wmiutils.dll.mui WMI b6fe49bf64f1ce6ed068ae47df7eb637

File info

File name: wmiutils.dll.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: b6fe49bf64f1ce6ed068ae47df7eb637
SHA1: ad0f0e711bfaf732b7301700887c673bbee4f22c
SHA256: 67bd7f3189b38e298c015e044b58724cebbd2cd5fed0c1cae18abb72e6f1c4a6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x00040001已經存在 Already exists
0x00040002重設成預設值 Reset to default
0x00040003不同 Different
0x00040004已逾時 Timed out
0x00040005沒有其他資料 No more data
0x00040006操作已取消 Operation cancelled
0x00040007操作擱置中 Operation Pending
0x00040008重複的物件 Duplicate objects
0x00040009拒絕存取 Access Denied
0x00040010部分結果 Partial Results
0x80041001一般失敗 Generic failure
0x80041002找不到 Not found
0x80041004提供者失敗 Provider failure
0x80041005類型不符 Type mismatch
0x80041006記憶體不足 Out of memory
0x80041007內容無效 Invalid context
0x80041008參數無效 Invalid parameter
0x80041009無法使用 Not available
0x8004100A嚴重錯誤 Critical error
0x8004100B資料流無效 Invalid stream
0x8004100C不受支援 Not supported
0x8004100DSuperclass 無效 Invalid superclass
0x8004100E命名空間無效 Invalid namespace
0x8004100F物件無效 Invalid object
0x80041010類別無效 Invalid class
0x80041011找不到提供者 Provider not found
0x80041012提供者登錄無效 Invalid provider registration
0x80041013提供者載入失敗 Provider load failure
0x80041014初始化失敗 Initialization failure
0x80041015傳輸失敗 Transport failure
0x80041016操作無效 Invalid operation
0x80041017查詢無效 Invalid query
0x80041018查詢類型無效 Invalid query type
0x80041019物件或屬性已經存在 Object or property already exists
0x8004101A不允許覆蓋 Override not allowed
0x8004101B散佈的辨識符號 Propagated qualifier
0x8004101C散佈的屬性 Propagated property
0x8004101D未預期的錯誤 Unexpected error
0x8004101E操作不正確 Illegal operation
0x8004101F屬性不可以是機碼 Property can not be key
0x80041020類別不完整 Incomplete class
0x80041021語法無效 Invalid syntax
0x80041022無修飾的物件 Non-decorated object
0x80041023嘗試修改唯讀物件或屬性失敗 Attempt to modify read-only object or property failed
0x80041024提供者無法執行嘗試的操作 Provider is not capable of the attempted operation
0x80041025類別有子系 Class has children
0x80041026類別有執行個體 Class has instances
0x80041027查詢未實行 Query not implemented
0x80041028Null 值不正確 Illegal null value
0x80041029辨識符號類型無效 Invalid qualifier type
0x8004102A屬性類型無效 Invalid property type
0x8004102B值超出範圍 Value out of range
0x8004102C不能是單一的 Cannot be singleton
0x8004102DCimType 無效 Invalid CimType
0x8004102E方法無效 Invalid method
0x8004102F方法參數無效 Invalid method Parameter(s)
0x80041030System 屬性 System property
0x80041031屬性無效 Invalid property
0x80041032呼叫已取消 Call cancelled
0x80041033正在關機 Shutting down
0x80041034散佈的方法 Propagated method
0x80041035不支援的參數 Unsupported parameter
0x80041036遺失參數識別碼。 Missing parameter id.
0x80041037參數識別碼無效。 Invalid parameter id.
0x80041038不連續的參數識別碼。 Non-consecutive parameter ids.
0x80041039傳回值有參數識別碼。 Return Value has a parameter id.
0x8004103A物件路徑無效 Invalid object path
0x8004103B磁碟空間不足 Out of disk space
0x8004103C提供的緩衝區太小 The supplied buffer was too small
0x8004103D提供者不支援放入延伸 Provider does not support put extensions
0x8004103E封送處理的封包發現不明的物件。 The marshaling packet identifies an unknown object.
0x8004103F封送處理的封包類型不明。 The marshaling packet type is unknown.
0x80041040封送處理的封包版本不相符。 Marshaling packet version mismatch.
0x80041041封送處理的封包簽章無效。 Marshaling packet signature is invalid.
0x80041042辨識符號無效。 Invalid qualifier.
0x80041043重複的參數無效。 Invalid Duplicate Parameter.
0x80041044伺服器緩衝區已滿,無法接受資料 Server buffers are full and data cannot be accepted
0x80041046標註無效 Invalid flavor
0x80041047類別偏差導致循環參照。 Class derivation caused circular reference.
0x80041048不支援的類別更新。 Unsupported class update.
0x80041049無法變更類別機碼繼承。 Cannot change class key inheritance.
0x80041050無法變更類別索引繼承。 Cannot change class index inheritance.
0x80041051類別物件已經包含最大的屬性數目。 Class object already contains the maximum number of properties.
0x80041052某個屬性被以衍生類別中衝突的類型重新定義。 A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a derived class.
0x80041053不可覆寫的辨識符號在衍生類別中遭到覆寫。 A non-overrideable qualifier was overridden in a derived class.
0x80041054某個方法被以衍生類別中衝突的簽章重新宣告。 A method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a derived class.
0x80041055此方法未在任何類別中實作 This method is not implemented in any class
0x80041056此類別已停用此方法 This method is disabled for this class
0x80041057重新整理程式正在忙碌中 The refresher is busy
0x80041058查詢無法剖析。 Unparsable query.
0x80041059類別不是事件類別。 Class is not an event class.
0x8004105A'BY' 必須搭配 'GROUP WITHIN' 使用 。 'BY' cannot be used without 'GROUP WITHIN'.
0x8004105B不支援對所有屬性進行彙總。 Aggregation on all properties is not supported.
0x8004105C不可以在不是內嵌物件的屬性上使用「點」標記法。 'Dot' notation cannot be used on a property that is not an embedded object.
0x8004105D不支援對是內嵌物件的屬性進行彙總。 Aggregation on a property that is an embedded object is not supported.
0x8004105F內建事件提供者登錄使用不正確的查詢。 Intrinsic event provider registration uses illegal query.
0x80041060要求備份或還原時,WinMgmt 已經在執行。 A backup or restore was requested while WinMgmt is already running.
0x80041061事件佇列溢位。 Event queue overflowed.
0x80041062沒有權限。 Privilege not held.
0x80041063此運算子對此屬性類型而言無效。 This operator is not valid for this property type.
0x80041064使用者認證不能用於本機連線 User credentials cannot be used for local connections
0x80041065若類別的 Superclass 不是抽象的,則類別也不能是抽象的 A class cannot be abstract if its superclass is not also abstract
0x80041066除非已指定 WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS,否則不能放置已修改的物件 An amended object cannot be put unless WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS is specified
0x80041067用戶端從列舉抓取物件的速度不夠快 The client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from an enumeration
0x80041068使用了 Null 安全性描述元 Null security descriptor used
0x80041069操作逾時 Operation times out
0x8004106A關聯無效 Invalid association
0x8004106B操作不明確 Ambiguous operation
0x8004106C配額違規 Quota violation
0x8004106D交易衝突 Transaction conflict
0x8004106E交易已強制復原 Transaction forced rollback
0x8004106F不支援的地區設定 Unsupported locale
0x80041070控制代碼過期 Handle out of date
0x80041071連線失敗 Connection failed
0x80041072控制代碼要求無效 Invalid handle request
0x80041073屬性名稱太長 Property name too wide
0x80041074類別名稱太長 Class name too wide
0x80041075方法名稱太長 Method name too wide
0x80041076辨識符號名稱太長 Qualifier name too wide
0x80041077請重新執行命令 Rerun command
0x80041078資料庫版本不相符 Database version mismatch
0x80041079否決刪除 Veto delete
0x8004107A否決放入 Veto put
0x80041080指定的地區設定識別碼對操作無效。 The specified locale id was not valid for the operation.
0x80041081提供者已暫停 Provider suspended
0x80041082必須先認可物件並再次擷取,要求的操作才能成功 The object must be committed and retrieved again before the requested operation can succeed
0x80041083沒有完成操作所需的結構描述 Schema required to complete the operation is not available
0x80041084提供者已經登錄 Provider already registered
0x80041085提供者未登錄 Provider not registered
0x80041086嚴重的傳輸錯誤,將不會嘗試其他傳輸 Fatal transport error, other transport will not be tried
0x80041087必須將連到 WINMGMT 的用戶端連線加密,才能進行這項操作。請調整您的 IWbemServices Proxy 安全性設定並重試。 Client connection to WINMGMT needs to be encrypted for this operation. Please adjust your IWbemServices proxy security settings and retry.
0x80041088提供者無法在指定的逾時內報告結果。 A provider failed to report results within the specified timeout.
0x80041089嘗試使用未定義的機碼放入執行個體。 Attempt to put an instance with no defined key.
0x80042001提供者登錄與系統事件網域重疊 Provider registration overlaps with system event domain
0x80042002必須在此查詢中使用 'WITHIN' 子句,因為缺少事件提供者 'WITHIN' clause must be used in this query due to lack of event providers
0x80042003此電腦沒有必要的網域權限,無法支援與已建立之訂閱執行個體相關的安全性功能。請連絡網域系統管理員以將此電腦加入 Windows Authorization Access Group。 This computer does not have the necessary domain permissions to support the security functions relating to the created subscription instance. Contact the Domain Administrator to get this computer added to the Windows Authorization Access Group.
0x80043001請稍後重試 Retry Later
0x80043002資源競爭 Resource Contention
0x80044001必須有辨識符號名稱,識別碼 Expected qualifier name, an identifier
0x80044002必須有分號或 '=' Expected semicolon or '='
0x80044003必須有左大括弧 Expected open brace
0x80044004遺漏右大括弧,或者陣列元素不正確 Missing closing brace, or illegal array element
0x80044005必須有右大括弧 Expected closing bracket
0x80044006必須有右括弧 Expected closing parenthesis
0x80044007常數值不正確。(數值超出範圍或字串缺少引號) Illegal constant value. (Numeric value out of range or strings without quotes)
0x80044008必須有類型識別碼 Expected type identifier
0x80044009必須有左括弧 Expected open parenthesis
0x8004400A檔案範圍不應有語彙基元 Unexpected token at file scope
0x8004400B無法辨認或不支援的類型識別碼 Unrecognized or unsupported type identifier
0x8004400C必須有屬性或方法名稱 Expected property or method name
0x8004400D目前不支援 Typedefs 和列舉類型 Typedefs and enumerated types are not currently supported
0x8004400E不應有別名。只有類別物件的參照才能有別名值 Unexpected alias. Only references to class object can take alias values
0x8004400F不應有陣列初始化。陣列必須以 [] 宣告 Unexpected array initialization. Arrays must be declared with []
0x80044010命名空間路徑語法無效 Invalid namespace path syntax
0x80044011重複的修正指定元 Duplicate amendment specifiers
0x80044012#pragma 後面必須接有效的關鍵字 #pragma must be followed by a valid keyword
0x80044014類別名稱中不應有字元 (必須是識別碼) Unexpected character in class name (must be an identifier)
0x80044015類型不符。無法將指定的值強制轉換成適當的類型 Type mismatch. The value specified could not be coerced into the appropriate type
0x80044016貨幣符號後面必須接別名名稱 (識別碼) Dollar sign must be followed by an alias name (an identifier)
0x80044017類別宣告無效 Invalid class declaration
0x80044018執行個體宣告無效。必須以 'instance of' 為開頭 Invalid instance declaration. Must start with 'instance of'
0x80044019應該要有貨幣符號。'as' 關鍵字後面必須是一個別名,格式為 '$name' Expected dollar sign. 'as' keyword must be followed by an alias, of the form '$name'
0x8004401A不可以直接在 MOF 檔案中指定 'CIMTYPE' 限定詞。請使用標準類型標記法 'CIMTYPE' qualifier may not be specified directly in a MOF file. Use standard type notation
0x8004401B不應有重複的屬性宣告 Duplicate property declaration unexpected
0x8004401C命名空間語法無效。不允許參照到其他伺服器! Invalid namespace syntax. References to other servers are not allowed!
0x8004401E這不是有效的 MOF 檔案 This is not a valid MOF file
0x8004401F內嵌物件不可以是別名 Embedded objects may not be aliases
0x80044020不支援陣列中有 NULL 元素 NULL elements in array are not supported
0x80044021不應有重複的辨識符號宣告 Duplicate qualifier declaration unexpected
0x80044022必須有標註類型,例如 ToInstance、ToSubClass、EnableOverride 或 DisableOverride Expected a flavor type such as ToInstance, ToSubClass, EnableOverride, or DisableOverride
0x80044023不可組合 Overridable 和 NotOverridable Combining Overridable, and NotOverridable is not legal
0x80044024別名不能使用兩次 Alias cannot be used twice
0x80044025不可將 \"Restricted\" 和 \"ToInstance\" 或 \"ToSubClass\" 組合 Combining \"Restricted\", and \"ToInstance\" or \"ToSubClass\" is not legal
0x80044026方法無法傳回陣列值 Methods cannot return array values
0x80044027引數必須有 \"In\" 和/或 \"Out\" 辨識符號 Arguments must have an \"In\" and/or \"Out\" qualifier
0x80044028旗標語法無效 Invalid flags syntax
0x80044029必須有大括弧或者類型不正確 Expected brace or bad type
0x8004402ACIM V2.2 的功能目前不支援辨識符號值 CIM V2.2 feature not currently supported for qualifier value
0x8004402BCIM V2.2 的功能目前尚未支援; 資料類型 CIM V2.2 feature not currently supported; data type
0x8004402C刪除執行個體語法無效,必須是 #pragma deleteinstance (\"instance path\", FAIL|NOFAIL) Invalid delete instance syntax, should be #pragma deleteinstance(\"instance path\", FAIL|NOFAIL)
0x8004402D辨識符號語法無效。如果是辨識符號,必須是 name:type=value,scope(class|instance), flavor(toinstance|etc); Invalid qualifier syntax. Should be of the for Qualifier name:type=value,scope(class|instance), flavor(toinstance|etc);
0x8004402E辨識符號的使用超出範圍 Qualifier is used outside of its scope
0x8004402F建立暫存檔時發生錯誤 Error creating temporary file
0x80044030包含檔案無效 Invalid include file
0x80044031DeleteClass 語法無效 Invalid DeleteClass syntax


File Name:wmiutils.dll.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:WMI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:wmiutils.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:wmiutils.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wmiutils.dll.mui?

wmiutils.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file wmiutils.dll (WMI).

File version info

File Description:WMI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:wmiutils.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:wmiutils.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200