File name: | ConsentUX.dll.mui |
Size: | 8192 byte |
MD5: | b28697922ab75afe17b5dc2c04b98244 |
SHA1: | 676458d445cbeac15ae583c89b01b01f03ea630c |
SHA256: | 67668d667fde051f6c6a83aa1ec6c8e8386dd03e5c463df707e01a1d7b413dcc |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
100 | Tħalli lil %1 taċċessa %2 tiegħek? | Let %1 access your %2? |
101 | Biex tibdel dan aktar tard, mur fl-applikazzjoni tas-Settings. | To change this later, go to the Settings app. |
102 | Jista’ %1 jibgħat u jirċievi %2? | Can %1 send and receive %2? |
103 | Neħtieġu l-permess tiegħek | We need your permission |
104 | Iva | Yes |
105 | Le | No |
106 | messaġġi testwali | text messages |
107 | 1 | 1 |
108 | Tixtieq tippermetti li %1 ikompli jissinkronizza fl-isfond waqt li tagħmel xi ħaġa oħra? | Do you want to allow %1 to keep syncing in the background while you do something else? |
109 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Jekk il-PC tiegħek juża adapter tal-enerġija, ipplaggjah biex tevita li taħli l-batterija. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu sa %4!d! minuti. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". If your PC uses a power adapter, plug it in to avoid draining the battery. Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take up to %4!d! minutes. Start the update? |
110 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Jekk il-PC tiegħek juża adapter tal-enerġija, ipplaggjah biex tevita li taħli l-batterija. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu ftit tal-ħin. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". If your PC uses a power adapter, plug it in to avoid draining the battery. Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take a while. Start the update? |
111 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu sa %4!d! minuti. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take up to %4!d! minutes. Start the update? |
112 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu ftit tal-ħin. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take a while. Start the update? |
113 | Aġġorna t-tagħmir tiegħek | Update your device |
116 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Jekk il-PC tiegħek juża adapter tal-enerġija, ipplaggjah biex tevita li taħli l-batterija. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu sa minuta. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". If your PC uses a power adapter, plug it in to avoid draining the battery. Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take up to a minute. Start the update? |
117 | L-applikazzjoni %1 lesta biex taġġorna “%2”. Żomm “%3” imqabbad mal-PC tiegħek sakemm l-aġġornament jitlesta. Dan jista’ jieħu sa minuta. Tibda l-aġġornament? |
The %1 app is ready to update "%2". Keep "%3" connected to your PC until the update is finished. This can take up to a minute. Start the update? |
118 | Tħalli lil %1 jaċċessa l-kuntatti tiegħek? | Let %1 access your contacts? |
119 | Tħalli lil %1 jaċċessa l-messaġġi SMS u MMS tiegħek? | Let %1 access your text and MMS messages? |
120 | lokalità preċiża u kronoloġija tal-lokalità | precise location and location history |
121 | Tippermetti lil %1 jaċċessa ismek, l-istampa, u informazzjoni oħra tal-kont tiegħek? | Let %1 access your name, picture, and other account info? |
122 | Tħalli lil %1 jixgħel u jitfi %2? | Let %1 turn your %2 on or off? |
123 | Bluetooth u WLAN | Bluetooth and WLAN |
124 | lokalità preċiża | precise location |
125 | Ħalli lil %1 jakkoppja t-tagħmir tiegħek ma’ %2 | Let %1 pair your device with %2 |
126 | Ħalli lil %1 jneħħi l-akkoppjar tat-tagħmir tiegħek minn %2 | Let %1 unpair your device from %2 |
127 | Tħalli lil %1 jaċċessa l-kronoloġija tat-telefonati tiegħek? | Let %1 access your call history? |
128 | Tħalli lil %1 jaċċessa u jibgħat posta elettronika? | Let %1 access and send email? |
129 | mikrofonu | microphone |
130 | kamera | camera |
131 | Agħżel din in-notifika jew Iva biex tippermetti dan. | Select this notification or Yes to allow this. |
132 | Tħalli lil %1 tagħmel telefonati? | Let %1 make phone calls? |
133 | Tħalli lil %1 taċċessa n-notifiki tiegħek? | Let %1 access your notifications? |
134 | Ħalli lil %1 taċċessa dan: %2 | Let %1 access this: %2 |
135 | %1: %2 | %1: %2 |
136 | Tħalli lil %1 jaċċessa l-kompiti tiegħek? | Let %1 access your tasks? |
137 | Ħalli %1 informazzjoni djanjostika ta' aċċess tal-applikazzjonijiet tiegħek? | Let %1 access diagnostic information about your apps? |
138 | Ippermetti lil %1 jaċċessa l-kalendarju tiegħek? | Let %1 access your calendar? |
0x10000031 | Response Time | Response Time |
0x30000001 | Start | Start |
0x30000002 | Stop | Stop |
0x50000002 | Error | Error |
0x50000004 | Information | Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-DeviceConfidence | Microsoft-Windows-DeviceConfidence |
0xB00007D0 | Failed getting active window for app package %1 and capability name %2 | Failed getting active window for app package %1 and capability name %2 |
0xB00007D1 | Failed to show consent prompt for app package %1 with error %2 | Failed to show consent prompt for app package %1 with error %2 |
0xB00007D2 | Failed to create consent window for app package %1 with error %2 | Failed to create consent window for app package %1 with error %2 |
File Description: | Prompt tal-Kunsens tal-Aġent tat-Tagħmir |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | Consent UX |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | ConsentUX.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |