0xB000022A实际 ExeMain 已返回到 AppAgent。 The real ExeMain has returned back to the AppAgent.
0xB000022B正在从 ExeMain 旁路中退出(应用程序结束)。 Exiting from the ExeMain detour (application ends).
0xB000022C正在进入 ExitProcess 旁路(由应用程序调用)。 Entering the ExitProcess detour (called by the application).
0xB000022D正在退出 ExitProcess 旁路。 Exiting the ExitProcess detour.
0xB000022E正在进入 TerminateProcess 旁路(由应用程序调用)。 Entering the TerminateProcess detour (called by the application).
0xB000022F正在退出 TerminateProcess 旁路。 Exiting the TerminateProcess detour.
0xB0000230正在进入外壳结束会话。 Entering Shell end session.
0xB0000231正在退出外壳结束会话。 Exiting Shell end session.
0xB0000232正在进入现代应用同步。 Entering modern app sync.
0xB0000233正在退出现代应用同步。 Exiting modern app sync.
0xB00002BC已成功启动代理服务。 The Agent Service started successfully.
0xB00002BDUE-V Agent 服务无法启动。%n特定于服务的错误代码 %1。请尝试重启服务并检查 Windows 服务事件日志以获取详细信息。 The UE-V Agent service failed to start.%nService-specific error code %1. Try to restart the service and check the Windows service event log for more information.
0xB00002BE代理服务已停止。 The Agent Service was stopped.
0xB00002BFUE-V Agent 服务等待附加到应用程序或 Windows 操作系统进程 %1 时超时。%n应用程序或 Windows 操作系统设置可能未同步。 The UE-V Agent service timed out waiting to attach to the application or Windows operating system process %1.%nThe application or Windows operating system settings might not synchronize.
0xB00002C0UE-V Agent 服务无法附加到进程 %1。应用程序或 Windows 操作系统设置无法同步。 The UE-V Agent service failed to attach to process %1. The application or Windows operating system settings cannot synchronize.
0xB00002C1一个或多个 UE-V 组件缺少有效的签名。%n应用程序或 Windows 操作系统设置无法与 %1 同步。 One or more of the UE-V components is missing a valid signature.%nThe application or Windows operating system settings cannot be synchronized %1.
0xB00002C2UE-V 评估期已过。请卸载评估版本并安装完整版本的 UE-V。 The UE-V evaluation period has expired. Please uninstall the evaluation version and install the full version of UE-V.
0xB00002C3SLAPI 检查失败。请将此情况报告给 Microsoft。HRESULT = %1 SLAPI check failed. Please report this to Microsoft. HRESULT = %1
0xB00002C4由于需要重新启动,UE-V 代理服务无法启动。 The UE-V Agent service cannot be started due to reboot required.
0xB00002C5由于 UE-V 被禁用,UE-V 代理服务无法启动。 The UE-V Agent service cannot be started due to UE-V being disabled.
0xB00003EA无法打开包含设置位置模板索引的注册表项。%n[系统错误代码 %1]。 Unable to open the registry key containing the settings location template index.%n[System error code %1].
0xB00003EB无法查询注册表中设置位置模板索引子项的信息。%n[系统错误代码 %1]。 Unable to query information for a settings location template index subkey in the registry.%n[System error code %1].
0xB00003EC无法枚举注册表中设置位置模板索引子项之一。%n[系统错误代码 %1]。 Unable to enumerate one of the settings location template index subkeys in the registry.%n[System error code %1].
0xB00003ED无法删除注册表中的现有设置位置模板索引子树。%n这可能导致在删除程序的设置位置模板之后继续监视程序。%n[系统错误 %1]。 Unable to delete the existing settings location template index subtree in the registry.%nThis may result in programs continuing to be monitored after their settings location template has been deleted.%n[System error %1].
0xB00003EE你没有足够的权限,无法访问注册表中的设置位置模板索引项(或其子项之一)。%n请确保你具有管理员访问权限,因为模板服务需要这些权限。%n[系统错误代码 %1] You do not have sufficient rights to be able to access the settings location template index key (or one of its subkeys) in the registry.%nPlease ensure that you have Administrator access rights as they are required by the Template Service.%n[System error code %1]
0xB00003EF无法在注册表中创建设置位置模板索引项。%n[系统错误代码 %1]。 Unable to create the settings location template index key in the Registry.%n[System error code %1].
0xB00003F0无法为程序和模板 ID 组合“%1”创建设置位置模板索引子项。%n[系统错误代码 %2]。 Unable to create the settings location template index subkey for the program and template ID combination '%1'.%n[System error code %2].
0xB00003F1确定模板 ID“%1”的启用/禁用状态时出错。%n[系统错误代码 %2]。 Error while determining enabled/disabled state for template ID '%1'.%n[System error code %2].
0xB00003F2无法确定应该用于特定进程的模板。无法针对此进程同步设置。 Unable to determine which template should be used for a particular process. Settings cannot be synchronized for this process.
0xB00003F3设置模板 ID“%1”的启用/禁用状态时出错。%n[系统错误代码 %2]。 Error while setting enabled/disabled state for template ID '%1'.%n[System error code %2].
0xB00003F4%1。 %1.
0xB00003F5确定 Microsoft 帐户连接状态时出错,错误代码为 %1 Error determining Microsoft account connection status with error code %1
0xB00003F6检索设置模板 %2 的关联配置文件时,出现错误 %1。此设置模板的设置数据将不会进行同步。 Error %1 occurred while retrieving the associated profile for settings template %2. Settings data will not be synchronized for this settings template.
0xB00005DD找不到或无法读取设置模板目录文件夹(%1)。请确认设置模板目录位置存在并且用户具有所需权限。 The settings template catalog folder (%1) cannot be found or read. Confirm that the settings template catalog location exists and that the user has the necessary permissions.
0xB00005DE应用设置模板目录时发生未知异常。 An unknown exception occurred while applying the settings template catalog.
0xB00005DF应用设置模板目录时发生异常: %1 An exception occurred while applying the settings template catalog: %1
0xB00005E0处理设置模板目录中的文件 时发生异常: %2 An exception occurred while processing the file from the settings template catalog: %2
0xB00005E1在设置模板目录中找到 ID 为 的多个设置位置模板。 More than one settings location template with id was found in the settings template catalog.
0xB00005E2无法获取提升检查的进程令牌(错误代码 %1)。 Unable to get process token for elevation check (Error code %1).
0xB00005E3无法获取提升检查的进程令牌信息(错误代码 %1)。 Unable to get process token information for elevation check (Error code %1).
0xB00005E4ApplySettingsTemplateCatalog 实用工具需要管理员权限。 The ApplySettingsTemplateCatalog utility requires administrator privileges.
0xB00005E5ApplySettingsTemplateCatalog 实用工具中出错。 An error occurred in the ApplySettingsTemplateCatalog utility.
0xB00005E6已经发现设置模板目录更改。已经成功添加设置位置模板“%1”。 A change in the settings template catalog has been found. Settings location template \"%1\" has been successfully added.
0xB00005E7已经发现设置模板目录更改。已经成功删除设置位置模板“%1”。 A change in the settings template catalog has been found. Settings location template \"%1\" has been successfully removed.
0xB00005E8已经发现设置模板目录更改。已经成功更新设置位置模板“%1”。 A change in the settings template catalog has been found. Settings location template \"%1\" has been successfully updated.
0xB00005E9在设置模板目录中找到设置位置模板“%1”。已经忽略此模板,因为安装 UE-V 时已将 RegisterMSTemplates 参数设置为 True。有关如何更改此设置的信息,请参阅 UE-V 管理员指南中的“规划自定义模板部署”。 The settings location template, \"%1\", was found in the settings template catalog. This template was ignored because UE-V was installed with the RegisterMSTemplates parameter set to true. For information on how to change this setting, see \"Planning for Custom Template Deployment\" in the UE-V Administrator's Guide.
0xB00007D0处理设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时当前请求异常终止。 The current request terminated abnormally while processing the settings package for setting location template \"%1\".
0xB00007D1处理设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时出现线程异常。异常消息:“%2”错误代码:“%3” A thread exception occurred while processing the settings package for settings location template \"%1\". Exception Message: \"%2\" Error code: \"%3\"
0xB00007D2处理设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时出现了未知异常。异常消息:“%2” An unknown exception has occurred while processing the settings package for settings location template \"%1\". Exception message: \"%2\"
0xB00007D4处理设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时无法初始化 COM。错误代码:“%2” Could not initialize COM while processing the settings package for settings location template \"%1\". Error code: \"%2\"
0xB00007D5处理设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时出现了异常。异常消息:“%2”错误代码:“%3”。 An exception has occurred while processing the settings package for settings location template \"%1\". Exception message: \"%2\" Error code: \"%3\".
0xB00007D8无法将设置位置模板“%1”的设置应用于计算机,因为此操作花费的时间太长。请留出时间让 UE-V Agent 从设置存储路径中下载设置,然后重启应用程序。 The settings for settings location template \"%1\" could not be applied to the computer because the operation took too long. Allow time for the UE-V Agent to download the settings from the settings storage path and then restart the application.
0xB00007D9名为“%1”的设置位置模板的用户设置已成功应用于本地计算机。 User settings for the settings location template named \"%1\" have been successfully applied to the local machine.
0xB00007DA设置位置模板“%1”的用户设置已成功上载到设置存储位置。 User settings for the settings location template \"%1\" have been successfully uploaded to the settings storage location.
0xB00007DE尝试还原设置位置模板“%1”的用户设置失败,错误代码为“%2”。 An attempt to restore user settings for settings location template \"%1\" failed with error code \"%2\".
0xB00007DF无法将设置位置模板“%1”的用户设置上载到远程设置存储位置,因为用户设置重置请求处于待定状态。 User settings for settings location template \"%1\" could not be uploaded to the remote settings storage location because a user settings reset request is pending.
0xB00007E0无法还原设置位置模板“%1”的用户设置,因为找不到初始设置包。 User settings could not be restored for settings location template \"%1\" because the initial settings package could not be found.
0xB00007E2创建设置位置模板“%1”的初始设置包时出现错误“%2”。你无法还原此设置模板的设置。 An error \"%2\" occurred while creating the initial settings package for setting location template \"%1\". You cannot restore the settings for this settings template.
0xB00007E4从设置存储位置中下载的设置位置模板“%1”的设置包无效。当关闭应用程序或用户从当前会话中注销时,将用新副本替换此设置包。 An invalid settings package for settings location template \"%1\" was downloaded from the settings storage location. This settings package will be replaced with a new copy when the application is closed or the user logs off from the current session.
0xB00007E5设置位置模板“%1”的初始设置包无效。将用新副本替换此初始设置包。 The initial settings package for settings location template \"%1\" is invalid. The initial settings package will be replaced with a new copy.
0xB00007E6设置位置模板“%1”的当前设置包无效。将用新副本替换此当前设置包。 The current settings package for settings location template \"%1\" is invalid. The current settings package will be replaced with a new copy.
0xB00007E8为设置位置模板“%1”中定义的用户设置清除还原标记时失败。错误代码 = %2。将不还原用户设置。将在下次运行应用程序时尝试清除此标记。 Failed in clearing the restore flag for the user settings defined in the settings location template \"%1\". Error code = %2. The user settings will not be restored. An attempt will be made to clear this flag the next time the application is run.
0xB00007E9无法将对用户设置所做的更改上载到设置存储位置,因为下载设置位置模板“%1”的设置包时出现早期错误。 Changes to the user settings cannot upload to the settings storage location because an earlier error occurred while downloading the settings package for the settings location template \"%1\".
0xB00007EA“%1”存在较旧版本的设置位置模板。已经为本地计算机更新了设置包,但在将设置位置模板更新为新版本之前,不会将该设置包上载到远程设置存储位置。 An older version of the setting location template exists for \"%1\". The settings package has been updated for the local machine, but will not be uploaded to the remote settings storage location until the setting location template is updated to the new version.
0xB00007EB表明设置包上载或下载已完成时出现错误 %1。 Error %1 occurred when signaling that the upload or download of a settings package was complete.
0xB00007EC已经允许在将其他设置包下载到并应用于本地计算机时启动应用程序。 The application has been allowed to start while additional settings packages are downloaded and applied to the local machine.
0xB00007ED等待完成以前的下载请求时发生超时。 A timeout occurred while waiting for a previous download request to complete.
0xB00007EE等待完成以前的下载请求时发生超时 A timeout occurred while waiting for a previous download request to complete
0xB00007EF等待完成以前的上载请求时发生超时。 A timeout occurred while waiting for a previous upload request to complete.
0xB00007F1UE-V 当前处于脱机状态,或者正在关闭的应用程序的运行时间超过 %1 天。UE-V 将阻止设置包“%2”覆盖设置存储位置上的较新设置。 UE-V is either currently offline or the application being closed has been running longer than %1 day(s). UE-V will prevent the settings package \"%2\" from overwriting newer settings on the settings storage location.
0xB00007F7已跳过设置位置模板“%1”的设置包同步。最后一个使用模板的应用程序将执行同步。 Skipped synchronization of the settings package for settings location template \"%1\". The last application using the template will perform the synchronization.
0xB00007F8从将设置应用于本地计算机的失败尝试中回滚应用程序设置时出现错误“%1”(模板:“%2”)。 Error \"%1\" occurred while rolling back the application settings from a failed attempt to apply settings to the local machine (template: \"%2\").
0xB00007F9从将设置应用于本地计算机的失败尝试中回滚初始包时出现错误“%1”(模板:“%2”)。 Error \"%1\" occurred while rolling back the initial package from a failed attempt to apply settings to the local machine (template \"%2\").
0xB00007FA尝试将设置应用于本地计算机时出现错误“%1”。(模板“%2”) Error \"%1\" occurred while attempting to apply settings to the local machine. (template \"%2\")
0xB00007FD为设置位置模板“%1”中定义的用户设置读取还原标记时失败。错误代码 = %2。将不还原用户设置。请确保可以读取当前用户的注册表中的还原标记。 Failed in reading the restore flag for the user settings defined the settings location template \"%1\". Error code = %2. The user settings will not be restored. Ensure that the restore flag in the registry is readable for the current user.
0xB00007FE设置位置模板“%1”的设置包还原标记已经过期但无法清除。错误代码 = %2。将在下次运行应用程序时尝试清除此标记。 The settings package restore flag for settings location template \"%1\" has expired but could not be cleared. Error code = %2. An attempt will be made to clear this flag the next time the application is run.
0xB0000801设置数据更新检查已经完成。 Settings data update check has been completed.
0xB0000BB8对文件 %1 重置文件属性 0x%2 时出现错误 %3。必须对此文件手动重置文件属性。 Error %3 occurred while resetting file attributes 0x%2 on file %1. The file attributes will have to be reset manually on the file.
0xB0000FA0设置文件无法与设置存储同步。%n%n设置存储位置: [%1]%n文件: [%2]%nSyncID: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4] A settings file failed to synchronize to the settings storage.%n%nSettings storage location: [%1]%nFile: [%2]%nSyncID: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4]
0xB0000FA4无法将暂存位置中的设置包复制到设置存储中。%n%n设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%n要复制的设置文件: [%2]%n设置存储位置: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4] Failed to copy settings package from staging location to settings storage.%n%nSettings location template ID: [%1]%nSettings file to copy: [%2]%nSettings storage location: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4]
0xB0000FA5无法创建脱机文件缓存的 COM 实例。文件同步将无法成功。%n%nHRESULT = [%1] Unable to create COM instance of offline files cache. File synchronization will not be able to succeed.%n%nHRESULT = [%1]
0xB0000FA6文件同步将无法成功,因为当前没有为脱机文件支持启用(脱机文件支持)同步中心。%n请通过同步中心的“管理脱机文件”选项启用脱机文件。 File synchronization will not be able to succeed because the Sync Center (for offline files support) is not currently enabled for offline files support.%nPlease enable offline files through the Sync Center's 'manage offline files' option.
0xB0000FA9无法将包与设置存储同步,因为提供的设置位置模板 ID 无效。%n%n参数: 模板 ID: [%1] A package could not be synchronized to the settings storage because an invalid settings location template ID was provided.%n%nParameter: Template ID: [%1]
0xB0000FAA无法将设置包与设置存储同步,因为包路径无效。%n%n参数: filePath%n值: [%1] A settings package could not be synchronized to the settings storage because the path to the package is invalid.%n%nParameter: filePath%nValue: [%1]
0xB0000FB1无法获取设置存储中文件的文件类型。%n%n文件: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2] Unable to get the file type for a file within the settings storage.%n%nFile: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]
0xB0000FB2更改管理器无法获取设置存储中路径的父目录项。%n%n路径: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2] Change Manager was not able to get the parent directory item for a path in the settings storage.%n%nPath: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]
0xB0000FB4更改管理器无法获取请求的文件的 OfflineFilesConnectInfo 接口。%n%n文件: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2] Change Manager failed to get the OfflineFilesConnectInfo interface for a requested file.%n%nFile: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]
0xB0000FB9UE-V Agent 无法访问设置存储位置 [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]。 The UE-V Agent was unable to access the settings storage location [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2].
0xB0000FBAUE-V Agent 无法在设置存储位置中创建目录。%n%n当前设置存储位置: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2];请检查用户是否对设置存储位置具有所需的权限。 The UE-V Agent was unable to create a directory in the settings storage location.%n%nCurrent settings storage location: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]; Check that the user has the necessary permission on the settings storage location.
0xB0000FBB无法从设置存储中同步设置包,因为提供的设置位置模板 ID 无效。%n%n参数: 模板 ID: [%1] A settings package could not be synchronized from the settings storage because an invalid settings location template ID was provided.%n%nParameter: Template ID: [%1]
0xB0000FBC无法从设置存储中同步设置文件。%n%n设置存储位置: [%1]%n文件: [%2]%nSyncID: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4] A settings file failed to synchronize from the settings storage.%n%nSettings storage location: [%1]%nFile: [%2]%nSyncID: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4]
0xB0000FC9无法将设置包与设置存储同步。%n%n设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%n包路径: [%2]%nHRESULT: [%3] Failed to sync a settings package to the settings storage.%n%nSettings location template ID: [%1]%nPackage Path: [%2]%nHRESULT: [%3]
0xB0000FCA无法同步设置存储中的设置。%n%n设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2] Failed to sync settings from the settings storage.%n%nSettings location template ID: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]
0xB0000FCCUE-V Agent 无法重置脱机文件缓存。必须先重置脱机文件缓存,然后才会将对用户设置所做的更改上载到设置存储位置。%nHRESULT: [%1]%n The UE-V Agent was unable to reset the offline files cache. The offline files cache must be reset before changes to the user settings will upload to the settings storage location.%nHRESULT: [%1]%n
0xB0000FCD在初始化远程更改管理器之前调用了该远程更改管理器。 A call was made to the Remote Change Manager before it was initialized.
0xB0000FCE尝试将设置包复制到设置存储位置时出错。%n%n消息: [%1]%n任务: [%2] An error occurred while attempting to copy a settings package to the settings storage location.%n%nMessage: [%1]%nTask: [%2]
0xB0000FCF更改管理器无法确定设置包文件大小。系统无法通知包是否超过了允许的包大小。%n包: [%1]%n错误描述: [%2] The Change Manager was not able to determine a settings package file size. The system was not able to notify of if the package exceeded the allowable package size.%nPackage: [%1]%nError Description: [%2]
0xB0000FD0设置包超过了允许的包大小。请评估设置位置模板,以查看是否打包了无需的设置或数据。%n包: [%1]%n包大小: [%2]%n允许的大小: [%3] A settings package exceeded the allowable package size. Evaluate the settings location template to see if unnecessary settings or data are being packaged.%nPackage: [%1]%nPackage Size: [%2]%nAllowable Size: [%3]
0xB0000FD2找不到设置存储位置。无法同步用户设置。请确认设置存储位置存在并且用户具有所需权限。 The settings storage location cannot be found. The user settings cannot synchronize. Ensure that the settings storage location exists and that the user has necessary permissions.
0xB0000FD3尝试扩展提供的设置存储路径“%1”失败。原因: %2 Attempt to expand supplied settings storage path '%1' failed. Reason: %2
0xB0000FDBUE-V Agent 无法对设置存储路径 [%2] 的属性 [%1] 进行设置。错误代码: [%3]%n请检查用户是否对设置存储位置具有所需的权限。 The UE-V Agent was unable to set attributes [%1] on the settings storage path [%2]. Error Code: [%3]%n Check that the user has the necessary permission on the settings storage location.
0xB0000FDCUE-V Agent 无法将 Active Directory 定义的路径用于设置存储位置。%n路径: %1%n错误代码: %2%n确认已正确配置了 Active Directory 中定义的路径。 The UE-V Agent cannot use the Active Directory-defined path for the settings storage location.%nPath: %1%nError Code: %2%nConfirm that the path defined in Active Directory is configured correctly.
0xB0000FDD已更改 Active Directory 设置存储路径。%n旧值: [%1]%n新值: [%2] The Active Directory settings storage path changed.%nOld value: [%1]%nNew value: [%2]
0xB0000FDFUE-V Agent 无法创建以下设置存储文件夹: [%1] 原因: [%2]%n请检查设置存储路径是否有效,并且用户是否具有文件夹的读/写访问权限。 The UE-V Agent was unable to create the following settings storage folder: [%1] Reason: [%2]%nCheck that the settings storage path is valid and the user has read/write access to the folder.
0xB0000FE0无法从设置存储中删除设置文件。%n%n设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%n文件名: [%2]%nHRESULT: [%3] Failed to delete a setting file from the settings storage.%n%nSettings location template ID: [%1]%nFile name: [%2]%nHRESULT: [%3]
0xB0000FE1尝试从设置存储中删除设置文件时出错。%n%n消息: [%1]%n任务: [%2] An error occurred while attempting to delete a setting file from the settings storage.%n%nMessage: [%1]%nTask: [%2]
0xB0000FE2UE-V 无法为脱机文件冲突设置“最后一个编写器优先”策略设置。%n路径: %1%n错误代码: %2。 UE-V was unable to set the last-writer-wins policy settings for offline file collisions.%nPath: %1%nError Code: %2.
0xB0000FE6无法将设置存储中的设置包复制到暂存位置。%n%n设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%n要复制的设置文件: [%2]%n本地暂存目录: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4] Failed to copy settings package from settings storage to staging location.%n%nSettings location template ID: [%1]%nSettings file to copy: [%2]%nLocal staging directory: [%3]%nHRESULT: [%4]
0xB0000FE7更改管理器在验证设置存储中是否存在设置包时失败。设置位置模板 ID: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2] Change Manager was failed while verifying existence of a settings package in the settings storage. Settings location template ID: [%1]%nHRESULT: [%2]
0xB0000FE9后台同步操作已超时。源: [%1] 目标 [%2] A background synchronization operation has timed out. Source: [%1] Destination [%2]
0xB0000FEA从中央存储位置中复制文件时出错。%n源: [%1]%n错误消息: [%2]%n错误代码: [%3] An error occurred while copying a file from the central storage location. %nSource: [%1] %nError message: [%2]%nError code: [%3]
0xB0000FEB当前登录用户不是设置存储路径文件夹 %1 的所有者。要纠正此问题,请删除路径 %3 中的隐藏文件夹 %2,并注销当前会话,然后重新登录。 The currently logged on user is not the owner of the settings storage path folder %1. To correct this problem, delete the hidden folder %2 in path %3 and log off the current session and then log on again.
0xB0001388无法创建设置位置模板 %1 的设置目录。返回了错误 %2。%n%n其他错误数据: %3。%n请确保用户有权在远程设置位置中创建目录。 The settings directory for the settings location template %1 cannot be created. The error %2 was returned.%n%nAdditional error data: %3.%nEnsure that the user has permission to create directories in the remote settings location.
0xB0001389无法将设置位置模板 %1 的设置包复制到当前设置的本地包文件夹中。返回了错误 %2。其他数据: %3。 The settings package for settings location template %1 could not be copied to the local package folder for current settings. Error %2 was returned. Additional data: %3.
0xB000138A无法检索设置位置模板 %1 的本地设置包的路径。返回了错误 %2。其他数据: %3。 The path to a local settings package for settings location template %1 could not be retrieved. Error %2 was returned. Additional data: %3.
0xB000138B无法检索设置位置模板 %1 的本地上次已知有效元数据的路径。返回错误 %2。其他数据: %3。 The path to a local last known good meta data for settings location template %1 could not be retrieved. Error %2 was returned. Additional data: %3.
0xB00014C0无法将设置位置模板 %1 的设置包复制到初始设置的本地包文件夹中。返回了错误 %2。其他数据: %3。 The settings package for settings location template %1 could not be copied to the local package folder for initial settings. Error %2 was returned. Additional data: %3.
0xB00014C1设置包由早期版本的产品所创建并且与当前版本不兼容。请删除设置包文件并重试此操作。%n设置位置模板 ID: %1。 %n设置包版本: %2。 The settings package was created by an earlier version of the product and is not compatible with the current version. Please delete the settings package file and retry the operation. %nSettings location template ID: %1. %nSettings package Version: %2.
0xB00014C2模板 ID 为 %1 的导入包包含一个使用无法解析的环境变量的设置: %2。请确保此计算机上的模板是最新模板,并且正确定义了用户环境变量。 The imported package with template ID %1 contains a setting that uses an unresolvable environment variable: %2. Ensure that the template on this machine is up to date and the user environment variables are properly defined.
0xB0001F40进程可执行文件(%1)已添加到设置位置模板,但实际上不存在。找不到此进程可执行文件的所需信息,不会将其添加到最终模板。 The process executable (%1) was added to the settings location template, but does not actually exist. Was unable to find the required information for this process executable, and will not add it to the final template.
0xB0001F4A此版本无效并且未构建此版本。主要版本范围不只是具有最小和最大版本。所有版本的主要版本范围大小都必需为 2。主要范围的大小 = %1 This version is invalid and did not get constructed. The Major version range does not exclusively have a min and a max version. It is required that all versions have a major version range of size 2. Size of Major range = %1
0xB0001F54进程不足,无法制作有效的设置位置模板。至少必须将一个进程添加至模板 %1。 Not enough processes to make a valid settings location template. You must have at least one process added to the template, %1.
0xB0001F5E进程 %1 没有足够的版本,无法制作有效的设置位置模板。此进程信息将不会添加到模板中。 Not enough versions for the process, %1, to make a valid settings location template. This process information will not be added to the template.
0xB0001FA4无法初始化 COM 库。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %1 Was unable to initialize the COM library. Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %1
0xB0001FAE无法创建 XML 文档分析程序。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %1 Was unable to create the XML Document Parser. Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %1
0xB0002008无法通过 XML 分析程序创建元素 %1。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %2 Was unable to create an element %1 from the XML parser. Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB0002012无法设置当前元素(%2)的属性(%1)。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %3 Was unable to set the attribute(%1) of the current element(%2). Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %3
0xB000201C无法将文本 %1 插入到此元素(%2)中。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %3 Was unable to insert the text, %1, into this element(%2). Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %3
0xB0002026无法将子元素(%1)附加到父元素(%2)。已经取消了设置位置模板的导出。HRESULT = %3 Was unable to append the child element(%1) to the parent element(%2). Export of the settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %3
0xB0002030TemplateIO 无法在文件位置 %1 中保存此设置位置模板。已经取消了模板的导出。HRESULT = %2 TemplateIO was unable to save this settings location template at the file location %1. Export of the template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB000206C无法从此元素中检索节点名称。这可能意味着元素实际为空或者不存在。已经取消了此设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %1 Was unable to retrieve the node name from this element. This probably means the element is actually empty or does not exist. Import of this settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %1
0xB0002076无法从元素 %1 中检索文本。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %2 Was unable to retrieve the text from the element %1. Import of settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB0002080无法从元素 %1 的父项中选择该元素。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %2 Was unable to select the element, %1, from its parent. Import of settings location template was cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB000208A无法获取元素列表的长度。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %1 Was unable to get the length of the list of elements. Import of settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %1
0xB0002094无法从大小为 %2 的节点列表中获取索引 %1 处的项。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %3 Was unable to get the item at index %1 from the list of nodes of size %2. Import of settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %3
0xB000209E无法检索元素 %1 的子节点。这可能意味着父元素实际为空或者不存在。已经取消了此设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %2 Was unable to retrieve child nodes of the element %1. This probably means the parent element is actually empty or does not exist. Import of this settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB00020A8无法从元素 %2 中获取具有 xpath %1 的节点的列表。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %3 Was unable to get the list of nodes with the xpath %1 from element %2. Import of settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %3
0xB00020B2TemplateIO 无法加载 xml 文件 %1。请检查此文件是否存在并且是否为 xml 文档。已经取消了设置位置模板的导入。HRESULT = %2 TemplateIO was unable to load the xml file %1. Check that it exists and is an xml document. Import of settings location template has been cancelled. HRESULT = %2
0xB00020D0CLSIDFromString 方法不接受字符串 %1 的格式。验证 xml 文档中的数据是否局限于这些规则。HRESULT = %2 The format of the string %1, is not acceptable by the CLSIDFromString method. Verify that the data in the xml document confines to these rules. HRESULT = %2
0xB0002329无法打开注册表项: %1。 Failed to open registry key: %1.
0xB000232A找不到文件或文件夹路径: %1。 Failed to find file or folder path: %1.
0xB000232B找不到注册表值: %1。 Failed to find registry value: %1.
0xB000232C出现文件 IO 异常: %1。 File IO exception occurred: %1.
0xB000232E出现注册表 IO 异常: %1。 Registry IO exception occurred: %1.
0xB000232F无法从 %1 中读取注册表值。 Failed to read registry value from: %1.
0xB0002330未识别项的注册表类型值: %1。 Registry type value not recognized for key: %1.
0xB0002331无法查询 %1 的注册表项信息。 Failed to query registry key information for: %1.
0xB0002332无法枚举 %1 中的注册表项。 Failed to enumerate registry keys from: %1.
0xB0002333无法删除注册表项或值: %1。 Failed to delete registry key or value: %1.
0xB0002334无法创建注册表项: %1。 Failed to create registry key: %1.
0xB0002335无法设置注册表项值: %1。 Failed to set registry key value: %1.
0xB0002336无法创建目标文件夹路径: %1。 Failed to create destination folder path: %1.
0xB0002337无法将文件复制到目标路径: %1。 Failed to copy file to the destination path: %1.
0xB0002338无法打开文件夹路径,因此无法处理文件: %1。 Failed to open folder path to process files: %1.
0xB0002339无法从文件夹路径中读取所有子文件夹或文件: %1。 Failed to read all subfolders or files from the folder path: %1.
0xB000233A无法初始化 COM 库,因此无法分析 OS 设置映射文件: %1。 Failed to initialize COM library to parse OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB000233B无法为 OS 设置映射文件创建 MSXML 文档对象: %1。 Failed to create MSXML document object for OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB000233C无法为 OS 设置映射加载 XML 文档: %1。 Failed to load XML document for OS settings mapping: %1.
0xB000233D无法读取 OS 设置映射文件: %1。 Failed to read OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB000233E在 OS 设置映射文件中找不到根节点(OSSettingsList): %1。 Failed to find root node (OSSettingsList) in OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB000233F在 OS 设置映射文件中找不到 \"Path\" 节点: %1。 Failed to find \"Path\" node in OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB0002340在 OS 设置映射文件内的 \"MainSetting\" 节点中找不到 \"Name\" 属性: %1。 Failed to find the \"Name\" attribute in \"MainSetting\" node in OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB0002341在 OS 设置映射文件中找不到 \"Win7\" 节点: %1。 Failed to find \"Win7\" node in OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB0002342找不到 %1 的 OS 设置详细信息。 Failed to find OS setting details for: %1.
0xB0002343无法为 OS 映射文件创建 MSXML 架构缓存对象: %1。 Failed to create MSXML schema cache object for OS Mapping file: %1.
0xB0002344无法为 OS 映射文件添加架构: %1。 Failed to add schema for OS mapping file: %1.
0xB0002345无法为 OS 映射文件设置 XML 架构缓存: %1。 Failed to set XML schema cache for OS mapping file: %1.
0xB0002346无法向架构验证 OS 映射文件 %1。原因: %2。 Failed to validate OS mapping file %1 to schema. Reason: %2.
0xB0002347在 OS 设置映射文件内的 \"MainSetting\" 节点中找不到 \"Version\" 属性: %1。 Failed to find the \"Version\" attribute in \"MainSetting\" node in OS settings mapping file: %1.
0xB0002348在 OS 映射文件中找到不支持的 OS 版本: %1。 Unsupported OS version found in OS mapping file: %1.
0xB0002349读取 OS 映射文件时 DOM 操作失败: %1。 DOM operation failed while reading OS mapping file: %1.
0xB000234A无法访问 OS 系统设置: %1。设置枚举器: %2。GetLastError 返回了 %3。 Failed to access OS system setting: %1. Setting enumerator: %2. GetLastError returned %3.
0xB0002710设置存储位置正在从脱机切换为联机。 The settings storage location is transitioning from offline to online.
0xB0002711设置存储位置正在从联机切换为脱机。 The settings storage location is transitioning from online to offline.
0xB0002EE1保存 SQM 会话数据开始。 Saving SQM session data begins.
0xB0002EE2保存 SQM 会话数据结束。 Saving SQM session data ends.
0xB0002EE3SQM 保存会话时间的持续时间 Duration of the SQM save session time
0xB00032C8同步设置包时发生异常。异常消息:“%1”。 An exception has occurred while synchronizing settings packages. Exception message: \"%1\".
0xB00032C9UE-V 同步控制器无法获取已注册模板的列表。将不会为安装的模板中指定的任何应用程序同步设置数据。故障的原因为:“%1”。 The UE-V synchronization controller could not get a list of registered templates. Settings data will not be synchronized for any of the applications specified in the installed templates. The cause of the failure is: \"%1\".
0xB00032CAUE-V 同步控制器无法获取已安装现代应用程序的列表。将不会为任何已安装任何现代应用程序同步设置数据。故障的原因为:“%1”。 The UE-V synchronization controller could not get a list of installed modern applications. Settings data will not be synchronized for any of the installed modern applications. The cause of the failure is: \"%1\".
0xB00032CD启动同步过程。 Start of the synchronization process.
0xB00032CF无法获取模板 %1 的设置存储路径。设置数据将不会进行同步。 Cannot get settings storage path for template %1. Settings data will not be synchronized.
0xB00032D0初始化模板 %2 的同步提供程序时,返回错误 %1 Error %1 was returned while initializing sync provider for template %2
0xB00032D1本地和远程设置存储路径相同。请指定新的远程设置存储路径。模板 %1 的设置将不会进行同步。 The local and remote settings storage paths are equal. Please specify a new remote setting storage path. Settings will not be synchronized for template %1.
0xB00036B0同步 Windows 应用设置时,出现异常。异常消息:“%1”。 An exception has occurred while synchronizing Windows App settings. Exception message: \"%1\".
0xB0003A98“立即同步”失败,错误代码为: %1 Sync Now failed with error code: %1
0xB0003A9A并非所有模板都处于相同状态。这通常意味着已在公司设置中心 UI 外部修改了模板状态。 Not all of the templates are in the same state. This usually means that template state has been modified outside the Company Settings Center UI.
0xB0003A9B启用\\禁用模板 %1 失败,并出现异常 %2 Enable\\Disable of template %1 failed with exception %2
0xB0003E80无法启动 IPC 事件消息侦听器。将不提供 IPC 事件。 The IPC event message listener cannot be started. IPC events will be unavailable.
0xB0003E81无法发送 IPC 消息 %1。 The IPC message %1 could not be sent.
0xB0004268启用 Uev 失败,错误为 %1。 Enable Uev failed with error %1.
0xB0004269禁用 Uev 失败,错误为 %1。 Disable Uev failed with error %1.
0xB000426A注册收件箱模板失败,错误为 %1。 Register inbox templates failed with error %1.
0xB000426B注册收件箱模板 %1 失败,错误为 %2。 Register inbox template %1 failed with error %2.
0xB2000001UE-V SQM 上载程序已启动。 The UE-V SQM Uploader started.
0xB2000002UE-V SQM 上载程序已结束。 The UE-V SQM Uploader ended.
0xB2000003初始化 COM 时出错。%n错误: %1 An error occurred while initializing COM.%nError: %1
0xB2000004上载 SQM 数据文件时出错。%n错误: %1 An error occurred while uploading the SQM data files.%nError: %1
0xB2000005用户未选择参与 UE-V CEIP 计划。SQM 上载程序现在将退出,而不上载任何 SQM 数据。 The user has not opted into the UE-V CEIP program. The SQM Uploader will now exit without uploading any SQM data.
0xB2000006已成功上载 SQM 数据文件 %2 (HTTP 响应 %3)。 SQM data file %2 was successfully uploaded (HTTP response %3).
0xB2000007上载 SQM 数据文件 %2 时出错(%1) (HTTP 响应 %3) There was an error (%1) uploading SQM data file %2 (HTTP response %3)
0xB2000008上载 SQM 数据文件时出错。%nSQMAPI 错误代码: %1 There was an error uploading the SQM data files.%nSQMAPI error code: %1
0xB2000009已成功上载 SQM 数据文件。 The SQM data files were successfully uploaded.
0xB200000A上载 SQM 数据文件时发生类型为 std::exception 的错误。%n错误: %1 An error of type std::exception occurred while uploading the SQM data files.%nError: %1
0xB200000BSQM 数据文件上载过程中捕获到未知异常。 An unknown exception was caught during the upload of SQM data files.
0xB200000C将上载 %1 个 SQM 数据文件。 %1 SQM data file(s) will be uploaded.
0xB200000D将上载与下列模式匹配的 SQM 数据文件:“%1” SQM data files matching the following pattern will be uploaded: \"%1\"
0xB200000E由于下列错误而无法初始化 SQM 库: %1 The SQM library could not be initialized due to the following error: %1
0xB200006C找不到与指定文件模式匹配的 SQM 文件。 No SQM files matching the specified file pattern were found.
0xB200010C未检测到网络连接,因此将不会尝试上载 SQM 数据文件。 No network connectivity was detected and so no attempt will be made to upload the SQM data files.
0xB2000A06SQMAPI 未初始化。 The SQMAPI was not initialized.
0xB3000000-- %1 -- %1


File Name:Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.mui
File Size:24 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:24064
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:UEV 事件日志消息
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.mui?

Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll (UEV 事件日志消息).

File version info

File Description:UEV 事件日志消息
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:Microsoft.Uev.EventLogMessages.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200