File name: | appwiz.cpl.mui |
Size: | 35328 byte |
MD5: | bba6b989ad7a897828dcf7fd3f4a951f |
SHA1: | 71dd97d4e8bc6e26666b9269b2f415520399579c |
SHA256: | 13ead432ab8a8ff65e22b8d0cf6101e6f435b6e65f0602b2e880be436751ef9e |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Cornish | English |
21 | Meud | Size |
43 | Ainm | Name |
68 | %1 airson %2 (%3) | %1 for %2 (%3) |
69 | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows |
70 | Ùrachadh èiginneach | Critical Update |
71 | Hotfix | Hotfix |
72 | Ùrachadh tèarainteachd | Security Update |
73 | Pacaid seirbheise | Service Pack |
74 | Ùrachadh bathar-bog | Software Update |
75 | Ùrachadh | Update |
76 | Rollup ùrachaidh | Update Rollup |
77 | Draibhear | Driver |
83 | Cobhair | Help |
89 | Fuirich greiseag... | Please wait... |
95 | Tha rèiteachadh phrògraman a' sònrachadh dè na prògraman bunaiteach a chleachdar airson cuid a ghnìomhan, mar brabhsadh an lìn no cur post-d agus dè na prògraman a ghabhas inntrigeadh on chlàr-thaice tòiseachaidh is ionadan eile.
Tagh rèiteachadh: |
A program configuration specifies default programs for certain activities, such as Web browsing or sending e-mail, and which programs are accessible from the Start menu, desktop, and other locations.
Choose a configuration: |
96 | Ceart ma-thà | OK |
97 | Sguir dheth | Cancel |
98 | A' cur na h-atharraichean an sàs | Applying Changes |
99 | A' cur inntrigeadh an comas: | Enabling access: |
100 | A' toirt inntrigeadh air falbh: | Removing access: |
101 | Ga shuidheachadh mar aplacaid bhunaiteach: | Setting as default application: |
102 | Saothraiche a' choimpiutair | Computer Manufacturer |
103 | Suidhichidh seo na prògraman a shònraich saothraiche a' choimpiutair agad mar phrògraman bunaiteach agus cuiridh e inntrigeadh an comas, no bheir e air falbh e, airson nam prògraman gu h-ìosal. | Sets programs specified by your computer manufacturer as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below. |
105 | Suidhichidh seo prògraman a tha nam pàirt de %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% mar phrògraman bunaiteach agus cuiridh e inntrigeadh an comas, no bheir e air falbh e, airson nam prògraman gu h-ìosal. | Sets programs included in %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below. |
107 | Suidhichidh seo prògraman nach eil le %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% (nuair a tha iad ri am faighinn) mar phrògraman bunaiteach agus cuiridh e inntrigeadh an comas, no bheir e air falbh e, airson nam prògraman gu h-ìosal. | Sets non-%MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% programs (when available) as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below. |
108 | Gnàthaichte | Custom |
109 | An aire: Mura gabh inntrigeadh a chur an comas no a thoirt air falbh airson prògram, cuir fios gu solaraiche a' phrògraim sin. | Note: If a program does not respond to your choice to enable or remove access to it, please contact the vendor of that program. |
110 | Brabhsair-lìn : | Web browser : |
111 | Cleachd am brabhsair-lìn làithreach agam | Use my current Web browser |
112 | Tagh brabhsair-lìn bunaiteach | Choose a default Web browser |
113 | Prògram puist-d : | E-mail program : |
114 | Cleachd am prògram puist-d làithreach agam | Use my current e-mail program |
115 | Tagh prògram puist-d bunaiteach | Choose a default e-mail program |
116 | Cluicheadair mheadhanan : | Media player : |
117 | Cleachd an cluicheadair mheadhanan làithreach agam | Use my current media player |
118 | Tagh cluicheadair mheadhanan bunaiteach | Choose a default media player |
119 | Prògram ghrad-theachdaireachdan : | Instant messaging program : |
120 | Cleachd am prògram ghrad-theachdaireachdan làithreach agam | Use my current instant messaging program |
121 | Tagh prògram ghrad-theachdaireachdan bunaiteach | Choose a default instant messaging program |
122 | Inneal mas-fhìor do Java : | Virtual machine for Java : |
123 | Cleachd an t-inneal mas-fhìor làithreach agam do Java | Use my current virtual machine for Java |
124 | Tagh inneal mas-fhìor bunaiteach do Java | Choose a default virtual machine for Java |
125 | Cuir an comas inntrigeadh dhan phrògram seo | Enable access to this program |
126 | Cuir an comas inntrigeadh: | Enable access: |
127 | Thoir air falbh inntrigeadh: | Remove access: |
128 | %1, %2 | %1, %2 |
129 | Chan eil cead agad inntrigeadh is bun-roghainnean a shuidheachadh airson prògraman. | You do not have permission to set program access and defaults. |
130 | Suidhich inntrigeadh do phrògraman is bun-roghainnean a' choimpiutair | Set Program Access and Computer Defaults |
131 | A' suidheachadh nam un-roghainnean... | Setting Defaults... |
132 | Tagh brabhsair-lìn bunaiteach : | Choose a default web browser : |
133 | Tagh prògram puist-d bunaiteach : | Choose a default e-mail program : |
134 | Tagh cluicheadair mheadhanan bunaiteach : | Choose a default media player : |
135 | Tagh prògram ghrad-theachdaireachdan bunaiteach : | Choose a default instant messaging program : |
136 | Tagh inneal mas-fhìor bunaiteach do Java : | Choose a default virtual machine for Java : |
137 | Cleachd am prògram puist-d Microsoft làithreach agam | Use my current Microsoft e-mail program |
138 | Cuir inntrigeadh an comas dhan phrògram seo (%1) | Enable access to this program (%1) |
139 | Parser Error | Parser Error |
143 | Air a stàladh | Installed On |
144 | Bha mearachd ann nuair a bhathar a' feuchainn ri %1a dhì-stàladh. Chaidh a dhì-stàladh mu thràth. |
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It has already been uninstalled. |
152 | A bheil thu cnnteach gu bheil thu airson an t-ùrachadh seo a dhì-stàladh? | Are you sure you want to uninstall this update? |
155 | Faigh prògraman ùra on lìonra no air loidhne. | Get new programs from the network or online. |
156 | Faigh prògraman | Get Programs |
157 | Ùrachaidhean stàlaichte | Installed Updates |
158 | Dì-stàlaich prògram | Uninstall a program |
159 | Prògraman is feartan | Programs and Features |
160 | Dì-stàlaich no atharraich prògraman air a' choimpiutair agad. | Uninstall or change programs on your computer. |
162 | Dì-stàlaich no atharraich aplacaid | Uninstall or change an application |
165 | Dì-stàlaich | Uninstall |
166 | Dì-stàlaich am prògram seo. | Uninstall this program. |
167 | Atharraich | Change |
168 | Atharraich stàladh a' phrògraim seo. | Change the installation of this program. |
169 | Càraich | Repair |
170 | Càraich stàladh a' phrògraim seo. | Repair the installation of this program. |
171 | Dì-stàlaich/Atharraich | Uninstall/Change |
172 | Dì-stàlaich no atharraich am prògram seo. | Uninstall or change this program. |
173 | &Dì-stàlaich | &Uninstall |
174 | &Atharraich | &Change |
175 | C&àraich | R&epair |
176 | &Dì-stàlaich/Atharraich | &Uninstall/Change |
177 | &Stàlaich | &Install |
178 | Stàlaich | Install |
179 | Stàlaichidh seo prògram | Installs a program |
180 | Dì-stàlaich no atharraich prògram | Uninstall or change a program |
182 | Stàlaich prògram on lìonra | Install a program from the network |
183 | Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features. | Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features. |
184 | Dì-stàlaich ùrachadh | Uninstall an update |
185 | Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs. | Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs. |
186 | Feartan Windows | Windows Features |
187 | Cuir feartan Windows air no dheth. | Turn Windows features on or off. |
188 | Cuir feartan Windows air no dheth | Turn Windows features on or off |
189 | Gus feart a chur air, cuir cromag ris a' bhogsa aige. Gus feart a chur dheth, thoir a' chromag às a' bhogsa. Mas e bogsa air a lìonadh a tha ann, chan eil ach pàirt dhen fheart air. | To turn a feature on, select its check box. To turn a feature off, clear its check box. A filled box means that only part of the feature is turned on. |
190 | System Restore | System Restore |
191 | Restores system to chosen restore point. | Restores system to chosen restore point. |
193 | Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a tha Windows ag atharrachadh nam feartan. Dh'fhaoidte gun toir seo beagan mhionaidean. | Please wait while Windows makes changes to features. This might take several minutes. |
194 | Bha mearachd ann. Cha deach a h-uile feart atharrachadh mar a bha còir. | An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed. |
196 | A' lorg phrògraman a tha air an lìonra... | Searching the network for available programs... |
197 | Chan eil prògram sam bith air an lìonra a ghabhas a stàladh. | There are no programs available to install from the network. |
200 | Prògraman a tha stàlaichte an-dràsta | Currently installed programs |
201 | %d prògraman stàlaichte | %d programs installed |
202 | Ùrachaidhean a tha stàlaichte an-dràsta | Currently installed updates |
203 | %d ùrachaidhean stàlaichte | %d updates installed |
204 | Prògraman ri am faighinn | Available programs |
205 | %d prògraman ri am faighinn | %d programs available |
206 | Chan eil prògram sam bith air an lìonra a ghabhas a stàladh. Cuir diosga a-steach gus prògram ùr a stàladh | There are no programs available to install from the network. Insert a disc to install a new program |
210 | Chan eil prògram sam bith stàlaichte air a' choimpiutair seo. | No programs are installed on this computer. |
211 | A' lorg phrògraman stàlaichte... | Searching for installed programs... |
212 | Chan eil gin ùrachaidhean stàlaichte air a' choimpiutair seo. | No updates are installed on this computer. |
213 | A' lorg ùrachaidhean stàlaichte... | Searching for installed updates... |
214 | Saothraichean | Tasks |
215 | Faic cuideachd | See also |
216 | Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates. | Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates. |
217 | Faic ùrachaidhean stàlaichte | View installed updates |
222 | Gus prògram a dhì-stàladh, tagh e san liosta is briog air Dì-stàlaich, Atharraich no Càraich. | To uninstall a program, select it from the list and then click Uninstall, Change, or Repair. |
223 | Gus prògram a stàladh, tagh e san liosta is briog air Stàlaich. | To install a program, select it from the list and then click Install. |
224 | Gus ùrachadh a dhì-stàladh, tagh e san liosta is briog air Dì-stàlaich no Atharraich. | To uninstall an update, select it from the list and then click Uninstall or Change. |
231 | Cha ghabh Hyper-V a stàladh: Chan eil na comasan mas-fhìorachd air a bheil feum aig a' phròiseasair. | Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have required virtualization capabilities. |
232 | Cha ghabh Hyper-V a stàladh: Chan eil comasan Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) aig a' phròiseasair. | Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have second level address translation (SLAT) capabilities. |
233 | Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware. | Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware. |
234 | Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled. | Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled. |
500 | Windows Update | Windows Update |
501 | Bha mearachd ann. Cha deach a h-uile ùrachadh a dhì-stàladh mar a bha còir. | An error has occurred. Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled. |
504 | Fuirich greiseag fhad 's a thathar a' dì-stàladh nan ùrachaidhean. Dh'fhaoidte gun toir seo beagan mhionaidean. | Please wait while the updates are being uninstalled. This might take several minutes. |
505 | Thèid na feartan Windows a leanas a chur dheth cuideachd seach gu bheil iad an urra ri %1. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart? | The following Windows features will also be turned off because they are dependent on %1. Do you want to continue? |
506 | Ma chuireas tu %1 dheth, dh'fhaoidte gun toir sin buaidh air feartan is prògraman Windows eile a tha stàlaichte air a' choimpiutair agad, a' gabhail a-steach roghainnean bunaiteach. A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart? | Turning off %1 might affect other Windows features and programs installed on your computer, including default settings. Do you want to continue? |
507 | Rach air loidhne airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh | Go online to learn more |
508 | Dh'fhaoidte gun toir e buaidh air feartan is prògraman Windows eile a tha stàlaichte air a' choimpiutair agad, a' gabhail a-steach roghainnean bunaiteach. Rach air loidhne airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh |
Other Windows features and programs installed on your computer might also be affected, including default settings. Go online to learn more |
1001 | Fuirich mionaid gus am bi am prògram seo air a dhì-stàladh no air atharrachadh. | Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed. |
2003 | Cha ghabh am faidhle %1 a lorg. | The file %1 cannot be found. |
2012 | Tha ath-ghoirid leis an ainm %1 sa phasgan seo mu thràth. A bheil thu airson seo a chur na àite? | A shortcut named %1 already exists in this folder. Do you want to replace it? |
2013 | Tagh tiotal | Choose a Title |
2014 | exe | exe |
2016 | Brabhsaich | Browse |
2020 | Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.* | Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.* |
2027 | Cha ghabh an ath-ghoirid a chruthachadh. | Unable to create shortcut. |
2028 | install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla | install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla |
2031 | An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list? |
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list? |
2032 | An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list? |
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list? |
2035 | The system folder %1 can not be deleted. | The system folder %1 can not be deleted. |
2036 | NEWGRP | NEWGRP |
2037 | Program Group | Program Group |
2038 | No folder selected. | No folder selected. |
2042 | An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s. You can specify the new uninstall program below. |
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s. You can specify the new uninstall program below. |
2044 | Chan eil cead inntrigidh gu leòr agad gus %1 a thoirt air falbh o liosta nam prògraman is feartan. Cuir fios gu rianaire an t-siostaim agad. |
You do not have sufficient access to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list. Please contact your system administrator. |
2045 | Chan eil cead inntrigidh gu leòr agad gus %1 a dhì-stàladh. Cuir fios gu rianaire an t-siostaim agad. |
You do not have sufficient access to uninstall %1. Please contact your system administrator. |
2060 | Bha an dàrna cuid caractaran mì-dhligheach ann an ainm na h-ath-ghoirid a chuir thu a-steach no bha e ro fhada. | The shortcut name you entered either contained characters that are invalid for file names or was too long. |
2072 | Tagh ceann-uidhe na h-ath-ghoirid gu h-ìosal: | Select the target of the shortcut below: |
2200 | Cruthaich ath-ghoirid | Create Shortcut |
2201 | Dè an nì dha bheil thu ag iarraidh ath-ghoirid a chruthachadh? | What item would you like to create a shortcut for? |
2202 | Càit an cuir sinn an ath-ghoirid dhut? | Where would you like to place the shortcut? |
2203 | A bheil thu airson ainm a thoirt air an ath-ghoirid? | What would you like to name the shortcut? |
3001 | Tha feum aig aplacaid air a' PC agad air an fheart Windows a leanas: | An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature: |
3002 | A' lorg nam faidhlichean a dh'fheumas tu | Searching for required files |
3003 | Feumaidh Windows faidhlichean o Windows Update mus urrainn dha crìoch a chur air a' stàladh cuid a dh'fheartan. | Windows needs files from Windows Update to finish installing some features. |
3004 | A' luchdadh a-nuas nam faidhlichean a tha dhìth | Downloading required files |
3005 | Ga stàladh | Installing |
3006 | Chaidh am feart a leanas a stàladh: | The following feature was successfully installed: |
3007 | Chuir Windows na h-atharraichean a dh'iarr thu an sàs. | Windows completed the requested changes. |
3008 | Feumaidh Windows am PC agad ath-thòiseachadh gus stàladh an fheart a leanas a chrìochnachadh: | Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the following feature: |
3009 | Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am feart a leanas a stàladh: | The following feature couldn't be installed: |
3010 | Sguireadh de stàladh an fheart a leanas: | The installation was canceled for the following feature: |
3011 | Cha b' urrainn dha Windows ceangal ris an eadar-lìon gus na faidhlichean a tha dhìth a luchdadh a-nuas. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu ceangailte ris an eadar-lìon is briog air "Feuch ris a-rithist". | Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you're connected to the Internet, and click "Retry" to try again. |
3012 | &Feuch ris a-rithist | &Retry |
3013 | Ceart m&a-thà | O&K |
3014 | %1 %2 |
%1 %2 |
3015 | • %1 |
• %1 |
3016 | Ath-thòisich &an-dràsta | Restart &now |
3017 | Na ath-thòisich an-dràsta | Don't restart |
3019 | Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state. | Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state. |
3020 | %2 Còd na mearachd: %1 |
%2 Error code: %1 |
3021 | Error code: %1 | Error code: %1 |
3022 | Cha b' urrainn dha Windows na h-atharraichean a dh'iarr thu air a choileanadh. | Windows couldn't complete the requested changes. |
3023 | Cha ghabh dleastanasan is feartan an fhrithealaiche Windows a stàladh no a dhì-stàladh gu fèin-obrachail le panail-smachd feartan Windows. Gus dleastanasan is feartan frithealaiche Windows a stàladh, tòisich manaidsear an fhrithealaiche no cleachd cmdlets aig manaidsear an fhrithealaiche airson Windows PowerShell. |
Windows Server roles and features cannot be automatically installed or uninstalled via the Windows Features Control Panel. To install Windows Server roles and features, start Server Manager, or use the Server Manager cmdlets for Windows PowerShell. |
3024 | Cha ghabh na h-atharraichean a choileanadh. Ath-thòisich an coimpiutair agad is feuch ris a-rithist. | The changes couldn't be completed. Please reboot your computer and try again. |
3025 | Cuir an comas:%1 | Enable:%1 |
3026 | Cuir à comas:%1 | Disable:%1 |
3027 | Features on Demand User Experience Tool FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:] [/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}] Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies. /enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature. /caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send a report of the program name to Microsoft. /hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user, including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If permission is required, the operation will fail. Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot requests. EXAMPLES: FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all |
Features on Demand User Experience Tool FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:] [/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}] Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies. /enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature. /caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send a report of the program name to Microsoft. /hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user, including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If permission is required, the operation will fail. Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot requests. EXAMPLES: FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all |
3028 | A' cruinneachadh fiosrachadh mun fheart | Collecting feature details |
3029 | Chaidh ainm feart Windows mì-dhligheach a shònrachadh mar pharamadair. | Invalid Windows feature name has been specified as a parameter. |
3032 | Dh'fhaoidte nach obraich na h-aplacaidean seo ceart às aonais an fheart seo. | Your apps might not work correctly without this feature. |
3034 | Cha tèid dad atharrachadh air a' PC agad. | No changes will be made to your PC. |
3036 | Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information. | Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information. |
3037 | Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again. | Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again. |
3038 | Gheibh Windows na faidhlichean a tha dhìth air o Windows Update is coileanaidh e an stàladh. | Windows will get the files that it needs from Windows Update and complete the installation. |
3040 | Luchdaich a-nuas is stàlaich am feart seo | Download and install this feature |
3041 | Dùin | Close |
3042 | Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes. | Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes. |
3043 | Tha am feart Windows a leanas a dhìth air %1 air a' PC agad: | %1 on your PC needs the following Windows feature: |
12309 | Air a chleachdadh mu dheireadh | Last Used On |
12312 | Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults. | Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults. |
12313 | Tha rianaire an t-siostaim agad air deartan Windows a chur à comas. | Your system administrator has disabled Windows Features. |
12325 | A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %s a dhì-stàladh? | Are you sure you want to uninstall %s? |
12800 | Foillsichear | Publisher |
12801 | Tionndadh | Version |
12802 | An sealbhadair clàraichte | Registered Owner |
12803 | An companaidh clàraichte | Registered Company |
12805 | Ceangal taice | Support Link |
12806 | Àireamh-fòn taice | Support Telephone |
12807 | Ceangal cobharach | Help Link |
12808 | Ionad | Location |
12809 | Tùs | Source |
12816 | Fios gu | Contact |
12817 | Beachdan | Comments |
12818 | Leugh mi | Readme |
12819 | Ceangal a chum ùrachadh an fhiosrachaidh | Update Info Link |
12820 | Prògram | Program |
12822 | ID a' bhathar | Product ID |
12823 | ID an ùrachaidh | Update ID |
13056 | Create New Shortcut | Create New Shortcut |
13058 | This program can't run | This program can't run |
0x30000000 | Info | Info |
0x30000001 | Start | Start |
0x30000002 | Stop | Stop |
0x50000004 | Information | Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl |
File Description: | Manaidsear aplacaidean shell |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | APPWIZ |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte. |
Original Filename: | APPWIZ.CPL.MUI |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x491, 1200 |