File name: | WinSATAPI.dll.mui |
Size: | 7168 byte |
MD5: | b307d8c53a2e8bbb14074ce02996196c |
SHA1: | bf7dfdcb07bba6c440a4c8339bc9f9efd5d1f8a8 |
SHA256: | ac73b300c012fd6a7dbe15a8a1dcc8ee0ce651049939034c642e99281b37ffaa |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Latvian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Latvian | English |
105 | KĻŪDA: neizdvās palaist WinSAT | ERROR: WinSAT failed to run |
106 | KĻŪDA: neizdevās sazināties ar WinSAT | ERROR: Unable to communicate with WinSAT |
107 | KĻŪDA: nevar izveidot notikuma atcelšanu | ERROR: Unable to create cancel Event |
108 | KĻŪDA: nevar izveidot pavedienu asinhroniem sakariem ar WinSAT | ERROR: Unable to create a thread for asynchronous communication with WinSAT |
109 | KĻŪDA: no WinSAT atgriezts nepareizi veidots XML | ERROR: The XML returned from WinSAT was malformed |
110 | KĻŪDA: nevar izpildīt XPath komandu: %ws | ERROR: Unable to execute the XPath command: %ws |
111 | KĻŪDA: nevar uzsākt vērtēšanu, jo radusies Win32 kļūda %s |
ERROR: Cannot Initiate Assessment due to Win32 Error %s |
112 | Microsoft | Microsoft |
113 | Microsoft Windows sistēmas novērtēšanas rīks (WinSAT) | Microsoft Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT) |
114 | Mēra sistēmas veiktspēju un iespējas | Measures a system's performance and capabilities |
10000 | %s brīvs (%s kopā) | %s Free (%s Total) |
10001 | MB kopā pieejamās grafikas atmiņas | MB Total available graphics memory |
10002 | Atmiņa (RAM): | Memory (RAM): |
10003 | MB/s | MB/s |
10004 | Procesors: | Processor: |
10006 | Primārais cietais disks: | Primary hard disk: |
10008 | Grafika: | Graphics: |
10009 | kadri/s | F/s |
10010 | Spēļu grafika: | Gaming graphics: |
10012 | KĻŪDA: trūkst atmiņas | ERROR: Out of memory |
10013 | Windows novērtējuma indekss | Windows Experience Index |
10014 | Windows novērtējuma indekss : bez novērtējuma | Windows Experience Index : Unrated |
10016 | Nav atrasts | Not detected |
10018 | Informācija no attālās darbvirsmas nav pieejama | Information not available from remote desktop |
11001 | WinSAT API nav inicializēts | The WinSAT API is not initialized |
11002 | WinSAT API pašlaik izmanto cita programma | The WinSAT API is in use by another program |
11003 | Nevar iegūt sistēmas direktoriju | Cannot get the system directory |
11006 | WinSAT.EXE nedarbojas | WinSAT.EXE is not running |
11007 | Iestājies notikuma gaidīšanas taimauts | Waiting for an event timed out |
11008 | Notikuma gaidīšana tika pārtraukta | Waiting for an event was abandoned |
11009 | WinSAT komandrinda ir tukša | The WinSAT command line is empty |
11010 | WinSAT komandrinda ir pārāk gara | The WinSAT command line is too long |
11011 | WinSAT nevarēja inicializēt | WinSAT could not be initiated |
11012 | Loga turis nav derīgs | The window handle is invalid |
11013 | Nevar startēt WinSAT | Cannot start WinSAT |
11014 | Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar WinSAT | Cannot connect to WinSAT |
11015 | Virkne ir pārāk gara | The string is too large |
11016 | Šie dati neattiecas uz WiNSAT API | The data does not belong to the WiNSAT API |
11017 | Programma WinSAT.EXE nepastāv | The WinSAT.EXE program does not exist |
11018 | Nav pieejams neviens WinSAT rezultāts | There are no WinSAT results available |
11019 | Nepareizs WinSAT informācijas tipa pieprasījums | Bad WinSAT information type requested |
11020 | Vērtēšana darbojas | Assessment is running |
11021 | WinSAT sekmīgi pabeigta | WinSAT completed successfully |
11022 | Vrtēšanu nevarēja pabeigt, jo radās traucējumi | Assessment could not complete due to interference |
11023 | Kļūda izraisīja WinSAT atteici | An error caused winsat to fail |
11024 | WinSAT tika atcelta | WinSAT was canceled |
11025 | WinSAT nodotā komanda nebija derīga | The command passed to WinSAT was invalid |
11026 | WinSAT nedarbojas ar administratora pilnvarām | WinSAT not run with Administrator privileges |
11027 | WinSAT jau darbojas | WinSAT is already running |
0x30000000 | Informācija | Info |
0x30000001 | Sākt | Start |
0x30000002 | Apturēt | Stop |
0x50000000 | Vienmēr pieteikties | Log Always |
0xB0000000 | %1 %2 %3 %4 | %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB0000001 | WinSAT lietojumprogrammas startēšana: %1 | WinSAT Application Start: %1 |
0xB0000002 | WinSAT lietojumprogrammas komandrinda %2 | WinSAT Application Command Line %2 |
0xB0000003 | WinSAT lietojumprogrammas apturēšana: %1 | WinSAT Application Stop: %1 |
0xB0000004 | KĻŪDA: %3 | ERROR: %3 |
0xB0000005 | COM KĻŪDA: %4 %6 | COM ERROR: %4 %6 |
0xB0000006 | KĻŪDA: %2 | ERROR: %2 |
0xB0000007 | KĻŪDA: %1 %3 | ERROR: %1 %3 |
0xB0000008 | %2 | %2 |
0xB0000009 | %1:%3 | %1:%3 |
0xB000000A | %1 | %1 |
File Description: | Windows sistemas novertešanas rika API |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | WinSATAPI |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Visas tiesības paturētas. |
Original Filename: | WinSATAPI.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operētājsistēma Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x426, 1200 |