10000 | Phone Service |
Phone Service |
10001 | Ilawula isimo socingo kudivayisi |
Manages the telephony state on the device |
10002 | Amaphasiwedi owafakile awafani. |
The passwords you typed don't match. |
10003 | Iphasiwedi ishintshile |
Password changed |
10004 | Iphasiwedi ayilungile. Faka iphasiwedi elungile bese uzame futhi. |
The password isn't valid. Enter the correct password and try again. |
10005 | Ayikwazi ukungena kunethiwekhi. Zama futhi. |
Can't access the network. Try again. |
10007 | Le khodi ayisekelwa. |
This code isn't supported. |
10008 | Amapharamitha awalungile. |
The parameters are invalid. |
10010 | Kube nenkinga ngale khodi. |
There was a problem with this code. |
10012 | Isikhathi sokwenza sivaliwe |
Session closed |
10014 | Ikhadi le-SIM alitholakali. |
The SIM card is missing. |
10015 | Kudingeka i-PUK |
PUK required |
10017 | Ikhadi le-SIM alilungile. |
The SIM card is invalid. |
10018 | Ucingo alikwazi ukuqedelwa ngenxa yokuthi inqubo ethi Inombolo Yokudayela Okugxilile ivunyelwe kukhadi lakho le-SIM. |
The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM card. |
10019 | Ikhodi ithunyelwe |
Code sent |
10020 | Kuphumelele |
Succeeded |
10021 | Ucingo luvuliwe |
Phone unblocked |
10022 | Isevisi ivunyelwe |
Service enabled |
10023 | Isevisi ivunyelwe kokuthi %1 |
Service enabled for %1 |
10024 | Isevisi iyekisiwe |
Service disabled |
10025 | Isevisi iyekisiwe kokuthi %1 |
Service disabled for %1 |
10026 | Isimo sesevisi asaziwa |
Service state unknown |
10027 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 kokuthi %3 ku- %4 |
Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4 |
10028 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 ku-%4 |
Forward %1 is %2 for %4 |
10029 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 kokuthi %3 ku-%4 ngemva kwemizuzwana engu-%5 |
Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4 after %5 seconds |
10030 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 ku-%4 ngemva kwemizuzwana engu-%5 |
Forward %1 is %2 for %4 after %5 seconds |
10031 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 kokuthi %3 |
Forward %1 is %2 to %3 |
10032 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 |
Forward %1 is %2 |
10033 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 kokuthi %3 ngemva kwemizuzwana engu-%5 |
Forward %1 is %2 to %3 after %5 seconds |
10034 | Ukudlulisa %1 kungu-%2 ngemva kwemizuzwana engu-%5 |
Forward %1 is %2 after %5 seconds |
10035 | Kuvunyelwe |
Enabled |
10036 | Kuyekisiwe |
Disabled |
10037 | Ngaphandle kwemibandela |
Unconditionally |
10038 | Izingcingo ezimatasa |
Busy calls |
10039 | Uma ingekho impendulo |
If no reply |
10040 | Uma ucingo lungafinyeleleki |
If phone isn't reachable |
10041 | Zonke izingcingo |
All calls |
10042 | Zonke izingcingo ngemibandela |
All calls conditionally |
10043 | %1 |
%1 |
10044 | %1 kanye no-%2 |
%1 and %2 |
10045 | U-%1, %2 no-%3 |
%1, %2, and %3 |
10046 | U-%1, %2, %3 no-%4 |
%1, %2, %3, and %4 |
10047 | %1, %2, %3, %4, kanye no-%5 |
%1, %2, %3, %4, and %5 |
10048 | %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, kanye no-%6 |
%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, and %6 |
10049 | %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, kanye no-%7 |
%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, and %7 |
10050 | %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, kanye no-%8 |
%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, and %8 |
10051 | Izwi |
Voice |
10052 | Imininingwane |
Data |
10053 | Ifeksi |
Fax |
10054 | I-SMS |
10055 | Ukuvumelanisa kwesekhethi yemininingwane |
Data circuit sync |
10057 | Ukungena kwephakethe |
Packet access |
10058 | Ukungena Kwe-PAD |
PAD Access |
10059 | Ucingo lwesimo esiphuthumayo |
Emergency call |
10060 | Umlayezo wezwi |
Voicemail |
10062 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli %1# ukuze ushayele okuthi %3 ngo-%2 ukusuka kukhadi lakho le-SIM, khetha okuthi Shaya ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeka nokushaya. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
10063 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli %1# ukuze ushayele okuthi %2 ukusuka kukhadi lakho le-SIM, khetha okuthi Shaya ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeka nokushaya. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
10064 | Ucingo |
Phone |
10067 | Shaya ucingo |
Call |
10068 | Amasethingi akho okuvimba ucingo awaluvimbeli ucingo oluya kule nombolo. Yekisa ukuvimba ucingo bese uzame ukushaya ucingo futhi. |
Your call barring settings don't allow a call to this number. Disable call barring and try calling again. |
10069 | Inqubo yakho ethi Inombolo Yokudayela Egxilile (I-FDN) ayiluvumeli ucingo oluya kule nombolo. Yekisa inqubo ye-FDN bese uzama ukushaya ucingo ngokuhamba kwesikhathi. |
Your Fixed Dialing Number (FDN) mode doesn't allow a call to this number. Disable FDN mode and try calling again. |
10070 | Umlayezo wezwi awumisiwe. Faka inombolo yakho yomlayezo wezwi bese uzame futhi. |
Voicemail isn't set up. Enter your voicemail number and try again. |
10071 | Ilindile... |
Waiting... |
10072 | Ayikwazi ukushaya ucingo. Sicela uvale ucingo lwakho lwamanje ngaphambi kokushaya olunye ucingo. |
Can't place the call. Please end your current call before placing an additional call. |
10073 | Ayikwazi ukuxhuma |
Can't connect |
10074 | Kungenzeka unesignali ebuthaka engaxhunyiwe kugesi, noma inombolo engalungile. |
You may have a weak wireless signal, or the wrong number. |
10076 | Umuntu ozama ukumshayela ucingo unomkhawulo wokuthola izingcingo ezingenayo. |
The person you're trying to call is restricted from receiving incoming calls. |
10077 | Ayikwazi ukuxhuma. Qiniseka ukuthi ikhona inethiwekhi esebenzayo, bese uzame futhi. |
Can't connect. Make sure you have network coverage, and try again. |
10078 | Ukushaya ucingo akukwazi ukuqedelwa. |
The call can't be completed. |
10080 | Ikhadi le-SIM limatasa, sicela uzame futhi. |
The SIM card is busy, please try again. |
10081 | Isevisi yenethiwekhi ayitholakali. Sicela uzame futhi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi. |
The network service is unavailable. Please try again later. |
10082 | Ungasebenzisa lolu cingo ukuze ushaye ucingo lwezimo eziphuthumayo kuphela. |
You can use this phone for emergency calls only. |
10083 | Ayikwazi ukushayela umlayezo wezwi ngenxa yokuthi omunye ulayini awutholakali. |
Can't call voicemail because another line isn't available. |
10084 | Ayikwazi ukudlulisa ucingo. |
Can't transfer call. |
10085 | Faka amakhodi esevisi ngokuqondile ukusuka kuphedi yokudayela yocingo. |
Enter service codes directly from the phone's dial pad. |
10089 | Inqubo yendiza ivaliwe |
Airplane mode is now off |
10091 | Kulungile |
OK |
10092 | Khansela |
Cancel |
10093 | Ayikwazi ukulondoloza inombolo yomlayezo wocingo. |
Can't save voicemail number. |
10094 | Ikunqubo Yokuphinde Ushaye Yezimo Eziphuthumayo |
In Emergency Callback Mode |
10095 | Khansela le nqubo ukuze usebenzise ucingo lwakho ngendlela evamile obungenza ngayo. |
Cancel this mode to use your phone as you normally would. |
10096 | Inqubo yokukhansela |
Cancel mode |
10097 | Dayela ucingo lwesimo esiphuthumayo |
Dial emergency call |
10108 | Vula uxhumano lweselula? |
Turn on cellular connection? |
10109 | Ucingo lwakho likunqubo yendiza. Ukuze ushaye ucingo, vula uxhumano lwakho lweselula. |
Your phone is in airplane mode. To make a call, turn on your cellular connection. |
10110 | Vula |
Turn on |
10115 | Thumela |
Send |
10116 | Vala |
Close |
10117 | Isikhathi sokwenza siphelelwe isikhathi. |
The session timed out. |
10118 | Kukhona okwenzekile futhi asikwazanga ukuqedela lesi senzo. |
Something happened and we couldn't complete this action. |
10128 | Qhubeka nocingo lwevidiyo? |
Continue with video call? |
10129 | Lokhu kuzophetha ucingo olubambile. Qhubeka? |
This will end the call that's on hold. Continue? |
10130 | Qhubeka |
Continue |
10132 | Ayikwazi ukuqalisa ucingo lwevidiyo |
Can't start video call |
10133 | %1 okwamanje akasayinele ukungena kokuthi %2. |
%1 is currently not signed into %2. |
10140 | Misa |
Set |
10142 | MIsa i-app emisiwe? |
Set default app? |
10143 | Uyafuna yini ukumisa okuthi %1!s! njenge-app yakho emisiwe ye-ID yoshaya ucingo? |
Do you want to set %1!s! as your default caller ID app? |
10144 | Uyafuna yini ukumisa okuthi %1!s! njenge-app yakho emisiwe yokuhlunga ama-imeyili angadingekile? |
Do you want to set %1!s! as your default spam filter app? |
50001 | Ikhadi le-SIM/UIM alikho. |
The SIM/UIM card is missing. |
50002 | Ikhadi le-SIM/UIM alilungile. |
The SIM/UIM card is invalid. |
50003 | Ucingo alikwazi ukuqedelwa ngenxa yokuthi inqubo ethi Inombolo Yokudayela Okugxilile ivunyelwe kukhadi lakho le-SIM/UIM. |
The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM/UIM card. |
50004 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli esithi %1# ukuze ushaye ucingo kokuthi %3 ngo-%2 ukusuka kukhadi lakho le-SIM/UIM, khetha okuthi Shaya Ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeke nokushaya ucingo. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
50005 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli esithi %1# ukuze ushaye ucingo kokuthi %2 usuka kukhadi lakho le-SIM/UIM, khetha okuthi Shaya Ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeka nokushaya. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
50006 | Ikhadi le-SIM/UIM limatasa, sicela uzame futhi. |
The SIM/UIM card is busy, please try again. |
50008 | Ayikwazi ukushaya |
Can't call |
50009 | Udinga ukuvula ukuzula kwezwi ukuze ushayele othile ngenxa yokuthi usendaweni yokuzula. Ungakwenza lokhu kokuthi Amasethingi Inethiwekhi & okungenantambo Iselula & I-SIM. |
You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM. |
50010 | Amasethingi |
Settings |
50020 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli esithi %1# ukuze ushaye ucingo kokuthi %3 ngo-%2 ukusuka kukhadi lakho le-UIM, khetha okuthi Shaya Ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeke nokushaya. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
50021 | Ukuze usebenzise isinqamuleli %1# ukuze ushaye ucingo kokuthi %2 ukusuka kukhadi lakho le-UIM, khetha okuthi Shaya Ucingo. Ukuze ushaye inombolo ehlukile, khetha okuthi Khansela bese uqhubeka nokushaya. |
To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing. |
50023 | Ikhadi le-UIM limatasa, sicela uzame futhi. |
The UIM card is busy, please try again. |
50024 | Udinga ukuvula ukuzula kwezwi ukuze ushayele othile ngenxa yokuthi usendaweni yokuzula. Ungakwenza lokhu kokuthi Amasethingi Inethiwekhi & okungenantambo Iselula & I-SIM/UIM. |
You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM/UIM. |
50025 | Ama-app ezingcingo zezwi |
Apps for voice calls |
50026 | Cinga i-app Esitolo? |
Search for an app in the Store? |
50027 | Udinga ukufaka i-app ekuvumela ukuthi ushaye izingcingo zezwi, futhi singakusiza ukuthi uyithole Esitolo. |
You need to install an app that lets you make voice calls, and we can help you find one in the Store. |
50028 | Yebo |
Yes |
50029 | Cha |
No |
50030 | Vula ucingo lwevidiyo ye-LTE? |
Turn on LTE video calling? |
50031 | Ucingo lwevidiyo ye-LTE luvaliwe. Ukuze ushaye ucingo lwevidiyo, vula ucingo lwevidiyo ye-LTE. |
LTE video calling is turned off. To make a video call, turn on LTE video calling. |
50034 | Ucingo lwevidiyo ye-LTE |
LTE video calling |
50035 | Kusebenza imininingwane evamile nezilinganiso zezwi phakathi nezingcingo zevidiyo. Abanye abantu bangase bathole ukuthi uyakwazi ukushaya nokwamukela izingcingo zevidiyo. |
Standard data and voice rates apply during video calls. Other people may discover that you can make and receive video calls. |
50036 | Ungawukhombisi lo mlayezo futhi |
Don't show this message again |
50038 | Ividiyo |
Video |
50039 | Shaya ucingo nge-Wi-Fi? |
Call over Wi-Fi? |
50040 | Ayikwazi ukuqedela ukushaywa kocingo ngenethiwekhi yeselula. Vula ukushaya ucingo kwe-Wi-Fi kumasethingi e-SIM, bese uphinde uzama ukushaya ucingo. |
Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on Wi-Fi calling in SIM settings, then try calling again. |
50044 | Shaya ucingo usebenzisa i-WLAN? |
Call over WLAN? |
50045 | Ayikwazi ukuqedela ukushaywa kocingo ngenethiwekhi yeselula. Vula ukushaya ucingo kwe-WLAN kumasethingi e-SIM, bese uphinde uzama ukushaya ucingo. |
Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on WLAN calling in SIM settings, then try calling again. |
50100 | %1 %2 |
%1 %2 |
50101 | %1 - inkomfa %2 |
%1 - conference %2 |
50102 | Akwaziwa |
Unknown |
50200 | End the current call, then try to make the priority call again. |
End the current call, then try to make the priority call again. |