tapiui.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows(TM) telefonijas API lietotāja interfeisa DLL fails bc99afeca30c3d93371f7f4d6292900c

File info

File name: tapiui.dll.mui
Size: 50176 byte
MD5: bc99afeca30c3d93371f7f4d6292900c
SHA1: f823bcce889aed811ed2def5d31e483085257cbd
SHA256: 971c44594d370a6249fe0aa925e82896f6b635c1425ee21047d3c6a7833a1f75
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Latvian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Latvian English
1Tālrunis un modems Phone and Modem
2Konfigurējiet numura sastādīšanas kārtulas un rekvizītus, lai varētu izmantot modemu. Configure dialing rules and properties for using your modem.
3Atrašanās vieta Location
4Lai izveidotu jaunu atrašanās vietu, noklikšķiniet uz Jauns. To create a new location, click New.
5Jauna atrašanās vieta New Location
6Atrašanās vietas rediģēšana Edit Location
7Jauna zvanīšanas karte New Calling Card
8Zvanīšanas kartes rediģēšana Edit Calling Card
9Apgabala kods Area Code
10Prefiksi Prefixes
11Kārtula Rule
12Ievadītā rakstzīme nav derīga.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9, *, # un komats.
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, and comma.
13Ievadītā rakstzīme nav derīga.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9, *, #, tukšumzīme un komats.
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, space, and comma.
14Ievadītā rakstzīme nav derīga.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9.
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9.
15Ievadītā rakstzīme nav derīga. The character you entered is invalid.
16Sastādīt numuru %1 Dial %1
17Sastādīt numuru %1 kopā ar apgabala kodu Dial %1 plus area code
18Sastādīt apgabala kodu Dial area code
19Sastādīt tikai numuru Dial number only
20Visu All
21Atlasīto Selected
22Apgabala koda kārtulas rediģēšana Edit Area Code Rule
23Šajā sarakstā atlasiet kārtulu, lai apskatītu tās aprakstu, vai noklikšķiniet uz Jauna, lai pievienotu kārtulu. Select a rule in the list above to view its description, or click New to add a rule.
24Sastādīt '%2' kopā ar apgabala kodu pirms numura visiem zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1. Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
25Sastādīt '%2' pirms numura visiem zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1. Dial '%2' before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
26Sastādīt apgabala kodu pirms numura visiem zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1. Dial the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
27Visiem zvaniem ar apgabala kodu %1 sastādīt tikai numuru. Dial only the number for all calls within the %1 area code.
28Sastādīt '%2' kopā ar apgabala kodu pirms numura zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1 un kuros iekļauti norādītie prefiksi. Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
29Sastādīt '%2' pirms numura zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1 un kuros iekļauti norādītie prefiksi. Dial '%2' before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
30Sastādīt apgabala kodu pirms numura zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1 un kuros iekļauti norādītie prefiksi. Dial the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
31Sastādīt tikai numuru zvaniem, kuru apgabala kods ir %1 un kuros iekļauti norādītie prefiksi. Dial only the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified.
32Sastādīt '1' pirms zvaniem ar pārējiem apgabala kodiem, un visiem prefiksiem iekļaut šo apgabala kodu. Dial a '1' before calls within all other area codes, and include the area code for all prefixes.
33Prefiksa pievienošana Add Prefix
34Ievadiet vienu vai vairākus prefiksus, atdalot tos ar atstarpi vai komatu. Enter one or more prefixes separated by spaces or commas.
35Norādīt ciparus Specify Digits
36Ievadiet vienu vai vairākus sastādāmos ciparus (ieskaitot * un #). Enter one or more digits (including * and #) to be dialed.
37Jūs mēģinājāt ievadīt nederīgu rakstzīmi.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9 un tukšumzīme.
You tried to enter an invalid character.

Valid characters are 0 thru 9 and space.
38Gaidīt %1!d! sekundes. Wait for %1!d! seconds.
39Sastādīt piekļuves numuru. Dial the access number.
40Sastādīt konta numuru. Dial the account number.
41Sastādīt PIN numuru. Dial the PIN number.
42Gaidīt iezvanes signālu. Wait for a dial tone.
43Gaidīt balss ziņojuma beigas. Wait for a voice message to end.
44Sastādīt valsts/reģiona kodu, apgabala kodu un numuru. Dial the country/region code, area code, and number.
45Sastādīt valsts/reģiona kodu un numuru. Dial the country/region code and number.
46Sastādīt apgabala kodu un numuru. Dial the area code and number.
47Sastādīt valsts/reģiona kodu. Dial the country/region code.
48Sastādīt apgabala kodu. Dial the area code.
49Sastādīt numuru. Dial the number.
50tālsarunas zvanu numuru sastādīšana. dialing long distance calls.
51starptautisko zvanu numuru sastādīšana. dialing international calls.
52vietējo zvanu numuru sastādīšana. dialing local calls.
53Nav definētas šīs zvanīšanas kartes izmantošanas kārtulas. There are no rules defined for how this calling card should be used.
54Šai atrašanās vietai ir jāievada tālsarunas nesējfrekvences kods. You must enter the long distance carrier code for this location.
55Ir jāievada šīs atrašanās vietas nosaukums. You must enter a name for this location.
56Lūdzu, ievadiet šīs atrašanās vietas apgabala kodu. Please enter the area code for this location.
57Lai atspējotu zvana gaidīšanu, ir jāievada sastādāmais numurs. You must select the number to dial to disable call waiting.
58Vispirms ir jānorāda valsts vai reģions, no kurienes zvanāt. You must select the country or region that you are calling from.
59Trūkst informācijas Missing Information
60Ievadītais atrašanās vietas nosaukums jau tiek izmantots. Lūdzu, ievadiet unikālu nosaukumu. The location name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name.
61Šai zvanīšanas kartei nav norādīta visa nepieciešamā informācija. Lai izmantotu šo karti, noklikšķiniet uz Rediģēt, lai norādītu papildu informāciju, vai atlasiet citu karti. This calling card is missing some required information. To use this card, click Edit to provide more information, or select a different card.
62Ir jāatlasa noklusējuma zvanīšanas karte. Atlasiet karti sarakstā vai noklikšķiniet uz Jauns, lai izveidotu jaunu karti. You must select a default calling card. Select a card from the list, or click New to create a new card.
63Ir jāievada zvanīšanas kartes nosaukums. You must enter the calling card name.
64Ir jāievada konta numurs. You must enter the account number.
65Ir jāievada PIN numurs. You must enter the PIN number.
66Šai zvanīšanas kartei nav definētas kārtulas. Lai izveidotu kārtulas, atlasiet tālsarunas starptautisko vai lokālo zvanu cilni. There are no rules defined for this calling card. To create a rule, select the Long Distance, International, or Local Calls tab.
67Tālsarunu kārtulai ir nepieciešams zvanīšanas kartes tālsarunu piekļuves numurs. Your long distance rule requires your calling card's long distance access number.
68Starptautisko zvanu kārtulai ir nepieciešams zvanīšanas kartes starptautiskās piekļuves numurs. Your international rule requires your calling card's international access number.
69Vietējo zvanu kārtulai ir nepieciešams zvanīšanas kartes vietējās piekļuves numurs. Your local rule requires your calling card's local access number.
70Nav None
71Vai tiešām vēlaties noņemt atlasīto telefonijas pakalpojumu sniedzēju? Are you sure you want to remove the selected Telephony Service Provider?
73Ir jāievada prefiksi, kuriem tiek lietota šī kārtula. You must enter the prefixes for which this rule applies.
74&Cipari: &Digits:
75&Prefiksi: &Prefixes:
76Jūs mēģinājāt ievadīt nederīgu rakstzīmi.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9, tukšumzīme un komats.
You tried to enter an invalid character.

Valid characters are 0 thru 9, space, and comma.
77Dzēšanas apstiprināšana Confirm Delete
78Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo atrašanās vietu? Are you sure you want to delete this location?
79Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo zvanīšanas karti? Are you sure you want to delete this calling card?
80Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo apgabala koda kārtulu? Are you sure you want to delete this area code rule?
81Ir jāievada sastādāmie cipari. You must enter the digits to dial.
82Ievadītais zvanīšanas kartes nosaukums jau tiek izmantots. Lūdzu, ievadiet unikālu nosaukumu. The calling card name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name.
83Sistēmai Windows ir nepieciešama tālruņa informācija par atrašanās vietu, no kuras tiks sastādīts numurs. Ja atcelsit dialogu, nenorādot šo informāciju, šī programma, sastādot numuru, iespējams, nedarbosies pareizi. Turklāt dažas programmas nekavējoties parādīs šo dialogu vēlreiz, kad atcelsiet. Vai tiešām vēlaties atcelt? Windows needs telephone information about the location from which you will be dialing. If you cancel without providing this information, this program might not work correctly when dialing. In addition, some programs will immediately show this dialog again when you cancel. Are you sure you want to cancel?
84Atcelšanas apstiprināšana Confirm Cancel
85Mana atrašanās vieta My Location
87Ievadītā rakstzīme nav derīga.

Derīgas rakstzīmes ir cipari no 0 līdz 9, burti no A līdz D, *, #,+, !, atstarpe un komats.
The character you entered is invalid.

Valid characters are 0 through 9, A through D, *, #, +, !, space, and comma.
88Šai atrašanās vietai ir jāievada starptautiskais nesējfrekvences kods. You must enter the international carrier code for this location.
89Šai atrašanās vietai ir jāievada nesējfrekvences kods. You must enter the carrier code for this location.
90Šī lapa datorā mēģina veikt vai pārraudzīt tālruņa zvanus vai citus multivides savienojumus.
Vai atļaut turpināt tās darbību?
This page is attempting to make or monitor telephone calls or other multimedia connections on your computer.
Do you want allow it to continue?
91Šī lapa mēģina piekļūt tīkla direktorija informācijai.
Vai atļaut turpināt šo darbību?
This page is attempting to access directory information on your network.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
92Šī lapa mēģina piekļūt tīkla konferences informācijai vai mainīt to.
Vai atļaut turpināt tās darbību?
This page is attempting to access or change network conferencing information.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
93Šī lapa mēģina piekļūt reģistra informācijai vai mainīt to.
Vai atļaut turpināt tās darbību?
This page is attempting to access or change registry information.
Do you want to allow it to continue?
1064Nevar atvērt vadības paneli Tālrunis un modems. Startējot tālruņa pakalpojumu, iespējams, radīsies problēmas. Phone And Modem control panel can not be opened. You may have a problem starting telephony service.
1065Pakalpojumu sniedzēja noņemšana Remove Provider
1580023 23
158010,"Nav (tiešā iezvane)","","","","","","","","",1 0,"None (Direct Dial)","","","","","","","","",1
158021,"AT&T tiešā iezvane, izmantojot 1010ATT1","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010288","1010288",1 1,"AT&T Direct Dial via 1010ATT1","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010288","1010288",1
158032,"AT&T, izmantojot 1010ATT0","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010288","1010288",1 2,"AT&T via 1010ATT0","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010288","1010288",1
158043,"AT&T, izmantojot 1-800-321-0288","","G","J$TFG$TH","J$T01EFG$TH","","","18003210288","18003210288",1 3,"AT&T via 1-800-321-0288","","G","J$TFG$TH","J$T01EFG$TH","","","18003210288","18003210288",1
158054,"MCI tiešā iezvane, izmantojot 10102221","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010222","1010222",1 4,"MCI Direct Dial via 10102221","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010222","1010222",1
158065,"MCI, izmantojot 10102220","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010222","1010222",1 5,"MCI via 10102220","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010222","1010222",1
158076,"MCI, izmantojot 1-800-888-8000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18008888000","18008888000",1 6,"MCI via 1-800-888-8000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18008888000","18008888000",1
158087,"MCI, izmantojot 1-800-674-0700","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006740700","18006740700",1 7,"MCI via 1-800-674-0700","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006740700","18006740700",1
158098,"MCI, izmantojot 1-800-674-7000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006747000","18006747000",1 8,"MCI via 1-800-674-7000","","G","J,,,,,,TH,,FG","J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG","","","18006747000","18006747000",1
158109,"US Sprint tiešā iezvane, izmantojot 10103331","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010333","1010333",1 9,"US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103331","","G","J1FG","J011EFG","","","1010333","1010333",1
1581110,"US Sprint, izmantojot 10103330","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010333","1010333",1 10,"US Sprint via 10103330","","G","J0FG$TH","J01EFG$TH","","","1010333","1010333",1
1581211,"US Sprint, izmantojot 1-800-877-8000","","G","J,,,T0FG,,H","J,,,T01EFG#,H","","","18008778000","18008778000",1 11,"US Sprint via 1-800-877-8000","","G","J,,,T0FG,,H","J,,,T01EFG#,H","","","18008778000","18008778000",1
1581312,"Zvanīšanas karte, izmantojot 0","","G","0FG$TH","01EFG$TH","","","","",1 12,"Calling Card via 0","","G","0FG$TH","01EFG$TH","","","","",1
1581413,"Carte France Telecom","","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,00EFG#","","","","",1 13,"Carte France Telecom","","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,0FG#","T3010,H,00EFG#","","","","",1
1581514,"Mercury (Apvienotā Karaliste)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","","0500800800","0500800800","0500800800",1 14,"Mercury (UK)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","","0500800800","0500800800","0500800800",1
1581615,"British Telecom (Apvienotā Karaliste)","","J$H,0FG","J$H,0FG","J$H,00EFG","","144","144"."144",1 15,"British Telecom (UK)","","J$H,0FG","J$H,0FG","J$H,00EFG","","144","144"."144",1
1581716,"CLEAR Communications (Jaunzēlande)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,00EFG","","0502333","0502333","0502333",1 16,"CLEAR Communications (New Zealand)","","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,0FG","J$TH,00EFG","","0502333","0502333","0502333",1
1581817,"Telecom New Zealand","","J,0FG?H","J,0FG?H","J,00EFG?H","","012","012","012",1 17,"Telecom New Zealand","","J,0FG?H","J,0FG?H","J,00EFG?H","","012","012","012",1
1581918,"Global Card (no Taivānas uz ASV)","","G","0FG","J,102880$TFG$H","","","","0080",1 18,"Global Card (Taiwan to USA)","","G","0FG","J,102880$TFG$H","","","","0080",1
1582019,"Telstra (Austrālija), izmantojot 1818 (balss)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0011EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1 19,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (voice)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0011EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1
1582120,"Telstra (Austrālija), izmantojot 1818 (fakss)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0015EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1 20,"Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (fax)","","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,FG#","J$TH,0015EFG#","","1818","1818","1818",1
1582221,"Optus (Austrālija), izmantojot 1812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","1812",1 21,"Optus (Australia) via 1812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","1812",1
1582322,"Optus (Austrālija), izmantojot 008551812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","008551812",1 22,"Optus (Australia) via 008551812","","FG","FG","J@TH,0011EFG","","","","008551812",1
0x0Pieprasījums tika akceptēts The request was accepted
0x0000E000Darbība pabeigta veiksmīgi. The operation completed successfully.
0x0000E001Šī līnijas ierīce jau tiek izmantota. The line device is already in use
0x0000E002Nederīgs līnijas ierīces ID Invalid line device ID
0x0000E003Pieprasītais nesēja režīms nav pieejams The requested bearer mode is unavailable
0x0000E005Nav pieejamu zvana izskatu No call appearance available
0x0000E006Pārāk daudz neizpildītu zvana pabeigšanu Too many call completions outstanding
0x0000E007Šī konference ir pilna The conference is full
0x0000E008Iezvanes modifikators '$' netiek atbalstīts The '$' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E009Iezvanes modifikators 'W' netiek atbalstīts The 'W' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00AIezvanes modifikators '?' netiek atbalstīts The '?' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00BIezvanes modifikators '@' netiek atbalstīts The '@' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E00CNesaderīga API versija Incompatible API version
0x0000E00DNesaderīga paplašinājuma versija Incompatible extension version
0x0000E00ETAPI konfigurācijas informācija nav lietojama The TAPI configuration information is unusable
0x0000E010Tālruņa numurs nav derīgs vai nav pareizi formatēts The phone number is invalid or not properly formatted
0x0000E011Nederīgs adreses ID Invalid address ID
0x0000E012Nederīgs adreses režīms Invalid address mode
0x0000E013Pašreizējā adreses stāvoklī šī operācija nav atļauta Operation not permitted in current address state
0x0000E014Nederīga TAPI līnijas lietojumprogrammas apstrāde Invalid TAPI line application handle
0x0000E015Nederīgs lietojumprogrammas nosaukums Invalid application name
0x0000E016Nederīgs nesēja režīms Invalid bearer mode
0x0000E017Nederīgs zvana pabeigšanas režīms Invalid call completion mode
0x0000E018Nederīga zvana apstrāde Invalid call handle
0x0000E019Nederīga LINECALLPARAMS struktūra Invalid LINECALLPARAMS structure
0x0000E01ANederīga zvana privilēģija Invalid call privilege
0x0000E01BNederīgs zvana atlases parametrs Invalid call select parameter
0x0000E01CPašreizējā zvana stāvoklī šī operācija nav atļauta Operation not permitted in current call state
0x0000E01DNederīgs zvana stāvokļu saraksts Invalid call state list
0x0000E01ENederīgs zvanīšanas kartes ID Invalid calling card ID
0x0000E01FNederīgs zvana pabeigšanas ID Invalid call completion ID
0x0000E020Nederīga konferences zvana apstrāde Invalid conference call handle
0x0000E021Nederīga konsultācijas zvana apstrāde Invalid consultation call handle
0x0000E022Nederīgs valsts/reģiona kods Invalid country code
0x0000E023Nederīgs ierīces klases identifikators Invalid device class identifier
0x0000E024Nederīga ierīces apstrāde Invalid device handle
0x0000E025Nederīgi iezvanes parametri Invalid dialing parameters
0x0000E026Nederīgs ciparu saraksts Invalid digit list
0x0000E027Nederīgs ciparu režīms Invalid digit mode
0x0000E028Nederīgi cipari Invalid digits
0x0000E029Nederīga paplašinājuma versija Invalid extension version
0x0000E02ANederīgs grupas pacelšanas ID Invalid group pickup ID
0x0000E02BNederīga līnijas apstrāde Invalid line handle
0x0000E02CPašreizējā līnijas stāvoklī šī operācija nav atļauta Operation not permitted in current line state
0x0000E02DNederīgs atrašanās vietas ID Invalid location ID
0x0000E02ENederīgs multivižu saraksts Invalid media list
0x0000E02FNederīgs multivides režīms Invalid media mode
0x0000E030Nederīgs ziņojuma ID Invalid message ID
0x0000E032Nederīgs parametrs Invalid parameter
0x0000E033Nederīgs parka ID Invalid park ID
0x0000E034Nederīgs parka režīms Invalid park mode
0x0000E035Nederīga norāde Invalid pointer
0x0000E036Nederīga zvana privilēģijas atlase Invalid call privilege selection
0x0000E037Nederīgs ātrums Invalid rate
0x0000E038Nederīgs pieprasījuma režīms Invalid request mode
0x0000E039Nederīgs termināļa ID Invalid terminal ID
0x0000E03ANederīgs termināļa režīms Invalid terminal mode
0x0000E03BNederīga taimauta vērtība Invalid timeout value
0x0000E03CNederīgs tonis Invalid tone
0x0000E03DNederīgs toņu saraksts Invalid tone list
0x0000E03ENederīgs toņu režīms Invalid tone mode
0x0000E03FNederīgs pārsūtīšanas režīms Invalid transfer mode
0x0000E040Neviena ierīce neatbilst norādītajām prasībām No device matches the specified requirements
0x0000E041Šis zvans nav konferences daļa The call is not part of a conference
0x0000E042Ierīce ir noņemta, vai ierīces klase nav atpazīta. The device was removed, or the device class is not recognized
0x0000E043Šis pakalpojuma sniedzējs ir noņemts. The service provider was removed
0x0000E044Šīs operācijas pabeigšanai nepietiek atmiņas Insufficient memory available to complete the operation
0x0000E045Neviens Iezvanīšanās ar operatora palīdzību pieprasījums negaida No Assisted Telephony requests are pending
0x0000E046Šai lietojumprogrammai uz šo zvanu nav privilēģiju ĪPAŠNIEKS The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the call
0x0000E047Šī lietojumprogramma pieprasījumu apstrādei nav reģistrēta The application is not registered to handle requests
0x0000E048Operācija neizdevās nenorādīta iemesla dēļ The operation failed for unspecified reasons
0x0000E049Šo operāciju atbilstošais pakalpojuma sniedzējs neatbalsta The operation is not supported by the underlying service provider
0x0000E04APieprasītais datu pārraides ātrums nav pieejams The requested data rate is not available
0x0000E04BPieprasījuma izpildei nepieciešamais resurss nav pieejams. A resource needed to fulfill the request is not available
0x0000E04CPieprasījumu rinda jau ir pilna. The request queue is already full
0x0000E04DLietojumprogrammai neizdevās piešķirt pietiekami daudz atmiņas, lai tā atbilstu minimālajam struktūras lielumam. The application failed to allocate sufficient memory for the minimum structure size
0x0000E04EZvana atdošana neizdevās, jo norādītais mērķis netika atrasts The call handoff failed because the specified target was not found
0x0000E04FZvana atdošanai nepastāv augstākas prioritātes mērķis No higher priority target exists for the call handoff
0x0000E050Tālruņa pakalpojums nav inicializēts The telephony service has not been initialized
0x0000E051Lietotāja-lietotāja informācijas daudzums pārsniedz atļauto maksimumu The amount of user-user info exceeds the maximum permitted
0x0000E052Operāciju nevar pabeigt, kamēr visas TAPI lietojumprogrammas neizsauc lineShutdown The operation cannot be completed until all TAPI applications call lineShutdown
0x0000E053Jums nav atļauts zvanīt uz šo numuru You are not permitted to call this number
0x0000E054Ir noraidīts zvanīšanas kartes numurs vai cita norēķinu informācija The calling card number or other billing information was rejected
0x0000E055Nederīgs ar ierīci saistīts līdzeklis Invalid device-specific feature
0x0000E056Vienam pakalpojuma sniedzējam nevar būt divi pārstāvji You cannot have two instances of the same service provider
0x0000E057Nederīgs aģenta ID Invalid agent ID
0x0000E058Nederīga aģentu grupa Invalid agent group
0x0000E059Nederīga aģenta parole Invalid agent password
0x0000E05ANederīgs aģenta stāvoklis Invalid agent state
0x0000E05BNederīga aģenta aktivitāte Invalid agent activity
0x0000E05CIezvanes modifikators ':' netiek atbalstīts The ':' dial modifier is not supported
0x0000E05DLietotājs atcēlis pieprasīto operāciju The user cancelled the requested operation
0x0000E05ENederīgs adreses tips Invalid address type
0x0000E05FNederīgs aģenta sesijas stāvoklis Invalid agent session state
0x0000E060Līnijas ierīce ir atvienota The line device has been disconnected
0x0000E061Nevar sazināties ar telefonijas pakalpojumu The Telephony Service cannot be contacted
0x0000F000Operācija pabeigta veiksmīgi The operation completed successfully
0x0000F001Tālruņa ierīce jau tiek izmantota. The phone device is already in use
0x0000F002Nederīgs tālruņa ierīces ID Invalid phone device ID
0x0000F007Nederīga TAPI tālruņa lietojumprogrammas apstrāde Invalid TAPI phone application handle
0x0000F009Nederīgs pogas vai lampas ID Invalid button or lamp ID
0x0000F00ANederīgs pogas režīms Invalid button mode
0x0000F00BNederīgs pogas stāvoklis Invalid button state
0x0000F00CNederīgs datu segmenta ID Invalid data segment ID
0x0000F00FNederīgs aizķeres slēdža ierīces ID Invalid hookswitch device ID
0x0000F010Nederīgs aizķeres slēdža režīms Invalid hookswitch mode
0x0000F011Nederīgs lampas režīms Invalid lamp mode
0x0000F013Nederīgs tālruņa turis Invalid phone handle
0x0000F014Pašreizējā tālruņa stāvoklī šī operācija nav atļauta Operation not permitted in current phone state
0x0000F016Nederīga privilēģija Invalid privilege
0x0000F017Nederīgs zvana režīms Invalid ring mode
0x0000F01BŠai lietojumprogrammai uz šo tālruni nav privilēģiju ĪPAŠNIEKS The application is does not have OWNER privilege on the phone
0x0000F023Operāciju nevar pabeigt, kamēr visas TAPI lietojumprogrammas neizsauc phoneShutdown The operation cannot be completed until all TAPI applications call phoneShutdown
0x0000F024Tālruņa ierīce ir atvienota The phone device has been disconnected
0x0000FFE9Šim serverim nevar atrast telefonijas pakalpojuma savienojuma punktu The telephony service connection point for this server could not be found
0x0000FFEATelefonijas pakalpojuma savienojuma punkts šim serverim jau pastāv A telephony service connection point for this server already exists
0x0000FFEBTelefonijas pakalpojumu sniedzējs jau ir instalēts The telephony service provider has already been installed
0x0000FFECOperācija nav pieejama, cits process jau atjaunina TAPI ierīces drošību Operation is not available, another process is updating TAPI device security
0x0000FFEDTAPI serverī nav administratīvo privilēģiju No administrative privilege on the TAPI server
0x0000FFEFPieprasījums tika atcelts The request was cancelled
0x0000FFF0Pieprasījums neizdevās nenorādīta iemesla dēļ The request failed for unspecified reasons
0x0000FFF1Nezināms pieprasījuma ID Unknown request ID
0x0000FFF2Nezināms loga turis Unknown window handle
0x0000FFF3Izsaukto numuru nevarēja sasniegt The called number could not be reached
0x0000FFF4Izsauktā puse neatbildēja The called party does not answer
0x0000FFF5Izsauktais numurs ir aizņemts The called number is busy
0x0000FFF6Šī ierīce jau tiek izmantota The device is already in use
0x0000FFF7Norādītā ierīce nav pieejama The specified device is unavailable
0x0000FFF8Šī ierīču klase nav pieejama The device class is unavailable
0x0000FFF9Nederīgs ierīces ID Invalid device ID
0x0000FFFANederīga ierīces klase Invalid device class
0x0000FFFBNederīgs loga turis Invalid window handle
0x0000FFFDIzsaukumu pieprasījumu rinda ir pilna The queue of call requests is full
0x0000FFFEŠī pieprasījuma apstrādei nav pieejama neviena programma No program is available to handle the request
0x0000FFFFIzsaukums tika atvienots The call was disconnected


File Name:tapiui.dll.mui
File Size:49 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Latvian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Windows(TM) telefonijas API lietotāja interfeisa DLL fails
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:tapiui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original File Name:TAPIui.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is tapiui.dll.mui?

tapiui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Latvian language for file tapiui.dll (Microsoft® Windows(TM) telefonijas API lietotāja interfeisa DLL fails).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Windows(TM) telefonijas API lietotāja interfeisa DLL fails
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:tapiui
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas.
Original Filename:TAPIui.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x426, 1200