eqossnap.dll.mui EQoS 嵌入式管理單元延伸 b9e3493df712d252449adce1db898a48

File info

File name: eqossnap.dll.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: b9e3493df712d252449adce1db898a48
SHA1: 4c93e00f999ae03cd159e2de1fc56bcd9d685257
SHA256: aa715719e7f39017b494313caeba97a50727317490777641d40afaf2d851c841
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
2000Network QoS Policy Network QoS Policy
2002此計數器集合包含網路 QoS 原則特定的流量統計資料。 This counter set consists of flow statistics specific to a network QoS policy.
2004Packets transmitted Packets transmitted
2006此原則相關的傳送封包數目。 The number of packets sent that are covered by this policy.
2008Packets transmitted/sec Packets transmitted/sec
2010此原則相關的每秒傳送封包數目。 The number of packets sent per second that are covered by this policy.
2012Bytes transmitted Bytes transmitted
2014此原則相關的傳送位元組數目。 The number of bytes sent that are covered by this policy.
2016Bytes transmitted/sec Bytes transmitted/sec
2018此原則相關的每秒傳送位元組數目。 The number of bytes sent per second that are covered by this policy.
2020Packets dropped Packets dropped
2022此原則相關的丟棄封包數目。 The number of packets dropped that are covered by this policy.
2024Packets dropped/sec Packets dropped/sec
2026此原則相關的每秒丟棄封包數目。 The number of packets dropped per second that are covered by this policy.
5064QoS 網路原則管理員擴充程式 QoS Network Policy Manager Extension
30000建立新原則(&C)... &Create new policy ...
30001以原則為依據的 QoS Policy-based QoS
30002編輯現有的原則(&E)... &Edit existing policy ...
30003編輯現有的 QoS 原則 Edit an existing QoS policy
30004刪除原則(&D) &Delete policy
30005刪除現有的 QoS 原則 Delete an existing QoS policy
30006進階 QoS 設定(&A)... &Advanced QoS settings ...
30007進階 QoS 設定 Advanced QoS Settings
31000以原則為依據的 QoS (電腦) Policy-based QoS (Computers)
31001以原則為依據的 QoS (使用者) Policy-based QoS (Users)
40000原則名稱 Policy Name
40001通訊協定 Protocol
40002應用程式名稱或 URL Application Name or URL
40003來源連接埠 Source Port
40004目的地連接埠 Destination Port
40005來源 IP / 首碼長度 Source IP / Prefix Length
40006目的地 IP / 首碼長度 Destination IP / Prefix Length
40007DSCP 數值 DSCP Value
40008節流閥速率 Throttle Rate
40010Kbps KBps
40011Mbps MBps
40012TCP TCP
40013UDP UDP
40014TCP 及 UDP TCP and UDP
40020連接埠號碼必須介於 1 - 65535 之間。 Port number(s) must be between 1 - 65535.
40021指定的位址不正確。請輸入 IPv4 位址或 IPv6 位址。 Invalid address specified. Enter an IPv4 address or IPv6 address.
40022應用程式名稱後必須加上 exe、不可以空白、不可以包含空格,並且不可以包含 : " \ / | 等字元 The application name must end with exe, cannot be blank, cannot contain spaces, and cannot contain characters : " \ / |
40023QOS 原則名稱已存在或空白。請輸入新的原則名稱。 The QOS policy name already exists or is blank. Enter a new policy name.
40024請輸入介於 1 和 4294967295 之間的節流閥速率。 Enter a throttle rate between 1 - 4294967295.
40025請輸入介於 0 - 63 之間的 DSCP 數值。 Enter a DSCP value between 0 - 63.
40026IP 位址必須都是 IPv4 或都是 IPv6。 The IP addresses must be both IPv4 or both IPv6.
請重新啟動 gpedit,然後再試一次。
Fatal error happened while trying to access the registry.
Please restart gpedit and try again.
40028IP 位址字串的結尾字元不正確。請注意,IP 位址中不允許使用空格。 Invalid character at the end of the IP address string. Note that space is not allowed.
40029若要指定網路位址,請針對 IPv4 輸入介於 1-32 之間的首碼,並針對 IPv6 輸入介於 1-128 之間的首碼。
To specify a network address, enter a prefix between 1-32 for IPv4 and 1-128 for IPv6.
40030需要有效的 HTTP 或 HTTPS URL。
範例: http://myhost/training/ 或 https://*:445/training/
A valid HTTP or HTTPS URL is required.
Example: http://myhost/training/ or https://*:445/training/
40031從此 GPO 讀取原則時發生錯誤,因此無法顯示所有的原則。 Errors while reading policies from this GPO, not all policies are displayed.
40032刪除 QoS 原則 Delete QoS Policy
40033您確定要刪除此原則嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this policy?
40034連接埠號碼或範圍包含不正確的字元及/或空格。 The port number or range contains invalid character(s) and/or spaces.
40035連接埠範圍不正確 - 較低的連接埠號碼大於較高的連接埠號碼。 The port range is invalid - the lower port number is greater than the higher port number.
40036QoS 原則必須指定 DSCP 數值或節流閥速率。 A QoS policy must specify either a DSCP value or a throttle rate.
40037IP 位址是本機領域或私人位址。請指定正確的首碼。 The IP address is either a local scope or a private address. Specify the correct prefix.
50000原則設定檔 Policy Profile
50002IP 位址 IP Addresses
50003通訊協定及連接埠 Protocol and Ports
50004連入 TCP 流量 Inbound TCP Traffic
50005DSCP 標示覆寫 DSCP Marking Override
50100QoS 原則 QoS Policy
50200您必須先關閉現有的 QoS 原則編輯對話方塊後,才能夠執行此動作 You must close existing QoS policy edit dialog box before you can perform this action
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS/Operational Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS/Operational
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-Policy-based QoS/Analytic
0xB0000001%1 QoS 原則已順利重新整理。未偵測到變更。 %1 QoS policies successfully refreshed. No changes detected.
0xB0000002%1 QoS 原則已順利重新整理。偵測到原則變更。 %1 QoS policies successfully refreshed. Policy changes detected.
0xB0000004已順利重新整理輸入 TCP 輸送量層級的進階 QoS 設定。%1 The Advanced QoS Setting for inbound TCP throughput level successfully refreshed. %1
0xB0000009已順利重新整理 DSCP 標示覆寫的進階 QoS 設定。%1 The Advanced QoS Setting for DSCP marking overrides successfully refreshed. %1
0xB000000C此電腦已停用以網域或非網域網路類別為基礎的選擇性傳統 QoS 原則應用。QoS 原則將套用到所有網路介面。 Selective application of legacy QoS policies based on domain or non-domain network category has been disabled on this machine. QoS policies will be applied to all network interfaces.
0xB000000D在過去 %1 小時又 %2 分鐘內,%3 HTTP.SYS 回應的應用程式要求 QoS 與 URL QoS 原則衝突。 In the past %1 hour(s) and %2 minute(s), %3 HTTP.SYS responses have had their application requested QoS conflict with URL QoS policies.
0xB0000064至少有一個原則包含最低頻寬規格,而且至少有另一個原則不包含該規格。通常並不建議在相同系統中混合使用兩種類別的原則。 There is at least one policy containing minimum bandwidth specification and at least one other policy that does not. It is generally not a good idea to mix these two classes of policies on the same system.
0xB0000066%1 QoS 原則 \"%2\" 具有無效的版本號碼。將不會套用此原則。 A %1 QoS policy \"%2\" has an invalid version number. This policy will not be applied.
0xB0000068%1 QoS 原則 \"%2\" 未指定 QoS 參數 (例如 DSCP 值、節流閥速率等)。將不會套用此原則。 A %1 QoS policy \"%2\" does not specify a QoS parameter (e.g. DSCP value, throttle rate, etc.) This policy will not be applied.
0xB000006C%1 QoS 原則 \"%2\" 可能會與其他 QoS 原則衝突。請參閱相關文件,了解封包傳送時會套用哪個原則的規則。 A %1 QoS policy \"%2\" potentially conflicts with other QoS policies. See documentation for rules about which policy will be applied at packet send time.
0xB000006E已略過 %1 QoS 原則 \"%2\",因為無法處理應用程式路徑。應用程式路徑可能完全無效、包含無效的磁碟機代號,或是包含連線網路磁碟機代號。 A %1 QoS policy \"%2\" was ignored because the application path could not be processed. The application path may be totally invalid, or has an invalid drive letter, or contains network-mapped drive letter.
0xB00000C8%1 QoS 原則無法重新整理。錯誤碼: %2 %1 QoS policies failed to refresh. Error code: %2
0xB00000CC%1 QoS 原則超過允許的最大名稱長度。違規原則會列在索引為 %2 的相關原則根目錄機碼下。 A %1 QoS policy exceeds the maximum allowed name length. The offending policy is listed under the relevant policy root key with index %2.
0xB00000CE%1 QoS 原則的名稱長度為零。違規原則會列在索引為 %2 的相關原則根目錄機碼下。 A %1 QoS policy has a zero length name. The offending policy is listed under the relevant policy root key with index %2.
0xB00000D0無法開啟 %1 QoS 原則的登錄子機碼。原則會列在索引為 %2 的相關原則根目錄機碼下。 Failed to open the registry subkey for a %1 QoS policy. The policy is listed under the relevant policy root key with index %2.
0xB00000D2無法讀取或驗證名為 \"%3\" 之 %1 QoS 原則的 \"%2\" 欄位。 Failed to read or validate the \"%2\" field for %1 QoS policy named \"%3\".
0xB00000D4無法讀取或設定輸入 TCP 輸送量等級,錯誤碼: %1 Failed to read or set inbound TCP throughput level. Error code: %1
0xB00000D5無法讀取或設定 DSCP 標示覆寫設定。錯誤碼: %1 Failed to read or set the DSCP marking override setting. Error code: %1
0xD0000001使用者 User
0xD0000002電腦 Computer
0xD0000003QoS 原則未指定設定值。將套用本機電腦預設值。 Setting value is not specified by any QoS policy. Local computer default will be applied.
0xD0000004設定值為層級 0 (最小輸送量)。 Setting value is Level 0 (minimum throughput).
0xD0000005設定值為層級 1。 Setting value is Level 1.
0xD0000006設定值為層級 2。 Setting value is Level 2.
0xD0000007設定值為層級 3 (最大輸送量)。 Setting value is Level 3 (maximum throughput).
0xD0000008QoS 原則未指定設定值。將套用本機電腦預設值。依照預設,應用程式可以設定 DSCP 值,而不需考慮 QoS 原則。 Setting value is not specified by any QoS policy. Local computer default will be applied. By default, applications can set DSCP values independently of QoS policies.
0xD0000009將忽略應用程式 DSCP 標示要求。只有 QoS 原則可以設定 DSCP 值。 Application DSCP marking requests will be ignored. Only QoS policies can set DSCP values.
0xD000000A應用程式可以設定 DSCP 值,而不需考慮 QoS 原則。 Applications can set DSCP values independently of QoS policies.


File Name:eqossnap.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:14336
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:EQoS 嵌入式管理單元延伸
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:eqossnap.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:eqossnap.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is eqossnap.dll.mui?

eqossnap.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file eqossnap.dll (EQoS 嵌入式管理單元延伸).

File version info

File Description:EQoS 嵌入式管理單元延伸
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:eqossnap.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:eqossnap.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200