1000 | Začasne namestitvene datoteke sistema Windows |
Temporary Windows installation files |
1001 | Windows Setup uporablja namestitvene datoteke. Te datoteke so iz prejšnje namestitve in jih lahko varno izbrišete. |
Installation files used by Windows setup. These files are left over from the installation process and can be safely deleted. |
1002 | Prejšnje namestitve sistema Windows |
Previous Windows installation(s) |
1003 | Datoteke iz prejšnje namestitve sistema Windows. Datoteke in mape, ki so morda v sporu z namestitvijo sistema Windows, so bile premaknjene v mapo z imenom Windows.old. V tej mapi lahko dostopite do podatkov o prejšnjih namestitvah sistema Windows. |
Files from a previous Windows installation. Files and folders that may conflict with the installation of Windows have been moved to folders named Windows.old. You can access data from the previous Windows installations in this folder. |
1004 | Datoteke, ki jih je zavrgla nadgradnja sistema Windows |
Files discarded by Windows upgrade |
1005 | Datoteke iz prejšnje namestitve sistema Windows. Zaradi varnosti nadgradnja sistema Windows ohrani kopijo vseh datotek, ki niso bile premaknjene v novo različico sistema Windows in prepoznane kot sistemske datoteke sistema Windows. Če ste prepričani, da po končani nadgradnji ne manjka nobena uporabnikova osebna datoteka, lahko izbrišete te datoteke. |
Files from a previous Windows installation. As a precaution, Windows upgrade keeps a copy of any files that were not moved to the new version of Windows and were not identified as Windows system files. If you are sure that no user's personal files are missing after the upgrade, you can delete these files. |
1006 | Dnevniške datoteke nadgradnje sistema Windows |
Windows upgrade log files |
1007 | V dnevniških datotekah nadgradnje sistema Windows so informacije, ki vam bodo v pomoč pri prepoznavanju in odpravljanju težav pri namestitvi, nadgradnji ali vzdrževanju sistema Windows. |
Windows upgrade log files contain information that can help identify and troubleshoot problems that occur during Windows installation, upgrade, or servicing. Deleting these files can make it difficult to troubleshoot installation issues. |
1008 | Namestitvene datoteke Windows ESD |
Windows ESD installation files |
1009 | Te datoteke potrebujete, če želite ponastaviti ali osvežiti računalnik. |
You will need these files to Reset or Refresh your PC. |
1010 | Če počistite prejšnje namestitve sistema Windows ali začasne namestitvene datoteke, računalnika ne boste mogli več povrniti na prejšnjo različico sistema Windows. Ali ste prepričani, da želite to narediti? |
If you clean up the previous Windows installations or temporary installation files, you will no longer be able to restore the machine back to the previous version of Windows. Are you sure that you want to do this? |
1011 | Čiščenje diska |
Disk Cleanup |