inetcpl.cpl.mui Internet 控制面板 b9d8cf01cabe8cdc7bda9b80269e4df0

File info

File name: inetcpl.cpl.mui
Size: 73728 byte
MD5: b9d8cf01cabe8cdc7bda9b80269e4df0
SHA1: c926651eb6d0fed7780d34b18a3d2f1bc3c34894
SHA256: 76fe00e07a8379ce71ec26fe2be014547403b96bed5f8d10607d688e9dff6ffd
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
105Internet 选项 Internet Options
77815 分钟 15 minutes
77930 分钟 30 minutes
7801 小时 1 hour
7814 小时 4 hours
7821 天 1 day
7831 周 1 week
784%1!d! 分钟 %1!d! minutes
1032该区域的允许级别: 中到高 Allowed levels for this zone: Medium to High
1033该区域的允许级别: 全部 Allowed levels for this zone: All
1034该区域的允许级别: 高 Allowed levels for this zone: High
1491%1s 个主标签页 %1s home page tabs
1581%1 (默认值) %1 (default)
1652正在删除 Internet 临时文件... Deleting Temporary Internet Files...
1653正在删除历史记录... Deleting history...
1654正在删除 Cookie... Deleting cookies...
1655正在删除表单数据... Deleting forms data...
1656正在删除存储的密码... Deleting stored passwords...
1657删除浏览历史记录 Delete Browsing History
1658正在删除浏览历史记录,请稍候。 Please wait while the browsing history is deleted.
1659正在删除 Windows Defender SmartScreen 数据... Deleting Windows Defender SmartScreen data...
1661正在删除跟踪保护数据... Deleting Tracking Protection data...
1662删除加载项数据... Deleting add-on data...
1663正在删除下载历史记录... Deleting download history...
1664正在删除网站缓存... Deleting website caches...
4300不能使用系统文件夹。 You cannot use the system folder.
4301选择放置 Internet 临时文件的新位置。 Choose a new location for your Temporary Internet Files folder.
4309项无法移动到共享驱动程序或文件夹。 Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders.
4310该文件夹是计算机名或特殊文件夹。 This folder is a computer name or a special folder.
4313配置 Internet 显示和连接设置。 Configure your Internet display and connection settings.
4320内存不足,无法继续。请关闭部分程序,然后再试一次。 There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
4322必须选择“拨号网络”连接才能使用“自动拨号”功能。 You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial.
4325该文件夹路径中包含不支持的字符。请键入另一个路径。 This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path.
4474最小 Smallest
4475较小 Smaller
4476 Medium
4477较大 Larger
4478最大 Largest
[ ] , ; =
A user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters:
[ ] , ; =
4604用户定义的 [%1] User Defined [%1]
4607你要使用的代理服务器的设置为空。这将使你无法连入 Internet。是否关闭代理连接? The settings for the proxy server you've chosen to use are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection?
4608无效的代理服务器 Invalid Proxy Server
4610 None
4612请选择一个介于 %d 和 %d 之间的值用作 Internet 临时文件使用的磁盘空间大小。 Please select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use.
4613当前为存储 Internet 临时文件留出的磁盘空间超过了大小限制。为了提高性能,目前的大小限制为 1024 MB。临时存储空间将缩小为该大小(这可能需要几分钟)。 The amount of disk space currently set aside to store temporary Internet files is above the size limit. To improve performance, the size limit is now 1024 megabytes. Your temporary storage space will be reduced to this size (this might take several minutes).


The recommended security level for this zone is "%s".

The security level that you have chosen is lower than this.

Are you sure you want to change the security level?
4615警告! Warning!
4624输入的站点名无效。名称必须以有效协议开头,如 http:// 或 https://。 The site name you entered is not valid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://.
4625安全 Security
4629添加到该区域中的站点必须使用前缀 https://,该前缀能确保连接的安全性。 Sites added to this zone must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection.
4630你的区域设置发生意外错误。无法添加该站点。 There was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site.
4631css css
4632样式表*.css所有文件*.* Stylesheets*.cssAll Files*.*
4633找不到你选定的样式表。 The style sheet you selected could not be found.
4634错误 Error
4638指定的站点已存在于另一区域中。请在添加到当前区域之前从那个区域中删除该站点。 The site you specified already exists in another zone. Please remove the site from that zone before adding it to the current zone.
You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence.
Examples of valid patterns:
Examples of invalid patterns:
4648%s 设置 %s settings
4649局域网(LAN)设置 Local Area Network (LAN) Settings
4650为 LAN 使用代理服务器(这些设置不用于拨号或 VPN 连接)(&X) Use a pro&xy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections).
4653确实要删除该拨号网络连接吗? Are you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection?
4655输入的重拨次数无效。 You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts.
4656输入的重拨间隔无效。 You have entered an invalid redial interval.
4657输入的自动断开连接的时间无效。 You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time.
4659你没有重新启动的权限。 You do not have restart privileges.
4660不能移动 Internet 临时文件。 Cannot move Temporary Internet Files.
4662这存在于“Internet 临时文件”文件夹内。 This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder.
4665请选择你可以向其中添加文件的文件夹。 Please select a folder to which you can add items.
4666当前位置: Current location:
4667新位置: New location:
4668- 你的安全设置低于推荐级别,增大了计算机受到联机攻击的风险。
- 若要更改设置,请单击“自定义级别”。
- 若要使用推荐设置,请单击“默认级别”。
- Your security settings are below the recommended level, putting your computer at an increased risk of online attack.
- To change the settings, click Custom level.
- To use the recommended settings, click Default level.
4669- 适用于可能包含有害内容的网站
- 最高的安全保护
- 禁用的安全功能较少
- Appropriate for websites that might have harmful content
- Maximum safeguards
- Less secure features are disabled
4670- 下载潜在不安全内容前提示
- 不下载未签名的 ActiveX 控件
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
4671- 适用于本地网络(Intranet)上的网站
- 大多数内容运行时都没有提示
- 不下载未签名的 ActiveX 控件
- 除了没有提示外,其他与中等级别安全级相同
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet)
- Most content will be run without prompting you
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
- Same as Medium level without prompts
4672- 提供最小的安全措施和警告提示
- 下载大多数内容,且无提示运行
- 可以运行所有的活动内容
- 适用于绝对信任的站点
- Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided
- Most content is downloaded and run without prompts
- All active content can run
- Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trust
- 要更改设置,请单击“自定义级别”
- 要使用推荐的设置,请单击“默认级别”
Custom settings.
- To change the settings, click Custom level.
- To use the recommended settings, click Default level.
4674 High
4676中低 Medium-low
4677 Low
4678自定义 Custom
There won't be enough space in the new location for the currently downloaded content.
Please either delete these files first and try again, reduce the size of the folder, or pick another location.
4680Windows 无法获取所选位置的信息。
Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen.
Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location.
4681Internet 临时文件 Temporary Internet Files
4682你的系统管理员在某个限制设置中已禁用访问该功能。 Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator.
4683Internet 控制面板 Internet Control Panel
4684未定义 Undefined
4686SSL 缓存成功清除。 The SSL cache was successfully cleared.
4687SSL 缓存成功清除 SSL Cache Cleared Successfully
4688我的电脑 My Computer
4689本地 Intranet Local intranet
4690受信任的站点 Trusted sites
4691Internet Internet
4692受限制的站点 Restricted sites
4693你的计算机 Your Computer
4694该区域适用于在你的 Intranet 上找到的所有网站。 This zone is for all websites that are found on your intranet.
4695该区域包含你确信不会损害你的计算机或文件的网站。 This zone contains websites that you trust not to damage your computer or your files.
4696该区域适用于 Internet 网站,但不适用于在受信任和受限制区域中列出的网站。 This zone is for Internet websites, except those listed in trusted and restricted zones.
4697该区域适用于可能会损害你的计算机或文件的网站。 This zone is for websites that might damage your computer or your files.
4731始终扩展图像的说明文本 Always expand ALT text for images
4732随焦点(或选择)的更改移动系统插入标记 Move system caret with focus/selection changes
4733启用建议的网站 Enable Suggested Sites
4734通过页面预测启用快速翻页 Enable flip ahead with page prediction
4735使用平滑滚动 Use smooth scrolling
4736在适用于桌面版的 Internet Explorer 上启用轻扫操作 Turn on the swiping motion on Internet Explorer for the desktop
4737启用 FTP 文件夹视图(在 Internet Explorer 之外) Enable FTP folder view (outside of Internet Explorer)
4738隐藏用于打开 Microsoft Edge 的按钮(在“新建标签页”按钮旁) Hide the button (next to the New Tab button) that opens Microsoft Edge
4739在网页中播放声音 Play sounds in webpages
4741在网页中播放动画 Play animations in webpages
4742显示图片 Show pictures
4743使用被动 FTP (用于防火墙和 DSL 调制解调器的兼容) Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
4744多媒体 Multimedia
4745浏览 Browsing
4746辅助功能 Accessibility
4749不将加密的页存盘 Do not save encrypted pages to disk
4750关闭浏览器时清空“Internet 临时文件”文件夹 Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed
4751启用增强保护模式* Enable Enhanced Protected Mode*
4753使用 SSL 3.0 Use SSL 3.0
4754使用 TLS 1.0 Use TLS 1.0
4755针对增强保护模式启用 64 位进程* Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Mode*
4757在安全和非安全模式之间切换时发出警告 Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode
4758将提交的 POST 重定向到不允许发送的区域时发出警告 Warn if POST submittal is redirected to a zone that does not permit posts
4759对证书地址不匹配发出警告 Warn about certificate address mismatch
4760检查服务器证书是否已吊销 Check for server certificate revocation
4761检查发行商的证书是否已吊销 Check for publisher's certificate revocation
4762检查所下载程序的签名 Check for signatures on downloaded programs
4763向你在 Internet Explorer 中访问的站点发送"请勿跟踪"请求* Send Do Not Track requests to sites you visit in Internet Explorer*
4769打印 Printing
4770打印背景颜色和图像 Print background colors and images
4771从地址栏中搜索 Search from the Address bar
4774ActiveX 控件和插件 ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4775运行 ActiveX 控件和插件 Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
4776下载已签名的 ActiveX 控件 Download signed ActiveX controls
4777下载未签名的 ActiveX 控件 Download unsigned ActiveX controls
4778Java Java
4779Java 权限 Java permissions
4780允许 Scriptlet Allow Scriptlets
4782脚本 Scripting
4783对未标记为可安全执行脚本的 ActiveX 控件初始化并执行脚本 Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting
4784对标记为可安全执行脚本的 ActiveX 控件执行脚本 Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
4785通过域访问数据源 Access data sources across domains
4786活动脚本 Active scripting
4787Java 小程序脚本 Scripting of Java applets
4788用户身份验证 User Authentication
4790登录 Logon
4791下载 Downloads
4792文件下载 File download
4793字体下载 Font download
4794其他 Miscellaneous
4796拖放或复制和粘贴文件 Drag and drop or copy and paste files
4797提交非加密表单数据 Submit non-encrypted form data
4798在 IFRAME 中加载程序和文件 Launching programs and files in an IFRAME
4799允许在同一窗口中的域之间拖动内容 Allow dragging of content between domains into the same window
4800允许在不同窗口中的域之间拖动内容 Allow dragging of content between domains into separate windows
4803启用 Enable
4804提示 Prompt
4805禁用 Disable
4806管理员认可 Administrator approved
4807匿名登录 Anonymous logon
4808用户名和密码提示 Prompt for user name and password
4809自动使用当前用户名和密码登录 Automatic logon with current user name and password
4810仅在 Intranet 区域中自动登录 Automatic logon only in Intranet zone
4814安全级 - 低 Low safety
4815安全级 - 中 Medium safety
4816安全级 - 高 High safety
4818禁用 Java Disable Java
4822HTTP 设置 HTTP settings
4823使用 HTTP 1.1 Use HTTP 1.1
4824通过代理连接使用 HTTP 1.1 Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections
4825始终 Always
4826从不 Never
4827悬停 Hover
4828为链接加下划线 Underline links
4832显示每个脚本错误的通知 Display a notification about every script error
4833显示友好 HTTP 错误消息 Show friendly HTTP error messages
4835下载完成后发出通知 Notify when downloads complete
4836如果 Internet Explorer 不是默认的 Web 浏览器则告诉我 Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser
4837自动检查 Internet Explorer 更新 Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates
4838关闭“历史记录”和“收藏夹”中未使用的文件夹 Close unused folders in History and Favorites
4839以 UTF-8 形式发送 URL 路径 Send URL path as UTF-8
4840发送非 Intranet URL 的 UTF-8 查询字符串 Send UTF-8 query strings for non-Intranet URLs
4841发送 Intranet URL 的 UTF-8 查询字符串 Send UTF-8 query strings for Intranet URLs
4843显示图像下载占位符 Show image download placeholders
4847仅在主窗口中显示结果 Just display the results in the main window
4848不要将未知地址提交到自动搜索提供程序 Do not submit unknown addresses to your auto-search provider
4849转到地址栏中的单字条目对应的 Intranet 站点 Go to an intranet site for a single word entry in the Address bar
4850网站数据设置 Website Data Settings
4851在 Internet Explorer 地址栏和“打开”对话框中使用直接插入自动完成功能 Use inline AutoComplete in the Internet Explorer Address Bar and Open Dialog
4852在文件资源管理器和“运行”对话框中使用直接插入自动完成功能 Use inline AutoComplete in File Explorer and Run Dialog
4853持续使用用户数据 Userdata persistence
4854允许对剪贴板进行编程访问 Allow Programmatic clipboard access
4855跨域浏览窗口和框架 Navigate windows and frames across different domains
4856启用个性化收藏夹菜单 Enable personalized favorites menu
4857Windows 会将你注销以完成对 Internet 临时文件的移动。
Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files.
Do you want to continue?
(All other changes have been saved.)
4858注销 Log Off
4862只存在一个证书时不提示进行客户端证书选择 Don't prompt for client certificate selection when only one certificate exists
4863启用集成 Windows 验证 Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
4864加载应用程序和不安全文件 Launching applications and unsafe files
4866强制屏幕外合成,即便是在终端服务器下 Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server
4867允许通过脚本更新状态栏 Allow status bar updates via script
4871启用自动图像大小调整 Enable automatic image resizing
4872显示混合内容 Display mixed content
4873为网页上的按钮和控件启用视觉样式 Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages
4874启用第三方浏览器扩展 Enable third-party browser extensions
4877该站点已在%s区域中。 This site is already in the %s zone.
4878你指定的站点已存在于 %1 区域中。要将其移动到 %2 区域中吗? The site you specified already exists in the %1 zone. Would you like to move it to the %2 zone?
4879允许 Microsoft Web 浏览器控件的脚本 Allow scripting of Microsoft web browser control
4880显示增强的安全配置对话框 Display enhanced security configuration dialog
4881允许定位到本地文件和文件夹 Allow navigation to local files and folders
4883使用弹出窗口阻止程序 Use Pop-up Blocker
4884二进制文件和脚本行为 Binary and script behaviors
4885启用 MIME 探查 Enable MIME Sniffing
4886低权限 Web 内容区域中的网站可以导航到此区域 Websites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone
4887允许脚本启动的窗口,不受大小或位置限制 Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints
4889ActiveX 控件自动提示 Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls
4890允许网页上的活动内容使用限制的协议 Allow webpages to use restricted protocols for active content
4891允许活动内容在“我的电脑”的文件中运行 Allow active content to run in files on My Computer
4892允许来自 CD 的活动内容在“我的电脑”中运行 Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer
4893高: 阻止所有弹出窗口(Ctrl+Alt 覆盖) High: Block all pop-ups (Ctrl+Alt to override)
4894中: 阻止大多数自动弹出窗口 Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups
4895低: 允许来自安全站点的弹出窗口 Low: Allow pop-ups from secure sites
4897允许运行以前未使用的 ActiveX 控件而不提示 Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt
4898允许网站打开没有地址或状态栏的窗口 Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars
4899在没有使用外部媒体播放机的网页上显示视频和动画 Display video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player
4900仅允许经过批准的域在未经提示的情况下使用 ActiveX Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without prompt
4901启用 XSS 筛选器 Enable XSS filter
4907对于新的窗口和标签页,重置缩放级别 Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs
4908对于新的窗口和标签页,将文本大小重置为中等 Reset text size to medium for new windows and tabs
4910使用 Ctrl+Tab 切换标签页时,使用最新顺序 Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab
4911将文件上载到服务器时包含本地目录路径 Include local directory path when uploading files to a server
4912允许网站使用脚本窗口提示获取信息 Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows
4913启用自动崩溃恢复 Enable automatic crash recovery
4914空白页 A blank page
4915新标签页页 The new tab page
4916你的第一个主页 Your first home page
4917在选择时显示加速器按钮 Display Accelerator button on selection
4918对新的窗口和标签页启用插入光标浏览 Enable Caret Browsing for new windows and tabs
4919播放系统声音 Play system sounds
4920加速的图形 Accelerated graphics
4921使用软件呈现而不使用 GPU 呈现 Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering
4922在 HTML5 媒体元素中启用备用的编码解码器 Enable alternative codecs in HTML5 media elements
4923允许 ActiveX 筛选 Allow ActiveX Filtering
4924在 ActiveX 控件上运行反恶意软件 Run antimalware software on ActiveX controls
4925使用 HTTP2 Use HTTP2
4926带有我的新闻提要的新标签页页面 The new tab page with my news feed
5000AaBbYyZz AaBbYyZz
5003拉丁语 Latin
5005ελληνικά ελληνικά
5006Кириллица Кириллица
5007Հայերեն Հայերեն
5008עברית עברית
5009العربية العربية
5010देवनागरी देवनागरी
5011বাংলা বাংলা
5012ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
5013ગુજરાતી ગુજરાતી
5014ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଓଡ଼ିଆ
5015தமிழ் தமிழ்
5016తెలుగు తెలుగు
5017ಕನ್ನಡ ಕನ್ನಡ
5018മലയാളം മലയാളം
5019ไทย ไทย
5020ລາວ ລາວ
5021བོད་ཡིག བོད་ཡིག
5022ქართული ქართული
5023한글 한글
5024日本語 日本語
5025繁體中文 繁體中文
5026简体中文 简体中文
5027አማRdኛ አማRdኛ
5028ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ
5030ꆈꌠꁱꂷ ꆈꌠꁱꂷ
5031⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑ ⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑
5032ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ
5033ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ
5034සිංහල සිංහල
5035ܣܘܪܝܐ ܣܘܪܝܐ
5036ဢႝတွၼ် ဢႝတွၼ်
5037ភាសាខ្មែរ ភាសាខ្មែរ
5038ދިވެހިބަސް ދިވެހިބަސް
5039ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ
5050?????? ??????
5052]D800;]DF32;]D800;]DF3F;]D800;]DF44;]D800;]DF39;]D800;]DF43;]D800;]DF3A; ??????
5053????•?????? ????•??????
5055ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲ ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲
5057????⁚?? ????⁚??
5058?? ?????? ?? ??????
5059ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ
5061ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ
5062ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈ­ᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈ­ᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ
5063ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ
5064ꕙꔤ ꕙꔤ
5304阻止所有 Cookie Block All Cookies
5306中高 Medium High
5309接受所有 Cookie Accept All Cookies
5311- 阻止来自所有网站的所有 Cookie
- 该计算机上已有的Cookie 不能被网站读取
- Blocks all cookies from all websites
- Cookies that are already on this computer cannot be read by websites
5312- 阻止来自没有精简隐私策略的网站的所有 Cookie
- 阻止没有经你明确同意就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- Blocks all cookies from websites that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
5313- 阻止没有精简隐私策略的第三方 Cookie
- 阻止没有经你明确同意就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- 阻止没有经你默许就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
- Blocks first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5314- 阻止没有精简隐私策略的第三方 Cookie
- 阻止没有经你明确同意就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- 限制没有经你默许就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent
- Restricts first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5315- 阻止没有精简隐私策略的第三方 Cookie
- 限制没有经你默许就保存你的联系信息的第三方 Cookie
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy
- Restricts third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent
5316- 保存来自任何网站的 Cookie。
- 该计算机上已有的 Cookie 可被创建它们的网站读取
- Saves cookies from any website.
- Cookies that are already on this computer can be read by the websites that created them
5317- 高级或导入的设置 - Advanced or imported settings
5351隐私导入 Privacy Import
5352成功导入了你的隐私设置文件。 Your privacy settings file was successfully imported.
5355不能导入你的隐私设置文件。可能不是一个有效的隐私设置文件。 Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file.
5356Internet 隐私首选项*.xml所有文件*.* Internet Privacy Preferences*.xmlAll Files*.*
5360选择 Internet 区域设置。 Select a setting for the Internet zone.
5361若要设置标准隐私级别而不是使用自定义设置,请单击“默认”按钮。 To set a standard privacy level instead of using custom settings, click the Default button.
5363无法添加该网站,因为该网站已在受限制的站点区域中。 This site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone.
5365启用 Windows Defender SmartScreen Enable Windows Defender SmartScreen
5368使用 Windows Defender SmartScreen Use Windows Defender SmartScreen
5380无效域 Invalid Domain
在 Internet 区域中并且必须使用 HTTP 或 HTTPS 协议。
以 xn- 开始的 URL 必须是有效 IDN 名称。


You have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be
in the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
URLs beginning with xn-- must be valid IDN names.

Examples of valid domains:

5386 Domain
5387设置 Setting
5388总是允许 Always Allow
5389总是阻止 Always Block
5414确实要删除所有站点吗? Are you sure you want to remove all sites?
5415删除所有站点 Remove all sites
5430Internet Explorer Internet Explorer

Some of the entries in your home page tab group are not webpages.

Click OK to remove unsupported entries.
5432你选择的主标签页组的网页数目超过了 Internet Explorer 支持的最大数。

The number of webpages you've selected for your home page tab group exceeds the maximum supported by Internet Explorer.

Click OK to remove the additional webpages.
5440启用 .NET Framework 安装程序 Enable .NET Framework setup
5609- 安全风险 - Security At Risk
6000国际 International
6002发送非 Intranet URL 的 IDN 服务器名称 Send IDN server names for non-Intranet URLs
6003发送 Intranet URL 的 IDN 服务器名称 Send IDN server names for Intranet URLs
6004禁用脚本调试(Internet Explorer) Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
6005禁用脚本调试(其他) Disable script debugging (Other)
6006允许运行或安装软件,即使签名无效 Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid
6007始终显示编码地址 Always show encoded addresses
6008显示编码地址通知栏 Show Notification bar for encoded addresses
6016要使这些更改生效,需要重新启动你的计算机 For changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computer
6019启用内存保护帮助减少联机攻击 Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks
6300启用本机 XMLHTTP 支持 Enable native XMLHTTP support
6304启用 DOM 存储 Enable DOM Storage
6310阻止混合了其他内容的不安全图像 Block unsecured images with other mixed content
6400.NET Framework .NET Framework
6401松散 XAML Loose XAML
6402XPS 文档 XPS documents
6403XAML 浏览器应用程序 XAML browser applications
6410(不安全) (not secure)
6411(推荐) (recommended)
6412你的安全设置导致计算机存在安全风险 Your security settings put your computer at risk
6413Internet Explorer 是默认的 Web 浏览器。 Internet Explorer is the default web browser.
6414Internet Explorer 当前不是默认的 Web 浏览器。 Internet Explorer is not currently the default web browser.
6423当前的安全设置导致计算机存在安全风险。 The current security settings will put your computer at risk.
6440输入的站点名不是有效 IDN URL。 The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL.
6441无效 URL Invalid URL
6612安全设置 - 我的电脑区域 Security Settings - My Computer Zone
6613安全设置 - 本地 Intranet 区域 Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone
6614安全设置 - Internet 区域 Security Settings - Internet Zone
6615安全设置 - 受限制的站点区域 Security Settings - Restricted Sites Zone
6616安全设置 - 受信任的站点区域 Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone
6618呈现旧版筛选器 Render legacy filters
6619允许 TDC 控制 Allow the TDC Control
6640想要 Internet Explorer 删除此网络连接吗?

Do you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection?

6641正在断开网络连接 Disconnecting network connection
6642正在删除网络连接 Deleting network connection
6643Internet Explorer 无法删除此网络连接,因为当前正在使用该网络连接。关闭该连接,然后再次尝试将其删除 Internet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it again
6711重置缩放级别 Reset zoom level
6712重置文本大小为中等 Reset text size to medium
6714启用 FTP 文件夹视图 Enable FTP folder view
6715使用直接插入自动完成功能 Use inline AutoComplete
6730网站 Website
6731文件存储 File Storage
6732数据存储 Data Storage
6733超出限制 Exceed limit
6735允许 Allowed
6736拒绝 Excluded
6738%d MB %d MB
6800使用 TLS 1.1 Use TLS 1.1
6801使用 TLS 1.2 Use TLS 1.2
6825始终在 Internet Explorer 中 Always in Internet Explorer
6826始终在桌面上的 Internet Explorer 中 Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop
6827让 Internet Explorer 决定 Let Internet Explorer decide
6828- 适用于大多数网站
- 下载可能不安全的内容之前提示
- Appropriate for most websites
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
6829- 下载可能不安全的内容之前提示 - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
6830- 适用于本地网络(Intranet)上的网站
- 运行大多数内容时没有提示
- 除了没有提示外,其他与中等安全级别相同
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet)
- Most content will be run without prompting you
- Same as Medium level without prompts
6831在后台加载站点和内容以优化性能 Load sites and content in the background to optimize performance
6832汉语拼音 Bopomofo
6833布吉斯语 Buginese
6834哥普特文 Coptic
6835德塞莱特文 Deseret
6836格拉哥里语 Glagolitic
6837哥特语 Gothic
6838古意大利文 Old Italic
6839爪哇文 Javanese
6840西非书面文 N'Ko
6841欧甘语 Ol Chiki
6842古突厥文 Old Turkic
6843索马里文 Osmanya
6844八思巴文 Phags-pa
6845索拉桑蓬文 Sora Sompeng
6846德宏傣文 Tai Le
6847西双版纳新傣文 New Tai Lue
6848提夫纳语 Tifinagh
6849瓦伊文 Vai
7001- 适用于大多数网站
- 在下载潜在的不安全内容之前提示
- 不下载未签名的 ActiveX 控件
- Appropriate for most websites
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content
- Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded
7003中-高 Medium-high
7010默认 Default
7011Monospace Serif Monospace Serif
7012Proportional Serif Proportional Serif
7013Monospace Sans Serif Monospace Sans Serif
7014Proportional Sans Serif Proportional Sans Serif
7015Casual Casual
7016Cursive Cursive
7017Smallcaps Smallcaps
7018实心 Solid
7019半透明 Semitransparent
7020透明 Transparent
7022凸起边缘 Raised edge
7023凹陷边缘 Depressed edge
7024边框 Outline
7025投影 Drop Shadow
702650 50
7027100 100
7028150 150
7029200 200
7030字体颜色 Font color
7031背景颜色 Background color
7032视窗颜色 Window color
8000始终记录开发者控制台消息 Always record developer console messages


File Name:inetcpl.cpl.mui
File Size:72 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:73216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:11.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Internet 控制面板
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:INETCPL.CPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:INETCPL.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0

What is inetcpl.cpl.mui?

inetcpl.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file inetcpl.cpl (Internet 控制面板).

File version info

File Description:Internet 控制面板
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:INETCPL.CPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:INETCPL.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200