mqutil.dll.mui 訊息佇列資源動態連結程式庫 b843f083ad5bb2df33c0e3d057be5fdf

File info

File name: mqutil.dll.mui
Size: 140800 byte
MD5: b843f083ad5bb2df33c0e3d057be5fdf
SHA1: 8f5acf80c11818085a9c11ea92df065d5ceb3677
SHA256: ebb1298f8e02bc533af1e8489eb9b4addfd3b2f29edc959d55181d38dedbd22b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1MSMQ Service MSMQ Service
3所選電腦上的訊息佇列服務統計。 Statistics for the Message Queuing service on the selected computer.
5Incoming Messages/sec Incoming Messages/sec
7傳入訊息佇列的訊息頻率已被訊息佇列服務放入所選電腦的佇列中。 The rate at which incoming Message Queuing messages are placed in queues on the selected computer by the Message Queuing service.
9Incoming Multicast Sessions Incoming Multicast Sessions
11所選電腦的開啟連入多點傳送工作階段總數。 The number of open incoming multicast sessions involving the selected computer.
13IP Sessions IP Sessions
15所選電腦的開啟 IP 工作階段總數。 The number of open IP sessions involving the selected computer.
17MSMQ Incoming Messages MSMQ Incoming Messages
19傳入訊息佇列的訊息總數已被訊息佇列服務放入所選電腦的佇列中。 The total number of incoming Message Queuing messages placed in queues on the selected computer by the Message Queuing service.
21MSMQ Outgoing Messages MSMQ Outgoing Messages
23由所選取之電腦的訊息佇列服務送出的傳出訊息佇列訊息總數。 The total number of outgoing Message Queuing messages sent from the selected computer by the Message Queuing service.
25Outgoing HTTP Sessions Outgoing HTTP Sessions
27所選電腦的開啟傳出 HTTP 工作階段數目。 The number of open outgoing HTTP sessions involving the selected computer.
29Outgoing Messages/sec Outgoing Messages/sec
31所選取之電腦的訊息佇列服務送出傳出訊息佇列訊息的速度。 The rate at which outgoing Message Queuing messages are sent from the selected computer by the Message Queuing service.
33Outgoing Multicast Sessions Outgoing Multicast Sessions
35所選電腦的開啟傳出多點傳送工作階段數目。 The number of open outgoing multicast sessions involving the selected computer.
37Sessions Sessions
39所選電腦的開啟網路工作階段總數。 The total number of open network sessions involving the selected computer.
41Total bytes in all queues Total bytes in all queues
43位於所選電腦使用中佇列的訊息佇列訊息位元組總數。 The total number of bytes in all Message Queuing messages residing in active queues on the selected computer.
45Total messages in all queues Total messages in all queues
47位於所選電腦使用中佇列的訊息佇列訊息總數。 The total number of Message Queuing messages residing in active queues on the selected computer.
49MSMQ Queue MSMQ Queue
51所選訊息佇列的訊息統計 Message statistics for the selected Message Queuing queue
53Bytes in Journal Queue Bytes in Journal Queue
55位於所選日誌的訊息佇列位元組總數。若是為電腦佇列,這計數器代表電腦日誌。 The total number of bytes in all Message Queuing messages that currently reside in the selected journal. For the Computer Queues instance, this counter represents the computer journal.
57Bytes in Queue Bytes in Queue
59目前位於所選佇列中的訊息佇列位元組總數。若是為電腦佇列,這計數器代表無法傳送的信件佇列。 The total number of bytes in all Message Queuing messages that currently reside in the selected queue. For the Computer Queues instance, this counter represents the dead-letter queue.
61Messages in Journal Queue Messages in Journal Queue
63位於所選日誌的訊息佇列訊息總數。若是為電腦佇列,這計數器代表電腦日誌。 The total number of Message Queuing messages that currently reside in the selected journal. For the Computer Queues instance, this counter represents the computer journal.
65Messages in Queue Messages in Queue
67目前位於所選佇列中的訊息佇列訊息總數。若是為電腦佇列,這計數器代表無法傳送的信件佇列。 The total number of Message Queuing messages that currently reside in the selected queue. For the Computer Queues instance, this counter represents the dead-letter queue.
69MSMQ Session MSMQ Session
71使用中工作階段 (正在執行訊息佇列的電腦間) 的統計 Statistics about active sessions between computers running Message Queuing
75所選工作階段中訊息佇列訊息抵達電腦的速度。 The rate at which Message Queuing messages are arriving at the computer in the selected session.
79所選工作階段中正從電腦送出之訊息佇列訊息的速度。 The rate at which Message Queuing messages are being sent from the computer in the selected session.
81Incoming Bytes/sec Incoming Bytes/sec
83所選工作階段中訊息位元組抵達電腦的速率。只有訊息佇列訊息內的位元組才計入。 The rate at which bytes are arriving at the computer in the selected session. Only bytes in Message Queuing messages are counted.
85Outgoing Bytes/sec Outgoing Bytes/sec
87所選工作階段中正從電腦送出之訊息位元組的速度。只有訊息佇列訊息內的位元組才計入。 The rate at which bytes are being sent from the computer in the selected session. Only bytes in Message Queuing messages are counted.
89Incoming Messages Incoming Messages
91所選工作階段中抵達電腦之訊息佇列訊息的總數。 The total number of Message Queuing messages that arrived at the computer in the selected session.
93Outgoing Messages Outgoing Messages
95所選工作階段中從電腦傳送之訊息佇列訊息的總數。 The total number of Message Queuing messages that were sent from the computer in the selected session.
97Incoming Bytes Incoming Bytes
99所選工作階段中抵達電腦的位元組總數。只有訊息佇列訊息內的位元組才計入。 The total number of bytes that arrived at the computer in the selected session. Only bytes in Message Queuing messages are counted.
101Outgoing Bytes Outgoing Bytes
103所選工作階段中從電腦送出的訊息位元組總數。只有訊息佇列訊息內的位元組才計入。 The total number of bytes that were sent from the computer in the selected session. Only bytes in Message Queuing messages are counted.
105MSMQ Incoming HTTP Traffic MSMQ Incoming HTTP Traffic
107連入 HTTP 訊息佇列訊息的統計。 Statistics about incoming HTTP Message Queuing messages.
109Incoming HTTP Messages/sec Incoming HTTP Messages/sec
111HTTP 訊息佇列訊息抵達電腦的速度。 The rate at which HTTP Message Queuing messages are arriving at the computer.
113Incoming HTTP Bytes/sec Incoming HTTP Bytes/sec
115傳入 HTTP 連線中訊息位元組抵達電腦的速度。 The rate at which message bytes are arriving at the computer in the incoming HTTP connection.
117Incoming HTTP Messages Incoming HTTP Messages
119HTTP 訊息佇列訊息抵達電腦的總數。 The total number of HTTP Message Queuing messages that arrived at the computer.
121Incoming HTTP Bytes Incoming HTTP Bytes
123傳入 HTTP 連線中訊息位元組抵達電腦的總數。 The total number of message bytes that arrived at the computer in the incoming HTTP connection.
125MSMQ Outgoing HTTP Session MSMQ Outgoing HTTP Session
127關於執行訊息佇列的此電腦與不同電腦間使用中 HTTP 工作階段的統計。 Statistics about active HTTP sessions between this computer and other computers running Message Queuing.
129Outgoing HTTP Messages/sec Outgoing HTTP Messages/sec
131所選傳出 HTTP 工作階段中從電腦送出訊息佇列訊息的速度。 The rate at which Message Queuing messages are being sent from the computer in the selected outgoing HTTP session.
133Outgoing HTTP Bytes/sec Outgoing HTTP Bytes/sec
135所選傳出 HTTP 工作階段中從電腦送出訊息位元組的速度。 The rate at which message bytes are being sent from the computer in the selected outgoing HTTP session.
137Outgoing HTTP Messages Outgoing HTTP Messages
139所選傳出 HTTP 工作階段中從電腦送出訊息佇列訊息的總數。 The total number of Message Queuing messages that were sent from the computer in the selected outgoing HTTP session.
141Outgoing HTTP Bytes Outgoing HTTP Bytes
143所選傳出 HTTP 工作階段中從電腦送出的訊息位元組總數。 The total number of message bytes that were sent from the computer in the selected outgoing HTTP session.
145MSMQ Outgoing Multicast Session MSMQ Outgoing Multicast Session
147Statistics about active outgoing multicast sessions. Statistics about active outgoing multicast sessions.
149Outgoing Multicast Messages/sec Outgoing Multicast Messages/sec
151The rate at which Message Queuing messages are being sent from the computer in the selected session. The rate at which Message Queuing messages are being sent from the computer in the selected session.
153Outgoing Multicast Bytes/sec Outgoing Multicast Bytes/sec
155所選工作階段中從電腦送出訊息位元組的速度。 The rate at which message bytes are being sent from the computer in the selected session.
157Outgoing Multicast Messages Outgoing Multicast Messages
161Outgoing Multicast Bytes Outgoing Multicast Bytes
163The total number of message bytes that were sent from the computer in the selected session. The total number of message bytes that were sent from the computer in the selected session.
165MSMQ Incoming Multicast Session MSMQ Incoming Multicast Session
167Statistics about active incoming multicast sessions. Statistics about active incoming multicast sessions.
169Incoming Multicast Messages/sec Incoming Multicast Messages/sec
173Incoming Multicast Bytes/sec Incoming Multicast Bytes/sec
175所選工作階段中訊息位元組抵達電腦的速度。 The rate at which message bytes are arriving at the computer in the selected session.
177Incoming Multicast Messages Incoming Multicast Messages
181Incoming Multicast Bytes Incoming Multicast Bytes
183所選工作階段中抵達電腦之訊息位元組的總數。 The total number of message bytes that arrived at the computer in the selected session.
Verifying backup privileges
Checking backup directory
Reading files location
Stopping the Message Queuing service and depended services:
Checking available disk space
Backing up registry settings
Backing up message files
Starting the Message Queuing service and depended services:
1011無法尋查 %1 值
Can't lookup %1 value
1012無法啟用 %1
Can't enable %1
1013無法開啟處理序 Token
Can't open the process token
1014目錄 '%1' 不是空的。無法繼續
The directory '%1' is not empty. Can't proceed
1015無法建立檔案 '%1'
Can't create file '%1'
1016無法寫入檔案 '%1'
Can't write to file '%1'
1017無法查詢登錄值 '%1'
Can't query registry value '%1'
1018無法設定登錄值 '%1'
Can't set registry value '%1'
1019無法開啟 MSMQ 登錄機碼 '\HKLM\%1' 來讀取
Can't open MSMQ registry key '\HKLM\%1' for reading
Can't open Service Control Manager
1021無法開啟 %1 服務
Can't open %1 service
1022無法停止 %1 服務
Can't stop %1 service
1023無法開啟 MQAC 驅動程式
Can't open MQAC driver
Can't release message files
1025無法啟動 %1 服務
Can't start %1 service
1026無法存取 '%1'
Can't access '%1'
1027無法在 '%1' 取得可用空間
Can't get free space at '%1'
1028無法開啟 MSMQ 登錄機碼 (\HKLM\%1)
Can't open MSMQ registry key (\HKLM\%1)
1029無法儲存 MSMQ 登錄設定值
Can't save MSMQ registry settings
1030無法還原 MSMQ 登錄設定值
Can't restore MSMQ registry settings
1031無法開啟 MSMQ 登錄機碼 '\HKLM\%1' 來讀取/寫入
Can't open MSMQ registry key '\HKLM\%1' for read/write
1032無法將 '%1' 複製到 '%2'
Can't copy '%1' to '%2'
1033無法建立目錄 '%1'
Can't create directory '%1'
1034不是正確的備份,'%1' 已遺失
Not a valid backup, '%1' is missing
1035Microsoft (R) 訊息佇列備份\還原公用程式 5.00 版
著作權 (C) Microsoft 1997-2009。著作權所有,並保留一切權利。

使用方式: mqbkup [-b | -r] backup_path [-y] [-c msmq_resource_name] [-p new_storage_path] [-s]

-b 備份到 backup_path
-r 從 backup_path 還原
-y 不要提示 (所有問題都回答 [是])
-c 叢集資源; 請指定 MSMQ 資源名稱
-p 將存放區還原到 new_storage_path
-s 僅還原系統設定
-? 列印這個說明
Microsoft (R) Message Queue Backup\Restore Utility Version 5.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft 1997-2009. All rights reserved.

Usage: mqbkup [-b | -r] backup_path [-y] [-c msmq_resource_name] [-p new_storage_path] [-s]

-b backup to backup_path
-r restore from backup_path
-y don't prompt (Yes to all questions)
-c cluster resource; please specify the MSMQ resource name
-p restore storage to new_storage_path
-s only restore system configuration
-? print this help
1036無法列舉服務 '%1' 的依存性
Can't enumerate the dependencies of service '%1'
1037無法配置記憶體 (記憶體不足)
Can't allocate memory (not enough memory is available)
Verifying restore privileges
Verifying backup
Restoring registry settings
1041正在記憶還原時間的 SeqID
Remembering SeqID at restore time
Verifying storage directories
Restoring message files
1044'%1' 的磁碟空間不足,所以無法備份
Not enough disk space for backup on '%1'
1045無法刪除檔案 '%1'
Can't delete file '%1'
1046即將從資料夾 '%1' 刪除所有檔案。要繼續嗎? (%2/%3) About to delete all files from folder '%1'. Continue? (%2/%3)
1047y y
1049n n
1051無法處理 '%1' 的完整路徑名稱
Can't process full path name of '%1'
1052錯誤: 路徑名稱引數 '%1' 太長 (最大容許長度: %2!d! 個英數字元)
Error: Pathname argument '%1' is too long (maximum allowed: %2!d! characters)
1053無法查詢 '%1' 服務的狀態
Can't query the status of the '%1' service
1054正在刪除來自資料夾 '%1' 的檔案
Deleting files from folder '%1'
1055正在準備停止 MSMQ 服務...
Preparing to stop MSMQ service...
As a result, if any running processes are affected, they will be identified below.
關閉上述所有處理序,然後按 '%1' 繼續或按 '%2' 停止。
如果您無法確定該怎麼做,請選擇 '%1'。

Close all of the above processes, and hit '%1' to continue or '%2' to stop.
If you are not sure what to do choose '%1'.
函數 '%1' 無法載入。
Unable to display processes
The function '%1' couldn't be loaded.
系統無法建立處理快照 (snapshot)。
Unable to display processes
The system faild to create processes snapshot.
系統無法找到 dbghelp.dll
Unable to display processes
The system faild to locate dbghelp.dll
1060無法為 %1 服務開啟處理程序物件。
Can't open the process object for the %1 service.
You do not have privilege to save the web directory security. Try to perform the operation from an administrator account
1062無法從檔案 '%1' 讀取
Can't read from file '%1'
1063無法取得檔案大小 '%1'
Can't get file size '%1'
1065未預期的檔案錯誤 '%1'
Unexpected File Error '%1'
Can't open a handle to the local cluster
1067無法開啟到叢集資源 '%1' 的控制代碼
Can't open a handle to cluster resource '%1'
1068無法開啟到叢集資源 '%1' 的列舉控制代碼
Can't open an enumeration handle to cluster resource '%1'
1069無法取得叢集資源 '%1' 的類型
Can't get the type of cluster resource '%1'
1070無法列舉依存於資源 '%1' 的叢集資源
Can't enumerate the cluster resources that depend on resource '%1'
1071無法判斷叢集資源 '%1' 的狀態
Can't determine the state of the cluster resource '%1'
1072無法將叢集資源 '%1' 離線
Can't take the cluster resource '%1' offline
1073無法將叢集資源 '%1' 上線
Can't bring the cluster resource '%1' online
1074無法新增登錄檢查點 '%1' 到叢集資源 '%2'
Can't add registry checkpoint '%1' to cluster resource '%2'
1075無法從叢集資源 '%2' 刪除登錄檢查點 '%1'
Can't delete registry checkpoint '%1' from cluster resource '%2'
2001列舉查詢的相關運算子。 Enumerates the relational operators for a query.
2002當傳送或接收訊息時,列舉交易選項。 Enumerates the transaction options when sending or receiving a message.
2003當同步或非同步查看或取得訊息時,列舉資料指標操作。 Enumerates the cursor operations when synchronously or asynchronously peeking at or retrieving a message.
2004列舉訊息的類別。 Enumerates the classes for a message.
2005列舉訊息的傳遞模式。 Enumerates the delivery modes for a message.
2006列舉訊息的認可等級。 Enumerates the acknowledgement levels for a message.
2007列舉訊息的日誌等級。 Enumerates the journaling levels for a message.
2008列舉訊息的追蹤等級。 Enumerates the tracing levels for a message.
2009列舉訊息的寄件者識別元類型。 Enumerates the sender identifier types for a message.
2010列舉訊息的私密性等級。 Enumerates the privacy levels for a message.
2011列舉傳送中訊息的驗證等級。 Enumerates the authentication levels for a message on sending.
2012列舉訊息的識別元大小。 Enumerates the identifier sizes for a message.
2013列舉訊息標籤的最大長度。 Enumerates the maximum length for the message label.
2014列舉開啟佇列的共用模式。 Enumerates the sharing modes for an open queue.
2015列舉開啟佇列的存取 (傳送、查看、接收) 模式。 Enumerates the access (send, peek, receive) modes for an open queue.
2016列舉佇列的日誌等級。 Enumerates the journaling levels for a queue.
2017列舉佇列的交易式等級。 Enumerates the transaction levels for a queue.
2018列舉佇列的驗證等級。 Enumerates the authentication levels for a queue.
2019列舉佇列的私密性等級。 Enumerates the privacy levels for a queue.
2020列舉佇列優先順序的最小值及最大值內容。 Enumerates the minimum and maximum queue priorities.
2021列舉佇列標籤及路徑名稱的最大長度。 Enumerates the maximum lengths for a queue label and path name.
2022列舉訊息及佇列內容的預設值。 Enumerates the default values for message and queue properties.
2023列舉所有的訊息佇列錯誤。 Enumerates all Message Queuing errors.
2024列舉所有的訊息佇列警告。 Enumerates all Message Queuing warnings.
2025公開用來尋找公用佇列的搜尋方法。 Exposes a lookup method that is used to locate public queues.
2026提供用來尋找公用佇列的搜尋方法。 Provides a lookup method that is used to locate public queues.
2027公開定義訊息的內容,以及將該訊息傳送到佇列的方法。 Exposes properties that define the message and methods for sending it to a queue.
2028提供定義訊息的內容,以及將該訊息傳送到一或多個佇列的方法。 Provides properties that define the message and methods for sending it to one or more queues.
2029公開佇列的開放例項屬性,以及用來查看或抓取其內訊息的方法。 Exposes the properties of an open instance of a queue and methods for peeking at or retrieving messages in it.
2030公開用來以非同步方式讀取訊息的事件。 Exposes events that are used for reading messages asynchronously.
2031支援非同步訊息通知的事件分配程式介面。 Event dispinterface that supports asynchronous message notifications.
2032提供佇列開啟例項的內容,以及用來查看或抓取其內訊息的方法。 Provides the properties of an open instance of a queue and methods for peeking at or retrieving messages in it.
2033提供用來非同步讀取訊息的事件。 Provides events that are used for reading messages asynchronously.
2034公開可定義佇列的屬性,以及用於建立、開啟及刪除佇列的方法,與用於更新及抓取其儲存屬性的方法。 Exposes properties that define a queue and methods for creating, opening, and deleting the queue and for updating and retrieving its stored properties.
2035提供定義一個佇列的內容、及用於建立、開啟和刪除這個佇列的方法、以及設定和抓取佇列內容的方法。 Provides the properties that define a queue and methods for creating, opening, and deleting the queue and for setting and retrieving its properties.
2036公開用來列舉 MSMQQuery.LookupQueue 所傳回公用佇列集合元件的方法。 Exposes methods for enumerating the elements of a collection of public queues returned by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue.
2037提供用來列舉 MSMQQuery.LookupQueue 所傳回公用佇列集合元件的方法。 Provides methods for enumerating the elements of a collection of public queues returned by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue.
2038公開可指定基礎 MS DTC 外部交易物件或內部交易物件的屬性,以及標準 ITransaction::Commit 與 Abort 方法。 Exposes properties that specify an underlying MS DTC external transaction object or internal transaction object and the standard ITransaction::Commit and Abort methods.
2039提供指定基礎的 MS DTC 外部交易物件或內部交易物件的內容,以及標準 ITransaction::Commit 和 Abort 方法。 Provides properties that specify an underlying MS DTC external transaction object or internal transaction object and the standard ITransaction Commit and Abort methods.
2040公開可起始新 MS DTC 外部交易並傳回 MSMQ 交易物件 (代表新的基礎交易物件) 的方法。 Exposes a method that initiates a new MS DTC external transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object.
2041提供初始新 MS DTC 外部交易並傳回代表新基礎交易物件的 MSMQ 交易物件的方法。 Provides a method that initiates a new MS DTC external transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object.
2042公開可起始新內部交易並傳回 MSMQ 交易物件 (代表新的基礎交易物件) 的方法。 Exposes a method that initiates a new internal transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object.
2043提供初始新內部交易並傳回代表新基礎交易物件的 MSMQ 交易物件的方法。 Provides a method that initiates a new internal transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object.
2044公開可傳回電腦之訊息佇列服務相關資訊的屬性,以及可執行一般設定工作的方法。 Exposes properties that return information about the Message Queuing service on a computer and methods that perform general configurational tasks.
2045提供傳回電腦上有關訊息佇列服務資訊的內容,以及執行一般設定工作的方法。 Provides properties that return information about the Message Queuing service on a computer and methods that perform general configurational tasks.
2046傳回一個符合所指定搜尋條件的公用佇列集合。 Returns a collection of public queues that match the specified search criteria.
2047傳回由 MQMSGCLASS 列舉所定義的其中一個訊息類別。 Returns one of the the message classes defined by the MQMSGCLASS enumeration.
2048為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGPRIVLEVEL 列舉所定義的其中一個私密性等級。 Sets/returns one of the privacy levels defined by the MQMSGPRIVLEVEL enumeration for the message.
2049為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGAUTHLEVEL 列舉所定義的其中一個驗證等級。 Sets/returns one of the authentication levels defined by the MQMSGAUTHLEVEL enumeration for the message.
2050傳回表示訊息已驗證 (1) 或未驗證 (0) 的數值。 Returns a value indicating whether the message was authenticated (1) or not (0).
2051為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGDELIVERY 列舉所定義的其中一個傳遞模式。 Sets/returns one of the delivery modes defined by the MQMSGDELIVERY enumeration for the message.
2052為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGTRACE 列舉所定義的其中一個追蹤等級。 Sets/returns one of the tracing levels defined by the MQMSGTRACE enumeration for the message.
2053為訊息設定/傳回介於 MQ_MIN_PRIORITY 和 MQ_MAX_PRIORITY 之間的優先順序等級。 Sets/returns a priority level between MQ_MIN_PRIORITY and MQ_MAX_PRIORITY for the message.
2054為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGJOURNAL 列舉所定義的其中一個日誌等級。 Sets/returns one of the journaling levels defined by the MQMSGJOURNAL enumeration for the message.
2055設定/傳回訊息回應佇列。 Sets/returns the response queue for the message.
2056設定/傳回可用於篩選訊息的應用程式特定資訊。 Sets/returns application-specific information that can be used to filter the message.
2057傳回訊息起源所在電腦的識別元。 Returns the identifier of the computer where the message originated.
2058傳回訊息本文長度 (以位元組為單位) 的內容。 Returns the length (in bytes) of the message body.
2059設定/傳回 Variant,該 Variant 內含使用任何內建類型或持續物件格式的訊息本文的。 Sets/returns a Variant containing the message body in the form of any intrinsic type or a persistent object.
2060為訊息設定/傳回系統管理佇列。 Sets/returns the administration queue for the message.
2061傳回訊息中 MSMQ 產生的識別元 (位元組陣列)。 Returns the MSMQ-generated identifier (array of bytes) of the message.
2062設定/傳回訊息的交互關聯識別元 (位元組陣列)。 Sets/returns the correlation identifier (array of bytes) of the message.
2063為訊息設定/傳回由 MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT 列舉所定義的其中一個認可層級。 Sets/returns one of the acknowledgement levels defined by the MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT enumeration for the message.
2064設定/傳回訊息的標籤。 Sets/returns the label of the message.
2065設定/傳回將訊息傳遞到它的目的佇列所允許的時間。 Sets/returns the amount of time allowed to deliver the message to its destination queue.
2066設定/傳回接收應用程式從訊息的目的佇列取得訊息所需的時間。 Sets/returns the amount of time that the receiving application has to retreive the message from its destination queue.
2067設定/傳回驗證訊息時,訊息佇列使用的雜湊演算法。 Sets/returns the hash algorithm that Message Queuing uses when authenticating the message.
2068設定/傳回加密私人訊息的訊息本文時所使用的加密演算法。 Sets/returns the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the message body of the private message.
2069傳回指示傳送訊息的日期和時間的 Variant (資料)。 Returns a Variant (Date) indicating the date and time when the message was sent.
2070傳回指示訊息抵達其目的地佇列的日期和時間的 Variant (資料)。 Returns a Variant (Date) indicating the date and time when the message arrived at its destination queue.
2071傳回訊息的原始目的佇列,通常用於讀取回應訊息,或讀取在電腦日誌中或寄不出的信件佇列中的訊息。 Returns the original destination queue of the message, which is typically used when reading response messages, or messages in computer journals or dead-letter queues.
2072設定/傳回訊息中含有寄件者憑證的位元組陣列。 Sets/returns an array of bytes containing the sender certificate in the message.
2073設定/傳回訊息中含有寄件者識別元的位元組陣列。 Sets/returns an array of bytes containing the sender's identifier in the message.
2074設定/傳回由 MSMQSENDERIDTYPE 列舉所定義的其中一個寄件者識別元。 Sets/returns one of the types of sender identifiers defined by the MSMQSENDERIDTYPE enumeration for the message.
2075以交易參數的選擇性使用來傳送訊息到目的佇列。 Sends the message to the destination queue with the optional use of a transaction parameter.
2076抓取附加憑證到訊息所需的資訊安全內容資訊。 Retrieves the security context information needed to attach a certificate to the message.
2077傳回由 MQACCESS 列舉為佇列所定義的其中一個存取模式。 Returns one of the access modes defined by the MQACCESS enumeration for the queue.
2078傳回由 MQSHARE 列舉為佇列所定義的其中一個共用模式。 Returns one of the share modes defined by the MQSHARE enumeration for the queue.
2079傳回用來開啟佇列的 MSMQQueueInfo 物件。 Returns the MSMQQueueInfo object that was used to open the queue.
2080傳回佇列開啟例項的控制代碼,該控制代碼可用來直接呼叫訊息佇列 API。 Returns the handle of the open instance of the queue, which can be used for directly calling Message Queuing APIs.
2081傳回表示佇列物件是這個佇列的開啟例項 (1) 與否 (0) 的數值。 Returns a value indicating whether the queue object is an open instance of the queue (1) or not (0).
2082關閉佇列的一個開啟例項。 Closes an open instance of the queue.
2083從佇列中抓取第一個訊息,並從佇列中移除該訊息。 Retrieves the first message in the queue, removing the message from the queue.
2084查看佇列中的第一個訊息。 Peeks at the first message in the queue.
2085在所指定佇列中啟動對非同步讀取訊息的事件通知、當發現訊息或訊息抵達由選擇性游標參數所指定的位置時,觸發 MSMQEvent_Arrived 事件、以及如果當應用程式等待訊息時產生錯誤,觸發 MSMQEvent_ArrivedError。 Starts event notification for asynchronously reading messages in the specified queue, firing an MSMQEvent_Arrived event when a message is found or arrives at the position specified by the optional Cursor parameter and firing an MSMQEvent_ArrivedError if an error is generated while the application waits for a message.
2086重設佇列的游標到佇列的起始位置。 Returns the queue's cursor to the beginning of the queue.
2087從佇列中抓取游標所指位置的訊息,並從佇列中移除該訊息。 Retrieves the message at the position pointed to by the cursor, removing the message from the queue.
2088游標前進到佇列中的下一個訊息並查看游標位置的訊息。 Advances the cursor to the next message in the queue and peeks at the message at the cursor.
2089查看佇列中目前的訊息而不使游標前進。 Peeks at the current message in the queue without advancing the cursor.
2090傳回公用佇列的識別元。 Returns the identifier of the public queue.
2091設定/傳回指示佇列所提供的服務類型的識別元。 Sets/returns an identifier indicating the type of service provided by the queue.
2092設定/傳回佇列的標籤。 Sets/returns the label of the queue.
2093設定/傳回佇列的路徑名稱 (實體位置)。 Sets/returns the path name (physical location) of the queue.
2094設定用來識別佇列的格式名稱,或傳回由 MSMQ 在建立佇列時產生的格式名稱,或由應用程式指定的格式名稱。 Sets the format name used to identify the queue or returns the format name generated by MSMQ when the queue was created or an application-specified format name.
2095傳回數值,該數值指示佇列為交易式 (1) 或非交易式 (0)。 Returns a value indicating whether the queue is transactional (1) or non-transactional (0).
2096設定/傳回 MQPRIVLEVEL 列舉為佇列定義的其中一個私密性等級。 Sets/returns one of the privacy levels defined by the MQPRIVLEVEL enumeration for the queue.
2097為佇列設定/傳回由 MQJOURNAL 列舉所定義的其中一個日誌等級。 Sets/returns one of the journaling levels defined by the MQJOURNAL enumeration for the queue.
2098設定/傳回佇列大小的最大值 (以 KB 為單位)。 Sets/returns the maximum size (in kilobytes) of the queue.
2099設定/傳回所有傳送到公用佇列的訊息的基本優先順序。 Sets/returns the base priority for all messages sent to the public queue.
2100傳回指示佇列建立的日期和時間的 Variant (資料)。 Returns a Variant (Date) indicating the date and time when the queue was created.
2101傳回指示佇列內容最近被修改的日期和時間的 Variant (資料)。 Returns a Variant (Date) indicating the date and time when the queue's properties were last modified.
2102為佇列設定/傳回由 MQAUTHENTICATE 列舉所定義的其中一個驗證等級。 Sets/returns one of the authentication levels defined by the MQAUTHENTICATE enumeration for the queue.
2103設定/傳回佇列日誌大小的最大值 (以 KB 為單位)。 Sets/returns the maximum size (in kilobytes) of the queue journal.
2104使用 PathName (必要的) 所設定的路徑名稱,以及選擇性參數 IsWorldReadable (預設值為 False) 和 IsTransactional (預設值為 False) 來建立新佇列。 Creates a new queue with the path name set in PathName (required) and the values set by the optional IsWorldReadable (the default is False) and IsTransactional (the default is False) parameters.
2105使用 FormatName 所設定的格式名稱,或 PathName 所設定的路徑名稱來刪除佇列。 Deletes the queue with the format name set in FormatName or the path name set in PathName.
2106以 FormatName 所設定的格式名稱或 PathName 所設定的路徑名稱,以及所指定的存取和共用模式來開啟佇列,傳回 MSMQQueue 物件。 Opens the queue specified by the format name set in FormatName or by the path name set in PathName with the access and share modes specified, returning an MSMQQueue object.
2107使用儲存於目錄服務 (用於公用佇列) 或本機電腦 (用於私人佇列) 中的數值來重新整理物件的內容。 Refreshes the properties of the object with with the values stored in the directory service (for public queues) or the local computer (for private queues).
2108使用目前物件內容的數值來更新目錄服務或本機電腦。 Updates the directory service or the local computer with the current values of the object's properties.
2109傳回指向 MSMQQuery.LookupQueue 所傳回佇列集合的起始位置,以及傳回游標所指位置的元素。 Returns the cursor to the start of the collection of queues returned by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue and returns the element at the cursor.
2110將游標指向 MSMQQuery.LookupQueue 所傳回佇列集合的下一個元素,然後傳回游標所指位置的元素。 Advances the cursor to the next element of the collection of queues returned by MSMQQuery.LookupQueue and returns the element at the cursor.
2111傳回交易分配程式所建立的基礎交易物件。 Returns the underlying transaction object created by the transaction dispenser.
2112認可訊息佇列內部交易或 MS DTC 外部交易。 Commits the Message Queuing internal transaction or MS DTC external transaction.
2113中止訊息佇列內部交易或 MS DTC 外部交易。 Aborts the Message Queuing internal transaction or MS DTC external transaction.
2114初始新交易,並傳回代表交易分配程式所建新基礎交易物件的 MSMQ 交易物件。 Initiates a new transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object created by the transaction dispenser.
2115傳回所指定電腦的全域地唯一識別碼 (GUID),此識別碼可用來為私人佇列建立私人格式名稱,或用來為電腦日誌或寄不出的信件佇列建立電腦格式名稱。 Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for a specified computer, which can be used to create a private format name for a private queue or a machine format name for the computer journal or a dead-letter queue.
2116在 MSMQQueue.EnableNotification 被呼叫,且找到訊息或訊息抵達指定佇列中的適用位置時觸動。 Fired when MSMQQueue.EnableNotification has been called and a message is found or arrives at the applicable position in the specified queue.
2117在 MSMQQueue.EnableNotification 被呼叫,且當應用程式等待訊息到達指定佇列中的適用位置期間產生錯誤時觸動。 Fired when MSMQQueue.EnableNotification has been called and an error is generated while the application waits for a message at the applicable position in the specified queue.
2118傳回表示所有使用者都可以讀取佇列中的訊息 (1),或只有佇列擁有者可以讀取佇列中訊息 (0) 的數值。 Returns a value indicating whether everyone can read messages in the queue (1) or only the owner of the queue can read messages in it (0, the default).
2119列舉各種雜湊及加密演算法。 Enumerates the various hashing and encryption algorithms.
2120公開可指定基礎 MS DTC 外部交易物件或內部交易物件的屬性、初始化方法,以及標準 ITransaction::Commit 與 Abort 方法。 Exposes properties that specify an underlying MS DTC external transaction object or internal transaction object, an initialization method, and the standard ITransaction::Commit and Abort methods.
2121初始化代表現存基礎交易物件的 MSMQ 交易物件。 Initializes an MSMQ transaction object to represent an existing underlying transaction object.
2123這個方法用來在 Active Directory 網域服務中登錄使用者憑證。 Method used to register a user certificate in Active Directory Domain Services.
2124列舉在登錄憑證時指定的旗標。 Enumerates the flags that specify when an certificate is registered.
2125在 MSMQApplication.RegisterCertificate 被呼叫時登錄一個內部或外部憑證。 Register an internal or external certificate whenever MSMQApplication.RegisterCertificate is called.
2126只有在不存在任何憑證時,登錄新的內部憑證。 Register a new internal certificate only if none exists.
2128傳回佇列的 DNS 路徑名稱。 Returns the DNS path name of the queue.
2140傳回用來傳送訊息的電傳格式。 Returns the the wire format used to send the message.
2141設定/傳回與訊息相關關聯的其他應用程式定義的資訊。 Sets/returns additional application-defined information that is associated with the message.
2142設定/傳回表示一般由訊息佇列設定的訊息內容是否已產生,且已由傳送應用程式設定的數值。 Sets/returns a value indicating whether some message properties typically set by Message Queuing were generated and set by the sending application.
2143設定/傳回來源電腦上的交易狀態佇列。 Sets/returns the transaction status queue on the source computer.
2144設定/傳回用來加密訊息的對稱式金鑰。 Sets/returns the symmetric key used to encrypt messages.
2145設定/傳回附加到訊息的 MSMQ 1.0 簽章或應用程式產生的數位簽章。 Sets/returns the specifies the MSMQ 1.0 signature or application-generated digital signature that is attached to the message.
2146設定/傳回用來產生附加到訊息的數位簽章的加密編譯服務提供者類型。 Sets/returns the type of cryptographic service provider used to generate the digital signature attached to the message.
2147設定/傳回用來產生附加到訊息的數位簽章的加密編譯服務提供者名稱。 Sets/returns the name of the cryptographic provider used to generate the digital signature attached to the message.
2155傳回表示哪個交易傳送了訊息的識別元。 Returns an identifier indicating which transaction sent the message.
2156傳回表示訊息是交易中第一個傳送的訊息 (1) 與否 (0) 的數值。 Returns a value indicating whether the message was the first message sent in a transaction (1) or not (0).
2157傳回表示訊息是交易中最後一個傳送的訊息 (1) 與否 (0) 的數值。 Returns a value indicating whether the message was the last message sent in a transaction (1) or not (0).
2162傳回由電腦的全域唯一識別碼所指出的電腦名稱。 Returns the name of a computer specified by its globally unique identifier (GUID).
2163傳回電腦上所執行訊息佇列的主版本編號。 Returns the major version number of Message Queuing running on the computer.
2164傳回電腦上所執行訊息佇列的副版本編號。 Returns the minor version number of Message Queuing running on the computer.
2165傳回電腦上所執行訊息佇列的組建版本編號。 Returns the build version number of Message Queuing running on the computer.
2166傳回表示這個電腦上的訊息佇列服務是否已設定使用 Active Directory 網域服務,且目前以網域或離線模式操作的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the Message Queuing service on the computer is configured to use Active Directory Domain Services and is operating in domain or offline mode.
2168為目的佇列中的訊息傳回由 MQMSGAUTHENTICATION 列舉所定義的其中一個驗證等級。 Returns one of the authentication levels defined by the MQMSGAUTHENTICATION enumeration for the message in the destination queue.
2169列舉已傳送訊息的驗證等級。 Enumerates the authentication levels of a delivered message.
2171傳回 MSMQTransaction 物件以 Variant 型別 (VT_UNKNOWN) 所使用基礎交易物件上的 ITransaction 介面。 Returns the ITransaction interface on the underlying transaction object that is used by the MSMQTransaction object as a Variant (VT_UNKNOWN).
2175公開可指定一或多個佇列的屬性,以及可開啟及關閉目的地物件 (代表用於傳送訊息的一或多個佇列) 的方法。 Exposes properties that specify one or more queues and methods that open and close a destination object representing the queue or queues for sending messages.
2176開啟 MSMQDestination 物件以傳送訊息到 ADsPath、FormatName、或 PathName 內容所指定的佇列。 Opens the MSMQDestination object for sending messages to the queue or queues specified by the ADsPath, FormatName, or PathName property.
2177傳回表示 MSMQDestination 物件是否開啟以傳送訊息的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether or not the MSMQDestination object is open for sending messages.
2178傳回/設定指向儲存在 Active Directory 網域服務中通訊群組清單、公用佇列或佇列別名的 AD 路徑。 Sets/returns the ADs path to a distribution list, public queue, or queue alias object stored in Active Directory Domain Services.
2179傳回/設定由 MSMQDestination 物件代表的佇列格式名稱。 Sets/returns the format name of the queue or queues represented by the MSMQDestination object.
2180提供指定一或多個佇列的內容,以及為訊息傳送開啟和關閉物件的方法。 Provides properties that specify one or more queues and methods that open and close the object for sending messages.
2181傳回/設定指定一或多個用於傳回回應訊息的佇列的 MSMQDestination 物件。 Sets/returns an MSMQDestination object specifying one or more queues for returning response messages.
2183傳回/設定指定一或多個訊息原本傳送到的佇列的 MSMQDestination 物件。 Returns an MSMQDestination object specifying one or more queues to which the message was originally sent.
2184傳回/設定指向儲存在 Active Directory 網域服務中公用佇列物件的 AD 路徑。 Sets/returns the ADs path to a public queue object stored in Active Directory Domain Services.
2185傳回指定佇列開啟例項控制代碼的 Variant (VT_I8),該控制代碼可用來直接呼叫訊息佇列 API。 Returns a Variant (VT_I8) specifying the handle of the open instance of the queue, which can be used for directly calling Message Queuing APIs.
2187公開可定義訊息的屬性,以及可用於將訊息傳送到佇列或 MSMQDestination 物件 (代表一或多個佇列) 的方法。 Exposes properties that define the message and methods for sending it to a queue or to an MSMQDestination object representing one or more queues.
2193傳送訊息到由 MSMQDestination 物件、MSMQQueue 物件、或在 Active Directory 網域服務中以交易參數的選擇性使用來定義 MSMQ 目的地的 IAD 物件所指定的佇列。 Sends the message to the queue or queues specified by an MSMQDestination object, an MSMQQueue object, or an IADs object that defines an MSMQ destination in Active Directory Domain Services with the optional use of a transaction parameter.
2194關閉開啟的 MSMQDestination 物件。 Closes the open MSMQDestination object.
2195設定/傳回一個公用或私人佇列的路徑名稱。 Sets/returns the path name of a public or private queue.
2196傳回包含 64 位元訊息尋查識別元代表字串的 Variant。 Returns a Variant containing a string representation of the 64-bit lookup indentifier of the message.
2197使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且具有選擇性參數 Transaction (預設值為 MTS Transaction)、WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來抓取訊息,並將訊息從佇列中移除。 Retrieves a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier, removing it from the queue, and has the optional parameters Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2198使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且具有選擇性參數 Transaction (預設值為 MTS Transaction)、WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來抓取訊息的下一個訊息,並將訊息從佇列中移除。 Retrieves the message following a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier, removing it from the queue, and has the optional parameters Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2199使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且有選擇性參數 Transaction (預設值為 MTS Transaction)、WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來抓取訊息的前一個訊息,並將訊息從佇列中移除。 Retrieves the message preceding a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier, removing it from the queue, and has the optional parameters Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2200抓取佇列中的第一個訊息,並將它從佇列中移除,選擇性參數包含 Transaction (預設值為 MTS Transaction)、WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 與 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False)。 Retrieves the first message in the queue, removing it from the queue, and has the optional parameters Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2201抓取佇列中的最後一個訊息,並將它從佇列中移除,選擇性參數包含 Transaction (預設值為 MTS Transaction)、WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 與 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False)。 Retrieves the last message in the queue, removing it from the queue, and has the optional parameters Transaction (default set to MTS Transaction), WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2202使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且具有選擇性參數 WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來窺視訊息。 Peeks at a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier and has the optional parameters WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2203使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且具有選擇性參數 WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來窺視訊息的下一個訊息。 Peeks at the message following a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier and has the optional parameters WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2204使用與指定的查詢識別元相同,且具有選擇性參數 WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False) 的 LookupId 內容來窺視訊息的前一個訊息。 Peeks at the message preceding a message with a LookupId property that is equal to the specified lookup identifier and has the optional parameters WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2205窺視佇列中的第一個訊息。選擇性參數包含 WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False)。 Peeks at the first message in the queue and has the optional parameters WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2206窺視佇列中的最後一個訊息。選擇性參數包含 WantDestinationQueue (預設值為 False)、WantBody (預設值為 True) 及 WantConnectorType (預設值為 False)。 Peeks at the last message in the queue and has the optional parameters WantDestinationQueue (default set to False), WantBody (default set to True), and WantConnectorType (default set to False).
2207傳回表示訊息已驗證 (True) 或未驗證 (False) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the message was authenticated (True) or not (False).
2208傳回表示訊息是交易中第一個傳送的訊息 (True) 與否 (False) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the message was the first message sent in a transaction (True) or not (False).
2209傳回表示訊息是交易中最後一個傳送的訊息 (True) 與否 (False) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the message was the last message sent in a transaction (True) or not (False).
2210傳回表示佇列物件是這個佇列的開啟例項 (True) 與否 (False) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the queue object is an open instance of the queue (True) or not (False).
2211傳回表示佇列為交易式 (True) 或非交易式 (False) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the queue is transactional (True) or non-transactional (False).
2212傳回表示所有使用者都可以讀取佇列中的訊息 (True),或只有佇列擁有者可以讀取佇列中訊息 (False,預設值) 的布林值 (Boolean)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether everyone can read messages in the queue (True) or only the owner of the queue can read messages in it (False, the default).
2213傳回/設定與佇列相關聯的多點傳送位址。 Sets/returns the multicast address that is associated with the queue.
2214抓取附加憑證到訊息所需的資訊安全內容資訊、快取資訊安全內容緩衝區內的資訊,以及儲存物件中資訊安全內容緩衝區的控制代碼。 Retrieves the security context information needed to attach a certificate to the message, caches the information in a security context buffer, and stores the handle to the security context buffer in the object.
2215傳回 Active Directory 網域服務中符合指定搜尋條件的公用佇列集合。 Returns a collection of public queues from Active Directory Domain Services that match the specified search criteria.
2216傳回 HTTP 訊息的 SOAP 封套。 Returns the SOAP envelope of an HTTP message.
2217傳回位元組陣列,該陣列含有包括 SOAP 封套以及與其相關聯 SOAP 附加檔案的整個 HTTP 訊息內容。 Returns an array of bytes containing the entire contents of an HTTP message, including the SOAP envelope and the SOAP attachments associated with it.
2218設定額外應用程式所產生標頭的內容以使它們包含在 HTTP 訊息 SOAP 封套內。 Sets additional application-generated header elements for inclusion in the SOAP envelope of an HTTP message.
2219設定應用程式所產生 SOAP 本文的內容以使它們包含在 HTTP 訊息 SOAP 封套內。 Sets application-generated SOAP body elements for inclusion in the SOAP envelope of an HTTP message.
2220清除佇列中的所有訊息。 Purges all messages in the queue.
2221重新傳送輸出佇列中交易式訊息的擱置順序。 Resends the pending sequence of transactional messages in the outgoing queue.
2222暫停從輸出佇列傳輸訊息。 Pauses the transmission of messages from the outgoing queue.
2223繼續從輸出佇列傳輸訊息。 Resumes the transmission of messages from the outgoing queue.
2224為佇列傳回佇列類型列舉所定義的其中一個類型。 Returns one of the types defined by the QUEUE_TYPE enumeration for the queue.
2225傳回布林值指出佇列位於本機電腦 (True) 或遠端電腦 (False)。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the queue resides on the local computer (True) or on a remote computer (False).
2226傳回為佇列所定義的外部狀態列舉的其中一個值。 Returns one of the values defined by the FOREIGN_STATUS enumeration for the queue.
2227傳回佇列中的訊息位元組數。 Returns the number of message bytes in the queue.
2229列舉可能的佇列類型。 Enumerates the possible queue types.
2230列舉可能的外部狀態。 Enumerates the possible foreign statuses.
2231列舉可能的佇列狀態。 Enumerates the possible queue states.
2232傳回路由訊息到下個躍點的目的電腦的位址或可能的位址陣列。 Returns the address or an array of possible addresses for routing messages to the destination computer in the next hop.
2233傳回本機電腦所有使用中佇列的格式名稱陣列。 Returns an array of format names of all active queues on the local computer.
2234傳回本機電腦上所有私用佇列的路徑名稱陣列。 Returns an array of path names of all private queues on the local computer.
2235傳回目錄服務伺服器的名稱。 Returns the name of the directory service server.
2236傳回布林值指出電腦上的佇列管理員是否已被 MSMQApplication.Disconnect、相等的 API 函式呼叫、或在使用者介面中將訊息佇列下線而中斷連線。 Returns a Boolean indicating whether the queue manager on the computer has been disconnected from the network by MSMQApplication.Disconnect, by the equivalent API function call, or by taking Message Queuing offline in the user interface.
2237將佇列管理員連線到網路及目錄服務伺服器。 Connects the queue manager to the network and to the directory service server.
2238將佇列管理員從網路及目錄服務伺服器中斷連線。 Disconnects the queue manager from the network and the directory service server.
2239清理本機電腦上空的訊息檔案。 Cleans up empty message files on the local computer.
2240顯示目標佇列及傳出佇列的一般系統管理內容。 Exposes administrative properties that are common to both a destination queue and an outgoing queue.
2241初始化 MSMQManagement 物件。 Initializes the MSMQManagement object.
2242顯示所指定輸出佇列的系統管理內容。 Exposes administrative properties that are specific to an outgoing queue.
2243顯示指定目標佇列和取得有關佇列中交易式訊息 EOD 資訊方法的系統管理內容。 Exposes administrative properties that are specific to a destination queue and a method for obtaining exactly-once-delivery information about transactional messages sent to the queue.
2245傳回用於初始化物件的電腦名稱。 Returns the name of the computer used to initialize the object.
2246傳回佇列中的訊息數目。 Returns the number of messages in the queue.
2247為佇列傳回佇列狀態列舉所定義的其中一個值。 Returns one of the values defined by the QUEUE_STATE enumeration for the queue.
2251傳回一些已命名確實傳送一次 (EOD) 的內容,這些內容描述現在輸出佇列的狀況。 Returns a collection of named exactly-once-delivery (EOD) properties describing the current state of the outgoing queue.
2252傳回一個包含確實傳送一次 (EOD) 內容集合的陣列,其中每一個內容集合是為個別電腦傳送交易式訊息到目的地佇列。 Returns an array of collections of exactly-once-delivery (EOD) properties with one collection for each computer sending transactional messages to the destination queue.
2256傳回在日誌佇列內的訊息位元組數目。 Returns the number of message bytes in the journal queue.
2257傳回集合所指定元素的數值。 Returns the value of the specified element from the collection.
2258傳回集合內元素的數目。 Returns the number of elements in the collection.
2259代表變數的集合並且提供透過字串碼來存取它們的方法。 Represents a collection of Variants and provides methods for accessing them through string keys.
2260傳回電腦內目前存放在所有佇列中的訊息位元組數目。 Returns the number of message bytes currently stored in all queues on the computer.
6001從 %s 傳送到 %s 在 sent from %s to %s at
6002由 %s 接收,在 received by %s at
6003從 %s 傳送 (在 %s), %s sent from %s at %s, %s
6004報告訊息衝突 Report Message Conflict
6005管理測試訊息 Admin Test Message
6006Computer Queues Computer Queues
6007%1 從 %2 %1 from %2
6008Message Queuing Downlevel Client Support Message Queuing Downlevel Client Support
6009允許 MSMQ 2.0 用戶端存取 MSMQ Active Directory 功能。 Allows MSMQ 2.0 clients to access MSMQ Active Directory features.
6101Message Queuing Access Control Message Queuing Access Control
6102Message Queuing Message Queuing
6103這個訊息佇列叢集資源能提供通訊和基礎建設給分散式,非同步的訊息應用程式。 This Message Queuing Cluster Resource provides a communications infrastructure for distributed, asynchronous messaging applications.
6104提供通訊基礎結構和開發工具,以建立 Windows 網路和程式的分散式訊息應用程式。如果此服務停止,分散式訊息將無法使用。如果此服務停用,所有明確依存於它的服務都將無法啟動。 Provides a messaging infrastructure and development tool for creating distributed messaging applications for Windows-based networks and programs. If this service is stopped, distributed messages will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
6201ClusCfgMQTrigResType 類別 ClusCfgMQTrigResType Class
6202設定 [訊息佇列觸發程序] 的資源類型 Configuring the 'Message Queuing Triggers' resource type
6203Message Queuing Triggers Message Queuing Triggers
6204「訊息佇列觸發程序叢集資源」可為 MSMQ 使用者提供自動化的基礎結構。 This Message Queuing Triggers Cluster Resource provides an automated infrastructure for MSMQ users.
6205訊息佇列觸發程序 Message Queuing Triggers
6206對抵達「訊息佇列」佇列的訊息提供規則式監視,並在符合規則的條件時,叫用 COM 元件或獨立執行的程式來處理訊息。 Provides rule-based monitoring of messages arriving in a Message Queuing queue and, when the conditions of a rule are satisfied, invokes a COM component or a stand-alone executable program to process the message.
8003無法從憑證存放區取得憑證。 Unable to obtain the certificate from the certificate store.
8006這是正確的憑證。 This certificate is valid.
8008發生錯誤 Error
8015請選取一個憑證,然後按 [移除],將它從 Active Directory 網域服務刪除。 Select a certificate and then click "Remove" to delete it from Active Directory Domain Services.
8016移除(&R) &Remove
8017從下列清單選取一個憑證,然後按 [登錄] 將它登錄在 Active Directory 網域服務。然後您就可以在任何訊息佇列應用程式使用這個憑證。 Select a certificate from the following list and then click "Register" to register it in Active Directory Domain Services. You can then use this certificate with your Message Queuing applications.
8018登錄(&R) &Register

Do you want to delete the following certificate from the Message Queuing certificate store?

8021訊息佇列憑證存放區 Message Queuing Certificate Store
8022是否要將憑證從系統根憑證存放區匯入到訊息佇列憑證存放區? Do you want to import certificates from the system root certificate store into the Message Queuing certificate store?
10000訊息佇列管理 Message Queuing Admin
10005嵌入式管理單元描述 Snapin Description
10006嵌入式管理單元提供者 Snapin Provider
10007嵌入式管理單元版本 1.0 Snapin Version 1.0
10008佇列訊息 Queue messages
10009優先順序 Priority
10010標籤 Label
10011存留時間 Time to Live
10012佇列中的位置 Position in Queue
10013收件者佇列名稱長度 Recipient queue name length
10014管理佇列名稱長度 Admin queue name length
10015回應佇列名稱長度 Response queue name length
10016已加密 Encrypted
10017訊息識別碼 Message ID
10018長度 Length
10019大小 Size
10020本文 Body
10021類別 Class
10022已驗證 Authenticated
10023雜湊演算法 Hash Algorithm
10024加密演算法 Encryption Algorithm
10025來源電腦 Source Computer
10026傳送時間 Time Sent
10027抵達時間 Time Arrived
10028回應佇列 Response Queue
10029管理佇列 Admin Queue
10030收件者佇列 Recipient Queue
10031追蹤 Tracked
10032寄件者識別碼 Sender ID
10033寄件者識別碼長度 Sender ID Length
10034寄件者識別碼存在 Sender ID Exists
10035標籤長度 Label Length
10036交互關聯 Correlation
10037傳遞模式 Delivery Mode
10038日誌訊息 Journal messages
10039標準 Normal
10040報告 Report
10041佇列已被刪除。 The queue was deleted.
10042目的地佇列不存在。 The destination queue does not exist.
10043接收時間已過。 The time-to-be-received has elapsed.
10044已超過配額。 The quota was exceeded.
10045拒絕存取。 Access is denied.
10046躍點計數 (hop count) 已超過允許值。 The hop count exceeded the permitted value.
10047訊息已到達佇列。 The message reached the queue.
10048已收到訊息。 The message was received.
10049到達佇列之前訊息已被清除。 The message was purged before reaching the queue.
10050到達佇列所需的時間已逾時。 The time-to-reach-queue has elapsed.
10051簽章無效。 The signature is invalid.
10052已清除佇列。 The queue was purged.
10053加密無效。 The encryption is invalid.
10054無法加密訊息。 The message cannot be encrypted.
10055非交易式佇列 Nontransactional queue
10056非交易式訊息 Nontransactional message
10057快速 Express
10058可復原 Recoverable
10059MD2 MD2
10060MD4 MD4
10061MD5 MD5
10062SHA SHA
10063MAC MAC
10064RSA Sign RSA Sign
10065DSS Sign DSS Sign
10066RSA KeyX RSA KeyX
10067DES DES
10068RC2 RC2
10069RC4 RC4
10071DH SF DH SF
10073 None
10074選擇性 Optional
10075內文 Body
10076 No
10077 Yes
10078不明 Unknown
10080外部 (非 Windows) Foreign (non-Windows)
10081傳出佇列 Outgoing Queues
10087請輸入正確的 GUID - 例如 {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}。 Please enter a valid GUID, such as {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}.
10089訊息佇列伺服器 Message Queuing server
10091觸發程序 Triggers
10093外部獨立用戶端 Foreign independent client
10094本機 Local
10095獨立用戶端 Independent client
10096未安裝 Active Directory 使用者和電腦嵌入式管理單元。因此無法登錄「訊息佇列」嵌入式管理單元擴充功能。 The Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in is not installed. Consequently, the Message Queuing snap-in extension for it cannot be registered.
10097非使用中 Inactive
10098正在等待連線 Waiting to connect
10099未驗證 Not validated
10100暫停 Paused
10101已連線 Connected
10102正在中斷連線... Disconnecting...
10103已中斷連線 Disconnected
10104名稱 Name
10105類型 Type
10106描述 Description
10107本機佇列 Local queue
10108(無) (none)
10109記憶體不足。 There is no more available memory.


10111發生錯誤 (代碼: 0x%1!0x!)。 An error occurred (code: 0x%1!0x!).
10112無法取得 '%1' 內容。 The properties of %1 cannot be obtained.
10114無法設定 '%1' 內容。 The properties of %1 cannot be set.
10115這個訊息佇列伺服器已經定義成一個輸入路由 (in-routing) 或輸出路由 (out-routing) 伺服器。 This Message Queuing server is already defined as an in-routing or out-routing server.
10117無法查詢 Active Directory 網域服務。 Active Directory Domain Services cannot be queried.
10118無法建立 '%1'。 %1 cannot be created.
10119刪除 Delete
10120您確定要刪除 %1 嗎? Are you sure you want to delete %1?
10121無法刪除 %1。 %1 cannot be deleted.
10122錯誤: %1 Error: %1
10123交易式寄不出的信件訊息 Transactional dead-letter messages
10124日誌 Journal
10125寄不出的信件訊息 Dead-letter messages
10126私用佇列 Private Queues
10127 Days
10128 Seconds
10129分鐘 Minutes
10131請選取一個站台。 Please select a site.
10132小時 Hours
10136系統佇列 System Queues
10138查詢私用佇列失敗。 The query for private queues failed.
10139無法清除佇列。 The queue cannot be purged.
10140您確定要刪除佇列中所有的訊息? Are you sure you want to delete all messages in the queue?
10142無法抓取訊息清單。 The list of messages cannot be retrieved.
10143顯示前 %1!d! 個位元組 (在 %2!d! 中)。 Display first %1!d! out of %2!d! bytes.
10144本文大小為 %1!d! 位元組。 The body size is %1!d! bytes.
10145兩個站台是相同的,請選擇其他站台。 Both sites are the same, please select another site.
10146依存性用戶端 Dependent clients
10147網站之間的路由連結: %1 和 %2 Routing link between sites: %1 and %2
10148站台 Site
10149路由連結 Routing link
10150在 %1 與 %2 之間 Between %1 and %2
錯誤: 0x%1!x!
The user certificate cannot be deleted.
Error: 0x%1!x!
10152下列的清單顯示出所有在 Active Directory 網域服務中所登錄的個人憑證。 The following list shows all personal certificates that are registered in Active Directory Domain Services.
10153請輸入一個外部站台名稱。 Please enter the name of a foreign site.
10154電腦沒有回應。MQPing 失敗。 The computer did not respond. MQPing failed.
10155電腦已經回應。MQPing 順利完成。 The computer responded. MQPing was successful.
10156MQTest 佇列 MQTest Queue
10157從 %1 傳送測試訊息 Sending Test Messages from %1
10158無法從 '%1' 傳送測試訊息。 Test message cannot be sent from %1.
10160無法設定報告佇列。 The report queue cannot be set.
10161無法設定傳播旗標。 The propagation flag cannot be set.
10162MQReport 佇列 MQReport Queue
10163無法開啟 Ping 回應佇列。 The ping response queue cannot be opened.
10164新增外部站台... New Foreign Site...
10165無法建立外部站台 '%1'。 The foreign site %1 cannot be created.

外部站台表示一群執行其他訊息系統 (稱為外部電腦) 的電腦。


這些訊息佇列伺服器在路由連結中,必須設定為站台閘道 (路由連結會將此站台與非外部站台連接在一起)。
This site is a foreign site.

A foreign site represents a group of computers that run other messaging systems (called foreign computers).

Foreign computers can communicate with Message Queuing computers through Message Queuing servers running a connector application.

These Message Queuing servers must be configured as site gates in routing links that connect this site to non-foreign sites.
10167無法取得報告佇列。 The report queue cannot be obtained.
10168無法取得追蹤旗標。電腦並未回應傳送給它的訊息。 The tracking flag cannot be obtained. This computer does not respond to messages sent to it.
10169新增外部電腦... New Foreign Computer...
10171無法建立電腦 %1。 The computer %1 cannot be created.
10172無法建立電腦 '%1' 的 MSMQ Configuration (msmq) 物件。 The MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object for the computer %1 cannot be created.
10173外部站台 %1 已建立成功。
The foreign site %1 was successfully created.
In order to provide connectivity to this site, you must add a Message Queuing server that is running a connector application and belongs to a non-foreign site to this site. This server must also be defined as a site gate in a routing link that connects the non-foreign site to this site.
10174外部電腦 %1 已建立成功。 The foreign computer %1 was successfully created.
10175請輸入一個外部電腦名稱。 Please enter the name of a foreign computer.
10176訊息佇列的佇列 Message Queuing Queue
10177尋找訊息佇列的佇列 Find Message Queuing Queue
10178遠端佇列 Remote queue
10182完整路徑 Full Path
10183應用程式特定 Application-specific
10184物件已建立成功。不過因為 Active Directory 網域服務複寫延遲,您可能無法馬上看到它。

等候數分鐘,然後按 [重新整理] 來檢視物件。
The object was successfully created. However, Active Directory Domain Services replication delays may prevent you from seeing it now.

Wait several minutes and then click "Refresh" to see the object.
10185物件已建立成功。您可以按一下 [重新整理] 就能看到它。 The object was successfully created. You may need to click "Refresh" to see it.
可能是由於 Active Directory 網域服務的複寫延遲所造成。請等候數分鐘後,按 [重新整理],然後再重試一次。
The requested operation cannot be performed.
This may be caused by replication delays in Active Directory Domain Services. Wait a few minutes, click "Refresh", and then try again.
10187不支援私用佇列。 Private queues are not supported.
10188無法從訊息佇列服務取得資訊。 No information can be obtained from the Message Queuing service.
10189訊息佇列 Message Queuing
10192位置 Location
10193交易式 Transactional
10194外部 Foreign
10195訊息數 Number of Messages
10196使用的訊息配額 Message Quota Used
10197狀態 State
10198下個躍點 Next Hop(s)
10199日誌訊息數 Number of Journal Messages
10200使用的日誌訊息配額 Journal Message Quota Used
10201您確定要讓 %1 上的訊息佇列上線嗎? Are you sure you want to bring Message Queuing on %1 online?
10202您確定要讓 %1 上的訊息佇列離線嗎? Are you sure you want to take Message Queuing on %1 offline?
10203您確定要暫停佇列嗎? Are you sure you want to pause the queue?
10204您確定要繼續佇列操作嗎? Are you sure you want to resume queue operation?
10208操作失敗。 The operation failed.
10209尚未處理 (msgs) Unprocessed (msgs)
10210尚未認定 (msgs) Unacknowledged (msgs)
10211格式名稱 Format Name
10214配額 Quota
10216類型的 GUID Type GUID
10219日誌配額 Journal Quota
10220私密性等級 Privacy Level
10221基本優先順序 Base Priority
10222取得擁有權 Take Ownership
10223設定權限 Set Permissions
10224取得權限 Get Permissions
10225設定內容 Set Properties
10226取得內容 Get Properties
10228查看訊息 Peek Message
10229傳送訊息 Send Message
10230接收日誌訊息 Receive Journal Message
10231接收訊息 Receive Message
10232刪除訊息 Delete Message
10234刪除日誌訊息 Delete Journal Message
10235完全控制 Full Control
10236無法取得安全性描述元。 The security descriptor cannot be obtained.
10237無法設定安全性描述元。 The security descriptor cannot be set.
10238無法將路徑名稱 '%1' 轉換成格式名稱。 The path name %1 cannot be converted to a format name.
某些選項 (例如 [內容] 或 [刪除]) 不受遠端電腦上的私用佇列支援。
The operation is not supported for this queue.
Some options, such as Properties or Delete, are not supported for private queues on a remote computer.
10240無法取得 %1 的格式名稱。 The format name of %1 cannot be obtained.
10241無法取得依存性用戶端清單。 The list of dependent clients cannot be obtained.
10242無法取得站台名稱。該站台可能已被刪除。 The site name cannot be obtained. The site may have been deleted.
10243無限制 Unlimited
10244允許管理訊息佇列的佇列及訊息 Allows administration of Message Queuing queues and messages
10245Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
10246%1!ld!.%2!02ld!.%3!ld! %1!ld!.%2!02ld!.%3!ld!
10247%systemroot%\help\msmq.chm %systemroot%\help\msmq.chm
10248html/0555295f-735b-4095-b369-9cd3ebc8abf8.htm html/0555295f-735b-4095-b369-9cd3ebc8abf8.htm
10249\help\msmq.chm \help\msmq.chm
10250公用佇列 Public Queues
10251來源 (傳送) 電腦上的接收時間已過期。 The time-to-be-received has elapsed at the source (sending) computer.
10252不支援的加密編譯服務提供者。 Unsupported cryptographic service provider.
10253html/fdf0a10c-e41a-4141-8306-af9678f5cd91.htm html/fdf0a10c-e41a-4141-8306-af9678f5cd91.htm
10254html/0f52531f-0b37-4d60-8722-974097485aae.htm html/0f52531f-0b37-4d60-8722-974097485aae.htm
10255html/cc423b2e-159e-4e0a-9d8d-5f11ad8def08.htm html/cc423b2e-159e-4e0a-9d8d-5f11ad8def08.htm
10256這台電腦 this computer
10257無法顯示 [安全性] 頁面。您的網域設定可能不正確。請確認您的 DNS 伺服器是可用的,且設定正確。 The security page cannot be displayed. Your domain may be incorrectly configured. Verify that your DNS server is available and properly configured.
10258您必須至少指定一個站台。 You must specify at least one site.
10259請輸入規則名稱。 Please type a rule name.
10260佇列位在 MSMQ 1.0 站台上 (端視與該站台之主要站台控制站的連線而定)。 Queues located in an MSMQ 1.0 site (depending on connection with that site's primary site controller).
10261無法刪除位在 MSMQ 1.0 站台的佇列。必須使用 MSMQ Explorer (MSMQ 1.0 的管理工具) 自 MSMQ 1.0 站台刪除這些佇列。 Queues located in the MSMQ 1.0 site cannot be deleted. These queues must be deleted from the MSMQ 1.0 site using MSMQ Explorer (the administrative tool for MSMQ 1.0).
10263無法顯示全部的公用佇列。只能顯示存放於本機快取的公用佇列。 Not all public queues can be displayed. Only public queues cached locally can be displayed.
10264您確定要刪除這 %1!d! 個佇列嗎? Are you sure you want to delete these %1!d! queues?
10265%1 - %2
%1 - %2
錯誤: %1
The following queues cannot be deleted:
Error: %1
10267已經順利刪除佇列。您可以再按一下 [立即尋找],以確認該佇列已被刪除。 The queue(s) were successfully deleted. You may need to click "Find Now" again to verify that they were deleted.
10268傳送 MQPing 訊息... Send MQPing message...
10269您無法建立兩個外部站台之間的路由連結。至少其中一個站台必須是非外部站台。 You cannot create a routing link between two foreign sites. At least one site must be a non-foreign site.
若要定義站台閘道,請按 [確定],在該連結按滑鼠右鍵,指向 [內容],然後按 [站台閘道]。
This routing link connects a foreign site to a non-foreign site.
In order for the link to function properly, you must define at least one Message Queuing server that runs a connector application and belongs to both sites as a site gate in this link.
To define a site gate, click "OK," right-click the link, click "Properties," and then click "Site Gates."
10271建立佇列 Create Queue
10272接收寄不出的信件 Receive Dead Letter
10273查看寄不出的信件 Peek Dead Letter
10274查看電腦日誌 Peek Computer Journal
10275刪除寄不出的信件 Delete Dead Letter
10276接收電腦日誌 Receive Computer Journal
10277刪除電腦日誌 Delete Computer Journal
10278位於 MSMQ 1.0 站台的電腦 (取決於與該站台之主要站台控制站的連線)。 Computer located in an MSMQ 1.0 site (depending on connection with that site's primary site controller).
10279執行緒的最大值必須介於 1 到 %1!ld! 之間。 The maximum number of threads must be between 1 and %1!ld!.
10280預設的訊息本文大小不正確。預設的訊息本文大小必須介於 0 和 %1!ld! 之間。 The default message body size is illegal. The default message body size must be between 0 and %1!ld!.
10281執行緒的初始值必須介於 1 和設定為執行緒最大數 ( 它等於 %1!d! ) 的數字之間。 The initial number of threads must be between 1 and the number set for the maximum number of threads, which equals %1!d!.
10282規則 Rules
10284規則名稱 Rule Name
10285規則描述 Rule Description
10287觸發程序名稱 Trigger Name
10288佇列路徑名稱 Queue Path Name
10289規則數目 Number of Rules
10290已啟用 Enabled
10291序列式 Serialized
10292訊息標籤包含 Message label contains
10293訊息標籤不包含 Message label does not contain
10294訊息本文包含 (只適用於 String 本文型別) Message body contains (applies only to string body type)
10295訊息本文不包含 (只適用於 String 本文型別) Message body does not contain (applies only to string body type)
10296訊息優先順序等於 Message priority equals
10297訊息優先順序不等於 Message priority does not equal
10298訊息優先順序大於 Message priority is greater than
10299訊息優先順序小於 Message priority is less than
10300應用程式限定的訊息編號 (AppSpecific) 等於 Application-specific message number (AppSpecific) equals
10301應用程式限定的訊息編號 (AppSpecific) 不等於 Application-specific message number (AppSpecific) does not equal
10302應用程式限定的訊息編號 (AppSpecific) 大於 Application-specific message number (AppSpecific) is greater than
10303應用程式限定的訊息編號 (AppSpecific) 小於 Application-specific message number (AppSpecific) is less than
10304訊息來源電腦識別碼 (SourceMachineGuid) 等於 Message source computer ID (SourceMachineGuid) equals
10305訊息來源電腦識別碼 (SourceMachineGuid) 不等於 Message source computer ID (SourceMachineGuid) does not equal
10306訊息識別碼 (Variant 型別) Message ID (as variant)
10307訊息標籤 (String 型別) Message label (as string)
10308訊息本文 (Variant 型別) Message body (as variant)
10309訊息本文 (String 型別) Message body (as string)
10310訊息優先順序 (Number 型別) Message priority (as number)
10311訊息交互關聯識別碼 (Variant 型別) Message correlation ID (as variant)
10312佇列路徑名稱 (String 型別) Queue path name (as string)
10313佇列格式名稱 (String 型別) Queue format name (as string)
10314回應佇列格式名稱 (String 型別) Response queue format name (as string)
10315管理佇列格式名稱 (String 型別) Administration queue format name (as string)
10316應用程式限定的訊息編號 (AppSpecific 為 Long 型別) Application-specific message number (AppSpecific as long)
10317觸發程序名稱 (String 型別) Trigger name (as string)
10318觸發程序識別碼 (String 型別) Trigger ID (as string)
10319訊息來源電腦識別碼 (SourceMachineGuid 為 String 型別) Message source computer ID (SourceMachineGuid as string)
10320%1 AND %1 AND
10322%1 %1
10323條件格式不正確。 The condition format is illegal.
10336訊息抵達時間 (ArrivedTime 為 Date variant 型別) Message arrival time (ArrivedTime as date variant)
10337訊息傳送時間 (SentTime 為 Date Variant 型別) Message sending time (SentTime as date variant)
10338無法顯示動作內容。動作格式無效。 The action properties cannot be displayed. The action format is invalid.
10339條件長度過長。最大的長度為 %1!ld!。 The condition length was exceeded. The maximum length is %1!ld!.
10340尚未選取條件類型。在新增條件之前,請先選取條件類型。 No condition type was selected. Please select a condition type before adding a new condition.
10343數值文字 Numeric literal
10344字串文字 String literal
10345必須有文字值。在新增參數至叫用 (Invocaion) 參數清單之前,請先指定值。 A literal value is required. Please specify a value before adding a new parameter to the invocation parameter list.
10346%1 不是正確的數值。 %1 is not a legal numeric value.
10347新增規則 New Rule
10348規則必須具有叫用 (Invoked) 程式。請輸入獨立的可執行檔路徑或 COM 程式識別碼及方法。 A rule must have an invoked program. Please type either a stand-alone executable path or a COM program ID and method.
10349無法順利地建立新規則。%1 The new rule was not successfully created. %1
10350內容值不正確。訊息優先順序必須介於 %1!d! 和 %2!d! 之間。 The priority value is illegal. Message priority must be between %1!d! and %2!d!.
10351值 %1 不正確。必須為數值。 The value %1 is illegal. A numeric value is expected.
10352來源電腦識別碼無效。電腦識別碼必須是無效的 GUID,例如 {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}。 The source computer ID is invalid. A computer ID must be a valid GUID, such as {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}.
10354無法新增新的參數。叫用參數的數量超過限制 (%1!d!)。 The new parameter cannot be added. The number of invocation parameters exceeded the limit (%1!d!).
10355請輸入佇列路徑的名稱。 Please type a queue path name.
10356請輸入觸發程序的名稱。 Please type a trigger name.
10357佇列路徑名稱不正確。 The queue path name is illegal.
10358找不到佇列 %1。佇列可能不存在或被刪除。請檢查佇列是否存在,然後再試一次。 The queue %1 was not found. The queue may not exist or may have been deleted. Please check that the queue exists, and then try again.
10359無法驗證佇列路徑名稱或權限。請確認訊息佇列正在執行中且有連線至 Active Directory 網域服務 (針對公用佇列)。您要使用這個佇列路徑名稱嗎? The queue path name or permission cannot be validated. Please verify that Message Queuing is running and that there is a connection to Active Directory Domain Services (for public queues). Do you want to use this queue path name?
10360無法為接收訊息開啟佇列 %1。此佇列沒有接收訊息權限。請在更新或建立觸發程序之前授予該佇列接收訊息權限。 The queue %1 cannot be opened for retrieving messages. The queue does not have the Receive Message permission. Please grant the Receive Message permission to this queue before updating or creating the trigger.
10361新增觸發程序 New Trigger
10362規則識別碼 Rule ID
10363觸發程序識別碼 Trigger ID
10364訊息尋查識別碼 (Variant 型別) Message lookup ID (as variant)
10365訊息處理類型 Message Processing Type
10366系統無法判斷 %1 是否為交易式佇列。交易式重建只能用於交易式佇列。您要以交易式地抓取佇列中的訊息嗎? The system cannot determine if %1 is a transactional queue. Transactional retrieval is possible only for transactional queues. Do you want to transactionally retrieve messages from this queue?
10367佇列 %1 不是交易式。交易式重建只能用於交易式佇列。請變更訊息處理類型。 The queue %1 is not transactional. Transactional retrieval is allowed only for transactional queues. Please change the message processing type.
10368無法順利地建立新觸發程序。%1 The new trigger was not successfully created. %1
10369訊息查看 Message Peeking
10370訊息重建 Message Retrieval
10371交易式訊息重建 Transactional Message Retrieval
10372值 %1 不正確。 The value %1 is illegal.
10373無法停止 %1 服務。 The %1 service cannot be stopped.
10374下列服務依存於訊息佇列服務,必須停止: %1 The following services depend on the Message Queuing service and must be stopped: %1
10375確定 OK
10377%1Configuration/Sites %1Configuration/Sites
10378%1/Computers %1/Computers
10379新增私用佇列 New Private Queue
10380在電腦上主控私人佇列的訊息佇列服務可能已停止。 The Message Queuing service on the computer hosting the private queues may be stopped.
10381所提供的名稱長度過長或含有不正確的字元。 The name supplied is too long or contains illegal characters.
10382這可能是因為所提供的名稱長度過長或含有不正確的字元。 This may be because the name supplied is too long or contains illegal characters.
錯誤碼: 0x%1!x!

Error code: 0x%1!x!
10384在電腦上主控佇列的訊息佇列服務可能已離線,或無法從該電腦建立與 Active Directory 網域服務的連線。 The Message Queuing service on the computer hosting the queue may be offline, or a connection with Active Directory Domain Services cannot be established from that computer.
10385交易式佇列 Transactional queue
10836%1 內容 %1 Properties
該佇列可能已被刪除。請按 (重新整理] 然後再試一次。
The operation requested cannot be performed.
The queue may have been deleted. Click "Refresh", and then try again.
10934電腦日誌 Computer journal
10935電腦無法傳送的信件佇列 Computer dead-letter queue
10936電腦交易式無法傳送的信件佇列 Computer transactional dead-letter queue
10941不允許顯示多個規則的內容。請選取一個規則。 Displaying properties for multiple rules is not allowed. Please select a single rule.
10945訊息本文包含 %1 Message body contains %1
10946訊息本文不包含 %1 Message body does not contain %1
10947應用程式特有的等於 %1 Application-specific equals %1
10948應用程式特有的不等於 %1 Application-specific does not equal %1
10949應用程式特有的大於 %1 Application-specific is greater than %1
10950應用程式特有的小於 %1 Application-specific is less than %1
10951訊息來源電腦識別碼等於 %1 Message source computer ID equals %1
10952訊息來源電腦識別碼不等於 %1 Message source computer ID does not equal %1
10953%1 不是有效的資料夾名稱。
錯誤: %2
%1 is not a valid folder name.
Error: %2
10954資料夾名稱 %1 太長。 The folder name %1 is too long.
10955請輸入訊息檔案資料夾的路徑。 Please type the path of the message files folder.
10956請輸入訊息記錄器資料夾的路徑。 Please type the path of the message logger folder.
10957請輸入交易記錄器資料夾的路徑。 Please type the path of the transaction logger folder.
10959所有延伸權利 All Extended Rights
10960建立所有子物件 Create All Child Objects
10961刪除所有子物件 Delete All Child Objects
10962無法在工作群組模式存取公用佇列。 Public queues cannot be accessed in workgroup mode.
10963訊息標籤包含 %1 Message label contains %1
10964訊息標籤不包含 %1 Message label does not contain %1
10965訊息優先順序等於 %1 Message priority equals %1
10966訊息優先順序不等於 %1 Message priority does not equal %1
10967訊息優先順序大於 %1 Message priority is greater than %1
10968訊息優先順序小於 %1 Message priority is less than %1
10969[一般] 分頁無法顯示。訊息佇列未正確的安裝。請重新安裝訊息佇列。 The General page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing.
10970[診斷] 分頁無法顯示。訊息佇列未正確的安裝。請重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Diagnostics page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing.
10971[路由] 分頁無法顯示。訊息佇列未正確的安裝。請重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Routing page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing.
10972[依存性用戶端] 分頁無法顯示。訊息佇列未正確的安裝。請重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Dependent Clients page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing.
10973[站台] 分頁無法顯示。訊息佇列未正確的安裝。請重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Sites page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing.
10974HTTP 錯誤: %1!d! HTTP error: %1!d!
10975請輸入現存可執行檔案的完整路徑。 Please type the full path of an existing executable file.
10976從 %1 傳送 MQPing 訊息到 %2,然後檢查它的回條。 Send an MQPing message from %1 to %2 and then verify its receipt.
10977從 %1 傳送一個測試訊息到指定的目的地佇列。 Send a test message from %1 to a specified destination queue.
10978設定路由追蹤 %1 所傳送及接收的訊息。 Configure route tracking for messages that are sent and received by %1.
10979訊息尋查識別碼 Message lookup ID
10982%1 不是正確的資料夾名稱。請輸入資料夾的完整路徑。 %1 is not a valid folder name. Please enter the full path of a folder.
10983無法開啟訊息佇列服務的處理程序物件。 The process object for the Message Queuing service cannot be opened.
10984無法列舉訊息佇列服務的依存性。 The dependencies of the Message Queuing service cannot be enumerated.
10988無法顯示訊息的 SOAP 封套。 The SOAP envelope of the message cannot be displayed.
10990鎖定 Locked
10996列出內容 List Contents
10997來源電腦的 GUID 已變更。 The source computer GUID changed.
10998接收者拒絕此訊息 Message was rejected by the receiver
10999未報告任何失敗。 No failures reported.
11000Ping 失敗。 Ping Failed.
11001TCP 未安裝或未啟用。 TCP is not installed or not enabled.
11002名稱解析失敗。 Name resolution failed.
11003伺服器憑證無效。 Invalid server certificate.
11004已達到連線數目限制。 Limit on the number of connections reached.
11005未提供目錄服務連線,因此無法取得路由資料。 Absense of Directory Service connectivity prevented getting routing data.
11006無法建立 Winsock 通訊端。 Failed to create Winsock socket.
11007無法繫結 Winsock 通訊端。 Failed to bind Winsock socket.
11008無法連線 Winsock 通訊端。 Failed to connect Winsock socket.
11009因為資源限制、連線限制或封包格式不正確,造成另一端拒絕連線。 Connection refused by other side due to resource limitation, connection limit, or malformed packets.
11010位址: Address:
11011不明的連線失敗。 Unknown connection failure.
11012無法傳送封包。 Failed to send packet.
11013因為連線未就緒,所以傳送失敗。可能已關閉連線。 Failed to send because connection is not ready. Connection could be closed.
11014記憶體不足造成失敗。 Failed due to low memory.
11015已收到建立連線封包。 Establish connection packet received.
11016連線已就緒,可傳送訊息。 Connection is ready to transfer messages.
11100連線歷程記錄 Connection History
11101寄不出的信件佇列名稱長度 Dead letter queue name length
11102寄不出的信件佇列 Dead Letter Queue
11112中止計數 Abort Count
11113移動計數 Move Count
11121無法將訊息從 %1 移動到 %2。 Failed to move message from %1 to %2.
11122您確定要刪除此訊息? Are you sure you want to delete this message?
11124html/d5c4b129-7fb7-4e80-a76c-6590442375fa.htm html/d5c4b129-7fb7-4e80-a76c-6590442375fa.htm
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11164無法顯示訊息本文 - 開啟佇列 '%1' 時發生錯誤 Cannot display message body - error opening queue '%1'
11165無法抓取訊息本文。可能已接收訊息。 Cannot retrieve message body. Probably the message was already received.
11166無法顯示訊息本文 - 記憶體不足 Cannot display message body - out of memory
11167無法刪除訊息 - 開啟佇列 '%1' 時發生錯誤 Cannot delete message - error opening queue '%1'
11168無法刪除訊息。可能已刪除訊息。 Cannot delete message. Probably the message was already deleted.
11169無法移動訊息 - 開啟來源佇列 '%1' 時發生錯誤。 Cannot move message - error opening source queue '%1'.
11170無法移動訊息 - 開啟目標佇列 '%1' 時發生錯誤。 Cannot move message - error opening target queue '%1'.
11171無法認可交易。移動失敗。 Failed to commit transaction. Move failed.
11172html/b109356a-c0b4-4740-a850-c9aefac5f942.htm html/b109356a-c0b4-4740-a850-c9aefac5f942.htm
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11179無法啟動訊息佇列服務 Unable to start the Message Queuing service
11180無法啟動服務 '%1' Unable to start service '%1'
11181無法開啟服務 '%1' Unable to open service '%1'
11183因為目標佇列或子佇列無效,所以無法將訊息從 %1 移動到 %2。 Failed to move message from %1 to %2 because the target queue or subqueue is invalid.
11184為 TCP 排除 MSMQ 服務 MSMQ Service exclusion for TCP
11185為 UDP 排除 MSMQ 服務 MSMQ Service exclusion for UDP
11186為 TCP 排除 MQDS 服務 MQDS Service exclusion for TCP
11187為 UDP 排除 MQDS 服務 MQDS Service exclusion for UDP
11188為多點傳送排除 MSMQ 服務 MSMQ Service exclusion for Multicast
11189訊息佇列 TCP 輸入 Message Queuing TCP Inbound
11190訊息佇列 TCP 輸出 Message Queuing TCP Outbound
11191訊息佇列 UDP 輸入 Message Queuing UDP Inbound
11192訊息佇列 UDP 輸出 Message Queuing UDP Outbound
11193MQDS TCP 輸入 MQDS TCP Inbound
11194MQDS TCP 輸出 MQDS TCP Outbound
11195MQDS UDP 輸入 MQDS UDP Inbound
11196MQDS UDP 輸出 MQDS UDP Outbound
11197訊息佇列多點傳送輸入 Message Queuing Multicast Inbound
11198訊息佇列多點傳送輸出 Message Queuing Multicast Outbound
11199除非遠端電腦上已安裝多點傳送支援,否則多點傳送位址的設定不會生效。 Settings of the multicast address will not take effect unless Multicast Support is installed on the remote computer.
11200未驗證佇列。訊息傳送者可略過 [安全性] 索引標籤中指定的 [存取控制] 設定。 Queue is unauthenticated. Message senders can bypass the Access Control settings specified in the Security tab.
11201MessageQueuing-BlockOthers-Inbound MessageQueuing-BlockOthers-Inbound
11202封鎖所指定流量之外的所有傳入流量 Block any inbound traffic other than specified
11203MessageQueuing-BlockOthers-Outbound MessageQueuing-BlockOthers-Outbound
11204封鎖所指定流量之外的所有傳出流量 Block any outbound traffic other than specified
11205MessageQueuing-TCP-Inbound MessageQueuing-TCP-Inbound
11206允許 TCP 上的傳入訊息佇列流量 Allow inbound Message Queuing traffic over TCP
11207MessageQueuing-TCP-Outbound MessageQueuing-TCP-Outbound
11208允許 TCP 上的傳出訊息佇列流量 Allow outbound Message Queuing traffic over TCP
11209MessageQueuing-UDP-Inbound MessageQueuing-UDP-Inbound
11210允許 UDP 上的傳入訊息佇列流量 Allow inbound Message Queuing traffic over UDP
11211MessageQueuing-UDP-Outbound MessageQueuing-UDP-Outbound
11212允許 UDP 上的傳出訊息佇列流量 Allow outbound Message Queuing traffic over UDP
11213MessageQueuing-MulticastPGM-Inbound MessageQueuing-MulticastPGM-Inbound
11214允許 PGM 上的傳入訊息佇列多點傳送流量 Allow inbound Message Queuing multicast traffic over PGM
11215MessageQueuing-MulticastPGM-Outbound MessageQueuing-MulticastPGM-Outbound
11216允許 PGM 上的傳出訊息佇列多點傳送流量 Allow outbound Message Queuing multicast traffic over PGM
32828建立一個新的私用佇列 Create a New Private Queue
32829建立一個新的公用佇列 Create a New Public Queue
57345%1 不是有效的資料夾名稱。 %1 is not a valid folder name.
57346%1 不是有效的磁碟機。您必須指定這台電腦的固定式磁碟機。 %1 is not a valid drive. You must specify a valid fixed drive on this computer.
57347資料夾 %1 不存在。您要立即建立這個資料夾? The folder %1 does not exist. Do you want to create it now?
57348無法為資料夾 %1 設定正確的安全性。
錯誤: %2
Proper security cannot be set for the folder %1.
Error: %2
57349資料夾 %1 已經存在。請確認這個資料夾已設定正確的安全性,這樣在這個資料夾中所建立的檔案也同樣具有正確的安全性。 The folder %1 already exists. Make sure that the security for this folder is properly set so that files created in this folder also have the proper security.
57350無法建立資料夾 %1
。錯誤: %2
The folder %1 cannot be created.
Error: %2
57351資料夾 %1 不在正確的 NTFS 磁碟機中。因此這個資料夾將無法受到保護。您要繼續使用這個資料夾嗎? The folder %1 is not located on a valid NTFS drive. Consequently, this folder is not secured. Do you want to continue using this folder?
57352%1!d! %1!d!
57353無法讀取或寫入 Windows 登錄。
可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列 (Message Queuing)。
Nothing can be read from or written to the Windows registry.
Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57354無法顯示存放裝置分頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列 (Message Queuing)。 The storage page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57355無法將檔案 %1 移動到 %2。
錯誤: %3
The file %1 cannot be moved to %2.
Error: %3
57356無法還原已複製的檔案。這可能導致訊息佇列無法正確運作。 The files that were copied cannot be restored. This may cause Message Queuing not to function properly.
57357無法建立連線至服務控制管理員。 A connection to the Service Control Manager cannot be established.
57358無法建立連線至訊息佇列服務。 A connection to the Message Queuing service cannot be established.
57359無法取得 Windows 系統資料夾。
錯誤: %1
The Windows system folder cannot be obtained.
Error: %1
57360無法決定訊息佇列服務的狀態。 The status of the Message Queuing service cannot be determined.
57362無法停止訊息佇列服務。 The Message Queuing service cannot be stopped.
57363無法釋放訊息檔案。 The message files cannot be released.

The Message Queuing service has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Do you want to restart the Message Queuing service now?
57365正在停止訊息佇列服務... Stopping the Message Queuing service...
57366正在移動訊息佇列存放裝置檔案.... Moving the Message Queuing storage files....
錯誤: %1
The folder used for local queue storage cannot be created.
Error: %1
57368無法重新啟動 Windows。
錯誤: %1
Windows cannot be restarted.
Error: %1
57369無法顯示訊息佇列安全性頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列 (Message Queuing)。 The Message Queuing Security page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57370使用者憑證已登錄在 Active Directory 網域服務。 The user certificate is already registered in Active Directory Domain Services.
57371所選取的使用者憑證無法在 Active Directory 網域服務中登錄。 The selected user certificate cannot be registered in Active Directory Domain Services.
57372無法取得使用者憑證。 User certificates cannot be obtained.
57373所選取的使用者憑證無法從 Active Directory 網域服務中刪除。 The selected user certificate cannot be deleted from Active Directory Domain Services.
57374警告 - 這是新的密碼編譯金鑰。 Warning - this is a new cryptographic key.

You may receive messages encrypted with a different cryptographic key than your computer currently has. You will not be able to read such messages.

Do you want to continue?
57376無法移除密碼編譯金鑰。 The cryptographic keys cannot be removed.

The authenticated messages that you already sent using the current internal certificate may be rejected as not authenticated.

Do you want to continue renewing the internal certificate?
57378無法建立此電腦的內部憑證。 An internal certificate cannot be created for this computer.
57379無法從 Active Directory 網域服務刪除目前的內部憑證。

The current internal certificate cannot be deleted from Active Directory Domain Services.

Do you want to continue renewing the internal certificate?
57380無法從本機憑證存放區刪除目前的內部憑證。 The current internal certificate cannot be deleted from the local certificate store.
57381已成功更新內部憑證,且將它登錄在 Active Directory 網域服務資訊檔。 The internal certificate was successfully renewed and registered in Active Directory Domain Services.
57382無法更新訊息佇列的憑證授權單位清單。 The list of certification authorities for Message Queuing cannot be updated.
57383無法取得訊息佇列的憑證授權單位清單。 The list of certification authorities for Message Queuing cannot be obtained.
57384沒有可用的憑證授權單位。 There are no available certification authorities.
57385無法從憑證存放區抓取這個憑證。 This certificate cannot be retrieved from the certificate store.
57386無法顯示本機管理頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列。 Local administrative pages cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57387無法顯示 [移動] 頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Mobile page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57388無法顯示 [用戶端] 頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Client page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57389無法顯示 [伺服器憑證] 頁。可能沒有正確的安裝訊息佇列。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Server Certificate page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57390無法載入或使用 dynamic-link 程式庫 Cryptui.dll。 The dynamic-link library Cryptui.dll cannot be loaded or used.
57391無法開啟或使用本機系統憑證存放區。 The local system certificate store cannot be opened or used.
57392選取訊息佇列的伺服器憑證 Select Server Certificate for Message Queuing
57393無法建立或使用訊息佇列憑證物件。 A Message Queuing certificate object cannot be created or used.
57394請輸入訊息佇列的佇列別名。 Please enter the name of the Message Queuing queue alias.
57395無法顯示此規則的 [一般] 頁。 The General page for this rule cannot be displayed.
57396訊息佇列的佇列別名 Message Queuing Queue Alias
57397請輸入佇列別名的格式名稱。 Please enter the format name of the queue alias.
57398無法顯示 [條件] 頁。 The Conditions page cannot be displayed.
57399無法顯示 [動作] 頁。 The Action page cannot be displayed.
57402目的地佇列格式名稱 Destination Queue Format Name
57403目的地佇列格式名稱長度 Destination Queue Format Name Length
57404無法顯示訊息佇列觸發程序設定頁。可能沒有正確地安裝訊息佇列觸發程序。請使用 [控制台] 中的 [新增/移除程式] 重新安裝訊息佇列觸發程序。 The Message Queuing Triggers Configuration page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing Triggers may not be properly installed. Please reinstall Message Queuing Triggers using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57405請輸入條件。 Please enter a condition.
57406無法更新規則內容。%1 The rule properties cannot be updated. %1
57407請選擇條件以移除。 Please select a condition to remove.
57408請選擇參數。 Please select a parameter.
57409回應佇列格式名稱 Response Queue Format Name
57410回應佇列格式名稱長度 Response Queue Format Name Length
57411無法顯示此觸發程序的 [一般] 頁。 The General page for this trigger cannot be displayed.
57412無法顯示 [連結規則] 頁。 The Attached Rules page cannot be displayed.
57413連結規則 Attached Rules
57416無法為 %1 設定多點傳送位址。 A multicast address cannot be set for %1.
錯誤: 0x%1!x!
The trigger properties cannot be updated.
Error: 0x%1!x!
57418無法更新觸發程序的內容。當多個觸發程序關聯至佇列時,不能使用抓取訊息的觸發程序。 The trigger properties cannot be updated. A trigger that retrieves messages is not allowed when multiple triggers are associated with the queue.
57419基本 (40 位元) 本文加密 Basic (40-bit) body encryption
57420進階 (128 位元) 本文加密 Enhanced (128-bit) body encryption
57421有路由的訊息佇列伺服器已啟用 Message Queuing server with routing enabled
57422無法為 %1 設定格式名稱。 A format name cannot be set for %1.
57423無法更新 %1 觸發程序的內容。該觸發程序已被刪除。 The properties of the trigger %1 cannot be updated. The trigger was already deleted.
57424無法更新 %1 規則的內容。該規則已被刪除。 The properties of the rule %1 cannot be updated. The rule was already deleted.
57425無法顯示伺服器安全性分頁,訊息佇列可能未正確安裝。您可以使用控制台中的 [新增或移除程式] 來重新安裝訊息佇列。 The Server Security page cannot be displayed. Message Queuing may not be properly installed. You can reinstall Message Queuing using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
57428無法移動檔案,目錄=%2,檔案=%3。PrepareCopyFileN() 錯誤: %1 Failed to move file with directory=%2, file=%3. PrepareCopyFileN() Error: %1
57429AES 本文加密 AES body encryption
57430AES AES
57431AES128 AES128
57432AES192 AES192
57433AES256 AES256
57436SHA-256 SHA-256
57437SHA-512 SHA-512
61440開啟舊檔 Open
61441另存新檔 Save As
61442所有檔案 (*.*) All Files (*.*)
61443未命名 Untitled
61446未命名檔案 an unnamed file
61457隱藏(&H) &Hide
61472這項錯誤無法提供說明。 No error message is available.
61473試圖執行不受支援的操作。 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474無法取得一個需要的資源。 A required resource was unavailable.
61475您電腦的記憶體即將用盡。 Your computer is low on memory.
61476發生未知的錯誤。 An unknown error has occurred.
61477遇到無效的引數。 An invalid argument was encountered.
61696檔案名稱無效。 Invalid filename.
61697無法開啟文件。 Failed to open document.
61698無法儲存文件。 Failed to save document.
61699要將變更儲存到 %1 嗎? Save changes to %1?
61700無法建立新的文件。 Unable to create new document.
61701檔案太大,無法開啟。 The file is too large to open.
61702無法開始列印工作。 Could not start print job.
61703無法啟動說明。 Failed to launch help.
61704內部應用程式錯誤。 Internal application error.
61705命令失敗。 Command failed.
61706記憶體不足,無法執行操作。 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707系統登錄項目已經移除,且已刪除 INI 檔 (如果有的話)。 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708並未移除所有的系統登錄項目 (或 INI 檔)。 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709這個程式需要檔案 %s,但在這個系統上找不到這個檔案。 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710程式連結到遺失的匯出點 %s (%s 檔)。機器可能有不相容的 %s 版本。 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
無效的數字包括: 空格、小數、0、+、-
Please enter a valid number.
Invalid numbers include: spaces, decimals, 0, +, -
61713請輸入數字。 Please enter a number.
61714請輸入介於 %1 和 %2 之間的有效數字。 Please enter a valid number between %1 and %2.
61715請輸入介於 %1 和 %2 之間的數字。 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716請輸入 %1 個以內的字元。 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717請選擇一個按鈕。 Please select a button.
61718請輸入介於 0 和 255 之間的數字。 Please enter a number between 0 and 255.
61719請輸入一個正數。 Please enter a positive number.
61720請輸入一個日期及 (或) 時間。 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721請輸入一種貨幣。 Please enter a currency.
61728非預期的檔案格式。 Unexpected file format.
Cannot find this file.
Please verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730目的地磁碟機已滿。 Destination disk drive is full.
61731無法讀取 %1,它已經被其他人開啟。 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732無法寫入 %1,它可能是個唯讀檔案,或被其他人開啟。 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733讀取 %1 時發生意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734寫入 %1 時發生意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836無法讀取唯寫屬性。 Unable to read write-only property.
61837無法寫入唯讀屬性。 Unable to write read-only property.
61840無法載入郵件系統支援。 Unable to load mail system support.
61841郵件系統 DLL 無效。 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842[傳送郵件] 無法傳送訊息。 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856沒有發生錯誤。 No error occurred.
61857存取 %1 時發生未知的錯誤。 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858找不到 %1。 %1 was not found.
61859%1 含有無效的路徑。 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860無法開啟 %1,因為已經開啟太多檔案。 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861存取 %1 被拒。 Access to %1 was denied.
61862與 %1 關聯的檔案控制代碼無效。 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863無法移除 %1,因為它是目前的目錄。 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864無法建立 %1,因為目錄已滿。 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865搜尋 %1 失敗 Seek failed on %1
61866存取 %1 時發生硬體 I/O 錯誤。 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867存取 %1 時發生共用違規。 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868存取 %1 時發生鎖定違規。 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869在存取 %1 時磁碟已滿。 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870試圖存取超過 %1 結尾以後的部分。 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61874嘗試寫入正在讀取的 %1。 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61876嘗試從正在寫入的 %1 讀取。 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.
61877%1 的格式不正確。 %1 has a bad format.
61878%1 包含一個意外物件。 %1 contained an unexpected object.
61879%1 含有一個不正確的結構描述。 %1 contains an incorrect schema.
61888像素 pixels
0x10000001正在追蹤 MSMQ 訊息 Tracking MSMQ Messages
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x400007E8無法使用訊息佇列服務效能計數器資料。無法初始化效能計數器模組。請從命令主控台執行 'lodctr.exe mqperf.ini' 然後重新啟動服務,或連絡 Microsoft 支援中心。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing serivce performance counter data are not available. The performance counter module failed to initialize. Please run 'lodctr.exe mqperf.ini' from the command console and restart the service, or contact Microsoft support. Error %1: %2
0x400007EC已啟動訊息佇列服務。 The Message Queuing service started.
0x4000080C訊息佇列服務已以 Active Directory 網域服務上線而且可以完整執行功能。 The Message Queuing service is online with Active Directory Domain Services and fully operational.
0x40000826訊息檔案 '%1' 已建立成功。 The message file '%1' was successfully created.
0x4000084D訊息佇列服務已經成功地加入電腦的網域 '%1'。 The Message Queuing service successfully joined the computer's domain '%1'.
0x4000084E訊息佇列已經離開網域,現在正以工作群組模式運作。 Message Queuing left the domain and is now operating in workgroup mode.
0x40000856訊息佇列已經成功地移動到 %1 網域。 Message Queuing successfully moved to the %1 domain.
0x40000857電腦屬於 %1 網域。建議您使用 MoveTree 公用程式將這台電腦的 msmq (MSMQ 設定) 物件從 %2 網域 (它之前的網域) 移到目前的網域。 The computer belongs to the %1 domain. It is recommended that you use the MoveTree utility to move the msmq (MSMQ Configuration) object of this computer from the %2 domain (its previous domain) to the current domain.
0x4000086F訊息佇列下層用戶端支援已啟動。 Message Queuing Down-level Client Support started.
0x40000873訊息佇列服務已停止。 The Message Queuing service stopped.
0x40000877訊息佇列在固定模式操作。 Message Queuing is operating in Hardened mode.
0x4000087CMsmqServices 物件是以降低的安全性來設定以便支援 MSMQ 1.0 用戶端。若具有降低的安全性,訊息佇列下層用戶端支援服務將使用它自己的權限 (在網域控制站上的 LocalSystem 帳戶下) 來檢視物件的內容,但它將不會繞過在建立訊息佇列物件及設定其內容時的安全性限制。 The MsmqServices object is configured with weakened security to support MSMQ 1.0 clients. With weakened security, the Message Queuing Down-level Client Support service will use its own rights (under the LocalSystem account on a domain controller) to view object properties, but it will not bypass the security restrictions on creating Message Queuing objects and setting their properties.
0x4000087DMsmqServices 物件是以預設安全性來設定的。在這個設定下,MSMQ 1.0 用戶端將無法查詢 Active Directory 網域服務。 The MsmqServices object is configured with default security. MSMQ 1.0 clients will not be able to query Active Directory Domain Services in this configuration.
0x40000880訊息佇列為本機電腦找到了數個 IP 位址。訊息佇列將使用由 PGM 驅動程式為多點傳送訊息判定的預設 IP 位址。若要使用不同的 IP 位址,請設定 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%1 登錄數值到下列有效 IP 位址中的一個: %2!S!。 Message Queuing found multiple IP addresses for the local computer. Message Queuing will use the default IP address determined by the PGM driver for multicast messages. To use a different IP address, set the \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%1 registry value to one of the following valid IP addresses: %2!S!.
0x40000898訊息佇列觸發程序已成功地啟動。 Message Queuing Triggers started successfully.
0x400008A3訊息佇列觸發程序服務停止。 Message Queuing Triggers service stopped.
0x400008A9參數規則 %1 和識別碼 %2 已經生效。規則評估成功,定義的動作已經執行。 The parameters of the rule %1 with the ID %2 are now valid. The rule was evaluated successfully, and the action defined by it was executed.
0x400008AA連結到觸發 %1 和識別碼 %2 的規則已經生效。所有規則評估成功,定義的動作已經執行。 The rules attached to the trigger %1 with the ID %2 are now valid. All the rules were evaluated successfully, and the actions defined by them were executed.
0x400008AB觸發程序服務已設定為在網路服務帳戶下執行,但是這個設定將只會在觸發程序服務重新啟動後才會生效。如果您要觸發程序服務繼續在本機服務帳戶 (之前版本的觸發程序的預設值) 下執行,請在電腦管理中,修改觸發程序服務的登入設定。 The Triggers service has been set to run under the Network Service account, but this setting will take effect only after the Triggers service is restarted. If you want the Triggers service to continue to run under the Local Service account (the default for the previous version of Triggers), modify the logon settings for the Triggers service in Computer Management.
0x400008AD訊息佇列將使用 IP 位址 %1!S!。若要使用不同的 IP 位址,請設定 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%2 登錄數值為下列有效 IP 位址中的一個: %3!S!。 Message Queuing will use the IP address %1!S!. To use a different IP address, set the \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%2 registry value to one of the following valid IP addresses: %3!S!.
0x400008B6已順利完成備份 (元件: %1。 A backup (components: %1) was completed successfully.
0x400008B7已順利完成還原。 A restore was completed successfully.
0x400008B8已順利處理位於 '%1' 的還原。已還原的元件是 %2。 The restore located at '%1' was handled successfully. Restored components are %2.
0x400008B9已透過登錄設定停用「MSMQ VSS 寫入器」。備份與還原支援無法使用。若要啟用寫入者,請刪除登錄值 DisableMsmqVSSWriter 或將它設定為 0。 The MSMQ VSS Writer is disabled through the registry setting. Backup and restore support is not available. To enable the writer, please delete registry value DisableMsmqVSSWriter or set it to 0.
0x400008CC因為系統記憶體使用已恢復正常,所以訊息佇列正在繼續接受訊息。 Message Queuing is resuming accepting messages because the system memory usage has normalized.
0x400E0001至少有一個傳送的內容導致警告,但該功能已完成。 One or more of the properties passed resulted in a warning, but the function completed.
0x400E0002內容識別碼無效。 The property ID is invalid.
0x400E0003在這個操作中忽略指定的內容(例如,當 PROPID_M_SENDERID 被傳送至 SendMessage() 時,會發生這種情況)。 The property specified was ignored for this operation (this occurs,for example, when PROPID_M_SENDERID is passed to SendMessage()).
0x400E0004在這個操作中不支援且忽略指定的內容。 The property specified is not supported and was ignored for this operation.
0x400E0005指定的內容已出現在內容識別元陣列中。忽略此操作的重複。 The property specified is already in the property identifier array.The duplicate was ignored for this operation.
0x400E0006非同步作業目前擱置中。 An asynchronous operation is currently pending.
0x400E0009支援 MQCreateQueue 的格式名稱緩衝區太小而無法保留格式名稱,但已成功地建立佇列。 The format name buffer supplied to MQCreateQueue was too smallto hold the format name, however the queue was created successfully.
0x400E000A這個使用者已有內部的訊息佇列憑證。 An internal Message Queuing certificate already exists for this user.
0x400E000B在處理 MQSetQueueSecurity() 呼叫時,未設定佇列的擁有者。 The queue owner was not set during the processing of this call to MQSetQueueSecurity().
0x400E03E8要求的操作應該在遠端電腦中進行(例如,MQCreateCursor() 的遠端狀況)。 The operation requested should be performed on a remote computer(as, for example, in the remote case of MQCreateCursor()).
0x400E03E9已取消用戶端的遠端操作。 The remote operation was canceled on the client side.
0x400E03ED封包中找不到增強型簽章。 The enhanced signature cannot be found in the packet.
0x400E052C成功寫入遠端的擁有者。請稍候幾分鐘以確保複寫完成。 The write operation to the remote owner completed successfully. Please wait a few minutes to ensure that replication has completed.
0x400E052D電腦的站台並未根據它的位址進行解析。 The computer's site was not resolved from its addresses.
0x400E07E5已建立連線到訊息佇列伺服器 '%1'。 A connection to the Message Queuing server '%1' was established.
0x400E07E7已成功在 Active Directory 網域服務中的電腦 '%1' 下建立訊息佇列物件。 Message Queuing objects were successfully created under the computer '%1' in Active Directory Domain Services.
0x400E07E8訊息佇列服務 '%1' 正在啟動。 The Message Queuing service '%1' is starting.
0x400E0C02不需要轉換安全性描述元。 Conversion of security descriptor is not needed.
0x800007FB訊息佇列服務刪除訊息 '%1'。因為佇列 '%2' 不存在,訊息無法還原。 The Message Queuing service deleted message '%1'. The message cannot be restored because the queue '%2' does not exist.
0x800007FC訊息佇列服務沒有建立稽核記錄檔訊息的特殊權限。 The Message Queuing service has insufficient privileges to create audit log messages.
0x800007FD訊息佇列下層用戶端支援服務沒有建立稽核記錄檔訊息的特殊權限。 The Message Queuing down-level client support service has insufficient privileges to create audit log messages.
0x8000080B由於 RPC 介面不能使用 TCP/IP 通訊協定,訊息佇列服務無法與其他電腦通訊,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot communicate with other computers, because the RPC interface cannot use the TCP/IP protocol. Error %1: %2
0x80000827已經達到用戶端存取使用權 (CAL) 限額。這個伺服器將無法服務其他用戶端。這可能導致訊息效能降低。請參閱 Windows 文件,了解如何增加您的用戶端使用權限制。這個事件不會記錄超過每 %1 秒一次。 The Client Access License (CAL) limit was reached. This server is unable to serve more clients. This may lead to messaging performance degradation. See the Windows documentation for information on how to increase your client license limit. This event is logged no more than once per %1 seconds.
0x8000084B訊息佇列伺服器無法判定本機網域控制站是否可以被信任委派。可能是嚴重問題。相關資訊,請參考 [說明及支援中心]。 The Message Queuing server cannot determine if the local domain controller is trusted for delegation. This may indicate a serious problem. For more information, see Help and Support Center.
0x8000085B訊息佇列偵測到本機網域控制站發生了問題。問題解決後,訊息佇列才會運作正常。請使用事件檢視器檢查目錄服務、檔案複寫服務和系統記錄檔,找出問題發生原因。 Message Queuing detected a problem with the local domain controller. Until the problem is resolved, Message Queuing will function unpredictably. Using Event Viewer, inspect the directory service, File Replication Service, and system logs to help identify the problem.
0x8000085C這個伺服器無法解析其他路由伺服器的 IP 位址。請檢查所有電腦是否已登錄在 DNS。 This server was unable to resolve the IP addresses of other routing servers. Please check that all computers are registered in DNS.
0x80000860實際的網路位址與列在這台電腦的其他訊息佇列伺服器上的位址不一致。如果這台電腦屬於 MSMQ 1.0 站台,您應該使用本機主要站台控制站 (PSC) 上的 MSMQ Explorer,以手動方式更新為這台電腦所列出的位址。 There is an inconsistency between the actual network addresses and the addresses that are listed on other Message Queuing servers for this computer. If this computer belongs to an MSMQ 1.0 site, you should use MSMQ Explorer on the local primary site controller (PSC) to manually update the addresses listed for this computer.
0x80000868訊息佇列目錄服務不視為本機系統執行。若要取得目錄服務功能,您必須以本機系統的執行方式執行。 The Message Queuing directory service is not running as a local system. To get the directory service functionality, you need to run as a local system.
0x80000869訊息佇列下層用戶端支援無法啟動。這個服務只能在網域控制站上操作。若要停用這個服務,可以使用 [電腦管理] 來變更它在 [內容] 對話方塊中的啟動類型,從自動變更為手動或停用。 Message Queuing Down-level Client Support cannot start. This service can operate only on a domain controller. The service can be disabled by using Computer Management to change its startup type in the Properties dialog box from Automatic to Manual or Disabled.
0x8000086D略過 URL %1 至佇列 %2 的對應。該 URL 已對應至另一個佇列。 The mapping of the URL %1 to the queue %2 was ignored. This URL is already mapped to another queue.
0x80000871忽略 URL %1 對應至佇列 %2。此佇列名稱不是正確的 URL 樣式的佇列名稱。 The mapping of the URL %1 to the queue %2 is ignored. This queue name is not a valid URL-style queue name.
0x80000872訊息佇列下層用戶端支援無法為電腦 %1 建立具有給定的 GUID 之 MSMQ Configuration (msmq) 物件。在安裝 Windows NT 4.0 或 Windows 9x 電腦期間,及 Windows 2000 電腦加入 Windows Server 2003 網域 (或更新) 時,可能會為訊息佇列用戶端要求以所給予的 GUID 來建立 MSMQ Configuration 物件。依預設,Active Directory 網域服務樹系不支援以提供的 GUID 來新增物件。經由升級這個用戶端電腦上的訊息佇列到一個不會要求以所給予 GUID 來建立物件的版本,您可以解決這個問題。另外還有其他可選擇的解決方案。 Message Queuing Down-level Client Support failed to create the MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object with a given GUID for computer %1. Creating MSMQ Configuration objects with given GUIDs may be required for Message Queuing clients during the setup of Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 9x computers and when a Windows 2000 computer joins a Windows Server 2003 (or later) domain. By default, an Active Directory Domain Services forest does not support adding an object with a supplied GUID. You can solve this problem by upgrading Message Queuing on the client computer to a version that does not require creating an object with a given GUID. There are also alternative solutions.
0x80000875無法解析電腦所在的站台。請檢查您網路中的子網路已在 Active Directory 網域服務中正確地設定,且每個站台都以適當的子網路來設定。 The sites where the computer resides cannot be resolved. Check that the subnets in your network are configured correctly in Active Directory Domain Services and that each site is configured with the appropriate subnet.
0x8000087B訊息佇列無法繫結到 UDP 連接埠 3527,因為訊息佇列的內部 ping 機制使用這個連接埠來建立網路連線。其他處理程序可能正在使用此連接埠。即使不使用此連接埠,訊息佇列仍可以繼續運作,但是連線時間將無法最佳化。若要最佳化連線建立時間,請釋放此連接埠並重新啟動訊息佇列。 Message Queuing cannot bind to UDP port 3527. Message Queuing's internal ping mechanism uses this port to establish network connections. Another process may be using this port. Message Queuing can continue to operate without using this port, but connection times will not be optimal. To optimize the establishment of connections, free this port and restart Message Queuing.
0x8000087F訊息佇列將在傳送以 RC2 加密演算法加密的訊息時,使用有效長度為 40 位元的加密金鑰。若要恢復增強式加密,請移除登錄值 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Security\\SendEnhRC2With40。 Message Queuing will use an encryption key with an effective length of 40 bits when sending messages encrypted with the RC2 encryption algorithm. To restore strong encryption, remove the registry value HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Security\\SendEnhRC2With40.
0x80000885因為已經達到連線限制,所以訊息佇列無法建立這部電腦的新連線。有太多電腦嘗試傳送訊息到此電腦或從此電腦接收訊息。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2181 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing cannot establish new connections to this computer because connection limit was reached. There are too many computers attempting to send messages to or receive from this computer. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2181 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000886已超過 MSMQ 佇列 %1 的儲存配額。無法再將任何訊息儲存到佇列中。您可在 [電腦管理] 主控台編輯佇列內容,來增加佇列的儲存配額。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2182 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Storage quota exceeded for MSMQ queue %1. No more messages can be stored in the queue. You can increase a queue's storage quota by editing queue properties in Computer Management console. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2182 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000887已超過機器 MSMQ 儲存配額,或是磁碟空間不足。無法再將任何訊息儲存到使用者佇列中。您可使用 [電腦管理] 主控台來增加訊息佇列儲存配額,或清空不需要的訊息。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2183 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Machine MSMQ storage quota was exceeded or there is insufficient disk space. No more messages can be stored in user queues. You can increase Message Queuing storage quota or purge unneeded messages by using Computer Management console. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2183 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000888訊息佇列無法將名稱 '%1' 解析為 IP 位址。請嘗試 ping 接收者的電腦,並檢查這部電腦的 DNS 設定。最長每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2184 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not resolve the name '%1' to an IP address. Try to ping the recipient computer, and check this computer's DNS settings. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2184 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000889通訊端作業失敗,錯誤為 %1。下一個躍點位址為 %2!S!。訊息佇列現在無法傳送訊息,但是會重試傳送訊息。最短每隔 %3 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2185 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 A socket operation failed with error %1. Next hop address is %2!S!. Message Queuing cannot send the message now, but it will retry to send the message. This event is logged at most once per %3 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2185 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x8000088A因為已達到這部電腦的連線限制,所以訊息佇列無法建立到 %1 的連線。有太多電腦嘗試傳送訊息到此電腦或從此電腦接收訊息。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2186 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not establish connection to %1, because the connection limit for this computer was reached. There too many computers trying to send to or receive messages from this computer. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2186 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x8000088B因為連線已被接收者的電腦拒絕,所以訊息佇列無法建立到 %1 的連線。可能是用戶端存取使用權 (CAL) 已耗盡 (如果接收者是 Windows Server),或已達到連線限制 (如果接收者是 Windows 工作站)。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2187 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not establish connection to %1, because connection was refused by the recipient computer. It is possible that Client Access Licenses (CALs) are exhausted (if the recipient is a Windows Server), or connection limit has been reached (if the recipient is a Windows workstation). This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2187 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x8000088C訊息佇列無法存取 Active Directory 網域服務,且無法計算傳送到佇列 %3 的訊息路由路徑。訊息會在傳輸佇列中等待,直到 Active Directory 網域服務的連線還原為止。最短每隔 %4 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2188 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing could not access Active Directory Domain Services and failed to compute routing path for messages sent to queue %3. Messages will wait in the outgoing queue until connection with Active Directory Domain Services is restored. This event is logged at most once per %4 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2188 registry value to desired time in seconds. Error %1: %2
0x8000088D因為記憶體太低,所以訊息佇列無法傳送訊息。訊息佇列將重試傳送訊息。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2189 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing failed to send a message due to low memory. Message Queuing will retry to send the message. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2189 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x8000088E訊息佇列無法完成與遠端電腦的 SSL 交涉。可能是未正確安裝伺服器憑證,或遠端電腦未在連接埠 443 (SSL) 上接聽。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2190 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not complete SSL negotiation with the remote computer. It is possible that the server certificate is not properly installed, or that remote computer is not listening on port 443 (SSL). This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2190 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x8000088F因為在不允許的存放區中找到憑證,所以訊息佇列無法驗證 HTTPS 案例中的伺服器憑證。這表示無法信任該憑證。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2191 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not validate server certificate in HTTPS scenario because the certificate was found in disallowed store. This means the certificate cannot be trusted. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2191 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000890因為無法建立從伺服器憑證到信任之憑證授權單位憑證的信任鏈結,所以訊息佇列無法建立與接收者的電腦的 SSL 連線。最短每隔 %3 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2192 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing could not establish SSL connection with the recipient computer because a trust chain from the server certificate to a trusted Certificate Authority certificate could not be established. This event is logged at most once per %3 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2192 registry value to desired time in seconds. Error %1: %2
0x80000891因為在 HTTP 佇列格式名稱中指定的電腦名稱與接收者的伺服器憑證名稱不符,所以訊息佇列無法建立與收件者電腦的 SSL 連線。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2193 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not establish SSL connection with the recipient computer because the computer name specified in the HTTP queue format name does not match the name of the recipient server certificate. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2193 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000893訊息佇列無法驗證傳送到 %1 的訊息。因為佇列只接受驗證過的訊息,所以訊息已被拒絕。可能是傳送者沒有簽署訊息,或是使用自我簽署憑證來簽署訊息。如果傳送者要求,則會傳送未到達通知。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2195 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing could not authenticate a message sent to queue %1. The message was rejected because the queue only accepts authenticated messages. It is possible that sender did not sign the message, or signed it with a self-signed certificate. A negative arrival acknowledgement will be sent if requested by the sender. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2195 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000894訊息佇列無法驗證傳送到佇列 %1 的訊息數位簽章。訊息已被拒絕。如果傳送者要求,則會傳送未到達通知。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2196 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 Message Queuing failed to verify digital signature of a message sent to queue %1. The message was rejected. A negative arrival acknowledgement will be sent if requested by the sender. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2196 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x80000895訊息佇列無法在 IPv6 通訊協定上進行接聽。在 IPv6 上將無法接受訊息。如果您要訊息佇列接受 IPv6 通訊協定上的訊息,請確定 IPv6 通訊協定已安裝,而且可運作 (需要重新啟動電腦)。錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing failed to listen on the IPv6 protocol. Messages will not be accepted on IPv6. If you want Message Queuing to accept messages on IPv6 protocol, please verify that the IPv6 protocol is installed and operational (Restarting the machine is required). Error %1: %2
0x80000896訊息佇列無法在 IPv4 通訊協定上進行接聽。在 IPv4 上將無法接受訊息。如果您要訊息佇列接受 IPv4 通訊協定上的訊息,請確定 IPv4 通訊協定已安裝,而且可運作 (需要重新啟動電腦)。錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing failed to listen on the IPv4 protocol. Messages will not be accepted on IPv4. If you want Message Queuing to accept messages on IPv4 protocol, please verify that the IPv4 protocol is installed and operational (Restarting the machine is required). Error %1: %2
0x800008AE對將觸發程序服務在網路服務帳戶下執行的變更,只要是在 [允許服務與桌面互動] 核取方塊被選取的情形下,都不會生效。若要讓這個變更生效,請在電腦管理中訊息佇列觸發程序內,清除 [內容] 對話方塊 [登入] 分頁上的 [允許服務與桌面互動] 核取方塊,然後重新啟動服務。 The change for the Triggers service to run under the Network Service account will not take effect as long as the \"Allow service to interact with desktop\" check box is selected. To allow this change to take effect, clear the \"Allow service to interact with desktop\" check box on the Log On page of the Properties dialog box for Message Queuing Triggers in Computer Management and restart the service.
0x800008B0無法建立「MSMQ VSS 寫入器」物件。錯誤 %1: %2。 The MSMQ VSS Writer object cannot be created. Error %1: %2.
0x800008B1「MSMQ VSS 寫入器」無法向 VSS 登錄。請確定 VSS 正在執行。錯誤 %1: %2。 The MSMQ VSS Writer failed to register with the VSS. Please make sure that the VSS is running. Error %1: %2.
0x800008CA因為系統分頁集區太低,所以訊息佇列將暫時無法接受訊息。在此期間,會將電腦配額設為 0。在此階段不需要手動進行操作。一旦記憶體使用量恢復正常,訊息佇列將自動繼續接受訊息。 Message Queuing will not be able to accept messages temporarily because system paged pool is low. During this period, machine quota will be set to 0. No manual intervention is required at this stage. Once memory utilization has normalized, Message Queuing will automatically resume accepting messages.
0x800008CB因為系統認可太低,所以訊息佇列將暫時無法接受訊息。在此期間,會將電腦配額設為 0。在此階段不需要手動進行操作。一旦記憶體使用量恢復正常,訊息佇列將自動繼續接受訊息。 Message Queuing will not be able to accept messages temporarily because system commit is low. During this period, machine quota will be set to 0. No manual intervention is required at this stage. Once memory utilization has normalized, Message Queuing will automatically resume accepting messages.
0x800008CD無法將訊息移動到寄不出的信件佇列 %3。請檢查佇列存在,且使用者有傳送的權限。訊息已移動到系統交易的寄不出的信件佇列中。最短每隔 %4 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2253 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。錯誤 %1: %2 The message could not be moved to deadletter queue %3. Check that queue exists and users have permissions to send. The message was moved to the system transactional dead letter queue. This event is logged at most once per %4 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2253 registry value to desired time in seconds. Error %1: %2
0x800008CE無法將訊息移動到寄不出的信件佇列 %1。已驗證寄不出的信件佇列,但無法驗證訊息的真實性。訊息將會被移動到系統交易的寄不出的信件佇列中。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2254 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 The message could not be moved to deadletter queue %1. The deadletter queue is authenticated and the authenticity of the message could not be verified. The message will be moved to the system transactional dead letter queue. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2254 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x800008CF無法將訊息移動到寄不出的信件佇列 %1。寄不出的信件佇列不應該要求訊息的隱私權。訊息將會被移動到系統交易的寄不出的信件佇列中。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2255 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 The message could not be moved to deadletter queue %1. Deadletter queues should not require privacy of messages. The message will be moved to the system transactional dead letter queue. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2255 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x800008D0無法將訊息移動到寄不出的信件佇列 %1。寄不出的信件佇列必須是交易性的。訊息將會被移動到系統交易的寄不出的信件佇列中。最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2256 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。 The message could not be moved to deadletter queue %1. The deadletter queue needs to be transactional. The message will be moved to the system transactional dead letter queue. This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2256 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0x800E07EA這個電腦上的訊息佇列服務目前是由一個新的 MSMQ 設定物件所代表。因此,所有使用舊的 MSMQ 設定物件指定的來源電腦識別元所傳送的,且尚未到達它們目的佇列的交易式訊息,將會被丟棄或放置於本機的交易式無法傳送信件佇列中。 The Message Queuing service on this computer is now represented by a new MSMQ-Configuration object. As a result, all transactional messages that were sent using the source computer identifierspecified by the old MSMQ-Configuration object but have not reached their destination queue will be discarded or placed in the local transactional dead-letter queue.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MSMQ Microsoft-Windows-MSMQ
0x90000002Application Application
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-MSMQ/End2End Microsoft-Windows-MSMQ/End2End
0x91000001Microsoft-Windows-MSMQTriggers Microsoft-Windows-MSMQTriggers
0xB0000001識別碼為 %1\\%2 的訊息已放入佇列 %3 Message with ID %1\\%2 was put into queue %3
0xB0000002已接收訊息 Message received
0xB0000003已透過網路傳送訊息 Message sent over network
0xB0000004已透過網路接收訊息 Message came over network
0xB0000005識別碼為 %1\\%2 的訊息已傳送至佇列 %3 Message with ID %1\\%2 was sent to queue %3
0xC00007D0訊息佇列服務無法啟動。無法從本機 Windows 登錄中抓取登錄值 '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%3'。錯誤 %1: %2。 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The registry value '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%3' cannot be retrieved from the local Windows Registry. Error %1: %2
0xC00007D1訊息佇列服務無法啟動。無法將登錄值 '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%3' 寫入本機 Windows 登錄。錯誤 %1: %2。 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The registry value '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%3' cannot be written to the local Windows Registry. Error %1: %2
0xC00007DF訊息佇列服務沒有使用 Active Directory 網域服務上線。在 Active Directory 網域服務中的電腦名稱 '%1' 下,找到儲存在登錄值 '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\MachineCache\\QMId' 中的 MSMQ 設定物件 (msmq) 識別碼。請在 Active Directory 本機電腦名稱下,重新尋找這個 MSMQ 設定物件。這項服務每隔幾分鐘會嘗試找到相符的 MSMQ 設定物件。 The Message Queuing service is not online with Active Directory Domain Services. The MSMQ Configuration object (msmq) ID stored in the registry value '\\HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\MachineCache\\QMId' was found under the computer name '%1' in Active Directory Domain Services. Please relocate this MSMQ Configuration object under the local computer name in Active Directory Domain Services. The service attempts to locate a matching MSMQ Configuration object every few minutes.
0xC00007E0因為無法抓取或設定伺服器內容,所以訊息佇列服務沒有使用 Active Directory 網域服務上線。服務將在幾分鐘內嘗試抓取並設定其內容。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service is not online with Active Directory Domain Services, since the service properties cannot be retrieved or set. The service will attempt to retrieve and set its properties in a few minutes. Error %1: %2
0xC00007E4無法啟動訊息佇列服務。無法初始化內部私用佇列 '%3'。如果問題持續發生,請重新安裝訊息佇列。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The internal private queue '%3' cannot be initialized. If the problem persists, reinstall Message Queuing. Error %1: %2
0xC00007E7無法啟動訊息佇列服務。無法重新載入訊息儲存區。錯誤 %1:%2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The message store cannot be reloaded. Error %1: %2
0xC00007EB發現損毀的封包: '%1'最短每隔 %2 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2027 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (秒)。 A corrupted packet was encountered: '%1'This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\Event2027 registry value to desired time in seconds.
0xC00007F3訊息佇列服務無法啟動。無法初始化 Active Directory 網域服務介面,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The Active Directory Domain Services interface cannot be initialized. Error %1: %2
0xC00007FF訊息佇列服務無法啟動。無法建立到分散式交易協調器的連線,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. A connection with the Distributed Transaction Coordinator cannot be established. Error %1: %2
0xC0000800伺服器無法支援下層用戶端的自動站台及連線網路的識別,這個問題可能是 Active Directory 網域服務複寫延遲所造成,請在複寫完成後重新啟動 MQDS 服務。 The server cannot support the automatic recognition of sites and connected networks for down-level clients. The problem might be caused by Active Directory Domain Services replication delay. Please restart MQDS service after replication completed.
0xC0000805傳入順序檢查點檔案無法初始化。Msmq\\Storage 資料夾中的 MQInSeqs.lg1 或 MQInSeqs.lg2 檔案已毀損或不存在,錯誤 %1: %2 The incoming sequences checkpoint file failed to initialize. The file MQInSeqs.lg1 or MQInSeqs.lg2 in the Msmq\\Storage folder is corrupted or absent. Error %1: %2
0xC000080D訊息佇列服務無法啟動。無法初始化本機 RPC 介面,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The local RPC interface cannot be initialized. Error %1: %2
0xC0000810交易檢查點檔案無法初始化。Msmq\\Storage 資料夾中的 MQTrans.lg1 或 MQTrans.lg2 檔案已毀損或不存在,錯誤 %1: %2 The transactions checkpoint file failed to initialize. The file MQTrans.lg1 or MQTrans.lg2 in the Msmq\\Storage folder are corrupted or absent. Error %1: %2
0xC0000814Windows 登錄中具有目錄服務功能的訊息佇列伺服器清單沒有內容。 The list of Message Queuing servers with directory service functionality in the Windows registry is empty.
0xC000081C無法初始化記錄器檔案。Msmq\\Storage 資料夾中的 QMLog 檔案已毀損或不存在,錯誤 %1: %2 The logger files cannot be initialized. The file QMLog in the Msmq\\Storage folder is corrupted or absent. Error %1: %2
0xC000081E無法啟動訊息佇列服務。無法復原檢查點檔案。若要在不遺失一致性的情況下啟動訊息佇列服務,您必須修正或復原損毀的檢查點及記錄檔。若要啟動服務供緊急使用 (可能會失去資料的一致性),請從 Msmq\\Storage 資料夾中刪除 QMLog、MQTrans.lg1、MQTrans.lg2、MQInSeqs.lg1 及 MQInSeqs.lg2 檔案,並新增值為 0 的 DWORD 登錄機碼 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\LogDataCreated。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The checkpoint files cannot be recovered. To start the Message Queuing service without losing consistency, you must correct or recover corrupted checkpoint and log files. To start the service for emergency use (with a potential loss of data consistency), delete the files QMLog, MQTrans.lg1, MQTrans.lg2, MQInSeqs.lg1, and MQInSeqs.lg2 from the Msmq\\Storage folder and add the DWORD registry key HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\LogDataCreated with a value of 0. Error %1: %2
0xC000081F無法啟動訊息佇列服務。無法復原記錄檔。若要在不遺失一致性的情況下啟動訊息佇列服務,您必須修正或復原損毀的檢查點及記錄檔。若要啟動服務供緊急使用 (可能會失去資料的一致性),請從 Msmq\\Storage 資料夾中刪除 QMLog、MQTrans.lg1、MQTrans.lg2、MQInSeqs.lg1 及 MQInSeqs.lg2 檔案,並新增值為 0 的 DWORD 登錄機碼 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\LogDataCreated。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The log file cannot be recovered. To start the Message Queuing service without losing consistency, you must correct or recover corrupted checkpoint and log files. To start the service for emergency use (with a potential loss of data consistency), delete the files QMLog, MQTrans.lg1, MQTrans.lg2, MQInSeqs.lg1, and MQInSeqs.lg2 from the Msmq\\Storage folder and add the DWORD registry key HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\LogDataCreated with a value of 0. Error %1: %2
0xC0000823無法啟動訊息佇列服務。訊息檔案 '%3' 和記錄檔檔案 '%4' 無法重新載入,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot start. The message file '%3' and the log file '%4' cannot be reloaded. Error %1: %2
0xC0000824因為佇列的狀態不一致,所以無法啟動訊息佇列服務。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft 知識庫文章 827493,網址為。 The Message Queuing service cannot start because a queue is in an inconsistent state. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 827493 at
0xC0000825無法建立訊息檔案 '%1'。磁碟空間或記憶體不足。 The message file '%1' cannot be created. There is insufficient disk space or memory.
0xC000082F由於 MSMQ 1.0 主要站台控制站擁有佇列,您必須以手動方式從 MSMQ 1.0 站台 (使用在適用的站台控制站上所執行的 MSMQ Explorer) 刪除佇列。 Since an MSMQ 1.0 primary site controller owns the queue, you must manually delete the queue from the MSMQ 1.0 site (use MSMQ Explorer running on an applicable the site controller).
0xC0000830無法建立訊息佇列資料夾。 The Message Queuing folder cannot be created.
0xC0000831無法讀取訊息佇列登錄值 (登錄可能已損毀)。 The Message Queuing registry values cannot be read (the registry is probably corrupted).
0xC0000844訊息佇列無法在 Active Directory 網域服務建立 msmq (MSMQ 設定) 物件,錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing was unable to create the msmq (MSMQ Configuration) object in Active Directory Domain Services. Error %1: %2
0xC0000845訊息佇列無法載入 Mqupgrd.dll,錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing was unable to load Mqupgrd.dll. Error %1: %2
0xC0000846訊息佇列無法在 Mqupgrd.dll 找到 MqCreateMsmqObj 的位址,錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing was unable to find the address of MqCreateMsmqObj in Mqupgrd.dll. Error %1: %2
0xC0000847無法完成訊息佇列安裝程式。 Message Queuing Setup cannot be completed.
0xC0000848訊息佇列服務無法從 Active Directory 網域服務取得 msmq (MSMQ 設定) 物件的內容。可能是由於 Active Directory 網域服務複寫延遲所造成。請稍候幾分鐘,再重新啟動訊息佇列服務,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service was unable to obtain the properties of the msmq (MSMQ Configuration) object from Active Directory Domain Services. This may be caused by an Active Directory Domain Services replication delay. Please wait several minutes and then restart the Message Queuing service. Error %1: %2
0xC000084A這個網域控制站不被信任委派。因此無法執行訊息佇列伺服器。請參考 [說明及支援中心],了解如何啟用「這部電腦受信任委派」內容的資訊。 This domain controller is not trusted for delegation. Therefore, the Message Queuing server cannot run. See Help and Support Center for information about how to enable the \"This computer is trusted for delegation\" property.
0xC000084C訊息佇列服務無法加入本機電腦的網域 '%3',錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service failed to join the computer's domain '%3'. Error %1: %2
0xC000084F訊息佇列無法在網域間 (%1) 自動移動。您必須執行 MoveTree 公用程式,或先解除安裝訊息佇列然後在新的網域重新安裝。 Message Queuing objects cannot move automatically between domains (%1). You must either run the MoveTree utility or first uninstall Message Queuing and then reinstall it in the new domain.
0xC000085D無法設定佇列 %3 的內容。複製佇列檔案 %4 到暫存檔 %5 時傳回錯誤 %1: %2 The properties of the queue %3 cannot be set. Copying the queue file %4 to the temporary file %5 returned error %1: %2
0xC000085E無法設定佇列 %3 的內容。以暫存檔 %4 取代佇列檔案 %5 時,傳回錯誤 %1: %2 The properties of the queue %3 cannot be set. Replacing the queue file %4 with the temporary file %5 returned error %1: %2
0xC000085FMicrosoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) 失敗。無法繼續執行訊息佇列服務。請重新啟動 DTC 及 訊息佇列服務。 The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) failed. The Message Queuing service cannot continue. Please restart the DTC and the Message Queuing service.
0xC0000861無法在 Active Directory 網域服務找到這台電腦的電腦物件,可能是因為 Active Directory 網域服務複寫延遲所造成。 The computer object for this computer was not found in Active Directory Domain Services, possibly because of Active Directory Domain Services replication delays.
0xC0000863無法啟動此服務是由於磁碟空間或記憶體不足。 The service cannot start due to insufficient disk space or memory.
0xC0000864無法啟動此服務是由於無法連線至它的裝置驅動程式。 The service cannot start due to its failure to connect to its device driver.
0xC0000865訊息佇列目錄服務無法在網域控制站降級處理程序的結尾更新 Active Directory 網域服務中的目錄服務旗標。 The Message Queuing directory service failed to update the directory service flag in Active Directory Domain Services at the end of the domain controller demotion process.
0xC0000866訊息佇列目錄服務無法在網域控制站升級處理程序期間更新 Active Directory 網域服務中的目錄服務旗標。 The Message Queuing directory service failed to update the directory service flag in Active Directory Domain Services during the domain controller promotion process.
0xC0000867已過時,保留供回溯相容性 Obsolete, kept for backward compatibility
0xC000086A多點傳送接聽程式初始化失敗。檔案 '%3' 可能已損毀,錯誤 %1: %2 A multicast listener initialization failed. The file '%3' may be corrupted. Error %1: %2
0xC000086B訊息佇列服務停止監視對應資料夾 %3,錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service stopped monitoring the mapping folder %3. Error %1: %2
0xC000086C略過對應檔案 %3。無法讀取其內容,錯誤 %1: %2 The mapping file %3 was ignored. Its content cannot be read. Error %1: %2
0xC000086E略過對應檔案 %1,因為它不是正確的格式。 The mapping file %1 was ignored because it was improperly formatted.
0xC0000870佇列無法接聽/繫結多點傳送位址 %3!S!,錯誤 %1: %2 The queue cannot listen/bind to the multicast address %3!S!. Error %1: %2
0xC0000874訊息佇列服務將不會加入 %1 網域。在新的網域中有一個 MSMQ 設定 (msmq) 物件存在,且識別碼和服務識別碼不一樣。請刪除新網域中的 MSMQ 設定物件,重新啟動訊息佇列服務,然後再次登入。 The Message Queuing service will not join the %1 domain. An MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object exists in the new domain with an ID differing from the service ID. Please delete the MSMQ Configuration object in the new domain, restart the Message Queuing service, and log on again.
0xC0000876訊息佇列服務無法加入 '%1' Windows NT 4.0 網域。Active Directory 網域服務整合元件因此被移除。 The Message Queuing service cannot join the '%1' Windows NT 4.0 domain. The Active Directory Domain Services Integration subcomponent was therefore removed.
0xC0000878訊息佇列服務資源無法連接到叢集 IP 位址。這使得訊息佇列服務資源無從這個節點上線。可能的原因之一,是電腦變成伺服器叢集的成員之前,正在實體節點上執行的訊息佇列服務已經開啟。結果,正在實體節點上執行的訊息佇列服務接聽電腦所有 IP 位址,並阻止訊息佇列資源接聽叢集 IP 位址。若要解決這個問題,請在實體節點上重新啟動訊息佇列服務。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service resource cannot bind to the cluster IP address. This prevents the Message Queuing resource from coming online on this node. One possible reason is that the Message Queuing service running on the physical node was started before the computer became a member of the server cluster. As a result, the Message Queuing service running on the physical node listens on all IP addresses of the computer and prevents the Message Queuing resource from listening on the cluster IP address. To solve this problem, restart the Message Queuing service on the physical node. Error %1: %2
0xC0000879本機電腦是一部訊息佇列路由伺服器,它原先是屬於 '%1' 網域,但現在正以工作群組模式運作。其他訊息佇列用戶端仍以這部電腦為路由伺服器,並嘗試通過這部電腦來傳送路由訊息。若要解決這個問題,您必須為這部電腦從 Active Directory 網域服務中手動刪除訊息佇列物件。請刪除以下兩物件: 1) 這部電腦之電腦物件下的 msmq 物件,它是在 Active Directory 使用者和電腦嵌入式管理單元內的電腦容器中: 'CN=msmq,CN=%2,CN=computers,DC=%1,DC=...' 2) 這部電腦之伺服器物件下的 MSMQ 設定物件,它是在 Active Directory 站台及服務嵌入式管理單元中: 'CN=MSMQ Settings,CN=%2,CN=Servers,CN=,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=...' 您也需要使用伺服器角色管理員解除安裝路由支援和下層用戶端支援。 The local computer is a Message Queuing routing server that formerly belonged to the '%1' domain and is now operating in workgroup mode. Other Message Queuing clients still regard this computer as a routing server and will try to route messages through this computer. To solve this problem, you need to manually delete the Message Queuing objects for this computer in Active Directory Domain Services. Please delete the following two objects: 1) The msmq object under the computer object of this computer in the Computers container in the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in: 'CN=msmq,CN=%2,CN=computers,DC=%1,DC=...' 2) The MSMQ Settings object under the server object for this computer in the Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in: 'CN=MSMQ Settings,CN=%2,CN=Servers,CN=,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=...' You also need to uninstall Routing Support and Down-level Client Support by using Server Role Manager.
0xC000087A訊息佇列無法繫結到連接埠 1801。此連接埠可能已繫結到其他處理程序。請確定該連接埠已釋放,然後嘗試重新啟動訊息佇列。如果這個問題是在安裝期間出現,您必須釋放該連接埠,然後重新安裝。 Message Queuing failed to bind to port 1801. The port may already be bound to another process. Make sure that the port is free and try to start Message Queuing again. If this problem arises during setup, you must free the port and run setup again.
0xC000087E訊息佇列下層用戶端支援無法在混合模式下運作。混合模式是一個訊息佇列部署處於從 MQIS (MSMQ 1.0) 移轉到 Active Directory 網域服務過程中的暫時模式。在這個模式中,某些站台仍舊是 Windows NT 4.0 站台並且由 PEC 和 PSC 管制。混合模式可能會要求建立/刪除/更新屬於 Windows NT 4.0 站台的物件,訊息佇列下層用戶端支援並不支援這些操作。在完成移轉所有 Windows NT 4.0 站台到 Active Directory 網域服務 (移轉 Windows NT 4.0 站台中的 PEC 和所有的 PSC) 後,訊息佇列將不再處於混合模式。 Message Queuing Down-level Client Support cannot operate in mixed mode. Mixed mode is a transient mode in which Message Queuing deployment is in the middle of migration from MQIS (for MSMQ 1.0) to Active Directory Domain Services. In this mode, some sites are still Windows NT 4.0 sites and are mastered by the PEC and PSCs. Mixed mode might require creating/deleting/updating objects that belong to Windows NT 4.0 sites. These operations are not supported by Message Queuing Down-level Client Support. After completing the migration of all Windows NT 4.0 sites to Active Directory Domain Services (migration of the PEC and all PSCs in Windows NT 4.0 sites), Message Queuing will no longer be in mixed mode.
0xC0000881訊息佇列服務在無法查驗寄件者是否被允許傳送訊息來存取佇列時將會拒絕傳入的訊息。在這個狀況下,受影響的佇列是 %1,但請注意不是每次這個問題發生時都會發出事件。%n若要執行這個存取查驗,訊息佇列需要存取寄件者使用者物件的 TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal 屬性。只有具有網域系統管理員權限的使用者可以新增成員到 Windows Authorization Access Group,這樣的使用者可以下列方式中的一種來存取 TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal 屬性:%n 1) 最高安全性執行方式,僅新增需要存取 TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal 屬性的電腦帳戶到 Windows Authorization Access Group。網域系統管理員將為需要此權限的其他訊息佇列電腦重複這個操作,手動新增相關帳戶到 Windows Authorization Access Group。%n 2) 較低安全性執行方式,新增已驗證使用者群組到 Windows Authorization Access Group。這將賦予包括任何電腦上的訊息佇列服務在內的已驗證使用者,可以存取所有使用者的 TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal 屬性,不再需要進一步的手動系統管理 The Message Queuing service rejects incoming messages when it is unable to check whether the sender is allowed access to the queue for sending messages. In this case, the queue affected is %1, but note that an event might not be issued every time this problem occurs.%n To perform this access check, Message Queuing needs access to the TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal attribute of the sender's user object. Only users with domain administration permissions can add members to the Windows Authorization Access Group, which is allowed access to the TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal attribute, in one of two ways:%n 1) For best security practice, add only the computer accounts that need access to the TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal attribute to the Windows Authorization Access Group. The domain administrator will repeat this operation for other Message Queuing computers that require the permission, manually adding the relevant accounts to the Windows Authorization Access Group.%n 2) As a less secure practice, add the Authenticated Users group to the Windows Authorization Access group. This grants every authenticated user, including the Message Queuing service on any computer, access to the TokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal attribute for all users, and requires no further manual administration.
0xC0000892因為替通訊端選取的 API 失敗,所以訊息佇列服務無法與其他電腦進行通訊。錯誤 %1: %2 The Message Queuing service cannot communicate with other computers, because the select API for socket failed. Error %1: %2
0xC0000897訊息佇列服務無法同時在 IPv4 及 IPv6 通訊協定上進行接聽。將無法接受透過 TCP/IP 通訊協定之網路傳送的訊息。使用 TCP/IP 通訊協定傳送到這部電腦的訊息將無法到達,但會累積在傳送者的傳出佇列中。請修正 TCP/IP 通訊協定的問題,然後重新啟動電腦。 Message Queuing Service failed to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol. Messages will not be accepted from the network through TCP/IP protocols. Messages addressed to this machine using TCP/IP protocols will not arrive but will accumulate in sender's outgoing queues. Please fix the TCP/IP protocols issue and restart the computer.
0xC0000899訊息佇列觸發程序初始化失敗,錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing Triggers initialization failed. Error %1: %2
0xC000089A訊息佇列觸發程序無法建立觸發程序交易式物件的例項。因此無法呼叫交易式重建觸發程序。Mqgentr.dll 可能已登錄或不存在於 %SystemRoot%\\System32 資料夾中,錯誤 %1: %2 Message Queuing Triggers failed to create an instance of the Triggers Transactional object. As a result, no transactional retrieval triggers can be invoked. Mqgentr.dll may not be registered or may not exist in the %SystemRoot%\\System32 folder. Error %1: %2
0xC000089B無法從登錄中的觸發程序存放區抓取觸發程序的資訊。至少有一個觸發程序沒有功能。 The trigger information cannot be retrieved from the trigger store in registry. At least one trigger is nonfunctional.
0xC000089C連結規則的資訊無法從觸發程序 %1 的觸發程序存放區中抓取出來。[觸發程序名稱: %2)。該觸發程序沒有功能。 The information for the attached rule cannot be retrieved from the trigger store for trigger %1 (Trigger Name: %2). The trigger is nonfunctional.
0xC000089D開啟佇列 %3 以查看或抓取訊息時失敗。本機使用者可能沒有被授與對於此佇列的「查看訊息」或「接收訊息」使用權限。觸發程序 %4 沒有功能,錯誤 %1: %2 Opening the queue %3 for peeking at or retrieving messages failed. Local users may not have been granted the Peek Message or Receive Message permission for this queue. The trigger %4 is nonfunctional. Error %1: %2
0xC000089E無法開啟觸發程序服務所需要的內部佇列。觸發程序服務下執行的帳戶可能沒有開啟佇列的權限,或該佇列已經被刪除。如要解決這個問題,請解除觸發程序服務安裝後再重新安裝,錯誤 %1: %2 Opening an internal queue needed by the Triggers service failed. The account under which the Triggers service is running may not have permissions to open this queue, or the queue may have been deleted. To solve this problem, uninstall and reinstall the Triggers service. Error %1: %2
0xC000089F尚未建立規則 %3 (其識別碼為 %4) 的規則處理常式例項。無法評估與執行該規則。可能尚未登錄 MSMQTriggerObjects.MSMQRuleHandler 類別,或系統資料夾中沒有 mqtrig.dll,錯誤 %1: %2 An instance of a rule handler for the rule %3 with the ID %4 was not created. The rule cannot be evaluated and executed. The MSMQTriggerObjects.MSMQRuleHandler class may not be registered, or your System folder does not contain mqtrig.dll. Error %1: %2
0xC00008A0尚未剖析規則 %3 (其識別碼為 %4) 的動作或條件參數。無法評估與執行該規則。您可以移除觸發程序登錄中的規則項目,然後利用本機電腦管理重建,錯誤 %1: %2 The action or a condition parameter for the rule %3 with the ID %4 was not parsed. The rule cannot be evaluated and executed. You can remove the rule entry from the Triggers registry and recreate it using local computer management. Error %1: %2
0xC00008A1尚未啟動由識別碼為 %3 的規則 %4 所定義的動作。可能尚未登錄 COM 物件,或是路徑中不存在此執行檔,錯誤 %1: %2 The action defined by the rule %3 with the ID %4 was not invoked. The COM object may not be registered, or the executable file may not exist in your path. Error %1: %2
0xC00008A2識別碼為 %3 的交易式觸發程序 %4 之規則評估或執行發生錯誤。可能未啟動規則條件或條件參數,或沒有正確地登錄所啟動的 COM 物件,錯誤 %1: %2 Rule evaluation or execution failed for the transactional trigger %3 with the ID %4. A rule condition or action parameter may be invalid, or the COM object invoked may not be registered correctly. Error %1: %2
0xC00008A4找不到佇列 %1。它可能被刪除了。與此佇列相關聯的觸發程序 %2 沒有功能。請使用 [電腦管理] 來移除這個觸發程序。 The queue %1 was not found. It may have been deleted. The trigger %2 associated with this queue is nonfunctional. Please use Computer Management to remove this trigger.
0xC00008A5至少有一個必要的依存找不到。請檢查 MSMQ Triggers (觸發程序) 資源是否依存於 Message Queue (訊息佇列) 資源。 At least one of the required dependencies was not found. Please verify that MSMQ Triggers resources are dependent on Message Queue resources.
0xC00008A6無法為 '%1' 更新登錄檔中的 EventLog 資訊。 Unable to update EventLog information in registry for '%1'.
0xC00008A7無法在 COM+ 中登錄 Triggers (觸發程序) 交易式元件,錯誤 %1: %2 The Triggers transactional component could not be registered in COM+. Error %1: %2
0xC00008A8不支援從遠端 Windows XP 前版電腦上的佇列抓取訊息。所有與佇列 %1 相關聯的觸發程序都無法作用。 Retrieving messages from a queue located on a remote pre-Windows XP computer is not supported. All triggers associated with the queue %1 are nonfunctional.
0xC00008AC\\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%2 登錄數值所指定的 IP 位址 %1!S! 不是這個電腦的有效 IP 位址。訊息佇列服務將使用 IP 位址 %3!S! 代替。請移除這個登錄數值,或設定它為下列有效 IP 位址中的一個: %4!S!。 The IP address %1!S! specified in the \\HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MSMQ\\Parameters\\%2 registry value is not a valid IP address for this computer. The Message Queuing service will use the IP address %3!S! instead. Please remove this registry value or set it to one of the following valid IP addresses: %4!S!.
0xC00008AF訊息佇列觸發程序初始化無法在設定的逾時內完成。 Message Queuing Triggers initialization failed to complete in the configured timeout..
0xC00008B2「MSMQ VSS 寫入器」無法識別本身。錯誤 %1: %2。 The MSMQ VSS Writer failed to identify itself. Error %1: %2.
0xC00008B3事件 %3 發生期間備份失敗。錯誤 %1: %2。 Backup failed during event %3. Error %1: %2.
0xC00008B4事件 %3 發生期間還原失敗。錯誤 %1: %2。若無法在 MSMQ 根目錄下建立還原目錄,或無法將還原根目錄寫入到登錄,會發生此情形。 Restore failed during event %3. Error %1: %2. This can happen if the restore directories under the MSMQ root directory cannot be created, or the restore root directory cannot be written in registry.
0xC00008B5「MSMQ VSS 寫入器」無法處理位於 '%3' 的還原。錯誤 %1: %2。 The MSMQ VSS Writer failed to handle the restore located at '%3'. Error %1: %2.
0xC00008BA位於 '%1' 的還原無效。無效的元件是 %2。請確定所有必要檔案都存在於正確的目錄中。 The restore located at '%1' is invalid. Invalid components are %2. Please verify all required files are present in the correct directory.
0xC00E0001一般錯誤碼。 Generic error code.
0xC00E0002傳遞的一或多個內容無效。 One or more of the properties passed are invalid.
0xC00E0003佇列不存在,或者您沒有執行這項操作所需的使用權限。 The queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.
0xC00E0004佇列沒有開啟或可能並不存在。 The queue is not open or may not exist.
0xC00E0005已經存在同樣路徑名稱的佇列。 A queue with the same path name already exists.
0xC00E0006傳遞給函式的參數無效。 An invalid parameter was passed to a function.
0xC00E0007傳遞給函式的控制代碼無效。 An invalid handle was passed to a function.
0xC00E0008此操作在完成之前就被取消了。 The operation was canceled before it could be completed.
0xC00E0009發生共用違規。這個佇列已經開啟為獨佔式接收之用。 There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval.
0xC00E000B無法使用訊息佇列服務 The Message Queuing service is not available
0xC00E000D找不到指定的電腦。 The computer specified cannot be found.
0xC00E0010MQLocateBegin 中所指定的排序操作無效 (例如: 欄位重複)。 The sort operation specified in MQLocateBegin is invalid (for example, there are duplicate columns).
0xC00E0011指定的使用者不是正確的使用者。 The user specified is not a valid user.
0xC00E0013無法建立與 Active Directory 網域服務的連線。請檢查是否有足夠使用權限執行這項操作。 A connection with Active Directory Domain Services cannot be established. Verify that there are sufficient permissions to perform this operation.
0xC00E0014指定的佇列路徑名稱無效。 The queue path name specified is invalid.
0xC00E0018指定的內容值無效。 The property value specified is invalid.
0xC00E0019指定的 VARTYPE 值無效。 The VARTYPE value specified is invalid.
0xC00E001A為 MQReceiveMessage 提供以用於訊息內容抓取的緩衝區太小。未將訊息從佇列移除,但已複製已存在於緩衝區中的部分訊息內容。 The buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for message property retrievalis too small. The message was not removed from the queue, but the partof the message property that was in the buffer was copied.
0xC00E001BMQReceiveMessage 等待訊息的指定時間已過。 The time specified for MQReceiveMessage to wait for the message elapsed.
0xC00E001C指定給 MQReceiveMessage 的 MQ_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT 值無法在目前的資料指標位置使用。 The MQ_ACTION_PEEK_NEXT value specified for MQReceiveMessage cannot be used withthe current cursor position.
0xC00E001D目前被資料指標所指向的訊息已從佇列中移除,它的移除是藉由另一個處理序或另一個給 MQReceiveMessage 的呼叫,而非使用這個資料指標來移除。 The message at which the cursor is currently pointing was removed fromthe queue by another process or by another call to MQReceiveMessagewithout the use of this cursor.
0xC00E001E指定的格式名稱無效。 The format name specified is invalid.
0xC00E001F提供給 API 的格式名稱緩衝區太小,無法儲存格式名稱。 The format name buffer supplied to the API was too smallto hold the format name.
0xC00E0020指定的格式名稱不支援所要求的操作類型 (例如,刪除使用直接格式名稱的佇列)。 Operations of the type requested (for example, deleting a queue using a direct format name)are not supported for the format name specified.
0xC00E0021指定的安全性描述元無效。 The specified security descriptor is invalid.
0xC00E0022使用者識別碼內容的緩衝區太小。 The size of the buffer for the user ID property is too small.
0xC00E0023傳送到 MQGetQueueSecurity 的緩衝區太小。 The size of the buffer passed to MQGetQueueSecurity is too small.
0xC00E0024RPC 伺服器無法模擬用戶端應用程式,所以無法驗證安全性認證。 The security credentials cannot be verified because the RPC servercannot impersonate the client application.
0xC00E0026用戶端沒有足夠的安全性使用權限,無法執行操作。 The client does not have sufficient security privileges to perform the operation.
0xC00E0027資源不足,無法執行操作。 There are insufficient resources to perform this operation.
0xC00E0028由於使用者的緩衝區太小而無法保留傳回的資訊,導致要求失敗。 The request failed because the user buffer is too small to hold the information returned.
0xC00E002A無法儲存可復原的訊息或日誌訊息。訊息並未傳送。 A recoverable or journal message could not be stored. The message was not sent.
0xC00E002B使用者憑證內容的緩衝區太小。 The buffer for the user certificate property is too small.
0xC00E002C使用者憑證無效。 The user certificate is invalid.
0xC00E002D內部的訊息佇列憑證已損毀。 The internal Message Queuing certificate is corrupted.
0xC00E002F這個使用者沒有內部的訊息佇列憑證。 No internal Message Queuing certificate exists for the user.
0xC00E0030加密編譯函數失敗。 A cryptographic function failed.
0xC00E0031個人憑證存放區已損毀。 The personal certificate store is corrupted.
0xC00E0033電腦不支援加密操作。 The computer does not support encryption operations.
0xC00E0035資訊安全內容無效。 The security context is invalid.
0xC00E0036無法從執行緒 Token 取得 SID。 The SID cannot be obtained from the thread token.
0xC00E0037無法取得使用者的帳戶資訊。 The account information for the user cannot be obtained.
0xC00E0038MQCOLUMNS 參數無效。 The MQCOLUMNS parameter is invalid.
0xC00E0039內容識別元無效。 A property identifier is invalid.
0xC00E003A關係參數無效。 A relationship parameter is invalid.
0xC00E003B訊息識別元或關聯識別元的緩衝區大小無效。 The size of the buffer for the message identifier or correlation identifier is invalid.
0xC00E003CMQRESTRICTION 中所指定的內容識別元無效。 A property identifier specified in MQRESTRICTION is invalid.
0xC00E003D指向 MQQUEUEPROPS 架構的指標含有 Null 值,或未在其中指定參數。 Either the pointer to the MQQUEUEPROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it.
0xC00E003E為要求的操作所指定的內容識別元 (例如,MQSetQueueProperties 中的PROPID_Q_INSTANCE) 無效。 The property identifier specified (for example, PROPID_Q_INSTANCE in MQSetQueueProperties)is invalid for the operation requested.
0xC00E003F並非所有要求操作的內容都被指定在輸入參數內。 Not all the properties required for the operation were specifiedfor the input parameters.
0xC00E0040MSMQ 設定 (msmq) 物件已經存在於 Active Directory 網域服務中。 The MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object already exists in Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E0041指向 MQQMROPS 架構的指標含有 Null 值,或未在其中指定參數。 Either the pointer to the MQQMROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it.
0xC00E0043內部 Active Directory 網域服務錯誤。 There is an internal Active Directory Domain Services error.
0xC00E0044物件擁有者無效 (例如,由於 QM 物件無效,導致 MQCreateQueue 失敗)。 The object owner is invalid (for example, MQCreateQueue failed because the QMobject is invalid).
0xC00E0045不支援指定的存取模式。 The access mode specified is unsupported.
0xC00E0046指定的結果緩衝區太小。 The result buffer specified is too small.
0xC00E0049物件擁有者沒有回應。 There was no response from the object owner.
0xC00E004A無法與物件擁有者取得連絡。 The object owner is not available.
0xC00E004B讀取遠端電腦的佇列時發生錯誤。 An error occurred while reading from a queue located on a remote computer.
0xC00E004C無法建立到 DTC 的連線。 A connection cannot be established with the Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
0xC00E004E無法匯入指定的交易。 The transaction specified cannot be imported.
0xC00E0050無法在交易中執行嘗試的動作。 An attempted action cannot be performed within a transaction.
0xC00E0051交易的操作順序不正確。 The transaction's operation sequence is incorrect.
0xC00E0055未指定連接器類型訊息內容。該內容需要在傳送認可訊息或安全訊息時使用。 The connector type message property is not specified. This property is required for sending an acknowledgment message or a secure message.
0xC00E0056已重新啟動訊息佇列服務。應關閉佇列控制代碼。 The Message Queuing service was restarted. Any open queue handles should be closed.
0xC00E0058無法登錄指定的交易。 The transaction specified cannot be enlisted.
0xC00E005A已刪除佇列。無法再使用這個佇列控制代碼接收訊息。應該關閉這個控制代碼。 The queue was deleted. Messages cannot be received anymore using thisqueue handle. The handle should be closed.
0xC00E005BMQLocateBegin 的內容參數無效。 The context parameter for MQLocateBegin is invalid.
0xC00E005C在 MQSORTSET 中指定了無效的內容識別元。 An invalid property identifier is specified in MQSORTSET.
0xC00E005D訊息標籤太長。它的長度應該小於或等於 MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN。 The message label is too long. Its length should be less than or equal to MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN.
0xC00E005E為 API 提供的標籤緩衝區太小。 The label buffer supplied to the API is too small.
0xC00E0061傳送給 Symmetric 金鑰的緩衝區太小。 The buffer passed for the symmetric key is too small.
0xC00E0062傳送給簽章內容的緩衝區太小。 The buffer passed for the signature property is too small.
0xC00E0063傳送給提供者名稱內容的緩衝區太小。 The buffer passed for the provider name property is too small.
0xC00E0064外部訊息佇列系統上的操作無效。 The operation is invalid for a foreign message queuing system.
0xC00E0065已過時; 正在安裝另一個 MQIS 伺服器。在此時不允許寫入到資料庫。 Obsolete; another MQIS server is being installed. Write operations to the database are not allowed at this stage.
0xC00E0066獨立用戶端無法支援依存性用戶端。要求有訊息佇列伺服器。 Independent clients cannot support dependent clients. A Message Queuing server is required.
0xC00E0067訊息佇列伺服器所服務的依存性用戶端數已到達它的最大限制。 The number of dependent clients served by the Message Queuing server reached its upper limit.
0xC00E0068LQS 資料夾中,佇列 %2 的檔案 %1 因為損毀而被刪除。 The file %1 for the queue %2 in the Lqs folder was deleted because it was corrupted.
0xC00E0069無法使用遠端電腦。 The remote computer is not available.
0xC00E006A在工作群組模式中所安裝的訊息佇列不支援這項作業。 This operation is not supported for Message Queuing installed in workgroup mode.
0xC00E006B訊息佇列不支援加密編譯服務提供者 %1。 The cryptographic service provider %1 is not supported by Message Queuing.
0xC00E006C無法設定密碼編譯金鑰的安全性描述元。 The security descriptors for the cryptographic keys cannot be set.
0xC00E006D使用者嘗試在沒有憑證的情況下,傳送驗證過的訊息。 A user attempted to send an authenticated message without a certificate.
0xC00E006EMQLocateBegin API 不支援PROPID_Q_PATHNAME_DNS 欄位。 The column PROPID_Q_PATHNAME_DNS is not supported for the MQLocateBegin API.
0xC00E006F無法為內部憑證建立憑證存放區。 A certificate store cannot be created for the internal certificate.
0xC00E0070無法開啟內部憑證的憑證存放區。 The certificate store for the internal certificate cannot be opened.
0xC00E0071這個操作對 MsmqServices 物件而言無效。 This operation is invalid for an MsmqServices object.
0xC00E0072無法授與 Add GUID 使用權限給目前的使用者。 The Add GUID permission cannot be granted to the current user.
0xC00E0073已過時: 無法載入 dynamic-link 程式庫 Msmqocm.dll。 Obsolete: The dynamic-link library Msmqocm.dll cannot be loaded.
0xC00E0074無法在 Msmqocm.dll 找到進入點。 An entry point cannot be located in Msmqocm.dll.
0xC00E0075無法在網域控制站找到訊息佇列伺服器。 Message Queuing servers cannot be found on domain controllers.
0xC00E0076電腦已加入網域,但訊息佇列將繼續在工作群組模式中執行,因為它無法在 Active Directory 網域服務中登錄它自己。 The computer joined the domain, but Message Queuing will continue to run in workgroup mode because it failed to register itself in Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E0077無法在指定的全域類別目錄伺服器上建立物件。 The object was not created on the Global Catalog server specified.
0xC00E0079找不到電腦 %1 的公開金鑰。 The public key for the computer %1 cannot be found.
0xC00E007A電腦 %1 的公開金鑰不存在。 The public key for the computer %1 does not exist.
0xC00E007BMQPRIVATEPROPS 中的參數無效。指向 MQPRIVATEPROPS 架構的指標含有 Null 值,或未在其中指定內容。 The parameters in MQPRIVATEPROPS are invalid. Either the pointer to the MQPRIVATEPROPS structure has a null value, or no properties are specified in it.
0xC00E007C無法在指定的網域中找到全域類別目錄 (Global Catalog) 伺服器。 Global Catalog servers cannot be found in the domain specified.
0xC00E007D無法在全域類別目錄 (Global Catalog) 伺服器中找到訊息佇列伺服器。 No Message Queuing servers were found on Global Catalog servers.
0xC00E007F無法為已驗證的訊息雜湊資料。 Data for an authenticated message cannot be hashed.
0xC00E0080在傳送已驗證的訊息之前,無法簽署資料。 Data cannot be signed before sending an authenticated message.
0xC00E0081無法建立已驗證訊息的雜湊物件。 A hash object cannot be created for an authenticated message.
0xC00E0082接收到的訊息簽章無效。 The signature of the message received is not valid.
0xC00E0083要刪除的物件為主要站台控制站所擁有。無法執行此操作。 The object that will be deleted is owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed.
0xC00E0084在網域的 Active Directory 網域服務中沒有 MSMQ 使用者組織單位物件。請手動建立一個。 There is no MSMQ Users organizational unit object in Active Directory Domain Services for the domain. Please create one manually.
0xC00E0085無法載入動態連結程式庫 Mqad.dll。 The dynamic-link library Mqad.dll cannot be loaded.
0xC00E0087兩個或兩個以上的傳遞內容無法同時存在。例如,您無法在傳送訊息時同時傳送 PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE 及 PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME。 Two or more of the properties passed cannot co-exist.For example, you cannot set both PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE and PROPID_M_RESP_FORMAT_NAME when sending a message.
0xC00E0088此訊息不存在,或已從佇列中移除。 The message does not exist or was removed from the queue.
0xC00E008A依存性用戶端不支援此操作。 This operation is not supported by dependent clients.
0xC00E008B遠端訊息佇列服務不支援此操作。例如,MSMQ 1.0/2.0 不支援 MQReceiveMessageByLookupId。 This operation is not supported by the remote Message Queuing service. For example, MQReceiveMessageByLookupId is not supported by MSMQ 1.0/2.0.
0xC00E008C若物件的內容是從 Active Directory 網域服務抓取,則不屬於所需要的類別。 The object whose properties are being retrieved from Active Directory Domain Services does not belong to the class requested.
0xC00E008DMQSORTSET 中的 cCol 值不得大於 1。Active Directory 網域服務只支援一個排序鍵。 The value of cCol in MQSORTSET cannot be greater than 1. Active Directory Domain Services supports only a single sort key.
0xC00E008E無法建立具有指定之 GUID 的 MSMQ Configuration (msmq) 物件。根據預設,Active Directory 網域服務樹系不支援新增具有指定之 GUID 的物件。 An MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object with the GUID supplied cannot be created. By default, an Active Directory Domain Services forest does not support adding an object with a supplied GUID.
0xC00E008F連結到樹系根失敗。此錯誤通常表示 DNS 設定中有問題。 Binding to the forest root failed. This error usually indicates a problem in the DNS configuration.
0xC00E0090本機使用者會驗證為匿名使用者,且無法存取 Active Directory 網域服務。若要存取 Active Directory 網域服務,您必須登入為一個網域使用者。 A local user is authenticated as an anonymous user and cannot access Active Directory Domain Services. You need to log on as a domain user to access Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E0091MQLocateBegin API 不支援 PROPID_Q_ADS_PATH 欄位。 The column PROPID_Q_ADS_PATH is not supported for the MQLocateBegin API.
0xC00E0092給定內容不是有效的 XML 文件。 The given property is not a valid XML document.
0xC00E0093指定的 Active Directory 網域服務物件不是所支援類別的例項。 The Active Directory Domain Services object specified is not an instance of a supported class.
0xC00E0094MSMQManagement 物件在使用前必須先起始化。 The MSMQManagement object must be initialized before it is used.
0xC00E0095要建立的物件為主要站台控制站所擁有。無法執行此操作。 The object that will be created should be owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed.
0xC00E0096要更新的物件為主要站台控制站所擁有。無法執行此操作。 The object that will be updated is owned by a primary site controller. The operation cannot be performed.
0xC00E0099訊息佇列無法解析使用者指定的位址。該位址可能有誤,或位址的 DNS 查閱失敗。 Message Queuing is not able to resolve the address specified by the user. The address may be wrong or DNS look-up for address failed.
0xC00E009A傳遞太多內容給函式。訊息佇列在一個呼叫中最多只能處理 128 個內容。 Too many properties passed to the function. Message Queuing can process up to 128 properties in one call.
0xC00E009B佇列只接受已驗證的訊息。 The queue only accepts authenticated messages.
0xC00E009C該訊息目前正由交易處理中。判定交易結果之前,無法在其他交易中處理該訊息。 The message is currently being processed under a transaction. Till the transaction outcome is determined, the message cannot be processed in any other transaction.
0xC00E03EB不支援所呼叫的功能。 The function called is not supported.
0xC00E03EC無法復原交易。 The transaction(s) cannot be recovered.
0xC00E03ED無法從 DTC 取得預備資訊。 Prepare information cannot be obtained from the Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
0xC00E03EE無法取得記錄檔管理員程式庫或介面。 The log manager library or interface cannot be obtained.
0xC00E03EF由於過多使用中的工作階段,而無法建立新的工作階段。 A new session cannot be created because there are too many active sessions.
0xC00E03F0無法匯出要插入封包的工作階段金鑰。 The session key cannot be exported for insertion into the packet.
0xC00E03F1無法從檢查點檔案讀取資料。 Data cannot be read from the checkpoint file.
0xC00E03F2對擁有主要站台控制站的佇列之寫入要求失敗。 The Write request to the primary site controller owning the queue failed.
0xC00E03F4無法載入動態連結程式庫 MQDSxxx.dll。 The dynamic-link library MQDSxxx.dll cannot be loaded.
0xC00E03F5這部電腦不被信任委派。 This computer is not trusted for delegation.
0xC00E03F7安裝程式正在等候建立 MSMQ 設定 (msmq) 物件。 Setup is waiting for creation of the MSMQ Configuration (msmq) object.
0xC00E03F9找不到指定程序的訊息佇列 DLL 或該 DLL 中的進入點。您可以開啟追蹤,以取得更多關於失敗的詳細資訊。 The Message Queuing DLL or the entry point in that DLL for the specified procedure cannot be found. You can turn on tracing to obtain more detail information about the failure.
0xC00E03FA訊息佇列無法使用有效長度為 40 位元的進階 RC2 對稱式加密金鑰。 Message Queuing cannot use an enhanced RC2 symmetric encryption key with an effective length equal to 40 bits.
0xC00E0501一般的 Active Directory 網域服務錯誤。 This is a general Active Directory Domain Services error.
0xC00E0506物件類型輸入參數值無效。 The value for the object type input parameter is invalid.
0xC00E0509嘗試以無法解析的站台識別碼存取電腦。 An attempt was made to access a computer with an unresolved site ID.
0xC00E050D無法在 Active Directory 網域服務建立物件。 The object cannot be created in Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E050FActive Directory 網域服務中找不到物件。 The object was not found in Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E0512無法取得物件內容。 The object properties cannot be obtained.
0xC00E0514擁有物件的站台控制站沒有回應。此錯誤只適用於混合模式環境下。 The site controller that owns the object is not responding. This error is applicable only in a mixed-mode environment.
0xC00E0516無法與物件擁有者取得連絡。此錯誤只會在混合模式環境下發生。 The object owner is not reachable. This error can occur only in a mixed-mode environment.
0xC00E0521無法初始化 RPC 程式庫。 The RPC library cannot be initialized.
0xC00E0523沒有其他要傳回用戶端的資料。此錯誤只會在混合模式環境下發生。 There are no more data to return to the client. This error can occur only in a mixed-mode environment.
0xC00E0525用戶端不屬於同一個訊息佇列企業網域。此錯誤只會在混合模式環境下發生。 The client does not belong to the same Message Queuing enterprise. This error can occur only in a mixed-mode environment.
0xC00E0526路由連結已存在。 The routing link already exists.
0xC00E052B無法初始化訊息佇列伺服器 %1 的驗證。 Authentication of the Message Queuing server %1 cannot be initialized.
0xC00E052F無法刪除電腦物件,因為 MSMQ 設定 (msmq) 容器物件不是空的。 The computer object cannot be deleted because the MSMQ Configuration (msmq) container object is not empty.
0xC00E0530電腦物件已經存在於 Active Directory 網域服務中。 The computer object already exists in Active Directory Domain Services.
0xC00E07D0在這個節點上不支援訊息佇列叢集資源,因為尚未安裝訊息佇列伺服器。 Message Queuing cluster resources are not supported on this node because Message Queuing is not installed.
0xC00E07D2至少有一個必要的依存找不到。請檢查訊息佇列叢集資源是否依存於磁碟和網路名稱資源。 At least one of the required dependencies was not found. Please verify that the Message Queuing cluster resources are dependent on the Disk and Network Name resources.
0xC00E07D3記憶體資源不足。 There are insufficient memory resources.
0xC00E07D4無法和服務控制管理員建立連線 (錯誤: 0x%1)。請檢查系統管理員使用權限。 No connection can be established with Service Control Manager (Error: 0x%1). Please check your administrative permissions.
0xC00E07D5無法開啟到這個叢集的連線 (錯誤: 0x%1)。 No connection can be opened to this cluster (Error: 0x%1).
0xC00E07D6無法開啟到資源 %1 的連線 (錯誤: 0x%2)。 No connection can be opened to the %1 resource (Error: 0x%2).
0xC00E07D7無法讀取訊息佇列登錄值。可能是登錄損毀 (錯誤: 0x%1)。請在這台電腦上重新安裝訊息佇列。 Message Queuing registry values cannot be read. The registry may be corrupted (Error: 0x%1). Please reinstall Message Queuing on this computer.
0xC00E07D8無法初始化到 Active Directory 網域服務的存取。請檢查使用權限和網路連線。 Access to Active Directory Domain Services cannot be initialized. Please verify your permissions and network connectivity.
0xC00E07D9查詢無法送到訊息佇列伺服器 '%1' (錯誤: 0x%2)。請檢查使用權限和網路連線。 Queries cannot be sent to the Message Queuing server '%1' (Error: 0x%2). Please verify your permissions and network connectivity.
0xC00E07DB無法在 Active Directory 網域服務中建立訊息佇列物件 (錯誤: 0x%1)。請檢查使用權限和網路連線。 Message Queuing objects cannot be created in Active Directory Domain Services (Error: 0x%1). Please verify your permissions and network connectivity.
0xC00E07DC無法將公開金鑰存放在 Active Directory 網域服務中 (錯誤: 0x%1)。 Public keys cannot be stored in Active Directory Domain Services (Error: 0x%1).
0xC00E07DD無法從 Active Directory 網域服務讀取訊息佇列資訊 (錯誤: 0x%1)。這可能是因為複寫延遲或安全性權限不足所引起的。 Message Queuing information cannot be read from Active Directory Domain Services (Error: 0x%1). This may be caused by replication delays or insufficient security permissions.
0xC00E07DE無法新增或移除登錄檢查點 (錯誤: 0x%1)。 A registry checkpoint cannot be added or removed (Error: 0x%1).
0xC00E07DF無法新增或移除 Crypto 檢查點 (錯誤: 0x%1)。 A Crypto checkpoint cannot be added or removed (Error: 0x%1).
0xC00E07E0無法建立服務 %1 (錯誤: 0x%2)。 The %1 service cannot be created (Error: 0x%2).
0xC00E07E1無法停止服務 %1 (錯誤: 0x%2)。 The %1 service cannot be stopped (Error: 0x%2).
0xC00E07E2無法刪除服務 %1 (錯誤: 0x%2)。 The %1 service cannot be deleted (Error: 0x%2).
0xC00E07E3無法啟動服務 %1 (錯誤: 0x%2)。 The %1 service cannot be started (Error: 0x%2).
0xC00E07E9訊息佇列資源無法上線。訊息佇列資源在啟用 Kerberos 驗證時,因網路名稱資源而異。請檢查是否已經為網路名稱資源啟用 Kerberos 驗證。若要為 '%1' 資源啟用 Kerberos 驗證,請執行以下步驟。1. 開啟 [叢集系統管理員]。2. 在 [群組] 資料夾中,選取適用群組。3. 在詳細資料窗格中,在 '%1' 資源上按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後按一下 [離線]。4. 在 '%1' 資源上按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後按一下 [內容]。5. 在 [參數] 頁面上,選取 [啟用 Kerberos 驗證],按一下 [套用],然後按一下 [確定]。6. 在 '%1' 資源上按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後按一下 [上線]。 The Message Queuing resource failed to come online.The Message Queuing resource depends on the network name resource with Kerberos authentication enabled.Please verify that Kerberos authentication is enabled for the network name resource.To enable Kerberos authentication for the '%1' resource, perform the following steps.1. Open Cluster Administrator.2. In the Groups folder, select the applicable group.3. In the details pane, right-click the '%1' resource and click Take Offline.4. Right-click the '%1' resource and click Properties.5. On the Parameters page, select Enable Kerberos Authentication, click Apply, and click OK.6. Right-click the '%1' resource, and click Bring Online.
0xC00E0C01MSMQ 安全性發生一般錯誤。 Generic Error in MSMQ Security.
0xC00E0C02在 ConvertSDToNTXFormat(),InitializeSecurityDescriptor() 失敗。LastErr-%1!lu!t Failed in ConvertSDToNTXFormat(), InitializeSecurityDescriptor(). LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C03安全性描述元無效。 The security descriptor is not valid.
0xC00E0C04在 ConvertSDToNTXFormat() 失敗,無法取得 MakeSelflen。LastErr-%1!lu!t Failed in ConvertSDToNTXFormat(), can't get MakeSelf len. LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C05輸入參數無效。 Invalid input parameter.
0xC00E0C06無法配置記憶體 Memory allocation failed
0xC00E0C07這個函式呼叫不正確。 Unexpected call to this function.
0xC00E0C08在 CryptAcquireContext() 失敗,hr-%1!lx!h,LastErr-%2!lu!t,%3!lx!h Failed in CryptAcquireContext(), hr- %1!lx!h, LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C0A轉換 SD 格式時 GetAce (index- %1!lu!t) 失敗。LastErr- %2!lu!t,%3!lx!h Failed in GetAce(index- %1!lu!t) while converting SD formats. LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C0C在 CryptExportPublicKeyInfo() 失敗,第一個呼叫。LastErr-%1!lu!t Failed in CryptExportPublicKeyInfo(), first call. LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C0D在 CryptExportPublicKeyInfo() 失敗,第二個呼叫。LastErr-%1!lu!t Failed in CryptExportPublicKeyInfo(), second call. LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C0E在 CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate() 失敗,hr-%1!lx!h,LastErr-%2!lu!t,%3!lx!h Failed in CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate(), hr- %1!lx!h, LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C10在 CryptEncodeObject() 失敗,hr-%1!lx!h,LastErr-%2!lu!t,%3!lx!h Failed in CryptEncodeObject(), hr- %1!lx!h, LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C12在 CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore() 失敗,LastErr-%1!lu!t Failed in CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(), LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C13在 CryptGetHashParam() 失敗,LastErr-%1!lu!t,%2!lx!h Failed in CryptGetHashParam(), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C14在 CryptHashData() 失敗,LastErr-%1!lu!t,%2!lx!h Failed in CryptHashData(), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C15在 CryptCreateHash() 失敗,LastErr-%1!lu!t,%2!lx!h Failed in CryptCreateHash(), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C18在 CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext() 失敗: hr- %1!lx!h、LastErr- %2!lu!t、%3!lx!h Failed in CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext(), hr- %1!lx!h, LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C19在 CertOpenSystemStoreA() 失敗,hr- %1!lx!h、LastErr- %2!lu!t、%3!lx!h Failed in CertOpenSystemStoreA(), hr- %1!lx!h, LastErr- %2!lu!t, %3!lx!h
0xC00E0C1A安全性描述元不是自我關聯 (self-relative) 的格式。 The security descriptor is not in self-relative format.
0xC00E0C1B無法將安全性描述元轉換成自我關聯的格式。Err- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h. Failed to convert security descriptor to self-relative format. Err- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h.
0xC00E0C1C無法將 NT5 DS 權限對應到 MSMQ 1.0 權限。 Failed to map the NT5 DS rights to MSMQ 1.0 rights.
0xC00E0C1D在 LookupPrivilegeValue() 失敗 (privilge.cpp),LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h Failed in LookupPrivilegeValue() (privilge.cpp), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C1E在 AdjustTokenPrivileges() 失敗(privilge.cpp),LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h Failed in AdjustTokenPrivileges() (privilge.cpp), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C1F在 OpenProcess/ThreadToken() 失敗 (privilge.cpp),LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h Failed in OpenProcess/ThreadToken() (privilge.cpp), LastErr- %1!lu!t, %2!lx!h
0xC00E0C20無法讀取登錄 %1,err- %2!lu!t Failed to read registry %1, err- %2!lu!t
0xC00E0C22在 ::PutPublicKey() 失敗,呼叫 CryptGenKey()。LastErr- %1!lu!t Failed in ::PutPublicKey(), calling CryptGenKey(). LastErr- %1!lu!t
0xC00E0C27無法開啟使用者憑證存放區,err- %1!lx!h, %2!lu!t。如果沒有內部憑證可供使用,請略過。 Can't open user certificates store, err- %1!lx!h, %2!lu!t. Ignore if internal certificate Not Available.
0xC00E0C28DACL 的版本不是在該內容中所需要的版本。 Version of DACL is not the one expected in that context.
0xC00E0C29憑證已到期。 Certificate already expired.
0xC00E0C2A解碼的第一個呼叫失敗。 First call to decode failed
0xC00E0C2B呼叫 GetTokenInformation() 失敗 Failed in call to GetTokenInformation()
0xC00E0C2C憑證的時間無效。 Time of certificate is not valid.
0xC00E0C2D憑證未經簽發者簽署。 Certificate is not signed by issuer.
0xC00E0C2E憑證已經被撤銷。 Certificate already revoced.
0xC00E0C2F加密編譯提供者不明。 The crypto provider is not known.
0xC00E0C30加密編譯內容不明。 The crypto property is not known.
0xC00E0C64無法取得加密編譯內容。 Failed to acquire crypto context.
0xC00E0C65憑證時間尚未生效。 Certificate time is not valid yet.
0xC00E0C66無法從存放區刪除憑證。 Fail to delete Certificate from store.
0xC00E0C69輸入安全性描述元是 NULL。 Input security descriptor is NULL.
0xC00E0C6A不支援的 RDN 名稱。 Unsupported RDN name.
0xC00E0C6C無法從憑證匯入公開金鑰。 Fail to import public key from the certificate.
0xC00E0C6D解碼 RDN 名稱的第二個呼叫失敗。 Second call to decode RDN name failed.
0xC00E0C6E在存放區中未找到憑證。 Certificate was not found in store.
0xC00E0C6F無法取得使用者金鑰。 Fail to get user key.
0xC00E0E00GenericError GenericError
0xC00E0E01提供的參數無效。 The parameter supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E02找不到所需要的規則。 The rule requested cannot be found.
0xC00E0E03指定的規則未連結到此觸發程序。 The rule specified is not attached to this trigger.
0xC00E0E04指定的規則已連結到此觸發程序。 The rule specified is already attached to this trigger.
0xC00E0E05找不到所需要的觸發程序。 The trigger requested cannot be found.
0xC00E0E07提供的規則條件參數無效。 The rule condition parameter supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E08提供的規則動作參數無效。 The rule action parameter supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E09RuleSet 物件尚未初始化。在呼叫 RuleSet 的任何方法之前,請先初始化此物件。 The RuleSet object was not initialized. Please initialize this object before calling any method of RuleSet.
0xC00E0E0A無法建立指定物件類別的例項。 An instance of the object class specified could not be created.
0xC00E0E0B無法呼叫自訂 COM 物件的例項。 An instance of the custom COM object could not be invoked.
0xC00E0E0C無法呼叫獨立的可執行檔。 The stand-alone executable cannot be invoked.
0xC00E0E0D無法在登錄中儲存規則或觸發程序資料。 The rule or trigger data cannot be stored in the registry.
0xC00E0E0E無法從登錄中抓取規則資訊。 The rule information cannot be retrieved from the registry.
0xC00E0E0F此版本的訊息佇列觸發程序不支援此功能。 This function is not supported on this version of Message Queuing Triggers.
0xC00E0E10無法初始化此物件。 The object cannot be initialized.
0xC00E0E11TriggerSet 物件尚未初始化。在呼叫任何 TriggerSet 方法之前,請先初始化此物件。 The TriggerSet object was not initialized. Please initialize this object before calling any method of TriggerSet.
0xC00E0E12無法從登錄中抓取觸發程序資料。 The trigger data cannot be retrieved from the registry.
0xC00E0E13新的觸發程序無法新增至觸發程序集。 The new trigger cannot be added to the trigger set.
0xC00E0E14單一佇列上不允許具有重建處理序的多重觸發程序。 Multiple triggers with retrieval processing are not allowed on a single queue.
0xC00E0E15無法從登錄存放區中刪除此觸發程序。 The trigger cannot be deleted from the triggers store.
0xC00E0E16無法從登錄存放區中刪除此規則。 The rule cannot be deleted from the triggers store.
0xC00E0E17提供的規則識別碼無效。 The rule ID supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E18所提供的規則名稱超過所允許的長度。 The rule name supplied exceeds the permissible length.
0xC00E0E19所提供的規則條件超過所允許的長度。 The rule condition supplied exceeds the permissible length.
0xC00E0E1A所提供的規則動作超過所允許的長度。 The rule action supplied exceeds the permissible length.
0xC00E0E1B所提供的規則描述超過所允許的長度。 The rule description supplied exceeds the permissible length.
0xC00E0E1C提供的觸發程序識別碼無效。 The trigger ID supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E1D提供的觸發程序名稱無效。 The trigger name supplied is invalid.
0xC00E0E1E為觸發程序提供的佇列路徑名稱無效。 The queue path name supplied for the trigger is invalid.


File Name:mqutil.dll.mui
File Size:138 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:140288
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:
Product Version Number:
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:Pre-release, Private build
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:訊息佇列資源動態連結程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MQUTIL.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:MQUTIL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mqutil.dll.mui?

mqutil.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file mqutil.dll (訊息佇列資源動態連結程式庫).

File version info

File Description:訊息佇列資源動態連結程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MQUTIL.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:MQUTIL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200