W32UIRes.dll.mui 安裝精靈頁面資源 b5fd36029ba42e90362038d7391899c1

File info

File name: W32UIRes.dll.mui
Size: 194560 byte
MD5: b5fd36029ba42e90362038d7391899c1
SHA1: 3665e2eb9b8b28cecc1dfb606e9719c84e4bc0cc
SHA256: 66db8a44bf47bb659066874c7f7d66b827724f61e60001febd413cb59788a51c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
101Windows 安裝程式 Windows Setup
102歡迎使用 Windows 安裝程式 Welcome to "Windows" Setup
103Windows 安裝程式正在準備您的磁碟機。 Windows Setup is getting your drive ready.
104正在重新啟動電腦 Restarting the computer
105Windows 安裝程式正在準備移動您的資料 Windows Setup is getting ready to move your things
106產品金鑰 Product key
107Microsoft 軟體授權條款 Microsoft Software License Terms
108安裝類型 Installation type
109安裝程式正在複製檔案。 Setup is now copying files.
110正在複製安裝檔案 Copying installation files
113Windows 安裝程式 - %s Windows Setup - %s
114若您選取的磁碟分割包含之前 Windows 安裝的檔案,這些檔案與資料夾將被移動到名為 Windows.old 的資料夾。您之後將可存取 Windows.old,但無法使用舊版的 Windows。 If the partition you've chosen contains files from a previous Windows installation, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Windows.old. You'll be able to access Windows.old, but you won't be able to use your previous version of Windows.
115正在準備要移動的資料 Getting your data ready to move
116安裝磁碟分割 Installation partition
117正在複製檔案 Copying files
118正在準備 Windows PE Getting Windows PE ready
119您確定要結束? Are you sure you want to quit?
120您的電腦將重新啟動數次。這可能需要一些時間。 Your computer will restart several times. This might take a while.
121讀取完所有光碟之前,請勿離開您的電腦。 Stay at your computer until the discs are finished being read.
122插入 Windows 安裝光碟 %1!d!。 Insert Windows installation disc %1!d!.
123插入的光碟錯誤。插入 Windows 安裝光碟 %1!d!。 The wrong disc was inserted. Insert Windows installation disc %1!d!.
126127 若要選取其他磁碟分割,請按一下 [上一步]。 127 To select another partition, click Back.
128剩餘 %d 分鐘 %d minute left
130Windows 只能安裝到已格式化為 NTFS 的磁碟分割。您可以重新格式化此磁碟分割,或使用 convert.exe 將此磁碟分割變更為 NTFS。否則,請選取其他磁碟分割。 Windows can only be installed on a partition with NTFS formatting. You can reformat or use convert.exe to change this partition to NTFS. Otherwise, select another partition.
131Windows 無法安裝在此位置,因為它含有一或多個動態磁碟區。 Windows can't be installed to this location because it has one or more dynamic volumes.
132請重新啟動您的電腦,並檢查是否已在 BIOS 中啟用您的磁碟機。 Restart your computer and verify that your drives are enabled in BIOS.
150升級: 安裝 Windows 並保留檔案、設定與應用程式(&U) &Upgrade: Install Windows and keep files, settings, and applications
151使用此選項時,安裝程式會將檔案、設定與應用程式移動到 Windows。只有當電腦執行的是支援的 Windows 版本時,才能使用此選項。 The files, settings, and applications are moved to Windows with this option. This option is only available when a supported version of Windows is already running on the computer.
156自訂: 只安裝 Windows (進階)(&C) &Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)
157使用此選項時,安裝程式不會將檔案、設定與應用程式移動到 Windows。若要變更磁碟分割與磁碟機,請使用安裝光碟啟動電腦。建議您先備份檔案再繼續進行。 The files, settings, and applications aren't moved to Windows with this option. If you want to make changes to partitions and drives, start the computer using the installation disc. We recommend backing up your files before you continue.
162新增(&E) N&ew
168刪除(&D) &Delete
174延伸(&X) E&xtend
180重新整理(&R) &Refresh
186格式化(&F) &Format
187此磁碟分割太小。請將此磁碟分割的大小調整為 %1!u! MB 以上,或選取其他磁碟分割。 This partition is too small. Make the size of this partition at least %1!u! MB or select another partition.
190不支援此磁碟分割類型。請選取其他磁碟分割。 This partition type isn't supported. Please select another partition.
192此磁碟分割可能包含電腦製造商提供的重要檔案或應用程式。如果您刪除此磁碟分割,儲存於其中的任何資料都將會遺失。 This partition might contain important files or applications from your computer manufacturer. If you delete this partition, any data stored on it will be lost.
194若繼續並擴充磁碟分割,稍後將無法變更。 If you continue and extend a partition, you won't be able to change it later.
196此磁碟分割可能包含電腦製造商提供的重要檔案或應用程式。如果您格式化此磁碟分割,儲存於其中的所有資料都將會遺失。 This partition might contain important files or applications from your computer manufacturer. If you format this partition, any data stored on it will be lost.
200磁碟機 %1!d! 未配置的空間 Drive %1!d! Unallocated Space
202無法使用 Unavailable
203大小下限是 %1!d! MB。 The size must be at least %1!d! MB.
204大小上限是 %1!d! MB。 The size must be at most %1!d! MB.
225磁碟機 %1!d! Drive %1!d!
226磁碟分割 %1!d! Partition %1!d!
227磁碟分割 %1!d! (%2!c!:) Partition %1!d! (%2!c!:)
228%1!s!,%2!s! %1!s!, %2!s!
230按這裡新增使用者帳戶 Click here to add user accounts
231磁碟機 %1!d! %2!s! Drive %1!d! %2!s!
233 ,
237顯示這些選項的詳細資訊(&T) &Tell me more about these options
238按一下這裡選取安裝 Windows 的位置 Click here to select where to install Windows
239按一下這裡指定電腦名稱 Click here to pick a computer name
242這些設定代表什麼(&W)? &What do these settings mean?
244確定(&O) &OK
245這些設定代表什麼? What do these settings mean?
246磁碟機 %1!d! %2!s! (%3!c!:) Drive %1!d! %2!s! (%3!c!:)
250協助我決定(&H) &Help me decide
251協助我決定 Help me decide
253顯示這些選項的詳細資訊 Tell me more about these options
261目前無法取消安裝程式,因為這樣做會讓您的電腦不穩定。 Setup can't be canceled right now because doing so might make your computer unstable.
263載入驅動程式(&L) &Load driver
270立即上線安裝更新 (建議選項)(&G) &Go online to install updates now (recommended)
271不,謝謝(&O) N&o thanks
272為什麼要取得 Windows 安裝程式的更新?(&H) W&hy should I get updates for Windows Setup?
273為什麼要取得 Windows 安裝程式的更新? Why should I get updates for Windows Setup?
274隱私權聲明(&P) &Privacy statement
275Windows 隱私權聲明 Windows Privacy Statement
276會傳送什麼資訊到 Microsoft(&W)? &What information will be sent to Microsoft?
277取得最新的更新 (例如安全性更新及硬體驅動程式),以協助成功安裝 Windows (安裝 Windows 期間,您的電腦會與網際網路保持連線)。 Get the latest updates, such as security updates and hardware drivers, to help successfully install Windows. (Your computer will stay connected to the Internet while Windows installs.)
278若沒有這些更新,可能無法正確安裝 Windows,而且您的電腦可能會較容易受到安全性威脅的攻擊。 Without these updates, Windows might not install properly and your computer might be more vulnerable to security threats.
284取得 Windows 安裝程式的重要更新 Get important updates to Windows Setup
286磁碟區 Volume
288%1!s! MB %1!s! MB
289%1!d! MB %1!d! MB
291名稱 Name
292大小總計 Total size
293可用空間 Free space
294會傳送什麼資訊到 Microsoft? What information will be sent to Microsoft?
298類型 Type
299主要 Primary
300邏輯 Logical
301無法辨識 Unknown
302擴充 Extended
303動態 Dynamic
304系統 System
305基本 Basic
306無法建立新的磁碟分割,也找不到現有的磁碟分割。如需詳細資訊,請參閱安裝記錄檔。 We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one. For more information, see the Setup log files.
309%1!s! GB %1!s! GB
311磁碟分割 %1!d!: %3!s! Partition %1!d!: %3!s!
312所選磁碟分割的可用空間大小小於建議值 (%1!u! MB)。建議將其大小變更為至少 %1!u! MB,或選取其他磁碟分割。 The amount of free space on the selected partition is smaller than the %1!u! MB recommendation. We recommend making it at least %1!u! MB or selecting another partition.
313OEM (保留) OEM (Reserved)
314MSR (保留) MSR (Reserved)
315磁碟區 %2!s!%3!s! Volume %2!s!%3!s!
316電腦所需的媒體驅動程式遺失。這可能是 DVD、USB 或硬碟驅動程式。如果您有包含驅動程式的 CD、DVD 或 USB 快閃磁碟機,請立即插入。

注意: 如果 Windows 安裝媒體位於 DVD 光碟機或 USB 磁碟機中,在此步驟中可放心地將它移除。
A media driver your computer needs is missing. This could be a DVD, USB or Hard disk driver. If you have a CD, DVD, or USB flash drive with the driver on it, please insert it now.

Note: If the installation media for Windows is in the DVD drive or on a USB drive, you can safely remove it for this step.
317找不到任何裝置驅動程式。請確定安裝媒體包含正確的驅動程式,然後按一下 [確定]。 No device drivers were found. Make sure that the installation media contains the correct drivers, and then click OK.
318找不到新的裝置驅動程式。請確定安裝媒體包含正確的驅動程式,然後按一下 [確定]。 No new devices drivers were found. Make sure the installation media contains the correct drivers, and then click OK.
319找不到已簽署的裝置驅動程式。請確定安裝媒體包含正確的驅動程式,然後按一下 [確定]。 No signed device drivers were found. Make sure that the installation media contains the correct drivers, and then click OK.
320正在開始安裝 Beginning installation
321正在安裝 Windows Installing Windows
322正在升級 Windows Upgrading Windows
3261 1
327正在收集資訊 Collecting information
3282 2
330已取消 Windows 安裝 Installing Windows was canceled
331將不會儲存對您的電腦所做的任何變更。 Any changes made to your computer won't be saved.
337正在檢查相容性 Checking compatibility
343復原 Recovery
360磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 無法儲存暫存安裝檔案。請選取其他磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] can't store temporary installation files. Select another drive and try installing Windows again.
361找不到用於儲存暫存安裝檔案的磁碟機 [%1!c!:]。請選取其他磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] can't be found to store temporary installation files. Select another drive and try installing Windows again.
362磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 是抽取式磁碟機。請選取本機非抽取式磁碟機來儲存暫存安裝檔案,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] is a removable drive. Select a local, non-removable drive to store temporary installation files and try installing Windows again.
363磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 無法儲存暫存安裝檔案,因為您已選取刪除所有磁碟分割。請選取其他磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] can't store temporary installation files because all of the partitions were selected to be deleted. Select another drive and try installing Windows again.
364磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 無法儲存暫存安裝檔案,因為您已選取格式化該磁碟分割。請選取其他磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] can't store temporary installation files because the partition was selected to be formatted. Select another drive and try installing Windows again.
365磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 的可用空間不足,無法儲存暫存安裝檔案。請選取其他磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Drive [%1!c!:] doesn't have enough free space to store temporary installation files. Select another drive and try installing Windows again.
366Windows 安裝程式找不到可用來儲存暫存安裝檔案的硬碟。請新增本機非抽取式磁碟機,然後嘗試重新安裝 Windows。 Windows Setup couldn't find a hard drive to store temporary installation files to. Add a new local, non-removable drive and try installing Windows again.
367磁碟機 [%1!c!:] 不符合儲存暫存安裝檔案的必要需求。 Drive [%1!c!:] doesn't meet the necessary requirements for storing temporary installation files.
376此產品金鑰只適用於已啟用的電腦。 This product key only works on computers that are activated.
380找不到任何磁碟機。若要取得存放裝置驅動程式,請按一下 [載入驅動程式]。 We couldn't find any drives. To get a storage driver, click Load driver.
550上一步(&B) &Back
551取消 Cancel
729說明及支援 Help and Support
1017若要安裝磁碟機的裝置驅動程式,請插入包含驅動程式檔案的安裝媒體,然後按一下 [確定]。

注意: 安裝媒體可以是 CD、DVD 或 USB 快閃磁碟機。
To install the device driver for your drive, insert the installation media containing the driver files, and then click OK.

Note: The installation media can be a CD, DVD, or USB flash drive.
1019請瀏覽到驅動程式,然後按一下 [確定]。 Browse to the driver, and then click OK.
1020驅動程式清單 Driver list
1021找不到裝置驅動程式。請確定安裝媒體包含正確的驅動程式,然後再試一次。 No device drivers were found. Make sure that the installation media contains the correct drivers, and then retry.
2011%1!s! - %2!s! %1!s! - %2!s!
2013歡迎使用動態更新 Welcome to Dynamic Update
2018剩餘時間: 大約 %u 分鐘 Time left: about %u minutes
2019已下載 %u KB (共 %u KB) %u KB of %u KB downloaded
2021剩餘時間: 大約 %u 秒 Time left: about %u seconds
2022正在搜尋更新 Searching for updates
2023正在下載更新 Downloading updates
2024安裝程式正在重新啟動 Setup is restarting
2029無法連線到網際網路 Can't connect to the Internet
2030您的電腦必須連線至網際網路才能取得更新。您要嘗試再次取得更新,或在沒有更新的情況下繼續? Your computer must be connected to the Internet to get updates. Do you want to try getting the updates again or continue without the updates?
2031更新取得程序已中斷 Getting updates was interrupted
2032Windows 安裝程式目前無法下載更新。安裝完成之後,將可以透過 Microsoft Update 取得最新的更新。 Windows setup couldn't download the updates at this time. The latest updates will be available after setup completes through Microsoft Update.
3004尚未完成在此電腦上安裝 Windows 的作業。確定要取消? We haven't finished installing Windows on this computer. Are you sure you want to cancel?
3006映像選取 Image Selection
3010沒有可用的映像。 No images are available.
3011請以 domain\user 或 [email protected] 格式輸入您的使用者名稱。 Enter your user name in the format domain\user or [email protected].
3012連線到 %1!s! Connect to %1!s!
3013發生問題,因此無法完成登入此電腦的作業。詳細資訊如下: 0x%1!x!。 Something happened so we couldn't finish logging on to this computer. Here's more info about what happened: 0x%1!x!.
3015將於 %1!ld! 秒後重新啟動 Restarting in %1!ld! seconds
3016將於 1 秒後重新啟動 Restarting in 1 second
3021請拔出下列外接式磁碟機然後按一下 [確定],以重新啟動電腦並完成 Windows 安裝作業。

Please unplug the following external drive and click OK to restart your computer and finish installing Windows.

4005無法安裝 [%1!s!] 裝置驅動程式。請連絡您的廠商以取得更新的驅動程式。 We couldn't install the [%1!s!] device driver. Contact your vendor for an updated driver.
4006(不明的驅動程式) (Unknown Driver)
4007載入驅動程式 Load driver
4008您只能在此欄位中輸入數值。 You can only enter a numeric number in this field.
4009無法格式化選取的磁碟分割。[錯誤: 0x%1!x!]。 We couldn't format the selected partition. [Error: 0x%1!x!].
4010無法擴充選取的磁碟分割。[錯誤: 0x%1!x!]。 We couldn't extend the selected partition. [Error: 0x%1!x!].
4011無法刪除選取的磁碟分割。[錯誤: 0x%1!x!]。 We couldn't delete the selected partition. [Error: 0x%1!x!].
4012無法建立新的磁碟分割。[錯誤: 0x%1!x!]。 We couldn't create a new partition. [Error: 0x%1!x!].
4013Windows 無法安裝到此位置。請選取其他磁碟分割。 Windows can't be installed to this location. Select another partition.
4014此位置無效。請重新選取位置以繼續。 This location is invalid. Select a location again to continue.
4016此磁碟分割上至少必須有 %1!u! MB 的可用空間。請在此磁碟分割上釋放空間,或選取其他磁碟分割。 There needs to be at least %1!u! MB of free space on this partition. Free up space on this partition or select another partition.
4017無法將 Windows 安裝到您選擇的位置。請檢查您的媒體磁碟機。詳細資訊如下: 0x%1!x!。 We couldn't install Windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more info about what happened: 0x%1!x!.
4103立即重新啟動(&R) &Restart now
4110磁碟機選項 (進階)(&A) Drive options (&advanced)
4111x86 x86
4117IA64 IA64
4120x64 x64
4121IA32_ON_WIN64 IA32_ON_WIN64
4123作業系統 Operating system
4124語言 Language
4125架構 Architecture
4126修改日期 Date modified
4129ARM64 ARM64
4142安裝 Windows 將會影響下列裝置或應用程式: Installing Windows will affect these devices or applications:
4144雖然這些問題不會造成無法安裝 Windows,但某些應用程式或裝置可能無法在 Windows 中正確運作。 Although these problems won't stop Windows from installing, some applications or devices might not work in Windows.
4145關閉 Windows 安裝程式,然後執行下列動作: Close Windows Setup and do the following:
4148除非更新這些裝置的驅動程式,否則這些裝置將無法運作。安裝 Windows 之後,請檢查 Windows Update 是否提供裝置驅動程式。若這樣沒有用,請連絡裝置製造商。 These devices won't work until their drivers are updated. After Windows installs, check Windows Update for device drivers. If this doesn't work, contact the device manufacturer.
4150若未解決這些問題,Windows 可能無法完成安裝。 If you don't take care of these things, Windows might not finish installing.
4300%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
4301產品金鑰編輯控制項 Product key edit control
4302大小 (MB) 編輯控制項 Size in megabytes Edit Control
4500正在收集檔案 Collecting files
4501正在複製 Windows 檔案 Copying Windows files
4502正在展開開機檔案 Expanding the boot files
4503正在展開 Windows Expanding Windows
4504正在組合 Windows 功能 Assembling Windows features
4505正在組合語言功能 Assembling language features
4506正在套用 Windows 更新 Applying Windows updates
4507正在套用其他更新 Applying other updates
4508正在識別硬體 Identifying hardware
4509正在初始化 Windows Initializing Windows
4510正在準備電腦 Getting the computer ready
4512正在初始化電腦 Initializing the computer
4513正在清除暫存檔案 Cleaning temporary files
4514正在刪除開機資料夾 Deleting boot folder
4515正在傳送診斷資訊 Sending diagnostic information
4516正在收集檔案、設定與應用程式 Collecting files, settings, and applications
4517正在準備檔案以進行安裝 Getting files ready for installation
4518正在安裝功能 Installing features
4519正在安裝更新 Installing updates
4520正在安裝功能與更新 Installing features and updates
4521正在完成 Finishing up
4522即將完成檔案、設定與程式的移動 Almost done moving files, settings, and applications
4524%1!s! (%2!d!%%) %3!s! %1!s! (%2!d!%%) %3!s!
4525正在更新驅動程式 Updating drivers
4526正在安裝驅動程式 Installing drivers
5010此產品金鑰無效。請檢查產品金鑰,然後再試一次。 This product key didn't work. Please check it and try again.
5011此產品金鑰與您嘗試安裝的版本不符。請檢查您嘗試安裝的 Windows 版本,然後取得適當的產品金鑰。 This product key doesn't match the edition that you're trying to install. Check the edition of Windows you're trying to install and get a product key that will work with it.
5012無法驗證產品金鑰。請檢查您的安裝媒體。 We couldn't verify the product key. Please check your installation media.
5014此產品金鑰是升級金鑰,因此無法用來安裝此版本的 Windows。 This product key is an upgrade key and can't be used to install this edition of Windows.
5015此產品金鑰是升級金鑰,因此只能在您目前使用的 Windows 版本中使用。請從您目前使用的 Windows 版本啟動 Windows 安裝程式。 This product is an upgrade key and can only be used from your current version of Windows. Start Windows Setup from your current version of Windows.
5016關閉(&C) &Close
5019您的升級可能要一些時間才能完成。 Your upgrade may take a while to complete.
5022其他資訊 More info
5024下一步(&N) &Next
5025程式: %1!s!發行者: %2!s!路徑: %3!s! Program: %1!s!Publisher: %2!s!Path: %3!s!
5027發現某些應用程式或裝置可能會發生一些問題。請解決 %1!s! 所列的問題,然後重新啟動 Windows 安裝程式 We found some applications or devices that might have some problems. Take care of the problems listed in %1!s!, and then restart Windows Setup
5028CompatibilityIssues.txt CompatibilityIssues.txt
5030Windows 無法安裝在此磁碟機 (顯示詳細資料)(&W) &Windows can't be installed on this drive. (Show details)
5031Windows 無法安裝在磁碟機 %1!d! 磁碟分割 %2!d! (顯示詳細資料)(&W) &Windows can't be installed on drive %1!d! partition %2!d!. (Show details)
5032選取的磁碟機已離線。該磁碟機必須連線才能安裝 Windows。請按一下 [確定] 以將該磁碟機設定為連線,或按一下 [取消] 回到上一個畫面。 The selected drive is offline. The drive needs to be online to install Windows. Click OK to get the drive online or click Cancel to go back.
5033離線 Offline
5034無法將該磁碟機設定為連線。[錯誤: 0x%1!x!]。 We couldn't get the drive online. [Error: 0x%1!x!].
5042安裝 Windows 將會影響下列功能: Installing Windows will affect the following features:
5043您仍然可以安裝 Windows,但下列 Windows 功能在 Windows 中將無法使用或無法正確運作: You can still install Windows, but the following Windows features aren't available or might not work in Windows:
5044進行下列變更: Make these changes:
5045這些裝置在 Windows 中可能無法正確運作。建議您關閉 Windows 安裝程式並更新裝置驅動程式,然後再繼續。請在 [控制台] 中搜尋「更新驅動程式」,或連絡裝置製造商。 These devices might not work properly in Windows. We recommend you close Windows Setup and update device drivers before you continue. Search for "update drivers" in Control Panel or contact the device manufacturer.
5046這些應用程式在 Windows 中可能無法正確運作。建議您關閉 Windows 安裝程式並解除安裝這些應用程式,然後再繼續 (注意: 標示星號 (*) 的應用程式可在 Windows 中重新安裝)。 These applications might not work properly in Windows. We recommend you close Windows Setup and uninstall these applications before you continue. (Note: The applications marked with an asterisk (*) can be reinstalled in Windows.)
5047安裝程式無法使用現有的磁碟分割,因為系統磁碟區沒有所需的可用空間。 Setup was unable to use the existing partition because the system volume does not contain the required free space.
5048相容性報告 (已儲存至您的桌面) Compatibility report (saved to your desktop)
5049相容性報告 Compatibility report
5050這些裝置在 Windows 中可能無法正確運作。建議您更新這些裝置的驅動程式,然後再繼續。 These devices might not work properly in Windows. We recommend updating the drivers for these devices before you continue.
5051為下列裝置安裝更新的驅動程式。如果您已擁有更新的裝置驅動程式,請按一下 [載入驅動程式] 並依照步驟執行。 Install updated drivers for the following devices. If you already have an updated device driver, click Load driver and follow the steps.
5052關閉這些 Windows 功能。 Turn off these Windows features.
5053解除安裝這些應用程式。 Uninstall these applications.
5055此產品金鑰只能用來將功能新增到 Windows。無法用來安裝 Windows。 This product key can only be used to add features to Windows. It can’t be used to install Windows.
5056產品金鑰看起來像這樣: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX The product key looks like this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
6001Windows 在進行安裝時選取的磁碟機上,找不到 MSR 磁碟分割。雖然建議您使用,但不需要這個磁碟分割也可以完成安裝。 Windows cannot find a Microsoft Reserved partition on the drive selected for installation. Although recommended, this partition is not required to complete installation.
6002此磁碟機上的磁碟分割並未依照建議的順序。如需安裝至 GPT 磁碟機的詳細資訊,請移至 Microsoft 網站 (www.microsoft.com),然後搜尋 GPT。 The partitions on this drive aren't in the recommended order. For information about installing to GPT drives go to the Microsoft website (www.microsoft.com) and search for GPT.
6003除非解決所有問題,否則無法安裝 Windows。請關閉 Windows 安裝程式並解決所有問題,然後重新啟動 Windows 安裝程式以繼續。 Windows won't install unless each of these things is taken care of. Close Windows Setup, take care of each one, and then restart Windows Setup to continue.
6004為下列裝置安裝更新的驅動程式。開啟 [控制台] 並搜尋「更新裝置驅動程式」。如果您擁有更新的裝置驅動程式,請按一下 [載入驅動程式] 並依照步驟執行。 Install updated drivers for the following devices. Open Control Panel and search for "update device driver". If you already have an updated device driver, click Load driver and follow the steps.
6005解除安裝這些應用程式。請開啟 [控制台],並搜尋「解除安裝程式」。 Uninstall these applications. Open Control Panel and search for "uninstall a program."
6007繼續之前,請先確定應用程式廠商支援在 Windows Server 2016 中執行您的應用程式。請在安裝 Windows 前後都遵循其特定建議。為確認您的應用程式相容並下載工具與文件,請移至 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243105。重要: 若軟體與 Windows Server 2016 不相容,或應用程式廠商不支援該應用程式,請先將它解除安裝再安裝 Windows。若未解除安裝應用程式,您的系統將不會受到支援、應用程式可能無法運作,且設定或其他資訊可能會遺失。 Before continuing, make sure the app vendors support your applications on Windows Server 2016. Follow their specific recommendations before and after Windows installs. To make sure your app is compatible and to download tools and documentation, go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243105 Important: If the software isn't compatible with Windows Server 2016 or if the app vendor doesn't support the app, uninstall it before you install Windows. If you don't uninstall the applications, your system won't be supported, the app might not work, and settings or other information might be lost.
6008安裝 Windows 將會影響下列裝置: Installing Windows will affect these devices:
6009關閉這些 Windows 功能。請開啟 [控制台],並搜尋「開啟或關閉 Windows 功能」。 Turn off these Windows features. Open Control Panel and search for "turn Windows features on or off."
6012解除安裝這些未經簽署的系統驅動程式: Uninstall these unsigned system drivers:
6013正在複製多點傳送檔案 Copying the multicast files
6015此相容性報告將儲存到您的桌面。 This compatibility report will be saved to your desktop.
6016若這是您第一次在此電腦上安裝 Windows (或您是要安裝不同的版本),您必須輸入有效的 Windows 產品金鑰。您應該可以在購買 Windows 數位版本後收到的確認電子郵件或 Windows 包裝盒裡面的標籤上找到產品序號。 If this is the first time you’re installing Windows on this PC (or you’re installing a different edition), you need to enter a valid Windows product key. Your product key should be in the confirmation email you received after buying a digital copy of Windows or on a label inside the box that Windows came in.
6017Windows 相容性報告.htm Windows Compatibility Report.htm
6018若要繼續安裝 Windows,請使用 [載入驅動程式] 選項來安裝 32 位元及已簽署的 64 位元驅動程式。不支援安裝未簽署的 64 位元裝置驅動程式,而且安裝之後 Windows 可能無法運作。 To continue installing Windows, use the Load Driver option to install 32-bit and signed 64-bit drivers. Installing an unsigned 64-bit device driver isn't supported, and Windows might not work if you install it.
6019安裝下列裝置的更新驅動程式。請開啟 [控制台],並搜尋「更新裝置驅動程式」。 Install updated drivers for the following devices. Open Control Panel and search for "update device driver".
6020繼續之前,請先確定應用程式廠商支援在 Windows Server 2016 中執行您的應用程式。請在安裝 Windows 前後都遵循其特定建議。為確認您的應用程式相容並下載工具與文件,請移至 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243105。重要: 若軟體與 Windows Server 2016 不相容,或應用程式廠商不支援該應用程式,請先將它解除安裝再安裝 Windows。若未解除安裝應用程式,您的系統將不會受到支援、應用程式可能無法運作,且設定或其他資訊可能會遺失。注意: 若要使用某些桌面功能,則需要在安裝 Windows 之後安裝 [桌面體驗]。安裝 Windows 之後,請執行 [伺服器管理員] 並選取 [新增功能],然後安裝「桌面體驗」。 Before continuing, make sure the app vendors support your applications on Windows Server 2016. Follow their specific recommendations before and after Windows installs. To make sure your app is compatible and to download tools and documentation, go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243105 Important: If the software isn't compatible with Windows Server 2016 or if the app vendor doesn't support the app, uninstall it before you install Windows. If you don't uninstall the applications, your system won't be supported, the app might not work, and settings or other information might be lost.Note: If you want to use some desktop features, you will have to install Desktop Experience after Windows installs. After Windows installs, run Server Manager, select Add Features, and then install Desktop Experience.
6021此相容性報告將另存為 This compatibility report will be saved as
6023我沒有產品金鑰(&I) &I don't have a product key


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What is W32UIRes.dll.mui?

W32UIRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file W32UIRes.dll (安裝精靈頁面資源).

File version info

File Description:安裝精靈頁面資源
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:w32uiRes.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:w32uiRes.dll.mui
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