printui.dll.mui ናይ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣታት ናይ ተጠቃሚ መንጎኛ b4cc32e98d46e0335c05b6aaf08543a3

File info

File name: printui.dll.mui
Size: 87552 byte
MD5: b4cc32e98d46e0335c05b6aaf08543a3
SHA1: 0c29a259f38a57eb3f2741624ca9040bd31e0aad
SHA256: 5550193a55c5d9470efa00b1a9c1b21139f772151f92f40028b66b6443ea13f2
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Tigrinya language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Tigrinya English
502ዝተመረጸ ሓታሚት ይጽዕን። Installs the selected printer.
503ኣብዚ ሓታሚት ሕትመት ንግዚኡ ደው የብል። Pauses printing on this printer.
504ኣብዚ ሓታሚት ኩሎም ናይ ሕትመት ሰነዳት ይስርዝ። Cancels all print documents on this printer.
505ዝተመረጸ ሓታሚት ንቡር ሓታሚት ከምዝኾነ ይሕብር። Specifies that the selected printer is the default printer.
506ናይዚ ሓታሚት ናይ ምቅሊት ባህርያት የርእይ። Displays sharing properties for this printer.
507ናይ ውልቀ ነገር ሓበሬታ ኣሐድስ። Refresh item information.
508ናይዚ ሓታሚት ባህርያት የርእይ። Displays the properties of this printer.
509ነቲ መስኮት ይዓጽዎ። Closes the window.
510ነዚ ሓታሚት ንቡር ምርጫታትካ የርእይ። Displays your default preferences for this printer.
511በዚ ሓታሚት ካብ መስመር ወጻኢ ተጠቀም Use this printer offline
512ካብ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣገልጋሊ ዝተሓደሱ መወሃዲ ኣውሪዱ ይጽዕን። Downloads and installs an updated driver from the print server.
602ዝተመረጹ ሰነዳት ንግዚኡ ደው የብል። Pauses the selected documents.
603ዝተመረጹ ሰነዳት ናብ ዝነበሩዎ ይምልስ። Resumes the selected documents.
604ዝተመረጹ ሰነዳት ዳግማይ የጅምር። Restarts the selected documents.
605ዝተመረጹ ሰነዳት ይስርዝ። Cancels the selected documents.
606ናይ ዝተመርጹ ውልቀ ነገራት ባህርያት የርእይ። Displays the properties of the selected items.
702ናይ ደረጃ ሽራጥ የርእይ ወይ ይሓብእ። Shows or hides the status bar.
12001ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ናይ ምግጣም መራሒ Network Printer Installation Wizard
12003ኣርእስቲ Title
12004ንዑስ ርእስ Sub Title
12005ናይ ሓታሚት ሽምን ናይ ምቅሊት ኣቀማምጣታትን Printer Name and Sharing Settings
12006ንሓታሚትኻ በቀሊሉ ዝዝከር ሽም ክትህብ ትኽእል ኢኻ ከምኡውን ኻልኦት ሰባት ብሓታሚት ክጥቀሙ ከምዝኽእሉ ትፈልጥ ኢኻ። You can give the printer a friendly name and specify whether other people can use the printer.
12007ሓታሚት ምጽዓን Printer Installation
12008ናይ ምጽዓን ሜላ ምረጽ። Pick an installation method.
12009ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ Printer Driver
12010ነቲ ሓድሽ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ምረጽ። Pick a driver for the new printer.
12011ሓታሚት ተረኺቡሎ Printer Found
12012ነቲ ሓታሚት ንምጽዓን ድሉው እዩ። ብኽብረትካ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣ ካብዚ ስዒቡ ከልስን ሓታሚት ንምጽዓን ቐጽል ዝብል ጠዉቕ። The printer is ready to be installed. Please review the printer settings below, and then click Next to install the printer.
12013ናይ ሓታሚት ኣድራሻ Printer Address
12014ናይ ሓታሚት ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሽም ወይ IP ኣድራሻ ክትጽፍ ትኽእል ኢኻ። You can type the printer's network name or IP address.
12016ናይ ሓታሚትኻ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። Select the manufacturer and model of your printer.
12017ናይ ሓታሚትኻ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። ተወሳኺ ሞዴላት ንምርኣይ Windows Update ጠዉቕ።

ሓታሚትኻ ምስ መጽዓኒ CD ዝመጽአ ዲስክ ወንን ዝብል ጠዉቕ።
Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.

To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12018ናይ መወሃዲው ሞዴል ኣብ ምድላይ... Detecting the driver model...
12019Windows ኣብ ኣገልግሎት ዝውእል ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ እናደለየ እዩ። Windows is detecting the printer driver to use.
12020ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ናይ ምጽዓን መራሒ ተወሊዑ 'ሎ %s Network Printer Installation Wizard on %s
12021ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ኣብ ምድላይ Network Printer Search
12022ዝጸዓን ሓታሚት ምረጽ። Pick a printer to install.
12023ናይ ሓታሚትኻ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። ሓታሚትኻ ምስ መጽኣኒ ዲስክ ዝመጽአ ዲስክ ወንን ዝብል ጠዉቕ። Choose your printer from the list. To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12102መወሃዲ ኣብ ምጽዓን... Installing driver...
12103ናይ መወሃዲ ምጽዓን ዕዉት ኮይኑ'ሎ። Driver installation succeeded.
12104ናይ መወሃዲ ምጽዓን ፈሺሉ። Driver installation failed.
12105ሓታሚት ኣብ ምጽዓን... Installing printer...
12106ሓታሚትን ምጽዓን ዕዉት ኮይኑ'ሎ። Printer installation succeeded.
12107ናይ ሓታሚት ምጽዓን ፈሺሉ። Printer installation failed.
12108እቲ ኣድራሻ ዘይቅቡል እዩ። ብኽብረትካ ቅቡል ኣድራሻ ኣእትውን መሊስካ ፈትንን። The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again.
12109እቲ ናይ ወደብ ሽም ዘይቅቡል እዩ። ብኽብረትካ ቅቡል ሽም ኣእትውን መሊስካ ፈትንን። The port name is not valid. Please enter a valid name and try again.
12110በዚ ሽም ዝጽዋእ ወደብ ዛጊት ኣሎ። ኻሊእ ናይ ወደብ ሽም ኣሎ። A port with that name already exists. Choose another port name.
12111ንስሩዕ TCP/IP ወደብ መራሒ ገጽታት ምጽዓን ኣይከኣልን። Cannot load wizard pages for standard TCP/IP port.
12112ዝሳማማዕ መወሃዲ ምርካብ ኣይከኣልን። Compatible driver cannot be found.
12115ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ጸዓኒ ነቲ መራሒ ምጅማርር ኣይከኣልን። The Network Printer Installation Wizard cannot be launched.
12116ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ናይ ምጽዓን መራሒ በዚ ሃርድዌር ኣሰራርዓ ዝድገፍ ኣይኮነን። The Network Printer Installation Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
12300&ዳግማይ ድለይ &Search again
12301&ኣቑም &Stop
12302Windows ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓተምቲን ምድላይ ምጅማር ኣይተኽኣለን። ብኽብረትካ ሓታሚትኻ ብኢድካ ስራዕ። Windows could not start the search for network printers. Please set up your printer manually.
12303ኣውቶማቲክ ምድላይ Autodetect
12304TCP/IP መሳርሒ TCP/IP Device
12305ናይ መርበብ ኣገልግሎት ሓታሚት Web Services Printer
12306ናይ መርበብ ኣገልግሎታት ውሑስ ሓታሚት Web Services Secure Printer
12307ኻሊእ TCP/IP ዛጊት ስራሑ እናሰርሐ ስለዝኾነ Windows ናይዚ የTCP/IP ሓታሚት ምድላይ ክፋል ምጅማር ኣይተኽኣለን። TCP/IP ምድላይ ክፋል ንምንቅስቓስ ኻሊእ ናይ ሓታሚት ምድላያት ክሳብ ዝዛዘማ ተጸበይን መሊስካ ፈትንን። Windows could not start the TCP/IP printer part of this search because another TCP/IP search is already running. To run the TCP/IP part of the search wait until other printer searches have finished and try again.
12308ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ምዝርጋሕ IPv4 ብትኽክል ከምዝተቃነያን ከምዝነቕሑን ኣረጋግጽ። Confirm networking and IPv4 are configured correctly and enabled.
12320Windows ምስ WSD ሓታሚት ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን። ሓታሚት ኣብ መስመር ከምዝኾነን ምስ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ከምዝተላገበን ብኽብረትካ ፈትሽ። Windows could not communicate with the WSD printer. Please check that the printer is online & connected to the network.
12321Windows በቲ ዝመረጽካዮ መወሃዲ WSD ሓታሚት ምጽዓን ኣይተኽኣለን። ብኽብረትካ ኻሊእ መወሃዲ ምረጽ። Windows could not install the WSD printer with the driver you have selected. Please select a different driver.
12323Windows ሓታሚት ዛጊድ ኣብ ኣገልጋሊ ሓታሚ ስለዝተጽዓነ ሐዚ ክጽዕኖ ኣይኽእልን። Windows cannot install the printer because it is already installed on the print server.
12324Windows ኣብ ኣገልጋሊ ነቲ መወሃዲ ኣብ ናይ መወሃዲ መኽዘን ምውሳኽ ኣይተኽኣለን። ብኽብረትካ እቲ መወሃዲ ዝተመዝገበን ዝተዓመነን ከምዝኾነ ፈትሽ። Windows could not add the driver to the driver store on the server. Please check that the driver is signed and trusted.
12326ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ናይ ምጽዓን መራሒ ምጅማር ኣይከኣልን። ሓታሚት መጠንጠኒ ኣብቲ ኣገልጋሊ ከምዝሰርሕን ኣብ ናይ ዓሚል ሓሳቢቶታት ክርከብ ከምዝኽእልን ኣረጋግጽ። The Network Printer Installation wizard cannot be launched. Make sure that the print spooler service on the server is running and available to client computers.
14336ይስርዝ ኣሎ... Deleting
14337ዝነኸሰ ወረቐት Paper Jam
14338ወረቐት ተወዲኡ'ሎ Out of Paper
14339ብኢድ ዝግበር ቀለብ ኣገዳሲ እዩ Manual Feed Required
14340ወረቐት ጸገም ኣለዎ Paper Problem
14341ካብ መስመር ወጻኢ Offline
14342I/O ንቑሕ I/O Active
14343ትሑዝ Busy
14344ይሓትም ኣሎ Printing
14345ምሉእ መጉሓፊ ውጽኢት Output Bin Full
14346ኣይርከብን Not Available
14347ኣብ ምጽባይ Waiting
14348ኣብ መስርሕ Processing
14349ኣብ ምትሳእ Initializing
14350ኣብ ምውዕዋዕ Warming Up
14351ትሑት ቶነር/ቀለም Toner/Ink Low
14352ቶነር/ቀለም የለን No Toner/Ink
14353ዝተደረበ ገጽ Page Punt
14354ምስትውዓል ኣገዳሲ እዩ Attention Required
14355እኹል ማህደር ዝኽረት የለን Out of Memory
14356ማዕጾ ክፈት Door Open
14357ዘይንጹር ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ደረጃ Server Status Unknown
14358መብራህቲ መቐመጢ መስርዕ Power Save Mode
14359ንግዚኡ ደው ኢሉ ኣሎ Paused
14360ጌጋ Error
14361ኣብ ምዝርጋሕ Spooling
14362ዘዝተሓተመ Printed
14363ናብ ሓታሚት ተላኢኹ'ሎ Sent to printer
14364ናይ መወሃዲ መሓደሲ ሕታም ይጥለብ Driver Update Needed
14594ወደብ Port
14595ወናኒ Owner
14603ደረጃ Status
14605ናይ ሰነድ ሽም Document Name
14608ዝቐረበ Submitted
14612ገጻት Pages
14614መጠን Size
14848PrintUI PrintUI
14849ናይ ሓታሚት ተጠቃሚ መንጎኛ Print User Interface
14850Windows (TM) Windows (TM)
14851ዝተመረጹ ወደባት ዳርጋ ክትስርዝ ኢኻ። You are about to delete the selected ports.
14852ሓታሚት Printer
14853%s ዝበሃል ወደብ ዳርጋ ክትስርዝ ኢኻ። You are about to delete the port named %s.
14854ወደብ ሰርዝ Delete Port
14855%u ባይትታት %u bytes
14858ሲኤም cm
14859ውሽጢ in
14864ኣብ ምኽፋት Opening
14866ኣብ ምሕዳስ Refreshing
14867ምኽፋት ፈሺሉ፣ ዳግማይ ኣብ ምፍታን Failed to open, retrying
14868%d ሰነድ(ዳት) ኣብ ሪጋ %d document(s) in queue
14869ናይ ተትእዛዝ መስርሕ ጌጋ። Error processing command.
14870ናይ ተትእዛዝ መስርሕ Processing command
14871ኣብ ኣልጋሊ ሓታሚት ኣይተረኸበትን፣ ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን Printer not found on server, unable to connect
14872መራኸቢ ተኸልኪሉ ኣሎ፣ ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን Access denied, unable to connect
14873ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን Unable to connect
14874ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ እንተለዊጥካ፣ ለውጥታትካ ይቕመጡን ናይቲ ሓድሽ መወሃዲ ባህርያት ቅልቅል ይብሉ። ናይ ሓድሽ ሓታሚት ባህርያት ፍሉይ ክኾኑ ይኽእል። ክትቕጽል ትደሊዶ? If you change the printer driver, your changes will be saved and the properties for the new driver will appear. The properties for the new driver may look different. Do you want to continue?
14875እወ Yes
14876ናይ ደረጃ መሕደሲታት ሕታማት በቲ ኣመሓዳሪ ተዓጊቶም እዮም Status updates blocked by administrator
14911Windows 2000 Intel Windows 2000 Intel
14915Windows 2001 ኣይኤ64 Windows 2001 IA64
14917Windows 2003 x64 Windows 2003 x64
14921Windows 2000 ኢንቴል Windows 2000 Intel
14928Windows ኤአርኤም Windows ARM
14929Windows ኤኣርኤም 64 Windows ARM64
14931መራኸቢ የለን No Access
14932ሕተም Print
14933ሰነዳት ኣመሓድር Manage Documents
14934ምሉእ ቁጽጽር Full Control
14935&ሕተም &Print
14936&ምሉእ ቁጽጽር &Full Control
14937&ሰርዝ &Delete
14938&ፍቓዳት ለውጥ &Change Permissions
14939&ወናኒነት ውሰድ &Take Ownership
14945መግለጺ Description
14960መፍለዪ ገጽ (*.sep) Separator Pages (*.sep)
14961*.sep *.sep
14962ኩሎም ፋይላት (*.*) All files (*.*)
14963*.* *.*
14964ናይ ኣልጋሊ ባህርያት ሓትም Print Server Properties
14965ነቲኦም ሓደሽቲ ኣቀማምጣታት ቕድሚ ተግባራዊነቶም
ነዚ ሓሳቢቶ ክተጥፍእን እንደገና ክትጅርን ኣለካ።
You must shut down and restart this computer
before the new settings will take effect.
14966ነቲኦም ሓደሽቲ ኣቀማምጣታት ቕድሚ ተግባራዊነቶም %s
ነዚ ኮምፒዩተር ክተጥፍእን እንደገና ክትጅርን ኣለካ።
You must shut down and restart %s
before the new settings will take effect.
14970ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ባህርያት Server Properties
14971ብቅርጺታት ንኽትጥቀም እንተወሓደ ሓደ ሓማቲት ክንጽር ኣለዎ። At least one printer must be defined to use forms.
14980ሽም Name
14981ፕሮሰሰር Processor
14982ዓይነት Type
14983ተጻዒኑ ኣሎ Installed
14991ናይ ምትሳእ ሰዓት Up Time
14992ግዜ ጀምር Start Time
14993ስራሕቲ Jobs
14994ማእከላዊ ባይትታት/ ዕዮ Average Bytes/Job
14995ድምር ዕዮታት Total Jobs
14996ድምር ባይትታት Total Bytes
15104ናይ ሕትመት ምርጫታት Printing Preferences
15105ናይ ሕትመት ኣማራጽታት ክመሓየሹ ኣይኽእሉን። Printing Preferences could not be modified.
15107ናይ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣታት ክቕመጣ ኣይኽእሉን። Printer settings could not be saved.
15109መራኸቢ ተኸልኪሉ ኣሎ። Access denied.
15111ሓታሚት ኣልግስ Remove Printer
15112ናይ ሓታሚት ርክብ ምውጋድ ኣይከኣልን። Printer connection cannot be removed.
15113ሓታሚት ምውጋድ ኣይተኽኣለን። Printer cannot be removed.
15114ሓታሚት ወስኽ Add Printer
15115ብዝተጠቐሰ ሽም ንሓታሚት ኻልኣይ ሽም ምሃብ ፈሺሉ። Failed to rename the printer to the name specified.
15116ናይ ሓታሚት ናይ ምሕዝነት ሽም ምስራዕ ፈሺሉ። Failed to set the friendly name of the printer.
15117ቕድሚ ሕጂ ብዝነበረ ጌጋ ምኽንያት ኣቀማምጣታት ምቕማጥ ኣይከኣልን። Settings cannot be saved due to a previous error.
15119ካብ ሓደ ንላዕሊ ወደብ እንተድኣ ዘይትመረጸ ናይ ሓታሚት ምቅሊት ምንቓሕ ኣይከኣልን። ናይ ሓታሚት ምቅሊትን ንምስንካልን ንምቕጻልን፣ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠውቕ። ተወሳኺ ናይ ሓታሚት ወደባት ንምምራጽ፣ ሰርዝ ዝብል ጠዉቕን ሓደ ተወሳኺ ወደብ ምረጽን። Printer pooling cannot be enabled unless more than one port is selected. To disable printer pooling and continue, click OK. To select additional printer ports, click Cancel and select at least one additional port.
15120ብውሕዱ ሓደ ወደብ ክትመርጽ ኣለካ። You must select at least one port.
15121ኣብ ወደብ ኣሰራርዓ ጌጋ ተፈጢሩሎ። An error occurred during port configuration.
15126ነቲ ስርሒት ንምፍጻም ፍቓድ የብልካን። You do not have permission to perform that operation.
15127ናይ ሓታሚት ባህርያት Printer Properties
15128ናይ ሓታሚት ባህርያት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Printer properties cannot be displayed.
15129ናይ መጠንጠኒ ባህርያት ጥራይ ይረኣዩ ኣለዋ። Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15130ንቡር ሓታሚት ስርዒት ምስራዕ ኣይከኣልን። Default printer cannot be set.
15131ናይ ሰነድ ባህርያት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Document properties cannot be displayed.
15132ናይ ሰነድ ባህርያት Document Properties
15133ናይ ሰነድ ባህርያት ምቕማጥ ኣይከኣልን። ነዚ ስርሒት ንምዝዛም ፍቓድ ዘይብልካ ክትኸውን ትኽእል። Document properties cannot be saved. You may not have permission to perform this operation.
15134ዝተነጸረ ናይ ሰነድ ግዜ ምስ ናይ ሓታሚት ግዜ ኣይሳነይን። Specified document's time conflicts with the printer's time.
15136ሕጂ ዘሎ መወሃዲ ዝርርብ ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Existing driver dialog cannot be displayed.
15137ገጽ መፍለዪ ኣቀማምጣታት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Separator page settings cannot be displayed.
15138ናይ ወደብ ዝርርብ ወስኽ ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Add port dialog cannot be displayed.
15139ናይ ሓታሚት ፕሮሰሰር ዝርርብ ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Print processor dialog cannot be displayed.
15140ናይ ሓታሚት ወደብ መርኣዪ ምጽዓን ኣይከኣልን። Printer port monitor cannot be installed.
15141ገጽ መፍለዪ የለን። Separator page does not exist.
15142Windows ሓታሚት ምውሳኽ ኣይተኽኣለን። እዚ ብመእተዊ ጸገም ምኽንያት ዘጋጥም ፍጻመ እዩ። ኻልኦት መተግበሪታት ብኽብረትካ ዕጸውን መሊስካ ፈትንን። Windows was not able to add the printer. This can be caused by resource problems. Please close other applications and try again.
15146ወረቐት መጠይቕ %s ምውሳኽ ኣይተኽኣለን። Form %s could not be added.
15147ወረቐት መጠይቕ %s ምስራዝ ኣይተኽኣለን። Form %s could not be deleted.
15148ወረቐት መጠይቕ %s ምስራዕ ኣይተኽኣለን። Form %s could not be set.
15149ክትውስኾም ዝትፍትኖ ዘለኻ ሽም ወረቐት መጠይቕ ሽም ሕጂ ምስዘሎ ኣይሳነይን። ናይ ወረቐት መጠይቕ ሽም ኣመሓይሽን መሊስካ ፈትንን። The name of the form you are trying to add conflicts with an existing form. Modify the form name and try again.
15150ዝትመረጸ ወደብ ምስራዝ ኣይከኣልን። Selected port cannot be deleted.
15151ናይ ኣገልጋሊ መዕቖሪ ሓባሪ ማህደር ሰፈር ዘይቅቡል እዩ። Server spool directory location is invalid.
15152ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ኣቀማምጣታትን ምቕማጥ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to save server settings.
15153ናይ ሓታሚት ወደባትን ወስኽ Add Printer Ports
15154ናይዚ ውልቀ ነገር ባህርያት ኣይርከባን እዮም። The properties for this item are not available.
15155ካብ ዝተመረጹ ወደባት ገሊኦም ምስራዝ ኣይከኣልን። Some of the selected ports cannot be deleted.
15156ኣብ %s ሓታሚት ወስኽ Add Printer on %s
15157Windows ሓታሚት መወሰኺ ክከፍት ኣይኽእልን። Windows can't open Add Printer.
15159ኣብ %s ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ መራሒ ወስኽ Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15160ኣብ %sወደ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ መራሒ ወሳኺ እንኳዕ ደሓን መጻዕኻ Welcome to the Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15198ዝትጠቐሰ ናይ ሓታሚት ወደብ ምጽዓን ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to install the specified printer port.
15201አማራጺ ናይ መወሃዲ ምርጫ ዝርዝር ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Alternate driver selection list cannot be displayed.
15202ዝትጠቐሰ ናይ ሓሳቢቶ መድረኽ ዓይነት ናብ መወሃዲ ሕታምን ምውሳን ኣይከኣልን። The specified computer's platform type and driver version cannot be determined.
15203ንቡር መወሃዲ ምጽዓን ኣይከኣልን። Default driver cannot be installed.
15209ዝትመሓየሸ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣገልጋሊ ባህርያት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። ዛጊት ዝነበረ ናይ Windows ሕታም ዝኾነ ናይ ሓሳቢቶ ኣቀማምጣታት እናረእኻ ክኸውን ይኽእል። Advanced print server properties cannot be displayed. You may be viewing the settings of a computer running a previous version of Windows.
15210ናይ ርሑቕ ሓታሚት ኣገልጋሊ %s። Remote print server %s.
15211ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲን ምርካብ ኣይከኣልን። ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ናብ ሓሳቢቶኻ ንምቕዳሕ፣ ናብዚ ሓታሚት ርክብ ፍጠር። Printer driver is not available. To copy the printer driver to your computer, make a connection to this printer.
15212አማራጺ መወሃዲታት ምጽዓን ኣይከኣልን። Alternate drivers cannot be installed.
15216ናብዚ ሓታሚት መራኸቢ የብልካን። ገለ ጽላታት ክጠፍኡ ይኽእሉ እዮም። You do not have access to this printer. Some of the tabs will be missing.
15217ዝትጠቐሰ መወሃዲ ምልዋጥ ኣይተኽኣለን፣ ኦርጂናል ኣቀማምጣታት ናብ ዝነበሩዎ ክምለሱ እዮም። Unable to change to the specified driver, original settings will be restored.
15219ሓታሚት ኣብ ምኽፋት ዘሎ ጌጋ Error Opening Printer
15220ሓታሚት %s ኣብዚ ሓሳቢቶ ኣይርከብን። Printer %s does not exist on the computer.
15224ዕጸው Close
15225ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ባህርያት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Server properties cannot be viewed.
15226ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ባህርያት ንምርኣይ ፍቓድ የብልካን። ናይ ሓለዋ ጽላት ጥራይ ይረኣይ። You do not have permission to view server properties. Only the security tab will be displayed.
15228ሓታሚት ምቅሊት ሽም ባዶ ቦታ ኣለዎ። ናይ ፈተነ ገጽ እንተዘይተሓመ፣ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ኣመሓዳሪኻ ነቲ ባዶ ቦታ ንኸልግሶ ግበር። The printer share name contains a trailing space. If the test page does not print, have your network administrator remove the trailing space.
15229ናይ '%s' ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣብዚ ሓሳቢቶ ኣይተጽዓነን። ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ክሳብ ዘይጸዓንካ ገለ ናይ ሓታሚት ባህርያት ምርካብ ኣይከኣልን። መወሃዲ ሐዚ ክትጽዕኖ ትደሊ ዲኻ? The '%s' printer driver is not installed on this computer. Some printer properties will not be accessible unless you install the printer driver. Do you want to install the driver now?
15231ናይ ሓታሚት ማቆሪያን ኣሰንኪልካ ኢኻ። ናይዛ ሓታሚት ወደብ ምሩጻት ይውገዱ እዮም። ንምቕጻል ትደሊ ዲኻ? You have disabled printer pooling. The port selections for this printer will be cleared. Do you want to continue?
15232ንዝተጠቀሰት ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣይተጽዓነን። መወሃዲ ንምጽዓን መራኸቢ የብልካን። ናይ መዕቖሪ ባህርያት ጥራይ ይረኣዩ እዮም። A driver for the specified printer is not installed. You do not have access to install the driver. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15233Window ሓታሚት መራሒ ወስኽ ምምዝጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን። Window for Add Printer Wizard could not be registered.
15234እንደገና ይጅምር ኣሎ Restarting
15235እዚ ስርዓተ ስርሒት ሕጂ እናተሃነጸ እዩ። This operation is currently under construction.
15238ኣውቶማቲክ %1 ኣብ %2 Auto %1 on %2
15243LPT1: LPT1:
15245ሓታሚት ርክብን ንምውሳኽ ኣይተኽኣለንም። Unable to add the printer connection.
15246ሓታሚት ነገርን ብኽብረትካ ምረጽ። Please select a printer object.
15248ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ መራሒ ወስኽ Add Printer Driver Wizard
15249ብውሕዱ ሓደ ፕሮሰሰር ክትመርጽ ኣለካ። You must select at least one processor.
15250ናይ ምሕታም ኣገልጋሊ Print Server
15251%s፣ %s፣ %s መወሃዲ ንምጽዓን ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to install %s, %s, %s driver.
15252ናይ መወሃዲ ባህርያት Driver Properties
15253እቲ ዝትመረጸ መወሃዲ ኣይተጽዓነን። ነዚ መወሃዲ ንምውሳኽ፣ ተግብር ዝብል ወይ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠዉቕ። The selected driver has not been installed. To add this driver, click Apply or OK.
15254ናይ መወሃዲ ዝርዝር ኣይትሓደሰን። ናይ መወሃዲ ውሂቡ ዘይቅቡል ክኸውን ይኽእል። The drivers list was not refreshed. The driver data may be invalid.
15255ካብ ኣማራጽታት ገሊኦም ኣይትተግበራን እዮም፡፡ ገዲፍካ ክትወጽዕ ትደሊ ዲኻ? Some of the options were not applied. Would you like to exit?
15257እቲ ዝትመረጸ መወሃዲ ኣይሓደሰን። ነዚ መወሃዲ ዝሐደሰ ንምግባር፣ ተግብር ዝብል ወይ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠዉቕ። The selected driver has not been updated. To update this driver, click Apply or OK.
15258%s፣ %s፣ %s መወሃዲ ምውጋድ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver.
15259%s፣ %s፣ %s ናይ መወሃዲ ጥማርን ምውጋድ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver package.
15260ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ መራሒ ወስኽ በዚህ ሃርድዌር ኣሰራርዓ ዝድገፍ ኣይኮነን። The Add Printer Driver Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
15261እቲ ዝትመረጸ መወሃዲ ካብ Itanium ኮምፒዩተር ዓይነት 3 (ናይ ተጠቃሚ መስርዕ) መወሃዲታት ተጠቂምካ ካብ ርሑቕ ክጸዓን ኣለዎ። The selected driver must be installed remotely from an Itanium computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15262እቲ ዝትመረጸ መወሃዲ ከx86 ሓሳቢቶ ዓይነት (ናይ ተጠቃሚ መስርዕን) መወሃዲታት ብምጥቃም ካብ ርሑቕ ክጽዓን ኣለዎ። The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x86 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15263እቲ ዝትመረጸ መወሃዲ ከx64 ኮምፒዩተር ዓይነት (ናይ ተጠቃሚ መስርዕን) መወሃዲታት በመጠቀም ካብ ርሑቕ ክጽእን ኣለዎ። The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x64 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15264እቲ ዝትመረጸ ናይ Bluetooth ሓታሚት ምጽዓን ፈሺሉ። The selected Bluetooth printer failed to install.
15265ይህ የተጋራ ሓታሚት እዩ። የጋራ ሓታሚትን ዳግማይ ከሰየምክ ካብ ካልኦት ሓሳቢቶታት ምስዚ ሓታሚት ጋር ያሉ ርክባት ስለሚቋረጡ ዳግማይ መፈጠር ይኖርባቸዋል። ነዚ ሓታሚት ዳግማይ ሽም ምሃብ ትደሊ ዲኻ? This is a shared printer. If you rename a shared printer, existing connections to this printer from other computers will break and will have to be created again. Do you want to rename this printer?
15266Windows ነቲ ናይ ሓተምቲ ኔትወርክኻ ክደልዮ ኣይከኣለን። Windows could not search your network for printers.
15301ፋይል File
15302ናይ ሓገዝ ፋይል Help File
15303መዋቅር ፋይል Config File
15304ሓበሬታ ፋይል Data File
15305መወሃዲ ፋይል Driver File
15306ጽግዕተኛ ፋይል Dependent File
15307ሓበሬታ ኣብ ምጽዓን ሓታሚት ወስኽ ፈሺሉ። Add printer failed during inf installation.
15308&ዝርዝራት De&tails
15309እቲ ዝትመረጸ ውልቀ ነገርናይ መርበብ ሪጋ ዕይታን ክፈት Open the selected item's web queue view
15310ናይ ሓታሚት መርበብ ትርኢት Printer Web View
15311ናይ ሓታሚት መርበብ ትርኢት ምጅማር ፈሺሉ። The printer web view failed to start.
15312ምስ ዝስዕብ ኣብ ምልጋብ Connecting to
15313ዝተማቀላ ሓተምቲ ጥራይ ናይ መርበብ ትርኢት ይድግፉ እዮም። Only shared printers support the Web view.
15315ናይ ሓታሚትኻ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። ተወሳኺ ሞዴላት ንምርኣይ Windows Update ጠዉቕ።

ሓታሚትኻ ምስ መጽኣኒ CD ዝመጽአ ዲስክ ወንን ዝብል ጠዉቕ።
Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.

To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
15316ናይቲ ዝጸዓን ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። ዝደለኻዮ መወሃዲ ኣብቲ ዝርዝር ዘይርከብ እተኾይኑ ድማ፣ እቲ ዲስክ ዝትደልዮ መወሃዲ ንኽመርጽ ጠውቕ።

Windows Update ሕታማት ዝርከብ እተኾይኑ፣ ነዚ ፕሮሰሰር ተወሳኺ መወሃዲታት ዝብል ጠውቕ።
Select the manufacturer and model of the printer driver to install. If the driver you want is not listed, click Have Disk to select the driver you want.

If Windows Update is available, click it for more drivers for this processor.
15317ኣብ ነፍስ ወከፍ ማሽን ሓታሚት ርክብ ምውሳኽ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to add the per machine printer connection.
15318ኣብ ነፍስ ወከፍ ማሽን ሓታሚት ርክብ ምስራዝ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to delete the per machine printer connection.
15319ኣብ ነፍስ ወከፍ ማሽን ሓታሚት ርክብ ምቍጻር ወይ ምስላሕ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to enumerate per machine printer connections.
15320ንነፍስ ወከፍ ማሽን ናይ ሓታሚት ርክባት Per Machine Printer Connections
15321ሓታሚት ካብ መስመር ወጻኢ ተጠቀም Use Printer Offline
15322ናይ Microsoft መዘና መርበብ ኣገልግሎት ኣይተጽዓነን። Microsoft Peer Web Service is not installed.
15324ናይዚ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ምስራዝ ካብቲ ስርዓት የወግዶ እዩ። %s ምስራዝ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Deleting this printer driver will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15325ነዚኦም ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲታት ምስራዝ ካብቲ ስርዓት ንኽውገዱ ይገብር እዩ። ዝተመረጹ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲታት ምስራዝ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Deleting these printer drivers will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer drivers?
15326ናይዚ ሓታሚት አዛዚ ጥማር ምስራዝ ካብቲ ስርዓት የወግዶ እዩ። %s ምስራዝ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Deleting this printer driver package will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15327ነዚኦም ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲታት ጥማራት ምስራዝ ካብቲ ስርዓት ንኽውገዱ ይገብር እዩ። ዝተመረጹ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲታት ምስራዝ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Deleting these printer driver packages will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer driver packages?
15329ወደብ ኣቃንይ Configure Port
15330&ካብ ሰፈር ወይ ባህርይ ተሞርኪስካ ናይ ሓታሚት ሓባሪ ማህደር ርኸብ &Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature
15333ቅቡል ዝኾነ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ሽም ክትጠቅስ ኣለካ You need to specify a valid network printer name
15335ተወሳኺ ናይ መወሃዲታት ዝርርብ ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Additional drivers dialog cannot be displayed.
15337ኣይኮነን No
15338ተወሳኺ መወሃዲታት Additional Drivers
15344ቅቡል ዝኾነ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣድራሻ ክትጠቅስ ኣለካ (URL) You need to specify a valid printer address (URL)
15345Ebrima Verdana Bold
1534612 12
15347ናይ ሓታሚት ወደብ ምረጽ Choose a printer port
15349ክትጥቀም ዝትደልዮ ናይ መወሃዲ ሕታም ኣየናይ እዩ ? Which version of the driver do you want to use?
15353ናይ ሓታሚት ምቅሊት Printer Sharing
15357ሓታሚት ኣብ ኻልኦት ኣማራጽታት ርኸብ Find a printer by other options
15359ምሩጽ ፕሮሰሰር Processor Selection
15360ነፍስ ወከፍ ፕሮሰሰር ናይ ባዕሉ ዓይነት ሓታሚት መወሃዲታት ይጥቀም እዩ። Each processor uses its own set of printer drivers.
15362ኣማራጽታት ምረጽ Choose an option
15363እንታይ ዓይነት ሓታሚት ክትጽዕን ትደሊ ዲኻ? What type of printer do you want to install?
15367ስርሒት ሓባሪ ማህደር ሓያሎ ደቓይቕ ክወስድ ይኽእል። The directory operation may take several minutes.
15368እዚ መራሒ ሓድሽ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲን ንኽትጽዕን ይሕግዘካ እዩ። This wizard helps you install a new printer driver.
15369ናይ ሕትመት ኣማራጽታት ምርኣይ ኣይከኣልን። Printing preferences cannot be displayed.
15373ናይ ሓታሚት ናይ ኣአንጋዲ ሽም ወይ IP ኣድራሻ ጸሓፍ Type a printer hostname or IP address
15375%s ብዓወት ወሲኽካ ኢኻ You’ve successfully added %s
15377መፍለዪ ገጽ Separator Page
15381ብውሕዱ ሓደ ተወሳኺ መወሃዲ ብትኽክል ምጽዓን ፈሺሉ። ንሓታሚትካ ትኽክለኛ መወሃዲታት ከምዝተጽዓኑ ክተረጋግጽ ኣለካ። ንሓታሚትኻ ተወሳኺ መወሃዲታት ዝርዝር ንምርኣይ፣ ናብ ሓተምቲ ምቅሊት ጽላት ኪድን ተወሳኺ መወሃዲታት ዝብል ጠዉቕን። At least one additional driver failed to install correctly. You may need to verify the correct additional drivers are installed for your printer. To see a list of additional drivers for your printer, go to the printer's sharing tab and click Additional Drivers.
15382%1 ናይ ምሕታም ንቡራት %1 Printing Defaults
15384ሕብሪ Color
15385ድርብ-ኣንፈት Double-sided
15386ኣተሓሕዝ Staple
15387ቅልጣፈ Speed
15388ልዑል ብሉጽነት Maximum resolution
15389ገጽታት ብ ደቒቓ ppm
15390dpi dpi
15391ዘይፍለጥ Unknown
15392%1፥ %2 %1: %2
15393%1 ናይ ምሕታም ኣማራጽታት %1 Printing Preferences
15394%1 ባህርያት %1 Properties
15395ኩሎም ሰነዳት ን'%s' ክትገድፎም ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Are you sure you want to cancel all documents for '%s'?
15397ናይ ሓበሬታ መዕቖሪ ሓቛፊ ዘለዋ ለውጥታት ብቕልጡፍ ክውን ይኾኑ ከምኡውን ሕጂ ዝነቕሑ ዝኾኑ ኣብ ንጥፈት ዘለዋ ሰነዳት ኣይሕተሙን እዮም። ናይ ሓበሬታ መዕቖሪ ቕድሚ ምቅያርካ ኩሎም ሰነዳት ናይ ምሕታም ንጥፈት ንኽዛዝሙ ክትፈቕደሎም ኣለካ። ናይ መራኸቢ ሓበሬታ ሓቛፊ ንምልዋጥ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? The changes to the spool folder will occur immediately and any currently active documents will not print. It is recommended to allow all documents to complete printing before changing the spool folder. Are you sure you want to change the spool folder?
15399USB ወይ ከም IEEE 1394 ወይ ኢንፍራረድ ዝበለ ሞቃት ክኣትው ዝኽእል ወደብ ዝጥቀም ገመድ ወይ ሓታሚት ኣጻውት እንተሓዩካ፣ ነዚ መራሒ ክትጥቀም ግድነት የብን። ኣጣብቕን ሓታሚትኻ ወልዕን፣ ከምኡውን Windows ንኡ ይጽዕነልካ እዩ። If you have a Plug and Play printer that uses USB or a hot pluggable port such as IEEE 1394 or infrared, you do not need to use this wizard. Attach and turn on your printer, and Windows will install it for you.
15403ሓታሚት ተጻዒኑ እዩ Printer installed
15405ኣብ ምግዳፍ... Cancelling...
15406መወሃዲ ኣብ ምድላይ... Looking for a driver...
15408መወሃዲ ኣብ ምውራድ... Downloading the driver...
15409Windows Update ሕታም ኣብ ምፍታሽ። እዚ ገለ እዋን ክውስድ ይኽእል... Checking Windows Update. This might take a while...
15410መወሃዲ ኣብ ምውራድ። እዚ ገለ እዋን ክውስድ ይኽእል... Downloading the driver. This might take a while...
15411ምጽዓን ኣብ ምዝዛም... Finishing the installation...
1541215416 ሰፈር 15416 Location
15418ሓታሚት በመጠቀም ማተም ከመጀመርህ በፊት ምስዚ ሓታሚት ጋር ማገናኘት ኣለካ። ነዚ ሓታሚት ምልጋብ ካብኡ ነቲ ዝትመረጸ ሰነድ ክተሕትም ትደሊ ዲኻ? You must connect to this printer before you can print on it. Do you want to connect to this printer and then print the selected document?
15421ናይዚ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣታት ንምምሕያሽ ፍቓድ የብልካን። ኣቀማምጣታት ምልዋጥ እንተደሊኻ፣ ናባኻ ናይ ስርዓት ኣመሓዳሪ ተወከስ። You do not have permission to modify the settings for this printer. If you need to change the settings, contact your system administrator.
15422%d ሰነድ(ዳት) ን %s ውንዙፍ %d document(s) pending for %s
15423ነዚ ሰነድ ምሕታም ፈሺሉ This document failed to print
15424ነዚ ሰነድ ናብ ሓታሚት ተላኢኹ'ሎ This document was sent to the printer
15425ናይ ሰነድ ሽም፥ '%s'
ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም፥ '%s'
ዝተልኣኸሉ ሰዓት፥ %s
ናይ ገጽ ሓፈሻዊ ድምር፥ %d
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
Total pages: %d
15426ናይ ሰነድ ሽም፥ '%s'
ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም፥ '%s'
ዝተልኣኸሉ ሰዓት፥ %s

ናይ ሕትመት ሪጋ ንምኽፋት ኣብዚ ጠዉቕ፣ ካብኡ ሓገዝ ንምርካብ፣ ኣብ ናይ ሓገዝ ኣማራጽታት ደላዪ ፍታሕ ጠዉቕ።
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s

Click here to open the print queue, and then for assistance, click Troubleshooter on the Help menu.
15427ናይ ሰነድ ሽም፥ '%s'
ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም፥ '%s'
ዝተልኣኸሉ ሰዓት፥ %s
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
15429%s (ጌጋ) %s (error)
15430ዘይቅቡል ቍጽሪ፤ 'መጠን ወረቐት' ከምኡውን 'ናይ ሕታም ዞባ ደረት' ቅቡል ዝኾነ መጠን ወረቐት ቅቡል ዝኾነ ናይ ዝሕተም ቦታ ደረት ዝገልጹ ፖዘቲቭ ቍጽሪታት ክኾኑ ኣለዎም። Invalid number. 'Paper Size' and 'Print Area Margins' should all be positive numbers defining a valid paper size and valid printable area margins.
15432/ /
15433ነቲ ሰነድ ንምግዳፍ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Are you sure you want to cancel the document?
15434ነጋሪ ዋጋ ዘይቅቡል እዩ። The arguments are invalid.
15435ዝትጠቐሰ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣብቲ ኣገልጋሊ ኣይርከብን። The specified printer driver doesn't exist on the server.
15436ዝምረጽ ናይ ሓታሚት ወደብ Recommended Printer Port
15437ሓታሚት ወረቐት ወዲኡሎ The printer is out of paper
15438ዘይምልከቶ N/A
15439ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ምሩጽ Printer Driver Selection
15440ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ጸዓን Install the printer driver
15441&ናብዚ ሓታሚት ኣላግብ፥ &Connect to this printer:
15442ዘለዋ አሳማኝ መታወቂያዎች ምስራዝ ኣይከኣልን። The existing set of credentials cannot be deleted.
15443የቀረቡት አሳማኝ መታወቂያዎች ሕጂ ካለ መረጋገጺ ሓበሬታታት እኩብ ይጻበኡ እዮም። ሕጂ ኣብዘለዋ መረጋገጺ ሓበሬታታት ምጽሓፍ ዘለዋያ መተግበሪታት ብትኽክል ንኸይትግብሩ ይገብሮም። ሕጂ ዘለዋ መረጋገጺ ሓበሬታታት እኩብ ኣብ ልዕሊ ክትጽሕፍ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials. Overwriting the existing set of credentials may cause some running applications to stop function properly. Do you really want to overwrite the existing set of credentials?
15444ዝቀረቡ መረጋገጺ ሓበሬታታት ናብዚ ሓታሚት ንምብጻሕ እኹል ኣይኮኑን። ሓድሽ አመረጋገጺ ሓበሬታታት ክጠቅስ ትደሊ ዲኻ? The credentials supplied are not sufficient to access this printer. Do you want to specify new credentials?
15445ነዚ ሓታሚት እንተካፊልካ ኣብ ዝኾነ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብኻ ዘሎ ሓታሚት ከሕትማሉ ይኽእሉ እዮም። እቲ ሓሳቢቶ ክድቕስ ከሎ ሓታሚት ኣይርከብን። እዚኦም ኣቀማምጣታት ንምልዋጥ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብን ናይ ምቅሊት ማእከልን ተጠቀም If you share this printer, any user on your network can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15446ነዚ ሓታሚት እንተድኣ ተካፊልካ፣ ናይዚ ኮምፒዩተር ተጠቃሚ ሽምን መሕለፊ ቃልን ዘለዎም ኣብዚ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ዘለዋ ተጠቀምቲ ጥራይ ከሕትማሉ ይኽእሉ እዮም። እቲ ሓሳቢቶ ክድቕስ ከሎ ሓታሚት ኣይርከብን። እዚኦም ኣቀማምጣታት ንምልዋጥ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብን ናይ ምቅሊት ማእከልን ተጠቀም If you share this printer, only users on your network with a username and password for this computer can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15451ሓታሚት ምረጽ Select a printer
15452ዝርከባ ሓተምቲ ኣብ ምድላይ... Searching for available printers...
15453ምንም ሓተምቲ ኣይትረኸባን። No printers were found.
15458ናይ ወደብ ሽም ትኽክለኛ ኣይኮነን። ትክክለኛ ናይ ወደብ ሽም ኣእትውን መሊስካ ፈትንን። The port name is not valid. Enter a valid port name and try again.
15461ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ጸሓፍ Type a printer name
15463ሓታሚት ብዘዕግብ ኩነታትት ወሲኽካ ኢኻ %s You've successfully added %s
15473እንተደሊኻ፣ ነቲ ወደብ ደሓር ክትውስኾም ትኽእል ኢኻ። You can add the port back later, if you wish.
15474ነዚኦም ወደባት ደሓር እንተደሊኻ፣ ዳግማይ ክትውስኽ ትኽእል ኢኻ። እዚኦም ወደባት ኣብ ናትካ ሓሳቢቶ ሕጂ ኣብ ኣልግሎት እናነጠፉ ኣይኮነን። You can add these ports back later, if you wish. These ports are currently not in use on your computer.
15475ወደብ እንታይ እዩ? What is a port?
15476ሕራይ OK
15477ኣትርፍ Cancel
15478ነዚኦም ሰነዳት ምግዳፍ ከምዝደለኻ ርግጸኛ ዲኻ? Are you sure you want to cancel these documents?
15520ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓተምቲን ኣብ ምድላይ Searching for network printers
15601ሓታሚት አመቻች Manage Printers
15603ኣገልጋሊ እይ View Server
15604ኣገልጋሊ አመቻች Manage Server
15605ምንም None
15610እዚ ኣገልጋሊ ጥራይ This server only
15611ሰነዳት ጥራይ Documents only
15612ሓተምቲ ጥራይ Printers only
15613እዚ ኣገልጋሊ፣ ሰነዳት፣ ሓተምቲ This Server, documents, and printers
15614ሰነዳትን ሓተምቲን ጥራይ Documents and printers only
16041x86 x86
16042Itanium Itanium
16043x64 x64
16044ARM ARM
16045ኤኣርኤም 64 ARM64
16051Windows XP እና Windows Server 2003 Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
16052Windows 95፣ 98 ከምኡውን ኣነ Windows 95, 98 and Me
16053Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0
16054Windows 2000፣ Windows XP ከምኡውን Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
16055ዓይነት 2 - ናይ ፍረ መስርዕ Type 2 - Kernel Mode
16056ዓይነት 3 - ናይ ተጠቃሚ መስርዕ Type 3 - User Mode
16057ዓይነት 4 - ናይ ተጠቃሚ መስርዕ Type 4 - User Mode
16060Intel Intel
16061x86-based x86-based
16062IA64 IA64
16070Windows XP Windows XP
16074Windows 2000 Windows 2000
16075Windows 2000 ወይ XP Windows 2000 or XP
16501Pause Pause
16502Resume Resume
16503Purge Purge
16504Queued Queued
16505Direct Direct
16506Default Default
16507Shared Shared
16508Hidden Hidden
16509Network Network
16510Local Local
16511EnableDevq EnableDevq
16512KeepPrintedJobs KeepPrintedJobs
16513DoCompleteFirst DoCompleteFirst
16514WorkOffline WorkOffline
16515EnableBidi EnableBidi
16516RawOnly RawOnly
16517Published Published
16518PrinterName PrinterName
16519ShareName ShareName
16520PortName PortName
16521DriverName DriverName
16522Comment Comment
16523Location Location
16524SepFile SepFile
16525PrintProcessor PrintProcessor
16526Datatype Datatype
16527Parameters Parameters
16528Attributes Attributes
16529Priority Priority
16530DefaultPriority DefaultPriority
16531StartTime StartTime
16532UntilTime UntilTime
16533Status Status
16534ClientSideRender ClientSideRender
16535Enabled Enabled
16536Disabled Disabled
16902ኣጠቓቕማ፤ rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [ኣማራጽታት] [@commandfile] Usage: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile]
16903የማተሚ ኣቀማምጣታት ትእዛዝ ኣጠቓቕማ ስራዕ Set Printer Settings Command Usage
16904rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n ሓታሚት [-|+] [-|+] ወዘተ። rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n printer [-|+] [-|+] etc.
16909| |
16910ቁልፍ፤ %s ዋጋ፤ %s key: %s value: %s
16911? ?
16912ሓገዝ Help
16913%s: %s %s: %s
16914%s: %d %s: %d
16915ኣቀማምጣታት ን Settings for
17010/a[file] binary file name /a[file] binary file name
17011/b[name] base printer name /b[name] base printer name
17012/c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine /c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine
17013/dl delete local printer /dl delete local printer
17014/dn delete network printer connection /dn delete network printer connection
17015/dd delete printer driver /dd delete printer driver
17016/e display printing preferences /e display printing preferences
17017/f[file] either inf file or output file /f[file] either inf file or output file
17018/F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on /F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on
17019/ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon) /ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon)
17020/ge enum per machine printer connections /ge enum per machine printer connections
17021/gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon) /gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon)
17022/h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium /h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium
17023/ia install printer driver using inf file /ia install printer driver using inf file
17024/id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard /id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard
17025/if install printer using inf file /if install printer using inf file
17026/ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file /ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file
17027/il install printer using add printer wizard /il install printer using add printer wizard
17028/im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers /im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers
17029/in add network printer connection /in add network printer connection
17030/ip install printer using network printer installation wizard /ip install printer using network printer installation wizard
17031/j[provider] print provider name /j[provider] print provider name
17032/k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer /k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer
17033/l[path] printer driver source path /l[path] printer driver source path
17034/m[model] printer driver model name /m[model] printer driver model name
17035/n[name] printer name /n[name] printer name
17036/o display printer queue view /o display printer queue view
17037/p display printer properties /p display printer properties
17038/q quiet mode, do not display error messages /q quiet mode, do not display error messages
17039/r[port] port name /r[port] port name
17040/s display server properties /s display server properties
17041/Ss Store printer settings into a file /Ss Store printer settings into a file
17042/Sr Restore printer settings from a file /Sr Restore printer settings from a file
17043Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
17044/u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed /u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed
17045/t[#] zero based index page to start on /t[#] zero based index page to start on
17046/v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2" /v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2"
17047/w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf /w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf
17048/y set printer as the default /y set printer as the default
17049/Xg get printer settings /Xg get printer settings
17050/Xs set printer settings /Xs set printer settings
17051/z do not auto share this printer /z do not auto share this printer
17052/Y do not auto generate a printer name /Y do not auto generate a printer name
17053/K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2" /K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2"
17054/Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option /Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option
17055/? help this message /? help this message
17056@[file] command line argument file @[file] command line argument file
17057/Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command /Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command
17058/Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command /Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command
17059/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
17060/G[flags] ግሎባል ባንዴራታትን ቀየርትን የነጽር
w ናይ መመስረቲ መዋሃዲ መጠንቀቕታታት ጠጠው ኣብል UI (ዝለዓለ ጸጥታ ሞድ)
/G[flags] specifies global flags and switches
w suppress setup driver warnings UI (super quiet mode)
17061/R እቲ ዝተመርጸ መወሃዲ ነቲ ዝጸንሐ መወሃዲ ክትክኦ ኣገድዶ /R force selected driver to replace exisiting driver
17100Examples: Examples:
17101Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
17102Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
17103Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
17104Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
17105Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
17106Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17107Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
17108Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17109Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17110Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
17111Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
17112Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
17113Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17114Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17115Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
17116Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
17117Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17118Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
17119Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
17120Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
17121Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
17122Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
17123Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17124Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17125Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
17126Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
17127Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
17128Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
17129Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
17130Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
17301Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
17302Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
17303Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
17304Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
17305Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
17306Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
17307Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
17308Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
18000ምስ ሓታሚት ኣላግብ Connect to Printer
18001Windows ምስ ሓታሚት ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን። Windows cannot connect to the printer.
18007ነዚ ሓታሚት ንኽትጥቀም፣ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ናባኻ ናይ ስርዓት ኣመሓዳሪ ተወኪስካ ፍቓድ ክትሓትት ኣለካ። To use this printer, you need to contact a network administrator and request permission.
18008ቅቡል ዝኾነ ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ክተእትው ኣለካ። You must supply a valid printer name.
18009መወሃዲ ጸዓን Install Driver
18010ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣቀማምጣ ጌጋ። Printer driver setup error.
18011እቲ ዝትመረጸን ሓታሚት ምኽፋት ኣይተኽኣለን። Could not open the selected printer.
18012Windows መወሃዲ ኣብቲ መርበብ ኣይትረኸበን። ሓደ ብኢድ ክትረክብ እተደሊኻ፣ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠውቕ፡፡ ከምኡ በእንተዘይደለኻ ድማ ግደፍ ዝብል ጠዉቕን ናብ ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ኣመሓዳሪኻ ወይ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣፍረያዪ ተወከስ Windows can't find a driver on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website
18013ምንም መወሃዲ ኣይትረኸበን No driver found
18014ሓተምቲን ኣብ ምድላይ... Searching for printers...
18015ናይ ሰፈር ሓታሚት ስለዝኾነ፣ %s ን ምልጋብ ኣይትኽእልን። You cannot connect to %s, since it is a local printer.
18016Windows ናይ '%s' መወሃዲ ኣብቲ መርበብ ኣይትረኸበን። ሓደ ብኣውቶማቲክ ምድላይ ክትረክብ እንተደሊኻ፣ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠዉቕ። አለበለዚያ፣ ኣብ ሰርዝ ጠዉቕን ናብ ናይ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ኣመሓዳሪኻ ወይ ናይ ሓታሚት ኣፍረያዪ ተወከስ። Windows can't find a driver for %s on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website.
18017ፋይል ኣገዳሲ እዩ፤ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ INF ለ %s File needed: Printer driver INF for %s
18019ናይ ሓታሚት ሓባሪት ዝርዝርን ምርኣይ ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to display printer browse list.
18020ነዚ ሓታሚት ንኽትጥቀም፣ ተዛማዲ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ክትጽዕን ኣለካ። ንምቕጻል፣ ሕራይ ዝብል ጠዉቕ። To use this printer, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18021ናይ ሓታሚትኻ ኣፍረያዪን ሞዴልን ምረጽ። ተወሳኺ ሞዴላት ንምርኣይ Windows Update ጠዉቕ። Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.
18023%s ሓታሚትን ንምጥቃም፣ ተዛማዲ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ክትጽዕን ኣለካ። ንምቕጻል ሕራይ ዝብል ጠዉቕ። To use the printer %s, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18028ኣፍረያዪ እቲ ሞዴል ኣየናይ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ መጠቀም ይውስኑ እዮም። The manufacturer and model determine which printer driver to use.
18029እዚ ስርሒት ኣብዚ ኮምፒዩተር ብዘለዋ ደረታት ወይ ቀይዲታት ምኽንያት ተሰሪዙ እዩ። ብኽብረትካ ናባኻ ስርዓት ኣመሓዳሪ ተወከስ። This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
18030ደረታት Restrictions
18039ነዚ ተግባር ግብራዊ ንግባ፣ ናይ ሓሳቢቶ ኣመሓዳሪ መፍለዪ ክሕልወካ ግድን እዩ። To perform this task, you must have a computer administrator account.
18041ናብዚ ናይ ሕትመት ሪጋ ከይትላገብ ዝዕግደካ ፖሊሲ ኣብቲ ሓሳቢቶ ኣሎ። ብኽብረትካ ናባኻ ስርዓት ኣመሓዳሪ ተወከስ። A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue. Please contact your system administrator.
18042ክትጥቀመሉዝትደልዮ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት ምረጽን ንምልጋብ ምረጽ ኣብ ዝብል ጠዉቕ Please select the network printer you want to use and click Select to connect to it
18043እዚሓታሚት ምስ %s መወሃዲ ብሓባር ተጻዒኑ ኣሎ። This printer has been installed with the %s driver.
18044እዚሓታሚት ምስ %s መወሃዲ ብሓባር ክጸዓን እዩ። This printer will be installed with the %s driver.
18045&ሓታሚት ጸዓን &Install Printer
18048ናይ መርበብ ኣልግሎታትች መሳርሒ Web Services Device
18049Windows ሓታሚት ምጽዓን Windows Printer Installation
18050ኣብነት፤ \\computername\ሓታሚት ሽም Example: \\computername\printername
18053ናይ መርበብ ኣገልግሎት ውሑስነቱ ዝተዓቐበ ሓታሚት መሳርሒ Web Services Secure Print Device
18060ምንም ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ የለን No network
18061ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ Network
18062ንቡር ሓታሚት Default printer
18063%1 (ተላጊቡ) %1 (connected)
18102ናይ ሓታሚት ርክብ ምውሳኽ ፈሺሉ። Adding the printer connection failed.
18200&ኣሐድስ Refres&h
18300ሓታሚታት Printers
18301እዛ ሓታሚት ንብርቲ ክትከውን ምግባር ማለት Windows ንቡር ሓታሚትካ ምምሕዳር ይገድፎ ኣሎ ማለት እዩ። Setting this printer as default means Windows will stop managing your default printer.
19000%%s (ቅዳሕ %u) %%s (Copy %u)
19001ናይ ሓታሚት ወደብ Printer Port
19002ተኸታታሊ ወደብ Serial Port
19003ናብ ፋይል ሕተም Print to File
19100ናይ መርኣያ Test Page
19102Windows ሓታሚት ፈተነ ገጽ Windows Printer Test Page
19104ነዚ ሓበሬታ ክተንብብ እተኽእለካ %sን ኣብ %s ብትኽክል ጽዒንካ ኢኻ። You have correctly installed your %s on %s.
19106ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም፥ Printer Name:
19107ናይ ወደብ ሽም(ኣሽማት)፥ Port Name(s):
19108ናይ ሓታሚት ሞዴል፥ Printer Model:
19109ናይ መወሃዲ ሽም፥ Driver Name:
19110ሓበሬታ ፋይል፥ Data File:
19111ናይ ስርዒት ፋይል፥ Configuration File:
19112ናይ መወሃዲ ሕታም፥ Driver Version:
19113%1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d! %1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d!
19114ናይ ሕብሪ ድጋፍ፥ Color Support:
ተወሳኺ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ፋይልታት

19116ናይ መወሃዲ ዓይነት፥ Driver Type:
ናይ ሓታሚት ባህርያት

ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ባህርያት

19119%s %s
19120ናይ ሓበሬታ ቅርጸት፥ Data Format:
19121ናይ ሓታሚት መጋሪያ ሽም፥ Printer Share Name:
19122ናይ ሓታሚት ሰፈር፥ Printer Location:
19123ርእይቶ፥ Comment:
19124ናይ ስርዓት ስርሒት ኣካባቢ፥ OS Environment:
19125ዝኣተወሉ ጊዜ፥ Submitted Time:
19126ዕለት፥ Date:
19127ናይ ሕትመት ፕሮሰሰር፥ Print Processor:
19128ናይ መፍለዪ ገጽ ሰፈር፥ Separator Page Location:
19129ሽም ኮምፒዩተር፥ Computer Name:
19131ሽም ተጠቃሚ፥ User Name:
19200ስርሒት ሊጠናቀቅ ኣይተኽኣለን። Operation could not be completed.
19201ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ኣይተጽዓነን። Printer driver was not installed.
19202ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲ ምርጫ ክልወጥ ኣይከኣልን። Printer driver selection could not be changed.
19203ምሕዝነታዊ ሽም '\' ወይ ',' ፊደላት ሊይዝ ኣይከኣልን። እቲ ሓድሽ ምሕዝነታዊ ሽም ጥቀስ። A friendly name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new friendly name.
19204ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ክትጠቅስ ኣለካ። You need to specify a printer name.
19205የጠቀስከው ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ኣዚዩ ረጅም እዩ። ስሙ ከ221 ያልበለጡ ፊደላት ሊኖሩት ይገባል። ሓድሽ ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ጥቀስ። The printer name you specified is too long. The name must contain fewer than 221 characters. Specify a new printer name.
19206ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም '\' ወይ ',' ፊደላት ሊይዝ ኣይከኣልን። ሓድሽ ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ምረጽ። A printer name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new printer name.
19207የጋራ ሽም መጥቀስ ኣለካ። You need to specify a share name.
19208ሓታሚት ልክ ባልኾነ ደረጃ ላይ ስለሚግደፍ ክውናው ሊጠናቀቅ ኣይከኣልን። Operation cannot complete because it would leave the printer in an invalid state.
19209መጋሪያ ሽም ዘይቅቡል እዩ። Share name is invalid.
19210የጋራ ሽም ዛጊትውን ኣሎ። Share name already exists.
19211ዝትጠቐሰ ወደብ ክውሰኽ ኣይከኣልን። Specified port cannot be added.
19212ናይ መርኣያ ሊታተም ኣይተኽኣለን። ለእገዛ ናይ ሕትመት ጸገም መፍቻውን ንምርኣይ ትደሊ ዲኻ? Test page failed to print. Would you like to view the print troubleshooter for assistance?
19213ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም ግጭት። Printer name conflict.
19214%1 ኣብ %2 %1 on %2
19217የጋራ ስሙ ዘይቅቡል እዩ። ጭንዳሕ '/' ወይ ናይ ድሕሪት ጭንዳሕ '\' ወይ ኮማተታት ','። The share name is invalid. It should not have slashes '/' or backslashes '\' or commas ','.
19218ተመሳሳሊ ናይ ሕትመት ሽም ዘለዎ ሓታሚት ቀደም ሲል ነበረ። A printer with the same publish name already exists.
19219ጥያቄው ተቀባይነት የለውም። The request is not supported.
19220ሓባሪ ማህደርው ዝርከብ ኣይኮነን። ብኽብረትጋ ብዘይተወሳኺ ሓበሬታ ናይፍጻመ ብካርታ መዝገቡ ርአይ። The directory is unavailable. Please view the event log for more information.
19221ወደቡ ኣብ ጥቕሚ ውዒሉ ክኸውን ይኽእል ወይ ፈጺሚ ዘይክህሉ ይኽእል። The port may be in use or may not exist.
19222ሽሙ ብትኽክል ምጽሓፍካን ሓታሚት ምስቲ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበ ምልጋቡ ፈትሽ። Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network.
19224አጠንጣኙ ፋይል ኣይትረኸበን። The spooler file was not found.
19225ናይ ሕትመት ስራን ምፍጣር ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to create a print job.
19226ኣገልጋሊ የዲስክ ቦታ ጨርሷል። ብኽብረትካሰነድህን ሌላ ጊዜ ቆይተህ ለማተም ሞክር። The server has run out of disk space. Please try printing your document at a later time.
19227ናይ ሕትመት ፕሮሰሰሩ የለም። The print processor does not exist.
19228ኣካባብያዊ ሕትመት ሓበሬታ ማዳራሻ ኣገልግሎት እናይ ስራሕ ኣይኮነን። ብኽብረትካመራኸቢ ሓበሬታውን ወይ ማሽኑን እንደገና ጀምር። The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.
19229ነዚ ስርሒት ለማጠናቀቅ በቂ የሆነ የዲስክ ቦታ የለም። ብኽብረትካየተወሰነ የዲስክ ቦታ ናጻ ግበርን መሊስካ ፈትን። There is not enough disk space to complete this operation. Please free some disk space and then try again.
19230ናብዚ ኣገልጋሊ ለማተም ፍቓድ የብልካን። ለእገዛ ኣመሓዳሪህን ብኽብረትካአነጋግር። You do not have permission to print to this server. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
19231ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ጌጋ ነበር። ብኽብረትካሰነዱን እንደገና ለማተም ሞክር። There was a network error. Please try printing the document again.
19232ይህ ስርሒት አይደገፍም። This operation is not supported.
19233ነዚ ስርሒት ንምውዳእ እኹል ማህደረ ዝኽረት የለን። ብኽብረትካ ዝተወሰኑ ፕሮግራሞችን ዕጸውን መሊስካ ፈትን። There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Please close some programs and try again.
19234ሓታሚትን ምጽዓን ኣይተኽኣለን። Unable to install printer.
19235ገለ ናይ መወሃዲ ፋይልታት ጠፊኦም እዮም ወይ ልክ አይደሉም። መወሃዲ እንደገና ጸዓን ወይ ናይ ቐረባ እዋን ጊዜውን ሕታም ለመጠቀም ሞክር። Some driver files are missing or incorrect. Reinstall the driver or try using the latest version.
19236ወደቡ ዛጊትውን ኣሎ። The port already exists.
19237... ...
19238በዚህ ሽም ያለ ሌላ ሓታሚት ወይ ናይ ሓታሚት ምቅሊት ዛጊትውን ኣሎ። ብኽብረትካለሓታሚት ብኻሊእ ሽም ተጠቀም። Another printer or printer share with this name already exists. Please use another name for the printer.
19239ንምጽዓን እትፍትኖ ዘለኻ መወሃዲ ምስ Windows XP እና Windows Server 2003 ዝሳማማዕ ኣይኮነን። The driver that you are trying to install is not compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
19240Windows ተስማሚ የሆነ ናይ ሓታሚት መወሃዲን ዝርከብበትን ቦታ ፈልጎ ምርካብ ኣይከኣልን። ተስማሚ የሆነ መወሃዲ ዝርከብበትን ቦታ ፈልጎ ለምርካብ እና ንምጽዓን ኣመሓዳሪህን ለእገዛ አነጋግር። Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver.
19241በሓፈሻዊ Entire
19242ምንም መገኛ ቦታ አልዝትመረጸም። No location chosen.
19243Windows ሓታሚት ምርካብ ኣይከኣልን። አውታረመረቡ ይሰርሕ ከምዘሎ እና ናይ ሓታሚት እና ናይ ሓታሚት ኣገልጋሊን ሽም ብትኽክል ከምዘእተኻ ርግጸኛ ኩን። Windows can't find the printer. Make sure the network is working, and you've entered the name of the printer and print server correctly.
19245ነዛ ሓታሚት ንምክፋል፣ ናይ ሓተምቲ ምክፋል ንምፍቃድ፣ ኣማሓዳሪ ንናይ Windows ኬላ ከቃንዮ ኣለዎ። In order to share this printer, an administrator must configure Windows Firewall to permit the sharing of printers.
19246ነዛ ሓታሚት ንምክፋል፣ እዛ ሓታሚት ኣብቲ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ምስዘለዋ ካልኦት ሓሳቢቶታት ክትካፈል ንምፍቃድ፣ Windows ኬላ ክቃነይ ኣለዎ። In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall must be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19247ነዛ ሓታሚት ንምክፋል፣ እዛ ሓታሚት ኣብቲ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ምስዘለዋ ካልኦት ሓሳቢቶታት ክትካፈል ንምፍቃድ፣ Windows ኬላ ክቃነይ እዩ። In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall will be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19248እዛ ሓታሚት ኣብቲ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ምስዘለዋ ካልኦት ሓሳቢቶታት ክትካፈል ንምፍቃድ፣ Windows ኬላ ኣቐዲሙ ተቓንዩ ኣሎ። Windows Firewall is already configured to allow the sharing of printers with other computers on the network.
19251ናይ ኣገልጋሊ አጠንጣኝ ኣገልግሎት እናይ ኣይሰርሕን ዘሎ። አጠንጣኙን በጃኻ እንደገና አጀምር ወይ ናይ ኣገልጋሊ ማሽን እንደገና አጀምር። The server print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler on the server or restart the server machine.
19252Windows ሓታሚትኻ ምቅሊት ኣይተኽኣለን። Windows could not share your printer.
19253%s (%s) %s (%s)
19254ስርሒት ሊጠናቀቅ ኣይተኽኣለን (ጌጋ 0x%08x)። Operation could not be completed (error 0x%08x).
19255ክወና ምስ 0x%08x ጌጋ ፈሺሉ። Operation failed with error 0x%08x.
19256Windows ምስ ሓታሚት ምልጋብ ኣይተኽኣለን። ሽም ናይ ሓታሚት ኣረጋግጽ እሞ እንደገና ፈትን። እዚ ዝተሓላለኸ መርበብ ሓታሚት እንተኾይኑ፣ ሓታሚት ምብራሁ ኣረጋግጽ፣ ከምኡውን ናይ ሓታሚት ኣድራሻ ትክክለኛ ምኻኑ። Windows couldn't connect to the printer. Check the printer name and try again. If this is a network printer, make sure that the printer is turned on, and that the printer address is correct.
19257ኣቐዲሙ ስለዝተጽዓነ Windows ነዚ ሓታሚት ምውሳኽ ኣይከኣለን። Windows can't add this printer because it's already installed.
19500ሽም፥ %s
ኣድራሻ፥ %s
Name: %s
Address: %s
19501ናይ ሓታሚት ሽም Printer Name
19502ኣድራሻ Address
19551ናይ መርኣያ ወደ ሓታሚት ተላኢኹ'ሎ A test page has been sent to your printer
19552ናይ ፈተነ ገጽ ሓታሚት ግራፊክስን ጽሁፍ፣ ናይ ምሕታም ብቅዓት ብሓጺሩ ኣርእይ ብዛዕባ እቲ ሓታሚት ቴክኒካዊ ሓበሬታ ይህብ። ናይ ፈተነ ገጽ ብትኽክል እንተዘይሓተመ ናይ ሓታሚት ደላዪ ፍታሕ ተጠቀም። This test page briefly demonstrates the printer's ability to print graphics and text, and it provides technical information about the printer. Use the printer troubleshooter if the test page does not print correctly.
19553ንሕትመት እገዛ ርኸብ Get help with printing
19900ናይ ሓታሚት ምስሊ ምቕራጽን መሳርሕታት Printing and Imaging Devices
19901ክትጽዕኖ እትደሊዮ ሓታሚት ካብቲ ዝርዝር ምረጽ Select the printer you wish to install from the list


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File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ኩሉ መሰላት ዝተሓለወ ኢዩ።
Original File Name:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is printui.dll.mui?

printui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Tigrinya language for file printui.dll (ናይ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣታት ናይ ተጠቃሚ መንጎኛ).

File version info

File Description:ናይ ሓታሚት ኣቀማምጣታት ናይ ተጠቃሚ መንጎኛ
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ኩሉ መሰላት ዝተሓለወ ኢዩ።
Original Filename:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x473, 1200