File name: | inetcpl.cpl.mui |
Size: | 136704 byte |
MD5: | b805008fa20976a58b7a1b11708ad7bf |
SHA1: | a5f3092c7998a572109594e4e8ecaf090b8c2c28 |
SHA256: | b95ecf262a06b2c617f2e8b29ca2b578827b8e4d9d5039553b8c37df602e375c |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Cornish | English |
105 | Internet Options | Internet Options |
778 | Cairteal na h-uarach | 15 minutes |
779 | Leth-uair a thìde | 30 minutes |
780 | Uair a thìde | 1 hour |
781 | 4 uairean a thìde | 4 hours |
782 | Latha | 1 day |
783 | Seachdain | 1 week |
784 | %1!d! mionaid(ean) | %1!d! minutes |
1032 | Ìrean ceadaichte airson an t-sòin seo: Eadar meadhanach is àrd | Allowed levels for this zone: Medium to High |
1033 | Ìrean ceadaichte airson an t-sòin seo: Na h-uile | Allowed levels for this zone: All |
1034 | Ìrean ceadaichte airson an t-sòin seo: Àrd | Allowed levels for this zone: High |
1491 | Tabaichean duilleag-dhachaigh %1s | %1s home page tabs |
1581 | %1 (bun-roghainn) | %1 (default) |
1652 | A' sguabadh às faidhlichean sealach an eadar-lìn... | Deleting Temporary Internet Files... |
1653 | A' sguabadh às an eachdraidh... | Deleting history... |
1654 | A' sguabadh às nam briosgaidean... | Deleting cookies... |
1655 | A' sguabadh às dàta nam foirmean... | Deleting forms data... |
1656 | A' sguabadh às nam faclan-faire a shàbhail thu... | Deleting stored passwords... |
1657 | Sguab às an eachdraidh brabhsaidh | Delete Browsing History |
1658 | Fuirich fhad 's a sguabas sinn às an eachdraidh brabhsaidh. | Please wait while the browsing history is deleted. |
1659 | A’ sguabadh às dàta SmartScreen dìonadair Windows... | Deleting Windows Defender SmartScreen data... |
1661 | A' sguabadh às an dàta a dhìonas o thracadh... | Deleting Tracking Protection data... |
1662 | A' sguabadh às dàta nan tuilleadan... | Deleting add-on data... |
1663 | A' sgubadh às an eachdraidh dhe na luchdaich thu a-nuas... | Deleting download history... |
1664 | Deleting website caches... | Deleting website caches... |
4300 | You cannot use the system folder. | You cannot use the system folder. |
4301 | Tagh àite ùr airson pasgan faidhlichean sealach an eadar-lìn agad. | Choose a new location for your Temporary Internet Files folder. |
4309 | Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders. | Items cannot be moved to shared drivers or folders. |
4310 | This folder is a computer name or a special folder. | This folder is a computer name or a special folder. |
4312 | Roghainnean an eadar-lìn | Internet Options |
4313 | Rèitich na roghainnean airson taisbeanadh 's ceangladh ris an eadar-lìon. | Configure your Internet display and connection settings. |
4320 | There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. | There is not enough memory to continue. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. |
4322 | You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial. | You need to choose a Dial-Up Networking connection in order to use AutoDial. |
4325 | This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path. | This folder's path has unsupported characters. Try another path. |
4474 | Smallest | Smallest |
4475 | Nas lugha | Smaller |
4476 | Medium | Medium |
4477 | Larger | Larger |
4478 | Largest | Largest |
4602 | Chan fhaod gin dhe na caractaran a bhith ann an sreang a tha air a mhìneachadh le cleachdaiche: [ ] , ; = |
A user-defined string cannot contain any of the following characters: [ ] , ; = |
4604 | User Defined [%1] | User Defined [%1] |
4607 | Tha na roghainnean airson an fhrithealaiche phrogsaidh a thagh thu bàn. Tha seo a' bacadh inntrigeadh dhan eadar-lìon. A bheil thu airson an ceangal progsaidh a chur dheth? | The settings for the proxy server you've chosen to use are blank. This prevents access to the Internet. Do you want to turn off the proxy connection? |
4608 | Frithalaiche progsaidh mì-dhligheach | Invalid Proxy Server |
4610 | Chan eil gin | None |
4612 | Please select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use. | Please select a value between %d and %d for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use. |
4613 | Shònraich thu uiread a dh'àite air an diosga airson faidhlichean sealach an eadar-lìn a tha seachad air na tha ceadaichte. Airson dèanadas nas fhearr, 's e 1024 MB a' chrìoch. Thèid stòras nam faidhlichean sealach a lùghdachadh dhan mheud seo (dh'fhaoidte gun toir seo beagan mhionaidean). | The amount of disk space currently set aside to store temporary Internet files is above the size limit. To improve performance, the size limit is now 1024 megabytes. Your temporary storage space will be reduced to this size (this might take several minutes). |
4614 | The recommended security level for this zone is "%s". The security level that you have chosen is lower than this. Are you sure you want to change the security level? |
The recommended security level for this zone is "%s". The security level that you have chosen is lower than this. Are you sure you want to change the security level? |
4615 | Rabhadh! | Warning! |
4624 | Chan eil ainm na làraich a chuir thu a-steach dligheach. Feumaidh tu pròtacal dligheach aig toiseach an ainm, mar http:// no https://. | The site name you entered is not valid. You must use a valid protocol at the beginning of the name, such as http:// or https://. |
4625 | Security | Security |
4629 | Feumaidh an ro-leasachan https:// a bhith aig làraichean a thèid a chur ris an t-sòn seo. Tha an ro-leasachan a' daingneachadh ceangal tèarainte. | Sites added to this zone must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection. |
4630 | Dh'èirich mearachd ris nach robh dùil ann an roghainnean an t-sòin agad. Cha ghabh an làraich seo a chur ris. | There was an unexpected error with your zone settings. Unable to add this site. |
4631 | css | css |
4632 | Siotaichean-stoidhle *.css Gach faidhle *.* | Stylesheets *.css All Files *.* |
4633 | The style sheet you selected could not be found. | The style sheet you selected could not be found. |
4634 | Mearachd | Error |
4638 | Tha an làrach a shònraich thu ann an sòn eile mar-thà. Thoir an làrach seo às an t-sòn sin mus cuir thu ris an t-sòn làithreach e. | The site you specified already exists in another zone. Please remove the site from that zone before adding it to the current zone. |
4639 | Chuir thu sreath shaoragan mì-dhligheach a-steach. Buill-eisimpleir de phàtranan dligheach: *://* http://* file:\\localsvr\share *://157.54.100-200.* Buill-eisimpleir de phàtranan mì-dhligheach: http://microsoft.*.com ftp://* |
You have entered an invalid wildcard sequence. Examples of valid patterns: *://* http://* file:\\localsvr\share *://157.54.100-200.* Examples of invalid patterns: http://microsoft.*.com ftp://* |
4648 | Roghainnean %s | %s settings |
4649 | Roghainnean Local Area Network (LAN) | Local Area Network (LAN) Settings |
4650 | Cleachd frithealaiche &progsaidh airson an LAN agad (cha bhi buaidh aig na roghainnean seo air ceanglaichean Dial-Up no VPN). | Use a pro&xy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections). |
4653 | A bheil thu airson an ceangal lìonraidh Dial-Up seo a sguabadh às? | Are you sure you want to delete this Dial-Up Networking connection? |
4655 | You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts. | You have entered an invalid number of redial attempts. |
4656 | You have entered an invalid redial interval. | You have entered an invalid redial interval. |
4657 | You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time. | You have entered an invalid autodisconnect time. |
4659 | You do not have restart privileges. | You do not have restart privileges. |
4660 | Cannot move Temporary Internet Files. | Cannot move Temporary Internet Files. |
4662 | This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder. | This is inside the Temporary Internet Files folder. |
4665 | Tagh pasgan ris an cuir thu nithean. | Please select a folder to which you can add items. |
4666 | An t-àite làithreach: | Current location: |
4667 | Àite ùr: | New location: |
4668 | - Tha na roigheannan tèarainteachd agad fon ìre a mholamaid agus tha sin a' fàgail an coimpiutair agad ann an cunnart nas motha o ionnsaighean air loidhne. - Gus na roghainnean atharrachadh, briog air "Ìre ghnàthaichte". - Gus na roghainnean a mholamaid a chleachdadh, briog air "An ìre bhunaiteach". |
- Your security settings are below the recommended level, putting your computer at an increased risk of online attack. - To change the settings, click Custom level. - To use the recommended settings, click Default level. |
4669 | - Iomchaidh airson làraichean-lìn air a bheil susbaint chronail ma dh'fhaoidte - Na gleusan teàrainteachd as làidire - Tha feartan nach eil cho tèarainte à comas |
- Appropriate for websites that might have harmful content - Maximum safeguards - Less secure features are disabled |
4670 | - Faighnichidh seo thu mus tèid susbaint a dh'fhaodadh a bhith mì-shàbhailte a luchdadh a-nuas - Cha tèid uidheaman-smachd ActiveX gun soidhneadh a luchdadh a-nuas |
- Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded |
4671 | - Iomchaidh airson làraichean-lìn air an lìonra ionadail agad (eadra-lìon) - Thèid a' mhòr-chuid de shusbaint a ruith gun fheum air stiùireadh uat - Cha tèid uidheaman-smachd ActiveX gun soidhneadh a luchdadh a-nuas Co-ionann ris an ìre mheadhanach ach as aonais nam brodadh |
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet) - Most content will be run without prompting you - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded - Same as Medium level without prompts |
4672 | - Chan eil ach glè bheag de ghleusan tèarainteachd is brodaidhean rabhaidh ann - Thèid a' mhòr-chuid dhen t-susbaint a luchdadh a-nuas gun stiùireadh uat - Tha cead ruith aig susbaint ghnìomhach sam bith - Tha seo iomchaidh airson làraichean a tha làn-earbsa agad annta |
- Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided - Most content is downloaded and run without prompts - All active content can run - Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trust |
4673 | Roghainnean gnàthaichte. - Gus na roghainnean atharrachadh, briog air "Ìre ghnàthaichte". - Gus na roghainnean a mhoamaid a chleachdadh, briog air "An ìre bhunaiteach". |
Custom settings. - To change the settings, click Custom level. - To use the recommended settings, click Default level. |
4674 | Àrd | High |
4675 | Meadhanach | Medium |
4676 | Meadhanach-ìosal | Medium-low |
4677 | Ìosal | Low |
4678 | Gnàthaichte | Custom |
4679 | Cha bhi rùm gu leòr san ionad ùr airson an stuth a tha thu air luchdadh a-nuas. Sguab às na faidhlichean seo an tòiseach is feuch ris a-rithist, lùghdaich meud a' phasgain no tagh ionad eile. |
There won't be enough space in the new location for the currently downloaded content. Please either delete these files first and try again, reduce the size of the folder, or pick another location. |
4680 | Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen. Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location. |
Windows is unable to gather information about the location you have chosen. Please select another, or verify that you have access rights to the location. |
4681 | Temporary Internet Files | Temporary Internet Files |
4682 | Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator. | Access to this feature has been disabled by a restriction set by your system administrator. |
4683 | Internet Control Panel | Internet Control Panel |
4684 | Undefined | Undefined |
4686 | Chaidh an tasgadan SSL fhalamhachadh. | The SSL cache was successfully cleared. |
4687 | Chaidh an tasgadan SSL fhalamhachadh | SSL Cache Cleared Successfully |
4688 | An coimpiutair agam | My Computer |
4689 | Eadra-lìon ionadail | Local intranet |
4690 | Làraichean-lìn earbsach | Trusted sites |
4691 | Eadar-lìon | Internet |
4692 | Làraichean cuingichte | Restricted sites |
4693 | An coimpiutair agad | Your Computer |
4694 | Tha an sòn seo airson gach làrach-lìn a tha air an eadra-lìon agad. | This zone is for all websites that are found on your intranet. |
4695 | Tha làraichean-lìn san t-sòn seo 's earbsa agad nach dèan iad cron air a' choimpiutair no air na faidhlichean agad. | This zone contains websites that you trust not to damage your computer or your files. |
4696 | Tha an sòn seo airson làraichean-lìn ach a-mhàin an fheadhainn air liosta nan sònaichean earbsach agus cuingealaichte. | This zone is for Internet websites, except those listed in trusted and restricted zones. |
4697 | Tha an sòn seo airson làraichean-lìn a dh'fhaodadh cron a dhèanamh air a' choimpiutair no na faidhlichean agad. | This zone is for websites that might damage your computer or your files. |
4731 | Leudaich an teacsa ALT airson dealbhan an-còmhnaidh | Always expand ALT text for images |
4732 | Gluais carait an t-siostaim ri linn atharraichean an fhòcais/taghaidh | Move system caret with focus/selection changes |
4733 | Cuir an comas làraichean a mholamaid | Enable Suggested Sites |
4734 | Cuir an comas flip air adhart le ro-innse nan duilleag | Enable flip ahead with page prediction |
4735 | Cleachd sgroladh rèidh | Use smooth scrolling |
4736 | Cuir air an gluasad suathaidh air Internet Explorer airson an deasg | Turn on the swiping motion on Internet Explorer for the desktop |
4737 | Ceadaich sealladh pasgain FTP (taobh a-muigh Internet Explorer) | Enable FTP folder view (outside of Internet Explorer) |
4738 | Falaich am putan (ri taobh a’ phutain “Taba ùr”) a dh’fhosglas Microsoft Edge | Hide the button (next to the New Tab button) that opens Microsoft Edge |
4739 | Cluich fuaimean ann an làraichean-lìn | Play sounds in webpages |
4741 | Cluich beòthachaidhean ann an làraichean-lìn | Play animations in webpages |
4742 | Seall dealbhan | Show pictures |
4743 | Cleachd Passive FTP (airson co-chòrdalachd le cachaileith-theine 's mòdam DSL) | Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility) |
4744 | Ioma-meadhanan | Multimedia |
4745 | Brabhsadh | Browsing |
4746 | So-ruigsinneachd | Accessibility |
4747 | Tèarainteachd | Security |
4749 | Na sàbhail duilleagan crioptaichte air an diosga | Do not save encrypted pages to disk |
4750 | Falamhaich pasgan faidhlichean sealach an eadar-lìn nuair a thèid am brabhsair a dhùnadh | Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed |
4751 | Cuir an comas Enhanced Protected Mode* | Enable Enhanced Protected Mode* |
4753 | Cleachd SSL 3.0 | Use SSL 3.0 |
4754 | Cleachd TLS 1.0 | Use TLS 1.0 |
4755 | Cuir an comas pròiseasan 64-biot airson Enhanced Protected Mode* | Enable 64-bit processes for Enhanced Protected Mode* |
4757 | Thoir dhomh rabhadh ma ghluaiseas mi on mhoadh tèarainte gu modh nach eil tèarainte | Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode |
4758 | Thoir rabhadh dhomh ma thèid POST Submittal a chur air adhart ri sòn nach eil a' ceadachadh postaichean | Warn if POST submittal is redirected to a zone that does not permit posts |
4759 | Thoir dhomh rabhadh mur eil seòladh 'ss tèisteanas a-rèir a chèile | Warn about certificate address mismatch |
4760 | Thoir sùil an deach teisteanas an fhrithealaiche a chùl-ghairm | Check for server certificate revocation |
4761 | Thoir sùil an deach teisteanas an fhoillsicheir a chùl-ghairm | Check for publisher's certificate revocation |
4762 | Thoir sùil air soidhneachadh a tha ri prògraman a luchdaich thu a-nuas | Check for signatures on downloaded programs |
4763 | Cuir bann-cinn "Na tracaich" (Do Not Track) gu làraichean an-còmhnaidh 's tu a' tadhal orra le Internet Explorer* | Send Do Not Track requests to sites you visit in Internet Explorer* |
4769 | Ga chlò-bhualadh | Printing |
4770 | Clò-bhuail dathan is dealbhan a' chùlaibh | Print background colors and images |
4771 | Lorg o bhàr an t-seòlaidh | Search from the Address bar |
4774 | Uidheaman-smachd is plugain ActiveX | ActiveX controls and plug-ins |
4775 | Ruith uidheaman-smachd is plugain ActiveX | Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins |
4776 | Luchdaich a-nuas uidheaman-smachd ActiveX soidhnichte | Download signed ActiveX controls |
4777 | Luchdaich a-nuas uidheaman-smachd ActiveX nach eil soidhnichte | Download unsigned ActiveX controls |
4778 | Java | Java |
4779 | Java permissions | Java permissions |
4780 | Ceadaich scriptlets | Allow Scriptlets |
4782 | Sgriobtadh | Scripting |
4783 | Tòisich is sgriobtaich uidheaman-smachd ActiveX ris nach eil comharra gu bheil iad sàbhailte airson sgriobtadh | Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting |
4784 | Sgriobtaich uidheaman-smachd ActiveX ris a bheil comharra gu bheil iad sàbhailte airson sgriobtadh | Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting |
4785 | Dèan inntrigeadh do thùsan dàta thairis air àrainnean | Access data sources across domains |
4786 | Sgriobtadh gnìomhach | Active scripting |
4787 | Sgriobtadh de dh'aplaidean Java | Scripting of Java applets |
4788 | Dearbhadh cleachdaiche | User Authentication |
4790 | Clàradh a-steach | Logon |
4791 | Luchdaidhean a-nuas | Downloads |
4792 | Luchdadh a-nuas faidhle | File download |
4793 | Luchdadh a-nuas cruth-clò | Font download |
4794 | Rudan eile | Miscellaneous |
4796 | Slaod is leig às no dèan lethbhreac is cuir ann faidhlichean | Drag and drop or copy and paste files |
4797 | Cuir a-null dàta an fhoirm gun chrioptachadh | Submit non-encrypted form data |
4798 | A' cur prògraman is faidhlichean air bhog ann an IFRAME | Launching programs and files in an IFRAME |
4799 | Ceadaich slaodadh de shusbaint eadar àrainnean dhan aon uinneag | Allow dragging of content between domains into the same window |
4800 | Ceadaich slaodadh de shusbaint eadar àrainnean do dh'uinneagan eadar-dhealaichte | Allow dragging of content between domains into separate windows |
4803 | Cuir an comas | Enable |
4804 | Faighnich | Prompt |
4805 | Cuir à comas | Disable |
4806 | Le aonta an rianadair | Administrator approved |
4807 | Clàradh a-steach gun urra | Anonymous logon |
4808 | Iarr ainm-cleachdaiche 's facal-faire | Prompt for user name and password |
4809 | Clàradh a-steach fèin-obrachail leis an ainm-chleachdaiche 's an fhacal-fhaire làithreach | Automatic logon with current user name and password |
4810 | Clàradh a-steach fèin-obrachail ann an sòn an eadra-lìn a-mhàin | Automatic logon only in Intranet zone |
4814 | Tèarainteachd ìosal | Low safety |
4815 | Tèarainteachd mheadhanach | Medium safety |
4816 | Tèarainteachd àrd | High safety |
4817 | Custom | Custom |
4818 | Disable Java | Disable Java |
4822 | Roghainnean HTTP | HTTP settings |
4823 | Cleachd HTTP 1.1 | Use HTTP 1.1 |
4824 | Cleachd HTTP 1.1 slighe ceanglaichean progsaidh | Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections |
4825 | An-còmhnaidh | Always |
4826 | Chan ann idir | Never |
4827 | Fantainn os a chionn | Hover |
4828 | Fo-loidhnich ceanglaichean | Underline links |
4832 | Seall brath airson gach mearachd sgriobt | Display a notification about every script error |
4833 | Seall teachdaireachdan mearachd HTTP càirdeil | Show friendly HTTP error messages |
4835 | Innis dhomh nuair a bhios luchdadh a-nuas deiseil | Notify when downloads complete |
4836 | Innis dhomh mur e Internet Explorer am brabhsair-lìn bunaiteach | Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser |
4837 | Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates | Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates |
4838 | Dùin pasgain nach eil gan cleachdadh san eachdraidh 's na h-annsachdan | Close unused folders in History and Favorites |
4839 | Cuir slighe URL mar UTF-8 | Send URL path as UTF-8 |
4840 | Cuir sreangan ceiste UTF-8 airson URLaichean nach buin ris an eadra-lìn | Send UTF-8 query strings for non-Intranet URLs |
4841 | Cuir sreangan ceiste UTF-8 airson nan URL eadra-lìn | Send UTF-8 query strings for Intranet URLs |
4843 | Seall glèidheadairean-àite airson luchdadh a-nuas dhealbhan | Show image download placeholders |
4847 | Na seall na toraidhean ach sa phrìomh-uinneag | Just display the results in the main window |
4848 | Na cuir seòlaidhean neo-aithnichte do sholaraiche an fhèin-luirg agad | Do not submit unknown addresses to your auto-search provider |
4849 | Rach gu làrach an eadra-lìn airson innteart aon fhacail ann am bàr an t-seòlaidh | Go to an intranet site for a single word entry in the Address bar |
4850 | Roghainnean dàta làraichean-lìn | Website Data Settings |
4851 | Cleachd fèin-choileanadh am broinn loidhne ann am bàr an t-seòlaidh is còmhradh an fhosglaidh aig Internet Explorer | Use inline AutoComplete in the Internet Explorer Address Bar and Open Dialog |
4852 | Cleachd fèin-choileanadh am broinn loidhne ann am Windows Explorer agus sa chòmhradh ruith | Use inline AutoComplete in File Explorer and Run Dialog |
4853 | Leantailteachd dàta a' chleachdaiche | Userdata persistence |
4854 | Ceadaich inntrigeadh do stòrd-bhòrd a-rèir prògraim | Allow Programmatic clipboard access |
4855 | Seòl uinneagan is frèamaichean thairis air àrainnean eadar-dhealaichte | Navigate windows and frames across different domains |
4856 | Cuir an comas clàr-taice pearsanaichte nan annsachdan | Enable personalized favorites menu |
4857 | Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files. Do you want to continue? (All other changes have been saved.) |
Windows will now log you off to finish moving Temporary Internet Files. Do you want to continue? (All other changes have been saved.) |
4858 | Clàraich a-mach | Log Off |
4862 | Na iarr orm teisteanas cliant a roghnachadh mur eil ach aon teisteanas ann | Don't prompt for client certificate selection when only one certificate exists |
4863 | Cuir an comas Integrated Windows Authentication | Enable Integrated Windows Authentication |
4864 | A' cur air bhog aplacaidean is faidhlichean neo-thèarainte | Launching applications and unsafe files |
4866 | Èignich offscreen compositing fiù fo fhrithealaiche tèirmineil | Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server |
4867 | Ceadaich ùraichadh bàr na staide slighe sgriobt | Allow status bar updates via script |
4870 | Ceadaich META REFRESH | Allow META REFRESH |
4871 | Cuir an comas ath-mheudachadh dhealbhan fèin-obrachail | Enable automatic image resizing |
4872 | Seall susbaint mheasgaichte | Display mixed content |
4873 | Cuir an comas stoidhlean lèirsinneach air putain is uidheaman-smachd ann an duilleagan-lìn | Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages |
4874 | Cuir an comas tuilleadain brabhsair le treas phàrtaidh | Enable third-party browser extensions |
4877 | Tha an làrach seo san t-sòn %s mar-thà. | This site is already in the %s zone. |
4878 | Tha an làrach a shònraich thu san t-sòn %1 mar-thà. A bheil thu airson a ghluasad dhan t-sòn %2? | The site you specified already exists in the %1 zone. Would you like to move it to the %2 zone? |
4879 | Ceadaich sgriobtadh de smachdadh brabhsair-lìn Microsoft | Allow scripting of Microsoft web browser control |
4880 | Display enhanced security configuration dialog | Display enhanced security configuration dialog |
4881 | Ceadaich seòladh gu faidhlichean is pasgain ionadail | Allow navigation to local files and folders |
4883 | Cleachd blocaiche nam priob-uinneag | Use Pop-up Blocker |
4884 | Giùlan bìnearaidh 's sgriobtaichean | Binary and script behaviors |
4885 | Cuir an comas MIME Sniffing | Enable MIME Sniffing |
4886 | Faodaidh làraichean-lìn ann an sònaichean susbaint-lìn aig a bheil nas lugha de phribhleidean seòladh dhan t-sòn seo | Websites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone |
4887 | Ceadaich uinneagan a chaidh an tòiseachadh le sgriobt gun chuingealachadh air meud no ionad | Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints |
4889 | Faighneachd fèin-obrachail a thaobh uidheaman-smachd ActiveX | Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls |
4890 | Ceadaich duilleagan-lìn gus pròtocalan cuingealaichte a chleachdadh airson susbaint gnìomhach | Allow webpages to use restricted protocols for active content |
4891 | Thoir cead ruith do shusbaint ghnìomhach ann am faidhlichean air "Mo choimpiutair" | Allow active content to run in files on My Computer |
4892 | Thoir cead ruith do shusbaint ghnìomhach o CDan air "Mo choimpiutair" | Allow active content from CDs to run on My Computer |
4893 | Àrd: Bac a h-uile priob-uinneag (Ctrl+Alt airson tar-àithneadh) | High: Block all pop-ups (Ctrl+Alt to override) |
4894 | Meadhanach: Bac a' mhòr-chuid dhe na prìob-uinneagan fèin-obrachail | Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups |
4895 | Ìosal: Ceadaich priob-uinneagan o làraichean tèarainte | Low: Allow pop-ups from secure sites |
4897 | Thoir cead ruith do dh'uidheaman-smachd ActiveX nach do chleachd mi roimhe gun fhaighneachd | Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt |
4898 | Thoir cead do làraichean-lìn uinneagan fhosgladh gun bhàraichean seòlaidh no staid | Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars |
4899 | Seall video 's beòthachaidhean air làrach-lìn nach cleachd cluicheadair meadhanan fa leth | Display video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player |
4900 | Na toir cead gus ActiveX a chleachdadh gun fhaighneachd ach do dh'àrainnean a fhuair aonta | Only allow approved domains to use ActiveX without prompt |
4901 | Cuir an comas criathrag XSS | Enable XSS filter |
4907 | Ath-shuidhich ìre an t-sùim airson uinneagan is tabaichean ùra | Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs |
4908 | Ath-shuidhich an teacsa gu meud meadhanach airs uinneagan is tabaichean ùra | Reset text size to medium for new windows and tabs |
4910 | Cleachd an t-òrdugh as ùire nuair ghluaisear eadar tabaichean le Ctrl+Tab | Use most recent order when switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab |
4911 | Gabh a-staigh slighe an eòlaire ionadail nuair a luchdaichear suas faidhlichean gu frithealaiche | Include local directory path when uploading files to a server |
4912 | Leig le làraichean-lìn fiosrachadh iarraidh le uinneagan sgriobtaichte | Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows |
4913 | Cuir an comas aiseag fèin-obrachail o thuislidhean | Enable automatic crash recovery |
4914 | Duilleag bhàn | A blank page |
4915 | An duilleag taba ùr | The new tab page |
4916 | A' chiad duilleag-dhachaigh agad | Your first home page |
4917 | Taisbean putan an luathaicheir nuair a nithear taghadh | Display Accelerator button on selection |
4918 | Cuir an comas brabhsadh carait airson uinneagan is tabaichean ùra | Enable Caret Browsing for new windows and tabs |
4919 | Cluich fuaimean an t-siostaim | Play system sounds |
4920 | Grafaigeachd luathaichte | Accelerated graphics |
4921 | Cleachd reandaradh bathar-bog an àite reandaradh GPU | Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering |
4922 | Cuir an comas codecs eile ann an eileamaidean mheadhanan HTML5 | Enable alternative codecs in HTML5 media elements |
4923 | Ceadaich criathradh ActiveX | Allow ActiveX Filtering |
4924 | Ruigh bathar-bog an aghaidh bathar droch-rùnach air smachdan ActiveX | Run antimalware software on ActiveX controls |
4925 | Cleachd HTTP2 | Use HTTP2 |
4926 | An duilleag taba ùr le inbhir nan naidheachdan agam | The new tab page with my news feed |
5000 | AaBbYyZz | AaBbYyZz |
5003 | Laideann | Latin |
5005 | ελληνικά | ελληνικά |
5006 | Кириллица | Кириллица |
5007 | Հայերեն | Հայերեն |
5008 | עברית | עברית |
5009 | العربية | العربية |
5010 | देवनागरी | देवनागरी |
5011 | বাংলা | বাংলা |
5012 | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ |
5013 | ગુજરાતી | ગુજરાતી |
5014 | ଓଡ଼ିଆ | ଓଡ଼ିଆ |
5015 | தமிழ் | தமிழ் |
5016 | తెలుగు | తెలుగు |
5017 | ಕನ್ನಡ | ಕನ್ನಡ |
5018 | മലയാളം | മലയാളം |
5019 | ไทย | ไทย |
5020 | ລາວ | ລາວ |
5021 | བོད་ཡིག | བོད་ཡིག |
5022 | ქართული | ქართული |
5023 | 한글 | 한글 |
5024 | 日本語 | 日本語 |
5025 | 繁體中文 | 繁體中文 |
5026 | 简体中文 | 简体中文 |
5027 | አማRdኛ | አማRdኛ |
5028 | ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ | ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ |
5029 | ᏣᎳᎩ | ᏣᎳᎩ |
5030 | ꆈꌠꁱꂷ | ꆈꌠꁱꂷ |
5031 | ⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑ | ⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑ |
5032 | ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ | ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ |
5033 | ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ | ᚌᚑᚔᚇᚓᚂᚉ |
5034 | සිංහල | සිංහල |
5035 | ܣܘܪܝܐ | ܣܘܪܝܐ |
5036 | ဢႝတွၼ် | ဢႝတွၼ် |
5037 | ភាសាខ្មែរ | ភាសាខ្មែរ |
5038 | ދިވެހިބަސް | ދިވެހިބަސް |
5039 | ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ | ᠮᠤᠨᠭᠭᠤᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ |
5050 | ?????? | ?????? |
5053 | ????•?????? | ????•?????? |
5055 | ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲ | ߓߡߊߣߊ߲ߞߊ߲ |
5057 | ????⁚?? | ????⁚?? |
5058 | ?? ?????? | ?? ?????? |
5059 | ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ | ꡏꡡꡋꡂꡡꡙ ꡢꡠꡙꡠ |
5061 | ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ | ᥘᥣᥭᥰ ᥖᥭᥰ ᥖᥬᥲᥑᥨᥒᥰ |
5062 | ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ | ᦎᦷᦑᦺᦖᦺᧈᦉᦲᧇᦉᦸᧂᦗᧃᦓᦱ |
5063 | ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ | ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ |
5064 | ꕙꔤ | ꕙꔤ |
5304 | Bac a h-uile briosgaid | Block All Cookies |
5306 | Meadhanach àrd | Medium High |
5309 | Gabh ris a h-uile briosgaid | Accept All Cookies |
5311 | - Bacaidh seo briosgaidean on a h-uile làrach-lin - Chan urrainn do làraichean-lìn briosgaidean a tha air a' choimpiutair seo mar-thà a leughadh |
- Blocks all cookies from all websites - Cookies that are already on this computer cannot be read by websites |
5312 | - Bacaidh seo briosgaidean on a h-uile làrach-lìn aig nach eil gearr-phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd - Bacaidh seo briosgaidean a shàbhaileas fiosrachadh a ghabhas a chleachdadh gus fios a chur thugad gun aonta soilleir uat |
- Blocks all cookies from websites that do not have a compact privacy policy - Blocks cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent |
5313 | - Cuiridh seo bacadh air briosgaidean treas phàrtaidh aig nach eil gearr-phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd - Cuiridh seo bacadh air briosgaidean a shàbhaileas fiosrachadh a ghabhas a chleachdadh gus fios a chur thugad gun làn-chead uat - Cuiridh seo bacadh air briosgaidean a' chiad phàrtaidh a shàbhaileas fiosrachadh a ghabhas a chleachdadh gus fios a chur thugad gun làn-chead uat |
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy - Blocks third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your explicit consent - Blocks first-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent |
5315 | - Bacaidh seo briosgaidean aig nach eil gearr-phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd - Cuingichidh seo briosgaidean a shàbhaileas fiosrachadh a ghabhas a chleachdadh gus fios a chur thugad gun aonta soilleir uat |
- Blocks third-party cookies that do not have a compact privacy policy - Restricts third-party cookies that save information that can be used to contact you without your implicit consent |
5316 | - Sàbhailidh seo briosgaidean o làrach-lìn sam bith. - Gabhaidh briosgaidean a tha air a' choimpiutair seo mar-thà a leughadh leis na làraichean-lìn a chruthaich iad |
- Saves cookies from any website. - Cookies that are already on this computer can be read by the websites that created them |
5317 | - Roghainnean adhartach no air ion-phortadh | - Advanced or imported settings |
5351 | Ion-portadh prìobhaideachd | Privacy Import |
5352 | Your privacy settings file was successfully imported. | Your privacy settings file was successfully imported. |
5355 | Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file. | Your privacy settings file could not be imported. It may not be a valid privacy settings file. |
5356 | Roghainnean prìobhaideachd eadar-lìn *.xml Gach faidhle *.* | Internet Privacy Preferences *.xml All Files *.* |
5360 | Tagh roghainn airson sòn an eadar-lìn. | Select a setting for the Internet zone. |
5361 | Airson ìre prìobhaideachd bhunaiteach a shuidheachadh an àite roghainnean gnàthaichte, briog air a' phutan Bun-roghainn. | To set a standard privacy level instead of using custom settings, click the Default button. |
5363 | This site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone. | This site cannot be added because it is already in the Restricted sites zone. |
5365 | Cuir an comas SmartScreen dìonadair Windows | Enable Windows Defender SmartScreen |
5368 | Cleachd SmartScreen dìonadair Windows | Use Windows Defender SmartScreen |
5380 | Àrainn mhì-dhligheach | Invalid Domain |
5381 | Chuir thu àrainn mhì-dhligheach a-steach. Feumaidh àrainnean a bhith ann an sòn an eadar-lìn is feumaidh iad am pròtacal HTTP no HTTPS a chleachdadh. Feumaidh URLaichean a thòisicheas le xn -- a bhith nan ainmean IDN dligheach. Buill-eisimpleir de dh'àrainnean dligheach: - - - |
You have entered an invalid domain. Domains must be in the Internet zone and must use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. URLs beginning with xn-- must be valid IDN names. Examples of valid domains: - - - |
5386 | Àrainn | Domain |
5387 | Roghainn | Setting |
5388 | Ceadaich an-còmhnaidh | Always Allow |
5389 | Bacaich an-còmhnaidh | Always Block |
5414 | A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson a h-uile làrach-lìn a thoirt air falbh? | Are you sure you want to remove all sites? |
5415 | Thoir air falbh gach làrach | Remove all sites |
5430 | Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer |
5431 | Tha cuid a rudan ann am buidheann thabaichean na duilleige-dhachaidh agad nach eil nan làraichean-lìn.
Briog air "Ceart ma-thà" gus na rudan nach eil taic ann riutha a thoirt air falbh. |
Some of the entries in your home page tab group are not webpages.
Click OK to remove unsupported entries. |
5432 | Thagh thu barrachd dhuilleagan-lìn airson buidheann thabaichean na duilleige-dhachaidh agad na tha Internet Explorer a' ceadachadh.
Briog air "Ceart ma-thà" gus na duilleagan-lìn a tha cus a thoirt air falbh. |
The number of webpages you've selected for your home page tab group exceeds the maximum supported by Internet Explorer.
Click OK to remove the additional webpages. |
5440 | Cuir an comas suidheachadh .Net Framework | Enable .NET Framework setup |
5609 | - Cunnart tèarainteachd | - Security At Risk |
6000 | Eadar-nàiseanta | International |
6002 | Cuir ainmean frithealaichean IDN airson URLaichean nach buin ris an eadra-lìn | Send IDN server names for non-Intranet URLs |
6003 | Cuir ainmean frithealaichean IDN airson URLaichean eadra-lìn | Send IDN server names for Intranet URLs |
6004 | Cuir à comas dì-bhugadh sgriobt (Internet Explorer) | Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) |
6005 | Cuir à comas dì-bhugadh sgriobt (Eile) | Disable script debugging (Other) |
6006 | Thoir cead ruith no stàlaidh do bhathar-bog fiù ma bhios an soidhneadh mì-dhligheach | Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid |
6007 | Seall seòlaidhean còdaichte an-còmhnaidh | Always show encoded addresses |
6008 | Seall bàr nam brathan airson seòlaidhean còdaichte | Show Notification bar for encoded addresses |
6016 | Gus na h-atharraichean a chur an gnìomh, bidh agad ris a' choimpiutair agad ath-thòiseachadh | For changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computer |
6019 | Cuir an comas dìon cuimhne mar dhìon nas fhearr o ionnsaighean air loidhne | Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks |
6300 | Cuir an comas taic thùsail XMLHTTP | Enable native XMLHTTP support |
6304 | Cuir an comas stòradh DOM | Enable DOM Storage |
6310 | Bac dealbhan neo-thèarainte a tha le susbaint mheasgaichte eile | Block unsecured images with other mixed content |
6400 | .NET Framework | .NET Framework |
6401 | Loose XAML | Loose XAML |
6402 | Sgrìobhainnean XPS | XPS documents |
6403 | Aplacaidean brabhsair XAML | XAML browser applications |
6410 | (neo-thèarainte) | (not secure) |
6411 | (mholamaid seo) | (recommended) |
6412 | Tha an coimpiutair agad ann an cunnart ri linn nan roghainnean tèarainteachd agad | Your security settings put your computer at risk |
6413 | 'S e Internet Explorer am brabhsair-lìn bunaiteach. | Internet Explorer is the default web browser. |
6414 | Chan e Internet Explorer am brabhsair-lìn bunaiteach an-dràsta. | Internet Explorer is not currently the default web browser. |
6423 | Tha an coimpiutair agad ann an cunnart ri linn nan roghainnean tèarainteachd làithreach agad. | The current security settings will put your computer at risk. |
6440 | The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL. | The site name you entered is not a valid IDN URL. |
6441 | Invalid URL | Invalid URL |
6612 | Security Settings - My Computer Zone | Security Settings - My Computer Zone |
6613 | Roghainnean tèrainteachd - sòn eadra-lìn ionadail | Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone |
6614 | Roghainnean tèrainteachd - sòn eadar-lìn | Security Settings - Internet Zone |
6615 | Roghainnean tèrainteachd - sòn nan làraichean cuingichte | Security Settings - Restricted Sites Zone |
6616 | Roghainnean tèrainteachd - sòn nan làraichean earbsach | Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone |
6618 | Render legacy filters | Render legacy filters |
6619 | Ceadaich an t-uidheam-smachd TDC | Allow the TDC Control |
6640 | Do you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection? %s |
Do you want Internet Explorer to delete this network connection? %s |
6641 | A' cur crìoch air a' cheangal ris an lìonra | Disconnecting network connection |
6642 | Deleting network connection | Deleting network connection |
6643 | Internet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it again | Internet Explorer was unable to delete this network connection because it is currently in use. Close the connection and try to delete it again |
6711 | Ath-shuidhich an ìre sùim | Reset zoom level |
6712 | Ath-shuidhich an teacsa gu meud meadhanach | Reset text size to medium |
6714 | Ceadaich sealladh pasgan FTP | Enable FTP folder view |
6715 | Cleachd fèin-choileanadh am broinn loidhne | Use inline AutoComplete |
6730 | Làrach-lìn | Website |
6731 | Stòras fhaidhlichean | File Storage |
6732 | Stòras dàta | Data Storage |
6733 | Rach thairis air a' chrìoch | Exceed limit |
6735 | Allowed | Allowed |
6736 | Excluded | Excluded |
6737 | N/A | N/A |
6738 | %d MB | %d MB |
6800 | Cleachd TLS 1.1 | Use TLS 1.1 |
6801 | Cleachd TLS 1.2 | Use TLS 1.2 |
6825 | Ann an Internet Explorer an-còmhnaidh | Always in Internet Explorer |
6826 | Ann an Internet Explorer an-còmhnaidh air an deasg | Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop |
6827 | Leig le Internet Explorer co-dhùnadh | Let Internet Explorer decide |
6828 | - Iomchaidh airson a' mhòr-chuid de làraichean-lìn - Faighnichidh seo mus tèid susbaint a luchdadh a-nuas a dh'fhaodadh a bhith neo-thèarainte |
- Appropriate for most websites - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content |
6829 | - Faighnichidh seo mus tèid susbaint a luchdadh a-nuas a dh'fhaodadh a bhith neo-thèarainte | - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content |
6830 | - Iomchaidh airson làraichean-lìn air an lìonra ionadail agad (eadra-lìon) - Thèid a' mhòr-chuid de shusbaint a ruith gun fheum air stiùireadh uat - Co-ionnann ris an ìre mheadhanach ach cha tèid faighneachd dhìot |
- Appropriate for websites on your local network (intranet) - Most content will be run without prompting you - Same as Medium level without prompts |
6831 | Luchdaich làraichean is susbaint sa chùlaibh gus piseach a thort air an dèanadas | Load sites and content in the background to optimize performance |
6832 | Bopomofo | Bopomofo |
6833 | Buginese | Buginese |
6834 | Coptic | Coptic |
6835 | Deseret | Deseret |
6836 | Glagolitic | Glagolitic |
6837 | Gothic | Gothic |
6838 | Old Italic | Old Italic |
6839 | Javanese | Javanese |
6840 | N'Ko | N'Ko |
6841 | Ol Chiki | Ol Chiki |
6842 | Old Turkic | Old Turkic |
6843 | Osmanya | Osmanya |
6844 | Phags-pa | Phags-pa |
6845 | Sora Sompeng | Sora Sompeng |
6846 | Tai Le | Tai Le |
6847 | New Tai Lue | New Tai Lue |
6848 | Tifinagh | Tifinagh |
6849 | Vai | Vai |
7001 | - Iomchaidh airson a' mhòr-chuid de làraichean-lìn - Faighnichidh seo mus tèid susbaint a luchdadh a-nuas a dh'fhaodadh a bhith neo-thèarainte - Cha tèid uidheaman-smachd ActiveX gun soidhneadh a luchdadh a-nuas |
- Appropriate for most websites - Prompts before downloading potentially unsafe content - Unsigned ActiveX controls will not be downloaded |
7003 | Meadhanach-àrd | Medium-high |
7010 | Bun-roghainn | Default |
7011 | Monospace Serif | Monospace Serif |
7012 | Proportional Serif | Proportional Serif |
7013 | Monospace Sans Serif | Monospace Sans Serif |
7014 | Proportional Sans Serif | Proportional Sans Serif |
7015 | Casual | Casual |
7016 | Cursive | Cursive |
7017 | Smallcaps | Smallcaps |
7018 | Soladach | Solid |
7019 | Leth thrìd-shoilleir | Semitransparent |
7020 | Trìd-shoilleir | Transparent |
7022 | Oir thogte | Raised edge |
7023 | Oir ìslichte | Depressed edge |
7024 | Oir-loidhne | Outline |
7025 | Sgàil teàrnaidh | Drop Shadow |
7026 | 50 | 50 |
7027 | 100 | 100 |
7028 | 150 | 150 |
7029 | 200 | 200 |
7030 | Dath a' chrutha-chlò | Font color |
7031 | Dath a' chùlaibh | Background color |
7032 | Dath na h-uinneige | Window color |
8000 | Clàraich teachdaireachdan consoil an luchd-leasachaidh an-còmhnaidh | Always record developer console messages |
File Description: | Panail-smachd an eadar-lìn |
File Version: | 11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | INETCPL.CPL |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte. |
Original Filename: | INETCPL.CPL.MUI |
Product Name: | Internet Explorer |
Product Version: | 11.00.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x491, 1200 |