0x30000000 | Oplysninger |
Info |
0x30000001 | Start |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stop |
Stop |
0x40010003 | Bluetooth HID-enheden %2 har fjernet sig selv fra systemet. |
Bluetooth HID device %2 has removed itself from the system. |
0x80010001 | Bluetooth HID-enheden %2 har rapporter, der er større, end der understøttes. |
Bluetooth HID device %2 has reports that are bigger than supported. |
0x80010002 | Bluetooth HID-enheden %2 er enten uden for området eller svarer ikke. |
Bluetooth HID device %2 either went out of range or became unresponsive. |
0x90000001 | Kanalen logfører diagnosticeringshændelser fra hidbth-operationen |
The channel logs diagnostic events from hidbth operation |
0xB0000001 | LoadHidBthDriver |
LoadHidBthDriver |
0xB0000002 | UnloadHidBthDriver |
UnloadHidBthDriver |
0xB0000003 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR returned status |
0xB0000004 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR returned status |
0xB0000005 | Kaldet til IOCTL_GET_PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTOR returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_GET_PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTOR returned status |
0xB0000006 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_READ_REPORT returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_READ_REPORT returned status |
0xB0000007 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_WRITE_REPORT returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_WRITE_REPORT returned status |
0xB0000008 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES returned status |
0xB0000009 | Kaldet til IOCTL_HID_GET_STRING eller GET_INDEXED_STRING returnerede en status |
The call to IOCTL_HID_GET_STRING or GET_INDEXED_STRING returned status |
0xB000000A | Kaldet til den ukendte IOCTL returnerede en status |
The call to unknown IOCTL returned status |
0xB000000B | HidBthReadCompletion, der blev kaldt fra HidBthReadReport, returnerede en status |
HidBthReadCompletion called from HidBthReadReport returned status |
0xB000000C | HidBthWriteCompletion, der blev kaldt fra HidBthWriteReport, returnerede en status |
HidBthWriteCompletion called from HidBthWriteReport returned status |
0xB000000D | Kaldet til IOCTL'erne HID_GET_FEATURE eller HID_SET_FEATURE eller HID_GET_INPUT_REPORT eller HID_SET_OUTPUT_REPORT returnerede en status |
0xC0010004 | Den oprindelige forbindelse til Bluetooth HID-enheden %2 mislykkedes. Enheden er blevet fjernet som en personlig eller parret enhed. Du skal geninstallere enheden. |
Initial connection to Bluetooth HID device %2 failed. The device has been removed as a personal or paired device. You must reinstall the device. |