fms.dll.mui 字体管理服务 ba3e9d3fbe00d6a14716e1608df3a0c3

File info

File name: fms.dll.mui
Size: 9216 byte
MD5: ba3e9d3fbe00d6a14716e1608df3a0c3
SHA1: d3a48314cbfe540efc68cfc5741a33b8f62093b7
SHA256: 66d91a19289f842289d88e764a146efb483f4d5ebe0be090af0ca4209c1ac970
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
101常规 Normal
102斜体 Italic
103倾斜 Oblique
104未知 Unknown
105极紧缩 Ultra Condensed
106超紧缩 Extra Condensed
107紧缩 Condensed
108半紧缩 Semi Condensed
110半展开 Semi Expanded
111展开 Expanded
112超展开 Extra Expanded
113极展开 Ultra Expanded
115未指定 Unspecified
116细体 Thin
117特细 Extra Light
120中等 Medium
121半粗体 Semi Bold
122粗体 Bold
123超粗体 Extra Bold
124黑体 Black
125超黑体 Extra Black
126半细体 Semi Light
128细斜体 Thin Italic
129细偏斜体 Thin Oblique
130特细斜体 Extra Light Italic
131特细偏斜体 Extra Light Oblique
134半细斜体 Semi Light Italic
135半细偏斜体 Semi Light Oblique
136中等斜体 Medium Italic
137中等偏斜体 Medium Oblique
138半粗斜体 Semi Bold Italic
139半粗偏斜体 Semi Bold Oblique
140粗斜体 Bold Italic
141粗偏斜体 Bold Oblique
142特粗斜体 Extra Bold Italic
143特粗偏斜体 Extra Bold Oblique
144黑斜体 Black Italic
145黑偏斜体 Black Oblique
146紧缩斜体 Condensed Italic
147紧缩偏斜体 Condensed Oblique
148紧缩中等 Condensed Medium
149紧缩中等斜体 Condensed Medium Italic
150紧缩中等偏斜体 Condensed Medium Oblique
151紧缩半粗 Condensed Semi Bold
152紧缩半粗斜体 Condensed Semi Bold Italic
153紧缩半粗偏斜体 Condensed Semi Bold Oblique
154紧缩粗体 Condensed Bold
155紧缩粗斜体 Condensed Bold Italic
156紧缩粗偏斜体 Condensed Bold Oblique
157紧缩特粗 Condensed Extra Bold
158紧缩特粗斜体 Condensed Extra Bold Italic
159紧缩特粗偏斜体 Condensed Extra Bold Oblique
160紧缩黑色 Condensed Black
161紧缩黑斜体 Condensed Black Italic
162紧缩黑偏斜体 Condensed Black Oblique
163紧缩特黑 Condensed Extra Black
164紧缩特黑斜体 Condensed Extra Black Italic
165紧缩特黑偏斜体 Condensed Extra Black Oblique
200阿拉伯语 Arabic
201皇室亚拉姆文 Imperial Aramaic
202亚美尼亚语 Armenian
203阿维斯陀文 Avestan
204巴厘文 Balinese
205巴塔克文 Batak
206孟加拉语 Bangla
207布里斯符号 Blissymbols
208中文注音符号 Bopomofo
209婆罗米文 Brahmi
210盲文 Braille
211布锡文 Buginese
213查克马文 Chakma
214加拿大土著音节文字 Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
215卡里安文 Carian
216查姆文 Cham
217切罗基语 Cherokee
218色斯文 Cirth
219哥普特文 Coptic
220塞浦路斯音节文字 Cypriot
221西里尔文 Cyrillic
222西里尔文(由古教会斯拉夫文的变体) Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant)
223梵文 Devanagari
224德泽雷特 Deseret
225埃及通用文 Egyptian Demotic
226埃及祭祀体文 Egyptian Hieratic
227古埃及象形文 Egyptian hieroglyphs
228埃塞俄比亚语 Ethiopic
229格鲁吉亚语 Georgian
230格鲁吉亚语(Khutsuri) Georgian (Khutsuri)
231格拉哥里字母 Glagolitic
232哥特音乐 Gothic
233希腊语 Greek
234古吉拉特语 Gujarati
235果鲁穆奇语 Gurmukhi
236朝鲜文 Hangul
237汉字表意文字 Han Ideographs
238汉奴劳族文 Hanunóo
239中文(简体中文) Han (Simplified)
240中文(繁体中文) Han (Traditional)
241希伯来语 Hebrew
242平假名 Hiragana
243杨松录苗文 Pahawh Hmong
244平假名、片假名 Hiragana, Katakana
245古匈牙利文 Old Hungarian
246印都斯语 Indus
247古印欧语 Old Italic
248爪哇文 Javanese
249日文 Japanese
250克耶黎文 Kayah Li
251片假名 Katakana
252卡罗须提文 Kharoshthi
253高棉语 Khmer
254埃纳德文 Kannada
255朝鲜语 Korean
256凯提体文 Kaithi
257兰那文 Lanna
258老挝语 Lao
259拉丁文(尖角体活字变体) Latin (Fraktur variant)
260拉丁文(盖尔语变体) Latin (Gaelic variant)
261拉丁文 Latin
262列普查文 Lepcha
263林佈文 Limbu
264线性文字 A Linear A
265线性文字 B Linear B
266利西亚文 Lycian
267吕底亚文 Lydian
268曼底克文 Mandaic
269摩尼文 Manichaean
270玛雅圣符文 Mayan hieroglyphs
271梅罗伊文 Meroitic
272马拉雅拉姆语 Malayalam
273Moon Moon
274蒙古语 Mongolian
275曼尼普尔文 Meetei Mayek
276缅甸文 Myanmar
277N’Ko N’Ko
278欧甘文 Ogham
279桑塔尔文 Ol Chiki
280鄂尔浑文 Orkhon
281奥里亚语 Odia
282索马里文 Osmanya
283古彼尔姆文 Old Permic
284八思巴文 Phags-pa
285巴拉维碑铭体 Inscriptional Pahlavi
286巴拉维圣诗体 Psalter Pahlavi
287书面巴拉维文 Book Pahlavi
288腓尼基文 Phoenician
289Miao Miao
290帕提亚碑铭体 Inscriptional Parthian
291[未知文字] [Unknown script]
293拉朗文 Rejang
294朗格朗格象形文字 Rongorongo
295古北欧文 Runic
296撒马利亚文 Samaritan
297沙拉堤文 Sarati
298索拉什拉特文 Saurashtra
299手语 SignWriting
300萧伯纳字母 Shavian
301僧伽罗语 Sinhala
302巽他文 Sundanese
303塞洛提纳格瑞文 Syloti Nagri
304叙利亚语 Syriac
305叙利亚文(福音体) Syriac (Estrangelo variant)
306叙利亚文(西方变体) Syriac (Western variant)
307叙利亚文(东方变体) Syriac (Eastern variant)
308塔班瓦文 Tagbanwa
309德宏傣文 Tai Le
310西双版纳新傣文 New Tai Lue
311泰米尔语 Tamil
312越南傣文 Tai Viet
313泰卢固语 Telugu
314腾格瓦文 Tengwar
315提芬纳格文 Tifinagh
316塔加路文 Tagalog
317马尔代夫书写体 Thaana
318泰语 Thai
319藏语 Tibetan
320苏美尔(乌加里特文) Cuneiform (Ugaritic)
321瓦伊文 Vai
322可见语言 Visible Speech
323苏美尔(古波斯文) Cuneiform (Old Persian)
324苏美尔(阿卡德楔形文字) Cuneiform (Sumero-Akkadian)
325彝语 Yi
326数学符号 Mathematical notation
327符号 Symbols
331阿法卡文 Afaka
332巴姆穆文 Bamum
333巴萨瓦文 Bassa Vah
334杜普洛彦速记文 Duployan shorthand
335爱尔巴桑文 Elbasan
336伽兰他文 Grantha
337女真文 Jurchen
338克吉奇文 Khojki
339格贝列文 Kpelle
340傈僳文 Lisu
341洛马文 Loma
342门德语 Mende
343麦罗埃草书 Meroitic cursive
344姆罗文 Mro
345古北阿拉伯语 Old North Arabian
346纳巴泰文 Nabataean
347纳西迦巴文 Naxi Geba
348纽苏文 Nüshu
349帕姆雷内文 Palmyrene
350古南阿拉伯文 Old South Arabian
351萨拉达文 Sharada
352库达瓦迪文 Khudawadi
353索拉桑蓬文 Sora Sompeng
354泰克里文 Takri
355唐古特文 Tangut
356Tirhuta Tirhuta
357瓦朗西提文 Warang Citi
358沃雷埃文 Woleai
359高加索阿尔巴尼亚语 Caucasian Albanian
360安那托利亚象形文字 Anatolian Hieroglyphs
361马哈詹语 Mahajani
362阿德拉姆文 Adlam
363泰阿洪文 Tai Ahom
364海特兰文 Hatran
365契丹大字 Khitan Large
366契丹小字 Khitan Small
367玛尔钦体 Marchen
368莫迪文 Modi
369穆尔塔尼文 Multani
370奥塞治文 Osage
371鲍钦豪文 Pau Cin Hau
372悉昙文 Siddham
399维吾尔语(阿拉伯语) Uyghur (Arabic script)
400活动 Active
401不活动 Inactive
403设备 Device
404光栅 Raster
405TrueType TrueType
406Postscript OpenType Postscript OpenType
407OpenType OpenType
408Postscript 类型 1 Postscript Type 1
409矢量 Vector
500文本 Text
501显示 Display
502非正式 Informal
503符号/象形文字 Symbol/Pictograph
600%s 是一个文本字样,适用于文本格式的长短各异的电子邮件和文档,当它在 %d 点(或更多)使用时,效果最好。%s%s 字体供应商是 %s。已经为使用以下任何文字(或语言)编写的文本指定了 %s: %s %s is a Text typeface that is well suited for emails and documents in both short and long runs of text and works best when used at %d points or larger. %s%s The font vendor is %s. %s has been designed for text in any of the following scripts (or languages): %s
601%s 是一个显示字样,适用于文本格式的长短各异的电子邮件和文档,当它在 %d 点(或更多)使用时,效果最好。%s%s 字体供应商是 %s。已经为使用以下任何文字(或语言)编写的文本指定了 %s: %s %s is a Display typeface that is well suited for emails and documents in both short and long runs of text and works best when used at %d points or larger. %s%s The font vendor is %s. %s has been designed for text in any of the following scripts (or languages): %s
602%s 是一个非正式字样,适用于文本格式的长短各异的电子邮件和文档,当它在 %d 点(或更多)使用时,效果最好。%s%s 字体供应商是 %s。已经为使用以下任何文字(或语言)编写的文本指定了 %s: %s %s is an Informal typeface that is well suited for emails and documents in both short and long runs of text and works best when used at %d points or larger. %s%s The font vendor is %s. %s has been designed for text in any of the following scripts (or languages): %s
603符号/象形文字: 这是一个主要包含符号或象形文字的字体,如 Wingdings 或 Segoe UI Symbol 字体。字体可能具有文字标记 Zsym。此类字体可以包含数学符号、音乐符号或不属于字母形式的其他集合。 Symbol/Pictograph: This is a font that contains mainly symbols or pictographs, such as Wingdings, or Segoe UI Symbol fonts. The font may or may not have the Script tag Zsym. Fonts in this category may cover mathematical notation, musical notation, or other collections that are not letterforms.
650是等宽字体,即每个字符的宽度都相等。 is a monospaced font, which means each character is the same width.
0x3E8FMS DLL 初始化失败 FMS DLL initialization failed
0x10000031响应时间 Response Time
0x30000000信息 Info
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x30000010NameResolution NameResolution
0x30000011GetFontNameTable 启动 GetFontNameTable Start
0x30000012GetFontNameTable 停止 GetFontNameTable Stop
0x30000013Get Name Record 启动 Get Name Record Start
0x30000014Get Name Record 停止 Get Name Record Stop
0x30000015Get Name Strings 启动 Get Name Strings Start
0x30000016Get Name Strings 停止 Get Name Strings Stop
0x30000017Get Font Data 启动 Get Font Data Start
0x30000018Get Font Data 停止 Get Font Data Stop
0x30000019GdiGetFontRealizationInfo 启动 GdiGetFontRealizationInfo Start
0x3000001AGdiGetFontRealizationInfo 停止 GdiGetFontRealizationInfo Stop
0x3000001BFmsErrorMessage FmsErrorMessage
0x50000002错误 Error
0x7000001EFMS DLL 初始化 FMS DLL initialization
0x70000020ETW 调试消息 ETW Debug Msg
0x70000023FMS API 入口调用 FMS API entry call
0x70000024FMS API 出口调用 FMS API exit call
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-FMS Microsoft-Windows-FMS
0x90000002System System
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Operational Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Operational
0x90000004Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Analytic
0x90000005Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Debug Microsoft-Windows-FMS/Debug
0xB00007DF以下对象的 FMS API 入口: %1 FMS API entry for: %1
0xB00007E0以下对象的 FMS API 出口: %1 FMS API exit for: %1
0xB0009C40FMS ETW: %1 FMS ETW: %1


File Name:fms.dll.mui
File Size:9.0 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8704
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:字体管理服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:FMS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:FMS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is fms.dll.mui?

fms.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file fms.dll (字体管理服务).

File version info

File Description:字体管理服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:FMS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:FMS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200