ipsecsnp.dll.mui IP 安全性原則管理嵌入式管理單元 b85dd56314b590998911c68fb7d42146

File info

File name: ipsecsnp.dll.mui
Size: 47616 byte
MD5: b85dd56314b590998911c68fb7d42146
SHA1: fb322852150d2ac0e07a31e513ac03888848d13c
SHA256: d1f1c75d77e52345dfa7b12367eaa5355d00212940590f5ae3bea82f8f7438e6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1建立和編輯網際網路通訊協定安全性原則 Create and edit Internet Protocol Security policies
2IP 安全性原則管理 IP Security Policy Management
3大小 (從 IDS_SIZE) Size (from IDS_SIZE)
4類型 (從 IDS_TYPE) Type (from IDS_TYPE)
5本機電腦 Local Computer
6網際網路通訊協定安全性 (IPsec) 系統管理。管理 IPsec 原則以確保電腦間的通訊安全性。

部分的 IPsec 及它的相關服務是由 Microsoft Corporation 和 Cisco Systems, Inc. 共同研發。
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) Administration. Manage IPsec policies for secure communication with other computers.

Portions of IPsec and related services were jointly developed by Microsoft Corporation and Cisco Systems, Inc.
8Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
9安全性原則 Security Policies
10篩選器動作 Filter Actions
11可用的安全性原則 Available security policies
12可用的篩選器動作 Available filter actions
13篩選器動作連結,每一連結均包含與 IP 篩選器清單間的關聯 Filter action links, each containing associations to IP filter lists
14關聯的篩選器 Associated Filters
15IP 篩選器 IP Filters
16可用的 IP 篩選器 Available IP Filters
22MD5 MD5
24您確定嗎? Are you sure?
25任一 Any
26無效 Invalid
27新增 IP 篩選器清單 New IP Filter List
28新增 IP 安全性原則 New IP Security Policy
29新增篩選器動作 New Filter Action
30您必須輸入 0 到 65535 之間的連接埠號碼。 You must enter a port number that is in the range of 0 through 65535.
31您必須選取正確的 IP 篩選器清單。 A valid IP filter list must be selected.
32您必須選取正確的篩選器動作。 A valid filter action must be selected.
33ESP 完整性 ESP Integrity
34 None
35移除 IP 安全性資料時發生下列錯誤。

The following error occurred when removing IP Security data.

36因為您沒有系統管理權限 (您必須是 Administrators 群組的成員),無法儲存 IPsec 原則資料。所以,資料可能已經遺失。 (錯誤 = %1!lx!) The IPsec policy data could not be saved because you do not have administrative permissions (you must be a member of the Administrators group). As a result, data might have been lost. (Error = %1!lx!)
3840 位元 DES 40 bit DES
40低 (1) Low (1)
41媒體 (2) Medium (2)
42高 (2048) High (2048)
44通道端點名稱被解析成數個 IP 位址。將使用第一個傳回的位址。 The tunnel endpoint name resolved to multiple IP addresses. The first address returned will be used.
45無法解析通道端點名稱。無法快取 IP 位址資訊。 The tunnel endpoint name could not be resolved. No IP address information could be cached.
46無法確認完整性 (錯誤 = %lx) Unable to verify integrity (Error = %lx)
47整合已確認 Integrity verified
48您必須輸 300 秒 (5 分鐘) 到 172,800 秒 (48 小時) 之間的值。 You must enter a value that is in the range of 300 seconds (5 minutes) through 172,800 seconds (48 hours).
49您必須輸入 20,480 kb (20 MB) 到 2,147,483,647 kb (2,097,152 MB) 之間的值。 You must enter a value that is in the range of 20,480 kilobytes (20 MB) through 2,147,483,647 kilobytes (2,097,152 MB).
50預設回應 (僅限舊版的 Windows) Default response (earlier versions of Windows only)
51L2TP 基本 L2TP Base
52L2TP 擴充 L2TP Extended
53 Yes
54 No
55全部 All
57遠端存取 Remote access
58發生資料錯誤。不明的介面類型。 A data error has occurred. The interface type is unknown.
59這個規則已經不再選取正確的 IP 篩選器了。 This rule no longer has a valid IP filter selected.
60,與原則存放區 , with policy storage
61無法開啟 IPsec 原則存放區容器。找不到網域控制站。 The IPsec policy storage container could not be opened. No domain controller can be found for the domain.
62無法開啟 IPsec 原則存放區容器。無法與 Active Directory 進行通訊。 The IPsec policy storage container could not be opened. Communication with Active Directory could not be established.
63無法建立 IPsec 原則存放區容器。您可能沒有系統管理權限 (您必須是 Administrators 群組的成員)。若要建立 IPsec 原則儲存容器,您必須有系統管理權限。 The IPsec policy storage container could not be created. You might not have administrative permissions (you must be a member of the Administrators group). For the IPsec policy storage container to be created, you must have administrative permissions.
64無法開啟 IPsec 原則儲存容器。您可能沒有系統管理權限 (您必須是 Administrators 群組的成員)。若要開啟 IPsec 原則儲存容器,您必須有系統管理權限。 The IPsec policy storage container could not be opened. You might not have administrative permissions (you must be a member of the Administrators group). For the IPsec policy storage container to be opened, you must have administrative permissions.
65無法開啟 IPsec 原則存放區容器。發生下列錯誤:

The IPsec policy storage container could not be opened. The following error occurred:

66類型 Type
67ESP 機密性 ESP Confidentiality
69名稱 Name
70描述 Description
71加密及完整性 Encryption and Integrity
72僅完整性 Integrity only
73自訂 Custom
74建立 IP 安全性原則(&C)... &Create IP Security Policy...
75建立 IP 安全性原則。 Creates an IP Security policy.
78匯入原則(&I)... &Import Policies...
79從檔案匯入 IP 安全性原則資訊。 Imports IP Security policy information from a file.
80匯出原則(&E)... &Export Policies...
81將所有 IP 安全性原則的資訊匯出到檔案。 Exports information for all IP Security policies to a file.
82新增安全性方法 New Security Method
83編輯安全性方法 Edit Security Method
85重新整理原則存放區位置的 IPsec 原則資訊。 Refreshes IPsec policy information from the policy storage location.
87不要指派(&U) &Un-assign
88不要指派這個原則 (嘗試停用它)。 Un-assigns this policy (attempts to make it inactive).
89指派(&A) &Assign
90指派這個原則 (嘗試啟用它)。 Assigns this policy (attempts to make it active).
91IP 篩選器清單 IP Filter List
93驗證方法 Authentication Methods
94通道端點 Tunnel Endpoint
95連線類型 Connection Type
96發生資料錯誤。沒有和這個規則關聯的 IP 篩選器。 A data error has occurred. No IP filter has been associated with this rule.
97發生資料錯誤。多個 IP 篩選器和這個規則關聯。 A data error has occurred. Multiple IP filters are associated with this rule.
98AH 完整性 AH Integrity
99壓縮 Compression
100加密 Encryption
101完整性 Integrity
102您選取的 IP 篩選器清單目前被這個規則使用中。請先選取不同的 IP 篩選清單,再移除它。 The selected IP filter list is currently being used by this rule. Select a different IP filter list before attempting to remove it.
103您選取的篩選器動作目前被這個規則使用。在嘗試移除它前,請先選取不同的篩選器動作。 The selected filter action is currently being used by this rule. Select a different filter action before attempting to remove it.
104發生資料錯誤。 A data error has occurred.
107已指派原則 Policy Assigned
109新增規則 New Rule
110編輯規則 Edit Rule
111請選取驗證 IPsec 憑證時要使用的憑證授權單位 (CA) Select a certification authority (CA) you want to use when verifying IPsec certificates
112顯示受信任的根憑證授權單位時發生錯誤。 There was an error in displaying the trusted root certification authorities.
113匯出 Export
115管理 IP 篩選器清單 Manage IP Filter Lists
116IP 安全性原則 (位置: %1) IP Security Policies on %1
117Active Directory Active Directory
118功能未完成。 Feature not implemented.
120發生資料錯誤。沒有跟此規則關聯的篩選器動作。 A data error has occurred. No filter action is associated with this rule.
124Kerberos Kerberos
125憑證 Certificate
126預先共用金鑰 Preshared Key
127動態 Dynamic
128還原預設原則(&R) &Restore Default Policies
129將預設 IP 安全性原則還原為原始設定值。 Restores the default IP Security policies to their initial settings.
131預設 IP 安全性原則已順利還原為原始設定值。 The default IP Security policies were successfully restored to their initial settings.
132您必須選取 AH、ESP,或兩個都選。 You must select AH, ESP, or both.
133Diffie-Hellman 群組 Diffie-Hellman Group
134這個篩選器動作要求一個以上的安全性方法。 This filter action requires at least one security method.
135並未選取 ESP 加密或完整性演算法。ESP 選取項目已被移除。 No ESP encryption or integrity algorithm was selected. The ESP selection has been removed.
136網域控制站已經提供一個 IPsec 原則。
網域提供的原則會覆寫指派給本機 (或遠端) 電腦的原則。
An IPsec policy has been provided by the domain controller.
Domain provided policy overrides policy assigned on the local (or remote) computer.
137允許無安全性的通訊,可能會以不經過驗證或加密的方式傳送 IP 流量,導致網路產生安全性問題。

在使用 Windows Vista 或更新版 Windows 的電腦上,此選項允許只要無法建立安全連線,即可傳送無安全性的通訊。在 Windows 2000、Windows XP 或 Windows 2003 電腦上,這個選項允許只有在遠端電腦不支援 IPsec 時,才能傳送無安全性的通訊。

Allowing unsecured communication may expose your network to security risks by allowing IP traffic to be sent with no authentication or encryption.

On a computer with Windows Vista or a later version of Windows, this option allows unsecured communication to be sent anytime a secure connection cannot be established. On a Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 computer, this option allows unsecured communications to be sent only when the remote computer does not support IPsec.

Are you sure you want to allow unsecured communication when secure communication cannot be established?
138您要啟用無安全性的通訊嗎? Enable unsecured communication?
139您必須輸入大於零的數字到這個 IP 位址的主機部分。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the host portion of this IP address.
140您必須輸入大於零的數字到這個 IP 位址的網路部分。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the network portion of this IP address.
142已經指定 IPsec 原則,但是沒有執行 IPsec 服務。您必須開啟 'IPsec 服務' 服務以啟動指定的原則。 The IPsec policy is assigned, but the IPsec service is not running. You must start the 'IPsec Services' service to activate the assigned policy.
143已經指定原則,但是它被 Active Directory 指定原則所覆寫。 Policy is assigned, but it is being overridden by Active Directory-assigned policy.
144建立 IPsec 安全性原則 Create IPsec Security policy
146新增 IPsec 安全性規則 Add IPsec Security Rule
148輸入新 IP 安全性原則的名稱及描述 Enter the name and description of the new IP Security policy
149抓取憑證上的辨別名稱字串時發生錯誤。 There was an error retrieving the distinguished name string from the certificate.
150使用這個安全性規則時,請選取您對 IPsec 驗證所要求的憑證授權單位 (CA)。 Select the certification authority that you require for IPsec authentication when using this security rule.
152找不到預設的 ""Anybody"" IP 篩選器,原因可能是篩選器已確定遭移除。在缺少篩選器下您仍然可以繼續,或可產生一個新的篩選器供您使用。

如果您選擇還原預設的篩選器,則 IPSec Responder、 Lockdown 和 Secure Initiator 原則會同時還原到其原始設定值。

The default ""Anybody"" IP filter could not be found, probably because it was explicitly removed. You can either continue without this filter, or a new one can be generated for you.

If you choose to restore the default filter the IPsec Responder, Lockdown, and Secure Initiator policies will also be restored to their initial settings.

Do you want to restore the default policies?
153必須為此 IPsec 原則選取篩選器。預設的 "Any" 規則已經移除,因此您必須選取其他規則。 A filter must be selected for this IPsec policy. The default Any rule was removed, so you must select another rule.
159管理 IP 篩選器清單和篩選器動作(&M)... &Manage IP filter lists and filter actions...
160管理 IP 篩選器清單和篩選器動作。 Manages IP filter lists and filter actions.
161管理 IP 篩選器清單和篩選器動作 Manage IP filter lists and filter actions
163主機名稱(&T): Hos&t name:
164IP 位址或子網路(&I): &IP Address or Subnet:
165主機名稱(&H): &Host name:
167已快取的 IP 位址: Cached IP Address:
170其他 Other
171我的 IP 位址 My IP Address
172任何 IP 位址 Any IP Address
173特定 DNS 名稱 A specific DNS Name
174特定 IP 位址或子網路 A specific IP Address or Subnet
175特定 IP 子網路 A specific IP Subnet
176請選取這個嵌入式管理單元所要管理的電腦或網域 Select which computer or domain this snap-in will manage
177已經依照指定的子網路遮罩調整來源位址。 The source address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
178已經依照指定的子網路遮罩調整目的地位址。 The destination address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
179必須輸入來源 DNS 名稱。 A source DNS name must be entered.
180必須輸入目的 DNS 名稱。 A destination DNS name must be entered.
183來源 DNS 名稱解析到多重 IP 位址。第一個位址已放入快取中。 The source DNS name resolved to multiple IP addresses. The first one is being cached.
184目的 DNS 名稱解析到多重 IP 位址。第一個位址已放入快取中。 The destination DNS name resolved to multiple IP addresses. The first one is being cached.
185無法解析來源 DNS 名稱。並未將任何 IP 位址資訊放入快取中。 The source DNS name could not be resolved. No IP address information is being cached.
186無法解析目的 DNS 名稱。並未將任何 IP 位址資訊放入快取中。 The destination DNS name could not be resolved. No IP address information is being cached.
187無法依照連接埠 500 的傳輸流量來觸發 IP 安全性。連接埠 500 是被網際網路金鑰交換 (IKE) 流量所使用。 IP security cannot be triggered by port 500 traffic. Port 500 is used by Internet Key Exchange (IKE) traffic.
189鏡像 Mirrored
190目的 DNS 名稱 Destination DNS Name
191目的地位址 Destination Address
193通訊協定 Protocol
194來源連接埠 Source Port
195目的地連接埠 Destination Port
196來源 DNS 名稱 Source DNS Name
197來源位址 Source Address
200主控台儲存時,位置也會一起儲存 When this console is saved the location will also be saved
201篩選器動作需要一個以上的安全性方法來進行交涉。這個篩選器動作並沒有任何的安全性方法。請新增安全性方法,或選取不同的篩選器動作。 A filter action requires at least one security method for negotiation. This filter action has none. Select a different one, or add a security method.
202目前所選取的篩選器動作已經停用,因為它需要一個以上的安全性方法。 The currently selected filter action has been deactivated because at least one security method is required.
203這個 IP 篩選器清單是空的。它將不會比對 IP 封包。是否要這個不包含任何篩選器的篩選器清單? This IP filter list is empty. It will not match IP packets. Do you want to save this filter list without any filters?
205您必須輸入介於 0 到 255 之間的通訊協定號碼。 You must enter a protocol number that is in the range of 0 through 255.
206您不能為子網路或目的和來源位址二者使用多點傳送位址。 You cannot use a multicast address for a subnet or for both the source address and the destination address.
207IP 篩選器清單需要一個以上的篩選器才能啟動。這個 IP 篩選器清單並沒有任何的篩選器。 An IP filter list requires at least one filter to be activated. This IP filter list has no filters.
208設定名稱和描述。 Set the name and description.
209這對指定的 IP 位址來說不是正確的遮罩。 This is an invalid mask for the specified IP address.
210來源及目的地位址不能相同。 The source and destination address can not be the same.
211關閉(&C) &Close
212您選取的設定對應至 %1 安全性等級。您安全性方法的類型將會變更以回應這個狀態。 The settings you have selected correspond to a %1 security level. Your security method's type will be changed to reflect this state.
213DNS 名稱只用來建立 IP 位址篩選器。為了確保安全性,在未更新這個篩選器清單及確認是否已包含電腦的所有 IP 位址前,請勿新增、刪除或變更來源或目的 IP 位址。


DNS names are only used to build IP address filters. To ensure security, do not add, delete, or change source or destination IP addresses without updating this filter list and verifying that all IP addresses for a computer are included.

Do you want to create a filter for each of the listed addresses?

214安全性警告 Security Warning
215這個安全性方法和現存的相同。請修改它或取消這個對話方塊。 This security method duplicates an existing one. Either modify it, or cancel this dialog box.
216IP 位址或子網路(&R): IP Add&ress or Subnet:
225(%1) 所產生的篩選器動作 (%1)'s generated filter action
226指定這個原則如何回應安全通訊要求。 Specify how this policy responds to requests for secure communication.
227如果您要新增多重驗證方法,請在精靈完成後編輯預設的回應規則。 To add multiple authentication methods, edit the default response rule after completing the wizard.
228這個安全性規則必須套用到一個網路類型。 The security rule must be applied to a network type.
229如果您要新增多重驗證方法,請在精靈完成後編輯安全性規則。 To add multiple authentication methods, edit the security rule after completing the wizard.
230請選取 IP 篩選器清單,它是這個安全性規則所要套用的 IP 流量類型 Select the IP filter list for the type of IP traffic to which this security rule applies.
231請選取這個安全性規則的篩選器動作。 Select the filter action for this security rule.
232請決定這個規則應該將電腦指示為通道伺服器或通道用戶端。 Specify whether this rule indicates that the computer should act as a tunnel server or as a tunnel client.
233依照安全性規則的 IP 篩選器清單所指定,通道端點是最接近 IP 流量目的地的通道電腦。 The tunnel endpoint is the tunneling computer closest to the IP traffic destination, as specified by the security rule's IP filter list.
234設定一般篩選器動作行為。 Set the filter action behavior.
235與不支援 IPsec 的電腦進行通訊會使您網路的安全性面臨風險。 Communicating with computers that do not support IPsec may expose your network to security risks.
236請指定 IP 流量的安全性方法。如果您要新增多重安全性方法,請在精靈完成後編輯篩選器動作。 Specify a security method for IP traffic. To add multiple security methods, edit the filter action after completing the wizard.
237新增 IP 篩選器。 Add an IP filter.
238指定 IP 流量的來源位址。 Specify the source address of the IP traffic.
239指定 IP 流量的目的地位址。 Specify the destination address of the IP traffic.
240請選取 IP 通訊協定類型。如果這個類型是 TCP 或 UDP,您就必須指定來源和目的地連接埠。 Select the IP protocol type. If this type is TCP or UDP, you will also specify the source and destination ports.
241許多 TCP/IP 應用程式通訊協定都是用熟知的 TCP 或 UDP 連接埠建立的。 Many TCP/IP application protocols are established with well-known TCP or UDP ports.
242您必須輸入大於零的數字到這個 IP 位址或子網路的第一個 8 位元的字元組合。 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
243您必須輸入小於 240 的數字到這個 IP 位址或子網路的第一個 8 位元的字元組合。 You must enter a number that is less than 240 in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
244通道位址的多點傳送位址不正確。 A multicast address is not valid for a tunnel address.
245通道位址迴路位址 ( 不正確。 The loopback address ( is not valid for a tunnel address.
246IP 篩選器清單警告 IP Filter List Warning
247因為子網路遮罩無法指定子網路,目的地的 IP 子網路的描述已經變更為 "%1"。 The description for the destination IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
248因為子網路遮罩無法指定子網路,來源的 IP 子網路的描述已經變更為 "%1"。 The description for the source IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
249您必須輸入遠端電腦名稱。 You must enter a remote computer name.
250只有從任何網域成員的電腦啟用這個規則時,Kerberos 才有效。這台電腦並非網域成員之一。請問您要繼續並儲存這些原則的內容嗎? Kerberos is valid only when this rule is enabled on a computer which is a member of a domain. This computer is not a member of a domain. Do you want to continue and save these rule properties?
253金鑰存留期 (KB/秒) Key Lifetimes (KB/sec)
254%1!i! / %2!i! %1!i! / %2!i!
255編輯驗證方法 Edit Authentication Method
256新驗證方法 New Authentication Method
257無法重新整理原則。您要繼續重新整理嗎? (錯誤 = %1!lx!) There was a problem refreshing policies. Continue refreshing? (Error = %1!lx!)
258完成(&F) &Finish
259您必須輸入網域名稱。 You must enter a domain name.
260嘗試指派已還原的預設原則時發生錯誤。您必須以手動方式指定所要指派的原則。 An error occurred attempting to assign a restored default policy. You must specify the assigned policy manually.
261嘗試重新整理 IPsec 原則時發生錯誤。原則可能已被刪除,或與 IPsec 原則存放區位置的連線可能已經遺失。(錯誤 = %1!lx!) An error occurred during the attempt to refresh the IPsec policy. The policy might have been deleted or the connection to the IPsec policy storage location might have been lost. (Error = %1!lx!)
262請為這個 IP 安全性原則命名,並給予簡單的描述 Name this IP Security policy and provide a brief description
263IP 安全性原則名稱 IP Security Policy Name
264安全通訊要求 Requests for Secure Communication
265預設回應規則驗證方法 Default Response Rule Authentication Method
267網路類型 Network Type
271篩選器動作名稱 Filter Action Name
272請為這個篩選器動作命名,並給予簡單的描述。 Name this filter action and provide a brief description.
273篩選器動作一般選項 Filter Action General Options
274與不支援 IPsec 的電腦進行通訊 Communicating with computers that do not support IPsec
275IP 流量安全性 IP Traffic Security
276IP 流量來源 IP Traffic Source
277IP 流量目的地 IP Traffic Destination
278IP 通訊協定類型 IP Protocol Type
279IP 通訊協定連接埠 IP Protocol Port
280IPsec 原則存放區位置之 IPsec 原則的版本 (%d.%d) 比預期版本 (%d.%d) 還要舊。因此,這個元件可能無法正確執行。將會為無法在原則存放區位置找到的 IPsec 原則資料使用預設設定。您應該升級原則版本。 The version of the IPsec policy in the IPsec policy storage location is an earlier version (%d.%d) than that expected (%d.%d). As a result, this component might not function correctly. Default settings will be used for any IPsec policy data that is not found in the policy storage location. You should upgrade the policy version.
281IPsec 原則存放區位置之 IPsec 原則的版本 (%d.%d) 比預期版本 (%d.%d) 還要新。因此,這個元件可能無法正確執行,而且將會略過該原則存放區中的某些原則資料。您應該升級此元件。 The version of the IPsec policy in the IPsec policy storage location is a later version (%d.%d) than expected (%d.%d). As a result, this component might not function correctly, and some of the policy data in the policy store will be ignored. You should upgrade this component.
282不支援 IPsec 原則存放區中的 IPsec 原則版本。IPsec 原則存放區的 IPsec 原則是版本 (%d.x)。這個元件只支援版本 (%d.x)。為了正確執行儲存的 IPsec 原則,您必須升級這個元件。 The version of the IPsec policy in the IPsec policy storage location is not supported. The IPsec policy in the policy storage is version (%d.x). This component only supports version (%d.x). You must upgrade this component for the stored IPsec policy to function correctly.
No policy storage was found for the specified provider.
284找不到 IPsec 原則的版本資訊。因此,將無法抓取 IPsec 原則。 No IPsec policy version information was found. As a result, IPsec policies cannot be retrieved.
285不支援 IPsec 原則存放區的 IPsec 原則版本。IPsec 原則存放區的 IPsec 原則是版本 (%d.x)。這個元件只支援版本 (%d.x)。為了正確執行儲存的 IPsec 原則,您必須升級這個元件。 The version of the IPsec policy in the IPsec policy storage location is not supported. The IPsec policy in the policy storage is version (%d.x). This component only supports version (%d.x). You must upgrade this component for the stored IPsec policy to function correctly.
286Active Directory 不包含共用的憑證存放區。當設定以 Active Directory 為基礎的 IPSec 原則來使用憑證驗證時,您必須確定每一個網域成員都已安裝正確的憑證。


Active Directory does not contain a shared certificate store. When configuring Active Directory-based IPsec policy to use certificate authentication, you must ensure that each domain member has an appropriate certificate installed.

Do you want to select a certification authority from the certificate store on the local computer?
287您必須輸入名稱。 You must type a name.
289IPsec 原則存放區的網路連線已經中斷。請關閉所有已經開啟的對話方塊。

您要現在嘗試重新連線到 IPsec 原則存放區嗎?
The network connection to the IPsec policy storage location was lost. Close all open dialog boxes.

Do you want to attempt to reconnect to the IPsec policy storage location now?
290憑證授權單位 Certification authority
291方法 Method
292詳細資料 Details
293您必須先找出一個憑證授權單位 You must browse for a certification authority
294您必須指定預先共用金鑰 You must specify a preshared key
295您必須指定驗證方法。 You must specify an authentication method.
296無法移除 IP 篩選器清單,因為某些清單正在使用中。 The IP filter lists cannot be removed because one or more of them are in use.
297無法移除選取的 IP 篩選器操作,因為某些清單正在使用中。 The selected IP filter actions cannot be removed because one or more of them are in use.
298金鑰交換至少需要一種安全性方法。 Key exchange requires at least one security method.
299IP 篩選器描述和鏡像屬性 IP Filter Description and Mirrored property
300使用 [描述] 欄位指定名稱或 IP 篩選器的詳細解說。
選擇 [鏡像處理] 核取方塊以指定各個方向的篩選器。
Use the Description field to specify a name or a detailed explanation of the IP filter.
Select the Mirrored check box to specify a filter in each direction.
301上次修改時間 Last Modified Time
601%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
602IPsec 通道原則不允許軟性安全性關聯。 Soft security associations are not allowed for IPsec tunnel policy.
603DNS 伺服器 DNS Servers
604WINS 伺服器 WINS Servers
605DHCP 伺服器 DHCP Server
606預設閘道 Default Gateway
607網際網路 Proxy 伺服器 Internet Proxy Server
608HTTP Proxy HTTP Proxy
609您只能為來源或目的選擇動態位址,無法同時為兩者選擇動態位址。 You can only select a dynamic address for the source or for the destination, not for both.
610GPO 名稱 GPO Name
611優先順序 Precedence
612OU OU
613檢視(&V)... &View...
614, ,
615迴路位址 ( 是無效的來源或目的地位址。 The loopback address ( is not a valid source or destination address.
616目的地 IP 版本與來源 IP 版本不符。 Destination IP version does not match the source IP version.
2002不再支援有加密和無驗證的 ESP。使用完整性 (MD5 或 SHA1) 跟 ESP 格式。 ESP with encryption and no authentication is no longer supported. Use integrity (MD5 or SHA1) with the ESP format.
3000無法解析 DNS 名稱 '%1'。您必須輸入正確的 DNS 名稱。 The DNS name '%1' could not be resolved. You must enter a valid DNS name.
3001找到下列 DNS 名稱 '%1' 的來源 IP 位址: %2。 The following source IP addresses were found for DNS name '%1': %2.
3002找到下列 DNS 名稱 '%1' 的目的地 IP 位址: %2。 The following destination IP addresses were found for DNS name '%1': %2.
3005記憶體不足。 Out of memory.
3006您必須為 IPsec 原則輸入名稱。 You must enter a name for the IPsec policy.
3007您必須輸入介於 %1 到 %2 之間的數目。 You must enter a number that is in the range of %1 through %2.
3008分鐘數不正確。您必須輸入介於 %1 到 %2 之間的數目。 The number of minutes is invalid. You must enter a number that is in the range of %1 through %2.
3009這個金鑰交換安全性方法和現有的方法重複。您可以修改它,或取消這個對話方塊。 This key exchange security method duplicates an existing one. Either modify it, or cancel this dialog box.
3010因為下列錯誤,無法移除 IP 篩選器清單: %1。 The IP filter lists could not be removed, due to the following error: %1.
3011因為下列錯誤,無法移除 IP 篩選器操作: %1。 The IP filter actions could not be removed, due to the following error: %1.
3012無法再新增其他安全性方法。已達允許的安全性方法數目上限。 You cannot add more security methods. The maximum number of security methods have already been added.
3013無法再新增其他金鑰交換安全性方法。已達金鑰交換安全性方法清單的數目上限 %d。 You cannot add more key exchange security methods. The maximum of %d key exchange security methods have already been added to the list.
3014驗證方法清單中已有預先共用金鑰。規則不能有多個預先共用金鑰來做為驗證方法。 There is already a preshared key in the list of authentication methods. A rule cannot have multiple preshared keys as the authentication methods.
3015這個驗證方法和現有的方法重複。 This authentication method duplicates an existing one.
3016Unicode 到多位元組字串的轉換失敗。 Conversion of unicode to multibyte string failed.
4005IPsec 原則檔案 IPsec Policy Files
4006所有檔案 All Files
4007Microsoft JhengHei UI Verdana
400812 12
使用憑證對應的 IPSec 交涉將失敗。
此選項已針對此方法停用。您應該編輯使用此選項的其他方法,以確保此原則能有正確的 IP 安全性行為。
關閉此對話方塊時,請按一下 [確定] 以確保已針對此方法停用此選項。
Certificate to account mapping is not allowed on computers that are not members of a domain.
IPsec negotiations that use certificate mapping will fail.
This option is being disabled for this method. Other methods that use this option should be edited to ensure correct IP Security behavior for this policy.
When closing this dialog box, click OK to ensure that this option is properly disabled for this method.
5001儲存 IP 安全性資料時發生下列錯誤:

The following error occurred when saving IP Security data:

5002載入 IP 安全性資料時發生下列錯誤:

The following error occurred when loading IP Security data:


The operation failed due to the following error.

5004載入 IP 安全性規則資料時發生下列錯誤。某些 IP 安全性規則可能已損毀。

The following error occurred when loading IP Security rule data. Some of the IP Security rules may be corrupted.

5006IP 位址或子網路規格無效。 IP address or subnet specification is not valid.
5007不正確的位址 Invalid address
5008請輸入有效的 IPv4 位址、IPv6 位址或子網路規格。 Enter a valid IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or a subnet specification.
6011無效的字元 Invalid character
6012請輸入有效的 IPv4 或 IPv6 位址或子網路。 Enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or subnet.
6014已跳過此篩選器清單中的 %d 個篩選器,因為它們使用與此介面不相容的功能。 %d filters were skipped in this filter list because they use features that are not compatible with this interface.
6015已跳過部分篩選器 Some filters were skipped
6016MD5 及資料加密標準 (DES) 是視為不安全的演算法,且不建議使用它們。您確定要使用它們嗎? MD5 and DES are considered to be insecure algorithms and their use is not recommended. Are you sure that you want to use them?
6017匯入原則可能需要數分鐘或更久的時間。若在匯入完成前取消此程序或關閉此程式,可能會導致原則損毀。您要繼續嗎? Importing policies may take several minutes or longer. Canceling this process or closing this program before import finishes could result in policy corruption. Do you want to continue?
6018預設回應規則在 Windows Vista 中無效。它只有在舊版的 Windows 中才有效。

The default response rule is not valid on Windows Vista. It is valid only on earlier versions of Windows.

Do you want to activate it?
6019%1%2%3 %1%2%3
6020700 700


File Name:ipsecsnp.dll.mui
File Size:46 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:IP 安全性原則管理嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:IPSECSNP
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:IPSECSNP.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ipsecsnp.dll.mui?

ipsecsnp.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file ipsecsnp.dll (IP 安全性原則管理嵌入式管理單元).

File version info

File Description:IP 安全性原則管理嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:IPSECSNP
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:IPSECSNP.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200